Architectural education and digital tools: the challenges and opportunities
PublikacjaEnriching architectural education with digital tools is the subject of this article. Such tools can create, support and visualise architecture. The focus in this article is on an interdisciplinary approach to media architecture (allowing variable visual content of architectural objects) and interactivity (user-space communication), revealing new possibilities in terms of human perception. The results of a survey on media architecture...
Adapting education to a changing climate: preparing architecture students for climate-resilient design
PublikacjaIn this article, the authors explore the connection between climate change and the fields of architecture and urban planning. With the increasing frequency of flooding and extreme weather events, the built environment is confronting challenges in terms of sustainability and resilience. To meet these problems, it is necessary to prepare various specialists to assume responsibility for making future decisions. The authors of this...
To Work or Not to Work… in a Multicultural Team?
PublikacjaThe main goal of the article is to present research findings regarding student’s attitude to working in a multicultural team (MCT). Research participants of different cultural background completed the research survey. Their willingness to work in MCT was measured together with factors that influence it. These include factors related to both team members and the task structure. Research findings indicate that the respondents preferred...
Energy Modeling of Single-Family Houses in the Conceptual Phase
PublikacjaThe aim of the article is to identify the potential impact of the latest commercial digital tools for building energy analysis on the everyday architectural practice in Poland in the context of typology and energy optimization of single –family houses. The reason for this survey is that “architect friendly” interfaces simulation results’ visualization and energy analysis tools are not given deserved attention in the architectural...
Cluster donation: How medical students bound certain types of tissues and biomedical research and how it affects their willingness to donate.
PublikacjaAlthough biomedical research requires cooperation with a large number of donors, its success also depends on the input of healthcare professionals who play a crucial role in promoting biomedical research and influencing an individual’s decision to donate one’s biospecimens that are left over after a medical procedure. This work was aimed at investigating the correlation between medical and healthcare students’ willingness to...
Polish Academic Libraries in the Face of the Covid-19 Pandemic: Crisis Management and Communication within the Organisation
PublikacjaThe developing SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus pandemic, which was announced in March 2020, has had a significant impact on the activities of universities and their academic libraries. The article aims to present the activities of academic libraries at the time of introducing restrictions on their activities and closing for several months to users and reformulating the services they provide, on the example of the Library of the Gdańsk University...
Confidence, Financial Literacy and Investment in Risky Assets: Evidence from the Survey of Consumer Finances
PublikacjaWe employ recent Survey of Consumer Finances (SCF) microdata from the US to analyze the impacts of confidence in one's own financial knowledge, confidence in the economy, and objective financial literacy on investment in risky financial assets (equity and bonds) on both the extensive and intensive margins. Controlling for a rich set of covariates including risk aversion, we find that objective financial literacy is positively...
Investigating beliefs in anti-vax conspiracy theories among medical students
PublikacjaAbstract: While the doctors’ role in immunization is essential, their lack of knowledge or vaccine hesitancy may affect their ability to communicate effectively and educate patients about vaccination, vaccine hesitancy, and vaccine conspiracy theories. This, in turn, may hinder health policy aimed at fighting infectious diseases. Vaccine hesitancy is prevalent not only among the general population but also among healthcare...
Julita Wasilczuk dr hab.
OsobyUrodzona 5 kwietnia 1965 roku w Gdańsku. W latach 1987–1991 odbyła studia na Wydziale Ekonomiki Transportu Uniwersytetu Gdańskiego (obecnie Wydział Ekonomii). Od 1993 roku zatrudniona na nowo utworzonym Wydziale Zarządzania i Ekonomii, Politechniki Gdańskiej, na stanowisku asystenta. W 1997 roku uzyskała stopień doktora nauk ekonomicznych na WZiE, a w 2006 doktora habilitowanego nauk ekonomicznych w dyscyplinie nauki o zarządzaniu,...
