wszystkich: 2448
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Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: laser direct imaging
Stalowe panele sandwicz - nowe możliwości wynikające z zastosowania spawania laserowego = All steel sandwich panels - new possibilities introduced by laser welding techniques
PublikacjaW artykule przedstawiono podstawowe dane na temat stalowych paneli typu sandwicz i technik ich wykonywania. Złącze takie charakteryzuje się specyficznymi własnościami, zdecydowanie odmiennymi od klasycznego połączenia spoiną pachwinową, którego cechy wytrzymałościowe i technologiczne są już dobrze opanowane. W podsumowaniu wykazano, że modelowanie jego geometrii musi być prowadzone na znacznie większym poziomie szczegółowości ze...
Accurate, Direct, and High-Throughput Analyses of a Broad Spectrum of Endogenously Generated DNA Base Modifications with Isotope-Dilution Two-Dimensional Ultraperformance Liquid Chromatography with Tandem Mass Spectrometry: Possible Clinical Implication
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Application of 3D printing metal powder technology in the manufacture of components with complex geometries
PublikacjaThe possibilities of using 3D printing powder technologies for making objects with complex geometries were presented. For this purpose, selected examples of elements with different geometries were used, which were built using metal powder methods – DMLS (direct metal laser sintering) / SLM (selective laser melting). Simultaneously, the indicated elements concern those areas of industry where 3D printing technology has been widely...
Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma and What We Lose During Formalin Fixation: An Evaluation of Changes in Macroscopic Resection Margins Utilizing Virtual Three-Dimensional Imaging Techniques with Analysis Based on 947 Measurements
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HR-CS FAAS based method for direct determination of total concentrations of Ca, Fe, Mg and Mn in functional apple beverages and evaluation of contributions of the bioaccessible fraction of these elements by in vitro gastrointestinal digestion and chemical fractionation
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Morfologia warstw na bazie kobaltu napawanych plazmowo z zastosowaniem różnych technologii procesu.Morphology of the kobalt base laser produced by PTA method using the different technology.
PublikacjaPrzeanalizowano wpływ różnych parametrów napawania laserowego na morfologię i twardość warstwy otrzymanej z jednego proszku na bazie kobaltu. Stwierdzono różnice zarówno w budowie jak i twardości wytworzonych warstw.
3D modelling of beach topography changes caused by the tombolo phenomenon using terrestrial laser scanning (TLS) and unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) photogrammetry on the example of the city of Sopot
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Napawane laserowo warstwy na bazie kobaltu - zmienność morfologii i własności. Część 1. Cobalt base, laser cladding layers - morfology and properties variation. Part 1
PublikacjaPrzedmiotem badań były szczegóły budowy warstwy napawanej laserowo z zastosowaniem trzech ściegów oraz analiza wpływu zróżnicowanej budowy warstwy na jej mikrotwardość.
Napawane laserowo warstwy na bazie kobaltu - zmienność morfologii i własności. Część 2. Cobalt base, laser cladding layers - morfology and properties variation. Part 2
PublikacjaPrzedmiotem badań były szczegóły budowy warstwy napawanej laserowo z zastosowaniem trzech ściegów oraz analiza wpływu zróżnicowanej budowy warstwy na jej mikrotwardość.
Cavitation resistance of OH18N9 steel alloyed with vaidus amount of TiC or Mn by means of laser beam. XIV International Symposium on Gas Flow, Chemical Lasers and High Power Lasers.
PublikacjaPrzedstawiono badania odporności kawitacyjnej stali OH18N9T po laserowym stopowaniu jej powierzchni węglikiem TiC oraz manganem. Wykazano, że wzbogacenie obrabianej stali manganem powoduje przemiany fazowe pod wpływem działania obciążeń kawitacyjnych, co przyczynia się do wzrostu odporności kawitacyjnej. Wzmacnianie stali węglikiem TiC powoduje natomiast zanik zdolności stali do wzmacniania odkształceniowego.
International Conference Imaging Science, Systems and Technology
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International Conference Computer Graphics, Imaging and Visualization
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Soft Computing in Computer Graphics, Imaging, and Vision
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Paweł Szymon Dąbrowski dr inż.
OsobyDr inż. Paweł Szymon Dąbrowski w latach 2004-2009 studiował na kierunku geodezja i kartografia na Uniwersytecie Warmińsko-Mazurskim w Olsztynie, gdzie uzyskał tytuł zawodowy magistra inżyniera. W latach 2009-2016 pracował w wykonawstwie geodezyjnym w Iławie i Gdańsku. Doświadczenie zawodowe zdobył on podczas realizacji inwestycji Pomorskiej Kolei Metropolitalnej, co pomogło mu w zdobyciu w 2015 r. geodezyjnych uprawnień zawodowych...
X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, Raman and photoluminescence studies on formation of defects in Cu:ZnO thin films and its role in nonlinear optical features
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Experimental generation of complex noisy photonic entanglement
PublikacjaWe present an experimental scheme based on spontaneous parametric down-conversion to produce multiple-photon pairs in maximally entangled polarization states using an arrangement of two type-I nonlinear crystals. By introducing correlated polarization noise in the paths of the generated photons we prepare mixed-entangled states whose properties illustrate fundamental results obtained recently in quantum information theory, in particular those...
