Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: LAYOUT
Mobile satellite measurements on the Pomeranian Metropolitan Railway
PublikacjaThis paper presents the process of organization and execution of the mobile satellite measurements conducted on the tracks of the Pomeranian Metropolitan Railway before officially entry the line into operation. These measurements allowed for the accurate identification of the actual geometric shape of the line. In the paper the issues of both design and construction phase of this railway line has been described. Moreover, the geodetic...
Wideband Modeling of DC-DC Buck Converter with GaN Transistors
PublikacjaThe general wideband modeling method of the power converter is presented on the example of DC-DC buck converter with GaN High Electron Mobility Transistors (HEMT). The models of all basic and parasitic components are briefly described. The two methods of Printed Circuit Board (PCB) layout parameter extraction are presented. The results of simulation in Saber@Sketch simulation software and measurements are compared. Next, the model...
Polyarmonic model of synchronous generator for analysis of autonomous power generation systems
PublikacjaAbstract: This paper presents the polyharmonic modelling of synchronous generator (SG) in machine variables. The simple geometry and windings physical layout has been used for inductance calculations of a salient-pole SG. The main advantage of this model is the ease of describing an autonomous power generation system (APGS) in terms of its topology and thus providing effective analysis at the static and dynamic states, both for...
Jesień w Bibliotece PG
PublikacjaArtykuł jest podsumowaniem licznych aktywności podjętych przez Bibliotekę PG w okresie jesiennym 2023 r., ukierunkowanych na czytelnictwo, jak i wynikających z naukowo-edukacyjno-kulturalnego charakteru tej jednostki. Z zestawienia zaprezentowanych wydarzeń wyłania się obraz Biblioteki PG jako miejsca...
Rapid multi-objective simulation-driven design of compact microwave circuits
PublikacjaA methodology for rapid multi-objective design of compact microwave circuits is proposed. Our approach exploits point-by-point Pareto set identification using surrogate-based optimization techniques, auxiliary equivalent circuit models, and space mapping as the major model correction method. The proposed technique is illustrated and validated through the design of a compact rat-race coupler. A set of ten designs being trade-offs...
Meeting Modernisms in Gdynia
PublikacjaThe paper focused on the architectural heritage of the city of Gdynia, in Poland, built in 1920s and 1930s. The city was established (founded) on the seaside of the Baltic Sea as the only port of Poland – a country that regained independence after Versailles Treaty. The history of the city, built from scratch is outstanding in Europe. Modernist architecture of the city is represented by buildings built for different purposes: housing,...
The impact of footing conditions of a vertical-axis floating-roof tank on structural shell deformation
PublikacjaStructural shells of fuel tanks are often subjected to geometric imperfections which may lead to exceeding the ultimate and serviceability limit states. One of the means triggering shell deformation is non-uniform settlement caused by incoherent soil conditions. Analysis carried out in the work concerns of vertical-axis, floating-roof cylindrical shell which volume is 50.000 m3, founded on a complex multi-layered soil. The sensitivity...
The conducted EMI in DC-DC converters
PublikacjaThis book presents the phenomena of conducted electromagnetic interference (EMI) generation in DC-DC converters. The measurement and simulation are used to analyze the impact of the most important parameters on the character, level and propagation path of interference. In this book, the analysis of the interference generation and propagation is presented on the example of three basic converters. The wide banded behavior of all...
Energy Systems Stations, W, ET, sem.7, zimowy 22/23 (PG_00042106)
Kursy OnlineInternal combustion engines - principle of operation and classification. Heat balance of the engine. Uniform and combined propulsion systems.The main comonents of the propulsion system. Power plant efficiency and waste heat utilization. Cooling water system, lubricating oil system, fuel oil systeml, gaseos fuel system (LNG), compressed air system, exhaust gas system. Fittings and accessories of pipeline systems in the power plant....
