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wyświetlamy 1000 najlepszych wyników Pomoc
Vitamin K status in cystic fibrosis patients with liver cirrhosis
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Metoda zarządzania ryzykiem w inżynierii drogowej. K. Jamroz.
PublikacjaW monografii zaprezentowano bazujące na ryzyku podejście do zarządzania bezpieczeństwem ruchu drogowego. Można wyróżnić cztery zasadnicze jej części. W pierwszej przedstawiono przegląd problemów zarządzania bezpieczeństwem w inżynierii drogowej, pozwalający na identyfikację brakujących elementów zarządzania ryzykiem w tej dziedzinie. Następnie ukazano założenia i koncepcję metody zarządzania ryzykiem w inżynierii drogowej, nazwaną...
Fundamenty palowe : Technologie i obliczenia.T. 1. - K. Gwizdała.
PublikacjaCzęść I 2-tomowego, nowoczesnego i kompleksowego podręcznika poświęconego fundamentom palowym. Stosowane do posadowienia obiektów budowlanych pale są podłużnymi elementami konstrukcji wykonanymiz różnych materiałów (drewna, betonu, żelbetu, cementogruntu), przekazującymi obciążenia na głębsze warstwy podłoża gruntowego.W tomie 1 przedstawiono:- ogólną charakterystykę fundamentów palowych,- wykonywanie pali według różnych technologii,-...
Directed percolation effects emerging from superadditivity of quantum networks
PublikacjaEntanglement-induced nonadditivity of classical communication capacity in networks consisting of quantum channels is considered. Communication lattices consisting of butterfly-type entanglement-breaking channels augmented, with some probability, by identity channels are analyzed. The capacity superadditivity in the network is manifested in directed correlated bond percolation which we consider in two flavors: simply directed and...
Self-Organization in Multi-Agent Systems Based on Examples of Modeling Economic Relationships between Agents
PublikacjaThe goal of the research was to observe and analyze self-organization patterns in Multi-Agent Systems (MAS) by modeling basic economic relationships between agents forming a closed loop of relations necessary for their survival. The paper describes a worked-out MAS including an example of a production cycle and used economic rules. A special focus is put on behavior rules and decision systems of an individual agent such as: product...
Distinct hippocampal-prefrontal neural assemblies coordinate memory encoding, maintenance, and recall
PublikacjaShort-term memory enables incorporation of recent experience into subsequent decision-making. This processing recruits both the prefrontal cortex and hippocampus, where neurons encode task cues, rules, and outcomes. However, precisely which information is carried when, and by which neurons, remains unclear. Using population decoding of activity in rat medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC) and dorsal hippocampal CA1, we confirm that mPFC...
Shielded HMSIW-based frequency-tunable self-quadruplexing antenna using different solid/liquid dielectrics
PublikacjaThis article proposes a frequency-tunable self-quadruplexing antenna based on a shielded half-mode substrate integrated waveguide (S-HMSIW). In order to reduce the size of the HMSIW cavity resonator and to obtain quad-band characteristics, a modied E-shaped slot is engraved on the top of the metal. The experimental validation is carried out after analyzing the data using a circuit model. Flexibility of each resonant frequency is...
Multimodal Approach For Polysensory Stimulation And Diagnosis Of Subjects With Severe Communication Disorders
Publikacjais evaluated on 9 patients, data analysis methods are described, and experiments of correlating Glasgow Coma Scale with extracted features describing subjects performance in therapeutic exercises exploiting EEG and eyetracker are presented. Performance metrics are proposed, and k-means clusters used to define concepts for mental states related to EEG and eyetracking activity. Finally, it is shown that the strongest correlations...
People’s Influence on Indoor Body Area Networks Channel Characteristics
PublikacjaThe influence of people’s presence on wideband off-body channel characteristics is presented in this paper. This research is significant for the development of Body Area Networks, as a promising solution for 5G and 6G networks, namely as an emerging technology expected to revolutionize mobile healthcare via real-time monitoring and analysis of medical data. The analysis is based on power delay profile measurements performed in...
