Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: DOMINATION SUBDIVISION NUMBER - MOST Wiedzy




  • On the ratio between 2-domination and total outer-independent domination numbers of trees

    A 2-dominating set of a graph G is a set D of vertices of G such that every vertex of V(G)D has a at least two neighbors in D. A total outer-independent dominating set of a graph G is a set D of vertices of G such that every vertex of G has a neighbor in D, and the set V(G)D is independent. The 2-domination (total outer-independent domination, respectively) number of a graph G is the minimum cardinality of a 2-dominating (total...

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  • 2-outer-independent domination in graphs


    We initiate the study of 2-outer-independent domination in graphs. A 2-outer-independent dominating set of a graph G is a set D of vertices of G such that every vertex of V(G)\D has at least two neighbors in D, and the set V(G)\D is independent. The 2-outer-independent domination number of a graph G is the minimum cardinality of a 2-outer-independent dominating set of G. We show that if a graph has minimum degree at least two,...

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  • Bondage number of grid graphs


    The bondage number b(G) of a nonempty graph G is the cardinality of a smallest set of edges whose removal from G results in a graph with domination number greater than the domination number of G. Here we study the bondage number of some grid-like graphs. In this sense, we obtain some bounds or exact values of the bondage number of some strong product and direct product of two paths.

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  • Secure Italian domination in graphs



    An Italian dominating function (IDF) on a graph G is a function f:V(G)→{0,1,2} such that for every vertex v with f(v)=0, the total weight of f assigned to the neighbours of v is at least two, i.e., ∑u∈NG(v)f(u)≥2. For any function f:V(G)→{0,1,2} and any pair of adjacent vertices with f(v)=0 and u with f(u)>0, the function fu→v is defined by fu→v(v)=1, fu→v(u)=f(u)−1 and fu→v(x)=f(x) whenever x∈V(G)∖{u,v}. A secure Italian dominating...

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  • Unicyclic graphs with equal total and total outer-connected domination numbers


    Let G = (V,E) be a graph without an isolated vertex. A set D ⊆ V (G) is a total dominating set if D is dominating and the in- duced subgraph G[D] does not contain an isolated vertex. The total domination number of G is the minimum cardinality of a total domi- nating set of G. A set D ⊆ V (G) is a total outer–connected dominating set if D is total dominating and the induced subgraph G[V (G)−D] is a connected graph. The total outer–connected...

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  • Weakly convex and convex domination numbers of some products of graphs

    If $G=(V,E)$ is a simple connected graph and $a,b\in V$, then a shortest $(a-b)$ path is called a $(u-v)$-{\it geodesic}. A set $X\subseteq V$ is called {\it weakly convex} in $G$ if for every two vertices $a,b\in X$ exists $(a-b)$- geodesic whose all vertices belong to $X$. A set $X$ is {\it convex} in $G$ if for every $a,b\in X$ all vertices from every $(a-b)$-geodesic belong to $X$. The {\it weakly convex domination number}...

  • Cops, a fast robber and defensive domination on interval graphs



    The game of Cops and ∞-fast Robber is played by two players, one controlling c cops, the other one robber. The players alternate in turns: all the cops move at once to distance at most one each, the robber moves along any cop-free path. Cops win by sharing a vertex with the robber, the robber by avoiding capture indefinitely. The game was proposed with bounded robber speed by Fomin et al. in “Pursuing a fast robber on a graph”,...

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  • Bipartite theory of graphs: outer-independent domination



    Let $G = (V,E)$ be a bipartite graph with partite sets $X$ and $Y$. Two vertices of $X$ are $X$-adjacent if they have a common neighbor in $Y$, and they are $X$-independent otherwise. A subset $D \subseteq X$ is an $X$-outer-independent dominating set of $G$ if every vertex of $X \setminus D$ has an $X$-neighbor in $D$, and all vertices of $X \setminus D$ are pairwise $X$-independent. The $X$-outer-independent domination number...

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  • Domination-Related Parameters in Rooted Product Graphs

    Abstract A set S of vertices of a graph G is a dominating set in G if every vertex outside of S is adjacent to at least one vertex belonging to S. A domination parameter of G is related to those sets of vertices of a graph satisfying some domination property together with other conditions on the vertices of G. Here, we investigate several domination-related parameters in rooted product graphs.

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  • Weakly connected Roman domination in graphs

    A Roman dominating function on a graph G=(V,E) is defined to be a function f :V → {0,1,2} satisfying the condition that every vertex u for which f(u) = 0 is adjacent to at least one vertex v for which f(v)=2. A dominating set D⊆V is a weakly connected dominating set of G if the graph (V,E∩(D×V)) is connected. We define a weakly connected Roman dominating function on a graph G to be a Roman dominating function such that the set...

