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Otwarte zasoby edukacyjne - przegląd inicjatyw w Polsce i na świecie
PublikacjaOtwarte zasoby edukacyjne (OZE) to materiały szkoleniowe oraz narzędzia wspierające zarówno uczenie, jak i nauczanie. Zjawisko to nierozerwalnie łączy się z szerszym pojęciem otwartej edukacji (OE), które postuluje zniesienie barier w nauczaniu tak, aby uczący się mogli zdobywać wiedzę zgodnie ze swoimi potrzebami edukacyjno-szkoleniowymi. Celem artykułu jest zapoznanie czytelników z zagadnieniem otwartych zasobów edukacyjnych,...
Anna Zielińska dr
OsobyOd 2016 r. rozpoczęła pracę na Wydziale Zarządzania i Ekonomii Politechniki Gdańskiej. Od 2018 r. członek rady International Project Management Association Young Crew Polska. Autorka licznych publikacji naukowych zakresu zarządzania antykryzysowego, zarządzania projektami i programami zdrowotnymi oraz doskonalenia podmiotów gospodarczych. Zainteresowania naukowo-badawcze obejmują zarządzanie programami i projektami, nowoczesne...
Knowledge management driven leadership, culture and innovation success – an integrative model
PublikacjaPurpose – This article examines the relation between knowledge management (KM) driven leadership, culture and innovation success of knowledge-intensive small and medium sized companies. By building on the previously reported research on leadership, culture, innovation, and knowledge management, we synergistically integrated KM-driven leadership and innovation success while exploring the meditational role of culture in that. Design/methodology/approach...
Noise Generated by Tyres Designet for Electric Vehicles - Results of Laboratory Experiments
PublikacjaA few years ago, electric and hybrid vehicles were rarely seen on public roads and were considered more as exotic curiosities or even as a sign of extravagance than a practical means of transport. Nowadays the situation has changes significantly. This was caused both by the technical development and legislative actions, as well as the organizational nature promoting the purchace and use of low emission vehicles. Electric vehicles...
Functional safety and human factors
PublikacjaRozdział przedstawia istotny problem uwzględnienia czynników ludzkich (H&OF) w analizie bezpieczeństwa funkcjonalnego, które wpływają istotnie na bezpieczeństwo przemysłowych obiektów podwyższonego ryzyka, nie ujęty jednak w normach bezpieczeństwa funkcjonalnego. Przedstawia się metody analizy niezawodności człowieka (HRA) w kontekście tych czynników, które wpływają na błędy człowieka. Czynniki ludzkie i organizacyjne powinny być...
PublikacjaPurpose: This study's primary goal is to present the theoretical concept of family enterprises. Specifically, the results of earlier studies and the issues facing this field of research now will be described. The article also examines the underlying impacts that family control has on business management in order to fill the research gap left by earlier studies on the performance differences between family and non-family enterprises....
Why do Open Government Data initiatives fail in developing countries? A root cause analysis of the most prevalent barriers and problems
PublikacjaOpen government data (OGD) include the provision of government data, which have so far been reserved for the provision of public utilities and services, wherein different stakeholders may create value out of the same source. Recently, OGD initiatives around the world have dampened or were found to be inadequate for one or other reasons. The present study seeks to underline the root causes behind these inadequate or stalled initiatives...
Knowledge Risk Management in Organizations
PublikacjaPurpose – Shorter product life cycles, greater demands from consumers for sustainable and eco-friendly products and services, and thus the need for constant market observation make today’s business environment a rather complex one, the one that is characterized not only by a number of opportunities but also by a number of risks. These risks are increasingly related to knowledge which, in turn, underlines the need for an updated...
Developing Methods for Building Intelligent Systems of Information Resources Processing Using an Ontological Approach
PublikacjaThe problem of developing methods of information resource processing is investigated. A formal procedure description of processing text content is developed. A new ontological approach to the implementation of business processes is proposed. Consider that the aim of our work is to develop methods and tools for building intelligent systems of information resource processing, the core of knowledge bases of which are ontology’s, and...
