Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: RAT-RACE COUPLERS
Low-cost performance-driven modelling of compact microwave components with two-layer surrogates and gradient kriging
PublikacjaUtilization of electromagnetic (EM) simulation tools has become indispensable for reliable evaluation of microwave components. As the cost of an individual analysis may already be considerable, the computational overhead associated with EM-driven tasks that require massive simulations (e.g., optimization) may turn prohibitive. One of mitigation methods is the employment of equivalent network models. Yet, they are incapable of accounting...
Expedited Yield-Driven Design of High-Frequency Structures by Kriging Surrogates in Confined Domains
PublikacjaUncertainty quantification is an important aspect of engineering design, also pertaining to the development and performance evaluation of high-frequency structures systems. Manufacturing tolerances as well as other types of uncertainties, related to material parameters (e.g., substrate permittivity) or operating conditions (e.g., bending) may affect the characteristics of antennas or microwave devices. For example, in the case...
Novel doubly perforated broadband microstrip branch-line couplers
PublikacjaTwo broadband compact doubly perforated hybrid couplers have been designed, manufactured, and measured. To improve frequency characteristics and to reduce circuit dimensions, two kinds of perforations have been introduced: the defected ground structures in the ground plane metallization and photonic bandgap cells in the strip metallization. Measurement results show essential miniaturization (~39% and ~36%) and enhancement of the...
EM-driven topology evolution for bandwidth enhancement of hybrid quadrature patch couplers
PublikacjaA broad operational bandwidth is one of the key performance figures of hybrid patch couplers. Due to the lack of systematic design procedures, bandwidth enhancement is normally obtained through manual modifications of the structure geometry. In this work, an optimization-based topology evolution for EM-driven design of patch couplers with enhanced bandwidth has been proposed. The method exploits a novel spline-based EM model where...
Design of Compact and Wideband Groove Gap Waveguide-Based Directional Couplers
PublikacjaThis paper proposes a compact cross-shaped groove gap waveguide structure for creating wideband and compact directional couplers with different coupling levels. Groove gap waveguide technology is applied to overcome fabrication challenges of printed and hollow waveguide structures in high frequency bands. The validity of the novel concept is demonstrated through the design and evaluation of several compact broadband directional...
Low-Cost Automated Design of Compact Branch-Line Couplers
PublikacjaBranch-line couplers (BLCs) are important components of wireless communication systems. Conventional BLCs are often characterized by large footprints which make miniaturization an important prerequisite for their application in modern devices. State-of-the-art approaches to design of compact BLCs are largely based on the use of high-permittivity substrates and multi-layer topologies. Alternative methods involve replacement of transmission-line...
Expedited EM-Driven Design of Miniaturized Microwave Hybrid Couplers Using Surrogate-Based Optimization
PublikacjaMiniaturization of microwave hybrid couplers is important for contemporary wireless communication engineering. Using standard computer-aided design methods for development of compact structures is extremely challenging due to a general lack of computationally efficient and accurate simulation models. Poor accuracy of available equivalent circuits results from neglecting parasitic cross-couplings that greatly affect the performance...
ASCOT – More than a horse race!
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Race and Justice
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Inverse surrogate models for fast geometry scaling of miniaturized dual-band couplers
PublikacjaRe-design of microwave structures for various sets of performance specifications is a challenging task, particularly for compact components where considerable electromagnetic (EM) cross-couplings make the relationships between geometry parameters and the structure responses complex. Here, we address geometry scaling of miniaturized dual-band couplers by means of inverse surrogate modeling. Our approach allows for fast estimation...
Sensitive Demonstration of the Twin-Core Couplers including Kerr Law Non-Linearity via Beta Derivative Evolution
PublikacjaTo obtain new solitary wave solutions for non-linear directional couplers using optical meta-materials, a new extended direct algebraic technique (EDAT) is used. This model investigates solitary wave propagation inside a fiber. As a result, twin couplers are the subject of this study. Kerr law is the sort of non-linearity addressed there. Because it offers solutions to problems with large tails or infinite fluctuations, the resulting...
