Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: SOUND QUALITY
Non-Wave Variations in Temperature Caused by Sound in a Chemically Reacting Gas
PublikacjaA weakly nonlinear generation of non-acoustic modes in the field of sound in a gas is considered. An exotericchemical reaction of A->B type, which takes place in a gas, may be reversible or not. Two types of sound areconsidered, low-frequency and high-frequency as compared with the characteristic time of a chemical reaction.For both these cases, the governing equations of non-acoustic modes are derived and conclusions of the efficiencyof...
Vortex flow caused by periodic and aperiodic sound in a relaxing maxwell fluid
PublikacjaThis paper concerns the description of vortex flow generated by periodic and aperiodic sound in relaxing Maxwell fluid. The analysis is based on governing equation of vorticity mode, which is a result of decomposition of the hydrodynamic equations for fluid flow with relaxation and thermal conductivity into acoustical and non-acoustical parts. The equation governing vorticity mode uses only instantaneous, not averaged over sound...
Studies of Nonlinear Sound Dynamics in Fluids Based on the Caloric Equation of State
PublikacjaThe sound speed and parameters of nonlinearity B/A, C/A in a fluid are expressed in terms of coefficients in the Taylor series expansion of an excess internal energy, in powers of excess pressure and density. That allows to conclude about features of the sound propagation in fluids, the internal energy of which is known as a function of pressure and density. The sound speed and parameters of nonlinearity in the mixture consisting...
Acceleration of decision making in sound event recognition employing supercomputing cluster
PublikacjaParallel processing of audio data streams is introduced to shorten the decision making time in hazardous sound event recognition. A supercomputing cluster environment with a framework dedicated to processing multimedia data streams in real time is used. The sound event recognition algorithms employed are based on detecting foreground events, calculating their features in short time frames, and classifying the events with Support...
PublikacjaThe main goal of this paper is to find sound pressure distribution radiated by the circular piezoelectric disc that vibrates with the finite amplitude. There has been presented the pressure distribution close to the radiating surface. Also it is shown the sound pressure distribution in the 3D form. The mathematic modeling was carried out on the base of the nonlinear acoustic equation with the proper boundary condition. The axial...
Improving the quality of speech in the conditions of noise and interference
PublikacjaThe aim of the work is to present a method of intelligent modification of the speech signal with speech features expressed in noise, based on the Lombard effect. The recordings utilized sets of words and sentences as well as disturbing signals, i.e., pink noise and the so-called babble speech. Noise signal, calibrated to various levels at the speaker's ears, was played over two loudspeakers located 2 m away from the speaker. In...
Control of mass concentration of reagents by sound in a gas with nonequilibrium chemical reactions
PublikacjaThe weakly nonlinear dynamics of a chemically reacting gas is studied. Nonlinear interaction of acoustic and nonacoustic types of motion are considered. We decompose the base equations using the relationships of the gas-dynamic perturbations specific for every type of motion. The governing equation for the mass fraction of a reagent influenced by dominating sound is derived and discussed. The conclusions concern the equilibrium...
Acoustic streaming caused by some types of aperiodic sound. Buildup of acoustic streaming
PublikacjaThe analysis of streaming caused by aperiodic sound of different types (switched on at transducer sound or sound determined by initial conditions) is undertaken. The analysis bases on analytical governing equation for streaming Eulerian velocity, which is a result of decomposition of the hydrodynamic equations into acoustic and non-acoustic parts. Its driving force (of acoustic nature) represents a sum of two terms; one is the...
Automatic sound source localization in disturbing conditions using acoustic vector sensors
PublikacjaA concept, practical realization and applications of a passive acoustic radar to automatic localization and tracking of sound sources in disturbing conditions were presented in the paper. The device consists of the new kind of multichannel miniature sound intensity sensors and a group of digital signal processing algorithms. The sensitivity of the realized acoustic radar was examined in free sound field. Several kinds of sound...
Application of passive acoustic radar to automatic localization, tracking and classification of sound sources
PublikacjaA concept, practical realization and applications of the passive acoustic radar to automatic localization, tracking and classification of sound sources were presented in the paper. The device consists of a new kind of multichannel miniature sound intensity sensors and a group of digital signal processing algorithms. Contrary to active radars, it does not emit the scanning beam but after receiving surrounding sounds it provides...
Role of various parametres in automatic classification of musical instrument sound.