Empirical analysis of tree-based classification models for customer churn prediction
PublikacjaCustomer churn is a vital and reoccurring problem facing most business industries, particularly the telecommunications industry. Considering the fierce competition among telecommunications firms and the high expenses of attracting and gaining new subscribers, keeping existing loyal subscribers becomes crucial. Early prediction of disgruntled subscribers can assist telecommunications firms in identifying the reasons for churn and...
Digital image transmission simulation using the PL-log-MAP turbo decoding algorithm
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GLEMOK – novel method for catchment moisture determination using high-resolution soil map
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Simplified Map-based Selection of Optimal Spindle Speeds When Milling Complex Structures
PublikacjaIn the paper a method for selecting optimal spindle speeds for complex structures during milling operations is presented. It is based on the selection of the spindle speed in accordance with a simple equation resulting from the minimisation of vibration energy, which leads to the minimisation of the work of cut-ting forces presented in previous elaborations by the authors [1]. Optimal spindle speeds are obtained for many points...
Time window based features extraction from temperature modulated gas sensors for prediction of ammonia concentration
PublikacjaElectronic gas recognition systems, in literature commonly referred as electronic noses, enable the recognition of a type and a concentration of various volatile compounds. Typical electronic gas-analyzing device consists of four main elements, namely, gas delivery subsystem, an array of gas sensors, data acquisition and power supply circuits and data analysis software. The commercially available metal-oxide TGS sensors are widely...
Neural network based algorithm for hand gesture detection in a low-cost microprocessor applications
PublikacjaIn this paper the simple architecture of neural network for hand gesture classification was presented. The network classifies the previously calculated parameters of EMG signals. The main goal of this project was to develop simple solution that is not computationally complex and can be implemented on microprocessors in low-cost 3D printed prosthetic arms. As the part of conducted research the data set EMG signals corresponding...
International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks and Genetic Algorithms
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International Work-Conference on Artificial and Natural Neural Networks
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Vehicle Detection with Self-Training for Adaptative Video Processing Embedded Platform
PublikacjaTraffic monitoring from closed-circuit television (CCTV) cameras on embedded systems is the subject of the performed experiments. Solving this problem encounters difficulties related to the hardware limitations, and possible camera placement in various positions which affects the system performance. To satisfy the hardware requirements, vehicle detection is performed using a lightweight Convolutional Neural Network (CNN), named...
Smart Virtual Bass Synthesis Algorithm Based on Music Genre Classification
PublikacjaThe aim of this paper is to present a novel approach to the Virtual Bass Synthesis (VBS) algorithms applied to portable computers. The proposed algorithm employed automatic music genre recognition to determine the optimum parameters for the synthesis of additional frequencies. The synthesis was carried out using the non-linear device (NLD) and phase vocoder (PV) methods depending on the music excerpt genre. Classification of musical...
Application of TMS320c67xx signal processors for SONIC-self-optimizing narrowband interference canceler
PublikacjaThe paper presents a laboratory system for testing active control algorithms of acoustics noise in ducts. An applied algorithm - self-optimizing narrowband interference canceller (SONIC), allows one to remove narrowband disturbances of constant or slowly time-varying frequencies. Example experimental results of using the laboratory system for supression of sinusoidal disturbance are described. An electronic part of the system was...
WCh - TCh: Matematyka s2: 2021/22 (K. Dąbrowska)
Kursy Online -
Is participation in music festivals a self-expansion opportunity? Identity, self-perception, and the importance of music’s functions
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Radiomics and artificial intelligence in lung cancer screening
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Comparative study of learning methods for artificial network
PublikacjaW artykule przedstawiono wyniki badań porównawczych metod uczenia sieci neuronowych takich jak: metoda propagacji wstecznej błędów, rekurencyjna metoda najmniejszych kwadratów, metoda Zangwill'a, metoda algorytmów ewolucyjnych. Celem tych badań jest dobieranie najefektywniejszej metody uczenia do projektowania adaptacyjnego neuronowego regulatora napięcia generatora synchronicznego.metody uczenia, sieć neuronowa, neuronowy regulator...
