Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: granular materials
Discussion:Horizontal stress increase induced by deep vibratory compaction
PublikacjaDeep compaction control of granular material using the results of field tests. The analysis include the CPTU and DMT tests terformed before and after compaction works.
Effect of free water on the quasi‑static compression behavior of partially‑saturated concrete with a fully coupled DEM/CFD approach.
PublikacjaThe work aims to numerically investigate the quasi-static response of partially fluid-saturated concrete under two-dimensional uniaxial compression at the mesoscale. We investigated how the impact of free pore fluid content (water and gas) affected the quasi-static strength of concrete. The totally and partially fluid-saturated concrete behavior was simulated using an improved pore-scale hydro-mechanical model based on DEM/CFD....
Overcoming carboxylic acid inhibition by granular consortia in high-load liquefied food waste fermentation for efficient lactate accumulation
PublikacjaGranular sludge, a self-aggregating spherical biofilm, possesses better stability compared to flocculent sludge under extreme conditions. This study compared the ability of anaerobic granular sludge (AnGS) and flocculent waste activated sludge (WAS) to convert food waste (FW) into highly-valuable optically active lactic acid (LA), a central and versatile intermediate platform molecule. Different loadings (30–60 g volatile suspended...
Chracteristics of anaerobic ammonium oxidation initated by anaerobic granular sludge
PublikacjaTwo different mixed sludge, anaerobic granular sludge(R1) and anaerobic granular sludge with mature anaerobic ammonium oxidation (ANAMMOX) sludge (R2 )were used as the inocula in two up-flow reactors to enrich anaerobic ammonia-oxidizing bacteria (AnAOB),respectively.The total nitrogen removal rate of R1 reached 74% in 99 days, while R2 remained above 70% in only 48 days.The content of extracellular polymeric substance (EPS) in...
The metagenomic approach to characterization of the microbial community shift during the long-term cultivation of anammox-enriched granular sludge
PublikacjaA metagenomic approach was used to investigate how the microbial community composition changes when an anammox-based granular sludge reactor is seeded with nitritation-anammox biomass from a wastewater treatment plant. In the seed sample, the abundance of Candidatus Kuenenia stuttgartiensis was similar to Candidatus Jettenia caeni (12.63 vs. 11.68%). This biomass was typical in terms of microbial nitrogen conversion; both ammonia...
FE-studies on shear localization in an anisotropic micro-polar hypoplastic granular material
PublikacjaW artykule przedstawiono wyniki numerycznej wpływu anizotropii w materiałach granulowanych na powstawanie lokalizacji odkształceń. Obliczenia wykonano dla ściskania dwuosiowego stosując metodę elementów skończonych na bazie mikropolarnego prawa hipoplastycznego.
FE-investigations of a deterministic and statistical size effect in granular bodies within a micro-polar hypoplasticity
PublikacjaArtykuł omawia deterministyczny i statystyczny efekt skali w materiałach granulowanych podczas ścinania cienkiej warstwy piasku między dwoma bardzo szorstkimi ścianami. Obliczenia wykonano metodą elementów skończonych na bazie mikropolarnego prawa hipoplastycznego. Przyjęto różne wysokości warstw.
Modelling of fracture process in concrete using a novel lattice model.
PublikacjaArtykuł omawia wyniki modelowania procesu zarysowania w elementach betonowych przy zastosowaniu dyskretnego modelu kratownicowego. Beton był modelowany na poziomie mezoskali z uwzględnieniem 3 faz: kruszywa, zaczynu cementowego i stref kontaktu. Obliczenia wykonano dla rozciągania i ścinania połączonego z rozciąganiem.
FE-calculations of stress distribution under prismatic and conical sandpiles within hypoplasticity
PublikacjaW artykule przedstawiono wyniki numerycznej rozkładu naprężeń pod pryzmatycznymi i stożkowymi stosami piasku w ramach mikropolarnej hipoplastyczności. Wyniki pokazują, że rozkład naprężeń zależy od sposobu napełnienia stożku piaskiem. W niektórych przypadkach, maksymalne naprężenie nie występuje w środku stosu piasku.
