Microstructural aspects of hydrogen degradation of the 26H2MF and 34HNM constructional alloy steels
PublikacjaPodatność na degradację wywołaną przez wodór, dwóch gatunków polskich stali konstrukcyjnych stopowych: 26H2MF i 34HNM, określano przy pomocy próby powolnego rozciągania. Mierzono następujące parametry: energię pękania, wydłużenie, wytrzymałość na rozciąganie i przewężenie. Degradację stali obserwowano w 0,01M kwasie siarkowym przy gęstości prądu 20 mA/cm2 wraz z rodzajem przełomów. Poziom degradacji był zgodny z ilością wodoru...
Hydrogen induced degradation of structural steel exposed to the technical liquid hydrocarbons
PublikacjaSusceptibility of the differently heat treated 26H2MF steel to stress corrosion cracking has been evaluated in the constant strain rate tension tests done at the strain rate 10-6s-1 and in the constant load tests done at the 0,98 of fracture load. The boiler fuel and the aged mineral oil at 135C and 80C respectively, have been used as the aggressive environments.
Comparison of different advanced oxidation processes for the degradation of room temperature ionic liquids
PublikacjaZbadano możliwość zastosowania wybranych zaawansowanych technologii utleniania (UV, UV/H2O2, UV/TiO2) do degradacji cieczy jonowych. Do degradacji wytypowano pięć związków: HHiM, BMiM, MiM, OMiM oraz EEiM.
Micro Arc Oxidation of Mechanically Alloyed Binary Zn-1X (X = Mg or Sr) Alloys
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Recent trends in advanced oxidation process-based degradation of erythromycin: Pollution status, eco-toxicity and degradation mechanism in aquatic ecosystems
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The use of nitriding as a prevention method against hydrogen degradation of high-strength steels
PublikacjaPrzedstawiono badania wpływu warstw azotowanych jarzeniowo na stali 34CrAlNi7-10 na jej podatność na niszczenie wodorowe. Wytworzono warstwy azotowane w atmosferach technologicznych o różnym udziale wodoru. Próbki materiału rodzimego i z warstwami azotowanymi poddano próbie rozciągania z małą prędkością odkształcania w środowisku 0,01 N kwasu siarkowego przy polaryzcaji katodowej. Względny spadek plastyczności i charakter przełomu...
Effect of plasma nitrided layers on low-alloy steel on its hydrogen degradation
PublikacjaPrzedstawiono badania wpływu warstw azotowanych jarzeniowo na stali 34CrAlNi7-10 na jej podatność na niszczenie wodorowe. Wytworzono warstwy azotowane w atmosferach technologicznych o różnym udziale wodoru. Próbki materiału rodzimego i z warstwami azotowanymi poddano próbie rozciągania z małą prędkością odkształcania w środowisku 0,01 N kwasu siarkowego przy polaryzcaji katodowej. Względny spadek plastyczności i charakter przełomu...
The SEM micrographs of the cavitation erosion-corrosion process of selected copper alloys degradation
Dane BadawczeThe dataset contains Scanning Electron Micrographs of CuZn40Mn3Fe brass compared with Superston and Novoston bronze after cavitation erosion-corrosion exposure using a vibratory transducer (in accordance with ASTM G32). The micrographs compare the topography of samples subjected cavitation erosion in 3% NaCl at room temperature, leading to the surface...
A comparative study on the decolorization of Tartrazine, Ponceau 4R, and Coomassie Brilliant Blue using persulfate and hydrogen peroxide based Advanced Oxidation Processes combined with Hydrodynamic Cavitation
PublikacjaDecolorization of Ponceau 4R, Tartrazine, and Coomassie Brilliant Blue (CBB) was studied using hybrid processes of hydrodynamic cavitation (HC) with potassium persulfate (KPS) and hydrogen peroxide (H2O2). The different properties of these dyes such as hydrophobicity, molecular structures, and molecular weights provided this opportunity to investigate the effects of these factors by comparing the decolorization values of the dyes....
