Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: QUANTUM-CHEMICAL CALCULATIONS - MOST Wiedzy




  • Geometry optimization of steroid sulfatase inhibitors - the influence on the free binding energy with STS



    In the paper we review the application of two techniques (molecular mechanics and quantum mechanics) to study the influence of geometry optimization of the steroid sulfatase inhibitors on the values of descriptors coded their chemical structure and their free binding energy with the STS protein. We selected 22 STS-inhibitors and compared their structures optimized with MM+, PM7 and DFT B3LYP/6–31++G* approaches considering separately...

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  • Redox State Sensitive Spectroscopy of the Model Compound [(H-dcbpy)(2)Ru-II(NCS)(2)](2-) (dcbpy=2,2 '-Bipyridine-4,4 '-dicarboxylato)

    • L. Zedler
    • J. Guthmuller
    • I. Rabelo de Moraes
    • S. Krieck
    • M. Schmitt
    • J. Popp
    • B. Dietzek

    - Journal of Physical Chemistry C - Rok 2013

    The charge transfer reaction mechanism in a ruthenium polypyridine model complex with isothiocyanato ligands, i.e., [(H-dcbpy)(2)Ru(NCS)(2)](2-) 2Bu(4)N(+) (Ru2H) (dcbpy = 2,2'-bipyridine-4,4'-dicarboxylato), has been investigated by combining UV-vis absorption, resonance Raman spectroscopy, and electrochemical methods. Understanding the photophysics of light-harvesting complexes of this class is an indispensable prerequisite to...

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  • Computed vibrational excitation ofCF4by low-energy electrons and positrons: Comparing calculations and experiments

    • J. Franz
    • I. Baccarelli
    • S. Caprasecca
    • F. Gianturco

    - PHYSICAL REVIEW A - Rok 2009

    Quantum calculations for the excitation of the asymmetric modes of the CF4 target gas, ν3 and ν4, by impact of low-energy electrons and positrons are carried out in the energy range around 1 eV and are compared with recent experimental findings. The similarities and differences between the two types of projectiles, and the two different modes, are analyzed and discussed vis à vis the present accord with the experimental results.

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  • Mutually polarizable QM/MM model with in situ optimized localized basis functions

    • J. Dziedzic
    • T. Head-Gordon
    • M. Head-Gordon
    • C. Skylaris


    We extend our recently developed quantum-mechanical/molecular mechanics (QM/MM) approach [Dziedzic et al., J. Chem. Phys. 145, 124106 (2016)] to enable in situ optimization of the localized orbitals. The quantum subsystem is described with ONETEP linear-scaling density functional theory and the classical subsystem – with the AMOEBA polarizable force field. The two subsystems interact via multipolar electrostatics and are fully...

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    26-09-2022 10:12 - 30-09-2022 10:12

    Faculty of Applied Physics and Mathematics of Gdańsk Tech invites international students to the next summer school - Quantum and Molecules I (QUEUE I), organized within the ScienceApp project.

  • QUEUE II Winter School

    Kursy Online
    • M. Czachor
    • J. Szostak
    • J. Borucka
    • M. Bobrowski

    QUEUE = QUantum and molEcUlEsIt's a school organized for all those young scientists and students who wish to learn on the basics and advances in quantum ideas and methodologies and its practical applications for living problems in chemistry, electrochemistry and material sciences. The students will learn on how to perform the quantum-chemical computations, because we have planned a big block of laboratories, aside from lectures,...

  • QUEUE I Summer School

    Kursy Online
    • M. Czachor
    • A. Bartłomiejczyk
    • J. Szostak
    • J. Borucka
    • M. Hoppe
    • M. Bobrowski

    QUEUE = QUantum and molEcUlEsIt's a school organized for all those young scientists and students who wish to learn on the basics and advances in quantum ideas and methodologies and its practical applications for living problems in chemistry, electrochemistry and material sciences. The students will learn on how to perform the quantum-chemical computations, because we have planned a big block of laboratories, aside from lectures,...

