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Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: impact damage
Wavelet Analysis for Damage Identification in Composite Structures
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Wavelet analysis for damage identification in composite structures
Publikacjaw pracy zaproponowano metodę analizy sygnalu opartą o transformatę falkową, pozwalajacą na identyfikcaje pęknięcia zmęczeniowego w jednowymiarowych elementach konstrukcyjnych wykonanych z materialow kompozytowych
Application of wavelet analysis in damage detection and localization
PublikacjaWykrywanie i lokalizacja uszkodzeń w konstrukcjach inżynierskich są przedmiotem intensyw-nych badań z powodu ich praktycznego znaczenia. Niezwykle istotne jest wczesne wykrycie uszko-dzeń w konstrukcjach inżynierskich o szczególnym znaczeniu, ponieważ ich propagacja może do-prowadzić do katastrofy budowlanej. Stosunkowo nową dziedziną badań w wykrywaniu zniszczeń jest zastosowanie analizy falkowej. Metoda ta bazuje na postaciach...
Mechanism for Damage to DNA by Low-Energy Electrons
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Damage Detection of Steel-Concrete Composite Beam
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Wave propagation in damage assessment of ground anchors
PublikacjaThe inspection possibilities of ground anchors are limited to destructive test such as pull-out test. Guided wave propagation gives an opportunity to develop an inspection system dedicated to determine the condition of inspected element without violation of their integrity. In this paper the experimental study on wave propagation in laboratory models of ground anchors are presented. Experiments were conducted for different bonding...
Hydrogen Damage in Superaustenitic 904L Stainless Steels
Publikacjaresults on the influence of hydrogen on corrosion resistance and of hydrogen embrittlement of 904L superaustenitic stainless steel were investigated. The cracking behavior was studied by performing a slow strain rate test in synthetic seawater under varying cathodic polarization conditions. The results showed that the steel’s plasticity varied with the applied cathodic current density. Significant reductions in ductility were found,...
Thermodynamically consistent nonlocal theory of ductile damage
PublikacjaPrzedstawiono termodynamicznie zgodną, słabo-nielokalną teorię zniszczenia plastycznego. Wykorzystano klasyczne dynamiczne zasady zachowania pędu i momentu pędu w przestrzeni fizycznej i materialnej. Przyjęto równania konstytutywne i zdefiniowano ich niezmienniczą formę i termodynamicznie dopuszczalną postać. Wykazano, że fizyczne i materialne siły i naprężenia składają się z dwóch części, niedyssypatywnego składnika otrzymanego...
Effective Formula for Impact Damping Ratio for Simulation of Earthquake-induced Structural Pounding
PublikacjaStructural pounding during earthquakes may cause substantial damage to colliding structures. The phenomenon is numerically studied using different models of collisions. The aim of the present paper is to propose an effective formula for the impact damping ratio, as a parameter of the impact force model used to study different problems of structural pounding under seismic excitations. Its accuracy has been verified by four various...
Damage localisation in a stiffened plate structure using a propagating wave
PublikacjaThe paper presents an application of changes in propagating waves for damage detection in a stiffened aluminium plate. The experimental investigation was conducted on an aluminium plate with riveted two L-shape stiffeners. The wave has been excited with a piezoelectric transducer and measured with the Laser Scanning Doppler Vibrometer. Recorded signals were analysed using the special signal processing techniques developed for damage...
Causes of damage and methods of repairing floor made on polystyrene concrete
PublikacjaThe paper describes damages, tests and repair of the floor made on existing ceiling and expanded polystyrene concrete underlay. The floor was built on a reinforced concrete ceiling with an area of about 1050 m2. Significant damage in the form of cracks, detachments and unevenness was found in the floor. In order to determine the causes of damage, in situ tests and laboratory tests were carried out. It was found that the damage...
Modelling of laminated glass PVB walls of buildings exposed to vehicle impact with different speeds
PublikacjaThis paper presents an analytical model, developed for laminated glass subjected to a low-velocity impact. It has the ability to capture glass cracks as well as large non-linear deformations. It is based mathematically on the firstorder deformation concept, which considers the effect of membrane and transverse shear as well as bending. This theory uses damage mechanics to capture the glass cracking. For this purpose, several experiments...
