Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: SERVICE LIFE
Schematiclab.com – A web tool for the design and analysis of electrical circuits
PublikacjaAlong with a general progress in the modern computational tools, dynamic development of Internet applications using the cloud methodology and solutions is now observed. Clearly, also the applications installed locally, and being commonly used previously, are gradually gaining their counterparts in computational network clouds. The clouds have also brought new service sales opportunities. Namely, the service sales model based on...
The Analysis of Container Vessel Service Efficiency in the Aspect of Berth and Handling Equipment Usage in Polish Ports
PublikacjaThe paper analyses the efficiency of container vessel service in Polish container terminals taking under considerations different berth layouts and handling equipment.
Research on Quality Requirements of Data Transmission Services in RSMAD
PublikacjaThe paper presents a results and analysis of research of the quality of service requirements (defined by the QoS attributes) for imaging data transmission services using Radio System for Monitoring and Acquisition of Data from Traffic Enforcement Cameras (in short RSMAD). The paper also presents and discusses results of test on the impact of the size of photos from traffic enforcement cameras on the average transmission time. These...
Volunteering in the front line of the Ukrainian refugee crisis. A brief report from Poland
PublikacjaThis study aims to analyse the experiences and motivations of volunteers who supported Ukrainian refugees who fled to Poland. Our study was conducted among 196 volunteers in Poznan, Poland who answered questions regarding their experiences with voluntary service during the current refugee crisis and the reasons they became involved in volunteer efforts.We found that although the Polish state had no prior experience in welcoming...
PublikacjaIn this paper, we investigate the issue of providing the transmission continuity in IP-MPLS/WDM networks in the presence of failures of nodes/links. Special focus is put on assuring fast restoration of flows affected after a failure in a scenario assuming sharing the backup path capacities in order to decrease the overall bandwidth consumption. In particular, we propose a new approach to inter-layer sharing of link capacity reserved...
The concept of aida applied to online interactive advertisement: an youtube case study
PublikacjaThis paper presents an approach of application of the AIDA framework to interactive advertisements presented on social media channels. The first section introduces the definitions of social media and its categorization. It is given an overview of the online video service YouTube.com. The second section describes social media marketing. The third section presents a theoretical introduction of traditional and interactive advertisement....
APIS – Agent Platform for Integration of Services
PublikacjaThe paper presents an approach to creating the platform for development and evaluation of complex tasks execution algorithms. Proposed solution is based on an agent paradigm where independent peers can cooperate and negotiate in order to execute specified tasks which are defined only by the final output description. Tasks are realized by the means of services exposed by different peers. In case when there is no single service fulfilling...
Zapewnianie wiarygodnosci przetwarzania przy integracji komponentów usług
PublikacjaPrzedstawiono problematykę Service Oriented Architecture(SOA) oraz nowoczesne metodologie integracji gotowych komponentów programistycznych.Omówiono Service Component Architecture (SCA), Cloud computing, oraz modelowanie procesów biznesowych jako metodologie zbliżone koncepcyjne do SOA. Opisano główne atrybuty wiarygodności i zestawionokonkretne techniki poprawy wiarygodno±ci. Modelowanie procesów biznesowychzaprezentowano na przykładzie...
EGNOS-based GNSS receiver for precise positioning in restricted areas
PublikacjaPositioning accuracy is very important in many areas, whereas the typical GPS receiver accuracy is often not sufficient. The European Geostationary Navigation Overlay Service (EGNOS), Europe’s first venture into satellite navigation, improves the open public service offered by the Global Positioning System (GPS). As a satellite navigation augmentation system, EGNOS improves the accuracy of GPS by providing a positioning accuracy...
The Performance of ASON/GMPLS Network with Hierarchical Control Plane Structure
PublikacjaThe paper regards the problem of ASON/GMPLS network performance with hierarchical control plane structure in condition of incomplete domain network information. The authors propose the hierarchical ASON/GMPLS control plane architecture, which fulfills the requirements of modern optical networks and allows to control the multidomain network with requirement quality of service. The authors examine the scalability and properties of...