  • QUEUE III Summer School

    Kursy Online
    • M. Czachor
    • I. Kuzborska
    • J. Szostak
    • J. Borucka
    • M. Bobrowski
    • B. Mielewska

    QUEUE = QUantum and molEcUlEsIt's a school organized for all those young scientists and students who wish to learn on the basics and advances in quantum ideas and methodologies and its practical applications for living problems in chemistry, electrochemistry and material sciences. The students will learn on how to perform the quantum-chemical computations, because we have planned a big block of laboratories, aside from lectures,...

  • Physical Chemistry_GTM_20_21_winter

    Kursy Online
    • A. Kloskowski
    • Ł. Nierzwicki
    • M. Śmiechowski
    • W. Chrzanowski
    • Ł. Marcinkowski

    The aim of the subject is to familarize the student with fundamental physico-chemical laws in chemical thermodynamics, phase equilibria and chemical equilibria together with ability of solving relevant text problems involving calculations, as well as teachnig him/her effective and safe carrying out simple experiments/measurements of physico-chemical quantities and proper presentation and interpretation of their results. LECTURES Chemical...

  • Self-healing mechanism of metallopolymers investigated by QM/MM simulations and Raman spectroscopy

    • S. Kupfer
    • L. Zedler
    • J. Guthmuller
    • S. Bode
    • M. Hager
    • U. Schubert
    • J. Popp
    • S. Gräfe
    • B. Dietzek


    The thermally induced self-healing mechanisms in metallopolymers based on bisterpyridine complexes of iron(II) sulfate and cadmium(II) bromide, respectively, were studied by means of combined quantum mechanical/molecular mechanical (QM/MM) simulations and Raman spectroscopy. Two possible healing schemes, one based on a decomplexation of the cross-linking complexes and a second one relying on the dissociation of ionic clusters,...

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  • Two-body dissociation of isoxazole following double photoionization – an experimental PEPIPICO and theoretical DFT and MP2 study



    The dissociative double photoionization of isoxazole molecules has been investigated experimentally and theoretically. The experiment has been carried out in the 27.5–36 eV photon energy range using vacuum ultraviolet (VUV) synchrotron radiation excitation combined with ion time-of-flight (TOF) spectrometry and photoelectron–photoion–photoion coincidence (PEPIPICO) technique. Five wellresolved two-body dissociation channels have...

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  • Quantum Coherence as a Resource

    • A. Streltsov
    • G. Adesso
    • M. B. Plenio


    The coherent superposition of states, in combination with the quantization of observables, represents one of the most fundamental features that mark the departure of quantum mechanics from the classical realm. Quantum coherence in many-body systems embodies the essence of entanglement and is an essential ingredient for a plethora of physical phenomena in quantum optics, quantum information, solid state physics, and nanoscale thermodynamics....

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  • Quantum entanglement



    All our former experience with application of quantum theory seems to say that what is predicted by quantum formalism must occur in the laboratory. But the essence of quantum formalism-entanglement, recognized by Einstein, Podolsky, Rosen, and Schrödinger-waited over 70 years to enter laboratories as a new resource as real as energy. This holistic property of compound quantum systems, which involves nonclassical correlations between...

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  • Leszek Ziemczonek dr


    University education 1973-1978 – Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń, University of Gdańsk in Gdańsk, Mathematical Physics, M. Sc. 1979 – Diploma of Postgraduate Studies, Pedagogics 1989 – Institute of Physics, Polish Academy of Sciences in Warsaw, Theoretical Physics, Ph. D. 2010-2012 – Diploma of Postgraduate Studies, Mathematics Training: ·         09.1983 – Trieste (Italy) – International Centre for Theoretical Physics...

  • Zero-knowledge convincing protocol on quantum bit is impossible


    - Quantum Journal - Rok 2017

    It is one of fundamental features of quantum formalism that o n one hand it provides a new infor- mation processing resources and on the other hand puts funda mental constraints on the processing of quantum information implying “no-go” theorems for cloni ng [1–3], bit commitment [4, 5] and deleting [6] in quantum theory. Here we ask about possibilit y of “zero knowledge” scenario which, for its simplicity, can be considered as...

