Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: reinforcement%20learning - MOST Wiedzy


Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: reinforcement%20learning

Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: reinforcement%20learning

  • Building Information Modelling as an opportunity and risk for stakeholders involved in construction investment process

    The requirements to apply Building Information Modelling (BIM) in public investments worldwide are currently very high. Significant interest (sometimes formulated also as a requirement) in BIM technology can be observed also among private investors. Design technology that applies BIM is supported by many private investors due to its numerous advantages. A growing group of construction designers (steel, concrete and reinforced concrete...

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  • Brygida Mielewska dr

    Brygida Mielewska urodziła się 1 grudnia 1972 r. w Gdyni. Studia wyższe ukończyła w 1997 r. na Wydziale Matematyki, Fizyki i Informatyki Uniwersytetu Gdańskiego, uzyskując tytuł magistra fizyki. W latach 1997–2003 pracowała na stanowisku asystenta w Katedrze Fizyki Zjawisk Elektronowych na Wydziale Fizyki Technicznej i Matematyki Stosowanej Politechniki Gdańskiej. Pracę doktorską pisała pod kierunkiem prof. dr. hab. Mariusza Zubka,...

  • Impact of Visual Image Quality on Lymphocyte Detection Using YOLOv5 and RetinaNet Algorithms

    Lymphocytes, a type of leukocytes, play a vital role in the immune system. The precise quantification, spatial arrangement and phenotypic characterization of lymphocytes within haematological or histopathological images can serve as a diagnostic indicator of a particular lesion. Artificial neural networks, employed for the detection of lymphocytes, not only can provide support to the work of histopathologists but also enable better...

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  • Intelligent Audio Signal Processing − Do We Still Need Annotated Datasets?


    - Rok 2022

    In this paper, intelligent audio signal processing examples are shortly described. The focus is, however, on the machine learning approach and datasets needed, especially for deep learning models. Years of intense research produced many important results in this area; however, the goal of fully intelligent signal processing, characterized by its autonomous acting, is not yet achieved. Therefore, a review of state-of-the-art concerning...

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  • Factors Affecting the Effectiveness of Military Training in Virtual Reality Environment

    • M. Gawlik-Kobylińska
    • P. Maciejewski
    • J. Lebiedź
    • A. Wysokińska-Senkus

    - Rok 2020

    In this paper, we explored the factors influencing the effectiveness of military trainings performed in a virtual reality environment. The rationale for taking up the topic is the fact that such trainings are often conducted under specific operational procedures. These procedures may create rigorous frameworks for all elements of the learning environment, including the teacher’s performance. Therefore, to ensure the most conducive...

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  • An Improved Convolutional Neural Network for Steganalysis in the Scenario of Reuse of the Stego-Key


    - Rok 2019

    The topic of this paper is the use of deep learning techniques, more specifically convolutional neural networks, for steganalysis of digital images. The steganalysis scenario of the repeated use of the stego-key is considered. Firstly, a study of the influence of the depth and width of the convolution layers on the effectiveness of classification was conducted. Next, a study on the influence of depth and width of fully connected...

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    - Rok 2016

    The aim of the paper is to examine positive psychological capital (PsyCap) as well as individual factors in the relationship with thriving in the multicultural work environment of multinational corporations (MNCs). We conducted a quantitative study on the sample of 127 individuals from subsidiaries of various MNCs located in Poland and involved in intercultural interactions. The results of cross-sectional study show that employees...



    The station was established as part of a project co-financed by the European Union with the funds of the European Regional Development Fund as part of the Infrastructure and Environment Operational Programme titled: “Establishment of state-of-the-art technical infrastructure for the Engineers of the Future learning programme at the Gdańsk University of Technology” executed in 2013-2015.