FE-investigation of shear localization in granular bodies under high shear rate
PublikacjaArtykuł omawia wpływ prędkości ścinania an lokalizację odkształceń wwąskiej warstwie piasku poddanej ścinaniu. Obliczenia wykonano przyzastosowaniu metody elementów skończonych i mikropolarnego modeluhipoplastycznego rozszerzonego o lepkość.
DEM analysis of micro-structural events within granular shear zones under passive earth pressure conditions
PublikacjaW artykule omówiono wyniki obliczeń numerycznych dla pasku dla stanu pasywnego sztywnej ścianki podczas jej translacji stosując metodę elementów dyskretnych. Analizowano głównie zjawiska mikrostrukturalne w strefach ścinania podczas translacji sztywnej ścianki. Szczególna uwagę zwrócono na pojawienie się wirów w materiale granulowanym.
FE-investigations of micro-polar boundary conditions along interface between soil and structure
PublikacjaW artykule zaproponowano mikropolarne warunki brzegowe w strefie kontaktu materiału granulowanego ze ścianą konstrukcji. Warunki te umożliwiają wyznaczenie grubości strefy kontaktu w zależności od szorstkości ściany. Obliczenia wykonano przy zastosowaniu metody elementów skończonych i mikropolarnego modelu hipoplastycznego.
Effect of grain roughness on strength, volume changes, elastic and dissipated energies during quasi-static homogeneous triaxial compression using DEM
PublikacjaArtykuł omawia wpływ szorstkości ziaren na wytrzymałość, zmiany objętościowe, sprężyste i dysypywane energie podczas jednorodnego quasi-statycznego trójosiowego ściskania. Obliczenia wykonano stosując metodę elementów dyskretnych. W obliczeniach zastosowano różne szorstkości ziaren.
Effects of aggregate crushing and strain rate on fracture in compressive concrete with a DEM-based breakage model
PublikacjaW tym artykule zbadano, w jaki sposób kruche kruszywa wpływają na mezoskopowe zachowanie dynamiczne betonu w warunkach jednoosiowego ściskania. Przeprowadzono obszerne dynamiczne obliczenia dwuwymiarowe (2D), aby zbadać wpływ kruszenia kruszywa i szybkości odkształcania na dynamiczną wytrzymałość betonu i wzory pęknięć. Wykorzystując model pękania oparty na DEM, beton symulowano jako materiał czterofazowy składający się z kruszywa,...
Modelling of concrete behaviour in uniaxial compression and tension with DEM.
PublikacjaW artykule omowiono wyniki modelowania betonu podczas jednoosiowego sciskania i rozciagania stosujac metode elementów dyskretnych. Beton zostal opisany jako material 3-fazowy (kruszywo, zaprawa cementowa i strefy kontaktu). Szczegolna uwage zwrocono na zjawiska mikro-strukturalne na poziomie kruszywa (lancuchy sil, wiry, obroty ziaren). Wyniki numeryczne zostaly porownano z wynikami badan doswiadczalnych.
Investigations of quasi-static vortex structures in 2D sand specimen under passive earth pressure conditions based on DEM and Helmholtz-Hodge vector field decomposition.
PublikacjaArtykuł przedstawia wyniki obliczeń quasi-statycznych struktur wirowych w 2-wymiarowej próbce piasku w warunkach pasywnego parcia gruntu. Zastosowano metodę elementów dyskretnych i dekompozycję Helmholtza-Hodge’a pola wektorowego. Stwierdzono bliską zależność między wirami a miejscem powstania strefy lokalizacji odkształceń stycznych.
Comparative study of high‑pressure fluid flow in densely packed granules using a 3D CFD model in a continuous medium and a simplified 2D DEM‑CFD approach. Granular Matter
PublikacjaIzotermiczny ściśliwy jednofazowy przepływ cieczy przez niejednorodną masę ziarnistą składającą się z gęsto upakowanych zachodzących na siebie kul imitujących skałę pod wysokim ciśnieniem zbadano numerycznie przy użyciu dwóch różnych podejść. Pierwsze podejście zwane pełnym modelem 3D CFD stosowało metodę skończonych objętości (FVM) do rozwiązania uśrednionego równania Naviera-Stokesa zakładając model naprężeń Reynoldsa (BSL) w...
