Wybrane elementy nieliniowej dynamiki struktur kratowych
PublikacjaW pracy jest dyskutowany problem nieliniowej dynamiki struktur kratowych. Zastosowano stacjonarny opis Lagrange'a (ang. Total Lagrange), pokazano silne i słabe sformułowanie dla pręta kratowego, jego aplikację do MES. W zakresie całkowania równań ruchu przedstawiono metodę Newmarka i metodę-a dla problemów liniowych i nieliniowych. Załączony przykład numeryczny ilustruje cechy przedstawionych metod.
Rozprzestrzenianie się w podtorzu skutków katastrof kolejowych z udziałem materiałów niebezpiecznych
PublikacjaDuża część przewozów materiałów niebezpiecznych prowadzona jest koleją. W związku z tym bezpieczeństwo tych przewozów nabiera coraz większego znaczenia. Każda katastrofa z udziałem materiałów niebezpiecznych ma negatywny wpływ na uczestników tego zdarzenia oraz na otaczające środowisko, bowiem jej zasięg na ogół nie jest lokalny. Z tego wynika, że w przypadku zaistnienia katastrofy należy minimalizować jej skutki oraz w dalszych...
Efficiency of acoustic heating in the Maxwell fluid
PublikacjaThe nonlinear effects of sound in a fluid describing by the Maxwell model of the viscous stress tensor is the subject of investigation. Among other, viscoelastic biological media belong to this non-newtonian type of fluids. Generation of heating of the medium caused by nonlinear transfer of acoustic energy, is discussed in details. The governing equation of acoustic heating is derived by means of the special linear combination...
Efficiency of acoustic heating in the Maxwell fluid
PublikacjaThe nonlinear effects of sound in a fluid describing by the Maxwell model of the viscous stress tensor is the subject of investigation. Among other, viscoelastic biological media belong to this non-newtonian type of fluids. Generation of heating of the medium caused by nonlinear transfer of acoustic energy, is discussed in details. The governing equation of acoustic heating is derived by means of the special linear combination...
Absorbing Boundary Conditions Derived Based on Pauli Matrices Algebra
PublikacjaIn this letter, we demonstrate that a set of absorbing boundary conditions (ABCs) for numerical simulations of waves, proposed originally by Engquist and Majda and later generalized by Trefethen and Halpern, can alternatively be derived with the use of Pauli matrices algebra. Hence a novel approach to the derivation of one-way wave equations in electromagnetics is proposed. That is, the classical wave equation can be factorized...
Local and global response of sandwich beams made of GFRP facings and PET foam core in three point bending test
PublikacjaIn the paper behaviour of laminated sandwich beams (FRP face sheet – PET foam core – FRP face sheet) subjected to three point bending is studied. The paper aim is to find practical descriptions enabling effective and accurate estimation of the elastic response, damage and failure of the beams, basing on experiments and static calculations. Therefore a number of tests are described, that were done on laminated coupons and foam specimens...
The Design of Cavity Resonators and Microwave Filters Applying Shape Deformation Techniques
PublikacjaThis article introduces shape deformation as a new approach to the computer-aided design (CAD) of high-frequency components. We show that geometry deformation opens up new design possibilities and offers additional degrees of freedom in the 3-D modeling of microwave structures. Such design flexibility is highly desirable if the full potential of additive manufacturing (AM) is to be exploited in the fabrication of RF and microwave...
Fractional Spectral and Fractional Finite Element Methods: A Comprehensive Review and Future Prospects
PublikacjaIn this article, we will discuss the applications of the Spectral element method (SEM) and Finite element Method (FEM) for fractional calculusThe so-called fractional Spectral element method (f-SEM) and fractional Finite element method (f-FEM) are crucial in various branches of science and play a significant role. In this review, we discuss the advantages and adaptability of FEM and SEM, which provide the simulations of fractional...
A New Type of Macro-Elements for Efficient Two-Dimensional FEM Analysis
PublikacjaThis letter deals with a model order reduction technique applicable for driven and eigenvalue problems solved using the finite element method (FEM). It allows one to efficiently compute electromagnetic parameters of structures comprising small features that require strong local mesh refinement. The subdomains of very fine mesh are separated from the global domain as so called macro-elements that undergo model reduction. The macro-elements...