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  • Stan graniczny nośności dźwigara żelbetowego mostu na zginanie według norm PN-EN 1992-2 oraz PN-S-10042:1991


    - Rok 2016

    Praca włącza się w bogaty w ostatnich latach w krajowym piśmiennictwie nurt porównań dwóch generacji norm projektowania mostów z betonu: polskiej - wycofanej, aczkolwiek powszechnie stosowanej oraz europejskiej – wciąż jeszcze wdrażanej do praktyki projektowej. Nowością w stosunku do dotychczasowych publikacji polskich jest szersze ujęcie różnic pomiędzy obydwiema generacjami norm. Poza rozpatrywanymi przez wielu autorów różnicami...

  • Abdalraheem Ijjeh Ph.D. Eng.


    The primary research areas of interest are artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning, deep learning, and computer vision, as well as modeling physical phenomena (i.e., guided waves in composite laminates). The research interests described above are utilized for SHM and NDE applications, namely damage detection and localization in composite materials.  

  • A novel hybrid adaptive framework for support vector machine-based reliability analysis: A comparative study

    • S. Yang
    • Z. He
    • J. Chai
    • D. Meng
    • W. Macek
    • R. Branco
    • S. Zhu

    - Structures - Rok 2023

    This study presents an innovative hybrid Adaptive Support Vector Machine - Monte Carlo Simulation (ASVM-MCS) framework for reliability analysis in complex engineering structures. These structures often involve highly nonlinear implicit functions, making traditional gradient-based first or second order reliability algorithms and Monte Carlo Simulation (MCS) time-consuming. The application of surrogate models has proven effective...

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    Projekt SP4CE (Partnerstwo strategiczne na rzecz kreatywności i przedsiębiorczości) jest odpowiedzią na potrzeby zidentyfikowane w komunikacie z Brugii w sprawie ściślejszej europejskiej współpracy w dziedzinie kształcenia i szkolenia zawodowego w latach 2011 - 2020. Do realizacji portalu SP4CE wykorzystano oprogramowanie WordPress i Moodle. WordPress wykorzystano m.in. do udostępnienia materiałów informacyjnych oraz szkoleniowych...

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    - Rok 2016

    The purpose of the study was to examine the psychological resources which foster thriving in multicultural work settings of multinational corporations (MNCs) - the companies that are evident manifestation of globalization. Although globalized multicultural workplace creates specific job demands that pose unique occupational stress to individuals, some personal resources enable them to deal with these demands and to thrive. Thriving...

  • Zastosowanie geosyntetyków przy wzmocnieniu podłoża pod nawierzchnie drogowe


     Zastosowanie geosyntetyków przy wzmocnieniu podłoża pod nawierzchnie drogoweThe use of geosynthetics in the reinforcement of subsoil for road surfaces

  • Structural, thermal and physico-mechanical properties of polyurethane/brewers’ spent grain composite foams modified with ground tire rubber

    In this work, brewers’ spent grain (BSG) and ground tire rubber (GTR) waste fillers were applied as low-cost reinforcement phase in rigid polyurethane foam (PUR). PUR/BSG/GTR composites were prepared by a single step method, using polyglycerol as partial substitute of commercially available petrochemical polyols. Foaming parameters, chemical structure, dynamic mechanical properties, thermal stability, physico-mechanical properties...

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  • Novel approach to ecotoxicological risk assessment of sediments cores around the shipwreck by the use of self-organizing maps



    Marine and coastal pollution plays an increasingly important role due to recent severe accidents which drew attention to the consequences of oil spills causing widespread devastation of marine ecosystems. All these problems cannot be solved without conducting environmental studies in the area of possible oil spill and performing chemometric evaluation of the data obtained looking for similar patterns among pollutants and optimize...

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  • Investigating Feature Spaces for Isolated Word Recognition

    • P. Treigys
    • G. Korvel
    • G. Tamulevicius
    • J. Bernataviciene
    • B. Kostek

    - Rok 2020

    The study addresses the issues related to the appropriateness of a two-dimensional representation of speech signal for speech recognition tasks based on deep learning techniques. The approach combines Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) and time-frequency signal representation converted to the investigated feature spaces. In particular, waveforms and fractal dimension features of the signal were chosen for the time domain, and...

