wszystkich: 2228
wyświetlamy 1000 najlepszych wyników Pomoc
Electrical Tree Growth Behavior Under AC and DC High Voltage in Power Cables
PublikacjaThis work investigates the impact of an applied AC and DC high voltage on the electrical tree behavior in extruded cross-linked polyethylene (XLPE) insulation based on simulation and experimental validation. Extensive partial discharge (PD) testing methods are being implemented for high voltage cables under AC voltage for monitoring their condition. However, these PD testing methods cannot be utilized for power cables under DC...
An implementation of deterministic tree automata minimization
PublikacjaWstępujący, deterministyczny, skończony automat drzewiasty (DTA) może być używany jako struktura danych do przechowywania zbiorów nieuporządkowanych drzew bez narzuconej liczby poddrzew. Takie automaty są zwykle rzadsze niż automaty działające na napisach i dlatego należy zwrócić szczególną uwagę na ich wydajną minimalizację. W dostępnej literaturze jest jednak ciężko znaleźć proste i szczegółowe opisy procedury minimalizacji....
Lower bound on the domination number of a tree.
PublikacjaW pracy przedstawiono dolne ograniczenie na liczbę dominowania w drzewach oraz przedstawiono pełną charakterystykę grafów ekstremalnych.
Matching Split Distance for Unrooted Binary Phylogenetic Trees
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Matching Split Distance for Unrooted Binary Phylogenetic Trees
PublikacjaRekonstrukcja drzew ewolucji jest jednym z głównych celów w bioinformatyce. Drzewa filogenetyczne reprezentuje historię ewolucji i związki pokrewieństwa między różnymi gatunkami. W pracy proponujemy nową ogólną metodę określania odległości między nieukorzenionymi drzewami filogenetycznymi, szczególnie użyteczną dla dużych zbiorów gatunków. Następnie podajemy szczegółowe własności jednej metryki określonej przy użyciu tej metody...
Marek Czachor prof. dr hab.
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Metabolic activity of tree saps of different origin towards cultured human cells in the light of grade correspondence analysis and multiple regression modeling
PublikacjaTree saps are nourishing biological media commonly used for beverage and syrup production. Although the nutritional aspect of tree saps is widely acknowledged, the exact relationship between the sap composition, origin, and effect on the metabolic rate of human cells is still elusive. Thus, we collected saps from seven different tree species and conducted composition-activity analysis. Saps from trees of Betulaceae, but not from...
A city is not a tree: a multi-city study on street network and urban life
PublikacjaChristopher Alexander, a British-American scholar, differentiated an old (natural) city from a new (planned) one by structure. The former resembles a “semilattice”, or a complex system encompassing many interconnected sub-systems. The latter is shaped in a graph-theoretical “tree”, which lacks the structural complexity as its sub-systems are compartmentalized into a single hierarchy. This structural distinction explains why, or...
Lower bound on the paired domination number of a tree
PublikacjaW pracy przedstawione jest ograniczenie dolne dla liczby dominowania parami oraz scharakteryzowane są wszystkie drzewa ekstremalne.
Complexity of weak acceptonic conditions in tree automata
PublikacjaRozważano złożoność problemu pustości dla automatów na drzewach ze słabymi warunkami akceptowalności. Rozważano także translacje pomiędzy słabymi i silnymi warunkami akceptowalności.
Tool support for ECSDM fault tree methodology
PublikacjaExtended Common Safety Description Model (ECSDM) jest językiem do formalnej specyfikacji systemów związanych z bezpieczeństwem oraz ich komponentów. Język ten zawiera konstrukcje umożliwiające specyfikację zależności czasowych. Może on zostać użyty w analizie drzew błędów, aby uzyskać jednoznaczną specyfikację hazardów w sytuacji, gdy są one uzależnione od związków czasowych pomiędzy przyczynami. Artykuł opisuje narzędzie wytworzone...
Phylogenetic trees of genus Oncidium Sw. based on analysis of DNA sequences
Dane BadawczeGenus Oncidium Sw. is widely regarded as a polyphiletic, and the taxonomic boundaries between him and such genera as Odontoglossum Kunth. or Miltonia Lindley remain blurred. The goal of the study was to determine the phylogenetic relationships within the genus Oncidium s.lato based on the DNA sequences analysis. The correlation between molecular data...
Attitudes to tree removal on private properties in two Polish cities.
Dane BadawczeLarge cities are increasingly faced with declining urban tree cover and related problems, such as increased urban heat islands and flash floods. Reducing these phenomena increasingly has to rely on trees located on private property. However, to effectively engage private landowners on these issues, more attention must be paid to understanding their...
Accessibility to urban green spaces: A critical review of WHO recommendations in the light of tree-covered areas assessment
PublikacjaEasy accessibility of Urban Green Spaces (UGSs) is essential to the quality of life in urban areas. The World Health Organization (WHO) recommendations focus on spatial access to UGSs, define as accessible those larger than 0.5 ha situated up to 300 m of residential areas, and disregard the social significance of smaller green spaces. This paper assesses the extent to which the WHO recommendations permit the identification of locations...
