Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: ENERGY SURFACES
Individual approach to road surfaces in design and build delivery system
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Quality Evaluation of 3D Printed Surfaces Based on HOG Features
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Fabrication of Antibacterial Metal Surfaces Using Magnetron-Sputtering Method
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Measurements of head surfaces of endoprostheses = Pomiary powierzchni głów endoprotez
PublikacjaW niniejszej pracy rozpatrywane są połowicze i całkowite endoprotezy. Rezultaty badań koncentrują się na wynikach pomiarów chropowatości powierzchni głów połowiczych i całkowitych endoprotez stawu biodrowego. Pomiary dokonane zostały dla połowiczych endoprotez z głową przyspawaną do trzpienia oraz endoprotez Frankobala z dwuczęściową głową osadzoną na sworzniu. Pomiary powierzchni dla próbek powierzchni głowy, całkowitej i połowiczej...
Investigation on the edge forces in ball end milling of inclined surfaces
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Technological and tribological aspects of milling-burnishing process of complex surfaces
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Simulation of induction hardening of flat surfaces of moving massive elements
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Effect of waviness and roughness components on transverse profiles of turned surfaces
PublikacjaThis paper presents the authors method of simultaneous analysis of roughness and waviness irregularity components, with the aim of better defining the key qualities and characteristics.Periodical surface machining traces may be analyzed spectrally, with the irregularity's peaks and troughs being used to define the wave's amplitude.In this work the standard composition for filtering waviness and roughness components of a surface...
Stereometry of turned surfaces in a frequency-domain formulation of profile irregularities
PublikacjaPrzedstawiono częstotliwościowe składowe nierówności powierzchni toczonych. Ponieważ nierówności mają charakter szerokopasmowy, trudny do wartościowania parametrami normatywnymi, zastosowano ich analizę amplitudowo-częstotliwościową, opartą na szybkiej transformacie Fouriera. Przedstawiono kształtowanie nierówności wzdłużnych dla toczenia. Zaproponowano oryginalny układ pomiaru sygnału przemieszczeń narzędzia względem przedmiotu...
Emulsion cleaning of metal surfaces contaminated with fresh and oxidizedprinting ink
PublikacjaWykonano badania usuwania farby drukarskiej, stosowanej do druku offsetowego, za pomocą emulsji terpentyny i hexanu w wodzie. Wyznaczono kinetykę procesu i wytypowano najkorzystniejszy skład emulsji.
A non-adiabatic wavepacket dynamical study of the low energy chargetransfer process in the S3+ + H collision
PublikacjaThe collisional system S3+ + H?S2+ + H+ has been studied using a time-dependent wavepacket methodologyin two-dimensions. Using available potential energy surfaces and coupling matrix elementsobtained from multireference ab initio calculations, five non-adiabatically coupled electronic states of1P symmetry have been included in the dynamical simulations. The collision has been studied in thelow energy regime of 1-10 eV. The wavepacket...
ROSANNE Project: New Procedure for Noise Characterisation of Road Surfaces in Europe
PublikacjaROSANNE is a collaborative project in the 7th EU Framework Programme which aims at harmonising measurement methods for skid resistance, noise emission and rolling resistance of road pavements as a preparation for standardization. The project started in November 2013 and is developing and improving standards in the field of working group CEN/TC 227/WG 5. Regarding the influence of the pavement on the road traffic noise emission,...
Acoustic evaluation of road surfaces using different Close Proximity testing devices
PublikacjaAccording to the valid standard, Close Proximity (CPX) method intends to evaluate the influence of road surfaces on traffic noise. Measurements may be carried out with the use of a self-powered vehicle or a special test trailer equipped with testing tyre towed by another vehicle. Two different testing devices took part in the research organized in Poland in order to determine the ranking of road surfaces in terms of acoustic parameters....
The use of lightweight aggregate saturated with PCM as a temperature stabilizing material for road surfaces.
PublikacjaThis paper presents the possibility of adding lightweight building aggregates to increase the stability – mechanical as well as thermal - of constructions and road objects. This stability can be achieved through saturating the porous granules of aggregate with a phase-change material (PCM) that allows the accumulation of solar heat. Intense solar radiation, especially during the summer, can cause the asphalt on road surfaces, bridges...