Virtual tour as an innovative tool for architectural education - from understanding heritage to creativity stimulation
PublikacjaThe article presents the potential of the virtual tour in architectural education as an innovative tool to better understand heritage and stimulate creativity. A methodology for creating a virtual tour based on a point cloud obtained from a survey based on 360° camera images is presented. Two different purposes for the use of point clouds are presented from reliable indicators of heritage documentation useful for digital twin modelling...
Ideas of the New European Bauhaus (NEB) in architectural education
PublikacjaThe New European Bauhaus (NEB) is an interdisciplinary project initiated by the European Commission in 2020 [1], based on three values: sustainability, beauty and community (social inclusion). Its aim is to support the European Green Deal programme [2] by accelerating the transformation of various economic sectors, including construction, to improve the quality of people’s lives and protect the natural environment. Even though...
Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Compression Therapy Combined with Exercises Versus Exercises Only Among Lipedema Patients Using Various Outcome Measures
PublikacjaThe treatment of lipedema remains challenging, largely due to widespread misconceptions. Selecting the appropriate treatment method necessitates the use of accurate outcome measures. This study aims to evaluate the effectiveness of compression therapy combined with exercises versus exercises alone in lipedema patients using various outcome measures. Twenty-four women with lipedema were divided into two equal groups: one group received...
Caring for Children with Dravet Syndrome: Exploring the Daily Challenges of Family Caregivers
PublikacjaWhile Polish studies focus on the symptoms, causes and treatment of people suffering from Dravet syndrome (DS), much less is known about the situation of the family caregivers of DS children. This study was designed to explore the experiences, daily challenges and needs related to caring for DS children. An anonymous self-administered online questionnaire was developed. Thesurvey was completed by 75 family caregivers affiliated...
Wyzwania współpracy z robotem jako członkiem zespołu
Publikacja– Cel: Ocena, jakie są przekonania dotyczące współpracy z robotami w zespole, jakie są obawy i oczekiwania związane z „zatrudnianiem” robotów. – Metodyka badań: Badania ilościowe zrealizowane z zastosowaniem kwestionariusza ankiety w grupie 593 specjalistów IT. – Wyniki badań: Roboty nadal traktowane są głównie jako narzędzia, nie jako podmioty uczestniczące w pracy zespołu. Przekonanie, że obecność robota w zespole nie wyeliminuje...
Otwarte zasoby edukacyjne - przegląd inicjatyw w Polsce i na świecie
PublikacjaOtwarte zasoby edukacyjne (OZE) to materiały szkoleniowe oraz narzędzia wspierające zarówno uczenie, jak i nauczanie. Zjawisko to nierozerwalnie łączy się z szerszym pojęciem otwartej edukacji (OE), które postuluje zniesienie barier w nauczaniu tak, aby uczący się mogli zdobywać wiedzę zgodnie ze swoimi potrzebami edukacyjno-szkoleniowymi. Celem artykułu jest zapoznanie czytelników z zagadnieniem otwartych zasobów edukacyjnych,...
Including the Dark Side of Entrepreneurship in the Entrepreneurship Education
PublikacjaPursuing an entrepreneurial career is often rewarding in terms of both economic and psychological outcomes. However, becoming an entrepreneur also has its darker side that affects professional and personal life. Meanwhile, the positivity bias is prevalent in entrepreneurial education and research. It is recognized as emphasizing the advantages of becoming an entrepreneur and giving considerably less attention to potential downsides....
Tradycyjne i nowoczesne kanały dystrybucji wykorzystywane w procesie świadczenia usług ubezpieczeniowych dojrzałym konsumentom
PublikacjaPrzedmiotem artykułu są usługi ubezpieczeniowe świadczone z wykorzystaniem tradycyjnych i nowoczesnych kanałów dystrybucji. W artykule skoncentrowano się na osobach powyżej 50 roku życia, szczególnie narażonych na zjawisko wykluczenia cyfrowego. Na podstawie przeglądu literatury sformułowano hipotezę badawczą: cechy społeczno – demograficzne osób powyżej 50 roku życia wpływają na ich skłonność do korzystania z usług ubezpieczeniowych...