A more colorful hat problem
PublikacjaThe topic is the hat problem in which each of n players is randomly fitted with a blue or red hat. Then everybody can try to guess simultaneously his own hat color by looking at the hat colors of the other players. The team wins if at least one player guesses his hat color correctly, and no one guesses his hat color wrong; otherwise the team loses. The aim is to maximize the probability of winning. We consider a generalized hat...
The dataset of coupling coefficients for rotating receiver of multicoil dynamic wireless power transfer system
Dane BadawczeThe provided dataset is part of the simulation results shown in related journal paper "Optimal Rotating Receiver Angles Estimation for Multicoil Dynamic Wireless Power Transfer".
An algorithm for enhancing macromodeling in finite element analysis of waveguide components
PublikacjaAn algorithm for enhancing the finite element method with local model order reduction is presented. The proposed technique can be used in fast frequency domain simulation of waveguide components and resonators. The local reduction process applied to cylindrical subregions is preceded by compression of the number of variables on its boundary. As a result,the finite element large system is converted into a very compact set of linear...
Optimization of Data Assignment for Parallel Processing in a Hybrid Heterogeneous Environment Using Integer Linear Programming
PublikacjaIn the paper we investigate a practical approach to application of integer linear programming for optimization of data assignment to compute units in a multi-level heterogeneous environment with various compute devices, including CPUs, GPUs and Intel Xeon Phis. The model considers an application that processes a large number of data chunks in parallel on various compute units and takes into account computations, communication including...
Coupled-Resonator Waveguide Filter in Quadruplet Topology With Frequency-Dependent Coupling - A Design Based on Coupling Matrix
PublikacjaThis letter presents an application of a recently developed coupling matrix synthesis technique to design of coupled-resonator filters with dispersive inter-resonator couplings. This technique is used to design a novel coupled-cavity bandpass filter. Measurements validate the design and confirm effectiveness of the synthesis method. The filter is a four-pole generalized Chebyshev filter with three transmission zeros. Resonators...
Macro-elements and Model Order Reduction for Efficient Three-Dimensional FEM Analysis
PublikacjaAn efficient model order reduction (MOR) methodology for three dimensional vector finite element method (FEM) is developed to accelerate simulations of the structures containing features that cause strong variations of mesh density. As the result of presented algorithm, FEM subsystems of equations corresponding to the selected refined region are converted into a very compact sets of linear equations, called macro-elements.Numerical...
Fundamentals of classical and analytical mechanics
PublikacjaThe book is a monographic description of the present attempt to Newtonian and Lagrangian mechanics. But also, it could be found as a supplementary educational material useful for the graduate courses in mechanics taken by students majoring in mechanical engineering, physics or physical science. In the book you can find a brief introduction to concepts and principles of algebra of vectors; Kinematics of particles, mainly focused...
Tensile curve of E grade steel for shipbuilding
Dane BadawczeIn the shipbuilding industry, the risk of brittle fractures developing in constructions is limited by employing certified materials of specific impact strength, determined using the Charpy method (for a given design temperature) and by exercising control over the welding processes (technology qualification, supervision of production, tests of non-destructive...
Parallelization of large vector similarity computations in a hybrid CPU+GPU environment
PublikacjaThe paper presents design, implementation and tuning of a hybrid parallel OpenMP+CUDA code for computation of similarity between pairs of a large number of multidimensional vectors. The problem has a wide range of applications, and consequently its optimization is of high importance, especially on currently widespread hybrid CPU+GPU systems targeted in the paper. The following are presented and tested for computation of all vector...
Database of the illustrative simulations of the nonstandard approximation of the generalized Burgers–Huxley equation
Dane BadawczeThe presented dataset is a result of numerical analysis of a generalized Burgers–Huxley partial differential equation. An analyzed diffusive partial differential equation consist with nonlinear advection and reaction. The reaction term is a generalized form of the reaction law of the Hodgkin–Huxley model, while the advection is a generalized form of...
Numerical Investigation of Nuclear Reactor Kinetic and Heat Transfer Fractional Model with Temperature Feedback
PublikacjaAbstract—In the paper, the numerical results concerning the kinetics and proposed heat exchange models in nuclear reactor based on fractional calculus are presented for typical inputs. Two fractional models are proposed and compared with the model based on ordinary derivative. The first fractional model is based on one of the generalized Cattaneo equations. The second one is based on replacing the ordinary to fractional order of...