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  • Motion Trajectory Prediction in Warehouse Management Systems: A Systematic Literature Review


    - Applied Sciences-Basel - Rok 2023

    Background: In the context of Warehouse Management Systems, knowledge related to motion trajectory prediction methods utilizing machine learning techniques seems to be scattered and fragmented. Objective: This study seeks to fill this research gap by using a systematic literature review approach. Methods: Based on the data collected from Google Scholar, a systematic literature review was performed, covering the period from 2016...

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  • Direct brain stimulation modulates encoding states and memory performance in humans

    • Y. Ezzyat
    • J. E. Kragel
    • J. F. Burke
    • D. F. Levy
    • A. Lyalenko
    • P. Wanda
    • L. O'Sullivan
    • K. B. Hurley
    • S. Busygin
    • I. Pedisich... i 16 innych

    - CURRENT BIOLOGY - Rok 2017

    People often forget information because they fail to effectively encode it. Here, we test the hypothesis that targeted electrical stimulation can modulate neural encoding states and subsequent memory outcomes. Using recordings from neurosurgical epilepsy patients with intracranially implanted electrodes, we trained multivariate classifiers to discriminate spectral activity during learning that predicted remembering from forgetting,...

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  • The Neural Knowledge DNA Based Smart Internet of Things



    ABSTRACT The Internet of Things (IoT) has gained significant attention from industry as well as academia during the past decade. Smartness, however, remains a substantial challenge for IoT applications. Recent advances in networked sensor technologies, computing, and machine learning have made it possible for building new smart IoT applications. In this paper, we propose a novel approach: the Neural Knowledge DNA based Smart Internet...

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  • Bridging theory and practice in postgraduate education on development and planning: Gdynia Urban Summer Schools 2016-2018

    In this article, the authors discuss results achieved by the Gdynia Urban Summer School (GUSS) organised annually (between 2016 and 2018) in Gdynia, Poland. The GUSS was meant for young practitioners from various professions such as urban and regional planning, urban design, architecture, civil engineering and transport planning. The objective was to give workshop participantspractical interdisciplinary...

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    W niniejszym artykule przedstawiono analizę rozwiązań do rozpoznawania emocji opartych na mowie i możliwości ich wykorzystania w syntezie mowy z emocjami, wykorzystując do tego celu sieci neuronowe. Przedstawiono aktualne rozwiązania dotyczące rozpoznawania emocji w mowie i metod syntezy mowy za pomocą sieci neuronowych. Obecnie obserwuje się znaczny wzrost zainteresowania i wykorzystania uczenia głębokiego w aplikacjach związanych...

  • Projektowanie środowiskowe - edukacja architektoniczna


    - Rok 2009

    Przedstawiono krytykę obecnej edukacji architektonicznej oraz dyskusję nad kierunkami jej zmian. Omówiono dokumenty międzynarodowych organizacji zajmujących się teoria i praktyką edukacji architektonicznej ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem edukacji w zakresie projektowania środowiskowego oraz systemów samoksztalcenia (learning to learn) i kształcenia ustawicznego.

  • Herbarium of Division of Marine Biology and Ecology University of Gdańsk (DMBE)

    Dane Badawcze
    open access

    Herbarium of Division of Marine Biology and Ecology University of Gdańsk (DMBE) is a research herbarium encompassing specimens of vascular plants and algae hosted by the Laboratory of Marine Plant Ecology at University of Gdańsk, Poland. The aim of Herbarium is to preserve marine plant and algae collections mostly from the Gulf of Gdańsk, but the herbarium...