Analysis of the cyclic load-unload-reload tests of VALMEX aged fabric
PublikacjaThe paper presents mechanical response of the VALMEX fabric during the cyclic loading-unloading and re-loading experiments. Two types of the aged material used for nearly 20 years as the roofing of the Forest Opera in Sopot (Poland) have been tested. The results have been separately obtained for the warp and fill di-rections. The comparative analysis has revealed that the material aged in service is more durable in the fill di-rection,...
Trends shaping innovations in the aerosol market
PublikacjaNew hygiene regimes and sustainability commitments are helping to shape the aerosol market. Norbert Piotrowski of Aerosol Service Poland explains the thinking behind the company’s latest hygiene innovations.
Practical Use of Generic IT Organization Evolution Model
PublikacjaIn the paper we analyze, basing on the practical experiences, how the Generic IT Organization Model could be used to describe evolution of real-world IT support organization in relation to IT Service Management area.
Commonly Accessible Web Service Platform - Wiki-WS
PublikacjaWeb Service technology on the basis had to supply complete and reliable system components. Nowadays this technology is commonly used by companies providing results of their work to end users and hiding implementation details. This paper presents a SOA-enabled platform - Wiki-WS - that empowers users to deploy, modify, discover and invoke web services. Moreover it discusses concepts and functionalities of this open source management...
Influence of the jitter buffer on the quality of service VoIP.
PublikacjaVoIP (Voice over IP) is a modern service with enormous potential for yet further growth. It uses the already available and universally implemented IP transport platform. One significant problem, however, is ensuring the Quality of Service, abbreviated QoS. This paper addresses exactly that issue. In an extensive investigation the influence of jitter buffers on QoS is being examined in depth. Two implementations, namely a passive...
Interoperability Description of Web Services Based Application Servers
PublikacjaWeb services standards were designed to enable interoperability of heterogeneous application servers in the Service Oriented Architecture. Although the standards proved to be highly successful, there are still difficulties in effective services integration. The paper presents a methodology that enables description of application servers interoperability in order to improve the service integration process. The methodology proposes...
Integrating heterogeneous systems with high-dependability requirements by means of web services
PublikacjaWeb services are commonly used on boundaries of heterogeneous components in Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) as they provide a universal communication channel not bound to any particular programming language or run-time platform. This paper describes how web services can be used to integrate heterogeneous systems which serve purposes requiring high dependability, reliability and availability. Examples of such systems include...
The Innovative Faculty for Innovative Technologies
PublikacjaA leaflet describing Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Informatics, Gdańsk University of Technology. Multimedia Systems Department described laboratories and prototypes of: Auditory-visual attention stimulator, Automatic video event detection, Object re-identification application for multi-camera surveillance systems, Object Tracking and Automatic Master-Slave PTZ Camera Positioning System, Passive Acoustic Radar,...
BeesyBees: A mobile agent-based middleware for a reliable and secure execution of service-based workflow applications in BeesyCluster
PublikacjaIntegrating distributed services into workflows comes with its own set of challenges, including security, coordination, fault tolerance and optimisation of execution time. This paper presents an architecture and implementation - nicknamed BeesyBees - that allows distributed execution of workflow applications in BeesyCluster using agents. BeesyCluster is a middleware that allows users to access distributed resources as well as publish...
Quality Expectations of Mobile Subscribers
PublikacjaMobile systems, by nature, have finite resources. Radio spectrum is limited, expensive and shared between many users and services. Mobile broadband networks must support multiple applications of voice, video and data on a single IP-based infrastructure. These converged services each have unique traffic holding and quality requirements. A positive user experience must be obtained through efficient partitioning of the available wireless...
