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Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: SIGNAL RECEPTION CONDITIONS
Diversity of employees’ preferences towards creative versus routine work, and individual versus teamwork in remote work conditions
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Diversity of employees’ preferences towards creative versus routine work, and individual versus teamwork in remote work conditions
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New invertebrate species as potential CyHV‐3 reservoirs: A case study of common carp mortalities in hyperthermal conditions
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Use of hop cone extract obtained under supercritical CO2 conditions for producing antibacterial all-purpose cleaners
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Photocatalytic hydrogen evolution by co-catalyst-free TiO2/C bulk heterostructures synthesized under mild conditions
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Properties of the HtrA Protease From Bacterium Helicobacter pylori Whose Activity Is Indispensable for Growth Under Stress Conditions
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Interactive effects of vanadium and phosphorus on their uptake, growth and heat shock proteins in chickpea genotypes under hydroponic conditions
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Effect of the absence of clear contractual conditions for the pur-chase of combined heat and power systems through public tenders
PublikacjaW artykule przedstawiono dyskusję konsekwencji stosowania różnych podejść do obliczeń kontraktowych parametrów technicznych zespołów kogeneracyjnych. Obliczenia te wykonywane są na potrzeby oferty przygotowywanej w związku z ogłoszeniem przetargu publicznego na zakup siłowni kogeneracyjnej. Brak precyzyjnych zasad określających warunk, i jakie należy przyjąć do wyznaczania parametrów kontraktowych zespołów kogeneracyjnych umożliwia...
Phosphate exchange across the sediment-water interface under oxic and hypoxic/anoxic conditions in the southern Baltic Sea
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The effects of frost conditions on forest management based on the example of the July 1996 period at Hala Izerska in the Izera Mountains
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Rural Dwelling and Temporal Trends in Relation to Childhood Asthma and Related Conditions in Belarus: A Repeated Cross-sectional Survey
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Analysis of the Resistance Change of Chemosensitive Layers to the Presence of Ammonia Vapors under Variable Conditions of Air Temperature and Humidity
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Optimized conditions for hydrocarbon group type analysis of base oils by thin-layer chromatography - flame ionisation detection
PublikacjaW pracy przedstawiono wyniki badań nad opracowaniem optymalnych warunków oznaczania składu grupowego mineralnych olejów bazowych z wykorzystaniem chromatografii cienkowarstwowej oraz detektora płomieniowo-jonizacyjnego (TLC-FID). W przypadku mineralnych olejów bazowych, które otrzymywane są po wielu etapach rafinacji frakcji pochodzących z destylacji próżniowej ropy naftowej oznaczenie ich składu grupowego (z uwzględnieniem podgrup...
Electrochemical methods for corrosion rate determination under cathodic polarisation conditions - a review. Part II - AC methods
PublikacjaPrzedstawiono krytyczny przegląd prac dotyczących wykorzystania metod elektrochemicznych zmiennoprądowych do wyznaczania prądu korozyjnego metali polaryzowanych katodowo. Przedyskutowano stosowanie klasycznej liniowej spektroskopii impedancyjnej (EIS) z użyciem sygnałów pobudzających niskoamplitudowych, a następnie techniki zmiennoprądowe bazujące na sygnałach wysokoamplitudowych, a więc w zakresie nieliniowej charakterystyki polaryzacyjnej...
Electrochemical methods for corrosion rate determination under cathodic polarisation conditions - a review. Part I - DC methods
PublikacjaPrzedstawiono krytyczny przegląd prac dotyczących wykorzystania metod elektrochemicznych stałoprądowych do wyznaczania prądu korozyjnego metali polaryzowanych katodowo. Opisano dotychczasowe sposoby oceny skuteczności ochrony katodowej na podstawie pomiarów krzywych polaryzacji i rezystancji polaryzacyjnej. Scharakteryzowano metody matematyczne i oprogramowanie opracowane do analizy komputerowej krzywych polaryzacji w celu wyznaczenia...
Experimental and theoretical study on high-temperature creep of VT6 titanium alloy under multi-axial loading conditions
PublikacjaIn the framework of damage mechanics, we discuss a new mathematical model that describes the kinetics of the stress–strain state and damage accumulation during material degradation by the mechanism of long-term strength under complex multiaxial stress state. An experimental and theoretical technique is proposed for determination of material parameters and scalar constitutive functions for damaged media based on specially set experiments...