Damage detection in turbine wind blades by vibration based methods
PublikacjaThe paper describes results of numerical simulation for damage localization in the composite coat of a wind turbine blade usingmodal parameters and a modern damage detection method (wavelet transform).
PublikacjaIn this paper, based on a deep overview and literature study, the different formulas proposed for damage indices (DIs) applied to reinforced concrete structures under monotonic or cyclic loading are classified and presented. The DIs are applied to quantify the damages to structures, ranging from zero to one. Normally, they are applied to make a decision for repairing or demolition of the structures in the post-earthquake phases. Keywords:...
Quantitative risk assessment of new ship designs in damage conditions
PublikacjaThe paper is devoted to safety of ships in damage conditions. The novel contribution of the paper is connected with a new Multi-Task ship (MT-ship) design at the preliminary stage of design. There are a few problems at the preliminary stage that should be considered. One problem is connected with if the quantitative risk-based method is a reliable and formal method for safety assessment of such the new design (MT-ship) in damage...
Damage detection in plates based on Lamb wavefront shape reconstruction
PublikacjaMany of the current studies in the area of damage detection using elastic wave propagation are based on deploying sensor networks with a large number of piezoelectric transducers to detect small-size cracks. A major limitation of these studies is that cracks are usually larger and have different shapes in real cases. Moreover, using a large number of sensing nodes for damage detection is both costly and computationally intensive....
Diagnosis of bearing damage in induction motors by instantaneous power analysis
PublikacjaResearch of the machine with simulated bearing damages has been carried out, where variable load torque, simulating bearing damage, was introduced. The results show that components which can be used for bearings diagnosis appear in the spectrum of the product of current and supply voltage instantaneous values. These components are easier to identify than the components of current spectrum, which have been used so far in diagnostic...
Damage of a post-tensioned concrete bridge – Unwanted cracks of the girders
PublikacjaThe cracking of a post-tensioned T-beam superstructure, which was built using the incremental launching method, is analyzed in the paper. The problem is studied in detail, as specific damage was observed in the form of longitudinal cracks, especially in the mid-height zone of the girder at the interface of two assembly sections. The paper is a case study. A detailed inspection is done and non-destructive testing results of the...
The Effectiveness of Polymer Damper in Damage Reduction of Temporary Steel Grandstand
PublikacjaA large number of accidents involving damage of temporary grandstands during different types of events were observed in the past. The aim of the paper is to analyse numerically the effectiveness of a polymer damper in damage reduction of a temporary steel scaffolding grandstand exposed to dynamic load due to jumping. The element has been installed as a diagonal one at the back part of the structure. The method has been compared...
Visual method for detecting critical damage in railway contact strips
PublikacjaEnsuring an uninterrupted supply of power in the electric traction is vital for the safety of this important transport system. For this purpose, monitoring and diagnostics of the technical condition of the vehicle's power supply elements are becoming increasingly common. This paper presents a new visual method for detecting contact strip damage, based on measurement and analysis of the movement of the overhead contact line (OCL)...
Damage Development on the Surface of Nickel Coating in the Initial Period of Erosion
PublikacjaThe common occurrence of the phenomenon of cavitation in many industries and the multitude of factors affecting the resistance to cavitation erosion of used materials contribute to the search for methods and appropriate parameters of coating application that are able to minimize the effects of erosion. To determine the validity of the developed application parameters and the method used, cavitation studies and microscopic observations...
A simplified method to assess the impact of ship-to-ship collision on the risk of tanker ship hull girder breaking accounting for the effect of ageing
PublikacjaOne of the most critical structural failures is the exceedance of the ship hull girder’s ultimate strength, which may result in hull breaking, and subsequent severe consequences, including loss of life and property as well as environmental damage in case of an oil spill. A cause for such loss of structural continuity can be triggered by a collision with another vessel. In addition, the ageing mechanisms of the hull structure could...
X-ray and UV Radiation Damage of dsDNA/Protein Complexes
PublikacjaRadiation and photodynamic therapies are used for cancer treatment by targeting DNA. However, efficiency is limited due to physico-chemical processes and the insensitivity of native nucleobases to damage. Thus, incorporation of radio- and photosensitizers into these therapies should increase both efficacy and the yield of DNA damage. To date, studies of sensitization processes have been performed on simple model systems, e.g.,...