Assessment of student language skills in an e-learning environment
PublikacjaThis article presents the role of various assessment structures that can be used in a VLE. e-Learning language courses offer tutors a wide range of traditional and computer-generated formative and summative assessment procedures and tools. They help to evaluate each student’s progress, monitor their activities and provide varied support, which comes from the tutor, the course structure and materials as well as other participants....
Fabrication of anti-corrosion nitrogen doped graphene oxide coatings by electrophoretic deposition
PublikacjaThis work assesses anti-corrosion properties of graphene and N-doped graphene coatings deposited on copper by an electrophoretic method. Graphene oxide (GO) precursor was synthesized by an improved Hummers' method, whereas N-doping was performed hydrothermally in the presence of ammonia. After nitrogenation, doped graphene oxide samples (NGO) contained a reduced amount of oxygen and about 9% w/w nitrogen as pyridinic, pyrrole,...
Computing algebraic transfer entropy and coupling directions via transcripts
PublikacjaMost random processes studied in nonlinear time series analysis take values on sets endowed with a group structure, e.g., the real and rational numbers, and the integers. This fact allows to associate with each pair of group elements a third element, called their transcript, which is defined as the product of the second element in the pair times the first one. The transfer entropy of two such processes is called algebraic transfer...
Chromatographic analyses of Lavandula angustifolia and Rosmarinus officinalis extracts and their biological effects in mammalian cells and cell-free systems
PublikacjaKnowledge of biological properties of natural compounds allows to understand their therapeutic value, efficacy and security. We investigated: composition of Lavandula angustifolia (LA) and Rosmarinus officinalis (RO) extracts, their antioxidant capacity, cytotoxicity and genotoxicity, their DNA-protective potential against DNA damage induced in hamster V79 cells by several genotoxins or in plasmid DNA by Fe2+ ions and activity...
Assessment of the Speed Management Impact on Road Traffic Safety on the Sections of Motorways and Expressways Using Simulation Methods
PublikacjaMethods used to evaluate the impact of Intelligent Transport System (ITS) services on road safety are usually based on expert assessments or statistical studies. However, commonly used methods are challenging to apply in the planning process of ITS services. This paper presents the methodology of research using surrogate safety measures calculated and calibrated with the use of simulation techniques and a driving simulator. This...
Thermodynamic Characteristics of Phenacetin in Solid State and Saturated Solutions in Several Neat and Binary Solvents
PublikacjaThe thermodynamic properties of phenacetin in solid state and in saturated conditions in neat and binary solvents were characterized based on differential scanning calorimetry and spectroscopic solubility measurements. The temperature-related heat capacity values measured for both the solid and melt states were provided and used for precise determination of the values for ideal solubility, fusion thermodynamic functions, and...
Mechanisms of Li deposition on graphite anodes: surface coverage and cluster growth
PublikacjaLi plating on the anode is a side reaction in Li-ion batteries which competes with Li intercalation and leads to loss of capacity. Growth of Li clusters into dendrites is a potential safety hazard for batteries which can lead to internal short-circuit and fires. We consider two possibilities of Li deposition on the surface of graphite anode: deposition of Li+ ions uniformly on the surface and deposition of clusters of metallic...
Sustainable Strategy for Algae Biomass Waste Management via Development of Novel Bio-Based Thermoplastic Polyurethane Elastomers Composites
PublikacjaThis work concerns the waste management method of algae biomass wastes (ABW). For this purpose, we prepared bio-based thermoplastic polyurethane elastomer (bio-TPU) composites. Algae biomass wastes are derived from algal oil extraction of Chlorella vulgaris and from biomass of Enteromorpha and Zostera marina. ABWs were used in the bio-TPUs composites as a filler in the quantity of 1, 5, 10, and 15 wt.%. The bio-based composites...
