Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: ELECTRONICS AND DEVICES
Structural and electronic properties of diamond-composed heterostructures
PublikacjaDiamond is a promising material for 21st century electronics due to its high thermal and electronic conductivity, biocompatibility, chemical stability, high wear resistance, and possibility of doping. However, the semiconductor properties of diamond, especially free-standing films, have not been fully explored. Nor have their integration with polymers and fragile materials and their applications as electronic components. In this...
On Unsupervised Artificial-Intelligence-Assisted Design of Antennas for High-Performance Planar Devices
PublikacjaDesign of modern antenna structures is a challenging endeavor. It is laborious, and heavily reliant on engineering insight and experience, especially at the initial stages oriented towards the devel-opment of a suitable antenna architecture. Due to its interactive nature and hands-on procedures (mainly parametric studies) for validating suitability of particular geometric setups, typical antenna development requires many weeks...
Identification of inherent noise components of semiconductor devices on an example of optocouplers
PublikacjaIn the paper, a method of estimation of parameters of Gaussian and non-Gaussian components in the noise signal of semiconductor devices in a frequency domain is proposed. The method is based on composing estimators of two spectra, corresponding to noise (Gaussian component) and two-level RTS noise (non-Gaussian component). The proposed method can be applied for precise evaluation of the corner RTS frequency fRTS in the noise...
The effect of boron concentration on the electrical, morphological and optical properties of boron-doped nanocrystalline diamond sheets: Tuning the diamond-on-graphene vertical junction
PublikacjaIn this paper, the effect of boron doping on the electrical, morphological and structural properties of free-standing nanocrystalline diamond sheets (thickness ~ 1 μm) was investigated. For this purpose, we used diamond films delaminated from a mirror-polished tantalum substrate following a microwave plasma-assisted chemical vapor deposition process, each grown with a different [B]/[C] ratio (up to 20,000 ppm) in the gas phase....
Reliable data-driven modeling of high-frequency structures by means of nested kriging with enhanced design of experiments
PublikacjaData-driven (or approximation) surrogate models have been gaining popularity in many areas of engineering and science, including high-frequency electronics. They are attractive as a way of alleviating the difficulties pertinent to high computational cost of evaluating full-wave electromagnetic (EM) simulation models of microwave, antenna, and integrated photonic components and devices. Carrying out design tasks that involve massive...
Recent Advances in Loop Heat Pipes with Flat Evaporator
PublikacjaThe focus of this review is to present the current advances in Loop Heat Pipes (LHP) with flat evaporators, which address the current challenges to the wide implementation of the technology. A recent advance in LHP is the design of flat-shaped evaporators, which is better suited to the geometry of discretely mounted electronics components (microprocessors) and therefore negate the need for an additional transfer surface (saddle)...
A Review of Recent Advances in Human-Motion Energy Harvesting Nanogenerators, Self-Powering Smart Sensors and Self-Charging Electronics
PublikacjaIn recent years, portable and wearable personal electronic devices have rapidly developed with increasing mass production and rising energy consumption, creating an energy crisis. Using batteries and supercapacitors with limited lifespans and environmental hazards drives the need to find new, environmentally friendly, and renewable sources. One idea is to harness the energy of human motion and convert it into electrical energy...
Accurate Computation of IGBT Junction Temperature in PLECS
PublikacjaIn the article, a new method to improve the accuracy of the insulated-gate bipolar transistor (IGBT) junction temperature computations in the piecewise linear electrical circuit simulation (PLECS) software is proposed and described in detail. This method allows computing the IGBT junction temperature using a nonlinear compact thermal model of this device in PLECS. In the method, a nonlinear compact thermal model of the IGBT is...
Anisotropic optical properties of few-layer black phosphorus coatings: from fundamental insights to opto-electrochemical sensor design
PublikacjaFew-layer black phosphorus (FLBP) is characterised by a tuneable bandgap, high carrier mobility and anisotropic optical properties. It therefore has the potential to find applications in electronics and photonics. FLBP oxidizes upon exposure to air, limiting its utility in devices and components. To address this issue, the thesis introduces methods and tools developed for studying FLBP's optical parameters, with a particular emphasis...
