Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: OUTPUT FEEDBACK PROBLEM - MOST Wiedzy


Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: OUTPUT FEEDBACK PROBLEM

Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: OUTPUT FEEDBACK PROBLEM

  • Systems of Public Higher Education in Poland and Germany. Evidence from Institution Level Data


    The chapter presents a comparative analysis of public higher education systems (HES) in Germany and Poland. Instead of limiting our study to macro indicators such as gross expenditure on higher education or R&D as per cent of GDP, we draw on the evidence based on micro data especially collected for this study and concerning individual higher education institutions (HEIs). Comparative analysis is based on a sample of 71 public...

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  • Bioreactors and biophoton-driven biohydrogen production strategies

    • S. Anjum
    • S. Aslam
    • N. Hussain
    • M. Bilal
    • G. Boczkaj
    • W. Smułek
    • T. Jesionowski
    • H. M. Iqbal


    Given the current issues with global warming and rising greenhouse gas emissions, biohydrogen is a viable alternative fuel option. Technologies to produce biohydrogen include photo fermentation, dark fermentation, direct and indirect bio-photolysis, and two-stage fermentation. Biological hydrogen generation is a green and promising technique with mild reaction conditions and low energy consumption compared to thermochemical and...

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  • Multidisciplinary Open System Transferring Knowledge for R2B Development


    Despite many efforts, there is still a serious problem in transferring knowledge from research to business. The problem is especially visible in Poland – the cooperation of R2B is ineffective. We are trying to solve this problem using some IT support. The manuscript presents some solutions developed at the Gdańsk University of Technology. In particular, the platform called “MOST Knowledge” is deeply described. Its layer architecture,...

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  • Approximate solution for Euler equations of stratified water via numerical solution of coupled KdV system


    We consider Euler equations with stratified background state that is valid for internal water waves. The solution of the initial-boundary problem for Boussinesq approximation in the waveguide mode is presented in terms of the stream function. The orthogonal eigenfunctions describe a vertical shape of the internal wave modes and satisfy a Sturm-Liouville problem. The horizontal profile is defined by a coupled KdV system which is...

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  • Minimum drag shape bodies moving in inviscid fluid - revisited

    This paper presents the classic approach to minimum drag shape body problem, moving at hypersonic speeds, leading to famous power law shapes with value of the exponent of 3/4. Two- and three-dimensional cases are considered. Furthermore, an exact pseudo solution is given and its uselessness is discussed. Two new solutions are introduced, namely an approximate solution due to form of the functional and solution by means of optimisation...

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  • Service-based Resilience for Embedded IoT Networks


    - Rok 2020

    Embedded IoT networks are the backbone of safety-critical systems like smart factories, autonomous vehicles, and airplanes. Therefore, resilience against failures and attacks should be a prior concern already in their design stage. In this study, we introduce a service-based network model as an MILP optimization problem for the efficient deployment of a service overlay to the embedded network by meeting QoS and resilience requirements....

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  • Wybrane sytuacje wpływające istotnie na warunki i możliwości eksploatacji infrastruktury


    - Rok 2017

    Problem wpływu warunków prowadzenia procesu inwestycyjnego na możliwości i warunki przyszłej eksploatacji. Omówiono podstawowe grupy przyczyn powodujących powstanie negatywnych sytuacji budowlanych. Podstawowe błędy procesu inwestycyjnego. Najsłabsze strony procesu. Przeciwdziałanie występującym zagrożeniom. Problem błędu człowieka

  • Muneer Ahmed Mr


    Looking for an organization where I can better utilize my scientific and technical skills in the arena of research or work as a faculty person. Besides, I am also willing to work as professional engineer with dedication and diligence in dynamic environment. Likewise, I've been a committed and tenacious candidate throughout my career. I am aware of the level of commitment, dedication and strength required. Despite the fact that...

  • Deep neural networks for data analysis 24/25

    Kursy Online
    • J. Cychnerski
    • K. Draszawka

    This course covers introduction to supervised machine learning, construction of basic artificial deep neural networks (DNNs) and basic training algorithms, as well as the overview of popular DNNs architectures (convolutional networks, recurrent networks, transformers). The course introduces students to popular regularization techniques for deep models. Besides theory, large part of the course is the project in which students apply...