The congruence of mental models in entrepreneurial teams – implications for performance and satisfaction in teams operating in an emerging economy
PublikacjaPurpose – The paper aims to explore the relationship between the congruence of mental models held by the members of entrepreneurial teams operating in an emerging economy (Poland) and entrepreneurial outcomes (performance and satisfaction). Design/methodology/approach – The data obtained from 18 nascent and 20 established entrepreneurial teams was analysed to answer hypotheses. The research was quantitative and was conducted using...
The High Quality Business School Academic Teacher of the 21st Century – Polish Students’ Perspective
PublikacjaThe literature shows that the success and competence of future managers depend on the quality of their academic teachers. Moreover high quality study requires high quality lecturing/teaching that creates an environment in which deep learning outcomes are made possible for students. The aim was to identify the characteristics of the academic teacher working at business schools, according to the expectations of Polish students...
Organisational Competence vs Transferability of Knowledge in Cluster Organisations and Technology Parks
PublikacjaPurpose. The main paper aims to evaluate the impact of organisational competence on knowledge and information flows within cluster organisations and technology parks, with particular emphasis on innovative content knowledge. The paper addresses the research question: “What set of competencies of cooperating companies allows access to information and knowledge in cluster and parks structures?" Methodology. The authors report their...
Development of cooperation in localized cooperation networks: A comparative study of cluster organizations and technology parks
PublikacjaThe main aim of the paper is to analyze the level of development of cooperative relationships in localized cooperation networks – among enterprises associated in cluster organizations and park tenants. The author reports the findings from the quantitative study carried out in the selected cluster organizations and technology parks functioning in Poland. The basic method of data collection was a survey questionnaire. The research...
Spatial Distribution of Eucalyptus Plantation and its Impact on the Depletion of Groundwater Resources of Tehsil Swat Ranizai, District Malakand
PublikacjaNative to the continent of Australia, eucalyptus is a tall, evergreen tree belonging to the Myrtaceae family. Malakand district has the largest eucalyptus plantation in the province, covering an area of 22,071.29 ha. The present study aims to evaluate its impact on the groundwater table (GWT) in three selected union councils (UCs) of the study area, i.e., Agra, Totakan, and Kot. Both primary and secondary data support the study....
Assessment of the Effectiveness of a Short-term Hearing Aid Use in Patients with Different Degrees of Hearing Loss
PublikacjaThe study presents evaluating the effectiveness of the hearing aid fitting process in the short-term use (7 days). The evaluation method consists of a survey based on the APHAB (Abbreviated Profile of Hearing Aid Benefit) questionnaire. Additional criteria such as a degree of hearing loss, number of hours and days of hearing aid use as well as the user’s experience were also taken into consideration. The outcomes of the benefit...
Strategic Flexibility as a Mediator in Relationship between Managerial Decisions and Organizational Learning: Ambidexterity Perspective
PublikacjaPurpose: The purpose of the article is to determine strategic flexibility in the relationship between managerial decisions and organizational learning. The analyses are conducted in the ambidexterity convection. Design/Methodology/Approach: The study was conducted at a textile company. The company is a leader in the textile recycling industry in Poland. Empirical data were collected using the PAPI technique. The survey questionnaire...
Study on the prevalence of mobile phone use by car drivers – the case of Poland
Publikacja: Distracted driving is a significant factor affecting road safety and it can occur as a result of using mobile phones while driving. The aim of the current research is to present the prevalence of mobile phone use by Polish car drivers, based on the roadside and online survey. The field study showed that 11.6% of 1867 drivers were using mobile phones while being in motion and 26.1% of 203 drivers when stopped in front of traffic...