Paweł Czarnul dr hab. inż.
OsobyPaweł Czarnul uzyskał stopień doktora habilitowanego w dziedzinie nauk technicznych w dyscyplinie informatyka w roku 2015 zaś stopień doktora nauk technicznych w zakresie informatyki(z wyróżnieniem) nadany przez Radę Wydziału Elektroniki, Telekomunikacji i Informatyki Politechniki Gdańskiej w roku 2003. Dziedziny jego zainteresowań obejmują: przetwarzanie równoległei rozproszone w tym programowanie równoległe na klastrach obliczeniowych,...
Effect of buffer layers on performance of organic photovoltaic devices based on copper phthalocyanine-perylene dye heterojunction
PublikacjaPraca przedstawia wyniki badań układu fotowoltaicznego złożonego z cienkich warstw organicznych tworzących złącze (CuPc i MePTCDI), elektrod (ITO i Ag) oraz z warstw buforowych (MoO3 przy ITO i BCP przy Ag).
Comparative analysis of switched reluctance motor control algorithms
PublikacjaПредмет исследования. Развитие микропроцессорной техники и силовой электроники позволило создавать недорогие и эффективные системы управления различными электромеханическими объектами, которые ранее широко не использовались из-за сложности управления. К таким устройствам можно отнести вентильно-индукторные электрические машины. Данные машины широко применяются в различных практических разработках, например, в тяговом электроприводе,...
Ryszard Jan Barczyński dr hab. inż.
OsobyRyszard Jan Barczyński (ur. 24 czerwca 1957 roku w Gdańsku), polski naukowiec, inżynier, specjalista z dziedziny fizyki ciała stałego i elektronicznych technik pomiarowych. W 1976 roku uzyskał maturę w IV Liceum Ogólnokształcącym im. Tadeusza Kościuszki w Toruniu. Studia wyższe ukończył w 1981 roku w Instytucie Fizyki Politechniki Gdańskiej w specjalności fizyki ciała stałego, uzyskując tytuł zawodowy magistra inżyniera. Od 1981...
Raman Scattering versus Strain Engineering in Phosphorene Nanostructures: An Ab Initio Studies
PublikacjaThe one-dimensional nanoribbons made from phosphorene are novel structures with great applicability potential in material science. The significant carrier mobility combined with intrinsic semiconductor properties makes them ideal for application in electronics, and they are excellent candidates for sensing material. The lack of a well–established multiscale modelling strategy for phosphorene nano optoelectronic devices is one of...
Medium-Voltage Drives: Challenges and existing technology
PublikacjaThe article presents an overview of state-of-art solutions, advances, and design and research trends in medium-voltage (MV) drive technologies - and also discusses the challenges and requirements associated with the use of such drives. The choice and deployment of MV drives in industries are associated with numerous requirements related to the front-end converter (grid side) and inverter (machine side). The focus is on solutions...
Biomedical Engineering at Gdansk University of Technology
PublikacjaShort history of education in Biomedical Engineering at Gdansk University of Technology is presented. The last initiative- implementation of the new programme, Biomedical Engineering - an interfaculty direction of study, supported by a grantfinanced by the European Social Fund is presented. Curricula of four specializations: Chemistry in Medicine, run by the Facultyof Chemistry; Electronics in Medicine and Informatics in Medicine,...
Modern power-electronics installations in the Polish electrical power network
PublikacjaThe paper discusses the most important areas of application of power electronics arrangements in the Polish electrical power system; especially in the distribution system. The examples presented demonstrate both the need for and the purpose of further research and its applications in these fields, as well as indicating the direction of future research, with special consideration given to the research required in Poland. The proposed...
System of protection against electric shock for circuits with power electronics converters
PublikacjaModern low voltage circuits are very often equipped with power electronics converters, therefore in these circuits non-sinusoidal earth currents (touch currents) may occur. For non-sinusoidal currents safety criteria should be modified. This paper presents these modified criteria and a computer system of protection against electric shock which can be implemented in circuits with power electronics converters. The system is based...