Investigations of broadband multilayered coupled line couplers
PublikacjaW pracy przedstawiono dwa układy szerokopasmowych sprzęgaczy 3dB. Pierwszy układ zrealizowany jest w oparciu o linie paskowe z rowkowanym ekranem. Drugi układ to zmodyfikowany układ sprzęgacza mikrofalowego zrealizowanego w oparciu o linie mikropaskowe ze wspólną masą. Zaproponowane układy sprzęgaczy odznaczają się szerszym pasmem pracy w porównaniu do układów prezentowanych w literaturze. Wyniki symulacji układów zostały zweryfikowane...
Critical Philosophy of Race
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Race and Social Problems
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Race, Ethnicity and Education
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Sociology of Race and Ethnicity
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Rapid design of miniaturised branch-line couplers through concurrent cell optimisation and surrogate-assisted fine-tuning
PublikacjaIn this study, the authors introduce a methodology for low-cost simulation-driven design optimisation of highly miniaturised branch-line couplers (BLCs). The first stage of their design approach exploits fast concurrent optimisation of geometrically dependent, but electromagnetically isolated cells that constitute a BLC. The cross-coupling effects between the cells are taken into account in the second stage, where a surrogate-assisted...
Rapid simulation-driven design of miniaturised dual-band microwave couplers by means of adaptive response scaling
PublikacjaOne of the major challenges in the design of compact microwave structures is the necessity of simultaneous handling of several objectives and the fact that expensive electromagnetic (EM) analysis is required for their reliable evaluation. Design of multi-band circuits where performance requirements are to be satisfied for several frequencies at the same time is even more difficult. In this work, a computationally efficient design...
Effects of an immunosuppressive treatment on the rat prostate
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Surrogate-assisted EM-driven miniaturization of wideband microwave couplers by means of co-simulation low-fidelity models
PublikacjaThis article proposes a methodology for rapid design optimization of miniaturized wideband couplers. More specifically, a class of circuits is considered, in which conventional transmission lines are replaced by their abbreviated counterparts referred to as slow-wave compact cells. Our focus is on explicit reduction of the structure size as well as on reducing the CPU cost of the design process. For the sake of computational feasibility,...
Bandwidth-size design trade-offs for compact spline-parameterised patch couplers by means of electromagnetic-driven multi-objective optimisation
PublikacjaBroad bandwidth and small size are the key performance figures for contemporary microwave couplers. These requirements are conflicting, i.e. improvement of one generally leads to degradation of the other assuming fixed topology of the circuit at hand. From a designer's perspective, the knowledge about available design trade-offs is indispensable as it permits for tailoring the circuit for particular applications as well as comparing...
<title>Colorimetric sensor based on two optical fiber couplers</title>
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On the design of planar high directivity proximity couplers in the mm-wave range
PublikacjaPrzedyskutowano problemy projektowania sprzęgaczy zbliżeniowych wykonywanych w technologii planarnej i przeznaczonych do pracy w zakresie fal milimetrowych. Zasadniczym celem badań było zaprojektowanie, wykonanie i przebadanie układu sprzęgacza o wysokiej kierunkowości i umiarkowanym poziomie sprzężenia pracującego w zakresie 40-50GHz. Przedyskutowano i zamodelowano różne konfiguracje sprzęgaczy. Stwierdzono, że znane zasady projektowania...
Meridians: Feminism, Race, Transnationalism
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Critical Race and Whiteness Studies
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Journal of Race, Ethnicity and Politics
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A preliminary study for identifying olfactory markers of fear in the rat
PublikacjaW sytuacjach stresowych wiele zwierząt wydziela feromony alarmowe aby ostrzec inne osobniki o nieuchronnym zagrożeniu. Autorzy szukali warunków doświadczalnych, mających na celu identyfikację feromonów alarmowych wydzielanych przez szczury. Szczury umieszczono w specjalnie zaprojektowanych komorach i narażono na różne dotykowe, wizualne i akustyczne bodźce w przeciągu kilku dni. Badacze obserwowali zachowanie szczurów i analizowali...
