Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: ESTIMATION METHODS
Mathematical modelling of implant in an operated hernia for estimation of the repair persistence
PublikacjaThis paper presents mathematical modelling of an implanted surgical mesh used in the repair process of the abdominal hernia. The synthetic implant is simulated by a membrane structure. The author provides a material modelling of the implant based on the dense net model appropriate for technical fabrics. The accuracy of the proposed solution is evaluated by comparing the simulations of the dynamic behaviour of the system with the...
PublikacjaLand surface temperature (LST) plays an important role in many land-surface processes on regional as well on global scales. It is also a good indicator of energy flux phenomena and is used as a parameter in various Earth observation related studies. However, LST estimation based on processing and utilisation of satellite derived data constitutes several problems in terms of time limitations, accessibility, atmospheric influence...
An Estimation of the Efficiency of Public Research Institutes in Poland – DEA Approach
PublikacjaObjective: The purpose of this paper is to measure and assess the efficiency of research institutes in Poland. The institutes operate on the basis of various legal frameworks, but they serve a common purpose and have a joint area of activity, research and development.Research Design & Methods: We used the SBM model, a component of the non-parametric Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) methodology, to analyse the efficiency...
On DoA estimation for rotating arrays using stochastic maximum likelihood approach
PublikacjaThe flexibility needed to construct DoA estimators that can be used with rotating arrays subject to rapid variations of the signal frequency is offered by the stochastic maximum likelihood approach. Using a combination of analytic methods and Monte Carlo simulations, we show that for low and moderate source correlations the stochastic maximum likelihood estimator that assumes noncorrelated sources has accuracy comparable to the...
Two-Stage Identification of Locally Stationary Autoregressive Processes and its Application to the Parametric Spectrum Estimation
PublikacjaThe problem of identification of a nonstationary autoregressive process with unknown, and possibly time-varying, rate of parameter changes, is considered and solved using the parallel estimation approach. The proposed two-stage estimation scheme, which combines the local estimation approach with the basis function one, offers both quantitative and qualitative improvements compared with the currently used single-stage methods.
Using Disparity Map for Moving Object Position Estimation in Pan Tilt Camera Images
PublikacjaIn this paper we present the algorithm for rapid moving object position estimation in an images acquired from pan tilt camera. Detection of a moving object in a image acquired from a moving camera might be quite challenging. Standard methods that relay on analyzing two consecutive frames are not applicable due to the changing background. To overtake this problem we decided to evaluate the possibility of calculating a disparity...
Estimation of Vehicle Energy Consumption at Intersections Using Microscopic Traffic Models
PublikacjaThis paper addresses issues related to modeling energy consumption and emissions using microscopic traffic simulations. This paper develops a method in which a traffic model is used to calculate the energy needed to travel through selected types of intersections. This paper focuses on energy consumption and derived values of calculated energy, which can be, for example, carbon dioxide emissions. The authors present a review of...
Erroneous Vehicle Velocity Estimation Correction Using Anisotropic Magnetoresistive (AMR) Sensors
PublikacjaMagnetic field sensors installed in the road infrastructure can be used for autonomous traffic flow parametrization. Although the main goal of such a measuring system is the recognition of the class of vehicle and classification, velocity is the essential parameter for further calculation and it must be estimated with high reliability. In-field test campaigns, during actual traffic conditions, showed that commonly accepted velocity...
PublikacjaThe article describes a comparison of two general methods of occupants safety estimation based on a numerical examples. The so-called direct method is mainly based on the Head Injury Criterion of a crash test dummy in a vehicle with passive safety system while the indirect method uses a European standards approach to estimate impact severity level. Numerical simulations in LS-DYNA have been conducted.
Detection and Direction-of-Arrival Estimation of Weak Spread Spectrum Signals Received with Antenna Array
PublikacjaThis paper presents a method for the joint detection and direction of arrival (DOA) estimation of low probability of detection (LPD) signals. The proposed approach is based on using the antenna array to receive spread-spectrum signals hidden below the noise floor. Array processing exploits the spatial correlation between phase-delayed copies of the signal and allows us to evaluate the parameter used to make the decision about the...