Between autonomy and paternalism: Attitudes of nursing personnel towards Jehovah’s Witnesses’ refusal of blood transfusion
PublikacjaObjectives: The study describes the attitudes of Polish nursing personnel towards Jehovah’s Witnesses’ (JWs’) refusal to receive blood and blood products.Methods: We developed an online survey assessing nurses’ knowledge and attitudes towards JWs’ refusal of blood transfusion in a life-threatening condition. It also examined nurses’ attitudes towards ethical and legal issues associated with JWs’ refusal of bloodtransfusions....
How Small KIBS Companies Manage Their Intellectual Capital? Towards an Emergent KM Approach
PublikacjaThe growing interest in Intellectual Capital management and Knowledge Management is now reaching small companies, especially those in the Knowledge-Intensive Business Services (KIBS) sector. This paper aims to explore this issue, starting from the assumption that a planned and systematic approach to KM, as is used in large companies, is rarely applicable in small organizations. It is more likely that small companies adopt an approach...
Fake News: Possibility of Identification in Post-Truth Media Ecology System
PublikacjaInformation comes as basic good which affects social well-being. A modern society and a modern state – its administration, education, culture, national economy and armed forces – cannot function efficiently without a rationally developed field of information. The quality of the functioning of that system depends on a specific feature of information, that is namely: its reliability which makes it possible for us to evaluate accuracy,...
Support for research biobanks among medical students in the Republic of Kazakhstan
PublikacjaBackground: Over the past few years, several biobanks have been organized in the Republic of Kazakhstan (RoK). As research biobanks are becoming an increasingly important tool for precision medicine, they require competent biobankers who will help disseminate the idea of biobanking throughout the society and support donation for research purposes. This study aimed to assess the support for research...
LED Light Sources and Their Complex Set-Up for Visually and Biologically Effective Illumination for Ornamental Indoor Plants
PublikacjaOrnamental plants are often used in indoor environments as part of biophilic design to improve the health and wellbeing of occupants, and to support sustainable, green architecture. Unfortunately, many plants do not thrive and need to be continuously replaced, which is economically unsustainable. The wavelengths and spectrum ratio of commonly used light sources such as light emitting diode (LED), and the lack of an appropriate...
"Shaping space" programme as a tool for educating youth about architecture
PublikacjaThe Polish Architectural Policy’s vision of a systematic promotion of spatial culture has made its way into the national curriculum for 2009 – 2016 designed for various stages of child and teenager education. The objective of this effort was to furnish a basis for a system of architectural education which allows teaching society to be more conscious in their decisions as to spatial order with the effect of improving the quality...
Sub-national structures matter when evaluating physical activity promotion: Lessons from Germany
PublikacjaBackground Public policies are increasingly acknowledged as important part of promoting physical activity (PA). However, especially in states with sub-national administrative structures such as Germany, national and sub-national approaches differ considerably. In Germany, sport for all (SfA) promotion is mostly organized at sub-national level, which is usually not covered in national evaluations. Knowledge of these structures helps...
E-technologie w diagnozie i pomiarach postępów terapii dzieci z autyzmem w Polsce
PublikacjaCelem artykułu jest przeanalizowanie możliwości wsparcia technologicznego - w szczególności z wykorzystaniem urządzeń mobilnych - diagnozy i oceny postępów terapii dzieci z autyzmem. W ramach badań dokonano przeglądu istniejących rozwiązań wspierających diagnozę i pomiar postępów terapii oraz przeprowadzono ankietę w polskich ośrodkach zajmujących się pracą z osobami dotkniętymi autyzmem. Wyniki badania wskazują na zainteresowanie...
Youth attitude to entrepreneurship in Eastern and Central European countries: Gender aspect
PublikacjaCurrent business conditions pose new challenges to youth entrepreneurship, which is a significant component of countries’ economic growth. In addition, Generation Z differs from previous generations and requires new approaches. In this context, a comprehensive study of the peculiarities and various aspects of youth entrepreneurship development is highly-demanded and relevant. Furthermore, the lower representation of women among...