PLoS Currents-Tree of Life
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Family Tree for Aqueous Organic Redox Couples for Redox Flow Battery Electrolytes: A Conceptual Review
PublikacjaRedox flow batteries (RFBs) are an increasingly attractive option for renewable energy storage, thus providing flexibility for the supply of electrical energy. In recent years, research in this type of battery storage has been shifted from metal-ion based electrolytes to soluble organic redox-active compounds. Aqueous-based organic electrolytes are considered as more promising electrolytes to achieve “green”, safe, and low-cost...
Palicella, a new genus of lichenized fungi and its phylogenetic position withinLecanoraceae
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Lower bound on the weakly connected domination number of a tree
PublikacjaPraca dotyczy dolnego ograniczenia liczby dominowania słabo spójnego w drzewach (ograniczenie ze względu na ilość wierzchołków i ilość wierzchołków końcowych w drzewie).
Lower bound on the distance k-domination number of a tree
PublikacjaW artykule przedstawiono dolne ograniczenie na liczbę k-dominowania w drzewach oraz scharakteryzowano wszystkie grafy ekstremalne.
PublikacjaThe main objective of this paper is to show the comparison of two models of infinite ab- sorbing layer with increasing damping in numerical investigations of elastic wave prop- agation in unbounded structures. This has been achieved by the Authors by a careful in- vestigation of two different engineering structures characterised by gradually increasing geometrical and mathematical description complexities. The analysis included...
Morphologic, Phylogenetic and Chemical Characterization of a Brackish Colonial Picocyanobacterium (Coelosphaeriaceae) with Bioactive Properties
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Attitudes to tree removal on private property in rural and urban Polish municipalities.
Dane BadawczeThe urban-rural divide is an important factor known to affect public opinion on issues related to environmental protection and management. The present data set allows for a deeper understanding of this issue with respect to policies dealing with tree removal on private property in two municipalities located in southern Poland: Racibórz (an urban municipality)...
Area covered by dominant tree species in the State Forests divided into stand age classes over the years 2014-2018
Dane BadawczeChanges compared to version 1.0:
Area covered by dominant tree species in the State Forests divided into stand age classes over the years 2019-2023
Dane BadawczeChanges compared to version 1.0:
Area covered by dominant tree species in the State Forests divided into stand age classes over the years 2007-2008
Dane BadawczeChanges compared to version 1.0:
Area covered by dominant tree species in the State Forests divided into stand age classes over the years 2009-2013
Dane BadawczeChanges compared to version 1.0:
Phylogenetic and geographic analysis of fowl adenovirus field strains isolated from poultry in Poland
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Phylogenetic analysis of mysterious burials revealed in the former penal labor camp Treblinka I
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A self-stabilizing algorithm for finding a spanning tree in a polynomial number of moves
PublikacjaW pracy rozważa się rozproszony model obliczeń, w którym struktura systemu jest reprezentowana przez graf bezpośrednich połączeń komunikacyjnych. W tym modelu podajemy nowy samostabilizujący algorytm znajdowania drzewa spinającego. Zgodnie z naszą wiedzą jest to pierwszy algorytm dla tego problemu z gwarantowaną wielomianową liczbą ruchów.
Comparison of technology adoption models
PublikacjaThere are several technology adoption models, that try to explain, how and why the technologies are adopted and used. Among those, that are widely used to explain, how the older adults accept technologies, there are some general models and models specific to the group of older users. Among the general ones I would recommend paying attention to the following models: Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) proposed by Davis...
New Comparison: a Journal of Comparative and General Literary Studies
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Comparison of edge detection algorithms for electric wire recognition
PublikacjaEdge detection is the preliminary step in image processing for object detection and recognition procedure. It allows to remove useless information and reduce amount of data before further analysis. The paper contains the comparison of edge detection algorithms optimized for detection of horizontal edges. For comparison purposes the algorithms were implemented in the developed application dedicated to detection of electric line...
A phylogenetic and morphological study of Polystachya sect. Superpositae (Orchidaceae) with description of a new species from Cameroon
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On a comparison principle and the uniqueness of spectral flow
PublikacjaThe spectral flow is a well-known quantity in spectral theory that measures the variation of spectra about 0 along paths of selfadjoint Fredholm operators. The aim of this work is twofold. Firstly, we consider homotopy invariance properties of the spectral flow and establish a simple formula which comprises its classical homotopy invariance and yields a comparison theorem for the spectral flow under compact perturbations. We apply...