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  • Adsorption behavior and corrosion inhibitive characteristics of newly synthesized cyano-benzylidene xanthenes on copper/sodium hydroxide interface: Electrochemical, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy and theoretical studies

    • M. Khalifa
    • I. Azab El
    • A. Gobouri
    • G. Mersal
    • S. Alharthi
    • M. Saracoglu
    • F. Kandemirli
    • J. Ryl
    • M. Amin


    Elegant process for synthesis of 3-(7H-dibenzo[c,h]xanthen-7-yl)benzaldehyde (3), as new starting material to create a set of novel xanthene analogues, 2-(3-(7H-dibenzo[c,h]xanthen-7-yl)benzylidene)malononitrile (4), 3-(3-(7H-dibenzo[c,h]xanthen-7-yl)phenyl)-2-cyanoacrylic acid (5), and Ethyl-3-(3-(7H-dibenzo[c,h]xanthen-7-yl)phenyl)-2-cyanoacrylate (6), was achieved starting with available materials under mild conditions. Various...

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  • Quantum security and theory of decoherence


    We sketch a relation between two crucial, yet independent, fields in quantum information research, viz. quantum decoherence and quantum cryptography. We investigate here how the standard cryptographic assumption of shielded laboratory, stating that data generated by a secure quantum device remain private unless explicitly published, is disturbed by the einselection mechanism of quantum Darwinism explaining the measurement process...

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  • On symmetric extendibility of quantum states and its applications


    - Rok 2017

    This dissertation is focused on analysis of the symmetric extendibility of quantum states and its applications in the quantum information theory, with special attention paid to the area of quantum entanglement distillation, quantum channels theory, quantum security, and monogamy of quantum entanglement in time. We analyze geometry of the set of symmetric extendible states, i.e. such states that possess symmetric extensions and...

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  • Semi-definite programming and quantum information

    This paper presents a comprehensive exploration of semi-definite programming (SDP) techniques within the context of quantum information. It examines the mathematical foundations of convex optimization, duality, and SDP formulations, providing a solid theoretical framework for addressing optimization challenges in quantum systems. By leveraging these tools, researchers and practitioners can characterize classical and quantum correlations,...

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  • Quantum entanglement in time


    In this paper we present a concept of quantum entanglement in time in a context of entangled consistent histories. These considerations are supported by presentation of necessary tools closely related to those acting on a space of spatial multipartite quantum states. We show that in similarity to monogamy of quantum entanglement in space, quantum entanglement in time is also endowed with this property for a particular history....

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  • Blurred quantum Darwinism across quantum reference frames


    Quantum Darwinism describes objectivity of quantum systems via their correlations with their environment--information that hypothetical observers can recover by measuring the environments. However, observations are done with respect to a frame of reference. Here, we take the formalism of [Giacomini, Castro-Ruiz, & Brukner. Nat Commun 10, 494 (2019)], and consider the repercussions on objectivity when changing quantum reference...

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  • Modelling charge transfer processes in C2+ -tetrahydrofuran collision for ion-induced radiation damage in DNA building blocks



    Investigations of collision-induced processes involving carbon ions and molecules of biological interest in particular DNA building blocks, are crucial to model the effect of radiation on cells in order to improve medical treatments for cancer therapy. Using carbon ions appears to be one of the most efficient ways to increase biological effectiveness to damage cancerous cells by irradiating deep-seated tumors. Therefore, interest...

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  • Magnetic anisotropy and structural flexibility in the f ield-induced single ion magnets [Co{(OPPh2) (EPPh2)N}2], E = S, Se, explored by experimental and computational methods

    • E. Ferentinos
    • D. Tzeli
    • S. Sottini
    • E. J. Groenen
    • M. Ozerov
    • G. Poneti
    • K. Kaniewska-Laskowska
    • J. Krzystek
    • P. Kyritsis


    During the last few years, a large number of mononuclear Co(II) complexes of various coordination geometries have been explored as potential single ion magnets (SIMs). In the work presented herein, the Co(II) S = 3/2 tetrahedral [Co{(OPPh2)(EPPh2)N}2], E = S, Se, complexes (abbreviated as CoO2E2), bearing chalcogenated mixed donor-atom imidodiphosphinato ligands, were studied by both experimental and computational techniques. Specifically,...

