Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: NEGATIVE EFFECTS
Negative Poisson’s ratio from pentagons: A new auxetic structure combining three different auxetic mechanisms
PublikacjaA novel class of two-dimensional auxetic structures based on the pentagon motif is proposed. Their mechanical properties are investigated by combining molecular mechanics simulations with a simple three-parameter mechanical model which assumes perfectly elastic behavior. It is predicted that the proposed structures – termed as double re-entrant honeycomb – may possess unique mechanical characteristics, which include complete and...
Thermodynamic, ecological, and economic analysis of negative CO2 emission power plant using gasified sewage sludge
PublikacjaCurrently, sewage sludge is considered as a biomass, according to the Polish act on renewable energy sources from 20th of February 2015 and its novel version from 19th of July 2019. Possibility to utilize sewage sludge in gasification process is an additional advantage of the negative CO2 emissions power plant (nCO2PP). The work presents results of thermodynamic, ecological, and economical analysis using a zero-dimensional mathematical...
Calculation of the Effects of Implementing a DSM Electricity Demand Management Strategy Using the Example of Analysis of Changes in the Power System Load
PublikacjaThe paper presents the impact of implementing Demand Side Management (DSM) solutions through proper management and control of the process of charging and discharging electric car batteries. As a result, the daily load curves were shaped so as to fill valleys and cut down peaks. Therefore, the implementation of power demand management solutions had a significant impact on the power system operation. The impact of DSM solutions manifested...
The effects of offshoring to low-wage countries on domestic wages: a worldwide industrial analysis
PublikacjaThis paper extends the literature on the implications of offshoring for labour markets by investigating its effect on the wages of different skill groups in a broad global context. The analysis draws on input–output data from the WIOD project, and in the panel analysed (13 manufacturing industries, 40 countries, 1995–2009) we account for up to 96 % of the international trade in manufacturing inputs. Being particularly interested...
Elimination of the negative effect of earth fault current higher frequency on tripping of residual current devices
PublikacjaCzęstotliwość prądu różnicowego większa niż 50/60 Hz ma niekorzystny wpływ na wyzwalanie wyłączników różnicowoprądowych. Przy zwiększonej częstotliwości prądu różnicowego rzeczywisty prąd zadziałania wyłączników zwiększa się, a niektóre z nich w ogóle nie wyzwalają. W artykule omówiono główne przyczyny zwiększenia się prądu zadziałania wyłączników różnicowoprądowych oraz przedstawiono sposób eliminacji niekorzystnego wpływu zwiększonej...
ppGpp-Dependent Negative Control of DNA Replication of Shiga Toxin-Converting Bacteriophages in Escherichia coli
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Identification and methicillin resistance of coagulase-negative staphylococci isolated from nasal cavity of healthy horses
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In Vitro Cytotoxicity Assessment of Betulinic Acid Organic Salts on Triple-Negative Breast Cancer Cells
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Negative Correlation between Fasting Plasma Insulin and Ambulatory Blood Pressure in Patients on Chronic Hemodialysis
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Evolution of electrohydrodynamic flow of sduspended particles in a needle-to-plate negative DC corona discharge in air
PublikacjaCorona discharges are used for collecting dust in electrostatic precipitators (ESPs). The dust collection is mainlyrealized by the electric forces which move the ionized dust particles to the collecting electrodes. However, the presence of coronadischarge in the space between the charging and collecting electrodes in ESPs causes also the so-called ionic wind which set the gasmolecules and dust...
Mathematical modelling of gasification process of sewage sludge in reactor of negative CO2 emission power plant
PublikacjaSewage sludge is a residue of wastewater processing that is biologically active and consists of water,organic matter, including dead and alive pathogens, as well as organic and inorganic contaminants suchas polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and heavy metals. Due to the nature of sewage sludge and itspossible influence on human health and wellbeing, it is a subject of various regulations. Currently,sewage sludge is considered...
