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Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: RISK EVALUATION
Marine traffic risk modelling – an innovative approach and a case study
PublikacjaThis paper presents a model to analyse the risk of two common marine accidents: collision and grounding. Attention is focused on oil tankers since they pose the highest environmental risks. A case study in selected areas of the Gulf of Finland in ice-free conditions is presented. The model utilizes a formula for risk calculation that considers both the probability of an unwanted event and its consequences. The model can be decomposed...
A Model for Risk Assessment and Management of Construction Projects in Urban Conditions
PublikacjaThe authors are seeking new methods for improving the efficiency of the investments associated with the maintenance and operation of existing civil engineering structures. It is demonstrated how the knowledge about the elements of construction and operation phases and their relationships, combined with monitoring data can be used for more effective management of the risks associated with civil engineering projects. The methodology...
Quantitative risk assessment of new ship designs in damage conditions
PublikacjaThe paper is devoted to safety of ships in damage conditions. The novel contribution of the paper is connected with a new Multi-Task ship (MT-ship) design at the preliminary stage of design. There are a few problems at the preliminary stage that should be considered. One problem is connected with if the quantitative risk-based method is a reliable and formal method for safety assessment of such the new design (MT-ship) in damage...
The effect of environmental turbulence on cyber security risk management and organizational resilience
PublikacjaEven though there is a plethora of research on the role of environmental turbulence in organizational performance in general, little attention has been paid to the effect of environmental turbulence on cyber security risk management and further - organizational resilience. Drawing on the resource-based view and contingency theory, this study investigates how technological and market turbulence influence organizational cyber security...
A Simulation Model for Risk and Pricing Competition in the Retail Lending Market
PublikacjaWe propose a simulation model of the retail lending market with two types of agents: borrowers searching for low interest rates and lenders competing through risk-based pricing. We show that individual banks observe adverse selection, even if every lender applies the same pricing strategy and a credit scoring model of comparable discrimination power. Additionally, the model justifies the reverse-S shape of the response rate curve....
Uncertainty assessment in the safety and security oriented risk analyses
PublikacjaW artykule przedstawiono uwzględnienie oceny niepewności w procesie związanym z analizą ryzyka i analizą bezpieczeństwa oraz ochroną informacji. Przedstawiona została koncepcja oceny bezpieczeństwa i zarządzania ryzykiem z uwzględnieniem analizy warstw zabezpieczeń LOPA. W artykule nakreślono wyzwania związane z integracją podejścia oceny bezpieczeństwa (safety) i ochrony informacji (security) w projektowaniu systemów zabezpieczeń...
Pet Ownership and the Risk of Arterial Hypertension and Cardiovascular Disease
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Downside Risk Approach for Multi-Objective Portfolio Optimization
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Arterial stiffness, central hemodynamics, and cardiovascular risk in hypertension
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Sleep apnea: epidemiology, pathophysiology, and relation to cardiovascular risk
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A Bi-Objective Portfolio Optimization with Conditional Value-at-Risk
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Plasma Lipid Composition and Risk of Developing Cardiovascular Disease
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A Model of Risk for Assessment of Safety of Ships in Damaged Conditions
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A risk analysis of winter navigation in Finnish sea areas
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On a systematic perspective on risk for formal safety assessment (FSA)
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Predicting Risk of Collision for Oil Tankers in the Gulf of Finland
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Is geopolitical risk priced in the cross-section of cryptocurrency returns?
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Using E from ESG in Systemic Risk Measurement
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Effect of increased protein intake on the risk of female infertility
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Food safety of potato processed in the aspect of acrylamide risk
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A risk assessment of dietary exposure to ochratoxin A for the Polish population
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Nautical Risk Assessment for LNG Operations at the Port of Koper
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Correction to: Environmental risk, toxicity, and biodegradation of polyethylene: a review
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Risk-management of public-private partnership innovation projects
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Providing for continuous risk management in distributed software projects.
PublikacjaArtykuł prezentuje koncepcję ciągłego zarządzania ryzykiem w rozproszonych projektach informatycznych. Proponowane podejście koncentruje się na dostarczeniu uczestnikom projektu szerokiego i łatwo dostępnego kanału komunikacyjnego, przez który mogą oni komunikować informację o ryzyku. Zebrane informacje mogą być później analizowane pod różnymi kątami tak, by wybrać największe zagrożenia dla projektu lub też by prześledzić...
Risk-driven Software Process Improvement - a Case Study.
PublikacjaArtykuł przedstawia studium przypadku praktycznego zastosowania metody sterowanej ryzykiem poprawy procesów programowych w rzeczywistym projekcie informatycznym. Metoda zakłada jawne modelowanie procesu i jego braków (czynników ryzyka), a także wspiera ewolucję procesów. Ponadto zawiera dedykowane techniki identyfikacji ryzyka procesów oraz wywodzenia z niego sugestii poprawy procesów. Techniki te są wbudowane w cykliczną procedurę...