Comparative modeling of shear localization in granular bodies with FEM and DEM
PublikacjaThe intention of the paper is to compare the calculations of shear zones in granular bodies using two different approaches: a continuum and a discrete one. In the first case, the FEM based on a micro-polar hypoplastic constitutive law was used. In the second case, the DEM was taken advantage of, where contact moments were taken into account to model grain roughness. The comparative calculations were performed for a passive case...
Numerical Modelling of Shear Localization in Granular Bodies using MPM and Non-local Hypoplasticity
PublikacjaThe paper deals with modelling of shear localization in granular bodies by means of an enhanced hypoplastic constitutive model and material point method (MPM). The calculations were carried out for plane strain compression of non-cohesive sand. In order to properly capture the width and inclination of shear zones, the constitutive model was enriched by a characteristic length of micro-structure by means of a non-local theory....
Permeability of sandy soils estimated from particle size distribution and field measurements
PublikacjaAccurate estimation of soil permeability is crucial in many geotechnical applications. Empirical and theoretical equations based on soil particle size distribution (PSD) offer a fast and cheap way for preliminary estimation of permeability in granular soils, however the results obtained from various formulas available in the literature often show significant discrepancies. While several comparative studies on this topic have been...
Mining Knowledge of Respiratory Rate Quantification and Abnormal Pattern Prediction
PublikacjaThe described application of granular computing is motivated because cardiovascular disease (CVD) remains a major killer globally. There is increasing evidence that abnormal respiratory patterns might contribute to the development and progression of CVD. Consequently, a method that would support a physician in respiratory pattern evaluation should be developed. Group decision-making, tri-way reasoning, and rough set–based analysis...
Modeling the pH effects on nitrogen removal in the anammox-enriched granular sludge
PublikacjaThe aim of the study was to determine the pH effects on nitrogen removal in the anammox-enriched granular sludge. The experimental data were extracted from a 4L completely-mixed batch reactor with the granular sludge at different initial pH values (6.5, 7, 7.5, 8, 8.5, 9, 9.5, 10, 10.5) and constant temperature T=30℃. Simulations were run in GPS-X 6.4 using a comprehensive mechanistic model Mantis2. Two kinetic parameters, including...
PublikacjaThe aim of the study was to determine the pH effects on nitrogen removal in the anammox-enriched 10 granular sludge. The experimental data were extracted from a 4L completely-mixed batch reactor with the 11 granular sludge at different initial pH values (6.5, 7, 7.5, 8, 8.5, 9, 9.5, 10, 10.5) and constant temperature 12 T=30℃. Simulations were run in GPS-X 6.4 using a comprehensive mechanistic model Mantis2. Two 13 kinetic parameters,...
Impedance Studies of Phosphate-iron Glasses Containing Niobium and Titanium
PublikacjaThe ac and dc conductivity in phosphate-iron-niobate glasses with addition of titanium oxide was investigated as a function of temperature and frequency with the use of impedance spectroscopy. The topography and microstructure of glasses were investigated by the means of X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), and confocal microscopy methods. The obtained results show that all samples are amorphous but they...
Synthesis and characterisation of starch cuprate
PublikacjaThe cupration of granular potato starch with ammonium tetrachlorocuprate(II) was performed by a 20 min lasting microwave-assisted process and by 40 min convectional heating. In both cases the degree of esterification (DE) did not exceed 0.0064. A higher dose of cuprate had a positive effect on DE, regardless of whether the microwave irradiation or the convectional heating was applied, and on the thermal stability of the starch...
Microwave-assisted preparation of potato starch silicated with silicic acid
PublikacjaApplication of microwave irradiation for the silication of granular potato starch with silicic acid, and the properties of silicated starch were investigated. Potato starch was esterified on 20 min microwave irradiation of starch with silicic acid, applying the power of 450 or 800Wand, for comparison, on 120 min convectional heating of the reagent blend at 100 ◦C. The degree of esterification and the reaction efficiency did not...
