Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: RAILWAY TRAFFIC CONDITIONS - MOST Wiedzy


Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: RAILWAY TRAFFIC CONDITIONS

Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: RAILWAY TRAFFIC CONDITIONS



    ISSN: 1398-9219 , eISSN: 1600-0854

  • Wpływ sposobu odwzorowania pojazdu szynowego na odpowiedź dynamiczną przęsła mostowego


    W pracy przedstawiono rezultaty analiz numerycznych oraz badań eksploatacyjnych dwóch przęseł mostowych wymuszonych ruchomym pojazdem szynowym. Pojazd odwzorowano za pomocą czterech modeli uproszczonych: strumienia sił skupionych, strumienia mas skupionych oraz strumieni oscylatorów jedno- i dwumasowych. Analizy numeryczne wykonano przy wykorzystaniu MES. Potrzebne parametry dynamiczne wyznaczono na podstawie wyników identyfikacji...

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  • Impact of adverse winter weather on traffic flow


    The paper aims to analyse the impact of adverse weather in winter on traffic flow using data from a dual carriageway section of an express road located in Gdansk. For the purposes of the analysis, traffic and meteorological data were collected for a period of 15 months in 2014-2015 and aggregated to 5 minutes intervals. The impact of winter weather conditions on traffic flow was assessed by comparing aggregated traffic stream parameters...

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  • Monitoring of current collectors on the railway line

    Proper cooperation the current collectors and the overhead line is a pre-requisite for reliable and safe operation of railway transport. Instances of maladjustment and, in some cases, damage to the current collectors, occur between periodic inspections of the rolling stock. In order to detect such anomalies quickly, the test stand was developed, with the aim of monitoring the technical state of the current collectors under operating...

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  • Analysing the impact of traffic incidents on express road traffic flow using FREEVAL

    Traffic incidents occurring on motorways or express roads cause disruptions and deteriorate traffic conditions. The impact will differ depending on the type of incident, its duration and space blocked on the roadway and can be measured with e.g. average speed reduction, extension of travel time, time lost or overall costs of traffic disruptions. The aim of the paper is to analyse this impact, based on data from the Tri-City Ring...

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  • Długie pociągi


    - Rok 2018

    Wskazano, że przy wprowadzaniu długich pociągów pojawiają się możliwości, ale i ograniczenia różnej natury oraz problemy do rozwiązania. Inne w przypadku długich pociągów i inne w przypadku ciężkich pociągów. Pokazano długie pociągi, jako szansę na polepszenie bezpieczeństwa na drogach, poprzez ograniczenie na nich ruchu samochodów ciężarowych. Łatwiej będzie w praktyce realizować pomysł „Tiry na tory” Długie pociągi są szansą...

  • Computer application for railway track realignment


    - Rok 2014

    The topic of this article is the issue of railway track realignment. For this purpose, a computer software application was created that supports computations and generates a report needed for regulation of the trajectory of the railway. This program gives the ability to import data from measurement of the railway trajectory and then perform the calculation of the mathematical realignment. The result of this calculation is the basis...

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  • Ocena kosztu cyklu życia szyn kolejowych w modernizacji układów geometrycznych

    W pracy przedstawiono uwarunkowania historyczne, które doprowadziły do opracowania metod szacowania kosztu życia inwestycji. Opisano podstawowe założenia LCC według modelu przedstawionego w Normach oraz opracowanego w projekcie INNOTRACK. Zaproponowano połączenie powyższych metod i dostosowanie ich do oceny kosztu życia szyn kolejowych w Polce. Przedstawiono elementy wpływające na koszt utrzymania nawierzchni szynowej oraz metody...

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  • Innovative Railway Stations


    In relation to modern demographic trends, evolving technologies and environmentfriendly solutions increases the potential of rail considered as sustainable form of public transport. Contemporary tendencies of designing railway stations in Europe are focused on lowering energy consumption and reducing carbon emission. The main goal of the designers is to create a friendly and intuitive space for its users and at the same time a...

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  • Historic railway stations, documentation and revitalization of the railway infrastructure facilities - protection of cultural and social heritage


    - Rok 2012

    The article presents problems of documentation and adaptation of buildings which constitute the cultural heritage of the railway infrastructure facilities in Pomerania in Poland. Shows the potential and possibilityto be adopted for various purposes. This problem affects many sites and buildings, railway stations, railway warehouses, residential buildings, technical buildings, water towers, trackman shelters, bridges, viaducts,...