PublikacjaArtkuł dotyczy problemu automatycznej klasyfikacji dźwięków instrumentów muzycznych, w tym głównie wpływu indywidualnych parametrów na proces automatycznego rozpoznawania instrumentów. Parametryzacja wykorzystuje wdirmo Fourierowskie i analizę czasową dźwięków do formowania 14 i 62-parametrowych wektorów cech dystynktywnych. Autorzy porównują jakość rozpoznawania i rozróźnialność instrumentów. Przy ocenach tego typu stosowano drzewa...
Rough set based automatic classification of musical instrument sound
PublikacjaReferat dotyczy problemu automatycznego rozpoznawania instrumentów muzycznych rozwiązywanego z zastosowaniem, inteligentnych algorytmów decyzyjnych. Wnioski zawarte w referacie dotyczą reprezentacji sygnałów muzycznych, która jest przydatna w procesie automatycznej klasyfikacji instrumentów.
Comparing some convolution-based methods for creation of surround sound
PublikacjaW referacie przedstawiono eksperymenty związane z symulacją dźwięku dookólnego w sali koncertowej. W tym celu wykorzystano splot odpowiedzi impulsowej z danego wnętrza (wielokanałowe nagrania odpowiedzi impulsowej) z nagraniami z komory bezechowej. Uzyskany w ten sposób sygnał został następnie przypisany do odpowiednich kanałów w systemie dookólnym. Uzyskane w ten sposób nagrania były następnie porównywane w testach subiektywnych...
Estimation the rhythmic salience of sound with association rules and neural networks
PublikacjaW referacie przedstawiono eksperymenty mające na celu automatyczne wyszukiwanie wartości rytmicznych we frazie muzycznej. W tym celu wykorzystano metody data mining i sztuczne sieci neuronowe.
Sound velocity and parameter of nonlinearity in the two-component relaxing mixtures
PublikacjaRozpatruje się własności akustyczne mieszanki dwuskładnikowej zawierającej gaz doskonały i parę cieczy bądź pył ciała stałego. Dokładne obliczenia pozwoliły na wyprowadzenie prędkości dźwięku i parametru nieliniowości jako funkcji koncentracji jednej ze składowych mieszaniny przy zadanych warunkach równowagowych. Przedstawiono wzory ogólne oraz symulacje numeryczne.
The influence of sound track on the viewer’s emotions and correction of the color in the film
PublikacjaThe article presents the aspects of the final selection of colors in film production based on the emotions caused by the soundtrack of the film. First, the processing of colors, contrast, saturation and white balance of shots in the film was presented. The definition of color grading is also described, i.e. the color changes in the film's views. In the second part of the article, the soundtracks of the film were analyzed, in particular...
Method of Monitoring of the Grinding Process with Lapping Kinematics Using Audible Sound Analysis
PublikacjaUtilising microphones as audible sound sensors for monitoring a single-side grinding process with lapping kinematics is presented in the paper. The audible sound generated during grinding depended on the cutting properties of electroplated tools with D107 diamond grains and different thicknesses of the nickel bond. The tool wear affected the obtained technological effects such as material removal rate and the surface roughness...
Vertical vibration reduction and audible sound analysis in surface grinding with electroplated tools
PublikacjaOne of the first approaches to the development of a grinding process monitoring system based on audible sound sensors is presented in the paper. Electroplated diamond tools (abrasive D64 and D107) were used in a modified single-disc lapping machine configuration for flat grinding of ceramics (Al2O3). The main aim of the machine modification was to reduce the vertical vibration in order to decrease the tool wear and to increase...
Comparison of two methods of sound extraction from guitar string video recordings
PublikacjaA comparison of two sound extraction methods from guitar string video recordings is presented in the paper. A brief overview of highframe rate camera technology and possible applications are included. The method using the image analysis from two such cameras is presented. The cameras are placed at the angle of 90 degrees for recording the image in three planes. The results achieved...
Further Developments of the Online Sound Restoration System for Digital Library Applications
PublikacjaNew signal processing algorithms were introduced to the online service for audio restoration available at the web address: www.youarchive.net. Missing or distorted audio samples are estimated using a specific implementation of the Jannsen interpolation method. The algorithm is based on the autoregressive model (AR) combined with the iterative complementation of signal samples. Since the interpolation algorithm is computationally...
