Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: photoelectron
Depth chemical profile in a CeIr3 sample
Dane BadawczeThe polycrystalline sample of CeIr3 used in the present studies was synthesized by arc-melting cerium (4N) and iridium (3N5) in an arc furnace on a water-cooled copper hearth using a tungsten electrode under a high purity argon atmosphere. A piece of zirconium was used as an oxygen getter. First, a button of Ir was prepared by arc-melting the iridium...
The XPS studies of the CB-PLA electrodes after different surface treatments (chemical, electrochemical, enzymatic)
Dane BadawczeThe dataset contains the Xray Photoelectron Spectroscopy results of the studies performed under different conditions of surface activation of the CB-PLA 3D printed electrodes. The activation was performed by hydrolysis in different solvents (DMF, 1M HCl, 1M NaOH), electrolysis in 1M NaOH, enzymatic treatment in polymerase or simultaneous electrolysis...
Electrical conductivity and relaxation processes in V2O5 nanorods prepared by sol–gel method
PublikacjaProperties of high purity V2O5 nanorods prepared by a sol – gel method are presented. The studied materials were characterized by: X-ray diffractometry (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS). The electrical impedance was measured as a function of temperature and frequency. The obtained results show that the electrical conductivity increases with increasing temperature. The d.c. conductivity...
Analysis of the chemical composition of MnO-B2O3 glass
Dane BadawczeStructural and thermal properties of xMnO−(100−x)B2O3 (where x = 40, 50 and 60 mol%) glass samples have been investigated with the employment of various techniques. Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy results revealed the influence of MnO on glass matrix. Decrease of B–O bond-related band intensities has been observed. MnO addition was found to...
Superconducting properties of vn-sio 2 sol-gel derived thin films
Publikacjain this work studies of structure and superconducting properties of vnsio2 films are reported. the films were obtained through thermal nitridation (ammonolysis) of solgel derived v2o3sio2 coatings (in a proper v2o3/sio2 ratio) at 1200 ◦c. this process leads to the formation of disordered structure with vn metallic grains dispersed in the insulating sio2 matrix. the structural transformations occurring in the lms as a result...
A competition between two- and three-body dissociation channels in photo-double-ionization of tetrahydro-2H-pyran and 3,4-dihydro-2H-pyran molecules
PublikacjaVarious molecules possess structures consisting of the heterocyclic rings containing oxygen atoms. These substances often play a significant role in many different fields of chemistry, medicine, and biology. Due to a specific atomic composition and bond arrangement, many of these molecules retain unique electronic properties, which may be probed by diverse spectroscopic techniques, including those utilizing synchrotron radiation....
Fabrication, structural and electrical properties of Sr(V,Nb)O 3-δ perovskite materials
PublikacjaThe SrV1-xNbxO3-δ materials with different niobium content in perovskite B-sublattice were prepared by a solid-state reaction process. The microstructure and phase compositions of obtained samples were analyzed by the X-ray diffraction technique (XRD) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The electrical conductivity of samples was measured by a DC 4-wire method in range of 100–600 °C in different gas conditions. The oxidation...
Investigations of the valence state of Co in a MnCoO ceramics
Dane BadawczeMcCoO ceramics materials were produced by solid state reaction and sintred in a furnance in air atmosphere for 20h. Annealing temperature was 600 Celsius degree. For investigations a series of samples, with a various composition was chosen: MnCoO, Mn, Co2O and Mn2CoO. Chemical behaviour of the Cobaltium was measured by XPS method. The analyses were...
XPS analysis of TBBO glass
Dane BadawczeGlasses and glass-ceramics with nominal composition 73 TeO2– 4BaO– 3Bi2O3–18SrF2-2RE2O3 (where RE = Eu, Dy) have been synthesized by conventional melt-quenching technique and subsequent heat treatment at 370 °C for 24 h in air atmosphere. Various Eu3+ to Dy3+ molar ratio have been applied to investigate luminescence properties in both glass and glass-ceramic...