Study of QoS Parameters Measurement Methodology and Requirements in RSMAD
PublikacjaThe paper presents the results of analysis and research of the quality of service requirements (defined by the QoS parameters) for data transmission services in Radio System for Monitoring and Acquisition of Data from Traffic Enforcement Cameras (in short: RSMAD). The paper also presents and discusses the results of test of impact of the size of images from traffic enforcement cameras (TECs) on the average transmission time. Moreover,...
Efficiency of service recovery in scale-free optical networks under multiple node failures
PublikacjaIn this paper we examine the properties of scale-free networks in case of simultaneous failures of two networknodes. Survivability assumptions are as follows: end-to-end path protection with two node-disjoint backup pathsfor each working path. We investigate three models of scale-free networks generation: IG, PFP and BA.Simulations were to measure the lengths of active and backup paths and the values of service recovery time.We...
Model of Rules for IT Organization Evolution
PublikacjaThe aim of this paper is to introduce the Model of Rules for IT Organization Evolution which shall be in compliance with the Generic IT Organization Evolution Model. Due to its general nature, a set of practical adjustments is proposed in order to adapt the Generic Model to the IT Service Management domain. Further, two sets of rules describing the evolution of the IT Service Management area are defined based on two types of rules...
Mechanizm dostarczania usług w chmurze: roxzwiązanie NOR-STA
PublikacjaArtykuł prezentuje mechanizmy udostępniania w chmurze usług rozwijanych w ramach projektu NOR-STA. Są one ukierunkowane na wspomaganie procesów dochodzenia do zgodności i oceny zgodności z normami i standardami. W projekcie NOR-STA prowadzone są obecnie eksperymentalne badania wdrożeniowe we współpracy z partnerami z sektorów ochrony zdrowia i biznesu. Usługi NOR-STA są udostępniane zgodnie z modelem Software as a Service (SaaS)....
Min-max optimization of node‐targeted attacks in service networks
PublikacjaThis article considers resilience of service networks that are composed of service and control nodes to node-targeted attacks. Two complementary problems of selecting attacked nodes and placing control nodes reflect the interaction between the network operator and the network attacker. This interaction can be analyzed within the framework of game theory. Considering the limited performance of the previously introduced iterative...
Further Developments of the Online Sound Restoration System for Digital Library Applications
PublikacjaNew signal processing algorithms were introduced to the online service for audio restoration available at the web address: www.youarchive.net. Missing or distorted audio samples are estimated using a specific implementation of the Jannsen interpolation method. The algorithm is based on the autoregressive model (AR) combined with the iterative complementation of signal samples. Since the interpolation algorithm is computationally...
Experimental Testbed of ASON/GMPLS architecture
PublikacjaThe paper presents the ASON/GMPLS architecture realized in the Department of Teleinformation Networks at Gdansk University of Technology based on the FSP 3000R7 ADVA Optical Networking platform. The FSP 3000R7 is a high-performance WDM networking system with GMPLS control plane for bidirectional transmission of optical signals. The system uses a modular structure which enables a flexible upgrade of capacity and functionality. The...
BeesyCluster as Front-End for High Performance Computing Services
PublikacjaThe paper presents the BeesyCluster system as a middleware allowing invocation of services on high performance computing resources within the NIWA Centre of Competence project. Access is possible through both WWW and SOAP Web Service interfaces. The former allows non-experienced users to invoke both simple and complex services exposed through easyto-use servlets. The latter is meant for integration of external applications with...
A multi-agent method for periodicity detection in distributed events
PublikacjaMulti-agent systems working in constantly changing environments may be challenged by instantaneous unavailability of their autonomous agents caused e.g. by limited computing resources. A new method of self-organization of distributed service components is proposed, suitable for multi-agent systems. This method relies on particular agents carrying out separate analyzes of their individual processing loads or other specific events....