PublikacjaThermal management of electronics semiconductor technologies that are located i.e. in a novel marine power plants or computer server rooms become very important issue for designers of such systems. Motivation and need for research in development of novel cooling strategies for modern electronics is of paramount importance. Heat exchangers filled by the porous material are a novel research topic in current heat pipe science. The...
A Successful ISIE 2011
PublikacjaW artykule przedstawiono przebieg międzynarodowej konferencji "20th IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics", zorganizowanej przez Wydział Elektrotechniki i Automatyki PG pod patronatem IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IES) w dniach 27-30.06.2011 r. W konferencji uczestniczyło ok. 380 uczestników, w tym ponad 80% z zagranicy. W artykule sprawozdano wygłoszone seminaria dydaktyczne, referaty plenarne i najlepsze...
Energy Router: A Sustainable Solution for Future Residential Buildings
PublikacjaElectric energy consumption is increasing much faster than the predicted growth in energy generation. Although the installed capacity of renewable energy sources is also expanding, grid congestion remains unavoidable without adopting smart energy management systems (EMS) and flexible power electronics structures. Given the significant installed capacity of photovoltaic (PV) systems in the residential sector, moving towards zero-emission...
Silicon carbide application issues
PublikacjaThe main goals of Task 3 and Task 4 of the ordered project ''New technologies based on silicon carbide and their application in HF, high power and high temperature electronics'' are presented
Code development of a DSP-FPGA based control platform for power electronics applications
PublikacjaThis paper focuses on the implementation of power electronics algorithms in control platforms based on DSP-FPGA. Today’s power electronics technology demands high power computation with high speed interfacing at the same time. The most popular configuration is a DSP for the former and a FPGA for the latter. The main goal of this work was to develop a generic control system for power electronics application, but it is explained...
Multidimensional Monitoring System of State Machines
PublikacjaTechnical systems are more complex every day as their electronics and mechanics. Technical advances tend to be autonomous in its performance and perform an auto-diagnosis that allows determining an abnormality existence in a component or subsystem and deciding if the system has to be stopped or not.
“Space & Satellite Technologies" intercollegiate master-degree courses of study in Tri-City (Poland)
PublikacjaSince summer semester of the academic year 2016/2017, two faculties of Gdansk University of Technology GUT (Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Informatics) together with the Gdynia Maritime University (Faculty of Electronics) and the Polish Naval Academy in Gdynia (Faculty of Command and Naval Operations) have opened intercollegiate master -...
Installation of Compensators in the Power System Transmission Grid
PublikacjaThe article discusses issues of reactive power compensation in transmission grids, with particular focus on the selection of compensator locations and basic parameters. Attention was focused on modern power electronics systems that ensure full automatic compensator adjustment to voltage or power criteria.
Digital signal processing applied to the modernization of Polish Navy sonars
PublikacjaThe article presents the equipment and digital signal processing methods used for modernizing the Polish Navy’s sonars. With the rapid advancement of electronic technologies and digital signal processing methods, electronic systems, including sonars, become obsolete very quickly. In the late 1990s a team of researchers of the Department of Marine Electronics Systems, Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Informatics, Gdansk...
Shrinking-shifting and amplifying-shifting device using transformation optics
PublikacjaBased on transformation optics (TO), this paper uses geometric divisions and linear coordinate transformations to design “shrinking-shifting—and reshaping”, and “amplifying-shifting—and reshaping” devices. The proposed devices can reshape the sizes and locations of the wrapped-objects inside the core-region. The shrinking-shifting device shrinks the larger object into a smaller one and shifts it to different location, whereas the...
Active Power Quality Controllers
PublikacjaDynamic Static Synchronous Compensator is the most important controller for distribution networks and probably in SEEN. It has been widely used since the 1990s to regulate system voltage precisely, improve voltage profile, reduce voltage harmonics, reduce transient voltage disturbances and load compensation. Rather than using conventional capacitors and inductors combined with fast switches, the D-STATCOM uses a power-electronics...
Stabalization of solar-panel energy system for Pakistani household
PublikacjaRenewable energy resources such as Sun and wind are getting popular and easier to use day by day. It is a better method to fulfill our demands as sun is a continuous source of energy for Earth. Many countries are fulfilling their demands by Solar Panels. Solar panel is used as a converter between sunlight and electrical energy. This research paper is going to tell that how to obtain electrical energy from sunlight more efficiently...