Inhibition of the granular anammox process by the high concentration of free ammonia.
PublikacjaHigh concentrations of ammonia and nitrite, typical for reject water treatment in the anammox process with the use of high temperatures and pH, may cause free ammonia (FA) inhibition. In this study, the inhibitory effect of FA on anammox process rate was investigated in a bench-scale sequencing batch reactor (SBR) with granular anammox biomass. Results of the study present that the anammox process could be successfully operated...
A new technology of crude vegetable oil degumming with rhamnolipid solutions
PublikacjaA new technology of crude vegetable oil degumming is described. It is based on rhamnolipid biocomplex solution application for phosphatides removal. The rhamnolipid biocomplex produced by Pseudomonas sp. PS-17 was used as biosurfactant. Rapeseed oil was used in all experiments. First, it was degummed with H2SO4 in order to remove all phosphatides and then 1% (w/w) of granular soybean lecithin was added. Model oil was treated with...
Sulfate reducing ammonium oxidation (SULFAMMOX) process under anaerobic conditions
PublikacjaSulfate (SO42-) can be an electron acceptor for ammonium nitrogen (NH4+) oxidation under anaerobic conditions. The process is known as sulfammox and can be a viable alternative to conventional, nitrite (NO2-) dependent, anammox. Two bacterial species, including Bacillus Benzoevorans and Brocadia Anammoxoglobus Sulfate, can perform that process. With sulfammox, an economically inefficient pre-nitration step (due to aeration) is...
Data set generation at novel test-rig for validation of numerical models for modeling granular flows
PublikacjaSignificant effort has been exerted on developing fast and reliable numerical models for modeling particulate flow; this is challenging owing to the complexity of such flows. To achieve this, reliable and high-quality experimental data are required for model development and validation. This study presents the design of a novel test-rig that allows the visualization and measurement of particle flow patterns during the collision...
Integration of the sulfate reduction and anammox processes for enhancing sustainable nitrogen removal in granular sludge reactors
PublikacjaThe Anammox and Sulfate Reduction Ammonium Oxidation processes were compared in two granular sequencing batch reactors operated for 160 days under anammox conditions. It was hypothesized that increasing the concentration of SO42− may positively influence the rate of N removal under anaerobic conditions and it was tested whether SO42− reduction and anammox occur independently or are related to each other. The cooperation of N-S...
Model-Based Evaluation of N2O Production Pathways in the Anammox-Enriched Granular Sludge Cultivated in a Sequencing Batch Reactor
PublikacjaA mechanistic model was developed as an extension of the Activated Sludge Model No. 1 to describe three nitrous oxide (N2O) production pathways in a laboratory-scale anammox-enriched granular sequencing batch reactor. Heterotrophic denitrification and two processes mediated by ammonia oxidizing bacteria (AOB), that is, ammonia (NH4+) oxidation via hydroxylamine (NH2OH) and autotrophic denitrification, were considered. A systematic...
Numerical investigation of multiphase blood flow coupled with lumped parameter model of outflow
PublikacjaPurpose The purpose of this paper is the application of the computational fluid dynamics model simulating the blood flow within the aorta of an eight-year-old patient with Coarctation of Aorta. Design/methodology/approach The numerical model, based on commercial code ANSYS Fluent, was built using the multifluid Euler–Euler approach with the interaction between the phases described by the kinetic theory of granular flow (KTGF). Findings A...
Optimization of hydrodynamic vortex separator for removal of sand particles from storm water by computational fluid dynamics
PublikacjaStorm water treatment has been gradually acknowledged for the removal of pollutants from urban areas using the hydro cyclone separation technique. The separation efficiency of the hydrodynamic vortex separator (HDVS) is a complex phenomenon. With the aim enhance the separation potency of HDVS for storm runoff to get rid of sand particles, the HDVS with different structural configurations was studied by computational fluid dynamics....