The experimental and numerical investigation of fracture behaviour in PMMA notched specimens under biaxial loading conditions – Tension with torsion
PublikacjaThis paper presents the results of experimental fracture test of flat PMMA specimens under biaxial loading condition tension with torsion (proportional). The specimens were made in two thicknesses: 5 and 15 mm and were weakened with V-type edge notches with different root radii: 0.5; 2 and 10 mm. Thanks to the ARAMIS 3D 4 M non-contact vision system, measurement of the elongation and twist angle were recorded. During experimental...
Bunker demolition located in a conservation protection zone in the light of technical, national defense, functional-utility and economic conditions
PublikacjaThe paper presents a description of the technical condition of the Bunker building located at the port quay, which has been out of use for several decades. The direct reason for the cessation of exploitation was the deletion of Bunker from the Civil Defense records. The paper contains a detailed analysis of the Bunker's technical condition, also taking into account the national defense, functional and utility aspects and the issues...
Mechanical and structural behavior of high-strength low-alloy steel pad welded by underwater wet welding conditions
PublikacjaThe aim of the paper was to determine the metallurgical and mechanical behaviors of a high-strength low-alloy (HSLA) steel pad-welded specimen used in the structures of industrial and naval parts. Then to predict the metallurgical consequences (nature of the phases present) and the mechanical properties (hardness and impact strength) of the pad-welded steel obtained by underwater wet welding with different heat input values. The...
Demolition of the cereal elevator building located in the conservation protection zone in the aspect of technical, functional-utility and economic conditions
PublikacjaThe paper presents a description of the technical condition of the Grain Elevator building situated on the port quay, which after many years of operation has been decommissioned. The immediate reason for the cessation of operation was the change in the use profile of the port quay, which caused the handling of other goods at the quay than the bulk materials originally stored in Elewator Zbożowy. The work contains...
Consequences of neglecting the appropriate safety conditions of structures exposed to seismic excitations - damage examples after the Kaliningrad earthquake
PublikacjaW artykule przedstawiono przykłady uszkodzeń budowli znajdujących się w złym stanie technicznym, które powstały w wyniku trzęsienia ziemi o epicentrum w Obwodzie Kaliningradzkim. Przykłady te jednoznacznie pokazują, iż zaniedbywanie stanu technicznego konstrukcji narażonych na wstrząsy sejsmiczne może prowadzić do poważnych konsekwencji powodując znaczne straty materialne lub ofiary śmiertelne.
DEM analysis of micro-structural events within granular shear zones under passive earth pressure conditions
PublikacjaW artykule omówiono wyniki obliczeń numerycznych dla pasku dla stanu pasywnego sztywnej ścianki podczas jej translacji stosując metodę elementów dyskretnych. Analizowano głównie zjawiska mikrostrukturalne w strefach ścinania podczas translacji sztywnej ścianki. Szczególna uwagę zwrócono na pojawienie się wirów w materiale granulowanym.
Germline DNA Retention in Murine and Human Rearranged T Cell Receptor Gene Coding Joints: Alternative Recombination Signal Sequences and V(D)J Recombinase Errors
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A modified method of vibration surveillance by using the optimal control at energy performance index
PublikacjaA method of vibration surveillance by using the optimal control at energy performance index has been creatively modified. The suggested original modification depends on consideration of direct relationship between the measured acceleration signal and the optimal control command. The paper presents the results of experiments and Hardware- in-the-loop simulations of a new active vibration reduction algorithm based on the energy...
Signal Image and Video Processing
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Employees’ self-expansion, work conditions, work engagement and productive behaviours: study 1&2
Dane BadawczeIn the following studies conducted in Poland, we examined the importance of workplace self-expansion and found that it is a significant mediator between job resources (e.g. compensation and benefits, job tasks) and work engagement (Study 1) as well as task-oriented engagement (Study 2). At the same time, our findings prove that job demands (e.g. role...
Cleaner energy for sustainable future using hybrid photovoltaics-thermoelectric generators system under non-static conditions using machine learning based control technique
PublikacjaIn addition to the load demand, the temperature difference between the hot and cold sides of the thermoelectric generator (TEG) module determines the output power for thermoelectric generator systems. Maximum power point tracking (MPPT) control is needed to track the optimal global power point as operating conditions change. The growing use of electricity and the decline in the use of fossil fuels have sparked interest in photovoltaic-TEG...