  • A graph coloring approach to scheduling of multiprocessor tasks on dedicated machines with availability constraints

    We address a generalization of the classical 1- and 2-processor unit execution time scheduling problem on dedicated machines. In our chromatic model of scheduling machines have non-simultaneous availability times and tasks have arbitrary release times and due dates. Also, the versatility of our approach makes it possible to generalize all known classical criteria of optimality. Under these stipulations we show that the problem...

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  • Scheduling of unit-length jobs with bipartite incompatibility graphs on four uniform machines

    The problem of scheduling n identical jobs on 4 uniform machines with speeds s1>=s2>=s3>=s4 is considered.The aim is to find a schedule with minimum possible length. We assume that jobs are subject to mutual exclusion constraints modeled by a bipartite incompatibility graph of degree delta. We show that the general problem is NP-hard even if s1=s2=s3. If, however, delta<5 and s1>12s2 s2=s3=s4, then the problem can be solved to...

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  • The Impact of Forms of Buildings on the Air Exchange in Their Environment. Based on the Example of Urban Development in Warsaw


    - Rok 2018

    Possibilities for energy-efficient, natural ventilation of buildings in an urban environment depend on the airflow around them. This chapter deals with the issue of dependence of air exchange in urban spaces on the building forms used in them and on relative position of these buildings. The authors focused on the problem of air stagnation in dense urban development. This phenomenon increases the energy demand of buildings. The...

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  • Sacrum - Profanum, Profanum-Sacrum, Przemiany funkcji budowli sakralnych w XX wieku = Sacrum-Profanum, Profanum-Sacrum, Transformations of function of sacral buildings in 20th century


    - Rok 2009

    Publikacja dotyczy aktualnych problemów zwiazanych z procesami desakralizacji i resakralizacji obiektów. złozony problem dotyczy krajów zarówno Europy wschodniej i zachodniej. Ulegają mu obiekty różnych obrządków i wyznań. Problem dotyczy zarówno samej architektury jak i przemian społecznych.

  • Betonowe dylematy


    - Rok 2012

    Problemy stosowania betonów w kanalizacji - szczególne zagrożenie korozją siarczanową. Problem różnic pomiędzy betonem a żelbetem. transformacja betonu na gips. Współczesne wymagania w stosunku bo betonów - zasadność przestrzegania standardów europejskich. Wytrzymałość surowca a wytrzymałość wyrobu. Problem nierównej jakości ''betonu''.


    This paper presents optimization of selected combined diesel engine-steam turbine systems. Two systems: the system combined with waste heat one-pressure boiler only and its version containing additionally low-pressure boiler proper feeding degasifier and the system of two-pressure cycle, were taken into considerations. Their surplus values of power output and efficiency associated with utilization of waste heat contained in piston...

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  • Global value chains and labour markets – simultaneous analysis of wages and employment

    This study examines the overall effect of global value chains (GVCs) on wages and labour demand. It exploits the World Input–Output Database to measure GVC involvement via recently developed participation indices (using both backward and forward linkages) and the relative GVC position using three-stage least squares regression. We find that the relative GVC position is negatively correlated with wages and employment and that the...

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  • Excitation-independent constant conductance isfet driver


    - Metrology and Measurement Systems - Rok 2009

    A new constant conductance driver for ISFETs sensors has been developed. The proposed circuit maintains the sensor operating point at constant drain-source conductance. The combination of a simple, self-balancing resistance bridge and the subtraction half (or similar fraction) of source-drain voltage from the gate-source voltage provides the independence of output signal from current and voltage drivers instability. The use of...

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  • Control system for contactless electrical energy transfer with varying air gap


    - Rok 2014

    Inductive power transfer (IPT) is a system by which electrical energy may be transmitted without electrical connection through a large air gap between coils. Systems usually considered in the literature are the ones with a constant air gap. The paper describes the analysis of IPT, which allows for supplying an electrical load in the conditions of slow, in relation to the dynamics of power supply, changes in the dimensions of the...

  • Strong Monogamies of No-Signaling Violations for Bipartite Correlation Bell Inequalities



    The phenomenon of monogamy of Bell inequality violations is interesting both from the fundamental perspective as well as in cryptographic applications such as the extraction of randomness and secret bits. In this article, we derive new and stronger monogamy relations for violations of Bell inequalities in general no-signaling theories. These relations are applicable to the class of binary output correlation inequalities known as...