Recent advances on magnetic carbon-related materials in advanced oxidation processes of emerging pollutants degradation
PublikacjaRecently, carbon-related materials have been proposed to improve the charge separation of the photogenerated carriers in the semiconductor matrices’ and surface properties. Carbon-related materials may act as co-catalysts, enhancing the pollutants adsorption on the surface, improving the charge carriers separation and photocatalyst stability and providing more active centres for photocatalytic reactions. This review summarizes...
Niszczenie wodorowe stali o podwyższonej wytrzymałości = Hydrogen degradation of high-strength steels.
PublikacjaW artykule przedstawiono niszczenie wodorowe stali 18G2A i jej symulowanej strefy wpływu ciepła (SWC). Jako parametry niszczenia wodorowego wybrano względne wartości energii zniszczenia, czasu do pęknięcia, wydłużenia, przewężenia i wytrzymałości na rozciąganie. Parametry te wyznaczono w próbie odkształcania z małą prędkością na próbkach gładkich, okrągłych. Stwierdzono, że stal 18G2A w środowisku kwaśnym (0,1 N H2SO4) podczas...
Bismuth-Doped Nano Zerovalent Iron: A Novel Catalyst for Chloramphenicol Degradation and Hydrogen Production
PublikacjaIn this study, we showed that doping bismuth (Bi) at the surface of Fe0 (Bi/Fe0, bimetallic iron system)—synthesized by a simple borohydride reduction method—can considerably accelerate the reductive degradation of chloramphenicol (CHP). At a reaction time of 12 min, 62, 68, 74, 95, and 82% degradation of CHP was achieved with Fe0, Bi/Fe0-1 [1% (w/w) of Bi], Bi/Fe0-3 [3% (w/w) of Bi], Bi/Fe0-5 [5% (w/w) of Bi], and Bi/Fe0-8 [8%...
Morphology changes in Fe-Cr porous alloys upon high-temperature oxidation quantified by X-ray tomographic microscopy
PublikacjaThe effect of high-temperature oxidation at 850 C (10 h, 30 h, 100 h) and 900 C (10 h) on porous (30 % porosity) ferritic stainless steel (Fe22Cr) has been investigated using synchrotron tomographic microscopy, which allowed for visualisation, separation and quantitative analysis of the metallic core, closed pores, open pores and oxide scale phase. The same regions within the samples were investigated before and after oxidation...
A Comparison of Hydrogen Storage in Pt, Pd and Pt/Pd Alloys Loaded Disordered Mesoporous Hollow Carbon Spheres
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Absorbciâ vodoroda i povedenie vodoroda v slaâh titanovyh silavov s modificirovannoj poverhnost''û = Hydrogen absorption and hydrogen effects in the modified surface layers of Ti alloys
PublikacjaW pracy przedstawiono rezultaty badań absorpcji wodoru w stopach tytanu ze zmodyfikowaną za pomocą metod multipleksowych powierzchnią. W wyniku badań stwierdzono, iż po nadtapianiu laserowym w warunkach kriogenicznych, stopy tytanu wykazuja najwyższą zdolność absorpcji wodoru w wytworzonej warstwie wierzchniej.
Selective and efficient catalytic and photocatalytic oxidation of diphenyl sulphide to sulfoxide and sulfone: the role of hydrogen peroxide and TiO2 polymorph
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Bimetallic Bi/Cu0-catalyzed persulfate-based advanced oxidation processes towards clofibric acid degradation in wastewater
PublikacjaClofibric acid (CFA), an important blood-lipid regulatory drug is an emerging organic pollutant and widely reported in water resources. A novel bimetallic, bismuth/zero valent cupper (Bi/Cu0) catalyst was prepared which showed better physiological, structural, and catalytic properties than Cu0. The Bi/Cu0 effectively catalyzed persulfate (S2O82−) and caused 85% degradation of CFA. The Bi coupling improved reusability and stability...