Excitation of Non-Wave Modes by Sound of Arbitrary Frequency in a Chemically Reacting Gas
PublikacjaThe nonlinear phenomena in the field of high intensity sound propagating in a gas with a chemical reaction, are considered. A chemical reaction of A → B type is followed by dispersion and attenuation of sound which may be atypical during irreversible thermodynamic processes under some conditions. The first and second order derivatives of heat produced in the chemical reaction evaluated at the equilibrium temperature, density and...
Multiple sound sources localization in real time using acoustic vector sensor
PublikacjaMethod and preliminary results of multiple sound sources localization in real time using the acoustic vector sensor were presented in this study. Direction of arrival (DOA) for considered source was determined based on sound intensity method supported by Fourier analysis. Obtained spectrum components for considered signal allowed to determine the DOA value for the particular frequency independently. The accuracy of the developed...
Multiple sound sources localization in free field using acoustic vector sensor
PublikacjaMethod and preliminary results of multiple sound sources localization in free field using the acoustic vector sensor were presented in this study. Direction of arrival (DOA) for considered source was determined based on sound intensity method supported by Fourier analysis. Obtained spectrum components for considered signal allowed to determine the DOA value for the particular frequency independently. The accuracy of the developed...
Investigation of the vertical distribution of the sound speed of the Gulf of Gdansk in the years 2000-2010
PublikacjaThe conditions of the acoustic wave propagation in the southern Baltic are much more complex than in other shallow waters. In the typical shallow water, seasonal changes in acoustical conditions in the upper layer, of the depth of about 60-70 m, are observed. They are caused by variation of the annual meteorological conditions. Most often, in the deep water layer, acoustical conditions are stable throughout the year. However, in...
Recovering Sound Produced by Wind Turbine Structures Employing Video Motion Magnification
PublikacjaThe recordings were made with a fast video camera and with a microphone. Using fast cameras allowed for observation of the micro vibrations of the object structure. Motion-magnified video recordings of wind turbines on a wind farm were made for the purpose of building a damage prediction system. An idea was to use video to recover sound & vibrations in order to obtain a contactless diagnostic method for wind turbines. The recovered signals...
A Comparison of STI Measured by Direct and Indirect Methods for Interiors Coupled with Sound Reinforcement Systems
PublikacjaThis paper presents a comparison of STI (Speech Transmission Index) coefficient measurement results carried out by direct and indirect methods. First, acoustic parameters important in the context of public address and sound reinforcement systems are recalled. A measurement methodology is presented that employs various test signals to determine impulse responses. The process of evaluating sound system performance, signals enabling...
Automatic localization and continous tracking of mobile sound source using passive acoustic radar
PublikacjaA concept, practical realization and applications of the passive acoustic radar for localization and continuous tracking of fixed and mobile sound sources such as: cars, trucks, aircrafts and sources of shooting, explosions were presented in the paper. The device consists of the new kind of multi-channel miniature three dimensional sound intensity sensors invented by the Microflown company and a group of digital signal processing...
3D Sound Intensity Measurement Around Organ Pipes Using Acoustic Vector Sensors
PublikacjaThe aim of the presented paper was to obtain and visualize sound intensity distribution of radiated acoustic energy around the organ pipes. The experimental setup consisted of the multichannel acoustic vector sensor and the specialized Cartesian robot. Measurements were performed in free field with spatial resolution of 0.1 [m]. Two organ pipes, i.e. wooden and metal were measured during the ex-periment. The organ pipes were activated...
Effect of pine impregnation and feed speed on sound level and cutting power in wood sawing
PublikacjaThe sound levels along with the cutting power registered during the sawing process of the impregnated and non-impregnated pine wood at two feed speeds are shown and compared in this paper. Statistically significant differences in the acoustic signals occurred at the lower feed rate. The differences became smaller with an increase in the feed speed. In contrast to the sound signal, the differences...
Dental Condition as A Factor Modifying the Transmission of the Sound Vibration in the Skull Bones
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Investigation of influence of space mopdes interaction on nonlinear dynamics of sound beams
PublikacjaOperatory rzutu na mody są zdefiniowane w dynamice płynów trójwymiarowych. Zostały wyprowadzone równania ewolucyjne. Rezultaty obliczeń numerycznych przedstawione.
Comparison of effectiveness of musical sound separation algorithms employing neural networks.
PublikacjaNiniejszy referat przedstawia kilka algorytmów służących do separacji dźwięków instrumentów muzycznych. Zaproponowane podejście do dekompozycji miksów dźwiękowych opiera się na założeniu, że wysokość dźwięków w miksie jest znana, tzn. wejściem dla algorytmów jest przebieg zmian wysokości dźwięków składowych miksu. Proces estymacji fazy i amplitudy składowych harmonicznych wykorzystuje dopasowywanie zespolonych przebiegów harmonicznych...
