Local fixed point indices of iterations of planar maps
PublikacjaW artykule podana zostaje postać indeksów iteracji dla pewnej klasy odwzorowań planarnych. Podstawowymi narzędziami stosowanym w pracy są liczba Nielsena i indeks Conleya.
A Strategy to Locate Fixed Points and Global Perturbations of ODE’s: Mixing Topology with Metric Conditions
PublikacjaIn this paper we discuss a topological treatment for the planar system z' = f (t, z) + g(t, z) where f and g are T -periodic in time and g(t, z) is bounded. Namely, we study the effect of g(t, z) in two different frameworks: isochronous centers and time periodic systems having subharmonics. The main tool employed in the proofs consists of a topological strategy to locate fixed points in the class of orientation preserving embedding...
On the Existence of Homoclinic Type Solutions of a Class of Inhomogenous Second Order Hamiltonian Systems
PublikacjaWe show the existence of homoclinic type solutions of a class of inhomogenous second order Hamiltonian systems, where a C1-smooth potential satisfies a relaxed superquadratic growth condition, its gradient is bounded in the time variable, and a forcing term is sufficiently small in the space of square integrable functions. The idea of our proof is to approximate the original system by time-periodic ones, with larger and larger...
Wpływ błędów parametrów modelu maszyny indukcyjnej na działanie rozszerzonego obserwatora prędkości
PublikacjaW artykule opisano metodę odtwarzania prędkości wirnika maszyny indukcyjnej przy wykorzystaniu rozszerzonego obserwatora prędkości. Zbadano wpływ błędów parametrów modelu maszyny indukcyjnej na właściwości dynamiczne obserwatora poprzez porównanie macierzy stanu obserwatora obarczonego oraz nieobarczonego błędami parametrów. Zbadany został także wpływ błędów parametrów na jakość odtwarzania zmiennych maszyny w stanie ustalonym.
Determination of dryout localization using a five-equation model of annular flow for boiling in minichannels
PublikacjaDetailed studies have suggested that the critical heat flux in the form of dryout in minichannels occurs when the combined effects of entrainment, deposition, and evaporation of the film make the film flow rate go gradually and smoothly to zero. Most approaches so far used the mass balance equation for the liquid film with appropriate formulations for the rate of deposition and entrainment respectively. It must be acknowledged...
Mechanism of Solute and Thermal Characteristics in a Casson Hybrid Nanofluid Based with Ethylene Glycol Influenced by Soret and Dufour Effects
PublikacjaThis article models a system of partial differential equations (PDEs) for the thermal and solute characteristics under gradients (concentration and temperature) in the magnetohydrodynamic flow of Casson liquid in a Darcy porous medium. The modelled problems are highly non-linear with convective boundary conditions. These problems are solved numerically with a finite element approach under a tolerance of 10−8. A numerical algorithm...
Excitation of Non-Wave Modes by Sound of Arbitrary Frequency in a Chemically Reacting Gas
PublikacjaThe nonlinear phenomena in the field of high intensity sound propagating in a gas with a chemical reaction, are considered. A chemical reaction of A → B type is followed by dispersion and attenuation of sound which may be atypical during irreversible thermodynamic processes under some conditions. The first and second order derivatives of heat produced in the chemical reaction evaluated at the equilibrium temperature, density and...
On Nonlinear Dynamic Theory of Thin Plates with Surface Stresses
PublikacjaWe discuss the modelling of dynamics of thin plates considering surface stresses according to Gurtin–Murdoch surface elasticity. Taking into account the surface mass density we derive the two-dimensional (2D) equations of motion. For the reduction of the three-dimensional (3D) motion equations to the 2D ones we use the trough-the-thickness integration procedure. As a result, the 2D dynamic parameters of the plate depend not only...
PublikacjaAim of the study The current paper aims to give a detailed evaluation and analysis of some extreme rainfall events that happened in the last decade in terms of spatial and temporal rainfall distribution, intensity rate, and exceedance probability. Moreover, it examines the effects of each analysed aspect on the resulting flash floods in the studied area. Material and methods In their glossary of meteorology, American Meteorology...
Kazimierz Darowicki prof. dr hab. inż.