Niszczenie wodorowe złączy spawanych ze stali S355 = Hydrogen degradation of welded joints of S355 steel
PublikacjaW artykule przedstawiono ocenę podatności na niszczenie wodorowe złączy spawanych ze stali S355. Jako parametry niszczenia wodorowego wybrano względne wartości energii zniszczenia, wydłużenia, przewężenia i wytrzymałości na rozciąganie. Parametry te wyznaczono w próbie odkształcania z małą prędkością na próbkach okrągłych, gładkich. Stwierdzono, że stal S355w środowisku kwaśnym podczas polaryzacji katodowej, jest bardziej skłonna...
Evaluation of hydrogen degradation susceptibility of high-strength weldable steel subjected to cathodic polarization in sea-water
PublikacjaOcenę podatności stali spawalnych o wysokiej wytrzymałości ich złączy spawanych na kruchość wodorową przeprowadzono z wykorzystaniem próby rozciągania ze stałą, niską szybkością odkształcenia w środowisku wody morskiej przy polaryzacji katodowej. Wykonano próby elektrochemiczne przenikania wodoru w wodzie morskiej dla oceny dyfuzji i pułapkowania wodoru. Badano wpływ bakterii redukujących siarczany na absorpcję wodoru w środowisku...
An integral-differential method for impedance determination of the hydrogen oxidation process in the presence of carbon monoxide in the proton exchange membrane fuel cell
PublikacjaThe impedance of a proton exchange membrane fuel cell powered by hydrogen contaminated with carbon monoxide, ranging from 150 to 300 ppb, is measured and discussed. The tested range of CO concentration complied with the fuel standard specified in the ISO standards. Studies of influence of CO contamination on operation of PEMFC are crucial for further development and commercialization of fuel cells for automotive applications. Based...
Photocatalytically Active TiO2/Ag2O Nanotube Arrays Interlaced with Silver Nanoparticles Obtained from the One-Step Anodic Oxidation of Ti–Ag Alloys
PublikacjaThe development of a photocatalyst with remarkable activity to degrade pollutants in aqueous and gas phase requires visible lightresponsive stable materials, easily organized in the form of a thin layer (to exclude the highly expensive separation step). In this work, we present a one-step strategy for synthesizing material in the form of a self-organized TiO2/Ag2O nanotube (NT) array interlaced with silver nanoparticles (as in a...
Kazimierz Darowicki prof. dr hab. inż.
OsobyStudia wyższe ukończyłem w czerwcu 1981 roku po zdaniu egzaminu dyplomowego i obronie pracy magisterskiej. Opiekunem pracy magisterskiej był dr hab. inż. Tadeusz Szauer. W roku 1991, 27 listopada uzyskałem stopień naukowy broniąc pracę doktorską zatytułowaną „Symulacyjna i korelacyjna analiza widm immitancyjnych inhibitowanej reakcji elektrodowej”. Promotorem pracy był prof. dr hab. inż. Józef Kubicki (Wydział Chemiczny...
Electrochemical oxidation of landfill leachate using boron-doped diamond anodes: pollution degradation rate, energy efficiency and toxicity assessment
PublikacjaElectrochemical oxidation (EO), due to high efficiency and small carbon footprint, is regarded as an attractive option for on-site treatment of highly contaminated wastewater. This work shows the effectiveness of EO using three boron-doped diamond electrodes (BDDs) in sustainable management of landfill leachate (LL). The effect of the applied current density (25–100 mA cm−2) and boron doping concentration (B/C ratio: 500 ppm, 10,000...
Susceptibility of Cr-Ni-Mn steel to the hydrogen degradation in boiler fuel = Podatnośc stali Cr-Mn-Ni na niszczenie wodorowe w paliwie kotłowym
PublikacjaStal 34HNM poddana różnym obróbkom cieplnym wykazała skłonność do korozji naprężeniowej w pomiarach ze stałą niską szybkością rozciągania i do zmęczenia korozyjnego niskocyklowego. Mechanizmem zniszczenia była degradacja wodorowa. Możliwe źródła pochłaniania wodoru to: korozja, degradacja węglowodorów z tworzeniem się kwasów organicznych i promotorów wnikania wodoru.