Estimation of musical sound separation algorithm effectiveness employing neural networks.
PublikacjaŚlepa separacja dźwięków sygnałów muzycznych zawartych w zmiksowanym materiale jest trudnym zadaniem. Jest to spowodowane tym, że dźwięki znajdujące się w relacjach harmonicznych mogą zawierać kolidujące składowe sinusoidalne (składowe harmoniczne). Ewaluacja wyników separacji jest również problematyczna, gdyż analiza błędu energetycznego często nie odzwierciedla subiektywnej jakości odseparowanych sygnałów. W tej publikacji zostały...
Excitation of the Secondary Modes by the Broad Spectrum Sound in a Liquid with Relaxation Losses
PublikacjaFeatures of nonlinear phenomena and, in particular, acoustic excitation of the entropy and relaxation modes in a liquid electrolyte with a chemical reaction are examined. The total range of frequencies of an exciter is considered, and the instantaneous dynamic equations are derived which govern perturbations in the secondary modes. The instantaneous leading-order acoustic forces of the secondary modes are evaluated. Examples of harmonic...
Dangerous sound event recognition using Support Vector Machine classifiers
PublikacjaA method of recognizing events connected to danger based on their acoustic representation through Support Vector Machine classification is presented. The method proposed is particularly useful in an automatic surveillance system. The set of 28 parameters used in the classifier consists of dedicated parameters and MPEG-7 features. Methods for parameter calculation are presented, as well as a design of SVM model used for classification....
Automatic labeling of traffic sound recordings using autoencoder-derived features
PublikacjaAn approach to detection of events occurring in road traffic using autoencoders is presented. Extensions of existing algorithms of acoustic road events detection employing Mel Frequency Cepstral Coefficients combined with classifiers based on k nearest neighbors, Support Vector Machines, and random forests are used. In our research, the acoustic signal gathered from the microphone placed near the road is split into frames and converted...
Development of the sound field 3D intensity probe based on miniature microphones
PublikacjaThe engineered measuring probe uses three pairs of miniature microphones coupled. The signals from the microphones after an initial amplification are fed to differential circuits. Due to the required symmetry of the circuit it was necessary to select electronic components very carefully. Moreover, additional digital signal processing techniques were applied to avoid amplitude and phase mismatch. The view of the engineered probe...
Nonlinear generation of non-acoustic modes by low-frequency sound in a vibrationally relaxing gas
PublikacjaTwo dynamic equations referring to a weakly nonlinear and weakly dispersive flow of a gas in which molecular vibrational relaxation takes place. are derived. The first one governs an excess temperature associated with the thermal mode, and the second one describes variations in vibrational energy. Both quantities refer to non-wave types of gas motion. These variations are caused by the nonlinear transfer of acoustic energy into...
Examining Classifiers Applied to Static Hand Gesture Recognition in Novel Sound Mixing System
PublikacjaThe main objective of the chapter is to present the methodology and results of examining various classifiers (Nearest Neighbor-like algorithm with non-nested generalization (NNge), Naive Bayes, C4.5 (J48), Random Tree, Random Forests, Artificial Neural Networks (Multilayer Perceptron), Support Vector Machine (SVM) used for static gesture recognition. A problem of effective gesture recognition is outlined in the context of the system...
Analyzing the relationship between sound, color, and emotion based on subjective and machine-learning approaches
PublikacjaThe aim of the research is to analyze the relationship between sound, color, and emotion. For this purpose, a survey application was prepared, enabling the assignment of a color to a given speaker’s/singer’s voice recordings. Subjective tests were then conducted, enabling the respondents to assign colors to voice/singing samples. In addition, a database of voice/singing recordings of people speaking in a natural way and with expressed...
Personal adaptive tuning of mobile computer audio
PublikacjaAn integrated methodology for enhancing audio quality in mobile computers is presented. The key features are adaptation of the characteristics of the acoustic track to the changing conditions and to the user's individual preferences. Original signal processing algorithms are introduced, which concern: linearization of frequency response, dialogue intelligibility enhancement and dynamics processing tuned up to the user's preferences....
