Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: FIBER SERVICE PLATFORM - MOST Wiedzy


Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: FIBER SERVICE PLATFORM

Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: FIBER SERVICE PLATFORM

  • Poprawa nośności platform roboczych


    W artykule przedstawiono zagadnienia związanie z zastosowaniem geosyntetyków oraz materiałów wiązanych hydraulicznie (HBM) do stabilizacji platform roboczych pod ciężki sprzęt budowlany.

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  • Wyzwania bezpieczeństwa nowoczesnych platform nauczania zdalnego

    W artykule zaprezentowano aspekty bezpieczeństwa nowoczesnych platform nauczania zdalnego. Przedstawiono ich charakterystykę i wyzwania technologiczne. Zdefiniowano bezpieczeństwo i istniejące w tym obszarze zagrożenia. Przybliżono metody oceny poziomu bezpieczeństwa. Na bazie wdrożonej na Politechnice Gdańskiej platformy eNauczanie PG omówiono sposoby zapewniania zakładanego poziomu bezpieczeństwa takich systemów.

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  • Extending Service Selection Algorithms with Interoperability Analysis

    Application development by integration of existing, atomic services reduces development cost and time by extensive reuse of service components. In Service Oriented Architecture, there exist alternative versions of services supplying the same functionality but differing in Quality of Service (QoS) attributes, which enables developers to select services with optimal QoS. Existing algorithms of service selection focus on the formal...

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  • Simulation of the IT Service and Project Management Environment

    The authors of this paper present a simulation of the socio-technical system in which teams of students – regarded as low-maturity organizations – were given a task to utilize the (relatively) mature technologies that support IT project and service management. The experiment consisted of the following phases: teams formation, introduction to technologies used during the simulation, performing a set of reactive and proactive service...

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    W artykule przedstawiono wybrane zagadnienia związane z wymiarowaniem platform roboczych, umożliwiających bezpieczne prowadzenie robót geotechnicznych w gruntach słabonośnych. Omówiono dostępne metody wymiarowania (CIRIA, BRE, TWf i T-Value) umożliwiające określenie wymaganej miąższości platformy roboczej. Zwrócono uwagę na korzyści wynikające z zastosowania geosyntetyków w konstrukcji platform.

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  • Projektowanie platform roboczych z zastosowaniem geosyntetyków


    - Rok 2011

    W artykule omówiono problem platform roboczych. Na wstępie przestawiono wykorzystanie platform roboczych w budownictwie oraz ich wykonawstwo. W dalszej części przyjrzano się problemowi projektowania platform roboczych - ogólne podejście i dostępne metody obliczeniowe.

  • Projektowanie platform roboczych z zastosowaniem geosyntetyków


    - Rok 2011

    W artykule omówiono problem platform roboczych. Na wstępie przestawiono wykorzystanie platform roboczych w budownictwie oraz ich wykonawstwo. W dalszej części przyjrzano się problemowi projektowania platform roboczych – ogólne podejście i dostępne metody obliczeniowe.

  • Projektowanie platform roboczych z zastosowaniem geosyntetyków

    Mechanizm pracy platformy roboczej. Przegląd metod projektowania platform roboczych. Projektowanie platform roboczych obciążonych ciężkim sprzętem budowlanym według zaleceń poradnika BRE 470.

  • Projektowanie platform roboczych z zastosowaniem geosyntetyków

    Mechanizm pracy platformy roboczej. Przegląd metod projektowania platform roboczych. Projektowanie platform roboczych obciążonych ciężkim sprzętem budowlanym według zaleceń poradnika BRE 470.

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  • Service-based Resilience for Embedded IoT Networks


    - Rok 2020

    Embedded IoT networks are the backbone of safety-critical systems like smart factories, autonomous vehicles, and airplanes. Therefore, resilience against failures and attacks should be a prior concern already in their design stage. In this study, we introduce a service-based network model as an MILP optimization problem for the efficient deployment of a service overlay to the embedded network by meeting QoS and resilience requirements....