Enhanced photocatalytic activity of accordion-like layered Ti3C2 (MXene) coupled with Fe-modified decahedral anatase particles exposing {1 0 1} and {0 0 1} facets
PublikacjaNew composites consisting of decahedral anatase particles exposing {001} and {101} facets coupled with accordion-like layered Ti3C2 with boosted photocatalytic activity towards phenol and carbamazepine degradation were investigated. The photocatalysts were characterized with X-ray diffraction (XRD), diffuse reflectance spectroscopy (DR/UV–Vis), Brunauer-Emmett-Teller (BET) specific surface area, Raman spectroscopy, scanning electron...
Characterization of the c-BN/TiC, Ti3SiC2 systems by element selectivespectroscopy.
PublikacjaPomimo dużego technologicznego zainteresowania tytanowymi kompozytami bazującymi na c-BN daje się zauważyć wyraźny brak danych dotyczących lokalnego otoczenia atomów Ti w tego typu materiałach. Główna przyczyna tego stanu rzeczy tkwi w trudności związanej z analizą układu wielofazowego o dużej twardości za pomocą konwencjonalnych metod. Praca poświęcona jest analizie składu i struktury tytanowych kompozytów za pomocą atomowo-selektywnych...
Research 1: Heterojunction of (P, S) co-doped g-C3N4 and 2D TiO2 for improved carbamazepine and acetaminophen photocatalytic degradation
Dane BadawczeThe first research article consisted on the synthesis of phosphorus and sulfur co-doped graphitic carbon nitride incorporated in 2D TiO2 structure for solar-driven degradation of emerging pollutants from the group of pharmaceuticals not susceptible to biodegradation. The hybrid photocatalysts with different loadings of (P, S)-doped g-C3N4 were characterized...
XPS study of the YST ceramics
Dane BadawczeYttrium-doped strontium titanate was prepared via conventional solid-state reaction method from Y2O3 (Sigma Aldrich, 99,9%), TiO2 (Sigma Aldrich, 99%) and SrCO3 (Sigma Aldrich,98%). For comparision, two other techniques were used for synthesis: Pechini and wet methods. Both kind of samples were measured, after and before reduction process (in a hydrogen)....
Corrosion Inhibition of AZ31-xLi (x = 4, 8, 12) magnesium alloys in sodium chloride solutions by aqueous molybdate
PublikacjaCorrosion of lithium-containing AZ31 magnesium alloys AZ31-xLi (x = 4, 8, and 12 wt%) has been examined in 0.05 M NaCl solution with and without 10–150 mM of Na2MoO4 inhibitor. Potentiodynamic polarization, electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS), and dynamic electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (DEIS) measurements were used to correlate the phase composition and microstructure of the alloys with their corrosion propensity...
Preparation and characterization of bis‐phosphonated polycarbohydrates
PublikacjaA simple, cost-effective, one-pot method was proposed to introduce bis-phosphonic groups onto alginic acid and carboxymethyl cellulose (CMC). New derivatives were characterized by means of nuclear magnetic resonance, X-ray photoelectron, and attenuated total reflectance Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy. These analyses confirmed the successful transformation of carboxylic groups present in alginic acid and CMC into bis-phosphonic...
Dissociative photo-double-ionization of the isoxazole molecules
PublikacjaThe five-membered heterocyclic rings are incorporated into a wide variety of structures that play a vital role in many biochemical processes. In particular, the isoxazole molecule appears in many bioactive compounds due to its unique ring structure that consists of one oxygen atom and one nitrogen atom at adjacent positions. The unique atomic composition and bond arrangement of isoxazole imply its specific electronic properties...
Dissociative electron attachment to benzoic acid (C7H6O2)
PublikacjaThe dissociative electron attachment (DEA) to benzoic acid (C6H5COOH) has been studied using an experimental crossed beam setup of a quadrupole mass spectrometer and a trochoidal electron monochromator. Relative partial cross sections for the DEA to produce negative ion fragments show the main channels for dissociation. The comparison of the present results with the ultraviolet photoelectron spectrum of benzoic acid [J. Meeks,...