Wpływ obecności i struktury warstwy azotowanej oraz stanu naprężeń na niszczenie wodorowe stali = Effect of presence and structure of nitrided layer, and stress state on hydrogen degradation of steels
PublikacjaPrzedstawiono wyniki badań wpływu azotowania według dwóch technologii na niszczenie wodorowe stali stopowej, oceniane w próbach powolnego rozciągania. Różną podatność na niszczenie wodorowe przypisano różnej mikrostrukturze warstw azotowanych oraz stanom naprężeń, wpływającym na dyfuzję i pułapkowanie wodoru.
Microscopic examination of CuNiFeR pipeline
Dane BadawczeCopper and nickel alloys called cunifers (Cu, Ni, Fe and R – rest of alloy elements) have found wide application in the production of ship pipeline components in contact with sea water, such as, for example, the main engine cooling system. These alloys are characterized by a very high corrosion resistance, which is ensured by appropriately carried out...
Macroscopic examination of CuNiFeR pipeline
Dane BadawczeCopper and nickel alloys called cunifers (Cu, Ni, Fe and R – rest of alloy elements) have found wide application in the production of ship pipeline components in contact with sea water, such as, for example, the main engine cooling system. These alloys are characterized by a very high corrosion resistance, which is ensured by appropriately carried out...
Tensile test of part of CuNiFeR pipeline
Dane BadawczeCopper and nickel alloys called cunifers (Cu, Ni, Fe and R – rest of alloy elements) have found wide application in the production of ship pipeline components in contact with sea water, such as, for example, the main engine cooling system. These alloys are characterized by a very high corrosion resistance, which is ensured by appropriately carried out...
Zaawansowane utlenianie odcieków składowiskowych - przegląd metod
PublikacjaPrzedstawiono rozwiązania unieszkodliwiania odcieków składowiskowych metodami zaawansowanego utleniania, takimi jak: reakcja Fentona, utlenienie ozonem i nadtlenkiem wodoru, utlenienie elektrochemiczne, utlenienie w warunkach nadkrytycznych oraz mokre utlenienie powietrzem. Podstawy teoretyczne tych metod, ich efektywność oraz stosowane reagenty. Uwarunkowania stosowania poszczególnych metod.
Investigations of Titanium Implants Covered with Hydroxyapatite Layer
PublikacjaTo reduce unfavorable phenomena occurring after introducing an implant into human body various modifications of the surface are suggested. Such modifications may have significant impact on biocompatibility of metallic materials. The titanium and it's alloys are commonly used for joint and dental implants due to their high endurance, low plasticity modulus, good corrosion resistance as well as biocompatibility. Special attention...
Highly effective degradation of selected groups of organic compounds by cavitation based AOPs under basic pH conditions
PublikacjaCavitation has become on the most often applied methods in a number of industrial technologies. In the case of oxidation of organic pollutants occurring in the aqueous medium, cavitation forms the basis of numerous advanced oxidation processes (AOPs). This paper presents the results of investigations on the efficiency of oxidation of the following groups of organic compounds: organosulfur, nitro derivatives of benzene, BTEX, and...
Environmental degradation of titanium alloy in artificial saliva
PublikacjaThe titanium and its alloys are potentially prone to hydrogen embrittlement, including those proposed for dental implants. The research has been aimed to assess a susceptibility to environment-enhanced degradation of the Ti-13Zr-13Nb alloy in artificial saliva with or without hydrofluoric acid, subject or not to cathodic polarisation. The results have shown that even if artificial saliva is safe environment, both cathodic polarization...
Modeling of microstructure evolution during high-temperature oxidation of porous Fe-Cr steels
PublikacjaResearch on the high-temperature oxidation of metals and alloys is experimentally challenging due to the requirement for long-term corrosion exposure, and in the case of porous alloys, due to their complex internal microstructure. In this study, a corrosion model based on the morphological operations of dilation and erosion has been developed. This approach allows for a utilization of various raster representations of the microstructure...