Optymalizacja topologiczna części lotniczych
PublikacjaOstatnie 40 lat to ciągły rozwój przemysłu lotniczego, dzięki któremu możliwe jest wykonywanie bezpiecznych, szybkich oraz ekonomicznych lotów. Projektowanie i budowa nowoczesnych samolotów wymaga jednak wykorzystywania wysoko rozwiniętych metod oraz technologii, dzięki którym możliwe jest sprostanie stawianym przed nimi wymaganiom. EADS Innovation Works, jako organizacja badawczo-technologiczna, jest zaangażowana w rozwój oraz...
Creating a radiological database for automatic liver segmentation using artificial intelligence.
PublikacjaImaging in medicine is an irreplaceable stage in the diagnosis and treatment of cancer. The subsequent therapeutic effect depends on the quality of the imaging tests performed. In recent years we have been observing the evolution of 2D to 3D imaging for many medical fields, including oncological surgery. The aim of the study is to present a method of selection of radiological imaging tests for learning neural networks.
Michał Ryms dr hab. inż.
Osobydr hab. inż. Michał Ryms, fizyk, absolwent Politechniki Gdańskiej. Pracę doktorską obronił na Wydziale Chemicznym. Od 2011 roku pracuje w Katedrze Konwersji i Magazynowania Energii Politechniki Gdańskiej, obecnie na stanowisku profesora uczelni. Działalność naukowa obejmuje: zagadnienia związane z poprawą efektywności energetycznej oraz możliwości nowego zastosowania materiałów zmiennofazowych (PCM) głównie w budownictwie energooszczędnym...
Integrated circuit structure surface images obtained with contact capacitive imaging technique
Dane BadawczeThe measurements were done using NTEGRA Prima (NT-MDT) device. CSG 10Pt probe.
Inventory of the existing pavement of sidewalks and roads in the Gdańsk-Oliwa district, with particular emphasis on the location of the "Polanki" market and its direct neighbourhood, stage from 2019 year.
Dane BadawczeThe document presents short description and a list of paved surfaces (sidewalks and roads) in the Gdańsk-Oliwa district, in the form of tables with a description of the street and materials used. The description consists of 21 tables: one table for each street. The description is mostly supplemented with photographic material. The area of the inventory...
Laser stimulated third harmonic generation studies in ZnO–Ta 2 O 5 –B 2 O 3 glass ceramics entrenched with Zn 3 Ta 2 O 8 crystal phases
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Wpływ nadtapiania laserowego w warunkach kriogenicznych na strukturę warstwy wierzchniej stopu Ti-6Al-4V = Effect of laser melting at cryogenic conditions on structure of the surface layer of the Ti-6Al-4V alloy
PublikacjaWykonano nadtapianie laserowe stopu Ti-6Al-4V zanurzonego w środowisku ciekłego azotu. Badania mikroskopowe wykazały znaczący wpływ parametrów nadtapiania na grubość, mikrostrukturę i mikrotwardośc warstwy wierzchniej.
Rain Gardens SW particle size analysis dataset
Dane BadawczeThis dataset contains the results of laser diffraction particle size analysis of storm water runoff and storm water quality in rain garden units. Samples were collected from 4 different rain gardens in Gdansk, Poland.
Pulsed Laser Deposition
Aparatura Badawcza -
PublikacjaThe dynamic development of additive manufacturing technologies, especially over the last few years, has increased the range of possible industrial applications of 3D printed elements. This is a consequence of the distinct advantages of additive techniques, which include the possibility of improving the mechanical strength of products and shortening lead times. Offshore industry is one of these promising areas for the application...
Coherent-wave Monte Carlo method for simulating light propagation in tissue
PublikacjaSimulating propagation and scattering of coherent light in turbid media, such as biological tissues, is a complex problem. Numerical methods for solving Helmholtz or wave equation (e.g. finite-difference or finite-element methods) require large amount of computer memory and long computation time. This makes them impractical for simulating laser beam propagation into deep layers of tissue. Other group of methods, based on radiative...
IEEE Information Theory Workshop on Detection, Estimation, Classification and Imaging
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Imaging of morphological and physicochemical changes occuring in the structure of austenitic steel due to the thermal sensitization
Dane BadawczeIn polycrystalline materials, grain boundaries are always where phenomena such as surface diffusion, sedimentation and corrosion occur. They have a significant impact on the macroscopic properties of the construction material [1]. In addition to inhomogeneities such as manganese sulphide inclusions formed during the metallurgical process, interfacial...
Nano Tin/Tin Oxide Attached onto Graphene Oxide Skeleton as a Fluorine Free Anode Material for Lithium-Ion Batteries
PublikacjaHerein, we show a composite formation method of tin/tin oxide nanoparticles with graphene oxide and CMC based on laser ablation technique as an electrode material for energy storage devices. The material exhibited a three-dimensional conducting graphene oxide network decorated with tin or tin oxide nanoparticles. The structure, homogeneous distribution of nanoparticles, and direct contact between inorganic and organic parts were...