  • Traffic Type Influence on QoS Network Performance of Streaming Traffic Class


    - Rok 2013

    Feasibility study on QoS routing proved that the traffic type influence the network performance. The performance is defined here as a number of packets serviced by the network. In the paper additional element - buffers lengths used in service system was verified in terms of dependencies with routing performance. We present results obtained by simulation for many simulation scenarios. Analysis was done for two different network...

  • System for tracking multiple trains on a test railway track

    Several problems may arise when multiple trains are to be tracked using two IP camera streams. In this work, real-life conditions are simulated using a railway track model based on the Pomeranian Metropolitan Railway (PKM). Application of automatic clustering of optical flow is investigated. A complete tracking solution is developed using background subtraction, blob analysis, Kalman filtering, and a Hungarian algorithm. In total,...

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  • System for tracking multiple trains on a test railway track


    Several problems may arise when multiple trains are to be tracked using two IP camera streams. In this work, real-life conditions are simulated using a railway track model based on the Pomeranian Metropolitan Railway (PKM). Application of automatic clustering of optical flow is investigated. A complete tracking solution is developed using background subtraction, blob analysis, Kalman filtering, and a Hungarian algorithm. In total,...

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  • A Visual Method of Measuring Railway-Track Weed Infestation Level


    This paper concerns the assessment of railway track surface conditions in relation to the degree of weed infestation. The paper conceptually describes the proposed method using a visual system to analyse weed infestation level. The use of image analysis software for weed detection is also proposed. This new measurement method allows for a mobile assessment of the track’s weed infestation status. Validation of the assessment method...

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  • Preparatory Railway Track Geometry Estimation Based on GNSS and IMU Systems


    The article discusses an important issue of railway line construction and maintenance, which fundamentally is the verification of geometric parameters of the railway track. For this purpose, mobile measurements have been performed using a measuring platform with two properly arranged GNSS receivers, which made it possible to determine the base vector of the platform. The measuring functionality of the system was extended by IMU....

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  • Measurements of displacement and acceleration of the railway bridge at km 333-254 of the Vilnius - Klaipeda railway line


    - Rok 2020

    The purpose of this work is to perform a report of static and dynamic test realized on the bridge at km 333-254 of the Vilnius - Klaipeda railway line over the Salantas River in Kūlupėnų.

  • The application of microscopic models in the study of pedestrian traffic

    Cities (especially in Central and Eastern Europe) focus on improving the road network, which aims to improve the efficiency of motor traffic and minimize congestion. Most of existing tools for analysing the effectiveness of urban transport networks do not assume to analyse the impact of walking and cycling on efficiency of transport systems. It is therefore necessary to develop solutions...

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  • Wpływ zmian dopuszczalnych wartości parametrów geometrycznych i kinematycznych na podatność modernizacyjną układów torowych


    Podatnością modernizacyjną nazywamy stopień przystosowania analizowanego odcinka linii kolejowej do zmiany prędkości eksploatacyjnej. Skala możliwych zmian prędkości (w sensie jej zwiększenia) jest wypadkową istniejącego układu geometrycznego linii w planie, ograniczeń lokalizacyjnych oraz dopuszczalnych wartości parametrów geometrycznych i inematycznych. Jakiekolwiek zmiany tych ostatnich wpływają bezpośrednio na obliczenie elementarnych...

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  • An application of acoustic sensors for the monitoring of road traffic


    Assessment of road traffic parameters for the developed intelligent speed limit setting decision system constitutes the subject addressed in the paper. Current traffic conditions providing vital data source for the calculation of the locally fitted speed limits are assessed employing an economical embedded platform placed at the roadside. The use of the developed platform employing a low-powered processing unit with a set of microphones,...

    Pełny tekst do pobrania w serwisie zewnętrznym

  • Prospects in elongation of railway transition curves

    The paper presents an analysis of the elongation of transition curves in relation to railway track alignment correction and modernisation. The analysis is based on numerical computations for a wide range of parameters describing a typical railway geometrical layout with transition curves. The differences between the horizontal ordinates of the existing layout and the layout with the elongated transition curves are evaluated and...