Comparative Evaluation of Dual-Purpose Converters Suitable for Application in DC and AC Grids
PublikacjaThis article presents a comparative evaluation of several topological solutions to the universal power electronics interface for the dc or single-phase ac grids using the same terminals. The idea of a dual-purpose approach lies in the utilization of the same semiconductors in the dc–dc and the dc–ac configuration, resulting in minimal redundancy. Particular focus is on the power density improvement and control. Out of the three...
LTE and NB-IoT Performance Estimation Based on Indicators Measured by the Radio Module
PublikacjaMonitoring the operating parameters of power grids is extremely important for their proper functioning as well as for ensuring the security of the entire infrastructure. As the idea of the Internet of Things becomes more ubiquitous, there are tools for monitoring the state of the complex electrical grid and means to control it. There are also developed new measuring devices and transmission technologies allowing for the transfer...
Interconnection of the Customer-Side Resources Using Single Phase VAPF
PublikacjaThe paper introduces method for utilization of the customer-side generated energy using single phase voltage active power filter. Structure and control method of the power electronics converter has been described and some simulation results are shown to prove usefulness of this arrangements. Proposed application realizes the following functions: power quality improvement, uninterruptible supplying and energy costs reduction.
Beeswax And Palmitic Acid Utilization With Heat Pipes For Electronics Cooling
PublikacjaThis paper presents an experimental study of heat pipes supported by phase change materials (PCMs) coated at their adiabatic sections in application for electronics cooling. The PCMs investigated in this research were palmitic acid and beeswax, the latter being considered as a more cost-effective alternative. The study focused on three powers: 20W, 25W, and 30W. The experimental results revealed that the incorporation of palmitic...
PublikacjaAccurate control of cooling parameters is required in ever wider range of technical applications. It is known that reducing the flow hydraulic diameter to an increase in the economy of cooling and improves its quality (Mikielewicz and Muszyński 2009). Present study describes research results related to the design and construction of the test stand for hybrid microjet- microchannel cooling modules study, which may be applied in...
Optimization-based antenna miniaturization using adaptively-adjusted penalty factors
PublikacjaThe continuing trend for miniaturization of electronic devices necessitates size reduction of the comprising components and circuitry. Specifically, integrated circuit-antenna modules therein require compact radiators in applications such as 5G communications, implantable and on-body devices, or internet of things (IoT). The conflict between the demands for compact size and elec-trical and field performance can be mitigated by...
Dedicated power supply subsystem for ultra-low noise preamplifiers
PublikacjaIn field of electronics there is need for low-noise amplifiers. Noise have the most important influence on analog circuits. Therefore exist necessity to develop new ultra-low noise power supplies, which can cooperate with specified amplifiers and preamplifiers. It is very common that professional power supplies are very expensive and still have disadvantages. This paper proposes simple and inexpensive solution, which fulfill specific...
Katedra Systemów Multimedialnych
PublikacjaThe article provides a historical overview, discuss the issues of teaching and research, and presents the current offer of the Department to industry. This article was written on the occasion of the 60th anniversary of the Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunication and Informatics of Gdansk University of Technology. W artykule zamieszczono rys historyczny, omówienie programu dydaktycznego i tematyki badań naukowych oraz aktualną...
Static Series and Shunt-series PE Voltage-quality Controllers
PublikacjaAs presented in the Chap. 7 static shunt power electronics (PE) voltage-quality controllers protect the utility electrical system from the unfavorable impact of customer loads. Shunt controllers, as shown in Chap. 6, are recommended mainly for mitigation of the causes of disturbances, and not their effects in distanced nodes of a power-electronics system. In the case when reduction of disturbances effects is required, which leads...
Analysis of noise properties of the optocoupler device
PublikacjaIn the paper the localization of a source of Random Telegraph Signal noise (RTS noise) in optocoupler devices type CNY 17 were defined. The equivalent noise circuit in low frequency noise for these type optocouplers was proposed.
