Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: HYBRID URBAN MOBILITY - MOST Wiedzy


Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: HYBRID URBAN MOBILITY

Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: HYBRID URBAN MOBILITY

  • Piotr Lorens prof. dr hab. inż. arch.

    Piotr Lorens – prof. dr hab. inż. arch., prof. nzw. Politechniki Gdańskiej. Po ukończeniu studiów w 1994 roku podjął pracę w Zakładzie Rozwoju Miasta na Wydziale Architektury Politechniki Gdańskiej. Uzyskawszy Stypendium Fulbrighta wyjechał na staż do USA, gdzie w latach 1996-1997 ukończył Special Program for Urban and Regional Studies na Massachusetts Institute of Technology oraz International Training Program na Harvard University...

  • Reduction of road traffic noise by source measures — present and future strategies

    The current trend worldwide is less focused on reducing road traffic noise. This is in strong contrast to the severe impact of traffic noise to the general health and quality of life. A more holistic and combined strategy is needed. Current international rules and regulations regarding vehicles and tyres are not sufficient to reduce traffic noise levels in an effective way. Calculations show that these regulations will only yield...

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  • Wzory kreatywności. Koncepcja modelu prawdopodobieństwa działania kreatywnego jako narzędzie badania procesu twórczego w środowisku miejskim


    - Rok 2021

    Współczesne koncepcje kształtowania miast, takie jak zrównoważony rozwój, miasto odporne, inteligentne miasto, miasto kreatywne, tworzą obecnie ramy urbanistyki o charakterze jednej uogólnionej idei kształtującej środowisko społeczno-materialne. Kontekstualne ujęcie badań kreatywności opisuje zależności między środowiskiem miejskim a twórczością w mieście kreatywnym. Ujęcie procesualne kreatywności stanowi hic et nunc urbanizmu,...

    Pełny tekst do pobrania w serwisie zewnętrznym

  • Effective density of airborne wear particles from car brake materials



    People living in urban environments are subject to high health risks due to various anthropogenic sources of airborne particulate matter, including wear of transport vehicle brakes. Studies of airborne particles often require an estimate of the effective particle density, a property that allows correct matching of mass and size characteristics measured by different aerosol instruments. In this study we investigated the effective...

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  • The results of analyses of deep excavation walls using two different methods of calculation


    Przedstawiono wyniki obliczeń obudowy głębokiego wykopu dwukrotnie rozpieranej i dwukrotnie kotwionej w gruncie jednorodnym niespoistym. Obliczenia numeryczne wykonano metodą podpór sprężysto-plastycznych i metodą elementów skończonych. Zwrócono uwagę na istotne różnice w wynikach obliczeń. Zaproponowano wyjaśnienie przyczyn zaobserwowanych różnic w wynikach obliczeń otrzymanych z obu metod.

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  • Shape Memory Polyurethane Materials Containing Ferromagnetic Iron Oxide and Graphene Nanoplatelets


    Intelligent materials, such as memory shape polymers, have attracted considerable attention due to wide range of possible applications. Currently, intensive research is underway, in matters of obtaining memory shape materials that can be actuated via inductive methods, for example with help of magnetic field. In this work, an attempt was made to develop a new polymer composite—polyurethane modified with graphene nanoplates and...

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  • Multiplicative Long Short-Term Memory with Improved Mayfly Optimization for LULC Classification

    • A. Stateczny
    • S. M. Bolugallu
    • P. B. Divakarachari
    • K. Ganesan
    • J. R. Muthu

    - Remote Sensing - Rok 2022

    Land Use and Land Cover (LULC) monitoring is crucial for global transformation, sustainable land control, urban planning, urban growth prediction, and the establishment of climate regulations for long-term development. Remote sensing images have become increasingly important in many environmental planning and land use surveys in recent times. LULC is evaluated in this research using the Sat 4, Sat 6, and Eurosat datasets. Various...

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  • Urban Planning


    ISSN: 2183-7635

  • Tworzenie miasta przyjaznego wszystkim


    - Rok 2017

    Tworzenie miasta przyjaznego wszystkim, to zadnie, które jest prawdopodobnie celem wszystkich włodarzy miejskich. Czy nie jest tak, że każdy chciałby w takim mieście zamiesz-kać? Jednak zadanie to jest dość trudne, bo wymaga pogodzenia wielu aspektów życia mieszkańców. Obecnie do zagadnień środowiskowych związanych z szeroko rozumianą ekologią dochodzi zagadnienie dostosowania przestrzeni zgodnie z zasadami projektowania uniwersalnego....

