Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: ITS AND ICT
Gender and support Polish women at the beginning of their professional career in IT
PublikacjaThe development of ICT should be understood not only as an increase in the number of users skilled in the use of new technologies, but also as an ever-increasing demand for qualified professionals capable of creating, administering, supporting, and servicing ICT systems. With regard to the continuous development of innovative technologies, there is a noticeably low share of women who actively create and co-create this sector,...
New Technologies Adoption and Diffusion Patterns in Developing Countries. An Empirical Study for the Period 2000-2011
PublikacjaIn recent years, enormous changes are noted worldwide when broad adoption of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT). These unique technologies – often perceived as economic development incentives – have a great ability to spread at high pace and low cost in world countries, bringing to people opportunities to contribute to economic development and growth. New Technologies play a special role in developing countries, where...
Nowe technologie i rozwój gospodarczy. Analiza empiryczna dla krajów Ameryki Łacińskiej
PublikacjaArtykuł przedstawia analizę zależności miedzy wdrożeniem ICT a wzrostem gospodarczym w krajach Ameryki Łacińskiej dla lat 2000-2011.
The influences of the information and communication technology on the structural changes of Japanese energy sectors from 1985 through 2005: a statistical analysis
PublikacjaThe purpose of this study is to analyse the influences of information and communication technology (ICT) on the structural changes of Japanese energy sectors from 1985-2005. In this study, ICT is represented by two explanatory variables, namely: 1) computers, main parts and accessories; 2) telecommunications equipment. We employ a statistical tool in investigating the influences quantitatively, namely constrained multivariate regression...
Technology-Driven Internationalization: Central-Eastern European Perspective
PublikacjaSince the 1990s of the twentieth century onward, Central-Eastern European countries have been extensively involved in these two processes—regarding increasing share of ICT and high-tech exports in country’s total export value—and additionally, across these economies, changes in the level of access to and use of ICT have been observed. The main target of this research is to contribute to the present state of the art, by proving...
Studencka przestrzeń modelowania matematycznego, czyli nowy budynek CNMiKnO
PublikacjaW ramach projektu „Inżynier Przyszłości” powstał nowy budynek Centrum Nauczania Matematyki i Kształcenia na Odległość zintegrowany w jedną całość z Centrum Nanotechnologii B. To kolejny element nowoczesnej infrastruktury edukacyjnej Politechniki Gdańskiej zbudowany w oparciu o najnowsze technologie ICT i wyposażony w nowoczesne narzędzia modelowania matematycznego i wizualizacji danych....
Skills mismatch in the context of technological change
PublikacjaThe main purpose of this dissertation is to assess the perception asymmetry of smart skills and formal education in ICT based economy. In other words, the goal of this research is to assess perceptions of smart skills and competences in the context of technological change from the perspectives of employers and students in Poland. Determining the fore-mentioned relationship gives insight into the hypothetical perception asymmetry...
PublikacjaIntensive development of technologies, in particular of the spinotronics, nanotechnology, robotics, and ICT, shapes the new generation production systems. Their distinctive feature is the flexi-bility associated with production intelligence. It is required from all processes, including the production planning and control processes (PPCP). The article is of conceptual character. It was prepared based on literature research. It encompasses...
Digitalization and digital skills development patterns. Evidence for European countries
PublikacjaThis chapter contextualizes the digitalization process and the digital skills concept. It discusses the very process of technology diffusion, emphasizing several unique features of digital technologies that make them globally available. Next, it turns to the digital skills concept, clarifying how and why they reshape the societal and economic landscape. It also briefly addresses the digital divide and skill-biased technological...
Mulimedia manuals for descriptive geometry and engineering graphics
PublikacjaThe article discusses issues connected with ICT (Information and Communication Technologies) implementation in Descriptive Geometry and Engineering Graphics Education. The presentation of the issues is supported by the author's multimedia manuals made in Multimedia Flash MX technology and published on the Gdańsk University of Technology net.
Nowe Technologies i wzrosty gospodarczy w Ameryce Łacińskiej. Spatial effects
PublikacjaCelem artykułu jest identyfikacja statystycznych zależności między poziomem wdrożenia ICT a poziomem PKB per capita w Ameryce Łacińskiej. Analiza obejmuje lata 2000-2013, a do przeprowadzenia badań empirycznych wykorzystano metody ekonometrii przestrzennej.