Multidimensional Feature Selection and Interaction Mining with Decision Tree Based Ensemble Methods
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Tree-based homogeneous ensemble model with feature selection for diabetic retinopathy prediction
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Fault Tree Analysis and Failure Diagnosis of Marine Diesel Engine Turbocharger System
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Construction of a picewise-linear classifier by applaing discriminant analysis to decision tree induction
PublikacjaArtykuł prezentuje metodę konstrukcji drzew decyzyjnych. W odróżnieniu od większości popularnych algorytmów, które wybierają pojedyncze cechy do budowy reguł decyzyjnych w węzłach drzewa, ta metoda łączy wszystkie cechy. Używa ona wieloklasowego kryterium Fishera do wydzielenia nowych cech, które są liniowa kombinacją cech pierwotnych. Takie drzewa mogą aproksymować złożone regiony decyzyjne używając mniejszej liczby węzłów w porównaniu...
Stand thickness of dominant tree species in the State Forests divided into stand age classes over the years 2009-2013
Dane BadawczeThe dataset contains data illustrating changes in the distribution of dominant tree species in the State Forests divided into stand age classes over the years 2009-2013. Dominant species can be defined as the species in the stand with the largest share in terms of area, thickness or number. Stand thickness means the gross thickness of the timber, i.e....
Stand thickness of dominant tree species in the State Forests divided into stand age classes over the years 2014-2018
Dane BadawczeThe dataset contains data illustrating changes in the distribution of dominant tree species in the State Forests divided into stand age classes over the years 2014-2018. Dominant species can be defined as the species in the stand with the largest share in terms of area, thickness or number. Stand thickness means the gross thickness of the timber, i.e....
Stand thickness of dominant tree species in the State Forests divided into stand age classes over the years 2019-2023
Dane BadawczeThe dataset contains data illustrating changes in the distribution of dominant tree species in the State Forests divided into stand age classes over the years 2019-2023. Dominant species can be defined as the species in the stand with the largest share in terms of area, thickness or number. Stand thickness means the gross thickness of the timber, i.e....
Comparison of new position estimation algorithm for indoor environment
PublikacjaIn the paper a new position estimation algorithm based on distance measurements is presented. This algorithm is dedicated for indoor environments. In the paper the new algorithm is compared with Chan algorithm. For the comparison were used real measurements conducted inside a building.
Laxer Clinical Criteria for Gaming Disorder May Hinder Future Efforts to Devise an Efficient Diagnostic Approach: A Tree-Based Model Study
PublikacjaInternet Gaming Disorder (IGD) has been recognized in May 2013 and can be evaluated using the criteria developed by American Psychiatric Association (APA). The present study investigated the role each IGD criteria plays in diagnosing disordered gaming. A total of 3,377 participants (mean age 20 years, SD = 4.3 years) participated in the study. The data collected was scrutinized to detect patterns...
The comparison of Internet Mortgage Market in Selected EU Countries
PublikacjaThe paper presents the description of Internet mortgage market in selected European Union countries. It starts with brief introduction to the concept of creating a fuzzy model representing Polish Internet Mortgage Market. Then, for better understanding of the complexities of this kind of market functioning the comparison is made between mortgage markets in Poland, Estonia, Germany and The United Kingdom (UK): The UK as the European...
Comparison between measured and calculated underwater pressure of merchant ship
PublikacjaFrom 2012 The Polish Naval Academy take part in an international research project SIRAMIS, carried out in the framework of the European Defence Agency. The objective of this project is to improve the understanding of ship signature interaction with multi influence sensors in relevant and realistic scenario's. This paper describes selected results of the comparison results of sea trials and model calculations of the hydrodynamic...
t-SNE Highlights Phylogenetic and Temporal Patterns of SARS-CoV-2 Spike and Nucleocapsid Protein Evolution
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t-SNE Highlights Phylogenetic and Temporal Patterns of SARS-CoV-2 Spike and Nucleocapsid Protein Evolution
PublikacjaWe propose applying t-distributed stochastic neighbor embedding to protein sequences of SARS-CoV-2 to construct, visualize and study the evolutionary space of the coronavirus. The basic idea is to explore the COVID-19 evolution space by using modern manifold learning techniques applied to evolutionary distances between variants. Evolutionary distances have been calculated based on the structures of the nucleocapsid and spike proteins.
Comparison of selected electroencephalographic signal classification methods
PublikacjaA variety of methods exists for electroencephalographic (EEG) signals classification. In this paper, we briefly review selected methods developed for such a purpose. First, a short description of the EEG signal characteristics is shown. Then, a comparison between the selected EEG signal classification methods, based on the overview of research studies on this topic, is presented. Examples of methods included in the study are: Artificial...
Narratives on cutting down trees on private land. A comparison of urban and rural municipalities in Poland using the Q-deliberation method
PublikacjaIncreased development in rural and urban areas leads to a decrease in tree cover and reduces the ecosystem services that trees provide. Municipal authorities must consider managing trees on private land to ensure that residents have access to trees and green spaces. In doing so, they must frequently confront conflicting stakeholder views, which are driven by diverse public and private interests and impacted by the type of landscape...