Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: USER-GENERATED CONTENT - MOST Wiedzy


Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: USER-GENERATED CONTENT

Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: USER-GENERATED CONTENT

  • Comparing Apples and Oranges: A Mobile User Experience Study of iOS and Android Consumer Devices


    - Rok 2023

    With the rapid development of wireless networks and the spread of broadband access around the world, the number of active mobile user devices continues to grow. Each year more and more terminals are released on the market, with the smartphone being the most popular among them. They include low-end, mid-range, and of course high-end devices, with top hardware specifications. They do vary in build quality, utilized type of material,...

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  • Automated Reasoning Based User Interface



    Motivation: The ability to directly trace how requirements are implemented in a software system is crucial in domains that require a high level of trust (e.g. medicine, law, crisis management). This paper describes an approach that allows a high level of traceability to be achieved with model-driven engineering supported by automated reasoning. The paper gives an introduction to the novel, automated user interface synthesis in...

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  • Influence of User Mobility and Antenna Placement on System Loss in B2B Networks


    - IEEE Access - Rok 2022

    In this paper, the influence of user mobility and on-body antenna placement on system loss in body-to-body communications in indoor and outdoor environments and different mobility scenarios is studied, based on system loss measurements at 2.45 GHz. The novelty of this work lies on the proposal of a classification model to characterise the effect of user mobility and path visibility on system loss, allowing to identify the best...

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  • User-oriented GIS tools in higher education of urban design and planning

    Geographic information systems (GIS) have emerged as indispensable tools for decision-making, planning and problem-solving tasks across various domains in today’s evolving world. However, there exists a pressing need to augment the utilisation of GIS tools in higher education of urban design and planning to foster a user-oriented approach. This article explores the imperative of integrating GIS tools more comprehensively into higher...

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  • Tagged images with LEGO bricks moving on the conveyor belt

    Dane Badawcze
    open access - seria: LEGO - partial

    The data set conatins tagged images conatining LEGO bricks used for traning LEGO bricks detecting network. The dataset contains frames taken from video recordings of lego bricks moving on a conveyor belt. The images conatin from 0 to 7 bricks. In total there are 5459 tagged lego bricks in 4340 images and 3390 images without any bricks in them. The images...

  • Modelling Of Commercial Websites. A New Perspective On Usability And Customer Relation

    From an economic point of view, a critical aspect of online services is their ability to retain customers. The aim of presented study was the use of a layered model VIPR (Visual - Interaction - Process - Relation ) for commercial services online. The indicator of trust and establishing lasting relationships were assessment achieved from experienced users of commercial online services (n = 207), obtained by means of Web Credibility...

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  • Multimedia interface using head movements tracking

    The presented solution supports innovative ways of manipulating computer multimedia content, such as: static images, videos and music clips and others that can be browsed subsequently. The system requires a standard web camera that captures images of the user face. The core of the system is formed by a head movement analyzing algorithm that finds a user face and tracks head movements in real time. Head movements are tracked with...

    Pełny tekst do pobrania w serwisie zewnętrznym


    The paper describes an adaptive control system of the waves, implemented in the Ship Design and Research Centre, CTO S.A. The purpose of generating the waves in the towing tank is the modelling of the environmental conditions during hydrodynamic model tests. The tests are performed on scale models of towed or free running ships, anchored structures like oil rigs or bottommounted structures, e.g. wind turbines. In the towing tank...

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  • Wideband Off-Body Channel Characteristics with Dynamic User


    - Rok 2019

    This paper presents the preliminary results of a dynamic off-body channel characterisation study, based on wideband measurements at 5.8 GHz in an indoor environment. The Channel Impulse Response (CIR) was measured for a scenario with the user approaching and departing from the off-body antenna. A CIR deconvolution procedure was performed jointly in two polarisations, and the received signal power, Cross-Polarisation Discrimination...

  • Interactive Prototypes in Teaching User-Centred Design and Business Process Modelling


    - Rok 2014

    This publication describes experiences gathered during the use of interactive prototyping in two areas: design of user interfaces for a touch screen information kiosk and interactive prototyping of business processes. Prototyping is promoted here as a technique useful for both visualizing design concepts and for stimulating communication within relevant teams. Developing interactive prototypes of use interfaces is discussed here...

