Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: SURRO- GATE-BASEDOPTIMIZATION
Fundamentals of Data-Driven Surrogate Modeling
PublikacjaThe primary topic of the book is surrogate modeling and surrogate-based design of high-frequency structures. The purpose of the first two chapters is to provide the reader with an overview of the two most important classes of modeling methods, data-driven (or approx-imation), as well as physics-based ones. These are covered in Chap-ters 1 and 2, respectively. The remaining parts of the book give an exposition of the specific aspects...
Direct estimation of linear and nonlinear functionals of quantum state
PublikacjaWe present a simple quantum network, based on the controlled-SWAP gate, that can extract certain properties of quantum states without recourse to quantum tomography. It can be used as a basic building block for direct quantum estimations of both linear and nonlinear functionals of any density operator. The network has many potential applications ranging from purity tests and eigenvalue estimations to direct characterization of...
Critical Remarks on Landauer’s principle of erasure– dissipation: Including notes on Maxwell demons and Szilard engines
PublikacjaWe briefly address Landauer’s Principle and some related issues in thermal demons. We show that an error-free Turing computer works in the zero-entropy limit, which proves Landauer’s derivation incorrect. To have a physical logic gate, memory or information-engine, a few essential components necessary for the operation of these devices are often neglected, such as various aspects of control, damping and the fluctuation–dissipation...
Implementation of Coprocessor for Integer Multiple Precision Arithmetic on Zynq Ultrascale+ MPSoC
PublikacjaRecently, we have opened the source code of coprocessor for multiple-precision arithmetic (MPA). In this contribution, the implementation and benchmarking results for this MPA coprocessor are presented on modern Zynq Ultrascale+ multiprocessor system on chip, which combines field-programmable gate array with quad-core ARM Cortex-A53 64-bit central processing unit (CPU). In our benchmark, a single coprocessor can be up to 4.5 times...
A method for counting people attending large public events
PublikacjaThe algorithm for people counting in crowded scenes, based on the idea of virtual gate which uses optical flow method is presented. The concept and practical application of the developed algorithm under real conditions is depicted. The aim of the work is to estimate the number of people passing through entrances of a large sport hall. The most challenging problem was the unpredicted behavior of people while entering the building....
FPGA realization of an improved alpha max plus beta min algorithm
PublikacjaThe generalized improved version of the alpha max plus beta min square-rooting algorithm and its realization in the Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) are presented. The algorithm computes the square root to calculate the approximate magnitude of a complex sample. It is especially useful for pipelined calculations in the DSP. In case of four approximation regions it is possible to reduce the peak error form 3.95% to 0.33%. This...
A Note on Fractional Curl Operator
PublikacjaIn this letter, we demonstrate that the fractional curl operator, widely used in electromagnetics since 1998, is essentially a rotation operation of components of the complex Riemann–Silberstein vector representing the electromagnetic field. It occurs that after the wave decomposition into circular polarisations, the standard duality rotation with the angle depending on the fractional order is applied to the left-handed basis vector...
Excitation-independent constant conductance isfet driver
PublikacjaA new constant conductance driver for ISFETs sensors has been developed. The proposed circuit maintains the sensor operating point at constant drain-source conductance. The combination of a simple, self-balancing resistance bridge and the subtraction half (or similar fraction) of source-drain voltage from the gate-source voltage provides the independence of output signal from current and voltage drivers instability. The use of...
Quantum-assisted rendezvous on graphs: explicit algorithms and quantum computer simulations
PublikacjaWe study quantum advantage in one-step rendezvous games on simple graphs analytically, numerically, and using noisy intermediate-scale quantum (NISQ) processors. Our protocols realise the recently discovered (Mironowicz 2023 New J. Phys. 25 013023) optimal bounds for small cycle graphs and cubic graphs. In the case of cycle graphs, we generalise the protocols to arbitrary graph size. The NISQ processor experiments realise the expected...
PublikacjaPort cities are having different spatial structure than those located inlands. As a result of their seaside location, they face specific administrative and functional problems on a daily basis. In the economic and settlement structure of the country, they usually play the role of a "gate" through which streams of cargo are distributed further over the whole hinterland. It is the transport and logistics function of port cities,...