Evaluating experimental molecular physics studies of radiation damage in DNA*
PublikacjaThe field of Atomic and Molecular Physics (AMP) is a mature field exploring the spectroscopy, excitation, ionisation of atoms and molecules in all three phases. Understanding of the spectroscopy and collisional dynamics of AMP has been fundamental to the development and application of quantum mechanics and is applied across a broad range of disparate disciplines including atmospheric sciences, astrochemistry, combustion and environmental...
Experimental bases for the rail track surface damage detection system
PublikacjaA diagnosis of rail surface is generally based on the classical method of direct assessment and track geometry measurements. Identification and qualification of inequality and damage on the surface rails is depend on the skills and experience person who conducting inspection. In times of increasing exploitation of railways, infrastructure managers decide to use systems supporting the assessment of technical condition of the railways....
Damage Imaging in Lamb Wave-Based Inspection of Adhesive Joints
PublikacjaAdhesive bonding has become increasingly important in many industries. Non-destructive inspection of adhesive joints is essential for the condition assessment and maintenance of a structure containing such joints. The aim of this paper was the experimental investigation of the damage identification of a single lap adhesive joint of metal plate-like structures. Nine joints with different defects in the form of partial debonding...
Spectral Finite Element Method in Condition Monitoring and Damage Detection
PublikacjaIt is well known that the dynamic behaviour of engineering structures may carry very important and crucial information that can be further used for the assessment of their condition as well as detection of any damage induced. The current interest in monitoring techniques based on the propagation of guided elastic waves requires that numerical techniques used for modelling the phenomena associated must shift into the realm of high...
Experimental and numerical study on deformed steel columns subjected to impact load during earthquakes
PublikacjaThe soft-storey failure is one of the most typical types of damage observed in buildings during earthquakes. The failure of an upper soft storey of a structure results in large impact load acting on the lower floors and if the resistance of the structural members of the lower storeys is not sufficient it may further lead to progressive collapse of the whole building. The aim of the present paper is to investigate the dynamic behaviour...
Teloxantron inhibits the processivity of telomerase with preferential DNA damage on telomeres
PublikacjaTelomerase reactivation is one of the hallmarks of cancer, which plays an important role in cellular immortalization and the development and progression of the tumor. Chemical telomerase inhibitors have been shown to trigger replicative senescence and apoptotic cell death both in vitro and in vivo. Due to its upregulation in various cancers, telomerase is considered a potential target in cancer therapy. In this study, we identified...
Seismic damage diagnosis in adjacent steel and RC MRFs considering pounding effects through improved wavelet-based damage-sensitive feature
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PublikacjaCeramic brick masonry elements constitute the largest number of structural systems of historic buildings, especially sacral and public utility buildings. In the past, they were also very commonly used as a material for the construction of military facilities. Historic buildings and masonry structures undergo destructive processes over time, the course of which can be very diverse and depends, among other things, on the physicochemical...
Generation and Characterization of a DNA-GCN4 Oligonucleotide-Peptide Conjugate: The Impact DNA/Protein Interactions on the Sensitization of DNA
PublikacjaRadiotherapy, the most common therapy for the treatment of solid tumors, exerts its effects by inducing DNA damage. To fully understand the extent and nature of this damage, DNA models that mimic the in vivo situation should be utilized. In a cellular context, genomic DNA constantly interacts with proteins and these interactions could influence both the primary radical processes (triggered by ionizing radiation) and secondary reactions,...
Impact of overloaded vehicles on load equivalency factors and service period of flexible pavements
PublikacjaOverloaded vehicles occur less frequently in comparison to properly loaded vehicles but due to their greater potential to cause damage they significantly contribute to the distress of pavement structure. As the studies show, the phenomena of vehicles overloading intensifies when the control of traffic is poor and the average percentage of overloaded vehicles on analyzed roads varies from 6% to 23%. The main goal of the ar-ticle...
Determination of Peak Impact Force for Buildings Exposed to Structural Pounding during Earthquakes
PublikacjaStructural pounding between adjacent, insufficiently separated buildings, or bridge segments, has been repeatedly observed during seismic excitations. Such earthquake-induced collisions may cause severe structural damage or even lead to the collapse of colliding structures. The aim of the present paper was to show the results of the study focused on determination of peak impact forces during collisions between buildings exposed...
