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wyświetlamy 1000 najlepszych wyników Pomoc
Thermal efficiency investigations on the self-ignition test engine fed with marine low sulfur diesel fuels
PublikacjaWithin the article an issues of implementing the new kinds of marine diesel fuels into ships’ operation was described taking into ac-count restrictions on the permissible sulphur content introduced by the International Maritime Organization. This is a new situation for ship owners and fuel producers, which forces the necessity to carry out laboratory research tests on especially adapted engine stands. How to elaborate the method...
Wojciech Litwin prof. dr hab. inż.
Osoby1992÷1996 – Studia na Wydziale Mechanicznym Politechniki Gdańskiej1996 – Zatrudniony na Wydziale Oceanotechniki i Okrętownictwa PG2004 – Obrona pracy doktorskiej2014 – obrona rozprawy habilitacyjnej2012 – obejmuje funkcję prodziekan ds. Nauki na Wydziale Oceanotechniki i OkrętownictwaUczestniczył w wielu projektach badawczych oraz pracach zleconych przez przemysł związanych z łożyskowaniem ślizgowym wałów głównych oraz niekonwencjonalnymi...
Do clusters help companies to "go green"? Experience of Polish National Key Clusters
PublikacjaThis study aims to explore cluster activity in the field of green transformation, taking into account the green, low-carbon and circular economy. Our intention was to identify the main green practices used by cluster organizations, which we showed through the lens of the attributes of both the cluster and the cluster organization. Through our study, we sought to answer the question: what is the role of cluster organizations in...
Developing a model of cooperation between universities and business - the generalization of cases of cooperation
PublikacjaThe aim of this paper is to present a model of cooperation between universities and business.
Piotr Płotka dr hab. inż.
OsobyPiotr Płotka otrzymał tytuł zawodowy magistra inżyniera w 1976 r., a stopień doktora w dyscyplinie elektronika w 1985 r. – nadane przez Wydział Elektroniki Telekomunikacji i Informatyki Politechniki Gdańskiej. W 2008 r. otrzymał stopień doktora habilitowanego, także w dyscyplinie elektronika, nadany przez Instytut Technologii Elektronowej w Warszawie. Od 1977 r. pracował w Akademii Techniczno-Rolniczej w Bydgoszczy, a od 1981...
Nauka – edukacja – przemysł : synergiczna współpraca dla innowacyjności
PublikacjaW artykule przedstawiono zagadnienia dotycz ą ce relacji na styku nauka-edukacja- przemys ł w aspekcie efektywnej wspó ł pracy dla uzyskania odpowiedniego poziomu synergii w rozwi ą zywaniu problemów energetyki, w szczególno ś ci samowystarczalno ś ci energetycznej i konieczno ś ci wdra ż ania innowacyjnych rozwi ą za ń w tym obszarze. Odniesiono si ę do metod oceny prowadzenia bada ń naukowych w uczelniach...
Water Resources and Industry
Czasopisma -
Rewitalizacyjny Living Lab jako metoda generowania i wdrażania innowacji na rzecz odnowy inteligentnego miasta na przykładzie dzielnicy Orunia w Gdańsku
PublikacjaW artykule poruszono kwestię możliwości wykorzystania w uspołecznieniu formuły pracy nad rewitalizacją modelu living lab tzw. żywego (żyjącego) laboratorium. Na tle przykładów praktyki zagranicznej (USA, Niemcy) dokonano odniesienia do doświadczeń polskich zebranych przez Autorkę w ramach współpracy ze społecznością gdańskiej dzielnicy Orunia - św. Wojciech. Zespół naukowy KUiPR WAPG Katedry Urbanistyki i Planowania Regionalnego...
Development of cooperation in localized cooperation networks: A comparative study of cluster organizations and technology parks
PublikacjaThe main aim of the paper is to analyze the level of development of cooperative relationships in localized cooperation networks – among enterprises associated in cluster organizations and park tenants. The author reports the findings from the quantitative study carried out in the selected cluster organizations and technology parks functioning in Poland. The basic method of data collection was a survey questionnaire. The research...
Projekt badawczy BRIK: Opracowanie innowacyjnej metody wyznaczania precyzyjnej trajektorii pojazdu szynowego
PublikacjaW artykule przedstawiono podstawowe informacje dotyczące projektu badawczego realizowanego na zlecenie Narodowego Centrum Badań i Rozwoju oraz Spółki PKP Polskie Linie Kolejowe S. A. przez Konsorcjum Politechniki Gdańskiej i Uniwersytetu Morskiego w Gdyni. Projekt obejmuje wykorzystanie nowoczesnych metod pomiarowych, takich jak techniki pozycjonowania satelitarnego GNSS, pomiary inercyjne INS oraz skaning laserowy LS, w procesie...