Jaromir Durkiewicz mgr
OsobyJaromir Durkiewicz jest asystentem w Katedrze Zastosowań Informatyki w Zarządzaniu Wydziału Zarządzania i Ekonomii Politechniki Gdańskiej. Magister informatyki i ekonometrii (Wydział Zarządzania Uniwersytetu Gdańskiego) oraz politologii (Wydział Nauk Społecznych Uniwersytetu Gdańskiego). Przez kilka lat zawodowo związany z branżą IT. Od 2017 r. doktorant na WZiE, gdzie we współpracy z prof. Tomaszem Janowskim prowadzi badania w...
The Use of Information and Communication Technologies in Cluster Organizations
PublikacjaThe purpose of the paper is to explore how cluster organizations (COs) take advantage of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT). The paper addresses the research question: “How do cluster organizations take advantage of ICT in fulfilling their main roles?”. The research was carried out in the first half of 2016 in four purposefully selected cluster organizations. The main research strategy involved Grounded Theory; the...
Podaż na Mazowszu a rozwój klastrów. Cz.2
PublikacjaArtykuł zawiera główne wnioski z badań przeprowadzonych w 2005r. i 2007r. na Mazowszu pod kątem rozwoju klastrów wysokotechnologicznych. Na podstawie obliczeń współczynnika lokalizacji LQ (location quotient) zostały zidentyfikowane istotne koncentracje branż high-tech na Mazowszu, a następnie w oparciu o metodę OECD do badania interakcji zostały przeanalizowane trzy sektory high-tech występujące w obrębie Obszaru Metropolitarnego...
Technological substitution in Asia
PublikacjaThis book provides extensive evidence on information and communication technologies development diffusion patterns, unveils specific ‘network effects’ that enhance rapid spread of ICT, and detect major macroeconomic determinants of this process, across 36 Asian economies over the period 1980-2015. Moreover, this research traces country-specific patterns of the unique process. We consider two types of technological substitution,...
The lemniscate knowledge flow model
PublikacjaKnowledge is seen as one of the main resources for organizations providing knowledge-intensive services. Therefore, sharing and reusing are the main goals of modern knowledge management (KM) approach, driven by information and communication technologies (ICT). However, one can ask for the details in order to provide means and tools to design and deploy environment able to fulfil these two goals. We observed that occurred interactions...
The Emergence of ETFs in Asia-Pacific
PublikacjaThe major objective of this book is to contribute to the present state of knowledge by exploring empirical links between the processes of diffusion of financial innovations— exchange-traded funds—and growing deployment of ICT across Asia-Pacific countries, between 2004 and 2017. We examine the evolutionary patterns of ETFs on selected Asia-Pacific stock exchanges and verify the hypothesized relationship between increasing ICT penetration...
Impact of digital technologies on reliability of risk forecasting models - case study of enterprises in three global financial market regions
PublikacjaThis chapter focuses on the evaluation of impact of ICT on reliability of financial risk forecasting models. Presented study shows how the development of ICT can improve the effectiveness of such models. Determining a firm’s financial risk is one of the most interesting topics for investors and decision-makers. The multifaceted goal of the presented research is to separately estimate five traditional statistical and five soft computing...
Innowacyjność a Electronic Commerce
PublikacjaInnowacyjność jest kluczem do konkurencyjności w przemyśle. Przedsiębiorstwa powinny wprowadzać, rozwijać i sprzedawać nowe technologie. Promocja innowacyjności i wspieranie udziału MSP,są ściśle powiązane w tworzonej polityce innowacyjnej UE. Przeanalizowano programy UE wspierania innowacyjności i rozwijania technologi ICT przez MSP.
Changing patterns in export of goods versus international competitiveness. A comparative analysis for Central-East European countries in the period 2000-2011.
PublikacjaThis paper discusses the existing links between changing patterns in the export of goods, broken down by technology-intensity, versus intrenational competitiveness. The study covers nine Central-East European (CEE) economies: Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Romania and the Slovak Republic, in the time span 2000-2011. We examine the hypothesis of a strong, positive and statistically significant...
Testing Situation Awareness Network for the Electrical Power Infrastructure
PublikacjaThe contemporary electrical power infrastructure is exposed to new types of threats. The cause of such threats is related to the large number of new vulnerabilities and architectural weaknesses introduced by the extensive use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in such complex critical systems. The power grid interconnection with the Internet exposes the grid to new types of attacks, such as Advanced Persistent...