Możliwości wykorzystania spektroskopii fotoelektronów w analizie jakości środowiska wodnego
PublikacjaSpektroskopia fotoelektronów w zakresie promieniowania X, (XPS, z ang. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy) jest nowoczesną metodą analityczną wykorzystywaną w wielu wiodących ośrodkach naukowych na świecie. Jest ona stale ulepszana, jak też poznawane są nowe obszary jej zastosowania. W niniejszym artykule przedstawione zostały możliwości wykorzystania metody XPS w ramach obszarów badawczych powiązanych z gospodarką wodną, takich...
Reduction of the strontium titanate doped by Ytrium ceramics observed by X-ray photoemission spectroscopy method
Dane BadawczeYtrium-doped strontium titanate (YSTF) ceramics materials were manufactured by three various methods: 1) standard solid-state reaction method from Y2O3 (Sigma Aldrich, 99,9%), TiO2 (Sigma Aldrich, 99%) and SrCO3 (Sigma Aldrich,98%), 2) Pechini method, 3) wet method.
Ordered titania nanotubes layer selectively annealed by laser beam for high contrast electrochromic switching
PublikacjaThe phase conversion from amorphous into crystalline one in the selected area of as-anodized titania nanotubes was achieved via laser treatment. The optimized processing parameters enable fast, one-minute crystallization of titania within an area limited by a shadow mask and without any morphology damage of ordered TiO2 tubular film. The laser annealed titania nanotubes could be easily overgrown by a conducting polymer without...
Ex situ XANES, XPS and Raman studies of poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene) modified by iron hexacyanoferrate
PublikacjaPraca dotyczy materiału hybrydowego złożonego z polimeru elektroaktywnego poli(3,4-etylenodioksytiofenu) i Błękitu Pruskiego. Wykonano pomiary spektroskopowe z użyciem technik: spektrometrii fotoelektronów wzbudzonych promieniami X (X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS)), spektroskopii absorpcyjnej struktury przykrawędziowej (X-ray Absorption Near Edge Structure (XANES)) oraz spektroskopii mikro-Ramana. Przeprowadzone badania...
A general approach to study molecular fragmentation and energy redistribution after an ionizing event
PublikacjaWe propose to combine quantum chemical calculations, statistical mechanical methods, and photoionization and particle collision experiments to unravel the redistribution of internal energy of the furan cation and its dissociation pathways. This approach successfully reproduces the relative intensity of the different fragments as a function of the internal energy of the system in photoelectron–photoion coincidence experiments and...
Antimony substituted lanthanum orthoniobate proton conductor – structure and electronic properties.
PublikacjaX‐ray and neutron diffraction have been utilized to analyze the crystalline and electronic structure of lanthanum orthoniobate substituted by antimony. Using X‐ray absorption spectroscopy and photoelectron spectroscopy, changes in the electronic structure of the material upon substitution have been analyzed. The structural transition temperature between fergusonite and scheelite phases for 30 mol% antimony substitution was found...
Corrosion Inhibition of Aluminium Alloy AA6063-T5 by Vanadates: Local Surface Chemical Events Elucidated by Confocal Raman Micro-Spectroscopy
PublikacjaChemical interactions between aqueous vanadium species and aluminium alloy AA6063-T5 were investigated in vanadate-containing NaCl solutions. Confocal Raman and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy experiments were utilised to gain insight into the mechanism of corrosion inhibition by vanadates. A greenish-grey coloured surface layer, consisting of V+4 and V+5 polymerized species, was seen to form on the alloy surface, especially on...
CeIr3: superconductivity in a phase based on tetragonally close packed clusters
PublikacjaWe present the crystallographic analysis, superconducting and spectroscopic characterization, and theoretical modeling of CeIr3. Lattice parameters a = 5.2945(1) Å and c = 26.219(1) Å are found for the R-3m symmetry crystal structure, which are close to the literature values. CeIr3 is a moderate type-II superconductor (κ GL = 17, λ e–p = 0.65) below 2.5 K. Ce ions exhibit a strongly intermediate valence character as evidenced by...