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  • Design of Jack-up Platform for 6 MW Wind Turbine: Parametric Analysis Based Dimensioning of Platform Legs


    The article presents the results of the research conducted within the framework of the project entitled WIND-TU-PLA (ERA-NET, MARTEC II), the general aim of which was to design and analyse supporting structures for wind turbines intended for operation on the South Baltic area. The research part described in the article aimed at developing a preliminary design for a jack-up platform which can operate on water areas with depth of...

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  • Distributed infrastructure of self-organizing service servers


    - Rok 2012

    This paper presents an idea of creating distributed system consisting of autonomous self-organizing service providers. It shows a real implemented system allowing for dynamic service search without interaction with client based on the inter-servers communication. Moreover presented system can be easily enriched with new elements without the need for restarting already existing servers.

  • Application of titanium dioxide thin films in fiber optic sensors

    The advance in the nanotechnology and fabrication of micro- and nanostructures has significant impact on development of new optical sensors. Presented study focuses on the applications of the titanium dioxide (TiO2) thin films in fiber optic sensors. The concept of a sensing fiber optic interferometer integrating TiO2 thin film is presented. The cavity of this interferometer is delimited by a 80 nm film fabricated on the end-face...

  • Minimising the Churn Out of the Service by Using a Fairness Mechanism


    The paper proposes an algorithm of bandwidth distribution, ensuring fairness to end-users in computer networks. The proposed algorithm divides users into satisfied and unsatisfied users. It provides fairness in terms of quality of experience (QoE) for satisfied users and quality of service (QoS) for unsatisfied users. In this paper, we present detailed comparisons relevant to service providers to show the advantages of the proposed...

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  • Bearing capacity of the working platform with kinematic method

    Bearing capacity of the working platform for heavy tracks was analysed using Distinct Layout Optimization (DLO) method. The platform layer constructed from cohesionless soils is resting on weak cohesive subgrade. Different thickness of the platform, its effective angle of internal friction and undrained shear strength of the soft soil were taken into consideration. Kinematic method permits different failure mechanisms to be analyzed....

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  • Microscale diamond protection for a ZnO coated fiber optic sensor


    - Scientific Reports - Rok 2020

    Fiber optic sensors are widely used in environmental, biological and chemical sensing. Due to the demanding environmental conditions in which they can be used, there is a risk of damaging the sensor measurement head placed in the measuring field. Sensors using nanolayers deposited upon the fiber structure are particularly vulnerable to damage. A thin film placed on the surface of the fiber end-face can be prone to mechanical damage...

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  • Wykonawstwo platform roboczych pod ciężki sprzęt budowlany

    Przedstawiono zagadnienia związane z instalacją i użytkowaniem platform roboczych, wykonywanych na słabym podłożu, obciążonych ciężkim sprzętem budowlanym wykorzystywanym do wzmaniania podłoża. Omówiono szczegółowo różnice w podejściu do zagadnienia platform roboczych w Polsce i na świecie. Przedstawiono przykłady wykonawstwa platform oraz spotykane w praktyce budowlanej przyczyny awarii. Różnice w podejściu do zagadnienia platform...

  • Wykonawstwo platform roboczych pod ciężki sprzęt budowlany

    Przedstawiono zagadnienia związane z instalacją i użytkowaniem platform roboczych, wykonywanych na słabym podłożu, obciążonych ciężkim sprzętem budowlanym wykorzystywanym do wzmaniania podłoża. Omówiono szczegółowo różnice w podejściu do zagadnienia platform roboczych w Polsce i na świecie. Przedstawiono przykłady wykonawstwa platform oraz spotykane w praktyce budowlanej przyczyny awarii. Różnice w podejściu do zagadnienia platform...