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  • Badanie stanu nawierzchni drogowej z wykorzystaniem uczenia maszynowego

    W artykule opisano budowę systemu informowania o stanie nawierzchni drogowej z wykorzystaniem metod cyfrowego przetwarzania obrazów oraz uczenia maszynowego. Efektem wykonanych prac badawczych jest eksperymentalna platforma, pozwalająca na rejestrację uszkodzeń na drogach, system do analizy, przetwarzania i klasyfikacji danych oraz webowa aplikacja użytkownika do przeglądu stanu nawierzchni w wybranej lokalizacji.

    Pełny tekst do pobrania w serwisie zewnętrznym

  • Modernization of tram lines with the use of railway design standards


    The article presents the main differences between the process of upgrading railway and tram routes. Geometrical layout designing is an issue of the interest. Railway designing rules that may be helpful in the design of the modernization are specified.

  • Epilepsy and Paroxysmal Conditions


    ISSN: 2077-8333 , eISSN: 2311-4088

  • Earthworks calculations due to reconstruction of railway geometrical layout


    - Rok 2014

    The paper characterizes continuation of ongoing work of computer program MUGO which is connected with earthworks. The program is related to the modernization of the railway track layout. The methodology for the calculating the size of earthworks in the areas of embankments on the two way railway line is discussed in detail.

  • Analysis of Signalized Intersections in the Context of Pedestrian Traffic

    Gdynia is a city in the Pomeranian Voivod e ship of Poland with a population of about 250,000. It faces a growing motorization rate th at needs to be addressed. Car ownership in Gdynia now exceed s 500 vehicles per 1000 residents. Travel by public transport is decreasing and the rate of walking and cycling remains low. It is necessary to reverse these negative trends by implementing solu tions based...

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  • Mobile satellite measurements on the Pomeranian Metropolitan Railway


    - Przegląd Komunikacyjny - Rok 2016

    This paper presents the process of organization and execution of the mobile satellite measurements conducted on the tracks of the Pomeranian Metropolitan Railway before officially entry the line into operation. These measurements allowed for the accurate identification of the actual geometric shape of the line. In the paper the issues of both design and construction phase of this railway line has been described. Moreover, the geodetic...

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  • Wybrane zagadnienia optymalizacji organizacji ruchu kolejowego w celu minimalizacji kosztów energii elektrycznej

    W artykule przedstawiono podział kosztów w transporcie kolejowym z uwzględnieniem kosztów wewnętrznych przedsiębiorstwa, do których zaliczają się między innymi koszty dostępu do infrastruktury, czy koszty energii. Stwierdzono, że przy odpowiedniej organizacji ruchu pociągów na sieci kolejowej, bez ponoszenia dodatkowych nakładów na infrastrukturę i specjalistyczne urządzenia, można znacznie ograniczyć zużycie energii, a co za tym...

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  • Machine learning applied to acoustic-based road traffic monitoring


    - Rok 2022

    The motivation behind this study lies in adapting acoustic noise monitoring systems for road traffic monitoring for driver’s safety. Such a system should recognize a vehicle type and weather-related pavement conditions based on the audio level measurement. The study presents the effectiveness of the selected machine learning algorithms in acoustic-based road traffic monitoring. Bases of the operation of the acoustic road traffic...

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  • Machine learning applied to acoustic-based road traffic monitoring

    The motivation behind this study lies in adapting acoustic noise monitoring systems for road traffic monitoring for driver’s safety. Such a system should recognize a vehicle type and weather-related pavement conditions based on the audio level measurement. The study presents the effectiveness of the selected machine learning algorithms in acoustic-based road traffic monitoring. Bases of the operation of the acoustic road traffic...

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  • A unified approach to the analysis of electric energy and fuel consumption of cars in city traffic


    - ENERGY - Rok 2019

    Forecasting fuel and electricity consumption is an important factor determining the direction of changes in road engineering solutions, traffic management, selection of routes for public transport and development more efficient car drive systems. With a reliable and easy-to-use computational tool, it is possible to reduce the consumption of primary energy sources and reduce the emission of toxic compounds in cities. An analysis...

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  • Pedestrian Safety in Road Traffic in Poland

    Every third road accident in Poland involves a pedestrian as a participant or, most of the time, a casualty. Pedestrian accidents are usually the result of complex situations and the outcome of a number of factors related to driver and pedestrian behaviour and road infrastructure. Safety depends largely on how well the traffic condition is perceived and on visibility in traffic. The paper presents the results of analyses of methodologies...

