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Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: SAFE OPERATION LEVEL

Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: SAFE OPERATION LEVEL


    Każdego roku w Polsce, na śródlądowych drogach wodnych rejestrowane są przez Urzędy Żeglugi Śródlądowej, Państwową Straż Pożarną i Policję wypadki i incydenty, prowadzące zarówno do uszkodzenia infrastruktury jak i uszczerbku na zdrowiu. Poprawa poziomu bezpieczeństwa wymaga dogłębnej analizy i wyciągania wniosków z zaistniałych sytuacji awaryjnych. Istotną rzeczą jest identyfikacja i usystematyzowanie zagrożeń występujących w...

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  • Library Information Skills - Level 1

    Kursy Online
    • A. Jaroszuk-Antoniewska
    • A. Szymik

    The Gdańsk Tech Library offers Library Information Skills e-course to the students enrolled in English-language degree programmes at Gdańsk University of Technology (Gdańsk Tech). It is an obligatory course. There is a test at the end of the e-course. Information skills, or in other words information literacy, means knowing what kind of information a student is looking for, where to find it, how to evaluate, communicate and use...

  • Environmental degradation of titanium alloy in artificial saliva

    The titanium and its alloys are potentially prone to hydrogen embrittlement, including those proposed for dental implants. The research has been aimed to assess a susceptibility to environment-enhanced degradation of the Ti-13Zr-13Nb alloy in artificial saliva with or without hydrofluoric acid, subject or not to cathodic polarisation. The results have shown that even if artificial saliva is safe environment, both cathodic polarization...

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  • Environmental degradation of Ti alloys in artificial saliva and a role of fluorides

    The titanium and its alloys are potentially prone to hydrogen embrittlement, including those proposed for dental implants. The research has been aimed to assess a susceptibility to environment-enhanced degradation of the Ti-13Zr-13Nb alloy in artificial saliva with or without hydrofluoric acid, subject or not to cathodic polarisation. The results have shown that even if artificial saliva is safe environment, both cathodic polarization...

  • Meat freshness classification using ultra-fast gas chromatography

    Meat constitutes an important component of human diet. In order to ensure that it is safe to consume, it is important to be able to determine whether a particular sample is fresh. To this end, an analysis of the headspace of pork, beef, and poultrywas performed over a period of seven days using ultra-fast gas chromatography. Compounds that may possibly be used as indicators of spoilage were identified. Based on the obtained results...

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    Ever since we began illuminating the exterior of the slender skyscrapers built during the of 20s and 30s in XX century, urban lighting has been considered a way to beautify cities, and make them more visually prominent and safe. At that time, we knew so little about the impact of lighting on humans, flora and fauna, so it never occurred to lighting designers then, that their actions would have harmful consequences. In those days,...

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  • Partycypacja obywatelska młodzieży z perspektywy polskich i litewskich instytucji na przykładzie projektu South Baltic Youth Core Group Network

    Celem artykułu było ukazanie partycypacji obywatelskiej młodzieży w opinii pracowników instytucji działających na terenie 5 polskich gmin: Dzierzgoń, Elbląg, Gdynia, Iława i Nowe Miasto Lubawskie i litewskiej gminy Teslai. W ramach projektu SB YCGN przeprowadzono badanie metodą sondażu diagnostycznego z wykorzystaniem techniki ankiety internetowej na 118 respondentach z 53 polskich instytucji i 47 respondentach z 10 litewskich...

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  • System monitoringu odbieraków prądu pojazdów kolejowych w aspekcie bezpieczeństwa i ciągłości ruchu.


    Omówiono metodę monitorowania stanu technicznego odbieraków prądu w oparciu o pomiar uniesienia przewodów jezdnych sieci trakcyjnej w czasie przejazdu pociągu. Opisano konstrukcję i zasadę działania wdrożonego na linii kolejowej pilotażowego stanowiska monitoringu. Przedstawiono metodę analizy i sposób wizualizacji wyników pomiarów. Zastosowany algorytm szacowania siły statycznej odbieraka uwzględnia prędkości pociągu i działanie...