Warstwy funkcjonalne tlenkowych ogniw paliwowych
PublikacjaIn this paper, results describing current research on solid oxide fuel cells conducted at Gdańsk University of Technology, Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Informatics are presented. The results are related to three kinds of functional layers: a thin cathode layer between the porous cathode layer and the electrolyte to improve the cathode performance, a buffer layer between the electrolyte and the cathode to slow...
Prototype and design of six axis robotic manipulator
PublikacjaThe paper presents a design of six axis manipulator. The design consists of specially designed solutions for housing, planetary gearboxes and electronics. The manipulator is controlled by a supervisory control system. The use of a series of measuring elements allows to track the current position of each axis and use this to create a cascade control loop with velocity and acceleration feed-forward. The implemented control algorithm...
Tuning the Laser-Induced Processing of 3D Porous Graphenic Nanostructures by Boron-Doped Diamond Particles for Flexible Microsupercapacitors
PublikacjaCarbon (sp3)-on-carbon (sp2) materials have the potential to revolutionize fields such as energy storage and microelectronics. However, the rational engineering and printing of carbon-on-carbon materials on flexible substrates remains a challenge in wearable electronics technology. This study demon-strates the scalable fabrication of flexible laser-induced graphene (LIG)-boron doped diamond nanowall (BDNW) hybrid nanostructures...
Buzz-based honeybee colony fingerprint
PublikacjaNon-intrusive remote monitoring has its applications in a variety of areas. For industrial surveillance case, devices are capable of detecting anomalies that may threaten machine operation. Similarly, agricultural monitoring devices are used to supervise livestock or provide higher yields. Modern IoT devices are often coupled with Machine Learning models, which provide valuable insights into device operation. However, the data...
Numerical investigations of the engine cooling system in a small power vesel pod propulsion system
PublikacjaThe development of electronics and electrotechnology enabled to put electric motors of the alternating current in the pod and to use them for the main drive of ships. A lot of heat which must be picked up from the system is a problem which is turning up at applying the system of this type. Many big ships lately contended with these problems. Building the small propeller for the boat powered with solar power we decided to check...
Launch of the Immersive 3D Visualization Laboratory
PublikacjaThe paper presents the concept of Immersive 3D Visualization Laboratory, formed at the Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Informatics at Gdańsk University of Technology under the project Gdańsk University of Technology's Modern auditoriums. The basic unit of this laboratory will be cubic CAVE (Cave Automatic Virtual Environment) enriched with spherical walk simulator. This device will allow the user unlimited walking,...
Using Wearable Electronics to Estimate Usefulness of Heart Rate Variability for Bathing Person Identif Cation
PublikacjaIn this paper the possibility of person identification based on biosignal is investigated. The work focus on the analysis of the changes in intervals between successive R-waves of electrocardiogram (ECG) recorded by wearable electronics in form of a necklaces. The main idea behind this project is to find efficient tool which may prevent sudden consciousness loss episodes or even sudden death episodes related to rapid temperature...
AEGIS – Mobile Device for Generating Electromagnetic Curtain for Special Applications and Countering the Threats of RCIED
PublikacjaIn the article the assumptions, design and realization of the technological demonstrator of a mobile device for generating an electromagnetic curtain (with a cryptonym AEGIS) were presented, both in the area of hardware and software. The device is designed to block the radio communication systems by which it is possible to detonate the Radio Controlled Improvised Explosive Devices (RCIEDs). The preliminary laboratory tests of the...
The project of pull system for storehouse and production line in a company provides electronics
PublikacjaThe chapter below presents how to reduced delivery of the material to production by using a "Kanban schedule board" and related tools from 48 hours and 59 minutes to 41 minutes in a company provides electronics. The solution was found through analysis of the current way of supplying stands and using Just In Time idea, the reduction of ''muda''. To solve the problem was used Kanban card", which has the shape of two triangles joined...
OSC - domain oriented ontology creation system
PublikacjaOntologies are, as part of semantic web, a basic component to enrich content available in the Internet with a meaning understandable for computers. In this publication an architecture and functionality of a domain oriented web portal for collaborative creation and storage of ontologies is presented. The system is being created by Gdańsk University of Technology Electronics, Telecommunications and Informatics faculty's Department...