Effective method of treatment of industrial effluents under basic pH conditions using acoustic cavitation – a comprehensive comparison with hydrodynamic cavitation processes
PublikacjaThe use of acoustic cavitation in advanced oxidation processes (AOPs) is a promising trend in research for treatment of industrial effluents. The paper presents the results of investigations on the use of acoustic cavitation aided by additional oxidation processes (ozonation/H2O2 oxidation/Peroxone/UV-C) for the treatment of effluents from the production of bitumens. Under these conditions, the total contaminant load, expressed...
High temperature corrosion evaluation and lifetime prediction of porous Fe22Cr stainless steel in air in temperature range 700–900 °C
PublikacjaThis work describes a high temperature corrosion kinetics study of ~30% porous Fe22Cr alloys. The surface area of the alloy (~0.02 m2 g-1) has been determined by tomographic microscopy. The weight gain of the alloys was studied by isothermal thermogravimetry in the air for 100 hours at 700 - 900 °C. Breakaway oxidation was observed after oxidation at 850 °C (~100 hours) and 900 °C (~30 hours). The lifetime prediction shows the...
Hydrogen Embrittlement and Oxide Layer E ect in the Cathodically Charged Zircaloy-2
PublikacjaThe present paper is aimed at determining the less investigated effects of hydrogen uptake on the microstructure and the mechanical behavior of the oxidized Zircaloy-2 alloy. The specimens were oxidized and charged with hydrogen. The different oxidation temperatures and cathodic current densities were applied. The scanning electron microscopy, X-ray electron diffraction spectroscopy, hydrogen absorption assessment, tensile, and...
Morphology and conductivity investigations of nickel-molybdenium alloy by means of Scanning Spreading Resistance Microscopy
Dane BadawczeElectrolytically deposited nickel-molybdenum alloys are interesting materials because of their high corrosion resistance and low over-potential for hydrogen evolution. Despite many studies devoted to the deposition of these alloys, the mechanism of co-deposition is not fully understood [1]. The aim of the research was to preserve the electrochemically...
Visualization of the surface of the Nafion membrane
Dane BadawczeFuel cells use the chemical energy of hydrogen or other fuels to produce electricity. If the fuel is hydrogen, the only products are electricity, water and heat. Fuel cells are unique in the variety of their potential applications, they can use a wide variety of fuels. They are also highly scalable devices that can power both cars and mobile phones....
High-temperature Corrosion of ~ 30 Pct Porous FeCr Stainless Steels in Air: Long-Term Evaluation Up to Breakaway
PublikacjaIn this work, a long-term (up to 6000 hours) corrosion evaluation of three porous (~ 30 pct of initial porosity) ferritic iron-chromium alloys with different Cr contents (20, 22, and 27 wt pct of Cr) was carried out at 600 C, 700 C, 800 C, and 900 C in air. Mass gain measurements and SEM analyses revealed that at temperatures above 600 C, all alloys exhibit breakaway corrosion, whereas at 600 C, none of the alloys were heavily...
A new simple approach to prepare rare-earth metals-modified TiO2 nanotube arrays photoactive under visible light: Surface properties and mechanism investigation
PublikacjaApplication of Ti90RE10 alloys (RE = Ho, Er, Nd, Y, Ce, Tm) as a working electrode, instead of Ti pure foil in anodic oxidation in a fluoride-based electrolyte, resulted in formation of well-ordered nanotubes made of TiO2 and RE2O3 mixture, which could be efficiently used for pollutant removal from water and air phase upon UV and visible irradiation and easily separable from the reaction mixture to recycle. The as-prepared NTs...
Wastewater treatment by means of advanced oxidation processes based on cavitation – A review
PublikacjaHydrodynamic and acoustic cavitation combined with advanced oxidation processes (AOPs), including, among others, the Fenton process, is a promising alternative to the technologies of wastewater treatment technologies in use today. The present review discusses processes based on cavitation combined with AOPs and evaluates their effectiveness in oxidation of organic contaminants. Complete degradation of, among others, p-nitrotoluene,...
Influence of yttria surface modification on high temperature corrosion of porous Ni22Cr alloy
PublikacjaProtective coatings for porous alloys for high temperature use are relatively new materials. Their main drawback is high temperature corrosion. In this work protective coatings based the on Y-precursor infiltrated into the sintered Ni22Cr alloys are studied at 700°C. Effects of the amount of the protective phase on the resulting corrosion properties are evaluated in air and humidified hydrogen. Weight gain of the samples, their...