Projektowanie i eksploatacja dróg szynowych z wykorzystaniem mobilnych pomiarów satelitarnych
PublikacjaNiniejsza monografia zawiera szczegółowy opis aktywnych sieci geodezyjnych GNSS oraz modelowania dokładności określania pozycji w pomiarach satelitarnych. Omówiono również opracowaną technikę mobilnych pomiarów satelitarnych toru kolejowego oraz aplikacje związane z jej zastosowaniem w projektowaniu i eksploatacji dróg szynowych. Autorzy zawarli w pracy wyniki swoich badań, wykonywanych na przestrzeni lat 2009–2015. Badania przeprowadzono...
Polish- Russian Cooperation of Pomorskie Province
PublikacjaPolish-Russian Cooperation of Pomorskie Province commenced in 1999 and was based on the intergovernmental agreements. The new agreement, executed between the authorities of the Pomeranian Province and Kaliningrad Oblast in 2002, provided for cooperation in many areas. The contacts between the partners were dominated by economic cooperation. The Polish-Russian cooperation stopped with Polish accession to the Schengen zone. Cooperation...
PublikacjaThe paper presents results of satel lite surveying of the railway's rout es, which have been conducted just after starting in Poland (in 2008) the Active Geodesy Network ASG-EU POS. Afterwards it was possible to effectively utilize the GNSS survey ing results for the inventory of the (exploring) railways in service. Already at the beginning of 2009, the research team from Gdansk University of Technology and Naval Academy in Gdynia,...
PublikacjaSpatial and town planning is a complex process caused by the interaction between natural and social systems at different temporal and spatial scales. That is the reason, why it is difficult to introduce this subject to students studying disciplines other than spatial or urban planning. The main problem is to define goals, the scope and expected educational effects. The second step is to choose the appropriate teaching and assessment...
Enhancement of lift and drag performances of a NACA0012 airfoil by multi-DBD plasma actuator with additional floating interelectrodes
PublikacjaIt is clear that the improvement of aircraft aerodynamic performances is currently and will continue to be a significant area of research for the aeronautical industry. The current study is focused on theenhancement of aerodynamic airfoil performances by using a multi-DBD plasma actuator mounted around the model leading-edge. Experiments have been conducted at the University of Orleans, in the 2 m x 2 m test section of a large...
Energy Yield Generated by a Small Building Integrated Photovoltaic Installation
PublikacjaIn the recent years photovoltaic (PV) industry has experienced a major growth, caused by the ever present annual decrease in module production prices and the expanding awareness of the general public in terms of renewable energy. There are numerous ways to implement PV modules as an additional energy source for a building, be it mounted on the rooftop, or building integrated (BIPV). An analysis of BIPV consisting of 8 modules with...
Magdalena Maria Popowska dr
OsobyAbsolwentka Uniwersytetu im Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu oraz Ecole Supérieure de Commerce w Rouen. Pracownik badawczo dydaktyczny, autorka i recenzentka wielu artykułów publikowanych w czasopismach krajowych i międzynarodowych. Przez wiele lat odpowiedzialna za procesy internacjonalizacji, w latach 2008-2016 jako prodziekan ds. międzynarodowych i publicznych, a 2016-2020 jako pełnomocnik dziekana ds. współpracy międzynarodowej....
Load Testing of GFRP Composite U-Shape Footbridge
PublikacjaThe paper presents the scope of load tests carried out on an innovative shell composite footbridge. The tested footbridge was manufactured in one production cycle and has no components made from materials other than GFRP laminates and PET foam. The load tests, performed on a 14-m long structure, were the final stage of a research program in the Fobridge project carried out in cooperation with: Gdańsk University of Technology (leader),...
Cooperation and Conflict
Czasopisma -
Optimization of Energetic Train Cooperation
PublikacjaIn the article, possible ways of using energy recovered during regenerative braking of trains are presented. It is pointed out that the return of recovered electricity directly to the catenary and its use in the energy cooperation of vehicles can be a no-cost method (without additional infrastructure). The method of energy cooperation between trains and its main assumptions, that uses the law of conservation of energy, are described...
Barriers to inter-company cooperation in clusters
PublikacjaClusters have proved to be an important source of competitiveness for the economic development of regions within the European Union. One of the main goals of cluster development is to stimulate cooperation between companies in one or a few related sectors. The stakeholders of a cluster, as well as the local economy, can derive many benefits from such cooperation. However, there are numerous barriers, which make it difficult for...
Markets of Energy (Dezhou University)
Kursy OnlineMarkets of Energy course for Dezhou University - materials and online lessons
Piezoelectric Transducer for Mechanical Assessment of Soft Tissues. Concept, Implementation and Analysis
PublikacjaThe main goal of this work was following: preparation of a new concept, implementation and analysis of the piezoelectric resonant sensor/actuator for measuring the aging process of human skin. The research work has been carried out in the framework of cooperation between the INP-ENSEEIHT-LAPLACE, Toulouse, France, and at the Gdansk University of Technology, Faculty of Electrical and Control Engineering, Research Group of...