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  • The Ellenbogen's "Matter as Software" Concept for Quantum Computer Implementation: II Bonding Between the C60 and X@C60 Molecules as Available Molecular Building Blocks (MBBs) for Tip-Based Nanofabrication (TBN) of Quantum Computing Devices


    - Quantum Matter - Rok 2016

    The binding energy, BE of the X@C60-X@C60 homodimer and the X@C60-Y@C60 heterodimer resulting from the bond formation between the occupied X@C60 MBB and the C60 molecule was studied by means of semiempirical PM7 calculations, where X and Y denote atoms from H to Bi, excluding Tc and lanthanides. All possible combinations of N = 68 guest atoms were considered, which resulted in K = 2346 of different calculated dimers of (X@C60-Y@C60)...

    Pełny tekst do pobrania w serwisie zewnętrznym

  • Quantum origins of objectivity


    - PHYSICAL REVIEW A - Rok 2015

    In spite of all of its successes, quantum mechanics leaves us with a central problem: How does nature create a bridge from fragile quanta to the objective world of everyday experience? Here we find that a basic structure within quantum mechanics that leads to the perceived objectivity is a so-called spectrum broadcast structure. We uncover this based on minimal assumptions, without referring to any dynamical details or a concrete...

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  • Anomalous anisotropy of deuterium-grown boron-doped diamond and the role of boron-tetramers in the Mott-Insulator transition

    Dane Badawcze
    open access
    • M. Sobaszek
    • S. Kwon
    • M. Winiarski
    • B. Rutkowski
    • J. Ryl
    • D. Wang
    • X. Li
    • M. Bockrath
    • W. Goddard III

    We show anisotropy in the superconductivity for boron-doped diamond thin films prepared with Microwave Plasma Assisted Chemical Vapor Deposition using deuterium-rich plasma. This anomalous phase transition is linked with the emergence of boson quantum entanglement states behaving as a bosonic insulating state. Here, we show that the superconducting...

  • Hybrid no-signaling-quantum correlations



    Fundamental investigations in non-locality have shown that while the no-signaling principle alone is not sufficient to single out the set of quantum non-local correlations, local quantum mechanics and no-signaling together exactly reproduce the set of quantum correlations in the two-party Bell scenario. Here, we introduce and study an intermediate hybrid no-signaling quantum set of non-local correlations that we term HNSQ in the...

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  • Purely quantum superadditivity of classical capacities of quantum multiple access channels


    We are studying classical capacities of quantum memoryless multiaccess channels in geometric terms and we are revealing a break of additivity of the Holevo-like capacity. This effect is a purely quantum mechanical one, since, as we point out, the capacity regions of all classical memoryless multiaccess channels are additive. It is the first such effect revealed in the field of classical information transmission via quantum channels.

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  • Superadditivity of two quantum information resources


    - Science Advances - Rok 2017

    Entanglement is one of the most puzzling features of quantum theory and a principal resource for quantum information processing. It is well known that in classical information theory, the addition of two classical information resources will not lead to any extra advantages. On the contrary, in quantum information, a spectacular phenomenon of the superadditivity of two quantum information resources emerges. It shows that quantum...

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  • Dynamical objectivity in quantum Brownian motion


    Classical objectivity as a property of quantum states —a view proposed to explain the observer-independent character of our world from quantum theory, is an important step in bridging the quantum-classical gap. It was recently derived in terms of spectrum broadcast structures for small objects embedded in noisy photon-like environments. However, two fundamental problems have arisen: a description of objective motion and applicability...

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  • Structure of the Resource Theory of Quantum Coherence

    • A. Streltsov
    • S. Rana
    • P. Boes
    • R. Eisert


    Quantum coherence is an essential feature of quantum mechanics which is responsible for the departure between the classical and quantum world. The recently established resource theory of quantum coherence studies possible quantum technological applications of quantum coherence, and limitations that arise if one is lacking the ability to establish superpositions. An important open problem in this context is a simple characterization...

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  • The symmetric extendibility of quantum states

    Studies on the symmetric extendibility of quantum states have become particularly important in the context of the analysis of one-way quantum measures of entanglement, and the distillability and security of quantum protocols. In this paper we analyze composite systems containing a symmetric extendible part, with particular attention devoted to the one-way security of such systems. Further, we introduce a new one-way entanglement...