TiO 2 Co x O y composite nanotube arrays via one step electrochemical anodization for visible light–induced photocatalytic reaction
PublikacjaTiO2CoxOy (x = 1, y = 1 or x = 3, y = 4) composite photocatalysts have been synthesized via one step anodic anodization of TiCo alloys. The effects of the cobalt content in the alloy (5, 10 and 15 wt%), water content (2, 5 and 10%) in the electrolyte solution, and applied voltage (30, 40 and 50 V) during the anodization process on the morphology and surface properties. Additionally, the dependence of cobalt content in the nanotubes...
Degradation of bisphenol S – a contaminant of emerging concern - by synergistic ozone and percarbonate based AOP
PublikacjaDegradation of bisphenol S was studied using ozone activated by sodium percarbonate and the effectiveness of optimized process was compared with the peroxone process. The influence of several factors including sodium percarbonate concentration, ozone dose, pH, and water matrix were investigated. A synergetic coefficient of 3.84 was achieved for the combination of sodium percarbonate and ozone, confirming the effectiveness of this...
Influence of Surface Modification of Titanium and Its Alloys for Medical Implants on Their Corrosion Behavior
PublikacjaTitanium and its alloys are often used for long-term implants after their surface treatment. Such surface modification is usually performed to improve biological properties but seldom to increase corrosion resistance. This paper presents research results performed on such metallic materials modified by a variety of techniques: direct voltage anodic oxidation in the presence of fluorides, micro-arc oxidation (MAO), pulse laser treatment,...
Preliminary investigations of effect of conditions of FCAW process on diffusible hydrogen content in deposited metal
PublikacjaOne of the types of hydrogen degradation of steel welded joints is cold cracking. The direct cause of the formation of cold cracks is simultaneous presence of hydrogen, residual stresses and brittle structure. The way of preventing the occurring of degradation is to eliminate at least one of these factors. Practice has shown that the best solution is to control the amount of hydrogen in deposited metal. In this paper the state...
Thermal affection on hydrogen diffusion in different structures of nickel alloy
PublikacjaPurpose Based on previous research, we choose nickel alloy 718 as the research material and use finite element analysis (FEA) to simulate the hydrogen diffusion in lattice, grain, boundary grain and dislocation in different thermal loads, aiming to understand the intricate mechanisms underlying hydrogen diffusion in nickel-based alloys, which will contribute to driving progress in the field of hydrogen diffusion for understanding...
Diffusible Hydrogen Control in Flux Cored Arc Welding Process
PublikacjaOne of the types of hydrogen degradation of steel welded joints is cold cracking. The direct cause of the formation of cold cracks is simultaneous presence of hydrogen, residual stresses and brittle structure. The way of preventing the occurring of degradation is to eliminate at least one of these factors. Practice has shown that the best solution is to control the amount of hydrogen in deposited metal. In this paper an experimental...
High Temperature Corrosion Evaluation of Porous Hastelloy X Alloy in Air and Humidified Hydrogen Atmospheres
PublikacjaIn this work a commercially available porous Hastelloy X alloy is characterized in terms of high temperature corrosion resistance. The alloy was oxidized in the temperature range from 500C to 900C in air and humidified hydrogen for 100 hours. Corrosion rates and porosity changes were measured. Microstructural characterization was performed using X-ray diffractometry and scanning electron microscopy. Results show that porous alloys...
Degradation mechanisms and protective coatings for ferritic stainless-steel interconnects of solid oxide fuel cells: A review
PublikacjaFerritic stainless steels (FSSs) are promising interconnect materials for solid oxide fuel cells (SOFCs). However, FSSs undergo fast thermal-oxidation during SOFC operation, generating poorly-conductive oxide scales and volatile chromium-oxides detrimental to cathodes. Developing protective coatings is crucial for inhibiting degradation of FSS-interconnects. This article starts with a brief discussion of the oxidation behavior...