Technologies for deodorization of malodorous gases
PublikacjaThere is an increasing number of citizens’complaints about odor nuisance due to production or service activity. High socialawareness imposes pressure on entrepreneurs and service providers forcing them to undertake effective steps aimed at minimi-zation of the effects of their activity, also with respect to emission of malodorous substances. The article presents informationabout various technologies used for gas deodorization....
Category-Based Workload Modeling for Hardware Load Prediction in Heterogeneous IaaS Cloud
PublikacjaThe paper presents a method of hardware load prediction using workload models based on application categories and high-level characteristics. Application of the method to the problem of optimization of virtual machine scheduling in a heterogeneous Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) computing cloud is described.
Development of a simulation model of the activities of a transport and forwarding enterprise in the organization of international road cargo transportation
PublikacjaThe object of this study is the process of planning the work of a transport and forwarding company when serving different categories of customers who need organizational support for the delivery of goods by road transport in international traffic. The solved problem is due to the need to devise recommendations for organizing the work of forwarders when interacting with customers of transport and forwarding services that export...
Selected issues on inovativeness of enterprises in Poland
PublikacjaThe article presents the issue of innovative activities in company processes. The forms of innovative activity important from the point of view of industrial, trade and service enterprises were described. The influence of different types of implemented innovations on the possible benefits obtained by enterprises was also described.
Knowledge management approaches among KIBS companies and their determinants – case study analysis
PublikacjaThis paper aims to present knowledge management (KM) approaches manifested by knowledge intensive business service (KIBS) companies together with their potential determinants (company size, type of services offered, and organizational structure). In particular, two types of approaches have been selected and examined, i.e. emergent KM approach and deliberate KM approach. Indeed, although KM approaches have been abundantly investigated...
Extensions of ETSI performance measurements methodology for statistical results analysis =Rozszerzenia metodologii pomiarów wydajności zaproponowanej przez ETSI przy statystycznej analizy wyników
PublikacjaNext Generation Network (NGN) architecture was proposed by International Telecommunication Union Telecommunication Standardization Sector (ITU-T) to deliver telecommunication services satisfying the needs of modern society for an access to information. The core of NGN service stratum are IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS) elements acting as service controls units. To assess performance of IMS components, European Telecommunications...
Performance of Noise Map Service Working in Cloud Computing Environment
PublikacjaIn the paper a noise map service designated for the user interested in environmental noise subject is presented. It is based on cloud computing. Noise prediction algorithm and source model, developed for creating acoustic maps, are working in cloud computing environment. In the study issues related to noise modeling of sound propagation in urban spaces are discussed with a special focus on road noise. Examples of results obtained...
A new concept of contemporary marketing
PublikacjaPurpose: This conceptual paper aims to propose a new concept of marketing that responds well to the needs of a changing world, taking into account the continuous development of the service economy and the revolution in the development of the Internet and related tools. Methodology/Approach: The proposed concept is based on well-researched theories: service marketing, experience marketing, relationship marketing and digital marketing...
The effect of long-term service at elevated temperatures on structure and mechanical properties of Cr-Mo-V steel
PublikacjaPurpose: of this paper is to reveal the microstructural changes in 13HMF steel exposed to long-term service at elevated temperatures. The degradation of bainite structure was determined and carbides morphology has been examined. The influence of carbides evolution was discussed in dependence of creep rupture strength and mechanical properties of the steel.
The innovations services in Scania company
PublikacjaThis chapter shows us the service innovations in Scania company. Current research were based on actual situation on market and were supported by tools which help to generate innovative ideas. The new product will not only benefit the company and its clients, but also improve the situation on the market.
PublikacjaThis paper presents an architecture overview and some aspects of implementation of the social network service directed at users localization. It shows how web services can be used as a tool for integrating different mobile platforms with a web application. The main focus is set on communication between system elements and related problems.