    Pełny tekst do pobrania w serwisie zewnętrznym

  • Karolina Zielińska-Dąbkowska dr inż. arch.

    Karolina M. Zielinska-Dabkowska (dr inż. arch., Dipl.-Ing. Arch.[FH]) jest adiunktem na Wydziale Architektury Politechniki Gdańskiej. W roku 2002 ukończyła studia na Wydziale Architektury i Urbanistyki  Politechniki Gdańskiej a w 2004 inżynierii architektonicznej na HAWK Hochschule für angewandte Wissenschaft und Kunst Hildesheim w Niemczech. Po studiach pracowała dla kilku firm o światowej renomie w Berlinie, Londynie, Nowym Jorku...


    This study focuses on the abundance and mobility of metals and trace elements from shale drill cuttings into the water, being the main component of hydraulic fracturing fluid. The relationship between composition of the shale rock and the potential element release during standard water-based leaching tests was characterized by means of X-Ray Fluorescence spectroscopy (XRF). The XRF analysis confirmed the assumption of shales constituents...

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  • Chemical modifications of graphene and their influence on properties of polyurethane composites: a review

    Polyurethane composites are materials of great interest nowadays due to their wide range of available forms and applications in industry. Controlling and achieving unique properties via matrix modifications and addition of various specific nanofillers seems be one of the key elements to success. The purpose of this work is to briefly present some examples of graphene nanoderivatives, their syntheses, properties and influence on...

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  • Reakcja miesięcznej i sezonowej temperatury powietrza na północnym skłonie Karkonoszy i ich przedpolu na zmiany wskaźnika NAO.


    - Rok 2019

    Przedstawiono wpływ wskaźnika NAO na kształtowanie temperatury powietrza w warunkach górskich na przykładzie Karkonoszy. Stwierdzono zmniejszanie się wpływu NAO na temperaturę powietrza ze wzrostem wysokości. Stwierdzono, że relacje między NAO a temperaturą powietrza są istotne jedynie w okresie zimowym od grudnia do marca włącznie. Związki te są niestacjonarne i wynikają ze wzrostu ciśnienia w Wyżu Azorskim w okresie 1988-2015....

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  • Człowiek i jego samochód - relacje w strukturach mieszkaniowych w warunkach zrównoważonego rozwoju. Zapis refleksji


    Jakość środowiska zbudowanego - przekształcanego i tworzonego dla coraz liczniejszych pokoleń mieszkańców jest przedmiotem wieloletniej i narastającej dyskusji zawodowej środowiska architektonicznego.Ludzka potrzeba samorealizacji poprzez codzienną aktywność, działalność zawodową, przyjmowane role społeczne wpływa na kształtowanie indywidualnych modeli codzienności miejskiej, na decyzje o wyborach miejsca zamieszkania, miejsca...

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  • Robert Bogdanowicz dr hab. inż.

    Robert Bogdanowicz received his Ph.D. degree with honours in Electronics from the Gdansk University of Technology. He worked as a post-doc researcher in Ernst-Moritz-Arndt-Universität Greifswald Institut für Physik. He has initiated optical emission imaging of muti-magnetron pulsed plasma and contributed to the development of antibacterial implant coatings deposited by high-power impulse magnetron sputtering. He moved back to...

  • Spatial aspects of urban air quality management: Estimating the impact of micro-scale urban form on pollution dispersion

    Urban planning and design solutions affect urban ventilation conditions, thus mitigating the effects of atmospheric pollution. However, these findings are not being implemented in the planning practice to a sufficient extent, partly due to the lack of specific guidelines. Moreover, many urban air quality monitoring (AQM) sites have low represnentativeness and thus do not provide comprehensive data for effective urban air pollution control...

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  • Dopants and gas modifiers in ion mobility spectrometry



    The ion mobility techniques, including the most commonly used drift-tube ion mobility spectrometry (IMS) and differential mobility spectrometry (DMS), are used successfully for the detection of a wide range of organic compounds in the gas phase. In order to improve detection quality, admixtures are added to gas streams flowing through the detector. Dopants mostly prevent the ionization of interfering chemicals however, better detection...

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  • Urban Design I. Urban Composition fall 2022_23

    Kursy Online
    • G. Rembarz
    • B. Bou Kalfouni

    The course is aimed at students of the 3rd semester of engineering studies in the field of Architecture. It is an introductory course to Urban Design. Students learn the basic concepts and principles related to town planning, urban design and urban composition. Students learn the methods of analyzing urban space and the basic principles of design during theoretical and practical classes, designing an urban composition for a specific...