OsobyStudia wyższe ukończyłem w czerwcu 1981 roku po zdaniu egzaminu dyplomowego i obronie pracy magisterskiej. Opiekunem pracy magisterskiej był dr hab. inż. Tadeusz Szauer. W roku 1991, 27 listopada uzyskałem stopień naukowy broniąc pracę doktorską zatytułowaną „Symulacyjna i korelacyjna analiza widm immitancyjnych inhibitowanej reakcji elektrodowej”. Promotorem pracy był prof. dr hab. inż. Józef Kubicki (Wydział Chemiczny...
Beyond the field: How pesticide drift endangers biodiversity
PublikacjaAirborne pesticide drift poses a substantial environmental threat in agriculture, affecting ecosystems far from the application sites. This process, in which up to 25% of applied pesticides are carried by air currents, can transport chemicals over hundreds or even thousands of kilometers. Drift rates peak during the summer months, reaching as high as 60%, and are influenced by various factors, including wind speed, temperature,...
Simulation of a linear pneumatic actuator with 32 mm piston diameter, 12 mm piston rod diameter and 25 mm stroke
Dane BadawczeThe aim of the simulation was to determine the dynamics of linear pneumatic actuators with different sizes and flow properties. The simulation used the actuator dynamics model as described in [1] and the St Venant - Wantzel's mass flow rate model. The simulation experiment was to calculate the pressure changes in both chambers of the actuator as well...
Simulation of a linear pneumatic actuator with 63 mm piston diameter, 20 mm piston rod diameter and 100 mm stroke
Dane BadawczeThe aim of the simulation was to determine the dynamics of linear pneumatic actuators with different sizes and flow properties. The simulation used the actuator dynamics model as described in [1] and the St Venant - Wantzel's mass flow rate model. The simulation experiment was to calculate the pressure changes in both chambers of the actuator as well...
Simulation of a linear pneumatic actuator with 32 mm piston diameter, 14 mm piston rod diameter and 500 mm stroke
Dane BadawczeThe aim of the simulation was to determine the dynamics of linear pneumatic actuators with different sizes and flow properties. The simulation used the actuator dynamics model as described in [1] and the St Venant - Wantzel's mass flow rate model. The simulation experiment was to calculate the pressure changes in both chambers of the actuator as well...
Simulation of a linear pneumatic actuator with 63 mm piston diameter, 25 mm piston rod diameter and 50 mm stroke
Dane BadawczeThe aim of the simulation was to determine the dynamics of linear pneumatic actuators with different sizes and flow properties. The simulation used the actuator dynamics model as described in [1] and the St Venant - Wantzel's mass flow rate model. The simulation experiment was to calculate the pressure changes in both chambers of the actuator as well...
Simulation of a linear pneumatic actuator with 63 mm piston diameter, 20 mm piston rod diameter and 200 mm stroke
Dane BadawczeThe aim of the simulation was to determine the dynamics of linear pneumatic actuators with different sizes and flow properties. The simulation used the actuator dynamics model as described in [1] and the St Venant - Wantzel's mass flow rate model. The simulation experiment was to calculate the pressure changes in both chambers of the actuator as well...
Simulation of a linear pneumatic actuator with 100 mm piston diameter, 25 mm piston rod diameter and 500 mm stroke
Dane BadawczeThe aim of the simulation was to determine the dynamics of linear pneumatic actuators with different sizes and flow properties. The simulation used the actuator dynamics model as described in [1] and the St Venant - Wantzel's mass flow rate model. The simulation experiment was to calculate the pressure changes in both chambers of the actuator as well...
Simulation of a linear pneumatic actuator with 100 mm piston diameter, 32 mm piston rod diameter and 25 mm stroke
Dane BadawczeThe aim of the simulation was to determine the dynamics of linear pneumatic actuators with different sizes and flow properties. The simulation used the actuator dynamics model as described in [1] and the St Venant - Wantzel's mass flow rate model. The simulation experiment was to calculate the pressure changes in both chambers of the actuator as well...
Simulation of a linear pneumatic actuator with 63 mm piston diameter, 20 mm piston rod diameter and 500 mm stroke
Dane BadawczeThe aim of the simulation was to determine the dynamics of linear pneumatic actuators with different sizes and flow properties. The simulation used the actuator dynamics model as described in [1] and the St Venant - Wantzel's mass flow rate model. The simulation experiment was to calculate the pressure changes in both chambers of the actuator as well...