Thermodynamic Analysis of Negative CO2 Emission Power Plant Using Aspen Plus, Aspen Hysys, and Ebsilon Software
PublikacjaAbstract: The article presents results of thermodynamic analysis using a zero-dimensional mathematical models of a negative CO2 emission power plant. The developed cycle of a negative CO2 emission power plant allows the production of electricity using gasified sewage sludge as a main fuel. The negative emission can be achieved by the use this type of fuel which is already a “zeroemissive” energy source. Together with carbon capture...
Price Diversification
PublikacjaThe price diversification is a complex phenomenon. We show that price discrimination can have both positive and negative effects. The final result depends whether it makes competition more intense. As far as legal procedure is cocerned it is recommended to focus on the effects of compan's actions rather than on the form that these actions may take. There is a need to understand and distinguish between price discrimination as the...
PublikacjaArtykuł dotyczy procesu żywiołowej suburbanizcji (urban sprawl) w Polsce. Jego celami są: (1) analiza powiązań między negatywnymi skutkami tego procesu, (2) prezentacja negatywnych skutków dla transportu i zużycia energii oraz ładu przestrzennego, (3) analiza sposobów przeciwdziałania negatywnym procesom, w tym uwarunkowań (w szczególności ograniczeń) stosowania tych sposobów i ich skuteczności. Jako metody zastosowano: obserwację,...
Museum Institutions in Monuments - Positive and Negative Aspects of Adaptation: The New Amber Museum and Museum of Science in Gdansk, Poland
PublikacjaThe issue of the creation and location of new museums is a current topic. The decision of where and how to create new museum facilities will impact successful function in the future. Museums are either located in newly designed buildings or in existing buildings. In general, existing buildings adapted for museum use are either formally under conservational protection or not. With regard to museum location in preserved monuments,...
Double-stage ORC system based on various temperature waste heat sources of the negative CO2 power plant
PublikacjaAnalysed is the modification of the thermodynamic cycle with the negative CO2 power plant concept by its combination with the organic Rankine cycle. The analysed power plant operates on a gas produced from the gasification of sewage sludge. The negative emission term comes from the aggregated CO2 balance resulting from the capture of the CO2, while the sewage sludge is one of the inevitable environmental sources of CO2 to be avoided....
Chemical composition, antioxidant and anticancer effects of the seeds and leaves and indigo (polygonum tinctorium Ait.) Plant
PublikacjaSeeds and leaves of indigo (Polygonum tinctorium Ait.) plant were investigated and compared with another medicinal plant named prolipid for their properties such as chemical composition, antioxidant, and anticancer effects by Fourier transform infrared, three-dimensional fluorescence spectroscopy, and electrospray ionization-MS in negative mode. It was found that polyphenols, flavonoids, and flavanols were significantly higher...
Ce site dilution effects in the antiferromagnetic heavy fermion CeIn3
PublikacjaLa-doped intermetallic single crystals of Ce1−xLaxIn3 were synthesized via an In self-flux method throughout the entire range (x = 0–1). The prototypical heavy-fermion compound CeIn3 shows an antiferromagnetic phase transition at 10.1 K and becomes superconducting near a critical pressure where TN is completely suppressed. As the La concentration increases, Ce moments are diluted, and the lattice constant increases linearly, satisfying Vegard’s...
Search for new tools to combat Gram-negative resistant bacteria among amine derivatives of 5-arylidenehydantoin
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Hard carbon derived from rice husk as low cost negative electrodes in Na-ion batteries
PublikacjaHere, we report the synthesis of hard carbon materials (RH) made from natural rice husk through a single pyrolysis process and their application as an anode in sodium-ion batteries. The studies show that the electrochemical properties of RHs are affected by the treatment temperatures, which determine the materials morphology, in particular, their degree of graphitization and extent of continuous channels (nanovoids). The latter...