  • Urban Design I. Urban Composition fall 2023_24

    Kursy Online
    • G. Rembarz
    • B. Bou Kalfouni

    The course is aimed at students of the 3rd semester of engineering studies in the field of Architecture. It is an introductory course to Urban Design. Students learn the basic concepts and principles related to town planning, urban design and urban composition. Students learn the methods of analyzing urban space and the basic principles of design during theoretical and practical classes, designing an urban composition for a specific...

  • Mobility Management Solutions for IP Networks Comparative Analysis of IP-based Mobility Protocols and Handover Algorithms Invited Paper


    - Rok 2012

    A rapid growth of IP-based networks and services hascreated a vast collection of resources and functionalities availableto users by means of a uniform method of access offered by the IPprotocol. At the same time, advances in the design of mobileelectronic devices allowed them to reach a utility levelcomparable to desktop computers, while still retaining theirmobility advantage. Unfortunately, the base IP protocol does notperform...

    Pełny tekst do pobrania w serwisie zewnętrznym

  • Architectural and urban theories in urban regeneration

    Kursy Online
    • K. Piątkowska
    • L. Nyka
    • P. Lorens

    This course deals with key issues associated with contemporary architectural and urban teories associated with transformation and revitalization of the distressed / degradated areas and buildings / objects. The architectural topics will be presented by dr Ksenia Piątkowska and Prof. Lucyna Nyka, while urban topics will be discussed by Prof. Piotr Lorens. Particular topics and themes will be presented according to the individual...

  • Smart Cities Concept: Smart Mobility Indicator



    This work attempts to analyze problems resulting from the lack of possibility to assess the effectiveness of the implementation of “Smart Mobility” solutions, which represent one of the cornerstones of Smart Cities, from the point of view of city hall offices. The work presents existing Smart Mobility evaluation solutions, discusses their drawbacks, and then proposes a new indicator. The final part of the work presents assumptions...

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  • A spatio-temporal approach to intersectoral labour and wage mobility


    - Rok 2017

    The article presents the spatio-temporal approach for intersectoral labor and wage mobility. Analyses of interindustry mobility were performed with the use of general entropy mobility indices (GEMM). Spatio- temporal approach was obtained thanks to the separate measurement of spatial autocorrelation and regression for each set of sectoral wage and employment structure and was conducted in each year of the research period separately....

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  • A Spatio-temporal Approach to Intersectoral Labour and Wage Mobility


    - Rok 2017

    The article presents the spatio-temporal approach for intersectoral labor and wage mobility. Analyses of interindustry mobility were performed with the use of general entropy mobility indices (GEMM). Spatio-temporal approach was obtained thanks to the separate measurement of spatial autocorrelation and regression for each set of sectoral wage and employment structure and was conducted in each year of the research period separately....

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  • Mobility management solutions for current IP and future networks


    Enormous progress in the design of portable electronic devices allowed them to reach a utility level comparable to desktop computers, while still retaining their mobility advantage. At the same time new multimedia services and applications are available for IP users. Unfortunately, the performance of base IP protocol is not satisfactory in mobile environments, due to lack of handover support and higher layer mobility management...

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  • Evolution of Edges and Porosity of Urban Blue Spaces: A Case Study of Gdańsk


    Current waterfront studies focus mainly on a land-based perspective, failing to include the water side. Water is, however, not just a resource for port and industrial purposes and an edge to the waterfront; it is also a feature of the waterfront and the complex relation between water and city. Thus, the article suggests that water-land edges need to be re-contextualised, taking into consideration also their shape, functionality,...

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  • Mobility in History


    ISSN: 2296-0503 , eISSN: 2050-9197

  • List of initial and final geometries of hybrid organic-inborganic perovskites

    List of initial and optimized geometries of hybrid organic-inorganic perovskites. Calculations were performed on DFT level of theory. Those results were reported in the Influence of Orientational Disorder on the Optical Absorption Properties of the Hybrid Metal‐Halide Perovskite CH3NH3PbI3 publication. Geometries, HOMO, LUMO, Band gap energies are concatenated...

  • Electron mobility variance in semiconductors: the variance approach

    • S. Melkonyan
    • H. Asriyan
    • A. Surmalyan
    • J. Smulko

    - Armenian Journal of Physics - Rok 2011

    Praca przedstawia nowe podejście da analizy zjawisk losowych w półprzewodnikach. Uwzględnia kilka mechanizmów zjawisk fluktuacji ruchliwości w półprzewodnikach, prowadzących do powstawamai składowej szumów typu 1/f, dominujących w zakresie małych czetotliwości. Przedstawia analizę sposobu wyznaczenia stałej Hooge'a określającej intensywność szumów typu 1/f.The statistical non-triviality of current carrier mobility fluctuations...

