Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: EFFECTIVENESS
Pollutants removal effectiveness in hydrophyte filters with sequential vertical and horizontal flow
PublikacjaThe object of investigations was the constructed wetland in Wiedersberg in Saxonia in Germany supplied with domestic sewage from 145 inhabitants. The biological part was composed of sequential reed beds with vertical and horizontal flow of sewage. It in one of new solutions, because up till now configuration with vertical bed situated at front of biological part of treatment was applied.The evaluation of object performance was...
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The control of the mass of an aggregates deliveries and its impact on the effectiveness of earthworks execution
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The effectiveness of the mechanical treatment of municipal waste using the example of a selected installation
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Experimental Study on the Effectiveness of Polyurethane Flexible Adhesive in Reduction of Structural Vibrations
PublikacjaThe aim of the present study is to consider the idea of using polyurethane flexible adhesive in to reduce the vibrations in structures exposed to dynamic loads and evaluate their damping properties in relation to large deformations. Firstly, two aluminium cantilever beams, simulating structural elements (without and with polyurethane layer in the form of tape), were analysed, in order to check the damping of the unconstrained polymer...
PublikacjaThe article concentrates on the relationship between the size of a farm and its efficiency in relation to wheat production in the European Union (EU). The issue is not new, however fundamental from the point of view of the agricultural policy, as the appropriate shape of the agrarian structure affects the economic rationality in agriculture and significantly improves the productivity. We analysed data for the period between 2004...
Comparison of effectiveness of musical sound separation algorithms employing neural networks.
PublikacjaNiniejszy referat przedstawia kilka algorytmów służących do separacji dźwięków instrumentów muzycznych. Zaproponowane podejście do dekompozycji miksów dźwiękowych opiera się na założeniu, że wysokość dźwięków w miksie jest znana, tzn. wejściem dla algorytmów jest przebieg zmian wysokości dźwięków składowych miksu. Proces estymacji fazy i amplitudy składowych harmonicznych wykorzystuje dopasowywanie zespolonych przebiegów harmonicznych...
Estimation of musical sound separation algorithm effectiveness employing neural networks.
PublikacjaŚlepa separacja dźwięków sygnałów muzycznych zawartych w zmiksowanym materiale jest trudnym zadaniem. Jest to spowodowane tym, że dźwięki znajdujące się w relacjach harmonicznych mogą zawierać kolidujące składowe sinusoidalne (składowe harmoniczne). Ewaluacja wyników separacji jest również problematyczna, gdyż analiza błędu energetycznego często nie odzwierciedla subiektywnej jakości odseparowanych sygnałów. W tej publikacji zostały...
The new investing effectiveness evaluation multi-criteria method in modern supply systems
PublikacjaThe important problem in the processes of modelling and programming the development of sustainable energy sector is the multi-criteria manner of assessing the effectiveness of investments. The goal of this paper is to show how to take into account the impact of investments in multidimensional modelling decision-making processes. This goal can be achieved through the development, presentation, and use of a new multi-criteria method...
PublikacjaThe aim of the paper is to investigate the effectiveness of the 18K380 steam turbine condenser air extraction system using hydro ejectors. Motivation for the analysis is a need of improvement of the energy conversion ratio of the power plant. To achieve this goal it is necessary to establish efficiency of each subsystem of the energy cycle. The air extraction system is not a highly power consuming system but it has great impact...
Analysis of Ferroresonance Mitigation Effectiveness in Auxiliary Power Systems of High-Voltage Substations
PublikacjaFerroresonance in power networks is a dangerous phenomenon, which may result in overcurrents and overvoltages, causing damage to power equipment and the faulty operation of protection systems. For this reason, the possibility of the occurrence of ferroresonance has to be identified, and adequate methods need to be incorporated to eliminate or reduce its effects. The aim of this paper is to evaluate the effectiveness of ferroresonance...
Assessing the time effectiveness of trust management in fully synchronised wireless sensor networks
PublikacjaThe paper presents the results of the time effectiveness assessment of the distributed WSN Cooperative Trust Management Method - WCT2M in a fully synchronized Wireless Sensor Network (WSN). First we introduce some basic types of synchronization patterns in WSN based on the idea of sleep scheduling. Then we explain how WCT2M works in the network applying the fully synchronized sleep scheduling pattern. Such networks were subjected...