Direct-contact condensation from vapour- gas mixture in a spray ejector condenser for negative CO2 power plant
PublikacjaDirect-contact condensation of vapour containing the inert gas on a spray of subcooled liquid exists in a number of technical applications. For example, it may be found in the nuclear industry (e.g. pressurized jet under normal operating conditions, in safety analyses) or in the chemical industry (e.g. mixing-type heat exchanger, degasser, sea water desalting). The problem is also essential to modelling and analysis of some...
Energy and exergy analysis of negative CO2 emission gas power plant operation using thermodynamic modelling results of the cycle
PublikacjaA developed cycle of negative CO2 emission gas power plant is presented. The cycle is an oxy-combustion gas turbine cycle where the gas fuel is burnt with pure oxygen, and liquid water is injected to the combustor to keep the temperature at an appropriate level for the gas turbine. The negative level of CO2 emission can be obtained by combining CO2 capture method with the usage of a gas fuel based on sewage sludge gasification....
Urban city lights. Light pollution as one of the effects of incorrectly designed external illumination. How can a successful lighting masterplan diminish its impact?
PublikacjaIn the modern world, artificial lighting brings many tangible benefits such as the ability to extend working hours and so increase production, recreational use of the city after dark, or the possibility to travel regardless of the time of day. However, this flexibility comes at a price and negatively impacts on the environment. One such negative phenomenon is Light Pollution ‐ a term used to describe excessive nighttime artificial...
State Interventionism in Tax System - Example of Action in a COVID-19 Crisis
PublikacjaThe following article presents and classifies changes in tax systems of selected countries as well as counts them as the response to the emergence of the crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. Such actions were undertaken the context of state interventionism in the tax system. In order to achieve the objective of presenting the state interventionism in the context of tax rates, an analysis of the literature on the phenomenon described,...
Assessment, optimisation and working fluid comparison of organic rankine cycle combined with negative CO2 gas power plant system
PublikacjaThis study aims to investigate the application of the Organic Rankine Cycle (ORC) as an alternative to low-pressure expansion in the negative CO2 power plant (nCO2PP). The reason for this study is that a detailed analysis of nCO2PP indicates a certain amount of waste heat present in the exhaust gas from the high-to-intermediate pressure gas turbine. Some of this energy can be used by the application of the expansion in a low-pressure...
Efflux Pump Blockers in Gram-Negative Bacteria: The New Generation of Hydantoin Based-Modulators to Improve Antibiotic Activity
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Ecological and Health Effects of Lubricant Oils Emitted into the Environment
PublikacjaLubricating oils used in machines with an open cutting system, such as a saw or harvester, are applied in forest areas, gardening, in the household, and in urban greenery. During the operation of the device with an open cutting system, the lubricating oil is emitted into the environment. Therefore, the use of an oil base and refining additives of petroleum origin in the content of lubricants is associated with a negative impact...
Synergistic effects in micellization and surface tension reduction in nonionic gemini S-10 and cationic RTAB surfactants mixtures
PublikacjaMixtures of nonionic gemini surfactant S-10 (α,α′-[2,4,7,9-tetrametyl-5-decyne-4,7-diyl]bis[ω-hydroxy -polioxyetylene] with cationic alkyltrimethylammonium bromides of different alkyl chain length (RTAB) were investigated. Basing on surface tension measurements the cmc values and other adsorption parameters were found. The Clint, Rubing’s and Rosen theories were applied for evaluation of the synergistic effects in mixed films and...
Risks associated with the transportation of hazardous materials on public roads
PublikacjaA significant proportion of the transport of hazardous materials is carried out on public roads. Therefore, the safety of such transport is becoming increasingly important. Every catastrophe involving hazardous materials has a negative impact on direct road users and the surrounding environment, becauses its range is mostly not local. It follows that in the event of such catastrophe, its effects should be minimized. This is possible...