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  • Temperature Sensors Based on Polymer Fiber Optic Interferometer


    - Chemosensors - Rok 2022

    Temperature measurements are of great importance in many fields of human activities, including industry, technology, and science. For example, obtaining a certain temperature value or a sudden change in it can be the primary control marker of a chemical process. Fiber optic sensors have remarkable properties giving a broad range of applications. They enable continuous real-time temperature control in difficult-to-reach areas, in...

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  • New Tool for Examining QoS in the VToIP Service


    This paper is dedicated to the subject of measuring QoS in the Video Telephony over IP (VToIP) service. QoS measurement models in general and then models designed specifically for measuring QoS in the VToIP service are presented. A new numerical tool for examining the quality of VToIP video streams VToIP is described. The tool’s functionality is then put to the test in a number of analysis scenarios. The results and insights gained...

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  • Przyczynek do projektowania platform pełnomorskich

    Projektowanie platform pełnomorskich związane jest przede wszystkim z określeniem oddziaływania wiatru i falowania na konstrukcje platformy, co oznacza, że najważniejsze staje sie określenie występujących prędkości wiatru oraz wysokości, długości i okresu podchodzącej fali.

  • Fiber optic displacement sensor with signal analysis in spectral domain


    In this paper, a study of a low-coherence fiber optic displacement sensor is presented. The sensor consisted of a broadband source whose central wavelength was either at 1310 nm or 1550 nm, a sensing Fabry-Pérot interferometer operating in reflective mode and an optical spectrum analyzer acting as the detection setup. All these components were connected by a single-mode fiber coupler. Metrological parameters of the sensor were...

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  • Podsystemy platform bezzałogowych I - 2022

    Kursy Online
    • D. Karkosiński
    • J. Magiera
    • J. Guziński
    • S. Potrykus
    • J. Demkowicz
    • D. Toboła
    • H. Lasota

    studenci WETI ( EiT, ACiR, INF) oraz WEiA

  • Podsystemy platform bezzałogowych I - 2023

    Kursy Online
    • D. Karkosiński
    • J. Magiera
    • P. Fiertek
    • Ł. Kulas
    • I. Kochańska
    • J. Guziński
    • S. Potrykus
    • R. Śmierzchalski
    • J. Demkowicz
    • D. Toboła
    • H. Lasota

    studenci WETI ( EiT, ACiR) oraz WEiA

  • Podsystemy platform bezzałogowych I - 2024

    Kursy Online
    • D. Karkosiński
    • J. Magiera
    • P. Fiertek
    • Ł. Kulas
    • I. Kochańska
    • J. Guziński
    • S. Potrykus
    • R. Śmierzchalski
    • J. Demkowicz
    • D. Toboła
    • H. Lasota

    studenci WETI ( EiT, ACiR) oraz WEiA



    In the paper, a service oriented architecture is used to describe various scenarios of human-oriented enterprises. They can be modeled by BPMN to show basic information flow. We consider business scenarios to present another modeling solution called service orchestration or service mashup. That approach gives an opportunity for the right management through taking the best possible choice of services, or composition of services....

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  • Threat intelligence platform for the energy sector

    In recent years, critical infrastructures and power systems in particular have been subjected to sophisticated cyberthreats, including targeted attacks and advanced persistent threats. A promising response to this challenging situation is building up enhanced threat intelligence that interlinks information sharing and fine-grained situation awareness. In this paper a framework which integrates all levels of threat intelligence...

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  • Mobile Laser Scanning Calibration on a Marine Platform

    The article describes the method of calibration of the Riegl VMZ-400 mobile scanning system on a floating platform and an experiment aimed at conducting measurements from a previously calibrated instrument. The issue of factors affecting the quality of measurements was discussed. Mobile laser scanning is an increasingly popular measurement solution, but it is still innovative on a European scale. The use of a floating platform...