Routing Method for Interplanetary Satellite Communication in IoT Networks Based on IPv6
PublikacjaThe matter of interplanetary network (IPN) connection is a complex and sophisticated topic. Space missions are aimed inter alia at studying the outer planets of our solar system. Data transmission itself, as well as receiving data from satellites located on the borders of the solar system, was only possible thanks to the use of powerful deep space network (DSN) receivers, located in various places on the surface of the Earth. In...
Power equalization of AES FPGA implementation
PublikacjaThis paper briefly introduces side channel attacks on cryptographic hardware with special emphasis on differential power analysis(DPA). Based on existing countermeasures against DPA, design method combining power equalization for synchronous and combinatorialcircuits has been proposed. AES algorithm has been implemented in Xilinx Spartan II-E field programmable gate array (FPGA) deviceusing the standard and power-equalized methods....
Accurate Computation of IGBT Junction Temperature in PLECS
PublikacjaIn the article, a new method to improve the accuracy of the insulated-gate bipolar transistor (IGBT) junction temperature computations in the piecewise linear electrical circuit simulation (PLECS) software is proposed and described in detail. This method allows computing the IGBT junction temperature using a nonlinear compact thermal model of this device in PLECS. In the method, a nonlinear compact thermal model of the IGBT is...
ASIC Design Example of Complex SoC with FPGA Prototyping
PublikacjaThe paper presents an example of the System on a Chip design, where the FPGA prototyping has been used. Two FPGA prototypes have been realized. The first FPGA prototype uses AVNET board containing Xilinx Virtex4 device accompanied by custom board with required devices. The second FPGA prototype has been built using the custom PCB with Xilinx Virtex-4 XC4VLX60 FPGA accompanied by all needed external components. The final system...
Quantum-correlation breaking channels, broadcasting scenarios, and finite Markov chains
PublikacjaOne of the classical results concerning quantum channels is the characterization of entanglementbreakingchannels [M. Horodecki et al., Rev. Math. Phys 15, 629 (2003)]. We address the questionwhether there exists a similar characterization on the level of quantum correlations which may gobeyond entanglement. The answer is fully affirmative in the case of breaking quantum correlationsdown to the, so called, QC (Quantum-Classical)...
Low-frequency noise in ZrS3 van der Waals semiconductor nanoribbons
PublikacjaWe report the results of the investigation of low-frequency electronic noise in ZrS3 van der Waals semiconductor nanoribbons. The test structures were of the back-gated field-effect-transistor type with a normally off n-channel and an on-to-off ratio of up to four orders of magnitude. The current–voltage transfer characteristics revealed significant hysteresis owing to the presence of deep levels. The noise in ZrS3 nanoribbons...
Sprzętowa implementacja koprocesora dla zastosowań kryptograficznych
PublikacjaW pracy przedstawiono procedurę implementacji elektronicznej skrzynki podawczej z wykorzystaniem zasobów sprzętowych na płytce FPGA (Filed Programmable Gate Array) typu Virtex 4. Przedstawiono ogólna zasadę działania skrzynki podawczej oraz opisano parametry i właściwości poszczególnych modułów funkcjonalnych systemu tj.: modułu TFTP Trivia File Transfer Protocol), serwera WWW, funkcji skrótu oraz asymetrycznego algorytm kryptograficznego....
FPGA-Based System for Electromagnetic Interference Evaluation in Random Modulated DC/DC Converters
PublikacjaField-Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) provides the possibility to design new “electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) friendly” control techniques for power electronic converters. Such control techniques use pseudo-random modulators (RanM) to control the converter switches. However, some issues connected with the FPGA-based design of RanM, such as matching the range of fixed-point numbers, might be challenging. The modern programming...
FPGA Acceleration of Matrix-Assembly Phase of RWG-Based MoM
PublikacjaIn this letter, the field-programmable-gate-array accelerated implementation of matrix-assembly phase of the method of moments (MoM) is presented. The solution is based on a discretization of the frequency-domain mixed potential integral equation using the Rao-Wilton-Glisson basis functions and their extension to wire-to-surface junctions. To take advantage of the given hardware resources (i.e., Xilinx Alveo U200 accelerator card),...
Pulsed UV-irradiated Graphene Sensors for Ethanol Detection at Room Temperature
PublikacjaA graphene-based gas sensor fabricated in a FET (GFET) configuration and its sensitivity towards ethanol and methane is reported. Detection of ethanol at the level of 100 ppm was observed under pulsed UV irradiation and after cleaning by UV light in the N2 ambient. Reduction of the frequency of UV irradiation pulses resulted in increased changes in sensor resistance in the presence of ethanol. Improved sensing behavior was ascribed...