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  • Hydropower potential of the lower Vistula

    This paper presents an estimate analysis of the hydropower potential of the lower Vistula River from Warsaw to Gdańsk Bay. The calculations were made for a hydraulic model of the lower Vistula which takes into account potential development of barrages in a cascade system. Results obtained from the model simulations and from hydrological calculations were used to estimate the power of hydropower plants and the average annual energy...

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  • Akaike's final prediction error criterion revisited


    When local identification of a nonstationary ARX system is carried out, two important decisions must be taken. First, one should decide upon the number of estimated parameters, i.e., on the model order. Second, one should choose the appropriate estimation bandwidth, related to the (effective) number of input-output data samples that will be used for identification/ tracking purposes. Failure to make the right decisions results...

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  • Multi-pulse VSC arrangements with coupled reactors


    - Rok 2016

    This paper presents a novel approach to the multipulse VSC (Voltage Source Converter) arrangements based on several conventional inverter modules connected in parallel by using coupled reactors. This solution reduces the THD of the output voltage, despite the low switching frequency of transistors. The advantage of the proposed solution is also a relatively small rated power of the reactors. Proposed new arrangements for different...

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  • Sudden death of effective entanglement


    - PHYSICAL REVIEW A - Rok 2010

    Sudden death of entanglement is a well-known effect resulting from the finite volume of separable states. We study the case when the observer has a limited measurement capability and analyze the effective entanglement (i.e., entanglement minimized over the output data). We show that in the well-defined system of two quantum dots monitored by single-electron transistors, one may observe a sudden death of effective entanglement when...

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  • Gdy w sieci jest powietrze

    Powietrze w sieci wodociągowej i kanalizacyjnej. Problem blokady przepływu w przewodach ciśnieniowych. Problem podciśnienia i zasysania rury. Wtórne zmiany jakości ścieków, zagniwanie, odory. Uciążliwość dla środowiska. Skuteczne rozwiązanie dla obiektu liniowego i dla obiektu punktowego. Filtry, wypełnienia.

  • Recognition of Hand Drawn Flowcharts


    - Rok 2013

    In this paper the problem of hand drawn flowcharts recognition is presented. There are described two attitudes to this problem: on-line and off-line. A concept of FCE, a system for recognizing and understanding of freehand drawn on-line flow charts on desktop computer and mobile devices is presented. The first experiments with the FCE system and the planes for future are also described.

  • Connected searching of weighted trees

    W pracy pokazano, że problem spójnego przeszukiwania drzew ważonych jest silnie NP-zupełny. Problem pozostaje trudnym dla drzew z jednym wierzchołkiem o stopniu większym niż 2. Ponadto, przedstawiony został wielomianowy optymalny algorytm dla klasy drzew z ograniczonym stopniem.

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  • Retencja w warunkach aglomeracji miejskich – zbiornik rurowy


    problem retencji wód opadowych na obszarze zurbanizowanym. przykład warszawski konsekwencji braku wcześniejszej strategii. zbiornik retencyjny wód opadowych w mieście. koncepcja zbiornika rurowego. rozwiązania zbiorników rurowych np. realizacji warszawskich. problem krakowski. propozycja realizacji bezwykopowej dla obszarów szczególnie intensywnie zagospodarowanych

  • Formowanie wektorów napięcia wyjściowego w pięciofazowych falownikach napięcia

    W falownikach pięciofazowych, załączenie wektorów aktywnych powoduje jednoczesne formowane dwóch, zależnych od siebie wektorów napięcia wyjściowego. Sterowanie pięciofazowymi silnikami indukcyjnymi wymaga, aby wektory te miały ściśle określone długości i położenia. Niezależne formowanie dwóch wektorów napięcia o parametrach określonych w układzie sterowania silnikiem wymaga zastosowania odpowiedniej strategii Modulacji Szerokości...

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  • Scheduling of identical jobs with bipartite incompatibility graphs on uniform machines. Computational experiments

    We consider the problem of scheduling unit-length jobs on three or four uniform parallel machines to minimize the schedule length or total completion time. We assume that the jobs are subject to some types of mutual exclusion constraints, modeled by a bipartite graph of a bounded degree. The edges of the graph correspond to the pairs of jobs that cannot be processed on the same machine. Although the problem is generally NP-hard,...

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  • Do the young employees perceive themselves as digitally competent and does it matter?