Digital Gaps and Economic Inequalities in MENA Countries: An Empirical Investigation
PublikacjaThis research contributes to the present state of the art by examining changes in cross-country inequalities in digital technologies deployment and economic performance. Our empirical target builds on the hypothesis that rapid global diffusion of digital technologies unequivocally leads to gradual eradication of cross-country digital gaps and cross-country inequalities in terms of deployment of ICT; the technology convergence occurs....
PublikacjaThe known in empirical economics question ‘Why so Few? Why so Slow? Why so Low?’ refers here to the persistently small number of women involved in innovative activities, the slowness of change in the inequalities between women and men in these fields, and women’s continuing lower rank in business and academic positions. In developing countries, women`s labour and entrepreneurial activity remains an ‘untapped resource’ for economic...
Software modules and application layer's security structure of RSMAD
PublikacjaThe paper discusses the software modules of Radio System for Monitoring and Acquisition of Data from Traffic Enforcement Cameras (in short RSMAD). The structure of the application layer of the system has also been analysed in details, including: purpose, structure and principles of operation of software modules constituting this system. In addition, the paper presents and discusses the structure of security of application layer...
The role of the human factor in the companies' innovativeness
PublikacjaInnovation is one of the factors enabling the development of both individual companies and entire economies. While previously the possibilities offered by technology were focused on, including information and communication technology (ICT), recently the potential of human resources has been gaining more and more attention. This capital — often underestimated — can in the right conditions and with a conducive organizational culture...
Relationships Between Geographical and Virtual Proximity in Cluster Organisations
PublikacjaThe purpose of the paper is to explore the relationships between geographical and virtual proximity in cluster organizations (COs). The authors report the findings of a qualitative study conducted in four COs in Poland. The basic technique for collecting and analyzing data was an in-depth individual interview and qualitative content analysis. The research has shown that the relationships between geographical and virtual proximity...
The Diffusion of Information and Communication Technologies
PublikacjaThis book provides extensive evidence on information and communication technologies development patterns and dynamics of this process across developed economies over the period 1980 to the present day. It adopts newly developed methodology to identification of the ‘critical mass’ and isolation of technological takeoff intervals, which are intimately related to the process of technology diffusion. The statistically robust analysis...
Nauka w świecie cyfrowym okiem młodego inżyniera - wpływ pandemii na branżę transmisji strumieniowej
PublikacjaTrwająca pandemia znacznie ograniczyła mobilność użytkowników. Wiele osób zrezygnowało ze swobodnego przemieszczania się z powodów zdrowotnych, osobistych lub innych. Fakt ten dotyczył zwłaszcza studentów, którzy musieli przejść na kształcenie na odległość. Także wiele zawodów powiązanych z technologiami ICT postanowiło skorzystać ze zdalnych mechanizmów wymiany informacji i komunikacji z klientem. Czynniki te z pewnością dały...
Cooperative control in production and logistics
PublikacjaClassical applications of control engineering and information and communication technology (ICT) in production and logistics are often done in a rigid, centralized and hierarchical way. These inflexible approaches are typically not able to cope with the complexities of the manufacturing environment, such as the instabilities, uncertainties and abrupt changes caused by internal and external disturbances, or a large number and variety...
Stan obecny i kierunki rozwoju telekomunikacyjnych i teleinformatycznych prac badawczych i wdrożeniowych w Polsce i na świecie
Publikacjaw publikacji wskazano na główne wyzwania technologiczne i społeczne stojące przed sektorem ICT. Pokazano synergiczne powiązania mikroelektroniki, informatyki i telekomunikacji. Zawarto charakterystykę polskiego i światowego rynku telekomunikacyjnego. Zasygnalizowano trendy w rozwiju telekomunikacji i teleinformatyki prezentujac syntetyczną informację na temat stanu wiedzy w dziedzinie technologii ICTC. Zasygnalizowano przy tym...
A repeated game formulation of network embedded coding for multicast resilience in extreme conditions
PublikacjaComputer networks and data sharing applications are vital for our current society and fundamental for any available ICT solution, so that networking is considered as one of the key critical infrastructures and its correct behavior should be always enforced, even in case of disasters or severe execution conditions. Resilience is a strongly demanding nonfunctional requirement for current computer networks, and one of the key factors...