Sub-regional service centres in reality and regional planning in Poland = Podregionalne osrodki obsługi w sferze realnej i planowaniu regionalnym w Polsce
PublikacjaSub-regional centres are defined as towns where the services of the sub-regional level are concentrated. In Poland these are such services that can be located in several towns in a voivodeship (region), but not in every capital of a poviat (county). The transformation of civilization has influenced changes in Christaller’s model of settlement network, but re-gularities are still valid. Models derived from Christaller's Central...
Prioritising national healthcare service issues from free text feedback – A computational text analysis & predictive modelling approach
PublikacjaPatient experience surveys have become a key source of evidence for supporting decision-making and continuous quality improvement within healthcare services. To harness free-text feedback collected as part of these surveys for additional insights, text analytics methods are increasingly employed when the data collected is not amenable to traditional qualitative analysis due to volume. However, while text analytics techniques offer...
Selecting a transport and forwarding company for meeting a customer’s needs when organizing international road cargo transportation
PublikacjaThe object of this study is the process of planning the work of a manufacturing enterprise that needs transport and forwarding services when exporting goods to counterparties in different countries of the world. The problem being solved is predetermined by the need to devise recommendations for choosing a transport and forwarding company when serving an individual customer, based on its individual needs and conditions of cooperation. A...
Application of Text Analytics in Public Service Co-Creation: Literature Review and Research Framework
PublikacjaThe public sector faces several challenges, such as a number of external and internal demands for change, citizens' dissatisfaction and frustration with public sector organizations, that need to be addressed. An alternative to the traditional top-down development of public services is co-creation of public services. Co-creation promotes collaboration between stakeholders with the aim to create better public services and achieve...
Evaluation of reformer tubes degradation after long term operation
PublikacjaPurpose of this paper is to show the effect of long-term service at elevated temperatures on microstructural changes of cast steel reformer tubes made of the alloy IN-519 (24%Cr, 24%Ni, Nb). The relationship between mechanical properties and microstructure degradation is discussed. Investigations were performed on five tubes taken from ammonia reformer furnace. Tubes worked at temperature of 880C and 3,2 MPa pressure. The operation...
Simulation model for evaluation of packet sequence changed order of stream in DiffServ network
PublikacjaCurrent packet networks use a large variety of mechanisms which should support QoS (Quality of Service). One of those mechanisms is routing (calculating connection paths for incoming service requests). The most effective mechanism in QoS context is dynamic routing, which is based on the current network state described by the offered traffic matrix and link states. After switching between calculated available paths, connection...
Design of a Multidomain IMS/NGN Service Stratum
PublikacjaThe paper continues our research concerning the Next Generation Network (NGN), which is standardized for delivering multimedia services with strict quality and includes elements of the IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS). A design algorithm for a multidomain IMS/NGN service stratum is proposed, which calculates the necessary CSCF servers CPU message processing times and link bandwidths with respect to the given maximum values of mean...
A model, design, and implementation of an efficient multithreaded workflow execution engine with data streaming, caching, and storage constraints
PublikacjaThe paper proposes a model, design, and implementation of an efficient multithreaded engine for execution of distributed service-based workflows with data streaming defined on a per task basis. The implementation takes into account capacity constraints of the servers on which services are installed and the workflow data footprint if needed. Furthermore, it also considers storage space of the workflow execution engine and its cost....
Application of Shape Memory Alloys in Pipeline Couplings for Shipbuilding
PublikacjaThe aim of the study is to analyse shape memory alloy (SMA) pipeline joints in limited space applications for all kinds of ships. Generally, the space available in various areas on ships is strictly limited and service works usually meet many obstacles. If we consider a pipeline, the flange joints always require a larger free space around the pipe than the pipe alone. A simultaneous problem can occur with the propeller shaft line...
Green Lean in Services
PublikacjaThe study presents the basic aspects of the improvement of the company useing Green Lean concept. The authors refer to the basics of the concept, present its theoretical aspects together with a revew of possible actions to eliminate the green waste. All these considerations refer to the service activities of any kind in order to maintain holistic approach of the research.