Koncepcja logistycznego usprawnienia magazynu cross-dockowego przedsiębiorstwa X
PublikacjaCelem artykułu jest przedstawienie koncepcji logistycznego usprawnienia magazynu cross- -dockowego przedsiębiorstwa X. W oparciu o informacje dotyczące stanu faktycznego maga- zynu zostały przeprowadzone badania procesów magazynowych. Po przeprowadzeniu identyfikacji problemów zostały zaproponowane usprawnienia wybranego procesu magazynowego, które polegały na propozycji zmiany sposobu zagospodarowania magazynu. Do tego...
Heat Transfer During Pool Boiling of Water, Methanol and R141b on Porous Coated Horizontal Tube Bundles
PublikacjaThis paper presents the results of experimental investigation of water, methanol and R141b refrigerant boiling on horizontal porous coated tube bundles supposed to represent a flooded-type evaporator. Experiments were carried out for a bundle of 19 tubes in triangular layout for two pitch-to-diameter ratio values – 1.7 and 2.0 – in atmospheric and sub-atmospheric pressure conditions. Average heat transfer coefficients – both local,...
Comparative Analysis of Numerical and Experimental Studies of the Airflow Around the Sample of Urban Development
PublikacjaIn this paper, on the background of a short overview of the recent advances in the field of Environmental Wind Engineering (EWE), a comparison of wind tunnel experiment and numerical simulation for some cases of airflow around an urban layout have been reported. The purpose of the study is quantitative and qualitative comparison of measurements in the wind tunnel as well as numerical simulation using Ansys Fluent software. The...
The Effects of Roadside Hazards on Road Accident Severity
PublikacjaThe risk of becoming involved in an accident emerges when elements of the transport system do not operate properly (man – vehicle – road – roadside). The road, its traffic layout andsafety equipment have a critical impact on road user safety. This gives infrastructural work a priority in road safety strategies and programmes. Run-off-road accidents continue to be one of the biggest problems of road safety with consequences including...
PublikacjaHealthcare facilities are architectural objects designed under the strong influence of sanitary and hygienic requirements and guidelines of medical technology. During the process of planning future healthcare facilities and modernising already existing units, the need to provide safety to all their users comes as a significant aspect. In medical objects, it depends on the standard factors observed in public utility buildings. The...
Bridge Ergonomic Design: A Review
PublikacjaHuman error remains the most common cause of marine incidents and it is worth emphasizing that navigator’s performance is directly affected by ergonomic factors on the bridge. Studies regarding influence of bridge design and work environment on the operator are rare, thus the main purpose of this paper is to fill in this gap. Documents issued by recognized organizations, research publications and additional sources were reviewed...
Integrating modelling, simulation and data management tools to create a planning support system for the improvement of air quality by urban planning solutions
PublikacjaThe urbanization pressure requires urban planners, designers, and policy makers to be more responsive to the challenges related to improving the quality of the urban environment and the living conditions of the inhabitants. One of the many environmental issues that need to be taken into account is urban air pollution. As the process of urban ventilation and air pollution dis-persion is significantly affected by the urban layout,...
Próba oceny efektów projektowania układów geometrycznych toru z wykorzystaniem komercyjnych programów komputerowych
PublikacjaW pracy podjęto kwestię dokładności uzyskiwanej w projektowaniu układów geometrycznych toru z wykorzystaniem komercyjnych programów komputerowych typu CAD. Opisano w sposób ogólny funkcjonowanie wybranego programu. Do celów weryfikacji wykorzystano własną, analityczną metodę projektowania układów torowych. W analizie porównawczej rzędnych poziomych rozpatrzono trzy warianty układu geometrycznego zawierającego łuk koszowy z trzema...
Obliczanie przesunięć osi toru przy modernizacji łuków parabolicznych na liniach kolejowych
PublikacjaPodstawowym zadaniem modernizacji linii kolejowych jest właściwe zaprojektowanie nowego układu geometrycznego, który będzie spełniał założone kryteria związane z parametrami eksploatacyjnymi danej linii. Dążąc do spełnienia przyjętych warunków nałożonych na projektowany układ, projektant najczęściej koryguje podstawowe parametry geometryczne, tj. przechyłkę, promień łuku kołowego oraz długości krzywych przejściowych. W artykule...