Effect of aeration of antibiotic-loaded bone cement on its properties and bactericidal effectiveness
PublikacjaBACKGROUND: Antibiotic-loaded bone cements are now widely used in medicine. They are able to locally deliver antibiotic particles and they allow treat or protect against infection. It is assumed that the bactericidal effectiveness of bioactive bone cements depend on the parameters of its production. Hence, the aim of this study was to check the effect of aeration of bone cement before mixing the components on its properties as...
Evaluation Of Single Pole Auto-Reclosing Effectiveness With Nonlinear Secondary Arc Model
PublikacjaThe paper discusses two evaluation methods of single pole auto-reclosing process effectiveness in HV transmission lines. Secondary arc current and recovery voltage results obtained by load flow calculation are compared to the results obtained by the time domain simulations. Moreover, a non-linear secondary arc implementation is presented. The authors indicate, that precise representation of secondary electric arc leads to more...
Comparing the Effectiveness of ANNs and SVMs in Forecasting the Impact of Traffic-Induced Vibrations on Building
PublikacjaTraffic - induced vibrations may cause damage to structural elements and may even lead to structural collapse. The aim of the article is to compare the effectiveness of algorithms in forecasting the impact of vibrations on buildings using the Machine Learning (ML) methods. The paper presents two alternative approaches by using Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) and Support Vector Machines (SVMs). Factors that may affect traffic-induced...
Analyzing the Effectiveness of the Brain–Computer Interface for Task Discerning Based on Machine Learning
PublikacjaThe aim of the study is to compare electroencephalographic (EEG) signal feature extraction methods in the context of the effectiveness of the classification of brain activities. For classification, electroencephalographic signals were obtained using an EEG device from 17 subjects in three mental states (relaxation, excitation, and solving logical task). Blind source separation employing independent component analysis (ICA) was...
Evaluating the effectiveness of Doppler frequency shift determination using pilots in broadband transmission
PublikacjaIn underwater communications, reciprocal motion between transmitter and receiver has a significant impact on reception quality. In orthogonal broadband systems that provide high bit rates, this problem becomes more important, especially in the higher frequency range, where the absolute Doppler shift is the greatest. Due to the low propagation speed of acoustic wave underwater, a substantial difference exists between the Doppler...
Experimental study on the effectiveness of polymer damper in damage reduction of temporary steel grandstand
PublikacjaA large number of accidents, involving collapses of temporary grandstands during different types of events, were observed in the past. If the synchronized movement of people is tuned with the natural frequency of the affected part of the structure, resonance might occur. It may lead to severe damages of grandstands, their collapse or panic among the spectators. The aim of the paper is to assess, through preliminary experimental...
Experimental Study on Effectiveness of a Prototype Seismic Isolation System Made of Polymeric Bearings
PublikacjaSeismic isolation is identified as one of the most popular and effective methods of protecting structures under strong dynamic excitations. Base isolators, such as Lead Rubber Bearings, High Damping Rubber Bearings, and Friction Pendulum Bearings, are widely used in practice in many earthquake-prone regions of the world to mitigate structural vibrations, and therefore minimize loss of life and property damage during seismic events....
Shaking table experimental study on the effectiveness of polymer bearings for seismic isolation of structures
PublikacjaSeismic isolation has been recognised to be a very effective way of protecting structures from damage during earthquakes. It allows us to extend the natural period of the structure and therefore avoid resonance with the ground motion. Moreover, by increasing damping in the isolation devices, more energy can be dissipated and thus the structural response can be further reduced. The aim of this paper is to show the results of the...
Cost-Effectiveness of Open Repair of Abdominal Aortic Aneurysms with a Novel Perioperative Protocol
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Influence of COD-fractions on removal effectiveness and accumulation of organic matter in constructed wetlands
PublikacjaW pracy wykazano, że efektywność usuwania substancji organicznej doprowadzanej w ściekach bytowo-gospodarczych do złóż hydrofitowych zależy od rodzaju frakcji substancji organicznej oraz ich stężeń. Na podstawie analizy poszczególnych frakcji ChZT (rozpuszczonych związków organicznych biologicznie łatwo- i nierozkładalnych oraz zawiesin organicznych biologicznie wolno- i nierozkładalnych) wykazano, że na akumulację substancji organicznej...