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  • Application of autoencoder to traffic noise analysis

    The aim of an autoencoder neural network is to transform the input data into a lower-dimensional code and then to reconstruct the output from this code representation. Applications of autoencoders to classifying sound events in the road traffic have not been found in the literature. The presented research aims to determine whether such an unsupervised learning method may be used for deploying classification algorithms applied to...

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    The paper presents results of satel lite surveying of the railway's rout es, which have been conducted just after starting in Poland (in 2008) the Active Geodesy Network ASG-EU POS. Afterwards it was possible to effectively utilize the GNSS survey ing results for the inventory of the (exploring) railways in service. Already at the beginning of 2009, the research team from Gdansk University of Technology and Naval Academy in Gdynia,...

  • Support Vector Machine Applied to Road Traffic Event Classification


    - MATEC Web of Conferences - Rok 2018

    The aim of this paper is to present results of road traffic event signal recognition. First, several types of systems for road traffic monitoring, including Intelligent Transport System (ITS) are shortly described. Then, assumptions of creating a database of vehicle signals recorded in different weather and road conditions are outlined. Registered signals were edited as single vehicle pass by. Using the Matlab-based application...

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  • Traffic Modeling in IMS-based NGN Networks

    In the modern world the need for accurate and quickly delivered information is becoming more and more essential. In order to fulfill these requirements, next generation telecommunication networks should be fast introduced and correctly dimensioned. For this reason proper traffic models must be identified, which is the subject of this paper. In the paper standardization of IMS (IP Multimedia Subsystem) concept and IMS-based NGN...

  • Development of Intelligent Road Signs with V2X Interface for Adaptive Traffic Controlling


    - Rok 2019

    The objective of this paper is to present a practical project of intelligent road signs, under which a series of new products for the regulation of traffic is being created. The engineering part of the project, described in this paper, was preceded by a series of experimental studies, the results of which were described in another paper accepted for publication at the MTS-ITS conference 2019, entitled "Comparative study on the effectiveness...

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  • Traffic Type Influence on Performance of OSPF QoS Routing

    Feasibility studies with QoS routing proved that the network traffic type has influence on routing performance. In this work influence of self-similar traffic for network with DiffServ architecture and OSPF QoS routing has been verified. Analysis has been done for three traffic classes. Multiplexed On-Off model was used for self-similar traffic generation. Comparison of simulation results was presented using both relative and non-relative...

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  • Dynamic analysis of the railway bridge span under moving loads

    The first part of this paper provides a review of the state of knowledge of the dynamic behaviour of railway bridges under moving loads. Particular attention is paid to developments in modelling railway bridge loading and dynamic vehicle-span (structure) interaction. The most important aspects determining the advancements in this area of knowledge are identified. The contemporary techniques for defining bridge span finite element...

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  • The Impact of Weather on Traffic Speed in Urban Area

    The issue of the impact of weather conditions on trip speed of vehicles has been studied for a long time and it is still the subject of many scientific researches. The impact of atmospheric conditions on the speed with which drivers drive their vehicles seems to be obvious. Good weather conditions, sunny weather with good visibility surely provokes higher speed while rainfall, wind...

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  • Traffic-induced vibrations. The impact on buildings and people


    Traffic-induced vibrations have recently been of major concern to engineers as one of the aspects of so called physical environmental pollution. The interest is related to the observations of serious negative effects of such kind of vibrations on buildings and their inhabitants. Traffic-induced vibrations may cause plaster cracks, structural damage and even failure and collapse of the structure. They may also be the reason of serious...

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  • Traffic Type Influence on Performance of OSPF QoS Routing


    - Rok 2012

    Feasibility studies with QoS routing proved that the network traffic type has influence on routing performance. In this work influence of self-similar traffic for network with DiffServ architecture and OSPF QoS routing has been verified. Analysis has been done for three traffic classes. Multiplexed ON-OFF model was used for self-similar traffic generation. Comparison of simulation results were presented using both relative and...

  • Comparative study on the effectiveness of various types of road traffic intensity detectors


    - Rok 2019

    Vehicle detection and speed measurements are crucial tasks in traffic monitoring systems. In this work, we focus on several types of electronic sensors, operating on different physical principles in order to compare their effectiveness in real traffic conditions. Commercial solutions are based on road tubes, microwave sensors, LiDARs, and video cameras. Distributed traffic monitoring systems require a high number of monitoring...