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  • Subdivision and damage stability of ships.


    - Rok 2004

    Pierwszy kompleksowy podręcznik na świecie na poziomie akademickim dotyczący niezatapialności statku w ujęciu probabilistycznym, w którym za miarę bezpieczeństwa statku przyjmuje się prawdopodobieństwo przetrwania kolizji przez statek, zwane wskaźnikiem niezatapialności, względnie wskaźnikiem podziału grodziowego statku. Obejmuje zarówno zagadnienia teoretyczne jak i praktyczne, dając projektantom wykładnię stosowania obowiązujących...

  • Interpolation properties of domination parameters of a graph

    An integer-valued graph function π is an interpolating function if a set π(T(G))={π(T): T∈TT(G)} consists of consecutive integers, where TT(G) is the set of all spanning trees of a connected graph G. We consider the interpolation properties of domination related parameters.

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  • Relations between the domination parameters and the chromatic index of a graph

    In this paper we show bounds for the sum and the product of the domination parameters and the chromatic index of a graph. We alsopresent some families of graphs for which these bounds are achieved.

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  • A general framework of new subdivision regulations


    - Rok 2003

    Omówiono strukturę przepisów niezatapialności statków, opartą na podejściu probabilistycznym.

  • A general framework of new subdivision regulations.


    - Rok 2004

    Podano prawidłową strukturę nowych przepisów niezatapialności, podkreślając, że wskaźniki niezatapialności są tym samym co uśredniony mnożnik s. Praca analizuje uśrednianie tego mnożnika. Wskazano na związek między wskaźnikami niezatapialności, a średnim stanem morza, które statek może przetrwać.

  • Paired domination and doubly domination in graphs


    - Rok 2007

    W rozprawie poruszane są zagadnienia związane z dominowaniem parami w grafach oraz domiowaniem totalno - powściągniętym w grafach. Ponadto omawiane są zagadnienia związane ze złożonością obliczeniową różnych problemów dominowania w grafach.

  • 2-Coloring number revisited

    2-Coloring number is a parameter, which is often used in the literature to bound the game chromatic number and other related parameters. However, this parameter has not been precisely studied before. In this paper we aim to fill this gap. In particular we show that the approximation of the game chromatic number by the 2-coloring number can be very poor for many graphs. Additionally we prove that the 2-coloring number may grow...

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  • Bounds on isolated scattering number


    - Rok 2021

    The isolated scattering number is a parameter that measures the vulnerability of networks. This measure is bounded by formulas de- pending on the independence number. We present new bounds on the isolated scattering number that can be calculated in polynomial time.

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  • Bounds on isolated scattering number


    The isolated scattering number is a parameter that measures the vulnerability of networks. This measure is bounded by formulas de- pending on the independence number. We present new bounds on the isolated scattering number that can be calculated in polynomial time.

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  • Graphs with equal domination and 2-distance domination numbers

    W publikacji scharakteryzowane są wszystkie te drzewa i grafy jednocykliczne, w których liczba dominowania oraz liczba 2-dominowania na odległość są sobie równe.

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  • Navier number and transition to turbulence


    The motivation behind this article is to explain a role of the Navier number (Na -dimensionless slip-length) in prediction of closures for laminar to turbulent transition undergoing via eddies detachment from the slip layer in nano-cannals. Additionally the role of the Navier number Na in universal modeling of phenomenon of enhanced mass flow rate reported in micro- and nano-channels has been explained. The Na number should be...

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  • Trees with equal restrained domination and total restrained domination numbers

    W publikacji scharakteryzowano wszystkie drzewa, w których liczby dominowania powściągniętego oraz podwójnie totalnego są sobie równe.

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  • Quantum strategies for rendezvous and domination tasks on graphs with mobile agents


    - PHYSICAL REVIEW A - Rok 2024

    This paper explores the application of quantum nonlocality, a renowned and unique phenomenon acknowledged as a valuable resource. Focusing on an alternative application, we demonstrate its quantum advantage for mobile agents engaged in specific distributed tasks without communication. The research addresses the significant challenge of rendezvous on graphs and introduces a distributed task for mobile agents grounded in the graph...

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  • Research in Number Theory


    ISSN: 2522-0160 , eISSN: 2363-9555

  • Algebra & Number Theory


    ISSN: 1937-0652 , eISSN: 1944-7833



    ISSN: 0022-314X , eISSN: 1096-1658

  • The limit case of a domination property



    Praca dotyczy dolnego ograniczenia liczby dominowania w grafach, ze względu na ilość wierzchołków oraz największą liczbę liści w drzewie spinającym.