Methodological issues of security vulnerability analysis and risk assessment
PublikacjaArtykuł przedstawia wybrane aspekty metodyczne związane z zarządzaniem bezpieczeństwem i ochroną instalacji podwyższonego ryzyka. Podkreślono, że występują instalacje podwyższonego ryzyka, które wymagają specjalnej uwagi w zarządzaniu bezpieczeństwem. Zaproponowano metodykę opartą na wiedzy do zintegrowanej analizy LOPA (warstw zabezpieczeń) i ROPA (pierścieni zabezpieczeń). Nadrzędnym celem jest opracowanie metod i narzędzi wspomagających...
Risk assessment of biocides in roof paint. Part 1
PublikacjaSzereg pokryć dachowych, jak farby dachowe, zawiera w swoim składzie biocydy. Dotychczas nie wiadomo do jakiego stopnia biocydy wymywane są z farb dachowych, a ponadto jakie ich stężenie może występować w systemach zbierających wodę deszczową. Zbadano podatność na wymywanie biocydów z różnych niemieckich farb dachowych oraz oszacowano ich stężenie w zebranej wodzie deszczowej
Current risk analysis and management issues in technical systems.
PublikacjaDealing with the reliability and safety of industrial hazardous plants requires taking into account relevant interdisciplinary scientific knowledge and some existing approaches based on so-called good engineering practice, also those included in the international standards and guidelines. In this article an approach is proposed how to integrate the functional safety concept with information security aspects in the design and management...
Supporting Navigator's Decisions By Visualizing Ship Collision Risk
PublikacjaW artykule wprowadzono metodę wizualizacji, która umożliwia nawigatorowi oszacowanie ryzyka kolizji i (w razie konieczności) wybór manewru antykolizyjnego. Metoda jest oparta na wcześniejszej metodzie CTPA, uwzględnia dowolną zadaną domenę statku i jest wystarczająco szybka do zastosowania w okrętowych systemach wspierania decyzji nawigatora.
Assessing the Risk in Urban Public Transport for Epidemiologic Factors
PublikacjaPandemics have presented new challenges for public transport organisers and operators. New diseases (e.g., influenza H1N1, severe acute respiratory syndrome—SARS, as well as, more recently, SARS-CoV-2) increase the need for new protection measures to prevent epidemic outbreaks in public transport infrastructure. The authors’ goal is to present a set of actions in the area of public transport that are adjusted to different levels...
PublikacjaThis paper investigates how the process of going bankrupt can be recognized much earlier by enterprises than by traditional forecasting models. The presented studies focus on the assessment of credit risk classes and on determination of the differences in risk class migrations between non-bankrupt enterprises and future insolvent firms. For this purpose, the author has developed a model of a Kohonen artificial neural network to...
Positive Risk of Creativity in Software Projects: an Expected Result, a Threat or an Opportunity?
PublikacjaPositive risk of creativity appears when there is an excess of creativity. This paper aims at exploring the concept of positive risk of creativity in software projects. It presents a taxonomy of positive risks as well as case studies of positive risks in diploma software projects. It also attempts to answer the question whether positive risks should be treated as expected results of applying creativity process, or they cause additional...
Current issues of functional safety and cybersecurity analysis of the industrial and critical infrastructures
PublikacjaThis article addresses some functional safety assessment procedures with cybersecurity aspects in critical industrial installations with regard to the functional safety requirements specified in standards IEC 61508 and IEC 61511. The functional safety management includes hazard identification, risk analysis and assessment, specification of overall safety requirements and definition of safety functions. Based on the risk assessment...
Artificial Neural Networks in Forecasting the Consumer Bankruptcy Risk with Innovative Ratios
PublikacjaThis study aims to develop nine different consumer bankruptcy forecasting models with the help of three types of artificial neural networks and to verify the usefulness of new, innovative ratios for implementation in personal finance. A learning sample comprising 200 consumers, and a testing sample of 500 non-bankrupt and 500 bankrupt consumers from Poland are used. The author employed three research approaches to using the entry...
How to apply the probabilistic model of measurement processes successfully
PublikacjaApplicational aspects of probabilistic model of measurement processes, proposed by G.B. Rossi, are considered. The main idea of the model - using of Bayes-Laplace postulate for solution of inverse probability problem, is substituted by Fisher's concept of the likelihood function, expressed in the data translated format. This approach gives a clear-sighted solution of inverse probability. Some recommendations for application of...
Functional safety in the context of risk appraisal criteria and cost-benefit analysis
PublikacjaRozdział przedstawia aktualne zagadnienia dotyczące analizy kosztów i efektów rozwiązań związanych z bezpieczeństwem na przykładzie systemów elektrycznych, elektronicznych i programowalnych elektronicznych (E/E/PE) pełniących funkcje sterowania i zabezpieczeń w obiektach podwyższonego ryzyka. Podkreśla się znaczenie kryteriów związanych z bezpieczeństwem, takich jak tolerowalność ryzyka (TOR) w kontekście analizy kosztów i efektów...