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  • Wpływ zmian dopuszczalnych wartości parametrów geometrycznych i kinematycznych na podatność modernizacyjną układów torowych


    - Rok 2015

    Podatnością modernizacyjną nazywamy stopień przystosowania analizowanego odcinka linii kolejowej do zmiany prędkości eksploatacyjnej. Skala możliwych zmian prędkości (w sensie jej zwiększenia) jest wypadkową istniejącego układu geometrycznego linii w planie, ograniczeń lokalizacyjnych oraz dopuszczalnych wartości parametrów geometrycznych i kinematycznych. Jakiekolwiek zmiany tych ostatnich wpływają bezpośrednio na obliczenie elementarnych...

  • Morski skaning laserowy infrastruktury portowej na przykładzie portu we Władysławowie

    • A. Kholodkov
    • K. Matysik
    • M. Matysik
    • J. Szulwic
    • A. Wojtowicz
    • P. Tysiąc

    - Logistyka - Rok 2014

    Technologia skaningu laserowego rozwinęła się współcześnie do etapu, w którym skaning mobilny jest swobodnie wykorzystywany na platformach pojazdów drogowych i szynowych oraz statków powietrznych. Do szczególnych rozwiązań skaningu mobilnego zalicza się skaning morski. Użycie tego rozwiązania stanowi nowe rozwiązanie dla problematyki inwentaryzacji infrastruktury portowej w sytuacji dużego ruchu morskiego lub rozległych basenów...

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  • Oddziaływania taboru na mosty kolejowe przy zmiennych parametrach ruchu


    - Rok 2014

    W pracy poruszono zagadnienia związane z identyfikacją oraz modelowaniem układu dynamicznego most-pojazd ruchomy. Za element szczególnie istotny uznano czynnik obciążający. Opracowano i wdrożono metodykę identyfikacji cech dynamicznych rzeczywistego pojazdu szynowego. Eksperyment badawczy przeprowadzono dla jednostki trakcyjnej EN57, jednak nie ma żadnych ograniczeń w stosowaniu metody dla innego, konwencjonalnego taboru szynowego....

    Pełny tekst do pobrania w serwisie zewnętrznym


    The paper presents the study of the impact of vibration induced by the movement of the railway rolling stock on the Forum Gdańsk structure. This object is currently under construction and is located over the railway tracks in the vicinity of the Gdańsk Główny and Gdańsk Śródmieście railway stations. The analysis covers the influence of vibrations on the structure itself and on the people within. The in situ measurements on existing...

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  • Dynamics of the small-span railway bridge under moving loads


    The paper presents the results of dynamic analysis of the small-span railway bridge, subjected to an action of moving trains. Numerical simulations were performed using three different load models: series of moving forces, series of moving single-mass and double-mass oscillators. The parameters of the vehicle were taken from the existing EN57 train. The parameters of the bridge were taken from the existing steel span of 10,24 m...

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  • The influence of accumulation area and the length of pedestrian route on functioning of roundabouts with traffic signals

    traffic volumes. This kind of intersection is commonly used in the centres of Polish cities on multilane roads and fairly common in the case of tram lines running through a central island. The increase of traffic flow volumes on left turn and U-turn has made this type of roundabout difficult to operate. Small storage areas around central islands are critical places that significantly influence the capacity of this kind of intersection....

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  • Information System for Drivers Within the Integrated Traffic Management System - TRISTAR


    Advanced traveler information systems (ATIS) for drivers are a very important element of modern traffic management. In recent years ITS infrastructure is being developed also in Poland. It allows for delivering to drivers information related to the conditions in the road network through, inter alia, dedicated Variable Message Signs (VMS). Such information enables drivers to take decisions, contributing to improving the efficiency...

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  • Computer-aided reconstruction of the railway track axis geometrical shape

    In the paper a method of the railway track axis geometrical shape identification in a horizontal plane, directly from the continuous satellite measurements, is presented. In this method, an algorithm for the design of railway track sections located in the horizontal arc is used. The algorithm uses an analytical description of the layout by means of suitable mathematical formulas. The design procedure has a universal character and...

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