PublikacjaPorous structures made of metal or biopolymers with a structure similar in shape and mechanical properties to human bone can easily be produced by stereolithographic techniques, e.g. selective laser melting (SLM). Numerical methods, like Finite Element Method (FEM) have great potential in testing new scaffold designs, according to their mechanical properties before manufacturing, i.e. strength or stiffness. An example of such designs...
High-precision bearing estimation for active sonar with cylindrical array performed by interpolated array transformation
PublikacjaThe article presents a method for improving the accuracy of bearing in multibeam sonar with a cylindrical array. The antenna’s non-linear shape and the resulting non-uniform sampling of the signal in space, mean that known methods of high-resolution spectral analysis cannot be used. In order to apply an algorithm from this group, a linear virtual antenna must be produced. The paper presents a technique of mapping a cylindrical...
Estimation of Conservative Contaminant Travel Time through Vadose Zone Based on Transient and Steady Flow Approaches
PublikacjaEstimation of contaminant travel time through the vadose zone is needed for assessing groundwater vulnerability to pollution, planning monitoring and remediation activities or predicting the effect of land use change or climate change on groundwater quality. The travel time can be obtained from numerical simulations of transient flow and transport in the unsaturated soil profile, which typically require a large amount of data and...
Comparison of Average Energy Slope Estimation Formulas for One-dimensional Steady Gradually Varied Flow
PublikacjaTo find the steady flow water surface profile, it is possible to use Bernoulli’s equation, which is a discrete form of the differential energy equation. Such an approach requires the average energy slope between cross-sections to be estimated. In the literature, many methods are proposed for estimating the average energy slope in this case, such as the arithmetic mean, resulting in the standard step method, the harmonic mean and...
Novel Interpolation Method of Multi-DFT-Bins for Frequency Estimation of Signal with Parameter Step Change
PublikacjaThe IpDFT(Interpolation Discrete Fourier Trans-form) method is one of the most commonly used non-parametric methods. However, when a parameter (frequency, amplitude or phase) step changes in the DFT period, the DFT coefficients will be distorted seriously, resulting in the large estimation error of the IpDFT method. Hence, it is a key challenge to find an IpDFT method, which not only can eliminate the effect of the step-changed...
Estimation and Prediction of Vertical Deformations of Random Surfaces, Applying the Total Least Squares Collocation Method
PublikacjaThis paper proposes a method for determining the vertical deformations treated as random fields. It is assumed that the monitored surfaces are subject not only to deterministic deformations, but also to random fluctuations. Furthermore, the existence of random noise coming from surface’s vibrations is also assumed. Such noise disturbs the deformation’s functional models. Surface monitoring with the use of the geodetic levelling...
A Proposed Soft Computing Model for Ultimate Strength Estimation of FRP-Confined Concrete Cylinders
PublikacjaIn this paper, the feed-forward backpropagation neural network (FFBPNN) is used to propose a new formulation for predicting the compressive strength of fiber-reinforced polymer (FRP)-confined concrete cylinders. A set of experimental data has been considered in the analysis. The data include information about the dimensions of the concrete cylinders (diameter, length) and the total thickness of FRP layers, unconfined ultimate concrete...
Estimation of object size in the calibrated camera image = Estymacja rozmiaru obiektów w obrazach ze skalibrowanej kamery
PublikacjaIn the paper, a method of estimation of the physical sizes of the objects tracked by the camera is presented. First, the camera is calibrated, then the proposed algorithm is used to estimate the real width and height of the tracked moving objects. The results of size estimation are then used for classification of the moving objects. Two methods of camera calibration are compared, test results are presented and discussed. The proposed...
Atmospheric opacity estimation based on IWV derived from GNSS observations for VLBI applications
PublikacjaThermal emission of atmospheric water vapor has a great influence on the calibration of radio astronomical observations at millimeter wavelengths. The phenomenon of an atmospheric water vapor emits noise signal and attenuates astronomical emission. At 22 GHz, integrated water vapor (IWV) obtained from global navigation satellite systems (GNSS) is strictly related to atmospheric opacity (τ0), which is a crucial parameter for data...