Praseodymium Orthoniobate and Praseodymium Substituted Lanthanum Orthoniobate: Electrical and Structural Properties
PublikacjaIn this paper, the structural properties and the electrical conductivity of La1−xPrxNbO4+δ (x = 0.00, 0.05, 0.1, 0.15, 0.2, 0.3) and PrNbO4+δ are presented and discussed. All synthesized samples crystallized in a monoclinic structure with similar thermal expansion coefficients. The phase transition temperature between the monoclinic and tetragonal structure increases with increasing praseodymium content from 500 ◦C for undoped...
Ti-Fe2O3/In2O3 as photoactive material: The role of the substrate in photoelectrochemical water oxidation
PublikacjaThe layers of Ti-Fe2O3/In2O3 were prepared on the different substrates using hydrothermal method: Ti/TiO2 nanotubes, Ti foil, FTO and FTO/TiO2. Materials were characterized using scanning electron microscopy, XRD, Raman, UV-Vis, and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy and tested as photoanodes for water oxidation under illumination. The formation of heterojunction on the TiO2 nanotubes increases photocurrent of water oxidation at...
Optical and chemical characterization of thin TiNx films deposited by DC-magnetron sputtering
PublikacjaThin titanium nitride (tinx) films were deposited on silicon substrates by means of a reactive dc-magnetron plasma. Layers were synthesized under various conditions of discharge power and nitrogen flows in two operation modes of the magnetron (the so-called "balanced" and "unbalanced" modes). The optical constants of the tinx films were investigated by spectroscopic ellipsometry (se). X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (xps) was...
Structural and electrical properties of titanium-doped yttrium niobate
PublikacjaIn this work, the influence of the substitution of niobium by titanium in Y3Nb1-xTixO7-δ on the structural and electrical properties is reported. Several experimental techniques, i.e. X-Ray Diffraction (XRD), Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM), X-Ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS) and Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy (EIS), were applied to investigate the system Y3Nb1-xTixO7-δ. Titanium in Y3Nb1-xTixO7-δ is an acceptor-type...
Laser-Assisted Synthesis and Oxygen Generation of Nickel Nanoparticles
PublikacjaNowadays, more than ever, environmental awareness is being taken into account when it comes to the design of novel materials. Herein, the pathway to the creation of a colloid of spherical, almost purely metallic nickel nanoparticles (NPs) through pulsed laser ablation in ethanol is presented. A complex description of the colloid is provided through UV-vis spectroscopy and dynamic light scattering analysis, ensuring insight into...
Structural, electrical, and magnetic study of La-, Eu-, and Er- doped bismuth ferrite nanomaterials obtained by solution combustion synthesis
PublikacjaIn this work, the multiferroic bismuth ferrite materials Bi0.9RE0.1FeO3 doped by rare-earth (RE = La, Eu, and Er) elements were obtained by the solution combustion synthesis. Structure, electrical, and magnetic properties of prepared samples were investigated by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, Mössbauer spectroscopy, electrical hysteresis measurement, broadband dielectric spectroscopy, and SQUID magnetometry. All obtained nanomaterials...
Synthesis of Phosphonated Carbon Nanotubes: New Insight into Carbon Nanotubes Functionalization
PublikacjaCarbon nanotubes were successfully functionalized for the first time in a free radical phosphonylation reaction. Three synthetic protocols were proposed. Carbon nanotubes and diethylphosphite reacted in the presence of known radical initiator, such as azobisisobutyronitrile, single electron oxidant—Mn(OAc)3, or under UV radiation. The functionalized material was fully characterized by means of spectroscopic methods, together with...
Dissolution of Nb-doped hydroxyapatite prepared via low-temperature mechanochemical method: Spectroscopy studies
PublikacjaCalcium phosphate glass ceramics with nominal hydroxyapatite stoichiometry doped with niobium were synthesized using simple as well as low-temperature mechanochemical method and then in the form of compressed pellet were submitted to the static dissolution process in distilled water for one month. The results of structural analysis, performed mainly on the base of spectroscopic methods such as: infrared absorption spectroscopy,...
Cluster Glass Behavior and Magnetocaloric Effect in the Hexagonal Polymorph of Disordered Ce2PdGe3
PublikacjaIn this work, the hexagonal variant of the Ce2PdGe3 system is studied, which crystallizes in the AlB2-type structure (space group P6/mmm, hP3) and exhibits cluster spin-glass type behavior. The physical properties are studied by magnetization, heat capacity and electric resistivity, which showed that AlB2-type Ce2PdGe3 (h-Ce2PdGe3) can be classified as a cluster glass material with the freezing temperature Tf = 3.44 K in contrast...