Współpraca w inicjatywach klastrowych. Rola bliskości w rozwoju powiązań kooperacyjnych
PublikacjaPodjęty w niniejszej publikacji problem badawczy dotyczy rozwoju powiązań kooperacyjnych w inicjatywach klastrowych. Chęć eksploracji obszaru współpracy w inicjatywach klastrowych wynikała z niedostatecznego rozpoznania i słabego opisania w literaturze przedmiotu problematyki dotyczącej rozwoju współpracy w inicjatywach klastrowych, a także ze słabości wielu inicjatyw klastrowych działających w Polsce, w których nie rozwinęły się...
Evaluation of Open Source SIEM for Situation Awareness Platform in the Smart Grid Environment
PublikacjaThe smart grid as a large-scale system of systems has an exceptionally large surface exposed to cyber-attacks, including highly evolved and sophisticated threats such as Advanced Persistent Threats (APT) or Botnets. When addressing this situation the usual cyber security technologies are prerequisite, but not sufficient. The smart grid requires developing and deploying an extensive ICT infrastructure that supports significantly...
Nauka w świecie cyfrowym okiem młodego inżyniera - nawigacja mobilna w miastach
PublikacjaDynamiczny rozwój technologii ICT i miniaturyzacja komponentów elektronicznych doprowadziły do sytuacji, w której znaczna część światowego społeczeństwa korzysta z urządzeń mobilnych. Dzięki powszechnemu dostępowi do smartfonów każdy użytkownik może w prosty sposób sprawdzić swoje położenie, niezależnie od tego, gdzie w danej chwili się znajduje. Ponadto sami operatorzy sieci komórkowych oraz dostawcy szeregu serwisów korzystają...
Blockchain technologies to address smart city and society challenges
PublikacjaNew Information and Communications Technologies (ICT) are changing the way in which the world works. These technologies provide new tools to face the issues of contemporary society (poverty, migrations, sustainable development challenges, governance, etc.). Among them, blockchain emerge as a disruptive technology able to make things in a completely different and innovative way. They can provide solutions where before there were...
Evaluation of multimedia applications in a cluster oriented environment
PublikacjaIn the age of Information and Communication Technology (ICT), Web and the Internet have changed significantly the way applications are developed, deployed and used. One of recent trends is modern design of web-applications based on SOA. This process is based on the composition of existing web services into a single scenario from the point of view of a particular user or client. This allows IT companies to shorten product time-to-market....
Projekty grupowe jako przygotowanie do współpracy w zespołach wirtualnych
PublikacjaArtykuł dotyczy zastosowania metody uczenia się poprzez realizację projektów i uczenia się zespołowego, które przedstawiono na przykładzie przedmiotu Projekt grupowy prowadzonego na studiach II stopnia z zakresu ICT (technologii informacyjno-komunikacyjnych). Zaprezentowano założenia i strukturę przedmiotu, koncentrując się na kontekstowym charakterze realizowanych projektów i analogiach do zadań realizowanych w firmach w rzeczywistych...
E-textbook technologies for academics in medical education
PublikacjaPublic universities in Poland receive fairly limited financial support for creating e-textbooks and lack the appropriate ICT competences among teaching staff, especially in the case of non-technical universities. The authors propose a pedagogical and technological paradigm for e-textbooks in medical education using open source software with minimal IT skills required. Technologies used to develop e-textbooks are connected with:...
Europejski sektor małych i średnich przedsiębiorstw wobec wyzwań gospodarki światowej
PublikacjaW rozdziale przedstawiono sytuację europejskiego sektora MSP wobec zmian zachodzących w gospodarce światowej. Opisywane przez autorów zmiany są powodowane tak przez uniwersalne trendy jak i przez nowe, regionalne zjawiska i procesy. Najważniejsze, z punktu widzenia europejskich MSP uniwersalne trendy to przyspieszenie globalizacji, upowszechnienie technologii informacyjnych i komunikacyjnych (ICT), utworzenie JRE, wprowadzenie...
Evaluation of Vehicle Routing Problem Algorithms for Transport Logistics Using Dedicated GIS System
PublikacjaThe development and research related to optimization of fleet management is of high interest among many industrial and scientific entities related to logistics and transport. Optimal distribution of transportation resources leads to significant cost reduction. In this context, scientific research related to so called Vehicle Routing Problem (VRP) which relies on determining the shortest transport routes for a strictly limited number...