Simulation of a linear pneumatic actuator with 63 mm piston diameter, 20 mm piston rod diameter and 50 mm stroke
Dane BadawczeThe aim of the simulation was to determine the dynamics of linear pneumatic actuators with different sizes and flow properties. The simulation used the actuator dynamics model as described in [1] and the St Venant - Wantzel's mass flow rate model. The simulation experiment was to calculate the pressure changes in both chambers of the actuator as well...
Simulation of a linear pneumatic actuator with 63 mm piston diameter, 20 mm piston rod diameter and 25 mm stroke
Dane BadawczeThe aim of the simulation was to determine the dynamics of linear pneumatic actuators with different sizes and flow properties. The simulation used the actuator dynamics model as described in [1] and the St Venant - Wantzel's mass flow rate model. The simulation experiment was to calculate the pressure changes in both chambers of the actuator as well...
Simulation of a linear pneumatic actuator with 63 mm piston diameter, 25 mm piston rod diameter and 200 mm stroke
Dane BadawczeThe aim of the simulation was to determine the dynamics of linear pneumatic actuators with different sizes and flow properties. The simulation used the actuator dynamics model as described in [1] and the St Venant - Wantzel's mass flow rate model. The simulation experiment was to calculate the pressure changes in both chambers of the actuator as well...
Simulation of a linear pneumatic actuator with 100 mm piston diameter, 25 mm piston rod diameter and 100 mm stroke
Dane BadawczeThe aim of the simulation was to determine the dynamics of linear pneumatic actuators with different sizes and flow properties. The simulation used the actuator dynamics model as described in [1] and the St Venant - Wantzel's mass flow rate model. The simulation experiment was to calculate the pressure changes in both chambers of the actuator as well...
Simulation of a linear pneumatic actuator with 100 mm piston diameter, 25 mm piston rod diameter and 200 mm stroke
Dane BadawczeThe aim of the simulation was to determine the dynamics of linear pneumatic actuators with different sizes and flow properties. The simulation used the actuator dynamics model as described in [1] and the St Venant - Wantzel's mass flow rate model. The simulation experiment was to calculate the pressure changes in both chambers of the actuator as well...
Simulation of a linear pneumatic actuator with 32 mm piston diameter, 12 mm piston rod diameter and 50 mm stroke
Dane BadawczeThe aim of the simulation was to determine the dynamics of linear pneumatic actuators with different sizes and flow properties. The simulation used the actuator dynamics model as described in [1] and the St Venant - Wantzel's mass flow rate model. The simulation experiment was to calculate the pressure changes in both chambers of the actuator as well...
Simulation of a linear pneumatic actuator with 32 mm piston diameter, 14 mm piston rod diameter and 25 mm stroke
Dane BadawczeThe aim of the simulation was to determine the dynamics of linear pneumatic actuators with different sizes and flow properties. The simulation used the actuator dynamics model as described in [1] and the St Venant - Wantzel's mass flow rate model. The simulation experiment was to calculate the pressure changes in both chambers of the actuator as well...
Simulation of a linear pneumatic actuator with 100 mm piston diameter, 32 mm piston rod diameter and 100 mm stroke
Dane BadawczeThe aim of the simulation was to determine the dynamics of linear pneumatic actuators with different sizes and flow properties. The simulation used the actuator dynamics model as described in [1] and the St Venant - Wantzel's mass flow rate model. The simulation experiment was to calculate the pressure changes in both chambers of the actuator as well...
Simulation of a linear pneumatic actuator with 100 mm piston diameter, 32 mm piston rod diameter and 500 mm stroke
Dane BadawczeThe aim of the simulation was to determine the dynamics of linear pneumatic actuators with different sizes and flow properties. The simulation used the actuator dynamics model as described in [1] and the St Venant - Wantzel's mass flow rate model. The simulation experiment was to calculate the pressure changes in both chambers of the actuator as well...
Simulation of a linear pneumatic actuator with 32 mm piston diameter, 14 mm piston rod diameter and 200 mm stroke
Dane BadawczeThe aim of the simulation was to determine the dynamics of linear pneumatic actuators with different sizes and flow properties. The simulation used the actuator dynamics model as described in [1] and the St Venant - Wantzel's mass flow rate model. The simulation experiment was to calculate the pressure changes in both chambers of the actuator as well...