    Pełny tekst do pobrania w serwisie zewnętrznym

  • Greenery and Urban Form vs. Health of Residents: Evaluation of Modernist Housing in Lodz and Gdansk


    - Urban Planning - Rok 2022

    Urban forms can have numerous direct and indirect effects on the health of residents. This article focuses on the rela‐ tionship between health and urban form, in particular the role of green open spaces. The goal is to identify criteria for evaluating the impact of physical forms such as streets and open spaces, green infrastructure, and built structures on urban health. These criteria are then used to identify paths for the redevelopment...

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  • Influence of User Mobility and Antenna Placement on System Loss in B2B Networks


    - IEEE Access - Rok 2022

    In this paper, the influence of user mobility and on-body antenna placement on system loss in body-to-body communications in indoor and outdoor environments and different mobility scenarios is studied, based on system loss measurements at 2.45 GHz. The novelty of this work lies on the proposal of a classification model to characterise the effect of user mobility and path visibility on system loss, allowing to identify the best...

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  • Performance analysis of mobility protocols and handover algorithms for IP-based networks


    A rapid growth of IP-based networks and services has created the vast collection of resources and functionality available to users by means of a universal method of access - an IP protocol. At the same time, advances in design of mobile electronic devices have allowed them to reach utility level comparable to stationary, desktop computers, while still retaining their mobility advantage. Following this trend multiple extensions...

  • A city is not a tree: a multi-city study on street network and urban life


    Christopher Alexander, a British-American scholar, differentiated an old (natural) city from a new (planned) one by structure. The former resembles a “semilattice”, or a complex system encompassing many interconnected sub-systems. The latter is shaped in a graph-theoretical “tree”, which lacks the structural complexity as its sub-systems are compartmentalized into a single hierarchy. This structural distinction explains why, or...

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  • Impact mobility rEVolution'18


    12-09-2018 00:00 - 13-09-2018 23:59

    Patronat nad wydarzeniem objął rektor Politechniki Gdańskiej. WEiA został zakwalifikowany do grona wystawców kongresu. Koordynatorem udziału PG w kongresie jest Centrum Transferu Wiedzy i Technologii.

  • Surpassing the Line: Urban-Oriented Strategies in the Development of Business Complexes in Poland

    Development trends regarding the business-related urban complexes seem to evolve from the “big-box” towards the more “multi-use” types of structures. Within it, the special role is reserved for places, which—due to economic, political, and geographical reasons—have not been previously considered as major business hubs. Only recently, places like cities in Central and Eastern Europe have become attractive locations for business...

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  • Community Road Safety Strategies in the Context of Sustainable Mobility


    - Rok 2018

    The paper presents an overview on the road safety strategies and action plans implemented in the framework of the “SOL - Save our lives: Comprehensive road safety strategy for Central Europe” project. It contains summarization of learned knowledge regarding the efficiency of measures applied and highlights examples of good practices. The purpose of the paper is to provide recommendations for effective and successful planning, formulation...

    Pełny tekst do pobrania w serwisie zewnętrznym

  • Landscape as a Potential Key Concept in Urban Environmental Planning: The Case of Poland


    Rapid urban development increases the consumption of materials, energy, and water, resulting in an overproduction of waste and emissions. These cause many environmental threats, such as ozone layer depletion and rain acidification, leading to climate change. Therefore, the question arises on how to improve the effectiveness of tools that strengthen environmental protection. This discursive article presents an approach stressing...

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  • The Urban Mentoring as a New Method of Participatory Urban Planning in Poland

    Twenty-five years after the return of democracy and the beginning of basing the country's economy on neoliberal developmental paradigm, Poland adopted the regulations regarding management of urban policy, which had been wait for over a decade (accession to the EU). The National Urban Policy as well as the Act on revitalization have defined, in a modern manner, the field of cooperation between the local government, the administration...

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  • Mobile Gas Chromatographs Coupled with Mass and Ion Mobility Spectrometers and their Applications

    The articles describes the developments un combining of mass and ion mobility spectrometers (MS, IMS0 with miniature gas chromatographs (GC). The examples of applications of miniaturised GC-MS and GC-IMS devices are presented.

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  • Urban planning and design issues

    Kursy Online
    • P. Lorens

    This course deals with an overview of the contemporary urban planning and design issues

  • Developing the Urban Blue-Green Infrastructure as a Tool for Urban Air Quality Management


    Urban structure is an important factor that shapes the process of urban ventilation and pollution dispersion. With proper planning of the urban spatial layout, city breathability can be effectively regulated, contributing to urban air quality improvement. This paper investigates the development and current management of urban systems of green and open spaces in four Polish cities: Gda ´nsk, Warsaw, Pozna ´n and Wrocław, with a...