Implementing artificial intelligence in forecasting the risk of personal bankruptcies in Poland and Taiwan
PublikacjaResearch background: The global financial crisis from 2007 to 2012, the COVID-19 pandemic, and the current war in Ukraine have dramatically increased the risk of consumer bankruptcies worldwide. All three crises negatively impact the financial situation of households due to increased interest rates, inflation rates, volatile exchange rates, and other significant macroeconomic factors. Financial difficulties may arise when the...
Choosing the Right Cybersecurity Solution: A Review of Selection and Evaluation Criteria
PublikacjaInformation technologies evolve continuously reaching pioneering areas that bring in new cybersecurity challenges. Security engineering needs to keep pace with the advancing cyberthreats by providing innovative solutions. At the same time, the foundations that include security and risk assessment methodologies should remain stable. Experts are offered with an extensive portfolio of solutions and an informed choice of a particular...
Finite Element Analysis of Occupant Risk in Vehicular Impacts into Cluster Mailboxes
PublikacjaThe deployment of cluster mailboxes (CMs) in the U.S. has raised safety concerns for passengers in potential vehicular crashes involving CMs. This study investigated the crashworthiness of two types of CMs through nonlinear finite element simulations. Two configurations of CM arrangements were considered: a single- and a dual-unit setup. These CM designs were tested on flat-road conditions with and without a curb. A 2010 Toyota...
Drinking water safety evaluation in the selected sub-Saharan African countries: A case study of Madagascar, Uganda and Rwanda
PublikacjaIn the sub-Saharan region of Africa, access to safe drinking water remains limited in many countries. This study provides an overview of the quality of surface water and groundwater in rural and peri-urban areas of Madagascar, Uganda, and Rwanda. Selected physico-chemical parameters, inorganic species (including inorganic ions), and organic pollution indicators, such as total organic carbon, non-ionic surfactants, cationic surfactants, anionic...
Model of Risk Assessment (MORA) concept for the investment part of urban regeneration projects
PublikacjaThe main goal of this paper is presentation of the model concept (MORA) that will be used to control level of risk and manage technical risk in investment projects in the area of urban regeneration risk management.
Corporate social responsibility and forward default risk mediated by financial performance and goodwill
PublikacjaIn today’s business environment, corporate social responsibility (CSR) has become an increasingly significant factor for firms. This study is driven by the motivation to add to the current literature by investigating the mediating elements that explain the relationship between CSR and forward default risk. In this paper, we attempt to identify the important mediators and give a more comprehensive explanation of this connection...
Identification of Risk Factors for Collisions Involving Cyclists Based on Gdansk Example
PublikacjaThe role of pedestrian and bicycle traffic in Poland has growing trend. The comprehensive traffic study, conducted in Gdansk in 2016, has confirmed the increase in the number of cyclists and their share in the modal split. Therefore, it is particularly important to ensure the safety of this group of unprotected road users. Only in 2015 on the roads of Gdansk occurred 93 accidents (excluding collisions) involving cyclists. As a...
Need for multiple risk reduction strategies in clinical trials enrolling high risk patients - FOURIER investigating PCSK-9 inhibitor to lower cholesterol revisited
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The role of partner support, ego-resiliency, prenatal attitudes towards maternity and pregnancy in psychological well-being of women in high-risk and low-risk pregnancy
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Advanced Bayesian study on inland navigational risk of remotely controlled autonomous ship
PublikacjaThe arise of autonomous ships has necessitated the development of new risk assessment techniques and methods. This study proposes a new framework for navigational risk assessment of remotely controlled Maritime Autonomous Surface Ships (MASS). This framework establishes a set of risk influencing factors affecting safety of navigation of a remotely-controlled MASS. Next, model parameters are defined based on the risk factors, and...
High meniscal slope angle as a risk factor for meniscal allograft extrusion
PublikacjaA meniscal graft extrusion is still an unresolved problem that affects most patients after a meniscal transplantation. Despite the advances in surgical techniques, together with the improved methods for a meniscal allograft sizing, success is only observed in up to 75% of patients after they experience a meniscal allograft transplantation. Because a meniscal extrusion is associated with a cartilage deterioration and the progression...
Methodology for assessing the lighting of pedestrian crossings based on light intensity parameters
PublikacjaOne of the possible preventive measures that could improve safety at crossings is to assess the state of illumination of the lighting installation located in the transition area for pedestrians. The City of Warsaw has undertaken to comprehensively assess the pedestrian crossings to determine the level of road safety and the condition of lighting. The lighting conditions related to pedestrian crossings without traffic lights in...
Designing issues of the alarm system in context of functional safety and human factors
PublikacjaThis article addresses selected aspects of the alarm system and human factors that should be evaluated during the design and operation of an industrial hazardous installation. In such installations the layer of protection analysis (LOPA) methodology is often applied for simplified risk analysis based on defined accident scenarios. To reduce and control the risks the safety instrumented functions (SIFs) are identified and their...