Multimedia interface using head movements tracking
PublikacjaThe presented solution supports innovative ways of manipulating computer multimedia content, such as: static images, videos and music clips and others that can be browsed subsequently. The system requires a standard web camera that captures images of the user face. The core of the system is formed by a head movement analyzing algorithm that finds a user face and tracks head movements in real time. Head movements are tracked with...
A Perspective on Fast-SPICE Simulation Technology
PublikacjaThis chapter presents an introduction to the area of accelerated transistor-level (‘fast-SPICE’) simulation for automated verification and characterization of integrated circuits (ICs) from technologist’s perspective. It starts with outlining goals, expectations and typical usage models for fast-SPICE simulators, stressing how they differ from regular SPICE tools. It continues with presenting and classifying core technologies typically...
Low-cost EM-Simulation-based Multi-objective Design Optimization of Miniaturized Microwave Structures
PublikacjaIn this work, a simple yet reliable technique for fast multi-objective design optimization of miniaturized microwave structures is discussed. The proposed methodology is based on point-by-point identification of a Pareto-optimal set of designs representing the best possible trade-offs between conflicting objectives such as electrical performance parameters as well as the size of the structure of interest. For the sake of computational...
The process generation of WWTP models for optimization of activated sludge systems
PublikacjaThe objective of water and wastewater utilities, which are responsible for optimization of wastewater treatment plant operation, is threefold: environmental protection, saving money, and mitigation of pollutant emissions, both to water and air. The performed study aimed to assess the process generation of WWTP models that improve activated sludge systems operation, by means of new developed Mantis2 model. This model accounts for...
Overheating of underground power cable line due to its partial exposition to solar radiation
PublikacjaCurrent-carrying capacity of underground power cable lines depends, among others, on thermal resistivity of the soil and cables layout: trefoil formation, flat formation with or without spacing. If conditions for heat transfer in the ground are favorable, the current-carrying capacity is relatively high. Therefore, it generates risk of the power cables overheating, if part of the cable line is located vertically in the air, to...
Szkolenie z platformy eStudent - 2024/2025
Kursy OnlineTen kurs został przygotowany przez Centrum Usług Informatycznych dla studentów i doktorantów Politechniki Gdańskiej. Odbycie kursu i rozwiązanie quizu jest warunkiem zaliczenia przedmiotu „Szkolenie z platformy eStudent". This course has been prepared by the Centre of Information Services for students and PhD students at Gdańsk University of Technology. To get a credit for “eStudent platform training” you have to do the course...
ECG measurement from the hand with standing - hands resting on the device - Woman 27 age
Dane BadawczeThe data set shows the measurements of the ECG signal from the hand made with the use of the proprietary measuring system, based on the AD8232 and STM32 chips. Thanks to such a constructed device, it is possible to measure the ECG signal in a non-standard way - from the hand. The results show the ECG signal for a specific hand and forearm position relative...
ECG measurement from the hand with elbows to the body - Woman 27 age
Dane BadawczeThe data set shows the measurements of the ECG signal from the hand made with the use of the proprietary measuring system, based on the AD8232 and STM32 chips. Thanks to such a constructed device, it is possible to measure the ECG signal in a non-standard way - from the hand. The results show the ECG signal for a specific hand and forearm position relative...
ECG measurement from the hand with standing - hands resting on the device - Woman 49 age
Dane BadawczeThe data set shows the measurements of the ECG signal from the hand made with the use of the proprietary measuring system, based on the AD8232 and STM32 chips. Thanks to such a constructed device, it is possible to measure the ECG signal in a non-standard way - from the hand. The results show the ECG signal for a specific hand and forearm position relative...
ECG measurement from the hand with elbows resting on the armrests of the chair - Woman 49 age
Dane BadawczeThe data set shows the measurements of the ECG signal from the hand made with the use of the proprietary measuring system, based on the AD8232 and STM32 chips. Thanks to such a constructed device, it is possible to measure the ECG signal in a non-standard way - from the hand. The results show the ECG signal for a specific hand and forearm position relative...