Structures for parameterization, meshing and data exchange of topologically related surfaces of a ship hull
PublikacjaThis paper presents proposal of data structures for storage and processing of a parametric three-dimensional model of a midship hull sections. The model consists of coarse surfaces like: decks, frames, girders, stiffeners, brackets, partitions etc. bounded by topological relations. All workshop details are omitted as the model is intended for numeric calculations. Proposed data structures are prepared to facilitate changes in the...
Scheduling for Industrial Control Traffic Using Massive MIMO and Large Intelligent Surfaces
PublikacjaIndustry 4.0, with its focus on flexibility and customizability, is pushing in the direction of wireless communication in future smart factories, in particular massive multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO), and its future evolution Large Intelligent Surfaces (LIS), which provide more reliable channel quality than previous technologies. As such, there arises the need to perform efficient scheduling of industrial control traffic...
Patterned hydrophobic and hydrophilic surfaces of ultra-smooth nanocrystalline diamond layers
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Evaluation of laser texturing in fabricating cut-resistant surfaces for protective gloves
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Application of acoustic emission metod for measurement of joint gap and cartilage surfaces
PublikacjaW artykule przedstawiono zastosowanie emisji akustycznej do lokalizacji wczesnych uszkodzeń stawu biodrowego lub kolanowego człowieka. Ponadto metoda ta służy do pomiaru wysokości szczeliny stawu oraz struktury geometrycznej powierzchni chrząstki stawowej. Jest to metoda nieinwazyjna. Pomiary metodą emisji akustycznej stosujemy na ogół w materiałach, w których energia sprężysta zmienia się nagle. Takie zmiany energii mogą być...
Cutting Forces and Vibrations During Ball End Milling of Inclined Surfaces
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Modeling of cutter displacements during ball end milling of inclined surfaces
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Phonons of (100) and (110) iron surfaces from first-principles calculations
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The effect of laser on metal surfaces for multidisciplinary usage in material and thermal engineering
PublikacjaThe subject of heat transfer and cooling systems is still a matter of contention in many different fields of science and industry. Infrigidation is much more difficult than warming, and so, much more needed in more and more different devices, starting from massive industrial machinery and air conditioning in commercial buildings, up to micro and nano-surgery tools. In fact, the size of many cooling systems is still a problem. It...
Tire/Road Noise On Poroelastic Road Surfaces - Results Of Laboratory Measurements
PublikacjaTire/road noise is the most important part of traffic noise for medium and high speed driving both in the case of passenger cars and trucks. The potential to make modification of tires that significantly reduce tire/road noise in nearly over, at least for conventional tires so the only promising action is to improve road pavements. One of the innovative solutions is poroelastic road pavement (PERS) that reduces airflow related...
Nanotubular Oxide Layer Formed on Helix Surfaces of Dental Screw Implants
PublikacjaSurface modification is used to extend the life of implants. To increase the corrosion resistance and improve the biocompatibility of metal implant materials, oxidation of the Ti-13Nb- 13Zr titanium alloy was used. The samples used for the research had the shape of a helix with a metric thread, with their geometry imitating a dental implant. The oxide layer was produced by a standard electrochemical method in an environment of...
Influence of surfactants on interaction forces between polyethylene surfaces in a hydrocarbon solvent.
PublikacjaPrzeprowadzono bezpośrednie pomiary oddziaływań międzyfazowych pomiędzy cząstkami polietylenowymi w środowisku n-tetradekanu z dodatkiem surfaktantów(kwasu larynowego i dodecyloaminy). Dodatek surfaktantów wpłynął na wzrost oddziaływań odpychających pomiędzy powierzchniami polietylenowymi, szczególnie w przypadku dodecyloaminy. Zaobserwowano obecność wzrostu sferycznych sił odpychających ze wzrostem temperatury.
Emulsion cleaning of metal surfaces contaminated with fresh and oxidized printing ink.
PublikacjaWykonano badania usuwania farby drukarskiej, stosowanej do druku offsetowego za pomocą emulsji terpentyny i hexanu w wodzie.
Interaction of 4-nitrothiophenol with low energy electrons: Implications for plasmon mediated reactions
PublikacjaThe reduction of 4-nitrothiophenol (NTP) to 4-4′-dimercaptoazobenzene (DMAB) on laser illuminated noble metal nanoparticles is one of the most widely studied plasmon mediated reactions. The reaction is most likely triggered by a transfer of low energy electrons from the nanoparticle to the adsorbed molecules. Besides the formation of DMAB, dissociative side reactions of NTP have also been observed. Here, we present a crossed electron-molecular...