New semi-causal and noncausal techniques for detection of impulsive disturbances in multivariate signals with audio applications
PublikacjaThis paper deals with the problem of localization of impulsive disturbances in nonstationary multivariate signals. Both unidirectional and bidirectional (noncausal) detection schemes are proposed. It is shown that the strengthened pulse detection rule, which combines analysis of one-step-ahead signal prediction errors with critical evaluation of leave-one-out signal interpolation errors, allows one to noticeably improve detection results...
DEIS evaluation of the relative effective surface area of AISI 304 stainless steel dissolution process in conditions of intergranular corrosion
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A diode rectifier with a Special Coupled Reactor and additional Active Power Filter in the Marine Local Power Network Supply Conditions
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Are raw materials or composting conditions and time that most influence the maturity and/or quality of composts? Comparison of obtained composts on soil properties
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The effect of land use in the catchment and meteorological conditions on the riverine transport of dissolved organic carbon into the Puck Lagoon (southern Baltic)
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Calculation of silicon cell temperature of loaded photovoltaic module based on thermal coefficients for different weather conditions of Northern Poland
PublikacjaWydajność obciążonego modułu fotowoltaicznego zależy silnie od natężenia promieniowania słonecznego, temperatury otoczenia, prędkości wiatru i temperatury wewnętrznej składowych ogniw fotowoltaicznych. Sprawność konwersji fotowoltaicznej spada istotnie wraz z e wzrostem temperatury złącza p-n. Pomiar tej temperatury jest niemożliwy i oblicza się ją w oparciu o mierzoną wartość temperatury przedniej lub tylnej powierzchni modułu...
Chemical Control of SrLi(Al1–xGax)3N4:Eu2+ Red Phosphors at Extreme Conditions for Application in Light-Emitting Diodes
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Excess production of phage λ delayed early proteins under conditions supporting high Escherichia coli growth rates
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Advanced Experimental and Numerical Analysis of Behavior Structural Materials Including Dynamic Conditions of Fracture for Needs of Designing Protective Structures
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The Effects of Morus alba L. Fortification on the Quality, Functional Properties and Sensory Attributes of Bread Stored under Refrigerated Conditions
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Influence of the Silver Nanoparticles (AgNPs) Formation Conditions onto Titanium Dioxide (TiO2) Nanotubes Based Electrodes on Their Impedimetric Response
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DEIS evaluation of the relative effective surface area of AISI 304 stainless steel dissolution process in conditions of intergranulatar corrosion
PublikacjaWyniki przedstawione w tej pracy stanowią dalszą część badań dotyczących procesu roztwarzania wysokostopowej stali AISI 304 w warunkach zachodzenia korozji międzykrystalicznej z wykorzystaniem techniki dynamicznej elektrochemicznej spektroskopii impedancyjnej (DEIS). Po raz pierwszy zaprezentowano zmiany względnej powierzchni efektywnej procesu roztwarzania stali AISI 304 w warunkach zachodzenia korozji międzykrystalicznej w funkcji...
Computational simulations of concrete behaviour under dynamic conditions using elasto-visco-plastic model with non-local softening
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Investigation of the Process of Automatic Control of Current Polarity Reversal in the Conditions of Hybrid Technology of Electrochemical Processing of Corrosion-Resistant Steels
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Particulate Emissions from European Vehicles Featuring Direct Injection Spark Ignition Engines Tested Under Laboratory Conditions
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Characteristic profiles of DNA epigenetic modifications in colon cancer and its predisposing conditions—benign adenomas and inflammatory bowel disease
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Work ethic and organizational commitment as conditions of unethical pro‐organizational behavior: Do engaged workers break the ethical rules?
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On thinning ice: Effects of atmospheric warming, changes in wind speed and rainfall on ice conditions in temperate lakes (Northern Poland)
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Role of melatonin seed priming on antioxidant enzymes and biochemical responses of Carthamus tinctorius L. under drought stress conditions
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Investigation of OH radicals formation on the surface of TiO2/N photocatalyst at the presence of terephthalic acid solution. Estimation of optimal conditions
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Studies of Optimal Conditions for Depletion of the $^{110m}$Ag Isomer Via Nuclear Excitation by Electron Capture in a Beam-based Scenario
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Treatment strategies for comorbid conditions lower residual risk in patients with treated hypertension: FOURIER and other randomized outcome trials
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Contrasting effects of operating conditions and biomass particle size on bulk characteristics and surface chemistry of rice husk derived-biochars