Towards application of uncertainty quantification procedure combined with experimental procedure for assessment of the accuracy of the DEM approach dedicated for granular flow modeling
PublikacjaThere is a high demand for accurate and fast numerical models for dense granular flows found in many industrial applications. Nevertheless, before numerical model can be used its need to be always validated against experimental data. During the validation, it is important to consider how the measurement data sets, as well as the numerical models, are affected by errors and uncertainties. In this study, the uncertainty quantification...
Correlations of structural, thermal and electrical properties of sodium doped complex borophosphosilicate glass
PublikacjaBorophosphosilicate glasses with varying sodium ion concentrations were investigated for their, structural, thermal, and electrical properties. All the obtained glasses were transparent except the glass with the highest sodium content, which exhibited translucency due to inhomogeneities. Increasing sodium content led to reduced boron and silicon content while maintaining a constant B/Si ratio, indicating progressive depolymerization...
Importance of the combined effects of dissolved oxygen and pH on optimization of nitrogen removal in anammox-enriched granular sludge
PublikacjaThe combined effects of dissolved oxygen (DO) and pH on nitrogen removal were investigated in a laboratory-scale sequencing batch reactor (SBR) with anammox-enriched granular sludge obtained from a nitritation/anammox system. The highest specific nitrogen removal rate (SNRR) (1.1 gN gVSS−1 d−1) was observed under non-aerated conditions, resulting in the nitrogen removal efficiency of 81.6%. Although nitrogen removal was readily...
The New 3D Printed Left Atrial Appendage Closure with a Novel Holdfast Device: A Pre-Clinical Feasibility Animal Study
PublikacjaMany patients undergoing cardiac surgery have risk factors for both atrial fibrillation and stroke. The left atrial appendage (LAA) is the primary site for thrombi formation. Therefore LAA occlusion devices should be tested for their ability to reduce future cerebral ischemic events in patients with high-risk of haemorrhage. The aim of this study was to evaluate the safety and feasibility of a novel left atrial appendage exclusion...
Long-term performance and microbial characteristics of the anammox-enriched granular sludge cultivated in a bench-scale sequencing batch reactor
PublikacjaThe anammox-enriched granular sludge was successfully formed during the long-term biogranulation experiment lasting over 330 days. The cultivation was conducted at 30 ◦C in a 10-L sequencing batch reactor (SBR) fed with synthetic medium containing ammonia, nitrite and trace elements. The properties of the developed granules were investigated in terms of the biomass activity (including the growth rate of anammox bacteria), size...
Application of the Anammox Process for Treatment of Liquid Phase Digestate
PublikacjaThe liquid phase of the digestate (LPD) contains a relatively high concentration of nitrogen, with total ammonium nitrogen being the dominant form of nitrogen, as well as other essential nutrients such as phosphorus and potassium. Consequently, it must be treated before it is released into the environment. However, there are no reports of co-purification of LPD in the anammox process in sequencing batch reactor with granular sludge,...
The Influence of Sulfate on Anaerobic Ammonium Oxidation in a Sequencing Batch Reactor
PublikacjaAnaerobic ammonia-oxidizing bacteria have a more comprehensive metabolism than expected - there may be other electron acceptors that oxidize ammonium nitrogen under anaerobic conditions, in addition to the well-known nitrite nitrogen, one of which is sulfate in the sulfammox process. Sulfate-containing compounds are part of the medium for the anammox process, but their concentrations are not particularly high (0.2 g MgSO4 ∙ 7H2O/dm3...
Optimization of the Aeration Strategies in a Deammonification Sequencing Batch Reactor for Efficient Nitrogen Removal and Mitigation of N2O Production
PublikacjaIn deammonification systems, nitrite-oxidizing bacteria (NOB) suppression and nitrous oxide (N2O) mitigation are two important operational objectives. To carry out this multivariable analysis of response, a comprehensive model for the N cycle was developed and evaluated against experimental data from a laboratory-scale deammonification granular sludge sequencing batch reactor. Different aeration strategies were tested, and the manipulated...
Influence of temperature on the activity of anammox granular biomass.