Variational principles for bound states of Schrödinger and Dirac equations allowing the use of discontinuous trial functions
PublikacjaWe present systematic constructions of variational principles for energies of bound states of the Schroedinger and Dirac equations. The principles allow the use of discontinuous trial functions. The method employed is based on a generalized Lagrange procedure. Relationships between our variational principles and those available in the literature are established.
Computational analysis of an infinite magneto-thermoelastic solid periodically dispersed with varying heat flow based on non-local Moore–Gibson–Thompson approach
PublikacjaIn this investigation, a computational analysis is conducted to study a magneto-thermoelastic problem for an isotropic perfectly conducting half-space medium. The medium is subjected to a periodic heat flow in the presence of a continuous longitude magnetic field. Based on Moore–Gibson–Thompson equation, a new generalized model has been investigated to address the considered problem. The introduced model can be formulated by combining...
Efficiency of acoustic heating produced in the thermoviscous flow of a fluid with relaxation
PublikacjaInstantaneous acoustic heating of a fluid with thermodynamic relaxation is the subject of investigation. Among others, viscoelastic biological media described by the Maxwell model of the viscous stress tensor, belong to this type of fluid. The governing equation of acoustic heating is derived by means of the special linear combination of conservation equations in differential form, allowing the reduction of all acoustic terms in...
Efficient parallel implementation of crowd simulation using a hybrid CPU+GPU high performance computing system
PublikacjaIn the paper we present a modern efficient parallel OpenMP+CUDA implementation of crowd simulation for hybrid CPU+GPU systems and demonstrate its higher performance over CPU-only and GPU-only implementations for several problem sizes including 10 000, 50 000, 100 000, 500 000 and 1 000 000 agents. We show how performance varies for various tile sizes and what CPU–GPU load balancing settings shall be preferred for various domain...
A Substrate Integrated Waveguide (SIW) Bandpass Filter in A Box Configuration With Frequency-Dependent Coupling
PublikacjaThis letter presents the design of a microwave bandpass filter with frequency-dependent coupling implemented in substrate integrated waveguide (SIW) technology. The proposed filter implements a four-pole generalized Chebyshev filtering function with two transmission zeros. Resonators are arranged in an extended box configuration with dispersive coupling on a main signal path, which produces an extra zero in comparison to classical...
Deflated Preconditioned Solvers for Parametrized Local Model Order Reduction
PublikacjaOne of steps in the design of microwave filters is numerical tuning using full-wave simulators. Typically, it is a time-consuming process as it uses advanced computational methods, e.g. the finite-element method (FEM) and it usually requires multiple optimization steps before the specification goals are met. FEM involves solving a large sparse system of equations at many frequency points and therefore its computational cost is...
Geometrically nonlinear FEM analysis of 6-parameter resultant shell theory based on 2-D Cosserat constitutive model
PublikacjaWe develop the elastic constitutive law for the resultant statically and kinematically exact, nonlinear, 6-parameter shell theory. The Cosserat plane stress equations are integrated through-the- thickness under assumption of the Reissner-Mindlin kinematics. The resulting constitutive equations for stress resultant and couple resultants are expressed in terms of two micropolar constants: the micropolar modulus Gc and the micropolar...
Directed electromagnetic pulse dynamics: projecting operators method
PublikacjaIn this article, we consider a one-dimensional model of electromagnetic pulse propagation in isotropic media, takinginto account a nonlinearity of the third order. We introduce a method for Maxwell's equation transformation on thebasis of a complete set of projecting operators. The operators correspond to wave dispersion branches including thedirection of propagation. As the simplest result of applying the method, we derive a system...
On solvability of initial boundary-value problems of micropolar elastic shells with rigid inclusions
PublikacjaThe problem of dynamics of a linear micropolar shell with a finite set of rigid inclusions is considered. The equations of motion consist of the system of partial differential equations (PDEs) describing small deformations of an elastic shell and ordinary differential equations (ODEs) describing the motions of inclusions. Few types of the contact of the shell with inclusions are considered. The weak setup of the problem is formulated...