Koncert Walentynkowy
WydarzeniaKwartet smyczkowy „Golden Gate String Quartet” wykona wraz z wokalistką Izabelą Krasucką znane utwory w niesamowitych aranżacjach.
Koncert "My Kobiety"
Wydarzenia7 marca w Klubie Kwadratowa odbędzie się koncert dedykowany płci pięknej "My kobiety". O godzinie 19.00 sceną zawładnie 5 niezależnych kobiet – kwartet smyczkowy "Golden Gate String Quartet" i Dora Theisebach.
Dynamical description of quantum computing: generic nonlocality of quantumnoise
PublikacjaWe develop a dynamical non-Markovian description of quantum computing in the weak-coupling limit, in the lowest-order approximation. We show that the long-range memory of the quantum reservoir (such as the 1/t4 one exhibited by electromagnetic vacuum) produces a strong interrelation between the structure of noise and the quantum algorithm, implying nonlocal attacks of noise. This shows that the implicit assumption of quantum error...
SiC-based T-type modules for multi-pulse inverter with coupled inductors
PublikacjaThe paper presents SiC-based three-level T-type modules designed for a high-performance 30kVA DC/AC inverter operating at high frequency 85 kHz with low THD of the output voltage. This inverter system consists of two integrated parts. The first part is active and contains three parallelconnected three-phase T-type modules built with fast-switching SiC power transistors. The second, passive part of the system is a set of inductors...
Programmable Input Mode Instrumentation Amplifier Using Multiple Output Current Conveyors
PublikacjaIn this paper a programmable input mode instrumentation amplifier (IA) utilising second generation, multiple output current conveyors and transmission gates is presented. Its main advantage is the ability to choose a voltage or current mode of inputs by setting the voltage of two configuration nodes. The presented IA is prepared as an integrated circuit block to be used alone or as a sub-block in a microcontroller or in a field...
Study of ZrS3-based field-effect transistors toward the understanding of the mechanisms of light-enhanced gas sensing by transition metal trichalcogenides
PublikacjaExtending knowledge of the properties of low-dimensional van der Waals materials, including their reactivity to the ambiance, is important for developing innovative electronic and optoelectronic devices. Transition metal trichalcogenides with tunable optical band gaps and anisotropic conductivity are an emerging class among low- dimensional structures with the possibility of gate tunability and photoreactivity. These properties...
Organic Vapor Sensing Mechanisms by Large-Area Graphene Back-Gated Field-Effect Transistors under UV Irradiation
PublikacjaThe gas sensing properties of graphene back-gated field-effect transistor (GFET) sensors toward acetonitrile, tetrahydrofuran, and chloroform vapors were investigated with the focus on unfolding possible gas detection mechanisms. The FET configuration of the sensor device enabled gate voltage tuning for enhanced measurements of changes in DC electrical characteristics. Electrical measurements were combined with a fluctuation-enhanced...
FPGA Based Real Time Simulations of the Face Milling Process
PublikacjaThe article presents a successful implementation of the milling process simulation at the Field-Programmable Gate Array (FPGA). By using FPGA, very rigorous Real-Time (RT) simulation requirements can be met. The response time of the FPGA simulations is significantly reduced, and the time synchronization is better than in a typical RT system implemented in software. The FPGA-based approach is characterized by enormous flexibility...
Speed sensorless induction motor drive with predictive current controller
PublikacjaToday, speed sensorless modes of operation are becoming standard solutions in the area of electric drives. This paper presents a speed sensorless control system of an induction motor with a predictive current controller. A closed-loop estimation system with robustness against motor parameter variation is used for the control approach. The proposed algorithm has been implemented using field-programmable gate arrays (FPGAs) and a...
FPGA-Based Implementation of Real Time Optical Flow Algorithm and Its Applications for Digital Image Stabilization
PublikacjaAn efficient simplification procedure of the optical flow (OF) algorithm as well as its hardware implementation using the field programmable gate array (FPGA) technology is presented. The modified algorithm is based on block matching of subsets of successive frames, and exploits one-dimensional representation of subsets as well as the adaptive adjustments of their sizes. Also, an l1-norm-based correlation function requiring no...