Effect of dendrimer-based interlayers for enzyme immobilization on a model electrochemical sensing system for glutamate
PublikacjaIn this paper, we discuss dendrimer usage in enzyme-based electrochemical biosensors, particularly with respect to biomolecule loading on the sensing surface. A novel approach to design bioactive layers with immobilized enzymes for electrochemical biosensors using the surface plasmon resonance (SPR) method in combination with electrochemical impedance spectroscopy was presented. The gold surface was modified with linear linkers...
Essays on China's international trade - focus on One-Belt One-Road initiative
PublikacjaThis thesis explores China's international trade from trade, global value chains (GVCs) and export diversity, focusing on the "One-Belt One-Road" (OBOR) initiative proposed at the end of 2013. Specifically, I verify the potential association of OBOR with bilateral imports and exports in the first chapter. Then the relationship between OBOR and GVCs has been explored in Chapter 2. And I have extended the research in GVCs to China's...
Enhanced supercapacitor materials from pyrolyzed algae and graphene composites
PublikacjaThis study focuses on the synthesis and characterization of supercapacitor materials derived from pyrolyzed natural compounds. Four compounds were investigated: methylcellulose with lysine (ML), methylcellulose with lysine-graphene composite (MLG), algae (A), and algae-graphene composite (AG). The pyrolysis process was utilized to convert these natural compounds into carbon-based materials suitable for supercapacitor applications....
Novel Milk Substitute Based on Pea, Bean and Sunflower Seeds with Natural Bioactive Stabilisers
PublikacjaThe aim of this research was to create a plant-based beverage based on seeds of sunflower (Helianthus annuus), pea (Pisum sativum) and runner bean (Phaseolus multiflorus). The selection of the ingredients was based on the main objective to obtain the nutritional value and sensory characteristics of a formed product similar to cow's milk. The ingredient proportions were created by comparing the protein,...
The investment process in the power supply industry
PublikacjaThe basis for power supply industry programming in a market economy should be the principle of sustainable development, which must take into account maintaining an adequate level of energy security on the one hand, and the aim to preserve the maximum degree of non-renewable resources on the other hand. Therefore, the overriding aim should be a strive to meet the current and prospective demand for energy and fuel, in conjugation...
The influence of moderate pressure and subzero temperature on the shelf life of minced cod, salmon, pork and beef meat
PublikacjaThe effect of moderate pressure at subzero temperature on natural microflora of minced cod, salmony, pork and beef meat was studied. Pressure of 193 MPa at –20 °C caused reduction of total bacterial count in pork and beef meat by 1.1 and 0.6 log cycles, respectively, and by about 1.5 log cycles in fish meat. Under these conditions the psychrophilic and psychrotophic bacteria were below the detection limit (<10CFU/g of sample) in...
Inhibitory and antimicrobial activities of OGTI and HV-BBI peptides, fragments and analogs derived from amphibian skin
PublikacjaA series of linear and cyclic fragments and analogs of two peptides (OGTI and HV-BBI) isolated from skin secretions of frogs were synthesized by the solid-phase method. Their inhibitory activity against several serine proteinases: bovine beta-trypsin, bovine alpha-chymotypsin, human leukocyte elastase and cathepsin G from human neutrophils, was investigated together with evaluation of their antimicrobial activities against Gram-negative...
Skłonność do rywalizacji a intencje przedsiębiorcze – o różnicach międzypłciowych
PublikacjaAccording to the person-environment fit model people are more inclined to choose particular careers paths over other depending on their individual characteristics. They are also more likely to be satisfied with a career path that matches their characteristics and less likely to experience negative consequences including strain. In previous research several characteristics of entrepreneurs which differentiate them from non-entrepreneurs...
Effect of Semiconductor Element Substitution on the Electric Properties of Barium Titanate Ceramics
PublikacjaThe investigated ceramics were prepared by a solid-state reaction from simple oxides and carbonates with the use of a mixed oxide method (MOM). The morphology of BaTi0.96Si0.04O3 (BTSi04) ceramics was characterised by means of a scanning electron microscopy (SEM). It was found that Si+4 ion substitution supported the grain growth process in BT-based ceramics. The EDS results confirmed the high purity and expected quantitative composition...