  • Akustyczna analiza parametrów ruchu drogowego z wykorzystaniem informacji o hałasie oraz uczenia maszynowego


    - Rok 2018

    Celem rozprawy było opracowanie akustycznej metody analizy parametrów ruchu drogowego. Zasada działania akustycznej analizy ruchu drogowego zapewnia pasywną metodę monitorowania natężenia ruchu. W pracy przedstawiono wybrane metody uczenia maszynowego w kontekście analizy dźwięku (ang.Machine Hearing). Przedstawiono metodologię klasyfikacji zdarzeń w ruchu drogowym z wykorzystaniem uczenia maszynowego. Przybliżono podstawowe...

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  • Alicja Karaś mgr inż. arch.


  • Wspomaganie zajęć dydaktycznych z matematyki na kierunkach technicznych kursem e-Learningowym"

    W artykule przedstawiono doświadczenia w zakresie wspomagania przedmiotu matematyka na pierwszym roku studiów inżynierskich kursem e-learningowym. Wykonano analizę wyników testów przeprowadzonych podczas e-zajęć. Przedstawiono również wyniki ankiet ewaluacyjnych obrazujących stosunek studentów do wprowadzania kształcenia matematyki z wykorzystaniem blended learning.

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    The advent of e-Learning tools allowing for automated online test grading will probably increase the frequency of using tests in technical education. The same tools may provide for measures of test question quality. By purposely crafting question sets, test grading may serve different goals. The paper contains examples and test study with score histograms.

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  • Mobile Activity Plan Applications for Behavioral Therapy of Autistic Children

    This paper concerns technological support for behavioral therapy of autistic children. A family of tools dedicated for mobile devices is presented, that allows to design and perform an activity schedule in behavioral therapy. The paper describes the main challenges, that were encountered, especially in meeting the non-functional requirements of the application: simplicity, repeatability, robustness, personalization, re-usability...

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  • Alina Guzik mgr

  • Optymalizacja zasobów chmury obliczeniowej z wykorzystaniem inteligentnych agentów w zdalnym nauczaniu


    - Rok 2023

    Rozprawa dotyczy optymalizacji zasobów chmury obliczeniowej, w której zastosowano inteligentne agenty w zdalnym nauczaniu. Zagadnienie jest istotne w edukacji, gdzie wykorzystuje się nowoczesne technologie, takie jak Internet Rzeczy, rozszerzoną i wirtualną rzeczywistość oraz deep learning w środowisku chmury obliczeniowej. Zagadnienie jest istotne również w sytuacji, gdy pandemia wymusza stosowanie zdalnego nauczania na dużą skalę...

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  • Engineering education for smart grid systems in the quasi-industrial environment of the LINTE^2 laboratory

    Smart grid systems are revolutionising the electric power sector, integrating advanced technologies to enhance efficiency, reliability and sustainability. It is important for higher education to equip the prospective smart grid professional with the competencies enabling them to navigate through the related complexities and drive innovation. To achieve this, interdisciplinary education programmes are necessary, addressing inter...

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  • MOOCs in SP4CE - case studies (Strategic Partnership for Creativity and Entrepreneurship)


    - Rok 2016

    SP4CE stands for Strategic Partnership for Creativity and Entrepreneurship project which has been funded with support from the European Commission under the ERASMUS+ Programme in the period 1st September 2014 - 31st August 2017. The main purpose of SP4CE project is to design innovative e-learning tools for collaboration between students, enterprises and teachers. It concentrates on identifying users’ needs and supports the development...

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  • From Knowledge based Vision Systems to Cognitive Vision Systems: A Review


    - Rok 2018

    Computer vision research and applications have their origins in 1960s. Limitations in computational resources inherent of that time, among other reasons, caused research to move away from artificial intelligence and generic recognition goals to accomplish simple tasks for constrained scenarios. In the past decades, the development in machine learning techniques has contributed to noteworthy progress in vision systems. However,...

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  • WebCT - platforma i tłumaczenie.