PublikacjaThe aim of this study was to determine a short-term and long-term effect of temperature on the anammox rate and determination of temperature coefficients in the Arrhenius and Ratkowsky equations. The short-term effects of temperature on the anammox granular biomass were investigated in batch tests at ten different temperatures in the range of 10–55 °C. The maximum overall nitrogen removal rate of 1.3 gN gVSS−1·d−1 was observed...
Comparative 3D DEM simulations of sand–structure interfaces with similarly shaped clumps versus spheres with contact moments.
PublikacjaThree-dimensional simulations of a monotonic quasi-static interface behaviour between initially dense cohesionless sand and a rigid wall of different roughness during tests in a parallelly guided direct shear test under constant normal stress are presented. Numerical modelling was carried out by the discrete element method (DEM) using clumps in the form of convex non-symmetric irregularly shaped grains. The clumps had an aspect...
The role of microbial coagulants on the physicochemical, proteolysis, microstructure and sensory properties of low-fat Edam cheese manufactured from ultrafiltered buffalo milk
PublikacjaThis work investigates the influence of using microbial coagulants, including Rhizomucor miehei (MCR) protease and Cryphonectria parasitica (MCC) protease, on the quality characteristics of low-fat Edam cheese made from ultrafiltered buffalo milk (LFUE). Concurrently, a benchmark with calf rennet (CR) has been also performed. Throughout a 90-day ripening period, the cheeses were assessed for their physicochemical features, proteolysis,...
A pore-scale thermo–hydro-mechanical model for particulate systems
PublikacjaA pore scale numerical method dedicated to the simulation of heat transfer and associated thermo–hydro-mechanical couplings in granular media is described. The proposed thermo–hydro-mechanical approach builds on an existing hydromechanical model that employs the discrete element method for simulating the mechanical behavior of dense sphere packings and combines it with the finite volume method for simulating pore space fluid flow...
External electron donor and transporter of iron triggers the paths to enhancing collaboration of anammox and denitrification in granular sludge: Bacterial resilience and synergetic promotion mechanism
PublikacjaAutotrophic nitrogen removal via anaerobic ammonium oxidation (anammox) technology currently faces sig nificant challenges in treating low-strength wastewater due to inefficient retention of bacteria and unstable activity under fluctuating conditions. This study demonstrates enhanced resilience and stability of anammox coupled with partial denitrification (PD) in granular sludge, assisted by ferric iron (Fe(III)) and nano zero-valent iron...
The role of the combined nitrogen-sulfur-carbon cycles for efficient performance of anammox-based systems
PublikacjaThe combined anammox/mixotrophic denitrification process was conducted in two granular sequencing batch reactors (SBRs) during a 200-day operation. Both reactors were fed with synthetic medium, but SBR2 was enriched with additional sulfate (SO4 2 ) which influenced sulfate reduction ammonium oxidation (SRAO) and heterotrophic reduction of SO4 2 by sulfate reducing bacteria. It was hypothesized that the addition of SO4 2 could...
Removal of nitrogen from wastewater: Unsolved problems and possible solutions with partial denitrification/anammox systems
PublikacjaAbstract Nitrate (NO3−) is more stable than ammonia (NH4+) and nitrite (NO2−) among the majority of emerging pollutants in wastewater that can harm the ecosystem by depleting oxygen and water quality, thereby posing environmental and human health risks. Despite anaerobic ammonium oxidation (anammox) being a common method for nitrogen (N) removal from wastewater, it leaves behind residual NO3− of around 11 %. Maintaining the stability...
Microstructure degradation and creep failure study of the dissimilar metal welded joint of heat-resistant steel and Inconel 617 alloy tested at 650 °C and applied stress range of 100–150 MPa
PublikacjaThe advanced ultra-supercritical (A-USC) power plant system is anticipated to become India's next-generation base-load power station. To adopt AUSC technology, dissimilar welded joints (DWJs) between heat-resistant steels and the nickel-based alloys, using the nickel-based fillers, will need to be implemented. However, failure of dissimilar welded joints from P92 steel base metal or the heat affected zone (HAZ) has been commonly...