A framework for accelerated optimization of antennas using design database and initial parameter set estimation
PublikacjaThe purpose of this paper is to exploit a database of pre-existing designs to accelerate parametric optimization of antenna structures is investigated. Design/methodology/approach The usefulness of pre-existing designs for rapid design of antennas is investigated. The proposed approach exploits the database existing antenna base designs to determine a good starting point for structure optimization and its response sensitivities....
Improved RSS-Based DoA Estimation Accuracy in Low-Profile ESPAR Antenna Using SVM Approach
PublikacjaIn this paper, we have shown how the overall performance of direction-of-arrival (DoA) estimation using lowprofile electronically steerable parasitic array radiator (ESPAR) antenna, which has been proposed for Internet of Things (IoT) applications, can significantly be improved when support vector machine (SVM) approach is applied. Because the SVM-based DoA estimation method used herein relies solely on received signal strength...
Variable-fidelity response feature surrogates for accelerated statistical analysis and yield estimation of compact microwave components
PublikacjaAccounting for manufacturing tolerances is an essential part of a reliable microwave design process. Yet, quantification of geometry and/or material parameter uncertainties is challenging at the level of full-wave electromagnetic (EM) simulation models. This is due to inherently high cost of EM analysis and massive simulations necessary to conduct the statistical analysis. Here, a low-cost and accurate yield estimation procedure...
Accurate PPCC-Based DoA Estimation Using Multiple Calibration Planes for WSN Nodes Equipped with ESPAR Antennas
PublikacjaIn this paper, we have introduced a new direction-of-arrival (DoA) estimation method, which relies on received signal strength (RSS) values measured at the output port of electronically steerable parasitic array radiator (ESPAR) antenna and uses the power pattern cross-correlation (PPCC) estimator. In the method, we have successfully incorporated measurements of ESPAR antenna's radiation patterns performed at multiple calibration...
An adaptive-noise Augmented Kalman Filter approach for input-state estimation in structural dynamics
PublikacjaThe establishment of a Digital Twin of an operating engineered system can increase the potency of Structural Health Monitoring (SHM) tools, which are then bestowed with enhanced predictive capabilities. This is particularly relevant for wind energy infrastructures, where the definition of remaining useful life is a main driver for assessing the efficacy of these systems. In order to ensure a proper representation of the physical...
Improved RSS-Based DoA Estimation Accuracy in Low-Profile ESPAR Antenna Using SVM Approach
PublikacjaIn this paper, we have shown how the overall performance of direction-of-arrival (DoA) estimation using lowprofile electronically steerable parasitic array radiator (ESPAR) antenna, which has been proposed for Internet of Things (IoT) applications, can significantly be improved when support vector machine (SVM) approach is applied. Because the SVM-based DoA estimation method used herein relies solely...
Estimation of Failure Initiation in Laminated Composites by means of Nonlinear Six-Field Shell Theory and FEM
PublikacjaThe monography deals with the problem of failure initiation in thin laminated composites. Known techniques of laminate structures modelling are briefly characterised. Eventually, shell based approach is chosen for the purpose of the description of the composite structures behaviour, as it predicts their deformation and states of stress effectively in a global sense. The nonlinear six parameter shell theory (6p theory) with asymmetric...
Estimation of groundwater recharge in a shallow sandy aquifer using unsaturated zone modeling and water table fluctuation method
PublikacjaQuantification of groundwater recharge is one of the most important issues in hydrogeology, especially in view of the ongoing changes in climate and land use. In this study, we use numerical models of 1D vertical flow in the vadose zone and the water table fluctuation (WTF) analysis to investigate local-scale recharge of a shallow sandy aquifer in the Brda outwash plain in northern Poland. We show that these two methods can be...
A Set of Low-power Microcontroller-based Modules Used for Testing of Small Energy Measurement Methods
PublikacjaEstimation of energy consumption of low-power devices is not widely discussed in the scientific literature, but this topic is getting more and more popular. Evaluation process of newly developed methods and instrumentation requires carefull treatment. In order to fulfill this niche, the set of micro-power microcontroller based devices was proposed. The devices represent typical energy consuption profiles and allow experimental verification...