H NMR analysis of rat serum with endometriosis treatment
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Potentilla erecta extract inhibits arterial thrombosis in rat
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Impact of imipramine on proteome of rat primary glial cells
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The Effects of the Anthropological Race, Gender and Location of Verbal-Pictorial Stimuli on the Usability of Visual Information Conveyance
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Influence of ghrelin on rat pituitary GH3 cell line proliferation
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Inverse and forward surrogate models for expedited design optimization of unequal-power-split patch couplers
PublikacjaIn the paper, a procedure for precise and expedited design optimization of unequal power split patchcouplers is proposed. Our methodology aims at identifying the coupler dimensions that correspond to thecircuit operating at the requested frequency and featuring a required power split. At the same time, thedesign process is supposed to be computationally efficient. The proposed methodology involves two typesof auxiliary models (surrogates):...
Sweet grass protection against oxidative stress formation in the rat brain
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Allergic Inflammation Alters microRNA Expression Profile in Adipose Tissue in the Rat
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Dopamine release in the rat cerebellum and hippocampus: a tissue 3-methoxytyramine study
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Effect of chronic mild stress and imipramine on the proteome of the rat dentate gyrus
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Rat cathepsin K: Enzymatic specificity and regulation of its collagenolytic activity
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Metabolic transformation of antitumor agent C1311 with various fractions of rat liver.
PublikacjaWykazano, że enzymatyczna aktywacja jest konieczna dla aktywności bilogicznej pochodnej C-1311. Zbadano przemiany związku w obecności różnych frakcji enzymatycznych mikrosomalnych komórek wątroby szczura.Badania te wykazały, że związek C-1311 jest bardziej podatny na transformację pod wpływem frakcji aktywowanych enzymów mikrosomalnych (CYP1A, CYP2B, CYP3A i CYP4A) niż frakcji S9, cytozolowej czy mikrosomów nieaktywowanych. Związek...
Eye-Tracking Examination of the Anthropological Race, Gender and Verbal-Pictorial Relative Positions on Ergonomics of Visual Information Presentation
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Modulation of carcinogen metabolizing cytochromes p450 in rat liver and kidney by cabbage and sauerkraut juices: comparison with the effects of indole-3-carbinol and phenethyl isothiocyanate
PublikacjaThis study investigated the effect of raw cabbage and sauerkraut juices on the activity and expression of CYP1A1, 1A2, 1B1 and 2B in Wistar rat liver and kidney. The results were compared with those of two commercially available products of glucosinolates degradation: indole-3-carbinol (I3C) and phenethyl isothiocyanate (PEITC). Significant differences in the effect of the cabbage juices as well as I3C and PEITC between the liver...
Detoxification of the tricyclic antidepressant opipramol and its analog – IS-noh by UGT enzymes before and after activation by phase I enzymes in rat liver microsomes
PublikacjaThe present studies were carried out to evaluate the simultaneous one-pot metabolism of opipramol (IS-opi) and analog (IS-noh) by phase I and phase II enzymes present in rat liver microsomes (RLM) as an alternative to separate testing with recombinant enzymes. This approach allows for more time-saving and cost-effective screening of the metabolism of newly discovered drugs. We also considered that the lack of results for phase...
Effect of sweet grass extract against oxidative stress in rat liver and serum
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Green tea protects against ethanol-induced lipid peroxidation in rat organs
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Molecular Characterization of Growth Hormone-producing Tumors in the GC Rat Model of Acromegaly
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Evaluation of Analytes Characterized with Potential Protective Action after Rat Exposure to Lead
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Comparison of Three Extraction Approaches for the Isolation of Neurotransmitters from Rat Brain Samples
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Metabolic transformations of antitumor imidazoacridinone, C-1311, with microsomal fractions of rat and human liver
PublikacjaWykazano, że enzymatyczna aktywacja jest konieczna dla aktywności biologicznej pochodnej C-1311 (Symadex R), która znajduje się w II fazie badań klinicznych. Zbadano przemiany enzymatyczne tego związku w obecności frakcji enzymatycznych mikrosomalnych komórek wątroby szczura i ludzkiej. Badania te wykazały, że związek C-1311 jest bardziej podatny na przemiany w obecności frakcji mikrosomalnej niż S9 i cytozolowej. Inkubacja związku...
Metabolic transformations of antitumor imidazoacridinone, C-1311, with microsomal fractions of rat and human liver