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  • Integrated Three-Level Dual-Phase Inverter


    - ENERGIES - Rok 2022

    In view of reducing the number of inverter legs that provide dual-phase, three-level output voltages (as may be needed in an uninterruptible power supply), and that also provide a wide range of output frequencies (as needed in an advanced motor drive system with wide speed ranges), a three-level, dual-phase inverter topology is presented in this paper. Its three-level attribute was based on the F-type inverter topological concept,...

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  • Operation, Administration, Maintenance in Carrier Grade Ethernet


    - Rok 2010

    OAM (Operation, Administration and Maintenance) plays a crucial role in carrier networks. OAM functionality ensures that network operators and service providers can maintain the quality of the services they offer. One of its major tasks is the detection of anomalies in the network before they become a problem. This enables network operators and service providers to deliver services that come up to a predetermined level of quality...


    Paper presents results of an experimental verification of the method of quantitative evaluation of engine operation, presented in the literature, exemplified by a low-power internal combustion piston engine. In accordance with such interpretation, engine operation may be presented as a physical quantity defined as operation indicator. The paper presents results of preliminary tests, processed in that aspect, carried out on an engine...

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  • Residual current devices in electric vehicles charging installations


    The main requirements of national regulations and international standards regarding protection against electric shock in electric vehicle charging installations are presented. The principles of using residual current devices (RCDs) in such installations are discussed. It is pointed out that RCDs are mandatory equipment for safe charging of electric vehicles. It is noted that the standards require the use of RCDs having an appropriate...

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    - Rok 2016

    Access to remote sensing night-time imagery allows for modeling of light pollution Increasingly, data on the propagation of artificial light are a source of interesting information for different fields of science and affect the planning of economic development. The article presents the problem of light pollution in the context of threats to the wildlife corridors in Poland. Wildlife corridors are areas that allow safe migration...

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  • The effect of Ag, Au, Pt, and Pd on the surface properties, photocatalytic activity and toxicity of multicomponent TiO2-based nanomaterials

    • A. Malankowska
    • A. Mikołajczyk
    • J. Mędrzycka
    • I. Frąckiewicz
    • G. Nowaczyk
    • M. Jarek
    • T. Puzyn
    • E. Mulkiewicz

    - Environmental Science-Nano - Rok 2020

    Multicomponent TiO2-based nanomaterials (MC-NMs) show better physicochemical properties than their individual components or bulk materials. However, the same unique properties that offer innovative applications might also pose unknown risks to human health and the environment. In this context, TiO2- based nanomaterials with a mixture of noble metal precursors (Ag, Au, Pt, and Pd) for large-scale technological applications in air...

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  • Composite Sandwich Footbridge – Numerical ESL FEM Calculations vs. In Situ Measurements

    Selected results of the static analysis of composite sandwich footbridge with the corresponding in situ measured values are compared in the paper. The analysed bridge is a research object, which was built in 2015 and is currently located at the Gdańsk University of Technology campus. Since it is a novel structure, a proper definition of the bridge numerical model, allowing its safe design, is very important. Therefore, instead...

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  • Review on the quality of sediments from the stormwater drainage system in the urban area


    The main task of the stormwater drainage system is a safe drainage of rainwater and snowmelt from the urban area to the receiver. The flow of rain water in the drainage pipes is directly related with the formation of sediments in the whole stormwater system. In addition, pollutants from land runoff get adsorbed to the sediments. The sludge is mainly formed in those elements of stormwater drainage system, wherein the flow conditions...

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    Poroelastic road surfaces are characterized by low noise of tires running on them.Road pavements of this type are promising solution to problems related to traffic noise in cities and on rural roads. Some technical problems still have to be solved, in particular regarding durability and skid resistance on wet surface. Ongoing and planned works are to contribute to create a quiet, durable and safe road surface, which will become...