Genetic Determinants and Biofilm Properties Useful in Estimation of UTI Pathogenicity of the Escherichia coli Strains Isolated from Free-Living Birds
PublikacjaBackground/Objectives: According to the One Health concept, wild birds can be indicators of ecosystem pollution and disease incidence. Escherichia coli strains are widespread worldwide, but there are still few reports on the association of human infections with a potential reservoir of highly pathogenic human strains in wild birds. Fecal E. coli with uropathogenic potential (UPEC) can be transmitted between birds and humans and...
Rafał Łangowski dr inż.
OsobyDr inż. Rafał Łangowski jest absolwentem Wydziału Elektrotechniki i Automatyki Politechniki Gdańskiej (studia magisterskie ukończył z wyróżnieniem w 2003 roku). W roku 2015 uzyskał stopień doktora nauk technicznych w dyscyplinie automatyka i robotyka. Pracę doktorską pt. "Algorytmy alokacji punktów monitorowania jakości w systemach dystrybucji wody pitnej" obronił z wyróżnieniem na Wydziale Elektrotechniki i Automatyki. W latach...
A new method and equipment for the detection of presence and estimation of the content of the petroleum-based fraction in lubricating oils, especially those emitted to the atmosphere
PublikacjaLubricating oil, used in cutting equipment, works in the so-called open lubrication system and is entirely emitted to the environment. When such an oil contains even a small portion of the crude oil-derived fraction, which is still very common, the oil is a serious environmental pollution. In addition, the oil mist poses a serious threat to the health of employees. Current legal regulations require users of saws and harvesters...
Estimation of the smoothness of density
PublikacjaZdefiniowano parametr gładkości w klasach Biesowa. Skonstruowano estymator gładkości.
Review of Shoreline Extraction Methods from Aerial Laser Scanning
PublikacjaAutonomous technologies are increasingly used in various areas of science. The use of unmanned vehicles for hydrographic surveys in shallow coastal areas requires accurate estimation of shoreline position. This is a nontrivial task, which can be performed using a wide range of sensors and methods. The aim of the publication is to review shoreline extraction methods based solely on data from aerial laser scanning (ALS). This narrative...
Methods of trend removal in electrochemical noise data – overview
PublikacjaIn this paper we shall review popular methods of trend removal from electrochemical noise time records. The basic principles of operation of the six most popular methods are explained. The proposed methods are: high - pass filtering, Moving Average Removal, polynomial detrending, wavelet detrending, Empirical Mode Decomposition and Variational Mode Decomposition. Estimation of trend removal quality...
Computational methods for calculation of binding free energy for ligand-receptor complexes
PublikacjaAccurate description of the molecular complexes energetic influence is required for understanding of many biological functions carried out by proteins. Therefore, estimation of binding free energy for ligand-receptor complexes is of highest importance for structure-based ligand design and drug discovery approaches.Experimental methods of determination of difference in Gibbs'es free energy have many limitations. Thus, computational...
Piotr Paradowski dr
OsobyDr Piotr Paradowski's areas of expertise in quantitative social science methods include truncated and censored models, quantile regressions, survival analysis, panel data models, discrete regressions and qualitative choice models, instrumental variable estimation, and hierarchical modeling. He is also an expert in statistical matching and statistical methods to handle missing data. In addition, he conducts research on income and...
On practical problems in estimation of antioxidant activity of compounds by DPPH method (Problems in estimation of antioxidant activity)
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Lattice filter based autoregressive spectrum estimation with joint model order and estimation bandwidth adaptation
PublikacjaThe problem of parametric, autoregressive model based estimation of a time-varying spectral density function of a nonstationary process is considered. It is shown that estimation results can be considerably improved if identification of the autoregressive model is carried out using the two-sided doubly exponentially weighted lattice algorithm which combines results yielded by two one-sided lattice algorithms running forward in...
Grzegorz Lentka dr hab. inż.
OsobyGrzegorz Lentka uzyskał tytuł magistra inżyniera w roku 1996 na Wydziale Elektroniki, Telekomunikacji i Informatyki Politechniki Gdańskiej w zakresie systemów pomiarowych. Stopień doktora nauk technicznych uzyskał w roku 2003, a doktora habilitowanego w 2014. Obecnie zatrudniony jest w Katedrze Metrologii i Optoelektroniki na stanowisku profesora PG. W ramach prowadzonej dydaktyki zajmuje się zagadnieniami związanymi z interfejsami...