MEMS Technology Quality Requirements as Applied to Multibeam Echosounder
PublikacjaSmall, lightweight, power-efficient, and low-cost microelectromechanical system (MEMS) inertial sensors and microcontrollers, available in the market today, help reduce the instability of Multibeam Sonars. Current MEMS inertial measurement units (IMUs) come in many shapes, sizes, and costs — depending on the application and performance required. Although MEMS inertial sensors offer affordable, appropriately scaled units, they are...
Application of safirinium N-hydroxysuccinimide esters to derivatization of peptides for high-resolution mass spectrometry, tandem mass spectrometry, and fluorescent labeling of bacterial cells
PublikacjaMass spectrometry methods are commonly used in the identification of peptides and biomarkers. Due to a relatively low abundance of proteins in biological samples, there is a need for the development of novel derivatization methods that would improve MS detection limits. Hence, novel fluorescent N-hydroxysuccinimide esters of dihydro-[1,2,4]triazolo[4,3-a]pyridin-2-ium carboxylates (Safirinium P dyes) have been synthesized. The...
Enabling simultaneous redox transformation of toxic chromium(VI) and arsenic(III) in aqueous media—A review
PublikacjaSimultaneous conversion of most harmful As(III) and Cr(VI) to their less toxic counterparts is environmentally desirable and cost-effective. It has been confirmed that simultaneous oxidation of As(III) to As(V) and reduction of Cr(VI) to Cr(III) can occur via free radical or mediated electron transfer processes. While Cr(VI) is reduced by reacting with H•, eaq−, photoelectron directly or undergoing ligand exchange with H2O2 and...
The Influence of Co-Fermentation of Agri-Food Waste with Primary Sludge on Biogas Production and Composition of the Liquid Fraction of Digestate
PublikacjaEnergy self-sufficiency is a current trend in wastewater treatment plants. This effect can be achieved by increasing the production of electricity from biogas and by reducing energy consumption for technological processes. One idea, in line with the circular economy concept, is the use of waste rich in organic matter as co-substrates for the fermentation process. The aim of this study was to determine the effect of waste co-fermentation...
Role of size scale of ZnO nanoparticles and microparticles on toxicity toward bacteria and osteoblast cancer cells
PublikacjaThe specific role of size scale, surface capping, and aspect ratio of zinc oxide (ZnO) particles on toxicity toward prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells was investigated. ZnO nano and microparticles of controlled size and mor- phology were synthesized by wet chemical methods. Cytotoxicity toward mammalian cells was studied using a human osteoblast cancer cell line and antibacterial activity using Gram-negative bacteria (Escherichia...
Potential Toxic Effects of Airport Runoff Water Samples on the Environment
PublikacjaDespite the positive aspects of the intensive development of aviation, airports are considered large-scale polluters. Pollution caused by runoff water (stormwater) is one of the major problems related to airport operations. The aim of this study was to characterize the potential toxic impact on aquatic life from runoff water discharges from four international airports in Europe. Samples of stormwater were collected at airports...
An Automated Method for Biometric Handwritten Signature Authentication Employing Neural Networks
PublikacjaHandwriting biometrics applications in e-Security and e-Health are addressed in the course of the conducted research. An automated graphomotor analysis method for the dynamic electronic representation of the handwritten signature authentication was researched. The developed algorithms are based on dynamic analysis of electronically handwritten signatures employing neural networks. The signatures were acquired with the use of the...
Are Pair Trading Strategies Profitable During COVID-19 Period?
PublikacjaPair trading strategy is a well-known profitable strategy in stock, forex, and commodity markets. As most of the world stock markets declined during COVID-19 period, therefore this study is going to observe whether this strategy is still profitable after COVID-19 pandemic. One of the powerful algorithms of DBSCAN under the umbrella of unsupervised machine learning is applied and three clusters were formed by using market and accounting...