E-learning in tourism and hospitality: A map
PublikacjaThe impact of information and communication technologies (ICT) on tourism and hospitality industries has been widely recognized and investigated as a one of the major changes within the domains in the last decade: new ways of communicating with prospective tourists and new ways of purchasing products arisen are now part of the industries’ everyday life. Poor attention has been paid so far to the role played by new media in education...
eNauczanie – wykorzystajmy potencjał, jaki niesie za sobą technologia
PublikacjaPopyt na zaawansowaną edukację jest ogromny – dotyczy to nie tylko młodych ludzi, ale również dorosłych szukających ścieżek dalszego kształcenia lub budowania nowych dróg swojej kariery zawodowej. Uczelnie wyższe są pod ogromną presją finansową – chcą pogodzić kształcenie egalitarne z elitarnym. Z formalnej edukacji na poziomie wyższym obecnie korzysta znaczna liczba odbiorców, o zróżnicowanych potrzebach edukacyjnych. Instytucje...
Side Effects of National Immunization Program: E-Governance Support Toward Elders' Digital Inclusion
PublikacjaIn response to the coronavirus pandemic, the European Union (EU) governments develop policies to regulate exclusive health protection actions that consider societal needs with the emphasis on elders. Given that the EU vaccination strategy uses a centralized ICT-based approach, there is little guidance on how seniors are included in national immunization programs (NIP). In this paper, we addressed a knowledge gap of the side effects...
Integrated Functional Safety and Cybersecurity Evaluation in a Framework for Business Continuity Management
PublikacjaThis article outlines an integrated functional safety and cybersecurity evaluation approach within a framework for business continuity management (BCM) in energy companies, including those using Industry 4.0 business and technical solutions. In such companies, information and communication technology (ICT), and industrial automation and control system (IACS) play important roles. Using advanced technologies in modern manufacturing...
Is Digitalization Improving Governance Quality? Correlating Analog and Digital Benchmarks
PublikacjaThe digitalization of public governance and the resulting concept of electronic governance is a characteristic feature of contemporary information society. Both can be defined as the process and outcome of digital transformation: transformation of the “analog” version of governance into “digital” governance. Measuring both versions of governance against typical performance measures of efficiency, effectiveness, equity, openness...
Akademia ETI
PublikacjaArtykuł omawia rozpoczętą w 2008 r. współpracę Wydziału Elektroniki, Telekomunikacji i Informatyki Politechniki Gdańskiej z liceami ogólnokształcącymi Gdańska. Głównym jej celem jest podniesienie poziomu kształcenia uczniów szkół średnich (potencjalnych przyszłych studentów wydziału) oraz umożliwienie rozwoju ich kompetencji w zakresie ICT. Współpraca ta polega przede wszystkim na prowadzeniu przez nauczycieli akademickich zajęć...
The impact of ICTs on women’s economic empowerment
PublikacjaIt is widely argued that ICTs enable the inclusion of low-skilled and traditionally marginalized groups, such as women, people with disabilities, and workers at the base of the pyramid (BoP), in the labor market. In this paper, we investigate the determinants of female participation in the labor market in developing countries with a focus on the impact of the use of ICTs on female labor force participation. We conduct a panel study...
Knowledge Risks in the Sharing Economy
PublikacjaThis chapter presents a theoretical analysis of potential risks connected with knowledge that organizations operating in the sharing economy might potentially face. Nowadays, it can be stated that an increasing amount of individuals and organizations participate in sharing and exchanging data, information, and knowledge, as well as physical goods and services (Botsman & Rogers, 2011). The development of the sharing economy has...
The Impact of ICTs on Women’s Economic Empowerment
PublikacjaIt is widely argued that ICTs enable the inclusion of low-skilled and traditionally marginalized groups, such as women, people with disabilities, and workers at the base of the pyramid (BoP), in the labor market. In this paper, we investigate the determinants of female participation in the labor market in developing countries with a focus on the impact of the use of ICTs on female labor force participation. We conduct a panel study...
Entrepreneurship in Virtual Economy: the Case of Currency One SA
PublikacjaPurpose: The scientific purpose of the study is an attempted synthesis of interpretation of “the virtual economy” and “the virtual environment” in the Polish and foreign literature on the subject. The cognitive purpose thereof is to offer an identification and a qualitative analysis of the factors that determine the development of e-entrepreneurship using an example of business practice. Methodology: The theoretical basis of the...