Lattice filter based multivariate autoregressive spectral estimation with joint model order and estimation bandwidth adaptation
PublikacjaThe problem of parametric, autoregressive model based estimation of a time-varying spectral density function of a multivariate nonstationary process is considered. It is shown that estimation results can be considerably improved if identification of the autoregressive model is carried out using the two-sided doubly exponentially weighted lattice algorithm which combines results yielded by two one-sided lattice algorithms running...
Review of methods for assessing traffic conditions on basic motorway and expressway sections
PublikacjaMotorways and expressways are the core of each country’s road system. Road planning, design and management requires tools to ensure that roads have the right geometry, traffic layout and equipment. These include methods for capacity estimation and assessing traffic conditions. Because the paper focusses on the basic segments of motorways and expressways (sections located between interchanges and outside of their influence), its...
Estimation of cavitation erosion resistance of materials
PublikacjaW pracy przedstawiono ocenę odporności kawitacyjnej 17 materiałów. Do opisu odporności kawitacyjnej zaproponowano nowy wskaźnik liczbowy uwzględniający długość okresu inkubacji, maksymalną prędkość niszczenia oraz czas po którym wystąpi maksymalna prędkość niszczenia materiału. Zaproponowany wskaźnik porównano ze wskaźnikiem δcav, który reprezentuje całą krzywą erozji kawitacyjnej materiału.
Shift-Msplit* Estimation in Deformation Analyses
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On the concept of estimation memory in adaptive filtering.
PublikacjaArtykuł przedstawia i omawia pojęcie pamięci estymacji, pozwalające na obiektywne porównanie właściwości śledzących różnych algorytmów adaptacyjnych filtracji.
Estimation of vehicle operational fuel consumption
PublikacjaW pracy przedstawiono metodę umożliwiającą wyznaczenie referencyjnego zużycia paliwa dla zarejestrowanych warunków eksploatacji. Warunki eksploatacji opisane są rozkładem energochłonności jednostkowej, która obejmuje zarówno wpływ warunków zewnętrznych jak również styl jazdy kierowcy. W pracy przedstawiono zestawienie wyników uzyskanych dla przejazdów wykonanych na terenie Gdańska, w regularnym ruchu miejskim. Przedstawiono także...
Estimation of a smoothness parameter by spline wavelets
PublikacjaWe consider the smoothness parameter s*(f) of a function f∈L2(R) in terms of Besov spaces. The existing results on estimation of smoothness [K. Dziedziul, M. Kucharska and B. Wolnik, J. Nonparametric Statist. 23 (2011)] employ the Haar basis and are limited to the case 0
Modelling an accelerometer for robot position estimation
PublikacjaThe article describes a new model of a MEMS accelerometer for usage in inertial measurement units (IMU). Such units allow to measure orientation and location of the sensor/system and therefore can be applied for systems positioning. The main purpose of the paper is to model pertinent accelerometer functions substantial in determination of the location of the sensor by means of double integration of acceleration. The model takes...
New results on estimation bandwidth adaptation
PublikacjaThe problem of identification of a nonstationary autoregressive signal using non-causal estimation schemes is considered. Noncausal estimators can be used in applications that are not time-critical, i.e., do not require real-time processing. A new adaptive estimation bandwidth selection rule based on evaluation of pseudoprediction errors is proposed, allowing one to adjust tracking characteristics of noncausal estimators to unknown...
Zero phase shift digital filtering for assessment of exposure to non-sinusoidal magnetic fields
PublikacjaAccuracy of assessment of human body exposure to magnetic fields is affected by several uncertainty sources. One of them is estimation of the total exposure to non-sinusoidal fields. Standard methods can be implemented using analogue or digital filters that introduce a phase shift that affect the result of total exposure level estimation. The paper presents a new method that allows performing more precise assessment of exposure...
On the use of a charge balancing method for low energy measurements
PublikacjaThe paper presents the method for the estimation of the energy consumption of the low-power microcontroller-based devices. Due to high dynamics of the changes of the supply current of the tested devices during the operational cycle, the consumed energy estimation is not easy. In order to avoid disadvantages of known methods, the charge balancing method was employed similarly like in some types of A/D converters.