Multiple output differential OTA with linearizing bulk-driven active-error feedback loop for continuous-time filter applications
PublikacjaA CMOS circuit realization of a highly linear multiple-output differential operational transconductance amplifier (OTA) has been proposed. The presented approach exploits a differential pair as an input stage with both the gate and the bulk terminals as signal ports. For the proposed OTA, improved linearity is obtained by means of the active-error feedback loop operating at the bulk terminals of the input stage. SPICE simulations...
Acceleration of Electromagnetic Simulations on Reconfigurable FPGA Card
PublikacjaIn this contribution, the hardware acceleration of electromagnetic simulations on the reconfigurable field-programmable-gate-array (FPGA) card is presented. In the developed implementation of scientific computations, the matrix-assembly phase of the method of moments (MoM) is accelerated on the Xilinx Alveo U200 card. The computational method involves discretization of the frequency-domain mixed potential integral equation using...
PublikacjaThe paper presents a review of technologies available for the implementation of digital and mixed signal systems, particularly the system on a chip (SoC) for space applications. The phenomena encountered in the space environment are briefly presented, together with the known solutions, regarding the design of complex electronic systems. The most important norms regarding single die integrated circuits designed for space are also...
Schemes of transmission of classical information via quantum channels with many senders: Discrete- and continuous-variable cases
PublikacjaSuperadditivity effects in the classical capacity of discrete multiaccess channels and continuous variable (CV) Gaussian MACs are analyzed. Several examples of the manifestation of superadditivity in the discrete case are provided, including, in particular, a channel which is fully symmetric with respect to all senders. Furthermore, we consider a class of channels for which input entanglement across more than two copies of the...
Hydrodynamic Model of the New Waterway through the Vistula Spit
PublikacjaThe decision to build a new waterway (strait) in the Polish part of the Vistula Spit was made in 2017. The new connection between the Gulf of Gdańsk and the Vistula Lagoon is planned as an artificial navigable channel with a lock and a small port. During storm surges and wind tides in the gulf or in the lagoon, sluicing will be re-quired for vessels to tackle the Vistula Spit. This procedure does not require significant water flow...
Verification and Benchmarking in MPA Coprocessor Design Process
PublikacjaThis paper presents verification and benchmarking required for the development of a coprocessor digital circuit for integer multiple-precision arithmetic (MPA). Its code is developed, with the use of very high speed integrated circuit hardware description language (VHDL), as an intellectual property core. Therefore, it can be used by a final user within their own computing system based on field-programmable gate arrays (FPGAs)....
HILS for the Design of Three-Wheeled Mobile Platform Motion Surveillance System with a Use of Energy Performance Index
PublikacjaCurrent tendency in mechatronic design requires the use of comprehensive development of an environment, which gives the possibility to prototype, design, simulate and integrate with dedicated hardware. The paper discusses the Hardware-In-the-Loop Simulations (HILS) mechatronic technique, used during the design of the surveillance system based on energy performance index. The presented test configuration (physical controller – emulated...
Inflation Forecast or Forecast(s) Targeting?
PublikacjaThe paper refers to L.E.O. Svensson’s concept of inflation forecast targeting (IFT) and its implementation by central banks of Sweden, Norway and the Czech Republic. The study focuses on (1) inflation forecasts published by selected central banks, i.e.headline inflation and core or monetary policy-relevant (MPR) inflation, which are made on the assumption of endogenous instrument rate, (2) one-year consumer...
The effects of gas exposure on the graphene/AlGaN/GaN heterostructure under UV irradiation
PublikacjaThis work demonstrates a graphene/AlGaN/GaN sensing device with two-dimensional electron gas (2DEG) toward nitrogen dioxide (NO2), tetrahydrofuran, and acetone detection under UV light irradiation. We propose combining measurements of the DC characteristics with a fluctuation-enhanced sensing method to provide insight into the gas detection mechanisms in the synergistic structure of highly stable GaN and gas-sensitive graphene....
A quasi-2D small-signal MOSFET model - main results
PublikacjaDynamic properties of the MOS transistor under small-signal excitation are determined by kinetic parameters of the carriers injected into the channel, i.e., the low-field mobility, velocity saturation, mobility at the quiescent-point (Q-point), longitudinal electric field in the channel, by dynamic properties of the channel, as well as by an electrical coupling between the perturbed carrier concentration in the channel and the...
Studenci dla Ukrainy! Koncert charytatywny w AK Kwadratowa
WydarzeniaSamorząd Studentów Politechniki Gdańskiej zaprasza na wyjątkowy koncert charytatywny “Studenci dla Ukrainy” w wykonaniu 12 trójmiejskich artystów.