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  • Coastal Cliffs Monitoring and Prediction of Displacements Using Terrestial Laser Scanning


    Coastal cliffs are very sensitive to degradation caused by erosion and abrasion. Thus, it is very important to monitor susceptibility of the cliffs in terms of slope angles and ground fall resulting from vertical morphology of the cliffs. The results could be used for example to establish the boundaries of the safe investments zone or retreat infrastructure buildings in case of real threat such as degradation of the objects of...

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  • Current situation in Polish nuclear medicine and Polish example of model Nuclear Medicine Centre meeting European Union requirements


    - European Journal of Oncology - Rok 2016

    Nuclear medicine is currently a well-established part of medicine. It is applied in many fields of clinical medicine and science like endocrinology, oncology, cardiology, molecular medicine and engineering, radiopharmacy, physics and information science. Due to its increasing importance and application, several regulation and supervision bodies have been founded to ensure safe usage of radiation and to improve diagnostic and therapeutic...

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  • Research of electric drive systems with real time software configurable control


    - Science, Technology and Arts Research Journal - Rok 2020

    Предмет исследования. Представлен учебно-лабораторный стенд для исследования систем управления элек- троприводами. Стенд используется для обучения студентов системам управления электроприводами и предна- значен для повышения эффективности усвоения материала. Метод. В основу предлагаемого решения положен метод взаимного нагружения электрических машин, питаемых от силовых преобразователей с общим звеном постоянного тока. Это позволяет...

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  • Weryfikacja Poziomów Nienaruszalności Bezpieczeństwa z uwzględnieniem Zagadnień Ochrony Informacji


    Niniejszy rozdział poświęcono wybranym istotnym zagadnieniom analizy bezpieczeństwa funkcjonalnego, w szczególności weryfikacji poziomów nienaruszalności bezpieczeństwa SIL funkcji bezpieczeństwa implementowanych w rozproszonych systemach sterowania i zabezpieczeń z uwzględnieniem zagadnień ochrony informacji. Zaproponowano metodę opartą na informacji ilościowej i jakościowej do weryfikacji SIL (IEC 61508, 61511) z uwzględnieniem...

  • Quantitative Assessment of Operation of Ship Main Diesel Engine


    - Rok 2011

    Operation of ship propulsion system is associated with realization of definite operational goals. If to elements of the system the operational reliability strategy could be applied, the situation would be very simple as existing conditions would unambiguously determine application of means being on hand. However decision to reject application of the strategy (even if hypothetical) becomes obvious with a view of necessity of ensuring...

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  • Preliminary safety assessment of Polish interchanges


    - Archives of Transport - Rok 2021

    Interchanges are a key and the most complex element of a road infrastructure. The safety and functionality of interchanges determine the traffic conditions and safety of the entire road network. This applies particularly to motorways and express-ways, for which they are the only way to access and exchange traffic. A big problem in Poland is the lack of comprehensive tools for designers at individual stages of the design process....

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  • Which transport policies increase physical activity of the whole of society? A systematic review


    - Journal of Transport & Health - Rok 2022

    Purpose: There is strong evidence of the links between car-dependence and the physical inactivity pandemic. Physical inactivity accounts for 6–10% of major non-communicable diseases. Research consistently shows that unlike passive transport, active transport is associated with higher total daily physical activity (PA). While there are public policies that support PA in transport and, as a result, overall PA levels, the specific...

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  • Public spaces connecting cities. Green and Blue Infrastructures potential.


    A city fragmentation causes a lot of negative effects in urban environment such as: disconnecting the environmental, functional and compositional relations, a loss of urban compactness, chaotic development, visual chaos, a domination of technical landscape, reduction of security. This is why one of main challenges for urban planners is to connect the fragmented structures by creating friendly, attractive and safe public space....