    W artykule przedstawiono doświadczenia Centrum Edukacji Niestacjonarnej i Międzywydziałowego Koła Naukowego Studentów Politechniki Gdańskiej DEC@TUG w tłumaczeniu i implementacji platform LMS (ang. Learning Management System). Krótko scharakteryzowano funkcjonalność platform BSCW I Moodle, których interfejsy zostały przetłumaczone przez członków Koła DEC@TUG w latach 2000-2003. Opisano główne funkcje platformy WebCT, takie jak...

  • Smart Knowledge Engineering for Cognitive Systems: A Brief Overview



    Cognition in computer sciences refers to the ability of a system to learn at scale, reason with purpose, and naturally interact with humans and other smart systems, such as humans do. To enhance intelligence, as well as to introduce cognitive functions into machines, recent studies have brought humans into the loop, turning the system into a human–AI hybrid. To effectively integrate and manipulate hybrid knowledge, suitable technologies...

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    - Rok 2018

    The following paper investigates the idea of reducing the human digital intervention to a minimum during the advanced design process. Augmenting the outcome attributes beyond the designer's capabilities by computational design methods, data collection, data computing and digital fabrication, altogether imitating the human design process. The primary technical goal of the research was verification of restrictions and abilities used...

  • The KLC Cultures Synergy for Organizational Agility. Trust, Risk-Taking Attitude, and Critical Thinking as Moderators


    - Rok 2024

    Organizational agility is visible in organizational change adaptability, and it is based on the development of dynamic capabilities, strategic sensitivity of leaders, accuracy and timing of decision-making, learning aptitude, flexibility in thinking and acting, and smooth resource flow across organizations, including the knowledge resource. In such a context, this study aimed to expose how the knowledge, learning, and collaboration...

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  • Creating a radiological database for automatic liver segmentation using artificial intelligence.


    - EJSO-EUR J SURG ONC - Rok 2022

    Imaging in medicine is an irreplaceable stage in the diagnosis and treatment of cancer. The subsequent therapeutic effect depends on the quality of the imaging tests performed. In recent years we have been observing the evolution of 2D to 3D imaging for many medical fields, including oncological surgery. The aim of the study is to present a method of selection of radiological imaging tests for learning neural networks.

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  • The fast identification of explosives, natcotics and other chemicals carried on board of ships or transported in containers


    - Rok 2011

    The fast identification of explosives, narcotics and other chemicals carried on board of ships or transported in containers to the harbors is an important problem of maritime security. Raman spectroscopy is an advanced technique used in state-of-the art laboratories for fast identification of chemicals. No sample preparation is required, and identification can be carried out through transparent packing, such as plastic or glass,...

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  • The impact of institutions on innovation networks: empirical evidence from Poland


    - Technological and Economic Development of Economy - Rok 2022

    Innovation networks may accelerate and improve the innovation process, while institutional pathologies may hamper it. This study employs the Kruskal-Wallis H test and regression analysis to determine if the relationship between institutions and innovation networks does exist among the investigated variables. The purpose of the study was to find out whether cooperation with special local institutions influences the innovative behaviour...

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  • Phong B. Dao D.Sc., Ph.D.


    Phong B. Dao received the Engineer degree in Cybernetics in 2001, the M.Sc. degree in Instrumentation and Control in 2004, both from Hanoi University of Science and Technology in Vietnam, and the Ph.D. degree in Control Engineering in 2011 from the University of Twente, the Netherlands. In May 2020, Dr. Dao received the degree of D.Sc. (Habilitation) in Mechanical Engineering from the AGH University of Science and Technology, Poland....