Evaluation of high-frequency roughness measurement errors for composite and ceramic surfaces after machining
PublikacjaPrecise characterisation of surface topography is of the greatest importance since many factors directly affect the accuracy of the whole measurement process. In this paper, the variety of surface topographies from machined composite and ceramic workpieces was studied with a special emphasis on the measurement results. Surfaces were subjected to the ground diamond, honing and milling processes. Measurement results were analysed...
PublikacjaNowadays, fossil fuels are the main sources of energy from which electricity is obtained. But these sources will not last forever, so in due course renewable energies will have to replace them in this role. One of these new sources is solar energy. To generate electricity from sunlight, solar (photovoltaic - PV) cells and modules are used. The increasing interest in PV cells and modules worldwide is due mainly to the fact that...
Thermal stabilization and permanent deformation resistance of LWA/PCM-modified asphalt road surfaces
PublikacjaThis paper presents the results of attempts at reducing the problem of solar overheating of asphalt road pavement surfaces, resulting in weakening and accelerated destruction of the aforementioned structures. To protect pavement surfaces against periodic overheating, standard asphalt mixture AC 16 W 35/50, used for binder course, has been modified by replacing one of the aggregate fractions from the mineral mixture with lightweight...
On the origin of surfaces-dependent growth of benzoic acid crystal inferred through the droplet evaporation method
PublikacjaCrystal growth behavior of benzoic acid crystals on different surfaces was examined. The performed experiments documented the existence of very strong influence introduced by polar surfaces as glass, gelatin, and polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) on the growth of benzoic acid crystals. These surfaces impose strong orientation effect resulting in a dramatic reduction of number of faces seen with x-ray powder diffractions (XPRD). However,...
On the origin of surfaces-dependent growth of benzoic acid crystal inferred through the droplet evaporation method
PublikacjaCrystal growth behavior of benzoic acid crystals on different surfaces was examined. The performed experiments documented the existence of very strong influence introduced by polar surfaces as glass, gelatin, and polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) on the growth of benzoic acid crystals. These surfaces impose strong orientation effect resulting in a dramatic reduction of number of faces seen with x-ray powder diffractions (XPRD). However,...
On the origin of surfaces-dependent growth of benzoic acid crystal inferred through the droplet evaporation method
PublikacjaCrystal growth behavior of benzoic acid crystals on different surfaces was examined. The performed experiments documented the existence of very strong influence introduced by polar surfaces as glass, gelatin, and polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) on the growth of benzoic acid crystals. These surfaces impose strong orientation effect resulting in a dramatic reduction of number of faces seen with x-ray powder diffractions (XPRD). However,...
Dariusz Mikielewicz prof. dr hab. inż.
OsobyDariusz Mikielewicz – urodził się 6 lutego 1967 roku w Gdańsku, w 1985r. zdał pomyślnie egzaminy wstępne na Wydział Budowy Maszyn Politechniki Gdańskiej, który ukończył z wynikiem bardzo dobrym w 1990 roku na specjalności Maszyny i Urządzenia Energetyczne. Zainteresowania pracą naukową skłoniły go do podjęcia badań na University of Manchester na wydziale mechanicznym i energetyki jądrowej (Mechanical and Nuclear Engineering Department)...
Color Independent Quality Assessment of 3D Printed Surfaces Based on Image Entropy
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Improved quality assessment of colour surfaces for additive manufacturing based on image entropy
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Understanding Pattern Formation in 2D Metal–Organic Coordination Systems on Solid Surfaces
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Experimental measurements of artificial hip joint surfaces and applications for the preassure and capacity distributions
PublikacjaZe względu na wzrastającą potrzebę wszczepiania człowiekowi endoprotez stawu biodrowego, niniejsza praca przedstawia badania geometrycznej struktury ich powierzchni, które mają znaczący wpływ na proces smarowania, eksploatacji oraz funkcjonowanie narządów ruchu.