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  • Consistency of Quantum Computation and the Equivalence Principle.


    The equivalence principle, being one of the building blocks of general relativity, seems to be crucial for analysis of quantum effects in gravity. In this paper we consider the relation between the equivalence principle and the consistency of quantum information processing in gravitational field. We propose an analysis with a looped evolution consisting of steps both in the gravitational field and in the accelerated reference frame....

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  • Direct estimation of linear and nonlinear functionals of quantum state

    • A. Ekert
    • C. M. Alves
    • D. K. Oi
    • M. Horodecki
    • P. Horodecki
    • L. C. Kwek


    We present a simple quantum network, based on the controlled-SWAP gate, that can extract certain properties of quantum states without recourse to quantum tomography. It can be used as a basic building block for direct quantum estimations of both linear and nonlinear functionals of any density operator. The network has many potential applications ranging from purity tests and eigenvalue estimations to direct characterization of...

  • Direct detection of quantum entanglement



    Basing on positive maps separability criterion we propose the experimentally viable, direct detection of quantum entanglement. It is efficient and does not require any a priori knowledge about the state. For two qubits it provides a sharp (i.e., “if and only if”) separability test and estimation of amount of entanglement. We view this method as a new form of quantum computation, namely, as a decision problem with quantum data structure.

  • Anomalous decay of quantum correlations of quantum-dot qubits


    - PHYSICAL REVIEW A - Rok 2013

    We study the evolution of quantum correlations, quantified by the geometric discord, of two excitonic quantum-dot qubits under the influence of the phonon environment. We show that the decay of these correlations differs substantially from the decay of entanglement. Instead of displaying sudden-death-type behavior, the geometric discord shows a tendency to undergo transitions between different types of decay, is sensitive to nonlocal...

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  • No Quantum Realization of Extremal No-Signaling Boxes



    The study of quantum correlations is important for fundamental reasons as well as for quantum communication and information processing tasks. On the one hand, it is of tremendous interest to derive the correlations produced by measurements on separated composite quantum systems from within the set of all correlations obeying the no-signaling principle of relativity, by means of information-theoretic principles. On the other hand,...

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  • Quantum metrology: Heisenberg limit with bound entanglement


    - PHYSICAL REVIEW A - Rok 2015

    Quantum entanglement may provide a huge boost in the precision of parameter estimation. However, quantum metrology seems to be extremely sensitive to noise in the probe state. There is an important still open question: What type of entanglement is useful as a resource in quantum metrology? Here we raise this question in relation to entanglement distillation. We provide a counterintuitive example of a family of bound entangled states...

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  • Generic emergence of classical features in quantum Darwinism


    - Nature Communications - Rok 2015

    Quantum Darwinism posits that only specific information about a quantum system that is redundantly proliferated to many parts of its environment becomes accessible and objective, leading to the emergence of classical reality. However, it is not clear under what conditions this mechanism holds true. Here we prove that the emergence of classical features along the lines of quantum Darwinism is a general feature of any quantum dynamics:...

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  • The decay of quantum correlations between quantum dot spin qubits and the characteristics of its magnetic-field dependence


    - EPL-EUROPHYS LETT - Rok 2014

    We address the question of the role of quantum correlations beyond entanglement in the context of quantum magnetometry. We study the evolution of the rescaled variant of the geometric quantum discord of two electron-spin qubits interacting with an environment of nuclear spins via the hyperfine interaction. We have found that quantum correlations display a strong magnetic-field sensitivity which can be utilized for decoherence-driven...

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  • Aspects of multistation quantum information broadcasting

    We study quantum information transmission over multiparty quantum channel. In particular, we show an equivalence of different capacity notions and provide a multiletter characterization of a capacity region for a general quantum channel with k senders and m receivers. We point out natural generalizations to the case of two-way classical communication capacity. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

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  • Generalized measurements on qubits in quantum randomness certification and expansion


    - Physical Review Applied - Rok 2024

    Quantum mechanics has greatly impacted our understanding of microscopic nature. One of the key concepts of this theory is generalized measurements, which have proven useful in various quantum information processing tasks. However, despite their significance, they have not yet been shown empirically to provide an advantage in quantum randomness certification and expansion protocols. This investigation explores scenarios where generalized...