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  • Nauka – edukacja – przemysł : synergiczna współpraca dla innowacyjności

    • B. Marek
    • W. Kamrat
    • M. Każmierkowski
    • W. Lewandowski
    • P. Maciej
    • T. Peryt
    • T. Skoczkowski
    • A. Strupczewski
    • S. Adam

    - Przegląd Elektrotechniczny - Rok 2017

    W artykule przedstawiono zagadnienia dotycz ą ce relacji na styku nauka-edukacja- przemys ł w aspekcie efektywnej wspó ł pracy dla uzyskania odpowiedniego poziomu synergii w rozwi ą zywaniu problemów energetyki, w szczególno ś ci samowystarczalno ś ci energetycznej i konieczno ś ci wdra ż ania innowacyjnych rozwi ą za ń w tym obszarze. Odniesiono si ę do metod oceny prowadzenia bada ń naukowych w uczelniach...

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  • A Five-Leg Three-Level Dual-Output Inverter

    Classical 3-level dual-output inverter, 3-L DOI, involves two similar 3-level inverters that provides a pair of 3-phase output voltages with same or different frequencies from common input voltage source. Flexibility of either operation of the constituting inverters is evident in this DOI; but total duplication of power switches is a major drawback. State of the art coupled 3-L DOIs reduce this drawback by providing series-shared...

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  • Poultry meat freshness evaluation using electronic nose technology and ultra-fast gas chromatography

    To ensure that chicken meat products are safe to consume, it is important to be able to reliably determine its shelf-life. To assess the applicability of ultra-fast gas chromatography and electronic nose technology in evaluation of poultry, an analysis of the headspace of ground chicken meat samples refrigerated over a period of 7 days was performed. Chemometric techniques were used to mine additional information from a multiparametric...

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  • A derivatisation agent selection guide


    - GREEN CHEMISTRY - Rok 2017

    The development of new tools for providing high quality information in a cost-effective and expeditious way is one of the main aims of analytical chemistry. Remarkably, the introduc- tion of the 12 principles of green chemistry paved the way forward for the development of analytical methodologies that are, ideally, inherently safe for the operator and the environ- ment, with the least possible consumption of energy and chemicals,...

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  • Przykłady realizacji i interpretacji wyników sondażowych pomiarów terenowych w czynnych systemach wodociągowych


    - Rok 2018

    W pracy przedstawiono przebieg realizacji i rezultaty sondażowych pomiarów terenowych w trzech układach dystrybucji wody o zróżnicowanym przewymiarowaniu sieci wodociągowej. Pomiary przeprowadzono w dążeniu do identyfikacji właściwości (cech) strukturalnych i funkcjonalnych układów po wieloletniej ich eksploatacji. Ustalenia te determinują opracowanie programu realizacji pomiarów dla potrzeb tarowania komputerowego modelu przepływu...

  • Przykłady realizacji i interpretacji wyników sondażowych pomiarów terenowych w czynnych systemach dystrybucji wody


    - Instal - Rok 2018

    W pracy przedstawiono przebieg realizacji i rezultaty sondażowych pomiarów terenowych w trzech układach dystrybucji wody o zróżnicowanym przewymiarowaniu sieci wodociągowej. Pomiary przeprowadzono w dążeniu do identyfikacji właściwości (cech) strukturalnych i funkcjonalnych układów po wieloletniej ich eksploatacji. Ustalenia te determinują opracowanie programu realizacji pomiarów dla potrzeb tarowania komputerowego modelu przepływu...

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  • Application of guided wave propagation in diagnostics of steel bridge components

    Early detection of potential defects and identification of their location are necessary to ensure safe, reliable and long-term use of engineering structures. Non-destructive diagnostic tests based on guided wave propagation are becoming more popular because of the possibility to inspect large areas during a single measurement with a small number of sensors. The aim of this study is the application of guided wave propagation in...

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    This paper shortly presents the issue of utilization of ships after their withdrawal from service. Information on number of floating units liquidated in previous years was presented. Hazards to the environment , health and life of workers employed in the Far East ship scrapping yards operating on the beaches, were indicated. Then, the most important rules which have to make the ship recycling process safe were referred to. This...