A subdomain model for armature reaction field and open‐circuit field prediction in consequent pole permanent magnet machines
PublikacjaIn this paper, the machine quantity, such as electromagnetic torque, self and mutual inductances, and electromotive force, is analytically calculated for non-overlapping winding consequent pole slotted machine for open-circuit field and armature reaction. The sub-domain approach of (2-D) analytical model is developed using Maxwell's equations and divide the problem into slots, slot-openings, airgap and magnets region, the magnet...
Generalized adaptive notch smoothing revisited
PublikacjaThe problem of identification of quasi-periodically varying dynamic systems is considered. This problem can be solved using generalized adaptive notch filtering (GANF) algorithms. It is shown that the accuracy of parameter estimates can be significantly increased if the results obtained from GANF are further processed using a cascade of appropriately designed filters. The resulting generalized adaptive notch smoothing (GANS) algorithm...
The influence of stainless steels microstructure evolution on the mechanical properties of pressure installation elements
PublikacjaIn this paper results of FEM analysis performed for pipe and 90o elbow, made of super duplex stainless steel, after precipitation of sigma phase (),were presented. Heat treatment conditions simulate accidental overheating that can occur in nuclear installations after cooling circulation fails. For initial and modified microstructure tensile test was performed and numerical description of work hardening curves was done. Verification...
The influence of stainless steels microstructure evolution on the mechanical properties of pressure installation elements
PublikacjaIn this paper results of FEM analysis performed for pipe and 90o elbow, made of super duplex stainless steel, after precipitation of sigma phase (s), were presented. Heat treatment conditions simulate accidental overheating that can occur in nuclear installations after cooling circulation fails. For initial and modified microstructure tensile test was performed and numerical description of work hardening curves was done. Verification...
Fundamental properties of solutions to fractional-order Maxwell's equations
PublikacjaIn this paper, fundamental properties of solutions to fractional-order (FO) Maxwell's equations are analysed. As a starting point, FO Maxwell's equations are introduced in both time and frequency domains. Then, we introduce and prove the fundamental properties of electromagnetic field in FO electromagnetics, i.e. energy conservation, uniqueness of solutions, and reciprocity. Furthermore, the algorithm of the plane wave simulation...
On mechanics of piezocomposite shell structures
PublikacjaThis study presents an original and novel investigation into the mechanics of piezo-flexo-magneto-elastic nanocomposite doubly-curved shells (PFMDCSs) and the ability to detect the lower and higher levels of electro-magnetic fields. In this context, by utilizing the first-order shear deformation shell model, stresses and strains are acquired. By imposing Hamilton's principle and the von Kármán approach, the governing equations...
Smooth Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH) approach in simulating large penetration into soil
PublikacjaA study of Smooth Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH) approach for predicting large soil deformation is presented. Theoretical basics of SPH method, including the equations governing, discussion of the importance of smoothing function length, contact formulation, boundary treatment and finally utilization in hydrocodes simulations are presented. An application of SPH to a real case of large penetrations (crater creating) into soil caused...
Non-standard contact conditions in generalized continua: microblock contact model for a Cosserat body
PublikacjaGeneralized continuum theories involve non-standard boundary conditions that are associated with the additional kinematic variables introduced in those theories, e.g., higher gradients of the displacement field or additional kinematic degrees of freedom. Accordingly, formulation of a contact problem for such a continuum necessarily requires that adequate contact conditions are formulated for the additional kinematic variables and/or...
Identification of quasi-periodically varying systems with quasi-linear frequency changes
PublikacjaThe problem of identification of linear quasi-periodically varying systems is considered. This problem can be solved using generalized adaptive notch filtering (GANF) algorithms. It is shown that accuracy of system parameter estimation can be increased if the results obtained from GANF are further processed using a cascade of appropriately designed filters. The resulting generalized adaptive notch smoothing (GANS) algorithms can...
Dataset of phase portraits of the fractional prey-predator model with Holling type-II interaction (without predator harvesting)
Dane BadawczeThe need for a fractional generalization of a given classical model is often due to new behaviors which cannot be taken into account by the model. In this situation, it can be useful to look for a fractional deformation of the initial system, trying to fit the fractional exponent of differentiation in order to catch properly the data.