Simulation of a linear pneumatic actuator with 100 mm piston diameter, 25 mm piston rod diameter and 25 mm stroke
Dane BadawczeThe aim of the simulation was to determine the dynamics of linear pneumatic actuators with different sizes and flow properties. The simulation used the actuator dynamics model as described in [1] and the St Venant - Wantzel's mass flow rate model. The simulation experiment was to calculate the pressure changes in both chambers of the actuator as well...
Simulation of a linear pneumatic actuator with 63 mm piston diameter, 25 mm piston rod diameter and 500 mm stroke
Dane BadawczeThe aim of the simulation was to determine the dynamics of linear pneumatic actuators with different sizes and flow properties. The simulation used the actuator dynamics model as described in [1] and the St Venant - Wantzel's mass flow rate model. The simulation experiment was to calculate the pressure changes in both chambers of the actuator as well...
Simulation of a linear pneumatic actuator with 100 mm piston diameter, 25 mm piston rod diameter and 50 mm stroke
Dane BadawczeThe aim of the simulation was to determine the dynamics of linear pneumatic actuators with different sizes and flow properties. The simulation used the actuator dynamics model as described in [1] and the St Venant - Wantzel's mass flow rate model. The simulation experiment was to calculate the pressure changes in both chambers of the actuator as well...
Simulation of a linear pneumatic actuator with 32 mm piston diameter, 12 mm piston rod diameter and 100 mm stroke
Dane BadawczeThe aim of the simulation was to determine the dynamics of linear pneumatic actuators with different sizes and flow properties. The simulation used the actuator dynamics model as described in [1] and the St Venant - Wantzel's mass flow rate model. The simulation experiment was to calculate the pressure changes in both chambers of the actuator as well...
Simulation of a linear pneumatic actuator with 100 mm piston diameter, 32 mm piston rod diameter and 50 mm stroke
Dane BadawczeThe aim of the simulation was to determine the dynamics of linear pneumatic actuators with different sizes and flow properties. The simulation used the actuator dynamics model as described in [1] and the St Venant - Wantzel's mass flow rate model. The simulation experiment was to calculate the pressure changes in both chambers of the actuator as well...
Simulation of a linear pneumatic actuator with 32 mm piston diameter, 14 mm piston rod diameter and 100 mm stroke
Dane BadawczeThe aim of the simulation was to determine the dynamics of linear pneumatic actuators with different sizes and flow properties. The simulation used the actuator dynamics model as described in [1] and the St Venant - Wantzel's mass flow rate model. The simulation experiment was to calculate the pressure changes in both chambers of the actuator as well...
Simulation of a linear pneumatic actuator with 32 mm piston diameter, 12 mm piston rod diameter and 500 mm stroke
Dane BadawczeThe aim of the simulation was to determine the dynamics of linear pneumatic actuators with different sizes and flow properties. The simulation used the actuator dynamics model as described in [1] and the St Venant - Wantzel's mass flow rate model. The simulation experiment was to calculate the pressure changes in both chambers of the actuator as well...
Simulation of a linear pneumatic actuator with 100 mm piston diameter, 32 mm piston rod diameter and 200 mm stroke
Dane BadawczeThe aim of the simulation was to determine the dynamics of linear pneumatic actuators with different sizes and flow properties. The simulation used the actuator dynamics model as described in [1] and the St Venant - Wantzel's mass flow rate model. The simulation experiment was to calculate the pressure changes in both chambers of the actuator as well...
Simulation of a linear pneumatic actuator with 63 mm piston diameter, 25 mm piston rod diameter and 100 mm stroke
Dane BadawczeThe aim of the simulation was to determine the dynamics of linear pneumatic actuators with different sizes and flow properties. The simulation used the actuator dynamics model as described in [1] and the St Venant - Wantzel's mass flow rate model. The simulation experiment was to calculate the pressure changes in both chambers of the actuator as well...
Simulation of a linear pneumatic actuator with 32 mm piston diameter, 12 mm piston rod diameter and 200 mm stroke
Dane BadawczeThe aim of the simulation was to determine the dynamics of linear pneumatic actuators with different sizes and flow properties. The simulation used the actuator dynamics model as described in [1] and the St Venant - Wantzel's mass flow rate model. The simulation experiment was to calculate the pressure changes in both chambers of the actuator as well...