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    The paper presents a cyberspace model where different categories of IT services are offered and used largely. A general cybersecurity policy is considered and the corresponding cybersecurity strategies are shown. The role of such technologies as: Internet of Things, Cloud Computing and Big Data is analyzed in order to improve the cybersecurity of a cyberspace. A new kind of service oriented cyberspace is proposed and its main properties...

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  • Comparison and Analysis of Service Selection Algorithms


    - Rok 2013

    In Service Oriented Architecture, applications are developed by integration of existing services in order to reduce development cost and time. The approach, however, requires algorithms that select appropriate services out of available, alternative ones. The selection process may consider both optimalization requirements, such as maximalization of performance, and constraint requirements, such minimal security or maximum development...

  • Digital Public Service Innovation: Framework Proposal


    - Rok 2016

    This paper proposes the Digital Public Service Innovation Framework that extends the "standard" provision of digital public services according to the emerging, enhanced, transactional and connected stages underpinning the United Nations Global e-Government Survey, with seven example "innovations" in digital public service delivery -- transparent, participatory, anticipatory, personalized, co-created, context-aware and context-smart....

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    This article presents the problems related to IPv4 to IPv6 migration of applications supporting network services. It summarizes the needs of executing such migration. It shows the basic problems of automating the migration process, having defined the basic terms, i.e.: a network service, a network application. It shows a sample implementation of the automation of the migration process between IP technologies for selected network...

  • Nanocrystalline diamond sheets as protective coatings for fiber-optic measurement head


    Fiber-optic sensors find numerous applications in science and industry, but their full potential is limited because of the risk of damaging the measurement head, in particular, due to the vulnerability of unprotected tips of the fiber to mechanical damage and aggressive chemical agents. In this paper, we report the first use of a new nanocrystalline diamond structure in a fiber-optic measurement head as a protective coating of...

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    The paper refers to the dynamic short-term response analysis of the Baltic steel drilling platform (see Fig.2) in a random sea-state represented by one-dimensional wave spectrum proposed by Striekalov and Massel and it is recommended for the Baltic Sea area. The Baltic drilling platform is a jack-up type platform for the exploration and exploitation of oil under the Baltic Sea. The analysis presented deals with the stationary...

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  • Parallelization of video stream algorithms in kaskada platform


    - Rok 2011

    The purpose of this work is to present different techniques of video stream algorithms parallelization provided by the Kaskada platform - a novel system working in a supercomputer environment designated for multimedia streams processing. Considered parallelization methods include frame-level concurrency, multithreading and pipeline processing. Execution performance was measured on four time-consuming image recognition algorithms,...

  • Communication Platform for Evaluation of Transmitted Speech Quality

    A voice communication system designed and implemented is described. The purpose of the presented platform was to enable a series of experiments related to the quality assessment of algorithms used in the coding and transmitting of speech. The system is equipped with tools for recording signals at each stage of processing, making it possible to subject them to subjective assessments by listening tests or, objective evaluation employing...

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  • Characterization of Highly Filled Glass Fiber/Carbon Fiber Polyurethane Composites with the Addition of Bio-Polyol Obtained through Biomass Liquefaction

    This work aims to investigate the process of obtaining highly filled glass and carbon fiber composites. Composites were manufactured using previously obtained cellulose derived polyol, polymeric methylene diphenyl diisocyanate (pMDI). As a catalyst, dibutyltin dilaurate 95% and Dabco® 33-LV were used. It was found that the addition of carbon and glass fibers into the polymer matrix causes an increase in the mechanical properties...

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  • Magnetic field mapping along a NV-rich nanodiamond-doped fiber

    • A. Filipkowski
    • M. Mrózek
    • G. Stępniewski
    • M. Ficek
    • D. Pysz
    • W. Gawlik
    • R. Buczyński
    • A. M. Wojciechowski
    • M. Klimczak


    Integration of NV−-rich diamond with optical fibers enables guiding quantum information on the spin state of the NV− color center. Diamond-functionalized optical fiber sensors have been demonstrated with impressive sub-nanotesla magnetic field sensitivities over localized magnetic field sources, but their potential for distributed sensing remains unexplored. The volumetric incorporation of diamonds into the optical fiber core allows...