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  • Graphs with isolation number equal to one third of the order



    A set D of vertices of a graph G is isolating if the set of vertices not in D and with no neighbor in D is independent. The isolation number of G, denoted by \iota(G) , is the minimum cardinality of an isolating set of G. It is known that \iota(G) \leq n/3 , if G is a connected graph of order n, , distinct from C_5 . The main result of this work is the characterisation of unicyclic and block graphs of order n with isolating number...

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  • Theoretical modelling of efficient fire safety water networks by certified domination


    - Scientific Reports - Rok 2024

    This paper explores a new way of designing water supply networks for fire safety using ideas from graph theory, focusing on a method called certified domination. Ensuring a good water supply is crucial for fire safety in communities, this study looks at the rules and problems in Poland for how much water is needed to fight fires in different areas and how this can be achieved at a lowest possible cost. We present a way to plan...

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  • T-colorings, divisibility and circular chromatic number

    Let T be a T-set, i.e., a finite set of nonnegative integers satisfying 0 ∈ T, and G be a graph. In the paper we study relations between the T-edge spans espT (G) and espd⊙T (G), where d is a positive integer and d ⊙ T = {0 ≤ t ≤ d (max T + 1): d |t ⇒ t/d ∈ T} . We show that espd⊙T (G) = d espT (G) − r, where r, 0 ≤ r ≤ d − 1, is an integer that depends on T and G. Next we focus on the case T = {0} and show that espd⊙{0} (G) =...

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  • On the independence number of some strong products of cycle-powers

    In the paper we give some theoretical and computational results on the third strong power of cycle-powers, for example, we have found the independence numbers alpha((C^2_10)^⊠3) = 30 and alpha((C^4 _14)^⊠3) = 14. A number of optimizations have been introduced to improve the running time of our exhaustive algorithm used to establish the independence number of the third strong power of cycle-powers. Moreover, our results establish...

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  • Comparison of the Efficiency of Turbo Codes with Mechanisms of Reducing the Number of Iterations

    The paper presents the construction of encoders and decoders turbo codes with different number of states. Simulation results of the transmission quality of the turbo codes were presented. Decoders for turbo codes have worked with a fixed number of iterations and with the mechanisms reducing the number of iterations. Data were transmitted in Outdoor to Indoor & Pedestrian B environment for data rate 384 kbps. The SOVA algorithm...

  • Entanglement and Nonlocality are Inequivalent for Any Number of Parties



    Understanding the relation between nonlocality and entanglement is one of the fundamental problems in quantum physics. In the bipartite case, it is known that these two phenomena are inequivalent, as there exist entangled states of two parties that do not violate any Bell inequality. However, except for a single example of an entangled three-qubit state that has a local model, almost nothing is known about such a relation in multipartite...

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  • Total restrained domination numbers of trees


    Opisane są wszystkie drzewa, w których liczby dominowania totalnego i totalno - powściągniętego są sobie równe, a także podano dolne ograniczenie na liczbę dominowania totalno - powściągniętego w drzewach.

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  • Distance paired domination numbers of graphs


    W pracy przedstawione są pewne własności liczb k-dominowania parami w grafach. Wykazane jest, że problem decyzyjny liczby k-dominowania parami jest problemem NP-zupełnym nawet dla grafów dwudzielnych. Przedstawione są ograniczenia górne i dolne dla liczby k-dominowania parami w drzewach i scharakteryzowane drzewa, w których te ograniczenia są osiągnięte.

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  • Weakly connected domination critical graphs

    Praca dotyczy niektórych klas grafów krytycznych ze względu na liczbę dominowania słabo spójnego.

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  • Total outer-connected domination in trees

    W pracy przedstawiono dolne ograniczenie na liczbę dominowania totalnego zewnętrznie spójnego w grafach oraz scharakteryzowano wszystkie drzewa osiągające to ograniczenie.

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  • Weakly convex and convex domination numbers.


    - Rok 2004

    W artykule przedstawione są nowo zdefiniowane liczby dominowania wypukłego i słabo wypukłego oraz ich porównanie z innymi liczbami dominowania. W szczególności, rozważana jest równość liczby dominowania spójnego i wypukłego dla grafów kubicznych.

  • Communications in Number Theory and Physics


    ISSN: 1931-4523 , eISSN: 1931-4531

  • International Journal of Number Theory


    ISSN: 1793-0421 , eISSN: 1793-7310

  • Impact of Cyclist Facility Availability at Work on the Number of Bike Commuters

    The article describes the results of research designed to establish whether cycle provision can influence the number of employees commuting by bike. To that end, employee surveys were conducted in three IT companies in 2012 and 2016. The questionnaire asked about travel behaviour and what the staff thought about their company’s provision of cyclist facilities. Since 2012 each of the companies has moved its head office and the...