Artificial Intelligence and Computational Issues in Engineering Applications
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Microfluidically Frequency-Reconfigurable Self-Quadruplexing Antenna Based on Substrate Integrated Square-Cavity
PublikacjaIn this article, a novel concept of self-quadruplexing tunable antenna (SQTA) enabled by microfluidic channels is investigated. The operating channels are either filled with air or dielectric liquids to enable frequency tunability. The proposed SQTA is implemented on the substrate-integrated square-cavity (SISC). A swastika-shaped slot is milled on the top-surface of the SISC to create four quarter-mode resonators. The resonators...
Self-optimizing narrowband interference canceller - can reference signal help?
PublikacjaSONIC (Self-Optimizing Narrowband Interference Canceller) is an acronym of the recently proposed active noise control algorithm with interesting adaptivity and robustness properties. SONIC is a purely feedback controller, capable of rejecting nonstationary sinusoidal disturbances (with time-varying amplitudes and/or frequencies) in the presence of plant (secondary path) uncertainties. We show that even though SONIC can work reliably...
The Analysis and Solutions to the Problems of IPv6 Configuration Migration of Small Networks
PublikacjaThe paper analyzes the problems of IPv4 to IPv6 migration processes and indicates the areas in which migration can be done without expensive replacement of hardware, software and organizational changes. This paper presents the migration tools developed for the SOHO network administrators. The tools provide theoretical knowledge and practical advices on migrating to IPv6 and enable automation of the migration process. The article...
Discriminatory expressions, the young and social networks: The effect of gender
PublikacjaIn the framework of the «Project I: CUD» (Internet: Creatively Unveiling Discrimination), carried out in the United Kingdom, Italy, Belgium, Romania and Spain, we conducted a study into the expressions of discrimination used by young people on social network sites. To do so we designed a methodological strategy for detecting discriminatory content in 493 Facebook profiles and used this strategy to collect 363 examples for further...
Optimum Choice of Randomly Oriented Carbon Nanotube Networks for UV-Assisted Gas Sensing Applications
PublikacjaWe investigated the noise and photoresponse characteristics of various optical transparencies of nanotube networks to identify an optimal randomly oriented network of carbon nanotube (CNT)-based devices for UV-assisted gas sensing applications. Our investigation reveals that all of the studied devices demonstrate negative photoconductivity upon exposure to UV light. Our studies confirm the effect of UV irradiation on the electrical...
Improving Accuracy of Respiratory Rate Estimation by Restoring High Resolution Features With Transformers and Recursive Convolutional Models
PublikacjaNon-contact evaluation of vital signs has been becoming increasingly important, especially in light of the COVID- 19 pandemic, which is causing the whole world to examine people’s interactions in public places at a scale never seen before. However, evaluating one’s vital signs can be a relatively complex procedure, which requires both time and physical contact between examiner and examinee. These re- quirements limit the number...
Thermodynamics and kinetics of amphotericin B self-association in aqueous solution characterized in molecular detail
PublikacjaAmphotericin B (AmB) is a potent but toxic drug commonly used to treat systemic mycoses. Its efficiency as a therapeutic agent depends on its ability to discriminate between mammalian and fungal cell membranes. The association of AmB monomers in an aqueous environment plays an important role in drug selectivity, as oligomers formed prior to membrane insertion – presumably dimers – are believed to act differently on fungal (ergosterol-rich)...
Personality Type and Neural Circulatory Control
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Neural simulator of steam power unit.