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    - Rok 2024

    Healthcare facilities are architectural objects designed under the strong influence of sanitary and hygienic requirements and guidelines of medical technology. During the process of planning future healthcare facilities and modernising already existing units, the need to provide safety to all their users comes as a significant aspect. In medical objects, it depends on the standard factors observed in public utility buildings. The...

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  • A Simplified SPWM Scheme for a Compact 3-Level Dual-Output Inverter

    Sinusoidal Pulse-width modulation, SPWM, is inverter-leg-based, logical-operation-based, and lesscomputational-intensive. In this brief, these simplifying features of SPWM are extended to the control of the 10-switch, 3-level inverter. The control strategy is based on the single triangular carrier SPWM perspective. Procedures and details of the sharing of four-common power switches by the 3 inverter legs are given. Classically,...

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  • Transient modeling in common DC link of power converters


    - Science, Technology and Arts Research Journal - Rok 2020

    Предмет исследования. Представлена математическая модель силовых преобразователей электропривода, питающихся от общего звена постоянного тока, на примере тяговых электроприводов карьерного самосвала БЕЛАЗ-90 мощностью 280 кВт. Модель выполнена в пакете MATLAB/Simulink. Новизна предложенной модели заключается в применении новой топологии силовой схемы для исследования работы двух инверторов, под- ключенных к одному звену постоянного...

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  • Experimental examination of an elastomeric polymer

    A new method of repairing damaged structures by filling the cracks with a specially prepared elastomeric polymer mass has been recently proposed. This new and innovative technique, known as the Flexible Joint Method (FJM), is mainly dedicated to masonries and historical objects, where minimum intervention is permitted. The flexible joint bonds the disrupted elements and ensures further safe exploitation of a damaged structure....

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  • Quechers sample preparation method variants for analysis of pesticide residues in fruits and vegetables


    - Rok 2012

    This article describes the comparison of different versions of an easy, rapid and low-cost sample preparation approach for the determination of pesticide residues in fruits and vegetables by concurrent use of gas and liquid chromatography coupled to MS or ECD for detection. The sample preparation approach is known as QuEChERS, which stands for quick, easy, cheap, effective, rugged and safe. It is a combination of liquid-liquid...

  • Ergonomics in Polish outpatient clinics


    Outpatient clinics are structures In which ergonomics play a key role. This fact is associated with an often occurring risk of developing hospital-acquired infection. The risk increases with mistakes made in wrong planning the functional and spatial lay-out is subordinated to high utilitarian requirements, including hygienic and sanitary, and technological requirements. A properly planned structure allows to reduce dangers more...

  • Beneficial effects and potential risks of tomato consumption for human health: An overview

    • B. Salehi
    • R. Sharifi-Rad
    • F. Sharopov
    • J. Namieśnik
    • A. Roointan
    • M. Kamle
    • P. Kumar
    • N. Martins
    • J. Sharifi-Rad

    - NUTRITION - Rok 2019

    Tomato and its derived products have a very interesting nutritional value in addition to prominent antioxidant,anti-inflammatory, and anticancer activities. In terms of tomatoes are generally quite safe to eat. However,overall consumption varies from individual to individual. Indeed, either beneficial or harmful effects of plantsor their derived products are closely related to quality, including the presence of biologically active...

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  • Study on population dynamics for triple-linked food chain using a simulation-based approach


    - Evolving Systems - Rok 2019

    The procedures based on simulation have become a feasible testing method that does not require investing valuable resources to create a concrete prototype, especially with the increasing computational power of computers. Thus, design changes can be adopted and design errors can be fixed before it is too late. Simulation turns to be a cheap, safe and often more acceptable from an ethical perspective. In our work we summarize the...