Synergistic Effects of Propolis Combined with 2-Phenoxyethanol and Antipyretics on the Growth of Staphylococcus aureus
PublikacjaThe present investigation aimed to assess the combinational effect of commonly usedantipyretics and antiseptics with ethanolic extracts of propolis (EEPs) on the growth inhibition ofStaphylococcus aureus. The broth microdilution checkerboard assay revealed synergistic interactionsbetween all investigated antipyretics, namely acetylsalicylic acid, ibuprofen, and acetaminophen,with EEPs samples. The values of the fractional inhibitory...
Improvements and Spatial Dependencies in Energy Transition Measures
PublikacjaThis article aims to improve one of the newest energy transition measures—the WorldEconomic Forum WEF Energy Transition Index (ETI) and find its driving forces. This paper proposesa new approach to correct the ETI structure, i.e., sensitivity analysis, which allows assessing theaccuracy of variable weights. Moreover, the novelty of the paper is the use the spatial error modelsto estimate determinants of the energy transition on...
Odnowa modelu biznesu
PublikacjaW artykule przedstawiono wyniki badań teoretycznych nad istotą odnowy strategicznej biznesu. Odnowę tę oparto na restauracji ciągu zarządzania strategicznego.
Adaptacja kulturowa jako wyzwanie w zespołachmiędzynarodowych
PublikacjaWyzwania dotyczące pracy w międzykulturowym środowisku są najczęściej odnoszone do menedżerów, ze względu na powszechność ich międzynarodowych migracji oraz podejmowanie międzynarodowej współpracy z kooperantami. Rozwój globalnego rynku pracy stymuluje jednak również szeregowych pracowników do poszukiwania pracy w różnych krajach, co sprawia, że wielu z nich pracuje w międzykulturowych zespołach, gdzie doświadczają kulturowego...
Wodociągi Gdyni, (1911-1961)
PublikacjaMonografia zawiera informacje faktograficzne o procesie tworzenia i eksploatacji wodociągów w latach 1911 – 1961: wiejskiego (Oksywie), osiedlowego (Kamienna Góra), miejskiego (Śródmieście, Grabówek)) oraz grupowego na obszarze Wielkiej Gdyni. Dla każdego wodociągu udokumentowano przebieg prac organizacyjno-przygotowawczych, koncepcje projektowe i wykonane roboty budowlano-instalacyjne. Zagadnienia techniczne przedstawiono na tle...
Oxidation and hydrogen behavior in Zr-2Mn alloy
PublikacjaThe purpose of the present research was to determine the oxidation and hydrogenation behavior in the new Zr-2Mn alloy. The oxidation of alloy was performed at temperatures between 350°C and 900°C for 30 minutes. The hydrogen charging was made for 72 h at a current density 80 mA/cm2. The charged samples were heat treated at 400°C for 4 h to obtain a uniform hydrogen profile content across the sample. The oxidation resulted in an...
Investigation on Mode I Fracture Behavior of Hybrid Fiber-Reinforced Geopolymer Composites
PublikacjaRecent reports in the literature have shown that fber-reinforced geopolymer composites (FRGC) made with monofbers exhibit a signifcant enhancement in fracture energy. However, many aspects of the fracture performance of hybrid fberreinforced geopolymer composites (HFRGC) remain largely unexploited, and these are predominant for the structures. For the frst time, the mode I fracture energy of HFRGC is investigated. The mode I behavior...
Clay-filled starch films. Part I: Effect of clay kind and glycerol concentration on functional properties of composites
PublikacjaThe aim of this work was to improve the mechanical and water barrier properties of composite filmsprepared from starch and clays, plasticized with glycerol at different concentrations. The effects ofhydrophilic Closite Naþand Nanomer PGV were compared with that exerted by organicallymodifiedmorehydrophobicNanofil2 and NanoBent ZR-1. The antimicrobial activity of compositescontaining hydrophobic clays was also investigated. The hydrophilic...