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  • Selection of AHI + SC Hybrid Storage Based on Mathematical Models and Load Variation Characteristics


    - Przegląd Elektrotechniczny - Rok 2018

    The article deals with the design of a hybrid storage consisting of Aqueous Hybrid Ion battery (AHI) and supercapacitor (SC) modules. The selection of components is based on the knowledge of the load profile of the storage and the AHI battery and supercapacitor models. The paper presents the method of selecting components of the storage made of AHI batteries and supercapacitor modules The article includes an example of the hybrid...

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  • Urban Railway within the Linear Urban Structure: the Case Study of Perm, Russia


    - Rok 2015

    The paper analyses the ten years’ experience of Perm to develop its system of the urban train trying to reveal the reasons for its modest performance and decline in the passenger traffic. The authors show how the Urban Train fits within the city urban structure and eval uate the potential of the Urban Train to become a feasible solution to the problem of connecting the periphery with the city centre. Furthermore,...

  • Concept of 'Good Urban Governance' and Its Application in Sustainable Urban Planning

    Contemporary urban theory and practice in the post-industrial era is increasingly often turning towards an approach based on sustainable development. That concept bearing the traits of a paradigm has grown on the ground of broad quest for an alternative to the existing development model of the industrial civilisation. It has gained wide social acceptance and is the basis for many development and environmental programmes at the...

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  • state aid for sustainable urban development

    Dane Badawcze
    open access

    The dataset encompassed a choice of important legal acts with respect on the usage of EFRD for urban projects, a list of selected bibliography as well as a list of selected individual notifications of state aid measures being part of the Sustainable Urban Development Programme in the period  2014- 2020. As a comparison, an example of individual EC decision...

  • Small Urban Hacks - Big Impact! Tackling major urban challenges through acupunctural smallness

    • D. D. Kamrowska-Załuska
    • D. Calas
    • E. Haselsteiner,
    • M. Ferreira SILVA
    • A. Galán González
    • E. Giancola
    • M. Hărmănescu
    • S. Soutullo Castro

    - Rok 2021

    Small urban hacks, acupunctural action and process-oriented planning approaches might appear to address quite a socio-romantic attitude towards our urban environments. In this chapter, our aim is to remedy such a biased view, demonstrating the impact and potential of smallness in the context of major urban challenges. Small urban hacks and their multi-faceted and creativity-driven approaches of small is beautiful are selected from...

    Pełny tekst do pobrania w serwisie zewnętrznym

  • Mobility Managment Scenarios for IPv6 Networks-Proxy Mobile IP-v6Implementation Issues

    Management of user at the network layer plays an important role in efficient network operation. In the paper, authors' implementation of one of network-based mobility management models, namely Proxy Mobile IPv6, is presented and tested in a number of networking topologies and communication scenarios. The proposed implementation covers PMPIv6 functionality with optional security extensions (use of Diameter protocol) and handover...

  • Enhanced Mobility and Large Linear Nonsaturating Magnetoresistance in the Magnetically Ordered States of TmNiC2

    We have studied the magnetic, magnetotransport, and galvanomagnetic properties of TmNiC2. We find that the antiferromagnetic and field induced metamagnetic and ferromagnetic orderings do not suppress the charge density wave. The persistence of Fermi surface pockets, open as a result of imperfect nesting accompanying the Peierls transition, results in an electronic carriers mobility of the order of 4 × 103 cm2 V−1 s−1 in ferromagnetic...

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  • Urban hydrology 2023/24 (winter)

    Kursy Online
    • K. Weinerowska-Bords

    The course provides support for teaching the subject of Urban hydrology during the 3rd semester of MSc Studies in Environmental Engineering (Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering). The course covers hydrological issues related to urban catchments. Wsparcie dla nauczania przedmiotu Urban hydrology na kierunku Environmental Engineering (WILiŚ). Przedmiot realizowany na III semestrze studiów II stopnia. Obejmuje zagadnienia...

  • Urban hydrology 2022/23 (summer)

    Kursy Online
    • K. Weinerowska-Bords

    The course provides support for teaching the subject of Urban hydrology during the 3rd semester of MSc Studies in Environmental Engineering (Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering). The course covers hydrological issues related to urban catchments. Wsparcie dla nauczania przedmiotu Urban hydrology na kierunku Environmental Engineering (WILiŚ). Przedmiot realizowany na III semestrze studiów II stopnia. Obejmuje zagadnienia...