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  • KOALA Graph Theory Internet Service

    KOALA has been created with the idea of C++ library templates, implementing a broad set of procedures in the fields of algorithmic graph theory and network problems in discreate optimization. During the C2NIWA project, a library has been greatly ectended, the code refactored and enclosed with the internet service available in the public repository of thr project. Today it contains interconnected educational materials in the form...

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  • Three-dimensional conceptual model for service-oriented simulation


    n this letter, we propose a novel three-dimensional conceptual model for an emerging service-oriented simulation paradigm. The model can be used as a guideline or an analytic means to find the potential and possible future directions of the current simulation frameworks. In particular, the model inspects the crossover between the disciplines of modeling and simulation, service-orientation, and software/systems engineering. Finally,...

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    ISSN: 0735-6161



    ISSN: 0146-8030 , eISSN: 1096-4681



    ISSN: 1068-5200 , eISSN: 1095-9912

  • Advanced Fiber Materials


    ISSN: 2524-7921 , eISSN: 2524-793X

  • New plasmonic platform for enhanced luminescence of Valrubicin


    Luminescence enhanced by new structure of plasmonic platform with aluminum oxide (Al2O3) buffer layer deposited on gold nanostructures is investigated. Regularly distributed gold nanostructures of average dimension of 50 nm formed the active part of plasmonic platforms. They were manufactured on Corning 1737 glass substrate by melting of gold thin film. The nanostructures were coated by dielectric Al2O3 thin film with thickness...

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  • Strategie wzrostowe dla Neptun Ship Service Ltd.


    - Rok 2015

    W ekspertyzie przeprowadzono ewaluację strategii wzrostowych dla firmy Neptun Ship Service Ltd.

  • Identification of Public Service Logic (PSL) and Public Service Motivation (PSM) elements in Open Government Data (OGD) initiatives

    • F. Ishengoma
    • S. Deo
    • R. Gouvêa
    • G. C. Wiedenhöft
    • R. Matheus
    • C. H. Alexopoulos
    • N. Rizun
    • S. Saxena

    - Electronic Journal of Information Systems in Developing Countries - Rok 2024

    While previous research on Open Government Data (OGD) has primarily focused on reuse and adoption, this study aims to explore the implications of the Public Service Logic (PSL) and Public Service Motivation (PSM) dimensions in the context of OGD initiatives. This study is contextualized in Tanzania wherein the OGD initiatives are at an evolving stage. For the present study, the perspectives of the 15 public officials involved in...

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  • Design of a Multidomain IMS/NGN Service Stratum


    - Rok 2018

    The paper continues our research concerning the Next Generation Network (NGN), which is standardized for delivering multimedia services with strict quality and includes elements of the IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS). A design algorithm for a multidomain IMS/NGN service stratum is proposed, which calculates the necessary CSCF servers CPU message processing times and link bandwidths with respect to the given maximum values of mean...

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  • Platform Supporting the Esophageal Impedance Analysis

    The esophageal pH-impedance examination is one of the most popular diagnostic methods for identifying the upper gastrointestinal tract’s diseases. Inconclusive test evaluation criteria makes it difficult to state the definite diagnosis. In this paper, the computer platform supporting the research and teaching process in the area of pH-impedance analysis is presented. Users, having a variety of mathematical and statistical methods...

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  • Selected problems of sensitivity and reliability of a jack-up platform

    The paper deals with sensitivity and reliability applications to numerical studies of an off-shore platform model. Structural parameters and sea conditions are referred to the Baltic jack-up drilling platform. The study aims at the influence of particular basic variables on static and dynamic response as well as the probability of failure due to water waves and wind loads. The paper presents the sensitivity approach to a generalized...

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