Diagnosis of Damage in a Steel Tank Model by Shaking Table Harmonic Tests
PublikacjaDiagnosis of damage in civil engineering structures has recently become an important issue in the safety assessment procedure. Among a number of different approaches, a method of measuring the changes in natural frequencies is one of the most effective indicators of global damage. It has been successfully applied to relatively small. structures, however, the tests on large structures are very difficult and the practical application...
Characteristics of orthopaedic implants damage and mechanisms of its initiation
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Experiments on damage development in metallic plates subjected to explosions
PublikacjaW pracy przedstawiono badania eksperymentalne rozwoju zniszczenia płyt metalowych pod wpływem eksplozji. Zaprezentowano opis badan statycznych i dynamicznych na płytach oraz opis badan jednoosiowych. Dla założonego modelu równania konstytutywnego przedstawiono sposób identyfikacji parametrów materiałowych.
Evaluation of the fatigue damage development using ESPI method
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Transmission and Reflection Coefficients for Damage Identification in 1D Elements
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Implementation of continuum damage in elasto-viscoplastic constitutive equations
PublikacjaW pracy opisano podstawowy wariant modelu Chaboche, oraz założenia i implementacje kontynualnego modelu zniszczenia do komercyjnego programu MES. W pracy zaprazentowano dwa podejścia zobrazowane na przykładach obliczeń numerycznych.
Survey of modern trends in analysis of continuum damage mechanics
PublikacjaW artykule dokonano szerokiego przegladu literatury z zakresu mechaniki zniszczenia izotropowego. Przedstawiono równania stosowane w opisie zniszczenia materiału.
Oxidative stress in humans: validation of biomarkers of DNA damage
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Damage Detection in Composite Materials Using Hyperspectral Imaging
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Vascular Aging and Damage in Patients with Iron Metabolism Disorders
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Transmission and reflection coefficients for damage identification in 1D elements
PublikacjaW pracy przedstawiono mozliowści wykorzystania współczynnika odbicia i przejścia fali sprężystej w miejscu nieciągłości konstrukcji do identyfikacji jej rodzaju
Damage detection of structures using spectral element method.
PublikacjaW pracy przedstawion mozlwiości detekcji uszkodzeń w postaci pęknięć zmęczeniowych i delaminacji z wykorzystaniem modeli budowanych za pomocą metody spektralnych elementów skończonych.
Plastic ductile damage evolution and collapse of plates and shells.
PublikacjaPraca jest poswięcona problemowi numerycznej symulacji zniszczenia w płytach i powłokach z uwzględnieniem efektów nieliniowości geometrycznej i materialowej. Uwzględniono skończone przemieszczenia i obroty; przyjęty model materiałowy obejmuje zachowanie sprężysto-plastyczne, wzmocnienie izotropowe i kinematyczne, oraz zniszczenie ciągliwe. Specjalną uwagę poświecono problemom lokalizacji zniszczenia, rozwoju zniszczenia oraz całkowitej...
Wavelet analysis in detection and localization of damage in engineering structures
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Modeling of damage in a circular plate subjected to dynamic excitation
PublikacjaSzereg różnych dziedzin nauki zajmuje się problemem zniszczenia ciśnieniowych metalowych zbiorników (mechanika, termodynamika, mechanika płynów). Tylko niektóre prace ujmują wszystkie aspekty analizy. W prezentowanej pracy przedstawiono numeryczna analizę metalowej płyty poddanej obciążeniu dynamicznemu, aż do momentu zniszczenia. Do analizy zastosowano program MSC.Marc, element powłokowy, i prawo sprężysto lekoplastyczne uwzględniające...
Vibration based damage localization in non-homogeneous structures
PublikacjaPrzedmiotem badań jest identyfikacja lokalnych uszkodzeń w konstrukcjach budowlanych. Przedstawione są trzy metody bazujące na teorii drgań. Są to metody badające: częstości własne, podatność i krzywizny postaci drgań układu. Skuteczność metod pokazana jest na przykładach symulacji komputerowych, wykonanych dla belki swobodnie podpartej, wspornikowej oraz podwieszonej kładki dla pieszych. Dodatkowo zaprezentowane są wyniki badań...