Synthetic lipopeptides as potential topical therapeutics in wound and skin care: in vitro studies of permeation and skin cells behaviour
PublikacjaSeveral Gly-His-Lys analogues were obtained to investigate their antimicrobial properties. Three lipophilic analogues with the structure numbering 1b, 2b, 4b, exhibit significant effect against bacteria and were selected for in vitro evaluation of skin cells behaviour. In the present studies, an in vitro model of wound repair, proliferative cell staining, and tracking of living cells were used. Cell proliferation and cell migration,...
The Knowledge Transfer From Headquarter to Local Subsidiaries Through Expatriates - Local Employees’ Perspective
PublikacjaBackground. Knowledge transfer between the HQ and subsidiary has recently been targets of increasing research interest. However, the role of expatriate managers and local staff perspective on this process has not been examined enough. Research aims. This paper has two main objectives: first to develop a conceptual framework (model) of knowledge transfer between the headquarters and local subsidiary, and second to empirically evaluate...
Mutual Interaction between Temperature and DO Set Point on AOB and NOB Activity during Shortcut Nitrification in a Sequencing Batch Reactor in Terms of Energy Consumption Optimization
PublikacjaRecently, many wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) have had to deal with serious problems related to the restrictive requirements regarding the euent quality, as well as significant energy consumption associated with it. In this situation, mainstream deammonification and/or shortened nitrification-denitrification via nitrite (so-called “nitrite shunt”) is a new promising strategy. This study shows the mechanisms and operating conditions...
Quality Expectations of Mobile Subscribers
PublikacjaMobile systems, by nature, have finite resources. Radio spectrum is limited, expensive and shared between many users and services. Mobile broadband networks must support multiple applications of voice, video and data on a single IP-based infrastructure. These converged services each have unique traffic holding and quality requirements. A positive user experience must be obtained through efficient partitioning of the available wireless...
Utilization of oriented crystal growth for screening of aromatic carboxylic acids cocrystallization with urea
PublikacjaThe possibility of molecular complex formation in the solid state of urea with benzoic acid analogues was measured directly on the crystallite films deposited on the glass surface using powder X-ray diffractometry (PXRD). Obtained solid mixtures were also analyzed using Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR). The simple droplet evaporation method was found to be efficient, robust, fast and cost-preserving approach for first...
Anisotropic magnetism of polymorphic ErAl3
PublikacjaErAl3 can form in either a trigonal () or cubic () polymorph and this paper investigates the physical properties of these polymorphs through characterizations of single crystals grown in an aluminum flux. We demonstrate that polymorph selection can be achieved based on the nominal composition of the crystal growth. Magnetic measurements confirm that both −ErAl3 and −ErAl3 order antiferromagnetically at low temperatures. −ErAl3...
Oxolane Ammonium Salts (Muscarine-Like)—Synthesis and Microbiological Activity
PublikacjaCommercially available 2-deoxy-D-ribose was used to synthesize the appropriate oxolane derivative—(2R,3S)-2-(hydroxymethyl)oxolan-3-ol—by reduction and dehydration/cyclization in an acidic aqueous solution. Its monotosyl derivative, as a result of the quaternization reaction, allowed us to obtain eight new muscarine-type derivatives containing a quaternary nitrogen atom and a hydroxyl group linked to the oxolane ring. Their structure...
A comprehensive lipidomic analysis of oilseeds using LC-Q-TOF-MS and dispersive micro-solid phase (D-μ-SPE) extraction techniques
PublikacjaGrowing public health awareness increased the demand for natural products with positive health benefits. Vegetable oils containing omega-3 fatty acids (FA) such as alpha-linolenic acid (ALA) has been proposed as a possible source of eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA). In this work, a comprehensive lipidome analysis and comparison of seven oilseeds, including flaxseed, chia, hemp, black cumin, white sesame,...