Coplanar Waveguide Fed Ultra-Wideband Antenna Over the Planar and Cylindrical Surfaces
PublikacjaThe investigation of coplanar waveguide fed ultra-wideband antenna and the influence of the proximity of different materials on the reflection coefficients and radiation character-istics is presented. The antenna is composed of two circular coplanar strips which enclose slot aperture of similar shape and is designed on a thin and flexible substrate. From the modeling and experimental tests the antenna shows good performance in...
PublikacjaThe investigation of finite ground coplanar fed ultra-wideband (UWB) antenna and the influence of its curvature and the proximity of circular metallic screen on the reflection coefficients and radiation characteristics is presented. The antenna is composed of two circular coplanar strips which enclose slot aperture of similar shape and is designed on a thin and flexible substrate which allows its bending. The antenna configuration...
Tests for lapping of flat surfaces of ceramic elements with forced dosing of abrasive slurry
PublikacjaPrzedstawiono zagadnienia dotyczące systemu wymuszonego dawkowania zawiesiny ściernej w docieraniu jednotarczowym powierzchni płaskich. Opisano zalety takiego systemu dozowania płynnej zawiesiny ściernej. Omówiono wybrane wyniki badań docierania elementów z ceramiki technicznej. Analizowano wpływ podstawowych warunków dawkowania zawiesiny na ubytek liniowy próbek.
Cavitation erosion of some alloys manufactured on steel and iron surfaces by laser beam.
PublikacjaPrzedstawiono badania odporności kawitacyjnej stali węglowej 45 odpornej na korozję 2H13 i technicznego żelaza po ich obróbce laserowej. Warstwę wierzchnią wybranych stali wzbogacono w różne pierwiastki stopowe i badano odporność kawitacyjną na stanowisku z wirującą tarczą. Stwierdzono niską odporność kawitacyjną dla warstw o obniżonej zdolności do utwardzania pod wpływem obciążeń kawitacyjnych oraz silną zależność odporności...
The effect of plate size on the natural convective heat transfer intensity of horizontal surfaces
PublikacjaW pracy przedstawiono badania wpływu rozmiarów płyty prostokątnej poziomej na intensywność wymiany ciepła w warunkach konwekcji swobodnej. Zaproponowano dwa zakresy: dla płyt o wymiarze charakterystycznym mniejszym niż 0,1 m - 0,2 m intensywność konwekcyjnej wymiany ciepła jest odwrotnie proporcjonalna do szerokości płyty, dla płyt szerszych niż 0,2 m szerokość płyty nie wpływa znacząco na współczynnik konwekcyjnej wymiany ciepła....
Strain energy density and entire fracture surface parameters relationship for LCF life prediction of additively manufactured 18Ni300 steel
PublikacjaIn this study, the connection between total strain energy density and fracture surface topography is investigated in additively manufactured maraging steel exposed to low-cycle fatigue loading. The specimens were fabricated using laser beam powder bed fusion (LB-PBF) and examined under fully-reversed strain-controlled setup at strain amplitudes scale from 0.3% to 1.0%. The post-mortem fracture surfaces were explored using a non-contact...
Crack Detection in Metallic Surfaces Based on Dumbbell-Shaped Defected Ground Structures in Microstrip Technology
PublikacjaIn this paper, a novel crack detection sensor using a microstrip loaded with a Dumbbell-Shaped Defected Ground Structure (DS-DGS) is proposed. The sensing element is etched in the ground plane of a microstrip line and it is easy to fabricate. The electromagnetic (EM) field of the microstrip couples to the DS-DGS, thus demonstrating a bandstop behavior. It is shown that in the presence of a crack in a metallic surface underneath the...
Estimation and Prediction of Vertical Deformations of Random Surfaces, Applying the Total Least Squares Collocation Method
PublikacjaThis paper proposes a method for determining the vertical deformations treated as random fields. It is assumed that the monitored surfaces are subject not only to deterministic deformations, but also to random fluctuations. Furthermore, the existence of random noise coming from surface’s vibrations is also assumed. Such noise disturbs the deformation’s functional models. Surface monitoring with the use of the geodetic levelling...
Structure and electrochemical reactivity of new sulphur–silicon podands adsorbed on silver or gold surfaces
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Chitosan/phospholipid coated polyethylene terephthalate (PET) polymer surfaces activated by air plasma
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Fast quality assessment of 3D printed surfaces based on structural similarity of image regions