Nonlinear Control of a Doubly Fed Generator Supplied by a Current Source Inverter
PublikacjaNowadays, wind turbines based on a doubly fed induction generator (DFIG) are a commonly used solution in the wind industry. The standard converter topology used in these systems is the voltage source inverter (VSI). The use of reverse-blocking insulated gate bipolar transistor (RB-IGBT) in the current source inverter topology (CSI), which is an alternative topology, opens new possibilities of control methods. This paper presents...
FPGA implementation of the multiplication operation in multiple-precision arithmetic
PublikacjaAlthough standard 32/64-bit arithmetic is sufficient to solve most of the scientific-computing problems, there are still problems that require higher numerical precision. Multiple-precision arithmetic (MPA) libraries are software tools for emulation of computations in a user-defined precision. However, availability of a reconfigurable cards based on field-programmable gate arrays (FPGAs) in computing systems allows one to implement...
An automated learning model for twitter sentiment analysis using Ranger AdaBelief optimizer based Bidirectional Long Short Term Memory
PublikacjaSentiment analysis is an automated approach which is utilized in process of analysing textual data to describe public opinion. The sentiment analysis has major role in creating impact in the day-to-day life of individuals. However, a precise interpretation of text still relies as a major concern in classifying sentiment. So, this research introduced Bidirectional Long Short Term Memory with Ranger AdaBelief Optimizer (Bi-LSTM RAO)...
Open-Source Coprocessor for Integer Multiple Precision Arithmetic
PublikacjaThis paper presents an open-source digital circuit of the coprocessor for an integer multiple-precision arithmetic (MPA). The purpose of this coprocessor is to support a central processing unit (CPU) by offloading computations requiring integer precision higher than 32/64 bits. The coprocessor is developed using the very high speed integrated circuit hardware description language (VHDL) as an intellectual property (IP) core. Therefore,...
IP Core of Coprocessor for Multiple-Precision-Arithmetic Computations
PublikacjaIn this paper, we present an IP core of coprocessor supporting computations requiring integer multiple-precision arithmetic (MPA). Whilst standard 32/64-bit arithmetic is sufficient to solve many computing problems, there are still applications that require higher numerical precision. Hence, the purpose of the developed coprocessor is to support and offload central processing unit (CPU) in such computations. The developed digital...
The time-varying low-frequency magnetic-field emitted from the ship’s inverter-fed induction motor
Dane BadawczeThe dataset contains the magnetic field measurement results that are part of a comprehensive study on the assessment of the magnetic field emissions onboard of the research-training vessel. The measurements were carried out, nearby the bow thruster motor fed from the inverter, during maneuvering and the sea voyage. The bow thruster is assembled in the...
A new concept of PWM duty cycle computation using the Barycentric Coordinates in a Three-Dimensional voltage vectors arrangement
PublikacjaThe paper presents a novel approach to the Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) duty cycle computing for complex or irregular voltage vector arrangements in the two (2D) and three–dimensional (3D) Cartesian coordinate systems. The given vectors arrangement can be built using at least three vectors or collections with variable number of involved vectors (i.e. virtual vectors). Graphically, these vectors form a convex figure, in particular,...
Hardware implementation of digital image stabilization using optical flow algorithm and FPGA technology
PublikacjaW artykule przedstawiono efektywną procedurę uproszczenia algorytmu przepływu optycznego oraz jego realizację w układzie programowalnym FPGA. Zmodyfikowany algorytm wykorzystuję metodę blokowego dopasowania podobszarów oraz jednowymiarową reprezentację podobszarów. Dodatkowo, funkcja korelacji oparta jest o normę L1. W rezultacie uzyskano zmniejszenie zużytych zasobów kosztem nieznacznej utraty dokładności. Zarówno dokładność,...
PublikacjaPrzez ostatnią dekadę projektowanie systemów radiowych zaczęło w coraz większym stopniu polegać na cyfrowym przetwarzaniu sygnałów. Możliwość i moc obliczeniowa procesorów ogólnego przeznaczenia GPP (General Purpose Processor), procesorów sygnałowych DSP (Digital Signal Processor) oraz układów programowalnych FPGA (Field Programmable Gate Array) znacząco wzrosła zgodnie z prawem Moor’a. Naturalnym następstwem tego trendu było większe...