Synthesis and Properties of the Ba2PrWO6 Double Perovskite
PublikacjaWe report details on the synthesis and properties of barium praseodymium tungstate, Ba2PrWO6, a double perovskite that has not been synthesized before. Room-temperature (RT) powder X-ray diffraction identified the most probable space group (SG) as monoclinic I2/m, but it was only slightly distorted from the cubic structure. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy confirmed that the initial (postsynthesis) material contained praseodymium...
A semiempirical model for low energy electron–atom transport cross sections: The case of noble gases
PublikacjaA semiempirical approach to describe low energy electron–atom transport cross sections of easy implementation and reproduction is presented. The heart of the model is an energy independent two-parameter potential that was adjusted to reproduce the accurate total cross sections for He, Ne, Ar and Kr, measured with a threshold photoelectron source technique from meV up to 20 eV. Once the potential was conceived, the model was validated...
Multi-state vibronic interactions in the fluorobenzene radical cation: The importance of quadratic coupling terms
PublikacjaThe multi-mode multi-state vibronic interactions in the set of X^2B_1 - D^2A_1 electronic states of the monofluoro benzene radical cation are investigated theoretically, based on a quadratic vibronic coupling approach. The underlying ionization potentials and coupling constants are obtained from ab initio coupled-cluster calculations. Previous investigations (relying on the linear coupling approach) are extended by including all...
Laser induced formation of copper species over TiO2 nanotubes towards enhanced water splitting performance
PublikacjaWe proposed fast and scalable route where the ordered TiO2 nanotubes coated with thin copper layers were annealed by the laser beam of 355 nm wavelength at different fluencies in the range of 15–120 mJ/cm2. As a result, copper species are integrated with the titania substrate and the formed material exhibits unique optical absorption bands in the visible range. Moreover, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy analysis reveals the formation...
Defective TiO2 Core-Shell Magnetic Photocatalyst Modified with Plasmonic Nanoparticles for Visible Light-Induced Photocatalytic Activity
PublikacjaIn the presented work, for the first time, the metal-modified defective titanium(IV) oxide nanoparticles with well-defined titanium vacancies, was successfully obtained. Introducing platinum and copper nanoparticles (NPs) as surface modifiers of defective d-TiO2 significantly increased the photocatalytic activity in both UV-Vis and Vis light ranges. Moreover, metal NPs deposition on the magnetic core allowed for the effective separation...
Structural and luminescence properties of B2O3-Bi2O3-AlF3 glass doped with Eu3+, Tb3+ and Tm3+ ions
PublikacjaThe B2O3-Bi2O3-AlF3 glass system doped with Eu3+, Tb3+, Tm3+ and triply doped with Eu3+/Tm3+/Tb3+ ions in different molar ratios were successfully synthesized. Glass transition and crystallization temperatures were examined by Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC) measurements. X-ray Diffraction (XRD) confirmed the amorphous character of the samples. Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR) revealed that the glass matrix...
Electrocatalytic water splitting by bifunctional Zircon-doped borophene
Dane BadawczeThe data in the folder represent modified boron for use in electrochemical water splitting half reactions. The oxygen evolution reaction (OER) and hydrogen evolution reaction (HER) play a vital role in renewable energy applications such as water splitting. Borophene, a two-dimensional (2D) boron-based material, has garnered significant attention due...
Solid State Conductivity of Optimized Polypyrrole Coatings on Iron Obtained from Aqueous Sodium Salicylate Solution Determined by Impedance Spectroscopy
PublikacjaIn this work the optimization procedure for corrosion resistance, surface analysis and electrical properties of PPy-Fe electrodes have been examined. Polypyrrole (PPy) film was electrochemically synthesized in a one step process from an aqueous solution of sodium salicylate and pyrrole with certain concentrations, different parameters and type of polymerization...