PublikacjaZbadano możliwości zbudowania neuronowego symulatora turbinowego bloku energetycznego. Zamodelowano ten obieg i sprawdzono konfiguracje sztucznych sieci neuronowych (SSN) zapewniające dużą dokładność symulatora neuronowego. Zwrócono uwagę na problemy dotyczące węzłów siłowni, w których następuje mieszanie się strumieni czynnika o zróżnicowanych parametrach cieplno-przepływowych. Wskazano na zastosowanie takiego symulatora w diagnostyce.
Neural reliability model of diesel engines
PublikacjaW artykule przedstawiono wyniki weryfikacji hipotezy zakładającej celowość zastosowania modelu niezawodnościowego silnika tłokowego z zapłonem samoczynnym w postaci sztucznej sieci neuronowej. Weryfikację przeprowadzono w oparciu o wyniki badań eksploatacyjnych.
A Reputation Scheme to Discourage Selfish QoS Manipulation in Two-Hop Wireless Relay Networks
PublikacjaIn wireless networks, stations can improve their received quality of service (QoS) by handling packets of source flows with higher priority. Additionally, in cooperative relay networks, the relays can handle transit flows with lower priority. We use game theory to model a two-hop relay network where each of the two involved stations can commit such selfish QoS manipulation. We design and evaluate a reputation-based incentive scheme...
Pomiary wartości opóźnień w torze audio urządzeń z systemem Android
PublikacjaPoniższy artykuł opisuje metody pomiarów wartości opóźnienia w torze fonicznym urządzeń pracujących na różnych wersjach systemu Android. W pierwszej części artykułu podano krótką charakterystykę środowiska Android w kontekście opóźnień w torze fonicznym. Następnie przedstawiono sposób pomiaru opóźnienia w torze fonicznym za pomocą aplikacji SuperPowered Latency oraz Dr. Rick O’Rang Loopback. W końcowej...
System Loss Model for Body Area Networks in Room Scenarios
PublikacjaThis paper presents an analysis of system loss in Body Area Networks for room scenarios, based on a wideband measurement campaign at 5.8 GHz. The measurements were performed with a fixed antenna transmitting vertically and horizontally polarised signals, while the user wears dualpolarised antennas. The average system losses in co- and crosspolarised channels are 41.4 and 42.6 dB for vertically polarised transmitted signals and...
Extraction and evaluation of gas-flow-dependent features from dynamic measurements of gas sensors array
PublikacjaGas analyzers based on gas sensors are the devices which enable recognition of various kinds of volatile compounds. They have continuously been developed and investigated for over three decades, however there are still limitations which slow down the implementation of those devices in many applications. For example, the main drawbacks are the lack of selectivity, sensitivity...
Influence of User Mobility and Antenna Placement on System Loss in B2B Networks
PublikacjaIn this paper, the influence of user mobility and on-body antenna placement on system loss in body-to-body communications in indoor and outdoor environments and different mobility scenarios is studied, based on system loss measurements at 2.45 GHz. The novelty of this work lies on the proposal of a classification model to characterise the effect of user mobility and path visibility on system loss, allowing to identify the best...
New Alternative Passive Networks to Improve the Range Output Voltage Regulation of the PWM Inverters
PublikacjaThis paper presents different topologies of buck-boost converters with passive input networks that have alternative topologies; this is known in the literature as a Z-source inverter. Alternative passive networks were named by the authors as T-inverters; these improve output voltage regulation of the PWM inverters. T-inverter has fewer reactive components in comparison to conventional Z-source inverter. The most significant advantage...
The database of odd algebraic periods for quasi-unipotent self-maps of a space having the same homology group as the connected sum of g tori
Dane BadawczeThe dataset consists of 20 files indexed by numbers g=1,...,20. Each file provides sets of odd algebraic periods for all quasi-unipotent self-maps of a space having the same homology groups as the connected sum of g tori. Let us remark that each data set covers all algebraical restrictions that come from zeta functions for the sets of minimal Lefschetz...