Simulation of a linear pneumatic actuator with 32 mm piston diameter, 14 mm piston rod diameter and 50 mm stroke
Dane BadawczeThe aim of the simulation was to determine the dynamics of linear pneumatic actuators with different sizes and flow properties. The simulation used the actuator dynamics model as described in [1] and the St Venant - Wantzel's mass flow rate model. The simulation experiment was to calculate the pressure changes in both chambers of the actuator as well...
Simulation of a linear pneumatic actuator with 63 mm piston diameter, 25 mm piston rod diameter and 25 mm stroke
Dane BadawczeThe aim of the simulation was to determine the dynamics of linear pneumatic actuators with different sizes and flow properties. The simulation used the actuator dynamics model as described in [1] and the St Venant - Wantzel's mass flow rate model. The simulation experiment was to calculate the pressure changes in both chambers of the actuator as well...
Krzysztof Jamroziak Prof. dr hab. inż.
OsobyKrzysztof Jamroziak is Full Professor of the Wroclaw University of Scinece and Technology in Department Mechanic, Materials and Biomedical Engineering. His interests relate to composite materials, mechanical properties, ballistic impact, ballistic shields, nonlinear dynamics, strength of composite materials. Attention is focused on research on innovative composite structures subjected to impact loads, physico-mechanical properties...
The impact of methods the stochastic analysis on swimming safety of multihull floating units (Part1)
PublikacjaThe presented article concerns the application of the methods of the stochastic analysis to solve differential equations for multihull catamaran-type floating unit. There was described the continuous process of Markov and the method of equations of Focker-Planck-Kolmogorov. The analysis of dynamics of the multihull unit was carried out with the assumption that the system model is the linear model with six degrees of freedom, on...
Multimode systems of nonlinear equations: derivation, integrability, and numerical solutions
PublikacjaWe consider the propagation of electromagnetic pulses in isotropic media taking a third-order nonlinearityinto account. We develop a method for transforming Maxwell's equations based on a complete set ofprojection operators corresponding to wave-dispersion branches (in a waveguide or in matter) with thepropagation direction taken into account. The most important result of applying the method is a systemof equations describing the...
PublikacjaWe deal with families of probability distributions satisfying non-signalling condition, called non-signalling boxes and consider a class of operations that transform local boxes into local ones (the one that admit LHV model). We prove that any operation from this class cannot broadcast a bipartite non-local box with 2 binary inputs and outputs. We consider a function called anti-Robustness which can not decrease under these operations....
Discrete identification of continuous non-linear and non-stationary dynamical systems that is insensitive to noise correlation and measurement outliers
PublikacjaThe paper uses specific parameter estimation methods to identify the coefficients of continuous-time models represented by linear and non-linear ordinary differential equations. The necessary approximation of such systems in discrete time in the form of utility models is achieved by the use of properly tuned `integrating filters' of the FIR type. The resulting discrete-time descriptions retain the original continuous parameterization...
The Suzuki model of the multipath fading channel
Dane BadawczeThe dataset contains the results of simulations that are part of the research on modelling the multipath fading in the communication channel. The Suzuki fading envelope is generated using the Monte-Carlo simulation (MCS) in the LabVIEW programming environment.
Computational analysis of power-law fluids for convective heat transfer in permeable enclosures using Darcy effects
PublikacjaNatural convection is a complex environmental phenomenon that typically occurs in engineering settings in porous structures. Shear thinning or shear thickening fuids are characteristics of power-law fuids, which are non-Newtonian in nature and fnd wide-ranging uses in various industrial processes. Non-Newtonian fuid fow in porous media is a difcult problem with important consequences for energy systems and heat transfer. In this...
Urban flash flood hazard identification and assessment applying geospatial techniques and hydrodynamic modeling; Erbil city case study, Kurdistan Region of Iraq
PublikacjaThis dissertation aims to investigate the factors behind flash flooding in Erbil's central district, located in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq, and develop a methodology for assessing flood hazards in the city, despite limited data accessibility. In this thesis, each factor was investigated, including analyzing extreme precipitation events in the last two decades, including their spatial and temporal distribution of rainfall, intensity,...
Poland’s energy dependence - economic context
Dane BadawczePoland does not have vast resources of non-renewable energy and no nuclear power plant, therefore the issue of the energy dependence of the state, which affects the level of energy security of the country, is an extremely important factor. It depends on both the volume of imports of energy raw materials and the policy of diversification of sources of...