Integration of thermographic data with the 3D object model
PublikacjaThe aim of the paper is to present new method for merging the 3D model data of the measured object with thermograms. Our technique is based on the combination of visual 3D imaging technique and thermal imaging technique, which maps the 2D thermograms on to 3D anatomical mesh model. The combination of these imaging modalities allows the generation of combined 3D and thermal data from which thermal signatures can be verified and...
On properties of visual quality metrics in remote sensing applications
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Thermal Image Processing for Respiratory Estimation from Cubical Data with Expandable Depth
PublikacjaAs healthcare costs continue to rise, finding affordable and non-invasive ways to monitor vital signs is increasingly important. One of the key metrics for assessing overall health and identifying potential issues early on is respiratory rate (RR). Most of the existing methods require multiple steps that consist of image and signal processing. This might be difficult to deploy on edge devices that often do not have specialized...
Photomonitoring of activities carried out in the area of the "Mercato di Sant’Ambrogio" Sant'Ambrogio market and its direct neighbourhood, in the Florence, Italy, case study; stage from March 2023 year
Dane BadawczeThe data presents photomonitoring (visual documentation report in the form of photographs) of activities carried out in the area of the "Mercato di Sant’Ambrogio" Sant'Ambrogio market and its immediate vicinity, in the Florence, Italy, case study; stage from March 2023 year, during the one week of the monitoring. The monitoring is a part of follow-up...
Joanna A. Pawłowicz dr inż.
OsobyDoctor of Technical Sciences. Author of publications in the field of construction engineering, BIM, universal design, urban planning, reverse engineering, use of laser scanning technology in architecture and construction, digitalization of construction, monitoring of defects and damage to buildings, recycling of building materials and "new life" of buildings and conservation protection of monuments. Active participant of numerous...
SU‐E‐T‐472: Characterization of the Very High Energy Electrons, ISO ‐ 250 MeV (VHEE) Beam Generated by ALPHA‐X Laser Wakefield Accelerator Beam Line for Utilization in Monte Carlo Simulation for Biomedical Experiment Planning
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Investigation of photothermolysis therapy of human skin diseases using optical phantoms
PublikacjaDermatological diseases, such as neurofibroma (Recklinghausen disease) or hemangiomas can be efficiently treated using photothermolysis from laser irradiation. We have utilized a developed 975 nm fiber diode laser as a low-cost alternative over common Nd:YAG lasers. This paper describes the investigations of interaction of 975 nm diode laser radiation-pulses with optical skin phantoms which were designed and manufactured in our...
Measurement system for nonlinear surface spectroscopy by atomic force microscopy for corrosion processes monitoring
PublikacjaIn addition to traditional imaging the surface, atomic force microscopy (AFM) enables wide variety of additional measurements. One of them is higher harmonic imaging. In tapping mode the nonlinear contact between tip and specimen results in higher frequency vibrations. More information available from the higher harmonics analysis proves to be helpful for more detailed imaging. Such visualization is especially useful for heterogeneous...
St. Adalberd church 3D point model
Dane BadawczeResearch data show the church of St. Adalbert in Gdansk, Poland. Two layers are presented in the .zip file: one represents the laser scanning result, the second represents the point cloud from 36 photogrammetry images from the UAV system. The aligned point clouds formed the basis to create the high-resolution 3D model. Reference data are laser scanning...
A measurement system for nonlinear surface spectroscopy with an atomic force microscope during corrosion process monitoring
PublikacjaIn addition to traditional imaging the surface, atomic force microscopy (AFM) enables wide variety of additional measurements. One of them is higher harmonic imaging. In tapping mode the nonlinear contact between tip and specimen results in higher frequency vibrations. More information available from the higher harmonics analysis proves to be helpful for more detailed imaging. Such visualization is espe-cially useful for heterogeneous...
Joint Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications
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Liquid crystal thermography and true-colour digital image processing
PublikacjaW ostatnich latach termografia ciekłokrystaliczna i komputerowa analiza kolorowych obrazów jest z powodzeniem stosowana w technikach nieinwazyjnych, badaniach i aplikacjach przemysłowych i medycznych. W artykule przedstawiono historię tej techniki, opisano główne metody i narzędzia oraz pokazano szereg przykładów zastosowania.
Multiresistant Strains Are as Susceptible to Photodynamic Inactivation as Their Naïve Counterparts: Protoporphyrin IX-Mediated Photoinactivation Reveals Differences Between Methicillin-Resistant and Methicillin-SensitiveStaphylococcus aureusStrains
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The Connection Betweenagrand SCCmecElements ofStaphylococcus aureusStrains and Their Response to Photodynamic Inactivation
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Studies on Function of P-Glycoprotein in Photodynamic Therapy of Endometriosis
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Non-linear optical study of hierarchical 3D Al doped ZnO nanosheet arrays deposited by successive ionic adsorption and reaction method
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Strategic improvement of second and third harmonic generation in multifunctional Cu-Sn-S3 ternary semiconducting thin films