Reactive deposition of TiNx layers in a DC-magnetron discharge
PublikacjaTiNx layers have been deposited in 'balanced mode' and 'unbalanced mode' of a reactive DC-magnetron plasma (carrier gas argon, reactive gas nitrogen) under different conditions. Discharge power and reactive gas flow have been varied. The layers have been examined by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), X-ray reflectometry (XR), and spectroscopic ellipsometry (SE). The results of the layer analyses were combined with plasma investigations...
Synthesis, thermal, structural and electrical properties of vanadium-doped lithium-manganese-borate glass and nanocomposites
PublikacjaA glassy sample with a nominal formula LiMn1−3x/2VxBO3 (where x = 0.05) was synthesised using the melt-quenching method. Material was characterised by differential thermal analysis (DTA), X-ray diffactometry (XRD) at room temperature and as a function of temperature (HT-XRD), X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), impedance spectroscopy (IS) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Dependences of glass transition and crystallisation...
Effect of cobalt addition on the corrosion behaviorof near equiatomic NiTi shape memory alloy in normal saline solution: electrochemical and XPS studies
PublikacjaThe electrochemical and corrosion (uniform and localized) behavior of a binary Ni52Ti48 shape memory alloy (SMA) and two ternary Ni52Ti48-xCox (x = 1.5 and 4.0 wt.%) SMAs were studied. Measurements were conducted in 0.9% NaCl solution at 37 oC employing various electrochemical methods. These include: linear polarization resistance (LPR), linear sweep voltammetry (LSV), chronoamperometry and dynamic electrochemical impedance spectroscopy...
Multi-mode vibronic interactions in the five lowest electronic states of the fluorobenzene radical cation
PublikacjaThe multi-mode vibronic interactions between the five lowest electronic states of the fluorobenzene radical cation are investigated theoretically, based on ab initio electronic structure data, and employing the linear vibronic coupling model. Low-energy conical intersections, and strong vibronic couplings are found to prevail within the set of X-A and B-C-D cationic states, while the interactions between these two sets of states...
Ellipsometric investigation of nitrogen doped diamond thin films grown in microwave CH4/H2/N2 plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition
PublikacjaThe influence of N2 concentration (1%–8%) in CH4/H2/N2 plasma on structure and optical properties of nitrogen doped diamond (NDD) films was investigated. Thickness, roughness, and optical properties of the NDD films in the VIS–NIR range were investigated on the silicon substrates using spectroscopic ellipsometry. The samples exhibited relatively high refractive index (2.6 6 0.25 at 550 nm) and extinction coefficient (0.05 6 0.02...
Role of MnO in manganese–borate binary glass systems: a study on structure and thermal properties
PublikacjaStructural and thermal properties of x MnO−(100−x)B2O3 (where x=40, 50 and 60 mol%) glass samples have been investigated with the employment of various techniques. Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy results revealed the influence of MnO on glass matrix. Decrease of B–O bond-related band intensities has been observed. MnO addition was found to introduce broken [BO2O−]n chains. Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) measurements...
Novel Class of Proton Conducting Materials—High Entropy Oxides
PublikacjaHere, for the first time, we present data on proton conductivity of high-entropy, single-phase perovskites. The BaZr0.2Sn0.2Ti0.2Hf0.2Ce0.2O3−δ, BaZr0.2Sn0.2Ti0.2Hf0.2Y0.2O3−δ, BaZr1/7Sn1/7Ti1/7Hf1/7Ce1/7Nb1/7Y1/7O3−δ, and BaZr0.15Sn0.15Ti0.15Hf0.15Ce0.15Nb0.15Y0.10O3−δ single-phase perovskites were synthesized. Before electrical measurements, materials were characterized using X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy...
Investigation of the structural and thermal properties of aluminum-rich Ca–Al–Si–O–N glasses
PublikacjaIn this paper, we investigate the structure and thermal properties of aluminum-rich transparent Ca–Al–Si–O–N glasses. The obtained glasses were prepared by a traditional melt-quenching technique at 1650 °C using AlN as the nitrogen source. The obtained glasses have a nAl/nSi>1 and contain up to 17 eq.% of N. The structure of the glasses was characterized by X-ray diffraction, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, infrared, and Raman...