ECG measurement from the hand with elbows in the air - Man 29 age
Dane BadawczeThe data set shows the measurements of the ECG signal from the hand made with the use of the proprietary measuring system, based on the AD8232 and STM32 chips. Thanks to such a constructed device, it is possible to measure the ECG signal in a non-standard way - from the hand. The results show the ECG signal for a specific hand and forearm position relative...
ECG measurement from the hand with elbows to the body - Woman 49 age
Dane BadawczeThe data set shows the measurements of the ECG signal from the hand made with the use of the proprietary measuring system, based on the AD8232 and STM32 chips. Thanks to such a constructed device, it is possible to measure the ECG signal in a non-standard way - from the hand. The results show the ECG signal for a specific hand and forearm position relative...
ECG measurement from the hand with elbows in the air - Woman 27 age
Dane BadawczeThe data set shows the measurements of the ECG signal from the hand made with the use of the proprietary measuring system, based on the AD8232 and STM32 chips. Thanks to such a constructed device, it is possible to measure the ECG signal in a non-standard way - from the hand. The results show the ECG signal for a specific hand and forearm position relative...
ECG measurement from the hand with elbows resting on the table top - Man 29 age
Dane BadawczeThe data set shows the measurements of the ECG signal from the hand made with the use of the proprietary measuring system, based on the AD8232 and STM32 chips. Thanks to such a constructed device, it is possible to measure the ECG signal in a non-standard way - from the hand. The results show the ECG signal for a specific hand and forearm position relative...
ECG measurement from the hand with elbows resting on the armrests of the chair - Man 29 age
Dane BadawczeThe data set shows the measurements of the ECG signal from the hand made with the use of the proprietary measuring system, based on the AD8232 and STM32 chips. Thanks to such a constructed device, it is possible to measure the ECG signal in a non-standard way - from the hand. The results show the ECG signal for a specific hand and forearm position relative...
ECG measurement from the hand with elbows to the body - Man 29 age
Dane BadawczeThe data set shows the measurements of the ECG signal from the hand made with the use of the proprietary measuring system, based on the AD8232 and STM32 chips. Thanks to such a constructed device, it is possible to measure the ECG signal in a non-standard way - from the hand. The results show the ECG signal for a specific hand and forearm position relative...
ECG measurement from the hand with standing - hands resting on the device - Man 29 age
Dane BadawczeThe data set shows the measurements of the ECG signal from the hand made with the use of the proprietary measuring system, based on the AD8232 and STM32 chips. Thanks to such a constructed device, it is possible to measure the ECG signal in a non-standard way - from the hand. The results show the ECG signal for a specific hand and forearm position relative...
ECG measurement from the hand with elbows resting on the armrests of the chair - Woman 27 age
Dane BadawczeThe data set shows the measurements of the ECG signal from the hand made with the use of the proprietary measuring system, based on the AD8232 and STM32 chips. Thanks to such a constructed device, it is possible to measure the ECG signal in a non-standard way - from the hand. The results show the ECG signal for a specific hand and forearm position relative...
ECG measurement from the hand with elbows resting on the table top - Woman 49 age
Dane BadawczeThe data set shows the measurements of the ECG signal from the hand made with the use of the proprietary measuring system, based on the AD8232 and STM32 chips. Thanks to such a constructed device, it is possible to measure the ECG signal in a non-standard way - from the hand. The results show the ECG signal for a specific hand and forearm position relative...
ECG measurement from the hand with elbows resting on the table top - Woman 27 age
Dane BadawczeThe data set shows the measurements of the ECG signal from the hand made with the use of the proprietary measuring system, based on the AD8232 and STM32 chips. Thanks to such a constructed device, it is possible to measure the ECG signal in a non-standard way - from the hand. The results show the ECG signal for a specific hand and forearm position relative...
ECG measurement from the hand with elbows in the air - Woman 49 age
Dane BadawczeThe data set shows the measurements of the ECG signal from the hand made with the use of the proprietary measuring system, based on the AD8232 and STM32 chips. Thanks to such a constructed device, it is possible to measure the ECG signal in a non-standard way - from the hand. The results show the ECG signal for a specific hand and forearm position relative...