  • Ella4Life virtual assistant - user centered design strategy - evaluation following labolatory tests


    - Rok 2020

    In the paper, we summarize the evaluation of Anne4Care system after laboratory tests. A group of end users, seniors over 55 years of age, rated a virtual assistant by completing a questionnaire. The objectives of the pilot evaluations are mainly to assess the feasibility, usability, acceptance and functionality of the system and the ability of the potential target user to use the system and receive valuable information from it...

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  • Areas of updraft air motion from WRF model simulations.

    Presented dataset is a part of numerical modelling study focusing on the analysis of sea ice floes size distribution (FSD) influence on the horizontal and vertical structure of convection in the atmosphere. The total area and spatial arrangement of the updrafts indicates that the FSD affects the total moisture content and the values of area averaged...

  • Wykorzystanie klasyfikacji funkcjonalnej usług do efektywnego zarządzania zasobami chmurowymi


    - Rok 2023

    Wykazano jak istotnym problemem jest zarzadzanie chmurą obliczeniową, w tym alokacja zasobów do wykonania usług (workloadów) zgłoszonych przez użytkownika. Przeanalizowano problem podziału usług wdrażanych w środowiskach chmurowych na klasy określające ich funkcjonalność. Zaproponowano oryginalną metodę alokacji workloadów wykorzystującą wprowadzoną klasyfikację funkcjonalną oraz identyfikację tych klas na podstawie wielkości generowanego...

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  • Energy-Efficient Self-Supervised Technique to Identify Abnormal User Over 5G Network for E-Commerce


    - Rok 2024

    Within the realm of e-commerce networks, it is frequently observed that certain users exhibit behavior patterns that differ substantially from the normative behaviors exhibited by the majority of users. The identification of these atypical individuals and the understanding of their behavioral patterns are of significant practical significance in maintaining order on e-commerce platforms. One such method for accomplishing this...

  • Energy-Efficient Self-Supervised Technique to Identify Abnormal User Over 5G Network for E-Commerce

    Within the realm of e-commerce networks, it is frequently observed that certain users exhibit behavior patterns that differ substantially from the normative behaviors exhibited by the majority of users. The identification of these atypical individuals and the understanding of their behavioral patterns are of significant practical significance in maintaining order on e-commerce platforms. One such method for accomplishing this objective...

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  • Information Retrieval in Wikipedia with Conceptual Directions


    - Rok 2015

    The paper describes our algorithm used for retrieval of textual information from Wikipedia. The experiments show that the algorithm allows to improve typical evaluation measures of retrieval quality. The improvement of the retrieval results was achieved by two phase usage approach. In first the algorithm extends the set of content that has been indexed by the specified keywords and thus increases the Recall value. Then, using the...

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  • Influence of User Mobility on System Loss and Depolarization in a BAN Indoor Scenario

    • M. M. Ferreira
    • F. D. Cardoso
    • S. J. Ambroziak
    • M. Särestöniemi
    • K. Turbić
    • L. M. Correia


    In this article, an analysis of system loss and depolarization in body area networks (BANs) for body-toinfrastructure (B2I) communications based on a measurement campaign in the 5.8 GHz band in an indoor environment is performed. Measurements were performed with an off-body antenna transmitting linearly polarized signals and dual-polarized receiving antennas carried by the user on the body. A normal distribution with a mean of...

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  • The Influence of the Radio Channel on Precision of Position Estimation of the User Terminal Using the NB-IoT Radio Interface


    In the article the method of user terminal position estimation using the broadcast signals transmitted in the downlink of the NB-IoT interface was presented, including the analysis of the radio channel influence on precision of position estimation as well as the eNodeB (Evolved Node B) synchronization. The practical ability to estimate the position in the test area has been verified in the laboratory conditions, using the reference...

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  • User -friendly E-learning Platform: a Case Study of a Design Thinking Approach Use

    E-learning systems are very popular means to support the teaching process today. These systems are mainly used by universities as well as by commercial training centres. We analysed several popular e-learning platforms used in Polish universities and find them very unfriendly for the users. For this reason, the authors began the work on the creation of a new system that would be not only useful, but also usable for students, teachers...

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  • Enhancing environmental literacy through urban technology-based learning. The PULA app case

    • E. Duda
    • H. Anacka
    • H. Obracht-prondzyńska
    • H. C. Geirbo
    • J. Kowal

    - Rok 2024

    This study addresses the need to enhance environmental literacy, focusing on urban adults through mobile applications, based on the example of PULA app that engages early adopters in gamified pro- environmental activities, offering insights into informal learning. Grounded in 'urban pedagogy,' the study combines semi-structured interviews with 17 application testers and quantitative data analysis, unveiling motivations, user feedback,...