Tin oxide nanoparticles from laser ablation encapsulated in a carbonaceous matrix – a negative electrode in lithium-ion battery applications
PublikacjaThis report concerns carbonaceous electrodes doped with tin(II) oxide nanoparticles. Tin nanoparticles are obtained by pulsed laser ablation in water. Crystalline nanoparticles have been encapsulated in a carbonaceous matrix formed after pyrolysis of a mixture consisting of tin/tin(IV) oxide nanoparticles and gelatine. The obtained material is characterized by means of X-ray diffraction, selected area diffraction, scanning electron...
A negative effect of carbon phase on specific capacity of electrode material consisted of nanosized bismuth vanadate embedded in carbonaceous matrix
PublikacjaLithium-ion batteries (LIBs) are widely used all over the world. The LIBs belong to a renewable energy source and energy storage devices. The increase in energy demand causes that new materials of higher energy and higher power densities are still under investigation. Herein, we compare electrochemical properties of bismuth vanadate (BiVO4) embedded and not embedded into carbonaceous matrix as an anode material along with structural...
Knock-out of CD73 delays the onset of HR-negative breast cancer by reprogramming lipid metabolism and is associated with increased tumor mutational burden
PublikacjaObjective: CD73 (ecto-50-nucleotidase, NT5E), a cell-surface enzyme converting 50-AMP to adenosine, is crucial for cancer progression. However, its role in the tumorigenesis process remains mostly obscure. We aimed to demonstrate CD73’s role in breast cancer (BC) tumori- genesis through metabolic rewiring of fatty acid metabolism, a process recently indicated to be regulated by BC major prognostic markers, hormone receptors (HR)...
Net-zero policy and forward default risk in the energy sector:Evidence of corporate environmentalism using (a)symmetricmodels
PublikacjaThis study aims to examine the impact of the net-zero policy on forward default risk atthe firm level within the energy sector of the US, spanning over the period 2007–2021.The research employs Panel Vector Autoregression (PVAR) modeling, as well as linearand non-linear Autoregressive Distributed Lag (ARDL) models to investigate this rela-tionship. The findings suggest that the implementation of net-zero policy measures canhave...
Multidirectional Characterization of Phytochemical Profile and Health-Promoting Effects of Ziziphora bungeana Juz. Extracts
PublikacjaZiziphora species (Lamiaceae) have been used in traditional medicine as sedatives, anti-septics, carminatives, or expectorants. Despite their common applications in phytotherapy, there is still lack of evidence about the composition of their extracts and its impact on biological properties of the plants. The aim of this study was to evaluate the content of Ziziphora bungeana, a less studied species growing in Kazakhstan, using...
Analysis of "green methanol" production from carbon dioxide acquired from negative emission power plants using CFD approach for catalytic reactor
PublikacjaThe growing global demand for energy, coupled with the urgent need to reduce carbon dioxide (CO₂) emissions, has led to the development of innovative energy cycles such as the negative CO₂ gas power plant (nCO2PP). Carbon dioxide storage and reuse in current industries is therefore becoming an important issue. The answer to this is the process of synthesizing methanol, commonly used in many industries from captured carbon dioxide...
<title>Non-linear glasses and metaglasses for photonics, a review: Part II. Kerr nonlinearity and metaglasses of positive and negative refraction</title>
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Ts2631 Endolysin from the Extremophilic Thermus scotoductus Bacteriophage vB_Tsc2631 as an Antimicrobial Agent against Gram-Negative Multidrug-Resistant Bacteria
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Ts2631 Endolysin from the Extremophilic Thermus scotoductus Bacteriophage vB_Tsc2631 as an Antimicrobial Agent against Gram-Negative Multidrug-Resistant Bacteria
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Decreased integrity of exercise-induced plasma cell free nuclear DNA – negative association with the increased oxidants production by circulating phagocytes
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Decreased integrity of exercise-induced plasma cell free nuclear DNA – negative association with the increased oxidants production by circulating phagocytes
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The Effect of Online Reviews on Consumer-Based Brand Equity: Case-Study of the Polish Restaurant Sector
PublikacjaPurpose: This paper focuses on the effects of positive and negative online reviews (eWOM) on the metrics of consumer-based brand equity (CBBE) in the context of the Polish restaurant sector. Methodology: The dedicated online survey was completed by 777 consumers, which we then analyzed with structural equation modeling. Each catering outlet was to allow to order meals online. We used descriptive analysis, confirmatory factor analysis,...