Inline Waveguide Filter With Compact Frequency-Dependent Coupling Producing Two Additional Poles and Three Transmission Zeros
PublikacjaThis work reports a compact frequency-dependent coupling (FDC) structure introduced in a rectangular waveguide, which allows to generate two additional in-band transmission poles and three transmission zeros (TZs). This serves to increase the order/selectivity of the waveguide bandpass filter in a compact inline topology, thus without the need for any additional space/volume or cross coupling. The proposed FDC consists of a partial-height...
Geometrically nonlinear FEM analysis of FGM shells based on neutral physical surface approach in 6-parameter shell theory
PublikacjaThe paper presents the formulation of the elastic constitutive law for functionally graded materials (FGM) on the grounds of nonlinear 6-parameter shell theory with the 6th parameter being the drilling degree of freedom. The material law is derived by through-the-thickness integration of the Cosserat plane stress equations. The constitutive equations are formulated with respect to the neutral physical surface. The influence of...
Parabolic Equations with Functional Dependence
PublikacjaWe consider the Cauchy problem for nonlinear parabolic equations with functional dependence and prove theorems on the existence of solutions to parabolic differential-functional equations.
Time fractional analysis of Casson fluid with application of novel hybrid fractional derivative operator
PublikacjaA new approach is used to investigate the analytical solutions of the mathematical fractional Casson fluid model that is described by the Constant Proportional Caputo fractional operator having non-local and singular kernel near an infinitely vertical plate. The phenomenon has been expressed in terms of partial differential equations, and the governing equations were then transformed in non-dimensional form. For the sake of generalized...
Frequency-Variant Double-Zero Single-Pole Reactive Coupling Networks for Coupled-Resonator Microwave Bandpass Filters
PublikacjaIn this work, a family of frequency-variant reactive coupling (FVRC) networks is introduced and discussed as new building blocks for the synthesis of coupled-resonator bandpass filters with real or complex transmission zeros (TZs). The FVRC is a type of nonideal frequency-dependent inverter that has nonzero elements on the diagonal of the impedance matrix, along with a nonlinear frequency-variation profile of its transimpedance...
Harmonic Vibrations of Nanosized Magnetoelectric Bodies with Coupled Surface and Interphase Effects: Mathematical Models and Finite Element Approaches
PublikacjaThe harmonic problems for piezomagnetoelectric nanosized bodies with taking into account the coupled damping and surface effects are considered on the base of the generalized Gurtin-Murdoch model. In the development of previous investigations, the coupled mechanical, electric and magnetic surface effects with surface inertial terms are introduced into the model. For a homogeneous model, the composite material is considered as homogeneous...
Numerical Analysis of Steady Gradually Varied Flow in Open Channel Networks with Hydraulic Structures
PublikacjaIn this paper, a method for numerical analysis of steady gradually varied fl ow in channel networks with hydraulic structures is considered. For this purpose, a boundary problem for the system of ordinary differential equations consisting of energy equation and mass conservation equations is formulated. The boundary problem is solved using fi nite difference technique which leads to the system of non-linear algebraic equations....
Numerical Methods
Kursy OnlineNumerical Methods: for Electronics and Telecommunications students, Master's level, semester 1 Instructor: Michał Rewieński, Piotr Sypek Course description: This course provides an introduction to computational techniques for the simulation and modeling of a broad range of engineering and physical systems. Concepts and methods discussed are widely illustrated by various applications including modeling of integrated circuits,...
Existence of solutions with an exponential growth for nonlinear differential-functional parabolic equations
PublikacjaWe consider the Cauchy problem for nonlinear parabolic equations with functional dependence.We prove Schauder-type existence results for unbounded solutions. We also prove existence of maximal solutions for a wide class of differential functional equations.
Towards an efficient multi-stage Riemann solver for nuclear physics simulations
PublikacjaRelativistic numerical hydrodynamics is an important tool in high energy nuclear science. However, such simulations are extremely demanding in terms of computing power. This paper focuses on improving the speed of solving the Riemann problem with the MUSTA-FORCE algorithm by employing the CUDA parallel programming model. We also propose a new approach to 3D finite difference algorithms, which employ a GPU that uses surface memory....
PublikacjaThe paper addresses non-linear vibrations of offshore jack-up drilling platforms loaded by sea waves and wind in their stationary condition using the perturbation method. Non-linearity of dynamic equations of motion for fixed offshore platforms yields from two factors. The first is load excitation generating non-linear velocity coupling in a dynamic system. This coupling is inherent in the modified Morison equation, involving the...