  • Decisional DNA for modeling and reuse of experiential clinical assessments in breast cancer diagnosis and treatment

    • E. Sanchez
    • W. Peng
    • C. Toro
    • C. Sanin
    • M. Grana
    • E. Szczerbicki
    • E. Carrasco
    • F. Guijarro
    • L. Brualla

    - NEUROCOMPUTING - Rok 2014

    Clinical Decision Support Systems (CDSS) are active knowledge resources that use patient data to generate case specific advice. The fast pace of change of clinical knowledge imposes to CDSS the continuous update of the domain knowledge and decision criteria. Traditional approaches require costly tedious manual maintenance of the CDSS knowledge bases and repositories. Often, such an effort cannot be assumed by medical teams, hence...

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  • DevEmo—Software Developers’ Facial Expression Dataset

    The COVID-19 pandemic has increased the relevance of remote activities and digital tools for education, work, and other aspects of daily life. This reality has highlighted the need for emotion recognition technology to better understand the emotions of computer users and provide support in remote environments. Emotion recognition can play a critical role in improving the remote experience and ensuring that individuals are able...

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  • Society 4.0: Issues, Challenges, Approaches, and Enabling Technologies



    This guest edition of Cybernetics and Systems is a broadening continuation of our last year edition titled “Intelligence Augmentation and Amplification: Approaches, Tools, and Case Studies”. This time we cover research perspective extending towards what is known as Society 4.0. Bob de Vit brought the concept of Society 4.0 to life in his book “Society 4.0 – resolving eight key issues to build a citizens society”. From the Systems...

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  • Musical Instrument Tagging Using Data Augmentation and Effective Noisy Data Processing

    Developing signal processing methods to extract information automatically has potential in several applications, for example searching for multimedia based on its audio content, making context-aware mobile applications (e.g., tuning apps), or pre-processing for an automatic mixing system. However, the last-mentioned application needs a significant amount of research to reliably recognize real musical instruments in recordings....

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  • t-SNE Highlights Phylogenetic and Temporal Patterns of SARS-CoV-2 Spike and Nucleocapsid Protein Evolution

    • G. Tamazian
    • A. Komissarov
    • D. Kobak
    • D. Polyakov
    • E. Andronov
    • S. Nechaev
    • S. Kryzhevich
    • Y. Porozov
    • E. Stepanov

    - Rok 2022

    We propose applying t-distributed stochastic neighbor embedding to protein sequences of SARS-CoV-2 to construct, visualize and study the evolutionary space of the coronavirus. The basic idea is to explore the COVID-19 evolution space by using modern manifold learning techniques applied to evolutionary distances between variants. Evolutionary distances have been calculated based on the structures of the nucleocapsid and spike proteins.

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  • Szkolenie elektroniczne narzędziem budowy kapitału ludzkiego.


    - Rok 2004

    Autorka ukazuje proces szkoleń pracowników począwszy od tradycyjnego do bardziej nowoczesnego typu e-learning. W nowoczesnych przedsiębiorstwach odchodzxi sie od typowego, tradycyjnego szkolenia na rzecz bardziej efektywnych,tańszych i skutecznych czyli elektronicznych. W artykule pokazane są zalety i korzyści szkoleń elektronicznych w przygotowaniu pracowników do efektywnej pracy.

  • Międzynarodowa Szkoła Letnia na temat algorytmów


    06-07-2020 08:30 - 11-07-2020 17:00

    Katedra Algorytmów i Modelowania Systemów WETI PG organizuje 4. edycję Międzynarodowej Szkoły Letniej na temat algorytmów dla problemów optymalizacji dyskretnej i głębokiego uczenia

  • Knowledge pills in Education and Training: A Literature Review

    • E. Bolisani
    • E. Scarso
    • M. Zięba
    • S. Durst
    • A. Zbuchea
    • A. Lis
    • T. C. Kassaneh

    - Rok 2022

    Object and purpose: Knowledge pills (KPs) are a technique for transferring knowledge through short factual batches of content. In education and vocational training, they can help learners acquire specific pieces of knowledge in a few minutes, through a “microteaching” approach where learners can be involved in active and interactive exercises, quizzes, and games. Thanks to the advancements of multimedia platforms, they can contain...

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