Assessment of the Environmental Impact of a Car Tire throughout Its Lifecycle Using the LCA Method
PublikacjaThere are numerous threats to the natural environment that pose a significant risk both to the environment and to human health, including car tires. Thus, there is a need to determine the impact of the life cycle of car tires on the environment, starting with the processes of raw materials acquisition, production, and ending with end-of-life management. Therefore, the authors of this study chose to do research on passenger car...
CD99 correlates with low cyclin D1, high topoisomerase 2 status and triple negative molecular phenotype but is prognostically irrelevant in breast carcinoma
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The application of TD-GC-FID technique for production of matrix-free reference materials
PublikacjaIn the last few years particular pressure is exerted on finding new analytical methods which would provide real possibilities of monitoring and control of the state of the environment. Intensive development of analytical techniques for measurements of gaseous media and the negative effects of BTX compounds make it necessary to produce new gaseous reference materials. To prepare the appropriate non- matrix reference material thermal...
Optimum shapes and dimensions of rubber bumpers in order to reduce structural pounding during seismic excitations
PublikacjaLarge displacement of structures observed during seismic excitations may lead to collisions between two adjacent, insufficiently-separated buildings and may result in major damages of both of them. In many building codes, appropriate equations or approximately recommended distances between structures in order to avoid pounding hazard have been introduced. Unfortunately, further, more detailed considerations show that safety situation...
Quantifying wage effects of offshoring: import- versus export-based measures of production fragmentation
PublikacjaIn this paper we examine the implications of international fragmentation of production on wages in the light of recent methodological developments in offshoring measurement. In particular, we compare the results stemming from two ways of quantifying offshoring – the traditional one based on import statistics and the one obtained from the decomposition of gross exports and input-output information. In the empirical part of our study,...
Study of railway traffic safety based on the railway track condition monitoring system
PublikacjaThe solution to the problem of monitoring the railway track, as well as potentially dangerous objects and phenomena in the adjacent territories, is determined by the need to implement increased requirements for traffic safety (primarily to the geometric parameters of the devices of a long railway track under construction and functioning load-bearing highways), prevention of technological disasters and large-scale negative effects...
Negative CO2 Emission Gas Power Plant As Technology for Utilization of Sewage Sludge, Production of Electrical Energy, and CO2 Capture - Case of Chamber Under Transpiration Cooling
PublikacjaThis work focuses on the concept developed in the nCO2PP project, which aims to demonstrate a technology that allows to achieve negative CO2 emissions through Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) applied to sewage sludge. A feedstock is first gasified, then the resulting syngas is burned in a semi-closed oxy-fuel gas turbine with pure oxygen and water, using the advantages of oxy-combustion, to ease the capture of CO2 in the resulting...
Reliability And Safety As An Objective Of Intelligent Transport Systems In Urban Areas
PublikacjaTechnologies that use transport telematics offer tools for strengthening urban transport systems. They rationalise the use of the existing infrastructure and transport management systems, increase their reliability and safety and improve the transport behaviour of residents, while reducing the operating costs of transport. The main reason for using Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) is the need to implement measures to reduce...
A Review of Reduction Methods of Impact of Common-Mode Voltage on Electric Drives.
PublikacjaIn this survey paper, typical solutions that focus on the reduction in negative effects resulting from the common-mode voltage influence in AC motor drive applications are re-examined. The critical effectiveness evaluation of the considered methods is based on experimental results of tests performed in a laboratory setup with an induction machine fed by an inverter. The capacity of a common-mode voltage level reduction and voltage...