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  • Weakly connected domination stable trees [online]

    Praca dotyczy pełnej charakteryzacji drzew stabilnych ze względu na liczbę dominowania słabo spójnego.

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  • Total outer-connected domination numbers of trees

    Niech G=(V,E) będzie grafem bez wierzchołków izolowanych. Zbiór wierzchołków D nazywamy zbiorem dominującym totalnym zewnętrznie spójnym jeżli każdy wierzchołek grafu ma sąsiada w D oraz podgraf indukowany przez V-D jest grafem spójnym. Moc najmniejszego zbioru D o takich własnościach nazywamy liczbą dominowania totalnego zewnątrznie spójnego. Praca m.in. zawiera dolne ograniczenie na liczbę dominowania totalnego zewnętrznie spójnego...

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  • Strong weakly connected domination subdivisible graphs

    Artykuł dotyczy wpływu podziału krawędzi na liczbę dominowania słabo spójnego. Charakteryzujemy grafy dla których podział dowolnej krawędzi zmienia liczbę dominowania słabo spójnego oraz grafy dla których podział dowolnych dwóch krawędzi powoduje zmianę liczby dominowania słabo spójnego.

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  • Mechanical exfoliation and layer number identification of single crystal monoclinic CrCl3

    • S. Kazim
    • M. Alì
    • S. Palleschi
    • G. D’Olimpio
    • D. Mastrippolito
    • A. Politano
    • R. Gunnella
    • A. DiCicco
    • M. Renzelli
    • G. Moccia... i 6 innych

    - NANOTECHNOLOGY - Rok 2020

    After the recent finding that CrI3, displays ferromagnetic order down to its monolayer, extensive studies have followed to pursue new two-dimensional (2D) magnetic materials. In this article, we report on the growth of single crystal CrCl3 in the layered monoclinic phase. The system after mechanical exfoliation exhibits stability in ambient air (the degradation occurs on a time scale at least four orders of magnitude longer than...

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  • Realistic noise-tolerant randomness amplification using finite number of devices

    • F. Brandão
    • R. Ramanathan
    • A. Grudka
    • K. Horodecki
    • M. Horodecki
    • P. Horodecki
    • T. Szarek
    • H. Wojewódka

    - Nature Communications - Rok 2016

    Randomness is a fundamental concept, with implications from security of modern data systems, to fundamental laws of nature and even the philosophy of science. Randomness is called certified if it describes events that cannot be pre-determined by an external adversary. It is known that weak certified randomness can be amplified to nearly ideal randomness using quantum-mechanical systems. However, so far, it was unclear whether randomness amplification...

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  • Application of Regression Line to Obtain Specified Number of Points in Reduced Large Datasets


    - Rok 2016

    Modern measurement techniques like scanning technology or sonar measurements, provide large datasets, which are a reliable source of information about measured object, however such datasets are sometimes difficult to develop. Therefore, the algorithms for reducing the number of such sets are incorporated into their processing. In the reduction algorithms based on the...

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  • total number and biomass of bacteria in drinking water distribution systems.


    In the vast water supply network using traditional methods of treatment it is often impossible to maintain a constant and acceptable microbiological quality of water. In Poland the main reason of bacterial re-growth is presence of organic matter and nutrients in the circulating water and prolonged water retention in the network systems due to the decrease of water consumption, which has been observed for the last 20 years. In the...

  • Performance of data transmission in UMTS with turbo code about decreased number of states

    In the paper a structure of turbo encoder and decoder about decreased number of states has been described. The simulation results of transmission performance based on turbo coding without the reduction of the number of iterations for the uplink and downlink of WCDMA/FDD interface have been presented. The SOVA algorithm for turbo decoding has been used. The investigations have been carried out for Outdoor to Indoor & Pedestrian...

  • Joanna Raczek dr inż.

    Wykształcenie 1997 -- 2001 Studia inżynierskie, Wydział Fizyki Technicznej i Matematyki Stosowanej, Politechnika Gdańska. Kierunek: Matematyka, specjalność: Matematyka Stosowana. 2001 -- 2003 Studia magisterskie, Wydział Fizyki Technicznej i Matematyki Stosowanej, Politechnika Gdańska. Kierunek: Matematyka, specjalność: Matematyka Stosowana. 2000 -- 2004 Studia inżynierskie, Wydział Elektroniki, Informatyki i Telekomunikacji,...