Experimental research on effectiveness of the magnetic fluid seals for rotary shafts working in water
PublikacjaUszczelnianie wałów obrotowych, łożysk i innych zespołów mechanicznych, za pomocą cieczy magnetycznej, tworzącej przegrodę uszczelniającą utrzymywaną siłami pola magnetycznego jest techniką uszczelniania, stosowaną z powodzeniem w urządzeniach pracujących w środowisku gazowym przy ciśnieniu do około 1,0 MPa. Uszczelnienia te umożliwiają również skuteczne rozwiązywanie problemu szczelności przepustów stałych i ruchowych w urządzeniach...
Effectiveness of Random Field Approach in Serviceability Limit State Analysis of Strip Foundation
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Assessment of the Thermal Effectiveness of Mineral Warmers for Protective Gloves Used in Cold Environments
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From the Spherical Earth Model to the Globe: The Effectiveness of a Planetary Model-Building Intervention
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The effectiveness of organic matter removal in unit processes of the technological groundwater treatment system
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Consumer Trust in Online Advertising - How Negative Perception Impacts its Effectiveness
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Dependence between quality and removal effectiveness of organic matter in hybrid constructed wetlands
PublikacjaW procesie oczyszczania ścieków w Vertical Flow Constructed Wetland (VF-CW) jednym z czynników jest dopływ tlenu. Niewystarczający dopływ tlenu do złoża może być przyczyną braku efektywności usuwania zanieczyszczeń, a więc wskazywać na niewłaściwą eksploatację obiektu.Obiekty badań stanowiły złoża pionowe stanowiące jeden z elementów biologicznego oczyszczania dwóch hybrydowych systemów hydrofitowych zlokalizowanych w Wieszynie...
Comparison of the Effectiveness of Health Systems in The European Countries-Two-Stage DEA Model
PublikacjaThis article compares the efficiency of health systems in selected European countries using two-stage data envelopment analysis (DEA), based on data from the EUROSTAT database. In the first step, DEA efficiency scores were calculated for health care systems and, subsequently, the external variables describing lifestyle were used to calculate the truncated regression. Health care resources (physicians, nurses, hospital beds, financial...
Effectiveness of pollutants removal in hybrid constructed wetlands – different configurations case study
PublikacjaIn recent years, an increase in interest in hybrid constructed wetland systems (HCWs) has been observed. The aim of the paper is to compare different HCW configurations in terms of mass removal rates and efficiency of pollutants removal. Analysed data have been collected at multistage constructed wetlands in Poland, which are composed by at least two beds: horizontal subsurface flow (SSHF) and vertical subsurface flow (SSVF). The...
Effectiveness of a dual surface modification of metallic interconnects for application in energy conversion devices
PublikacjaA dual surface modification of an SOFC metallic interconnect with a Gd2O3 layer and an MnCo2O4 coating was evaluated. The tested samples were oxidized for 7000 h in air at 1073 K. Oxidation products were characterized using XRD, SEM-EDS, and confocal Raman imaging, and ASR was measured. The effect of gadolinium segregation at grain boundaries in Cr2O3 was evaluated using S/TEM-EDS. Area specific-resistance was measured and fuel...
Effectiveness of Random Field Approach in Serviceability Limit State Analysis of Strip Foundation
PublikacjaThis work conducts a probabilistic inquiry on how the variability of the parameter defining soil deformability affects the settlement of the foundation located on the soil. The analysis addresses the random foundation model to relevantly estimate the probability of allowable deflection exceedance. The constitutive model parameter is based either on a single random variable or a random field. The computations incorporate direct...
Application of electronic nose to effectiveness monitoring of air contaminated with toluene vapors biofiltration process
PublikacjaThe research presents the application of electronic nose (combined with MLR model) to on-line effectiveness monitoring of biofiltration of air contaminated with hydrophobic, odorous compound (toluene vapors). The research was conducted using two-section biotrickling filter inhabited by Candida environmental isolates. Gas chromatography was used as the comparative technique to obtain reliable quantification of toluene concentration...
Nonlinear secondary arc model use for evaluation of single pole auto-reclosing effectiveness
PublikacjaPurpose – The purpose of this paper is to discuss two evaluation methods of single pole autoreclosing process effectiveness in HV transmission lines. Secondary arc current and recovery voltage results obtained by load flow calculation are compared to the results obtained by the time domain simulations. Moreover, a nonlinear secondary arc implementation is presented. Design/methodology/approach – A computer simulation studies were...