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  • Badania doświadczenia użytkownika (User Experience) w projektowaniu interakcji użytkownik-system

    Artykuł omawia coraz częściej używany termin "doświadczenie użytkownika" (ang. User Experience - UX) oraz je-go znaczenie dla emocjonalnych aspektów satysfakcji użytkownika produktów informatycznych i usług on-line. Dokona-no przeglądu czterech głównych podejść badawczych stosowanych obecnie w odniesieniu do tematyki UX: projektowa-nie interakcji, e-marketing, pomiary psychofizjologiczne i współprojektowanie usług. Przedyskutowano...

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  • Measurements of Spectral Spatial Distribution of Scattering Materials for Rear Projection Screens used in Virtual Reality Systems

    Rapid development of computing and visualisation systems has resulted in an unprecedented capability to display, in real time, realistic computer-generated worlds. Advanced techniques, including three-dimensional (3D) projection, supplemented by multi-channel surround sound, create immersive environments whose applications range from entertainment to military to scientific. One of the most advanced virtual reality systems are CAVE-type...

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  • Multiuser Stereoscopic Projection Techniques for CAVE-Type Virtual Reality Systems

    Despite the development of increasingly popular head mounted displays, CAVE-type systems may still be considered one of the most immersive virtual reality systems with many advantages. However, a serious limitation of most CAVE-type systems is the generation of a three-dimensional (3-D) image from the perspective of only one person. This problem is significant because in some applications, the participants must cooperate with each...

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  • Baltic Phytoremediation - Training Module

    Kursy Online
    • A. Rogala
    • P. Rybarczyk

    This is an on-line training course developed in BAPR - Baltic Phytoremediation project, co-financed by Interreg South Baltic Programme 2014 - 2020. Here, You can learn about the basics and potential of phytoremediation  to clean soil and see the real-life applications of this technology. In order to be enrolled to this course, you’ll need to create a local account with the user ID provided. When your account is generated, you...

  • Quality Evaluation of Speech Transmission via Two-way BPL-PLC Voice Communication System in an Underground Mine


    In order to design a stable and reliable voice communication system, it is essential to know how many resources are necessary for conveying quality content. These parameters may include objective quality of service (QoS) metrics, such as: available bandwidth, bit error rate (BER), delay, latency as well as subjective quality of experience (QoE) related to user expectations. QoE is expressed as clarity of speech and the ability...

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  • Postępy technik w elektronice

    Kursy Online
    • P. Jasiński
    • Ł. Kulas
    • M. Gnyba
    • M. Szczerska
    • J. Smulko
    • S. Molin

    Postępy technik w elektronice [moduł dyscyplinarny, do wyboru Grupa A] Prowadzący: Prof. Marcin Gnyba, Prof. Małgorzata Jędrzejeska-Szczerska, Prof. Piotr Jasiński, Prof. Janusz Smulko, Prof. Sebastian Molin, Prof. Łukasz Kulas Terminy: 15.04 (g. 14-16), 16.04 (g. 12-14), 14.05 (g. 13-15), 19.05 (g.17-19), 26.05 (g. 17-19) 27.05 (g.10-12 ) 28.05 (10-13) Tematyka realizowanego przedmiotu obejmuje: Czujniki elektroniczne...

  • Analysis of Video Transmission Capabilities in a Simulated OFDM-Based Supplementary BPL-PLC System


    - ENERGIES - Rok 2022

    The design and maintenance of a reliable communication system, especially in harsh working conditions for the oil and mining industry, brings many challenges. With the use of a video transmission system, one can monitor the crew and their working environment. Broadband over power line–power line communication (BPL-PLC) seems an ideal medium for such a service, since it enables the use of the existing wired infrastructure for supplementary...

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  • AGREE—Analytical GREEnness Metric Approach and Software



    Green analytical chemistry focuses on making analytical procedures more environmentally benign and safer to humans. The amounts and toxicity of reagents, generated waste, energy requirements, the number of procedural steps, miniaturization, and automation are just a few of the multitude of criteria considered when assessing an analytical methodology’s greenness. The use of greenness assessment criteria requires dedicated tools. We...

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    - Rok 2021

    In the early 21st century, artificial intelligence began to be used to process medical information. However, before this happened, predictive models used in healthcare could only consider a limited number of variables, and only in properly structured and organised medical data. Today, advanced tools based on machine learning techniques - which, using artificial neural networks, can explore extremely complex relationships - and...