Attitudes of oncology patients’ towards biospecimen donation for biobank research
PublikacjaBackground Since the biological material that remains after diagnostic and therapeutic procedures plays crucial role in biobank research, this study aims to explore cancer patients’ views on the donation of biospecimens for research purposes. Methods 548 oncology patients from two hospitals with oncology treatment units in Poznan, Poland,...
Wykorzystanie metafor w identyfikacji i kształtowaniu postaw przedsiębiorczych
PublikacjaEdukacja przedsiębiorcza odgrywa coraz większą rolę w promowaniu i kształtowaniu zachowań oraz kompetencji przedsiębiorczych młodego pokolenia. W tym kontekście szczególnie podkreśla się znaczenie wykorzystywania nowych, interaktywnych metod i form kształcenia, niezwykle istotnych dla jednego z aspektów edukacji przedsiębiorczej, jakim jest kształcenie kreatywności i proaktywności. Zastosowanie metafor spełnia wymagania stawiane...
Effect of the integration into Global Value Chains on the employment contract in Central and Eastern European countries
PublikacjaResearch background: In the era of globalization, there is a need to address decent work deficits in Global Value Chains (GVCs). The forms of working conditions reveal a broad dispersion of contents. The literature review exposes hardly any Europe-focused research assessing the socioeconomic impact of global production links and going beyond their pure economic effects assessed in terms of employment, productivity or wages. Purpose...
Use of structural equation modeling in quantitative research in the field of management and economics: A bibliometric analysis in the systematic literature review
PublikacjaPURPOSE: This paper aims to provide a comprehensive review of scholarly research focusing on using quantitative methods and particularly structural equation modeling (SEM) in management and economics studies, as well as provide a bibliometric agenda including the time horizon of individual publications, the highest citation rate, geographic and industry areas, methodological context, and keywords. METHODOLOGY: A systematic literature...
PublikacjaPurpose: This paper aims at providing comparative analysis of the influence of cultural determinants on the managers’ perceptions of human resources management practices, as a factor conditioning application of evidence-based management. Design/methodology/approach: This article presents the study of 121 managers in Poland, on their perception of HRM practices and analyses the consistency of findings with the Hofstede cultural...
Tomasz Janowski dr
OsobyTomasz Janowski jest kierownikiem Katedry Informatyki w Zarządzaniu, Politechnika Gdańska; profesorem wizytującym w Department for E-Governance and Administration, University for Continuing Education Krems, Austria; oraz współredaktorem naczelnym czasopisma Government Information Quarterly, Elsevier. Wcześniej był założycielem i kierownikiem United Nations University Operating Unit on Policy-Driven Electronic Governance (UNU-EGOV),...
Exploring the approaches towards support of academic entrepreneurship: evidence from an emerging market
PublikacjaOver the past three decades, an exponentially growing body on elements and actors of the concept of an entrepreneurial university has emerged. Compared to its western European counterparts, however, the idea of the third role of the university has only recently been implemented in Central and Eastern European countries, and thus both research and entrepreneurial practice grapple with empirical results. In this paper, we attempt...
Getting to know the potential of social media in forest education
PublikacjaThe development of social network sites not only facilitates the acquisition and deepening of knowledge but also provides the possibility of easily contacting foresters, specialists in natural sciences and nature enthusiasts. In addition, for some years...
Emilia Miszewska dr inż.
OsobyEmilia Miszewska urodziła się w 1986 roku w Gdańsku. Ukończyła Szkołę Podstawową nr 17 w Gdańsku z klasami sportowymi o profilu pływanie oraz Liceum Sportowe nr 11 im. Janusza Kusocińskiego w Gdańsku. W 2005 roku rozpoczęła jednolite studia magisterskie na Wydziale Inżynierii Lądowej i Środowiska, które ukończyła w roku 2011, broniąc pracę dyplomową pt. „Analiza i opracowanie wytycznych zabezpieczenia pożarowego oraz planu...