    Purpose – The study aims to examine the digital competence of young employees (under 30 years of age) who graduated from the technical university. Self-assessment of selected digital competencies was examined along with the determination of a self-efficacy level in the area of using digital competencies. Design/methodology/approach – Quantitative research was conducted using the computer-assisted web interview method on a sample...

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  • CAD. Integrated Architectural Design, BSc Arch (2024/25)

    Kursy Online
    • D. Cyparski

    The programme will provide students with a solid grounding in BIM (Building Information Modelling) using Autodesk's Revit Architecture. Students will review the advanced features of Revit for Architecture, a tool to support BIM (Building Information Modelling) and delivery of 3D digital models and related documentation. The lesson plans will specifically introduce students to common workflows and problem-solving skills while creating...

  • Edge-coloring of 3-uniform hypergraphs

    We consider edge-colorings of 3-uniform hypergraphs which is a natural generalization of the problem of edge-colorings of graphs. Various classes of hypergraphs are discussed and we make some initial steps to establish the border between polynomial and NP-complete cases. Unfortunately, the problem appears to be computationally difficult even for relatively simple classes of hypergraphs.

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  • Alternative cogeneration thermodynamic cycles for domestic ORC

    The Organic Flash Cycle (OFC) is suggested as a vapor power cycle that could potentially improve the efficiency of utilization of the heat source. Low and medium temperature finite thermal sources are considered in the cycle. Additionally the OFC’s aim is to reduce temperature difference during heat addition. The study examines 2 different fluids. Comparisons are drawn between the OFC and an optimized basic Organic Rankine Cycle...

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  • Performance of a single layer fuel cell based on a mixed proton-electron conducting composite

    Many of the challenges in solid oxide fuel cell technology stem from chemical and mechanical incompatibilities between the anode, cathode and electrolyte materials. Numerous attempts have been made to identify compatible materials. Here, these challenges are circumvented by the introduction of a working single layer fuel cell, fabricated from a composite of proton conducting BaCe0.6Zr0.2Y0.2O3-δ and a mixture of semiconducting...

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  • Designing Particle Kalman Filter for Dynamic Positioning


    The article presents a comparative analysis of two variants of the Particle Kalman Filter designed by using two different ship motion models. The first filter bases only on the kinematic model of the ship and can be used in many types of vehicles, regardless of the vehicle dynamics model. The input value to the filter is the noisy position of the ship. The second filter makes use of the kinematic and dynamic models of the moving...

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  • Wroclaw University of Technology Knowledge Repository - project objectives


    - Rok 2014

    Knowledge Repository is a project created in the Library and Scientific Information Centre of Wroclaw University of Technology (WrUT). Its main task will be collecting, sharing, and promoting scientific publications of researchers, postgraduates and students of WrUT. It will be also used for bibliometric analysis and reporting research output of WrUT scientific community.Knowledge Repository will closely cooperate with other databases...

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  • Speed Sensorless AC Drive with Inverter LC Filter and Fault Detection Using Load Torque Signal


    The industrial development in recent years has seen a major increase in the use of induction motors, whereby the cost has to be as low as possible and the lifetime as long as possible. To follow up this desire, investigations in this area have become very intense. For that reason, this paper presents a solution for driving an induction motor and simultaneous fault detection with no need for additional sensors. In order to achieve...

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  • Towards the boundary between easy and hard control problems in multicast Clos networks

    In this article we study 3-stage Clos networks with multicast calls in general and 2-cast calls, in particular. We investigate various sizes of input and output switches and discuss some routing problems involved in blocking states. To express our results in a formal way we introduce a model of hypergraph edge-coloring. A new class of bipartite hypergraphs corresponding to Clos networks is studied. We identify some polynomially...

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  • Multilevel inverter neutral-point voltage sensor diagnostic based on the Extended Kalman Filter


    A new algorithm for neutral point voltage imbalance estimation in DC link of the three-level (3L) neutral point clamped (NPC) voltage source inverter (VSI) is proposed. Application of the proposed algorithm does not require any additional sensors. The unbalanced voltage calculation is based on the information derived from the inverter output measured currents and from the knowledge of the load model parameters. In order to estimate...

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  • Relationship between heart rate variability, blood pressure and arterial wall properties during air and oxygen breathing in healthy subjects

    • B. Graff
    • A. Szyndler
    • K. Czechowicz
    • W. Kucharska
    • G. Graff
    • P. Boutouyrie
    • S. Laurent
    • K. Narkiewicz
    • K. Narkiewicz


    Previous studies reported that normobaric hyperoxia influences heart rate, arterial pressure, cardiac output and systemic vascular resistance, but the mechanisms underlying these changes are still not fully understood. Several factors are considered including degeneration of endothelium-derived nitric oxide by reactive oxygen species, the impact of oxygen-free radicals on tissues and alterations of autonomic nervous system function....