Cluster donation: How medical students bound certain types of tissues and biomedical research and how it affects their willingness to donate.
PublikacjaAlthough biomedical research requires cooperation with a large number of donors, its success also depends on the input of healthcare professionals who play a crucial role in promoting biomedical research and influencing an individual’s decision to donate one’s biospecimens that are left over after a medical procedure. This work was aimed at investigating the correlation between medical and healthcare students’ willingness to...
Operation of the Hybrid Photovoltaic-Battery System on the Electricity Market—Simulation, Real-Time Tests and Cost Analysis
PublikacjaThis paper presents research on a hybrid photovoltaic-battery energy storage system, declaring its hourly production levels as a member of a balancing group submitting common scheduling unit to the day-ahead market. It also discusses the variability of photovoltaic system generation and energy storage response. The major research questions were whether the operation of a hybrid photovoltaic-battery energy storage system is viable...
PublikacjaThe CDIO system implementation in Poland meets problems and Gdansk University of Technology (GUT) is still a single higher education institution in Poland accepted as the member of CDIO Initiative. The paper detects and characterizes the existing problems to be solved. In particular, the different groups of people are considered as supporters or fighters against CDIO idea, their attitudes being considered and applied strategy demonstrated. The...
Stefan Dzionk dr hab. inż.
Osoby -
Współpracować i konkurować w szkolnictwie wyższym – czy to ma sens? Analiza wybranych związków statystycznych
PublikacjaCel: Celem głównym artykułu jest wykazanie, że współpraca i pozycja konkurencyjna uczelni są ze sobą powiązane. Celem szczegółowym jest wykazanie, że sukces, jakim jest uzyskanie finansowania projektu badawczego jest powiązany z poziomem współpracy międzynarodowej konkurujących uczelni, a także z relacją liczby studentów do liczby nauczycieli akademickich. Materiał i metoda: W artykule przyjęto metodę ilościową, której elementem...
Zaawansowany układ samoczynnego załączania rezerwy oparty na sterowniku WAGO PFC200
PublikacjaArtykuł opisuje projekt i wykonanie układu samoczynnego załączania rezerwy (SZR) na potrzeby stacji elektroenergetycznej Laboratorium LINTE^2 na Politechnice Gdańskiej. Układ SZR został zbudowany na podstawie modułowego sterownika PLC WAGO PFC200. W artykule omówiono zasadę działania układu, a także jego program sterowania i aplikację panelu HMI, opracowane w zintegrowanym środowisku programistycznym CoDeSys 3.5. Oprócz zadań typowego...
PublikacjaKsiążka składa się z czterech rozdziałów, poprzedzonych wstępem i zwieńczonych częścią podsumowującą całość. Rozdział pierwszy nakreśla tło dla dalszych rozważań. W rozdziale tym wyodrębniono trzy zasadnicze ujęcia: ujęcie ekonomiczne, ujęcie psychologiczne oraz socjologiczno-kulturowe. W dalszej części tego rozdziału przeanalizowano związki między przedsiębiorczością a wzrostem gospodarczym. Wskazano także mniej znane kierunki...
Towards Changes of Macro-Economic Structures in Middle Eastern Countries. Empirical Evidence for 1970–2018
PublikacjaMiddle East countries share a wide bundle of specific structural economic features and one of the latest is a high dependency of these economies on fossil fuels, which is quantitatively demonstrated through the share of oil and gas revenues in total export, but also in gross domestic product composition. This high economic dependency on natural resources on one hand has recently generated a material wealth of Middle Eastern countries...
Energy Systems (Dezhou University) [2022/23]
Kursy OnlineFull-time studies, Dezhou University
Energy Systems (Dezhou University) [2023/24]
Kursy OnlineFull-time studies, Dezhou University
Framework for gamification of specialized subjects within engineering studies
PublikacjaGamification is a relatively new term forged along with the occurrence of new information technology, especially easy access to internet and smartphones. Gamification is a use of game mechanics, to modify the behavior of people in non-games situations to increase the involvement of individuals. The method is based on the pleasure that comes from overcoming the obstacles to reach next achievable level, which consists of challenges,...
Nanofiltration in the food industry
PublikacjaNanofiltration (NF), as a pressure-driven membrane process, has been widely demonstrated to have great potential for food processing applications. There are several advantages of this membrane process over traditional methods that makes NF suitable for food processing, such as the low thermal damage to the product, higher aroma retention, lower energy consumption, and low maintenance costs. In this chapter, according to the recent...