  • Architectural education and digital tools: the challenges and opportunities

    Enriching architectural education with digital tools is the subject of this article. Such tools can create, support and visualise architecture. The focus in this article is on an interdisciplinary approach to media architecture (allowing variable visual content of architectural objects) and interactivity (user-space communication), revealing new possibilities in terms of human perception. The results of a survey on media architecture...

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  • Joint fingerprinting and decryption method for color images based on quaternion rotation with cipher quaternion chaining

    This paper addresses the problem of unauthorized redistribution of multimedia content by malicious users (pirates). In this method three color channels of the image are considered a 3D space and each component of the image is represented as a point in this 3D space. The distribution side uses a symmetric cipher to encrypt perceptually essential components of the image with the encryption key and then sends the encrypted data via...

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  • Reception of Terrestrial DAB+ and FM Radio with a Mobile Device: A Subjective Quality Evaluation


    - Rok 2023

    Nowadays, terrestrial broadcasting enables to receive content anytime and everywhere. People can obtain information both with a portable or desktop receiver, which include pocket-sized devices as well as high-end Hi-Fi equipment, not to mention car audio systems. Numerous manufacturers include FM-compatible chipsets in a variety of user equipment (UE), including mobile phones. However, digital radio signal processing modules, such...

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  • Real-Time Basic Principles Nuclear Reactor Simulator Based on Client-Server Network Architecture with WebBrowser as User Interface

    The real-time simulator of nuclear reactor basic processes (neutron kinetics, heat generation and its exchange, poisoning and burn- ing up fuel) build in a network environment is presented in this paper. The client-server architecture was introduced, where the server is a pow- erful computing unit and the web browser application is a client for user interface purposes. The challenge was to develop an application running under the...

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  • Do online reviews reveal mobile application usability and user experience? The case of WhatsApp

    The variety of hardware devices and the diversity of their users imposes new requirements and expectations on designers and developers of mobile applications (apps). While the Internet has enabled new forms of communication platform, online stores provide the ability to review apps. These informal online app reviews have become a viral form of electronic wordof-mouth (eWOM), covering a plethora of issues. In our study, we set ourselves...

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  • Experimental investigation and process parameter optimization of sheet metal bending by line heating method


    - Rok 2022

     The present study is concerned with the experimental investigation of sheet metal deforming by line heating method that incorporates the combined effect of traverse speed of the torch, thickness of the sheet metal, and the number of passes of the torch. For the numerical analysis of metal bending by line heating, the 

  • An application of multi-agent system for ship’s power systems design


    - Rok 2016

    Design process of transport ship power system consists of structure (topology) and component elements selection. Compliance with the requirements for static components does not guarantee optimal dynamic characteristics of entire power system. Design steps are difficult to formalize and as a consequence to this reason expert and multi-agent systems are used for solving selected design issues. In the paper distributed multi-agent...

  • Soft Real-Time Communication with WebSocket and WebRTC Protocols Performance Analysis for Web-based Control Loops


    - Rok 2019

    The web browser has become an access window for content and services. The browser is available on almost any device connected to the network, regardless of its intended use: desktop, mobile device, computing server, e-book reader etc. Browsers are used by people to read news, contact the world, to check a bank account, register a visit at the doctor, watching video content, electronic purchases, using web versions of the office...

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  • Performance Analysis of Interaction between Smart Glasses and Smart Objects Using Image-Based Object Identification


    We propose the use of smart glasses to collaborate with smart objects in the Internet of Things environment. Particularly we are focusing on new interaction methods and the analysis of acceptable reaction times in the process of object recognition using smart glasses. We evaluated the proposed method using user studies and experiments with three different smart glasses: Google Glass, Epson Moverio, and the developed eGlasses platform....

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  • The OptD-multi method in LiDAR processing



    New and constantly developing technology for acquiring spatial data, such as LiDAR (light detection and ranging), is a source for large volume of data. However, such amount of data is not always needed for developing the most popular LiDAR products: digital terrain model (DTM) or digital surface model. Therefore, in many cases, the number of contained points are reduced in the pre-processing stage. The degree of reduction is determined...