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  • Synchronized six-step voltage generation in high-speed PMSM drive


    Synchronized voltage generation has already been considered in the context of pulse width modulation (PWM). References prove that synchronized PWM substantially decreases subharmonics in inverter output voltage when operating with low switching-to-fundamental frequency ratio. This paper identifies problems of unsynchronized voltage generation in electric drives under six-step inverter operation. Guidelines for the synchronization...

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  • A Circular Waveguide Dual-Mode Filter With Improved Out-of-Band Performance for Satellite Communication Systems

    This letter presents a novel design for a 3-D-printed circular waveguide dual-mode (CWDM) filter with a modified cavity shape. The modification leads to a wide spurious-free stopband, which is highly desirable for channel separation in waveguide contiguous output multiplexers (OMUXs) in satellite communication systems. The new resonant cavity design is a result of applying shape deformation to a basic circular cavity in order to...

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  • Displacement Sensors Based on the Phase of the Reflection Coefficient of a Split Ring Resonator Loaded Transmission Line

    — In this paper, novel displacement sensors using a microstrip loaded with a pair of split ring resonators (SRRs) are proposed. It is shown that the phase of the reflection coefficient from the loading SRRs can be used for displacement sensing. The paper also proposes a differential version of the sensor that benefits from a higher sensitivity and reference zero, which is useful for alignment purposes. It is further shown that...

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  • Size Reduction of Microwave Couplers by EM-Driven Optimization


    - Rok 2015

    This work addresses simulation-driven design optimization of compact microwave couplers that explicitly aims at circuit footprint area reduction. The penalty function approach allows us to minimize the area of the circuit while ensuring a proper power division between the output ports and providing a sufficient bandwidth with respect to return loss and isolation around the operating frequency. Computational cost of the optimization...

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  • Application of thin diamond films in low-coherence fiber-optic Fabry Pérot displacement sensor

    The novel fiber-optic low coherence sensor with thin diamond films is demonstrated. The undoped and boron-doped diamond films were elaborated by the use of the microwave plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition (μPE CVD) system. The optical signal from the Fabry–Pérot cavity made with the application of those thin films is sensitive to displacement. The sensor characterization was made in the range of 0–600 μm. The measurements...

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  • Low cost set-up for supercapacitors parameters evaluation


    - Rok 2018

    We propose a use of a power amplifier in the circuit of voltage to current converter (current driver) for supercapacitor charging/discharging in controlled conditions. The current driver is controlled by DAC output of DAQ board and voltage of DUT is measured and a control loop is realized by software. In the circuit the DC current method of evaluation of capacitance and equivalent series...

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  • Reakcje krzyżowe w immunodiagnostyce


    - Rok 2012

    Zaprezentowano problem reakcji krzyżowych w immunodiagnostyce.

  • Parallel processing subsystems with redundancy in a distributed environment


    - Rok 2006

    W pracy rozważano problem podziału systemu rozproszonego na spójne podsystemy złożone z przynajmniej trzech jednostek, pozwalające na detekcję i skorygowanie pojedynczych błędów. Wykazano, że problem maksymalizacji liczby takich jednostek jest NP-trudny nawet dla dwuspójnych kubicznych topologii sieci. Podano też nowe algorytmy przybliżone.

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  • First-order functional difference equations with nonlinear boundary value problems

    Dyskutowano problem brzegowy dla równań różnicowych z opóźnionym argumentem. Nierówności różnicowe związane z w/w problem też były przedmiotem badań. Stosując metodę iteracji monotonicznych, sformułowano warunki dostateczne na istnienie ekstremalnych rozwiązań problemów brzegowych z opóźnionymi argumentami. Podano dwa przykłady ilustrujące otrzymane wyniki.

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    The article presents the continuation of the authors’ research on the problem of the operational fluidity of cargo handling sea terminals, based on the example of the DCT. The article presents a solution based on the multiequation models and applied to analyze the operational fluidity of terminals in the transshipment and feeder relation. To provide a solution to the problem of the functioning of sea-land supply chains at the terminal,...

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