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  • Scaled agile framework. Dealing with software process‐related challenges of a financial group with the action research approach


    - Journal of Software-Evolution and Process - Rok 2022

    This article reports on a domain-specific software development venture at Nordea. We explore organizational constraints, challenges, and corrective actions undertaken when scaling the agile development approach of their Core Banking Platform program. The fit and required customizations of the rather complex and rigid SAFe framework in a policy-heavy financial institution are audited against the organic growth of the program. In...

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    - Rok 2018

    There a few important factors, that nowadays, unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) are used by wider community, and for cases and applications, that cannot be performed never before. Small UAVs, as a photogrammetry measurement tool provide flexibility, reliability, are safe and easy to use, can be deployed in minutes, initial measurement can be delivered yet on the field, and final accurate measurements are calculated in a very short...

  • Numerical investigation of the core eccentricity effect on wave propagation in embedded waveguide


    The paper presents results of theoretical and numerical investigation of guided wave propagation in two-layer bars with geometric imperfections in the form of eccentric location of steel core. Steel rod of diameter equal to 1 cm embedded in composite mortar-type cover with external diameter equal to 5 cm has been taken into consideration. Several different rods with variable size of eccentricity are analysed. Results for rods with...

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  • Experimental study on static and dynamic properties of polymer mass


    A new method of repairing damaged structures by filling the cracks with a specially prepared polymer mass has been recently proposed. This new and innovative technique, known as the Flexible Joint Method (FJM), is mainly dedicated to masonries and historical objects, where minimum intervention is permitted. The flexible joint bonds the disrupted elements and ensures further safe exploitation of a damaged structure. The aim of the...

  • Microemulsion Delivery Systems with Low Surfactant Concentrations: Optimization of Structure and Properties by Glycol Cosurfactants

    Extensive use of microemulsions as delivery systems raises interest in the safe ingredients that can form such systems. Here, we assessed the use of two glycols, i.e., propylene glycol and pentylene glycol, and their mixtures to manipulate the properties and structure of microemulsions. Obtained systems with glycols were extensively characterized in terms of capacity to incorporate water phase, droplet size, polydispersity, structure...

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  • Metal-Organic Frameworks-Based Sensors for the Detection of Toxins in Food: A Critical Mini-Review on the Applications and Mechanisms

    • X. Xuan
    • M. Wang
    • S. Manickam
    • G. Boczkaj
    • J. Y. Yoon
    • X. Sun

    - Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology - Rok 2022

    Using scientific technologies to detect toxins in food is significant to prevent food safety problems and protect people’s health. Recently, the rise of sensors has made rapid, efficient, and safe detection of food toxins possible. One of the key factors impacting the sensor’s performance is the nanomaterials employed. Metal-organic frameworks (MOFs), with high specific surface area, tunable composition, porous structure, and flexible...

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  • Optimisation of the Energy Consumption of a Small Passenger Ferry with Hybrid Propulsion


    The main goal in the design phase is to create a safe ship with a very efficient (and preferably zero-emission) propulsion system. To obtain such ships, new concepts are being developed for both propulsion systems and individual components. The choice of a propulsion system is not straightforward. To optimise the selection of the propulsion system, it is valuable to optimise the energy demand of this unit, which can be done by...

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  • Optimising Sequencing Batch Reactor Operation Cycle Planning Using Evolutionary Algorithm


    The objective of this research was to optimise the operation cycle of the Sequencing Batch Reactor (SBR). Appropriate time balances of aerobic to anaerobic phases, as well as a set dissolved oxygen level are the key to ensuring the quality of effluent from the wastewater treatment process. The proposal to solve this optimisation problem was based on multi-objective optimisation using an evolutionary multi-objective optimisation...

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  • Study of the effect of adiabatic heating on the operation of the electrodynamic actuator

    Electrodynamic actuators are used in hybrid switching systems where a very quick contact separation as well as operation repeatability and long-term reliability are required. The article presents selected results of thermal studies in the electrodynamic drive system. Study was carried out on the basis of the 3D electromagneto-thermal model implemented in the Ansys_Maxwell environment. The present model allows to determine the critical...

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