Investigation of the laser generated ablation plasma plume dynamics and plasma plume sound wave dynamics
PublikacjaWe investigated the dynamics of laser generated ablation plasma plume expanding in ambient air and dynamics of the sound wave generated by the expanding plasma. The ablation plasma plume was generated during nanosecond laser micromachining of the thin metal foil. The time-resolved images of the expanding plasma plume and sound wave were captured at several nanosecond intervals. Using captured images the expansion rate of the plasma...
Rough-neutral approach to testing the influence of visual cues on surround sound perception
PublikacjaW rozdziale przedstawiono problem wpływu obrazu na odbierany w systemie doo-kólny dźwięk. W celu określenia tego wpływu przeprowadzono testy subiektyw-ne. Do obróbki wyników testów subiektywnych użyto systemu hybrydowego zło-żonego z algorytmu genetycznego, sieci neuronowej oraz algorytmu opartego ometodę zbiorów przybliżonych. Zadaniem tego ostatniego elementu systemu byłowyznaczanie reguł opisujących wpływ postrzeganego obrazu...
Driving force of acoustic streaming caused by aperiodic sound beamin unbounded volumes
PublikacjaRównanie dynamiczne kierujące lokalnej w czasie siłą radiacyjną ruchu wirowego wyprowadzono. Stwierdzono, iż zawiera ona trzy części: jedna stanowi wzór klasyczny, druga daje zero po uśrednieniu względem okresu fali akustycznej, lecz różni się od zera dla nieokresowego dźwięku. Trzecia składowa związana jest z małymi dyfrakcyjnymi efektami, zachodzącymi podczas propagacji wiązki. Przejście do wzoru klasycznego w przypadku źródła...
Evaluation of Sound Enhancement in Mobile Device Using Virtual Bass Synthesiss Algorithm
PublikacjaAn experiment conducted to validate possibility of use virtual bass synthesis (VBS) algorithm in a portable computer is presented. The subjective listening tests based on the procedure of pairwise comparison between VBS, based on the so-called missing fundamental phenomenon, and standard bass boost technique are employed. The evaluation was carried out in two types of conditions: in a professional listening room and employing an...
Experiments and FE analyses on airborne sound properties of composite structural insulated panels
PublikacjaArtykuł przedstawia wyniki doświadczalne i numeryczne odnośnie właściwości akustycznych paneli budowlanych. Jako panele zastosowano płyty kompozytowe konstrukcyjno-izolacyjne CSIP. Obliczenia numeryczne wykonano MES stosując podejście zaproponowane w pakiecie ABAQUS. Wyniki MES porównano bezpośrednio z doświadczeniami. Zaproponowano różne spsoby poprawy właściwości akustycznych paneli.
Measurements and Visualization of Sound Intensity Around the Human Head in Free Field Using Acoustic Vector Sensor
PublikacjaThis paper presents measurements and visualization of sound intensity around the human head simulator in a free field. A Cartesian robot, applied for precise positioning of the acoustic vector sensor, was used to measure sound intensity. Measurements were performed in a free field using a head and torso simulator and the setup consisting of four different loudspeaker configurations. The acoustic vector sensor was positioned around...
Analysis of Lombard speech using parameterization and the objective quality indicators in noise conditions
PublikacjaThe aim of the work is to analyze Lombard speech effect in recordings and then modify the speech signal in order to obtain an increase in the improvement of objective speech quality indicators after mixing the useful signal with noise or with an interfering signal. The modifications made to the signal are based on the characteristics of the Lombard speech, and in particular on the effect of increasing the fundamental frequency...
Evaluation of sound event detection, classification and localization in the presence of background noise for acoustic surveillance of hazardous situations
PublikacjaAn evaluation of the sound event detection, classification and localization of hazardous acoustic events in the presence of background noise of different types and changing intensities is presented. The methods for separating foreground events from the acoustic background are introduced. The classifier, based on a Support Vector Machine algorithm, is described. The set of features and samples used for the training of the classifier...
Sound velocity and parameter of nonlinearity of a ternary mixture consisting of water, vapour and dry air
PublikacjaRozpatruje się własności akustyczne mieszanki trójskładnikowej zawierającej wodę, parę wodną i suche powietrze. Dokładne obliczenia pozwoliły na wyprowadzenie prędkości dźwięku i parametru nieliniowości jako funkcji koncentracji pary wodnej i powietrza przy zadanych warunkach równowagowych. Rozpatrywane są dwa typy mieszanin. Przedstawiono wzory ogólne oraz symulacje numeryczne.