Substrate Integrated Waveguide-Based Frequency-Tunable Self-Octaplexing Antenna
PublikacjaThis communication presents the first-ever substrate integrated waveguide (SIW)-based frequency-tunable self-octaplexing antenna (SOA) for wireless communication. The structure is arranged by implementing eight distinct patches with planar 50-ohm feedlines at the top of the SIW cavity, which realize eight distinct resonant frequencies. Independent tuning of each resonant frequency is achieved by incorporating appropriately allocated...
The role and importance of WIMAX mobile system as a high-performance data transfer technology in wireless sensor networks for wide area monitoring applications
PublikacjaThe study discuses basic features and functional design of WiMAX Mobile system, based on the IEEE 802.16e (Release 1.5 Rev. 2.0) standard. The analysis has been made in terms of ability to use this system to transmit video stream related to monitoringof large agglomeration areas. What is more, the study includes comparison of technical parameters of WiMAX Mobile system with competitive systems such as: HSPA+ and UMTS-LTE, which...
Self-Censorship in a Workplace: The Role of Gender, Management Position, Procedural Justice and Organizational Climate
Dane BadawczeData consist of three studies. In study 1 (N = 948) we test whether women manifest more self-censorship than men and we verify whether this effect is maintained when women and men hold managerial position. Then, we analyse the effects of procedural justice (study 2, N = 98) and communal organizational climate (study 3, N = 567) on women’s and men’s...
Diagnostyka łożysk silnika indukcyjnego na podstawie prądu zasilającego przy użyciu sztucznych sieci neuronowych
PublikacjaW artykule zawarto wyniki badań dotyczące diagnostyki łożysk silnika indukcyjnego na podstawie pomiarów prądu zasilającego z wykorzystaniem sztucznych sieci neuronowych. Zaprezentowano wyniki uczenia sieci oraz rezultaty testów przeprowadzonych na danych spoza zbioru uczącego. Badania wykonane zostały na obiektach z celowo wprowadzonymi uszkodzeniami łożysk. Przedstawiona nowa koncepcja zakłada użycie zestawu sieci neuronowych...
Service-based Resilience via Shared Protection in Mission-critical Embedded Networks
PublikacjaMission-critical networks, which for example can be found in autonomous cars and avionics, are complex systems with a multitude of interconnected embedded nodes and various service demands. Their resilience against failures and attacks is a crucial property and has to be already considered in their design phase. In this paper, we introduce a novel approach for optimal joint service allocation and routing, leveraging virtualized...
Ultra-Compact SIRC-Based Self-Triplexing Antenna with High Isolation
PublikacjaAn ultra-compact self-triplexing antenna realized on a substrate-integrated rectangular cavity (SIRC) is discussed in this study. The proposed structure employs two L-shaped slots and an in-verted U-shaped slot to radiate at three independent operating frequency bands. Three 50-ohm microstrip feed lines are used to excite the radiation in these slots. The operating frequency is individually tuned using the slot size. The slot placement...
The Analysis of Cross-Polarisation Discrimination for Body Area Networks in Cylindrical Metallic Environment
PublikacjaThe analysis of cross-polarisation discrimination for Body Area Networks in an untypical environment of cylindrical metallic room has been performed in the paper. This analysis was done based on the measurements carried out for dynamic narrowband off-body channels operating at the frequency of 2.45 GHz. The results have shown that there is a strong dependence of the depolarisation effect on the existence of direct component in...
Impressions about people with intellectual disability of Polish high school students who participated in a workshop led by self-advocates
PublikacjaThe research question is whether participation in a two-session workshop led by self-advocates with mild intellectual disability, supported by professional staff, affects high school students’ impression of people with intellectual disability, measured by a self-report questionnaire based on a semantic differential. The study was paper-pencil questionnaire-based and anonymous, conducted in Warsaw, Poland. Three measurements...