Informal model of the cooperation between the r&d institutions and it companies
PublikacjaThe purpose of this work is presentation of an informal cooperation model for innovation-oriented environment of R&D institutions and software development companies.
Creating Shared Value by the University
PublikacjaPurpose Works that link creating shared value (CSV) with the university are arising, and there is a hope for a great future of this combination. The main problem with these works is that they are based on the wrong assumptions of what CSV is. The aim of the paper is to properly explain the concept of CSV and match it with university social responsibility (USR) at a strategic level. Design/methodology/approach A literature review...
Energy Use Rationalization 2023/24 (Dezhou University)
Kursy OnlineThe e-learning course was designed for Dezhou University students @ GdańskTech
Management in space industry WiMiO
Kursy Online -
PublikacjaThe article expresses an idea of the privileged role of universities in the process of shaping the new culture for urban mobility. Mobility management of the academic community is adopted in order to indirectly influence a wider group of the population. The aim of the study was to investigate the situation at the Polish universities and the willingness of their authorities to implement integrated tools to manage the transportation...
A socially responsible university - an attempt to approach the system
PublikacjaIt is the author's thesis that social responsibility of university is an integrated system of both knowledge management (KM), quality management (QM) and organizational development (OD) processes. The author determined that the university "bond" is an institutional culture (IC). An integrated system is the way to create university an open system co-operated and co-opetited with stakeholders. The stakes are high in game - both students...
Logistics of Transnational Corporations as the Basis of Cooperation Between Ukraine and EU (for Poland Example)
PublikacjaThe article describes the scientific and theoretical basis for the organization of logistics management of modern international corporations, owning by assets in mining and metallurgical business in Ukraine and Poland; it had been analyzed the influence of transfer pricing mechanism as one of the main factors affecting on the efficiency of the organization of supply chain of resources (Ukrainian semi-finished goods) to ensure uninterrupted...
State-of-the-art framework for high-speed camera and photogrammetric use in geometry evaluation of prestressed concrete failure process
PublikacjaPrestressed structures are a key to the realization of the boldest architectural ideas, regardless of shape complexity, great height and large span. A characteristic feature of the prestressed structure is the better use of concrete material properties by insertion of internal forces. The internal forces are opposed to external loads effects (forces and deformations of structure). Prestressed reinforced concrete beams are characterized...
Cooperation of mono- and bi-articular muscles: human lower limb
PublikacjaObjectives: The aim of this study was to create and analyze a Pareto-optimal problem that would describe cooperation between mono- and bi-articulate lower limb muscles in sagittal plane. Methods: Equations describing the problem were derived and analyzed, additional constrains were introduced and experimental verification based on gait video analysis was performed. Results: Uncertainty of Pareto-optimal solution is shown for the...
Transfer of Electric Energy Dezhou University 2024/2025
Kursy Onlineelearning course about Transfer of Electric Energy for Dezhou University for summer semester 2024/2025
Kreatywna destrukcja uniwersytetu = Creative destruction of the university
PublikacjaAutorzy podejmują problematykę zmian we współczesnym uniwersytecie. Wychodząc z założenia, że celem uniwersytetu jest, obok kształcenia masowego, wykształcenie elity przedsiębiorców intelektualnych przyszłych liderów społeczeństwa wiedzy, zaproponowano twórczą destrukcję organizacji uczelni, której istotą jest przeniesienie osi organizacyjnej z podstawowych jednostek uczelni, jakimi są wydziały na zespoły, a osi koordynacyjnej...
Positive management of the university
PublikacjaPurpose: To demonstrate that contemporary universities may be improved by synthesis of strategic antinomies, i.e. seeking the possibility of combining opposite approaches to solving problems concerning university organization and management. Findings: That approach discounts the importance of building positive relationships between members of staff and undertaking activities intended to create a situation where the...
Positive management of the university
PublikacjaAbstract: The prevailing view held at contemporary Polish universities is that their main goal is to achieve effects measured by indicators, which applies to each element of their mission: education, research and the third mission, whereas the means to accomplish this goal consists of increasing the requirements and motivating by the “carrot and stick” approach. That approach discounts the importance of building a positive relationship...
The Effect of University Campuses on the Modal Split of Polish Cities
PublikacjaThe article considers the effect Polish public universities have on the characteristics of urban traffic. The article describes how the public university community has changed over 25 years and its share in the urban population. The characteristics of the modal split in Polish university towns is given based on selected cases. The relation between the share of transport modes in the modal split and the size of towns or university...
A sector-an industry? Definitional challenges in economic sciences
Publikacjathe aim of our paper is to present definitional challenges that we as scholars and teachers face while attempting to relate to a sector and an industry terms in economic analyses and from strategic management perspective. we employ secondary research and analyse the state of the academic discourse and common usages of the above terms. we argue that for an economic statistician classifications should be consistent and highlight...