ECG measurement from the hand with elbows resting on the armrests of the chair - Man 30 age
Dane BadawczeThe data set shows the measurements of the ECG signal from the hand made with the use of the proprietary measuring system, based on the AD8232 and STM32 chips. Thanks to such a constructed device, it is possible to measure the ECG signal in a non-standard way - from the hand. The results show the ECG signal for a specific hand and forearm position relative...
ECG measurement from the hand with elbows resting on the table top - Woman 24 age
Dane BadawczeThe data set shows the measurements of the ECG signal from the hand made with the use of the proprietary measuring system, based on the AD8232 and STM32 chips. Thanks to such a constructed device, it is possible to measure the ECG signal in a non-standard way - from the hand. The results show the ECG signal for a specific hand and forearm position relative...
ECG measurement from the hand with elbows resting on the table top - Woman 30 age
Dane BadawczeThe data set shows the measurements of the ECG signal from the hand made with the use of the proprietary measuring system, based on the AD8232 and STM32 chips. Thanks to such a constructed device, it is possible to measure the ECG signal in a non-standard way - from the hand. The results show the ECG signal for a specific hand and forearm position relative...
ECG measurement from the hand with standing - hands resting on the device - Man 30 age
Dane BadawczeThe data set shows the measurements of the ECG signal from the hand made with the use of the proprietary measuring system, based on the AD8232 and STM32 chips. Thanks to such a constructed device, it is possible to measure the ECG signal in a non-standard way - from the hand. The results show the ECG signal for a specific hand and forearm position relative...
ECG measurement from the hand with elbows in the air - Woman 24 age
Dane BadawczeThe data set shows the measurements of the ECG signal from the hand made with the use of the proprietary measuring system, based on the AD8232 and STM32 chips. Thanks to such a constructed device, it is possible to measure the ECG signal in a non-standard way - from the hand. The results show the ECG signal for a specific hand and forearm position relative...
ECG measurement from the hand with elbows in the air - Man 30 age
Dane BadawczeThe data set shows the measurements of the ECG signal from the hand made with the use of the proprietary measuring system, based on the AD8232 and STM32 chips. Thanks to such a constructed device, it is possible to measure the ECG signal in a non-standard way - from the hand. The results show the ECG signal for a specific hand and forearm position relative...
ECG measurement from the hand with elbows to the body - Man 53 age
Dane BadawczeThe data set shows the measurements of the ECG signal from the hand made with the use of the proprietary measuring system, based on the AD8232 and STM32 chips. Thanks to such a constructed device, it is possible to measure the ECG signal in a non-standard way - from the hand. The results show the ECG signal for a specific hand and forearm position relative...
ECG measurement from the hand with elbows to the body - Man 30 age
Dane BadawczeThe data set shows the measurements of the ECG signal from the hand made with the use of the proprietary measuring system, based on the AD8232 and STM32 chips. Thanks to such a constructed device, it is possible to measure the ECG signal in a non-standard way - from the hand. The results show the ECG signal for a specific hand and forearm position relative...
ECG measurement from the hand with standing - hands resting on the device - Man 53 age
Dane BadawczeThe data set shows the measurements of the ECG signal from the hand made with the use of the proprietary measuring system, based on the AD8232 and STM32 chips. Thanks to such a constructed device, it is possible to measure the ECG signal in a non-standard way - from the hand. The results show the ECG signal for a specific hand and forearm position relative...
ECG measurement from the hand with elbows resting on the table top - Man 30 age
Dane BadawczeThe data set shows the measurements of the ECG signal from the hand made with the use of the proprietary measuring system, based on the AD8232 and STM32 chips. Thanks to such a constructed device, it is possible to measure the ECG signal in a non-standard way - from the hand. The results show the ECG signal for a specific hand and forearm position relative...
ECG measurement from the hand with elbows resting on the armrests of the chair - Man 53 age
Dane BadawczeThe data set shows the measurements of the ECG signal from the hand made with the use of the proprietary measuring system, based on the AD8232 and STM32 chips. Thanks to such a constructed device, it is possible to measure the ECG signal in a non-standard way - from the hand. The results show the ECG signal for a specific hand and forearm position relative...