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  • Long-distance quantum communication over noisy networks without long-time quantum memory

    • P. Mazurek
    • A. Grudka
    • M. Horodecki
    • P. Horodecki
    • J. Łodyga
    • Ł. Pankowski
    • A. Przysiężna

    - PHYSICAL REVIEW A - Rok 2014

    The problem of sharing entanglement over large distances is crucial for implementations of quantum cryptography. A possible scheme for long-distance entanglement sharing and quantum communication exploits networks whose nodes share Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen (EPR) pairs. In Perseguers et al. [Phys. Rev. A 78, 062324 (2008)] the authors put forward an important isomorphism between storing quantum information in a dimension D and transmission...

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  • Quantum-assisted rendezvous on graphs: explicit algorithms and quantum computer simulations



    We study quantum advantage in one-step rendezvous games on simple graphs analytically, numerically, and using noisy intermediate-scale quantum (NISQ) processors. Our protocols realise the recently discovered (Mironowicz 2023 New J. Phys. 25 013023) optimal bounds for small cycle graphs and cubic graphs. In the case of cycle graphs, we generalise the protocols to arbitrary graph size. The NISQ processor experiments realise the expected...

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  • Generic appearance of objective results in quantum measurements


    - PHYSICAL REVIEW A - Rok 2017

    Measurement is of central interest in quantum mechanics as it provides the link between the quantum world and the world of everyday experience. One of the features of everyday experience is its robust, objective character, contrasting the delicate nature of quantum systems. Here we analyze in a completely model-independent way the celebrated von Neumann measurement process, using recent techniques of information flow, studied in...

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  • The luminescence study of Ga1.98–xAlxO3:0.02Cr3+ coumpounds.

    Dane Badawcze
    open access

    A chemical and mechanical pressure-induced photoluminescence tuning method was developed through structural evolution and hydrostatic pressure involving phase transition. A series of Ga1.98−xAlxO3:0.02Cr3+ phosphors were synthesized by collaborators from National Taiwan University. Structural evolution reveals a crystal phase change with the incorporation...

  • Applications of semi-definite optimization in quantum information protocols


    - Rok 2016

    This work is concerned with the issue of applications of the semi-definite programming (SDP) in the field of quantum information sci- ence. Our results of the analysis of certain quantum information protocols using this optimization technique are presented, and an implementation of a relevant numerical tool is introduced. The key method used is NPA discovered by Navascues et al. [Phys. Rev. Lett. 98, 010401 (2007)]. In chapter...

  • Nonadditivity of quantum and classical capacities for entanglement breaking multiple-access channels and the butterfly network


    - PHYSICAL REVIEW A - Rok 2010

    We analyze quantum network primitives which are entanglement breaking. We show superadditivity of quantum and classical capacity regions for quantum multiple-access channels and the quantum butterfly network. Since the effects are especially visible at high noise they suggest that quantum information effects may be particularly helpful in the case of the networks with occasional high noise rates. The present effects provide a qualitative...

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  • The Ellenbogen's "Matter as Software" Concept for Quantum Computer Implementation: III. Selection of X@C60 Molecular Building Blocks (MBBs) for Tip-Based Nanofabrication (TBN) of Trapped Neutral Atom Quantum Computing Devices


    - Quantum Matter - Rok 2016

    The selection of guest atoms X of X@C60 MBBs for TBN of trapped neutral atom quantum computing devices is reported. Assuming the all-optical quantum computing as a final target stage, the two criteria are most important: the charge q accumulated on the C60 host must be as low as possible, and the atom X must have one or more available excited states within the band falling into the low energy window of neutral C60 molecule electronic...

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  • Quantum communication complexity advantage implies violation of a Bell inequality



    We obtain a general connection between a quantum advantage in communication complexity and non-locality. We show that given any protocol offering a (sufficiently large) quantum advantage in communication complexity, there exists a way of obtaining measurement statistics which violate some Bell inequality. Our main tool is port-based teleportation. If the gap between quantum and classical communication complexity can grow arbitrarily...

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