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  • New user-guided and ckpt-based checkpointing libraries for parallel MPI applications


    - Rok 2005

    Praca prezentuje szczególy projektowe i implementacyjne jak również wyniki wydajnościowe dwóch nowych bibliotek checkpointingu opracowanych przez autorów dla równoległych aplikacji MPI. Pierwsz biblioteka, tzw. user-guided wymaga od programisty dostarczenia funkcji pakujących i rozpakowujących stan procesu, ale dostarcza łatwego w użyciu API z wykorzystaniem stałych MPI. Wykorzystuje funkcje I/O MPI-2 lub dedykowany proces master...

  • Daylight in Architecture 2022/23

    Kursy Online
    • N. Sokół
    • J. Martyniuk-Pęczek

    Tutor: Professor Claudia Naves David Amorim (University of Brasilia) Project: 60 h (lectures + online platform + individual consultations) With a support of e-platform NLITED educational content; http://lms.nlited.eu/,  Students will become familiar with the different methods of daylight assessment within the built environment. Innovative daylight design is understood as a better user-centred and energy-efficient design strategy. The...

  • ‘Personas for lighting’. Three methods to develop personas for the indoor lighting environment



    The objective of this research is to describe and compare three different methods of generating ‘persona for lighting’ to envision users’ behaviour within the lighting environment. ‘Personas’ are used to represent typical users, highlighting their needs, perspectives, and expectations to aid user-centric design approaches. The researchers looked for the most useful method of shaping ‘personas for lighting’ to learn about users’...

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  • Improving Re-rankCCP with Rules Quality Measures


    - Rok 2022

    Recommender Systems are software tools and techniques which aim at suggesting new items that may possibly be of interest to a user. Context-Aware Recommender Systems exploit contextual information to provide more adequate recommendations. In this paper we described a modification of an existing contextual post-filtering algorithm which uses rules-like user representation called Contextual Conditional Preferences. We extended the...

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  • Impact of Usability Website Attributes on Users’ Trust, Satisfaction and Loyalty

    This paper presents the results of an experimental study aimed at identifying possible relationships among website usability characteristics, consumer satisfaction, trust and loyalty. These factors regard not only customer satisfaction in a transactional sense, but in the long term they may affect e-customer behavior, opinions, recommendations and attitudes toward using on-line services in general. The study was performed with...

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  • Semantic modeling of contextual augmented reality environments

    • D. Rumiński

    - Rok 2018

    Despite significant progress in the field of augmented reality (AR), regarding both hardware and software, there is still a lack of universal models and methods that would enable building ubiquitous AR systems that could be used anywhere and anytime, covering different application areas. This dissertation describes a new approach to building AR systems, called the Contextual Augmented Reality Environment (CARE). The CARE approach...

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  • An Ontology-based Contextual Pre-filtering Technique for Recommender Systems


    - Rok 2016

    Context-aware Recommender Systems aim to provide users with the most adequate recommendations for their current situation. However, an exact context obtained from a user could be too specific and may not have enough data for accurate rating prediction. This is known as the data sparsity problem. Moreover, often user preference representation depends on the domain or the specific recommendation approach used. Therefore, a big effort...

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  • Deep learning in the fog

    In the era of a ubiquitous Internet of Things and fast artificial intelligence advance, especially thanks to deep learning networks and hardware acceleration, we face rapid growth of highly decentralized and intelligent solutions that offer functionality of data processing closer to the end user. Internet of Things usually produces a huge amount of data that to be effectively analyzed, especially with neural networks, demands high...

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  • User Authentication by Eye Movement Features Employing SVM and XGBoost Classifiers


    Devices capable of tracking the user’s gaze have become significantly more affordable over the past few years, thus broadening their application, including in-home and office computers and various customer service equipment. Although such devices have comparatively low operating frequencies and limited resolution, they are sufficient to supplement or replace classic input interfaces, such as the keyboard and mouse. The biometric...

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  • Baltic Smart Asset Management - Training Module

    Kursy Online
    • A. Rogala
    • P. Rybarczyk

    Baltic Smart Asset Management is an international project co-financed by the funds from Interreg South Baltic Programme 2014-2020. The aim of the project is to develop methods, transnational collaboration processes and knowledge about Smart Asset Management (SAM) for District Heating (DH) sector. The training module will help to spread the professional knowledge on new solutions and applications of SAM methods to promote data-driven...

  • Online Sound Restoration for Digital Library Applications


    A system for sound restoration was conceived and engineered having the following features: no special sound restoration software is needed to perform audio restoration by the user, the process of restoration employs automatic reduction of noise, wow and impulse distortions performed in the online mode, no skills in digital signal processing from the user are needed. The principles of the created system and its features as well...

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