Enhancing the Effectiveness of the Diamond Metal Bond Instrument when Grinding High-Strength Materials
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Cost Effectiveness of Open Repair of Abdominal Aortic Aneurysms with a Novel Peri-Operative Bundle
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Statistical evaluation of the effectiveness of different extraction techniques for determining robenidyne levels in poultry feed.
PublikacjaPoprzez zastosowanie testu Kruskala-Wallisa i chemometrycznej techniki analizy podobieństwa porównano efektywność sześciu różnych technik ekstrakcji (wytrząsanie, ekstrakcja w aparacie Soxhleta, w aparacie Soxteca, wspomaganej ultradźwiękami, wspomaganej promieniowaniem mikrofalowym oraz przyspieszonej ekstrakcji rozpuszczalnikiem) na podstawie wyników odzysku robenidyny z próbek paszy dla ptaków. W zależności od zastosowanej techniki...
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I-V, dielectric, antibacterial, and robust EMI shielding effectiveness properties of graphene/Fe3O4
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The Effectiveness of Using a Pretrained Deep Learning Neural Networks for Object Classification in Underwater Video
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Decision Support System to Improve the Effectiveness of Chemical Control Against Cutworms in Sugar Beet
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Estimation of the effectiveness of nbpt for limiting ammonia emission from urea based on the field experiments
PublikacjaThe efectiveness of the ammonia emission reduction from NBPT-stabilized urea was investigating in 2011 during a field experiment on a grassland plot fertilized with a one-time dose of 60 kgN/ha. The obtained reduction coefficient of ammonia emission equaled 73% and 39-51% relative to erea without the inhibitor and ammonium nitrate, respectively.
Adaptive stochastic and hybrid nonlinear optimization algorithms for improving the effectiveness of the biological processes at WWTP
PublikacjaWastewater treatment plays an important factor in the modern world. Insufficient treatment may result in environmental pollution which can further lead to disasters and diseases. However, processes that take place inside wastewater treatment plants (WWTP) are highly complex in nature, therefore it is difficult to design an efficient, optimal control system. The problem regarding biochemical reactions inside Sequential Batch Reactor...
MPEG-7-based low level descriptor effectiveness in the automatic musical sound classification.
PublikacjaCelem referatu jest określenie, które z parametrów opisowych MPEG-7 są najbardziej przydatne w klasyfikacji dźwięków instrumentów muzycznych. Określana jest wysokość dźwięku a następnie wyznaczane są wartości parametrów zawartych w standardzie MPEG-7. Otrzymany wektor parametrów poddawany jest analizie statystycznej w celu wyeliminowania danych nadmiarowych. Do celów automatycznej klasyfikacji i testów zaprojektowano dwa systemy...
Evaluation of effectiveness of hydrated lime additive in protecting asphalt concrete against water and frost
PublikacjaArtykuł przedstawia wyniki badań laboratoryjnych odporności betonu asfaltowego z dodatkiem wapna hydratyzowanego na działanie wody i mrozu. Niszczące oddziaływanie wody i mrozu oceniano przez zestawienie wytrzymałości na pośrednie rozciąganie i modułu sztywnosci sprężystej przed i po laboratoryjnej symulacji działania wody i mrozu zmodyfikowaną metodą Lottmana. Działanie 2 środków adhezyjnych (wapna hydratyzowanego i aminu tłuszczowego)...
Assessment of the Effectiveness of a Short-term Hearing Aid Use in Patients with Different Degrees of Hearing Loss
PublikacjaThe study presents evaluating the effectiveness of the hearing aid fitting process in the short-term use (7 days). The evaluation method consists of a survey based on the APHAB (Abbreviated Profile of Hearing Aid Benefit) questionnaire. Additional criteria such as a degree of hearing loss, number of hours and days of hearing aid use as well as the user’s experience were also taken into consideration. The outcomes of the benefit...
PublikacjaIn recent years automatic classification employing machine learning seems to be in high demand for tele-informatic-based solutions. An example of such solutions are intelligent transportation systems (ITS), in which various factors are taken into account. The subject of the study presented is the impact of data pre-processing and normalization on the accuracy and training effectiveness of artificial neural networks in the case...