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Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: WELL-BEING OF WORKERS

Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: WELL-BEING OF WORKERS

  • Effect of the integration into Global Value Chains on the employment contract in Central and Eastern European countries

    Research background: In the era of globalization, there is a need to address decent work deficits in Global Value Chains (GVCs). The forms of working conditions reveal a broad dispersion of contents. The literature review exposes hardly any Europe-focused research assessing the socioeconomic impact of global production links and going beyond their pure economic effects assessed in terms of employment, productivity or wages. Purpose...

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  • Imaging of biological samples: the ant Lasius Niger

    Dane Badawcze

    The world of arthropods continues to amaze researchers today. An example may be a relatively new report by a group of scientists on structures found in ant shells [1] Although calcareous anatomical structures have evolved in various groups of animals, little has been known so far about the occurrence of this type of form in insects. The authors of the...

  • Wpływ wprowadzenia norm europejskich na konstrukcję wsporczych napowietrznych linii elektroenergetycznych

    Konstrukcje wsporcze linii elektroenergetycznych były i są projektowane zgodnie ze specjalistycznymi normami, innymi niż stosowane w budownictwie. Dotyczą one zarówno oddziaływań środowiskowych, takich jak temperatura, wiatr, oblodzenie i oddziaływania stałe (naciąg, przewodów, osprzęt), jak i zasad wymiarowania. W artykule przedstawiono wyniki analiz porównawczych dotyczących wpływu zmian wprowadzanych w normach europejskich na...

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  • Knowledge Sharing and Organizational Culture Dimensions: Does Job Satisfaction Matter?


    The aim of this study is to examine how job satisfaction influences the relationship between company performance, knowledge sharing, and organizational culture, perceived through the prism of Hofstede’s cultural dimensions, controlled by company size and staff position. A survey of 910 Polish employees (mainly knowledge workers) with different roles and experiences across different industries was conducted. The data were analyzed...

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  • Karolina Zielińska-Dąbkowska dr inż. arch.

    Karolina M. Zielinska-Dabkowska (dr inż. arch., Dipl.-Ing. Arch.[FH]) jest adiunktem na Wydziale Architektury Politechniki Gdańskiej. W roku 2002 ukończyła studia na Wydziale Architektury i Urbanistyki  Politechniki Gdańskiej a w 2004 inżynierii architektonicznej na HAWK Hochschule für angewandte Wissenschaft und Kunst Hildesheim w Niemczech. Po studiach pracowała dla kilku firm o światowej renomie w Berlinie, Londynie, Nowym Jorku...

  • Pavilion Hospitals Of West Prussia In The 19th Century – Evolution Of The Idea


    In the 19th century a number of modern curative and healthcare hospitals with complex functional and spatial layout were erected in the territory of the West Prussia. The largest of them were specialist centers treating physical and mental illnesses and disabilities: institutions for mentally ill patients (including addicts), epileptics and disabled people. Apart from the medical treatment section, there were administrative, social...

  • CEE Trade in Services: Value-Added Versus Gross Terms Approaches

    This article assesses the impact of the determinants of service exports in both value-added terms and gross terms for seven Central Eastern European economies in 1995–2011. The results confirm the importance of increasing labor productivity and highly skilled and medium-skilled workers in the growth of trade in services. Exports of services are also supported by linkages between domestic services, especially business services,...

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  • The Determinants of False Self-Employment: A Survey of Polish Enterprises


    The main goal of this article is to advance the emergent research on tax evasion in Poland in the form of false self-employment (FSE), in particular to identify its causes. The dependent character of some self-employed workers is a big problem in the Polish economy, which has been completely unexplored because of the lack of available data. In this article, we use data from a survey of Polish companies. Our empirical results show...

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  • Gender wage gap convergence and skills heterogeneity in Poland (2005-2014) - quantile regression analysis based on microdata from EUSILC.

    In this article we quantify the magnitude and evolution of gender wage differentials in Poland over the years 2005 – 2014 using microlevel data from EU-SILC database (Statistics on Income and Living Conditions). In the study gender wage gap is examined through quantile regression analysis. It is shown that the gender wage gap varies along the wage distribution with workers’ skills heterogeneity playing a role. Additionally, the...

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  • Technological vs. Non-Technological Mindsets: Learning From Mistakes, and Organizational Change Adaptability to Remote Work

    The permanent implementation of the change in working methods, e.g., working in the virtual space, is problematic for some employees and, as a result, for management leaders. To explore this issue deeper, this study assumes that mindset type: technological vs. non-technological, may influence the organizational adaptability to change. Moreover, the key interest of this research is how non-technological mindsets...

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  • Train the trainer course


    - Rok 2018

    This chapter presents the concept, evaluation and evaluation results for the train the trainer. This concept of train the trainers is prepared within Workpackage 5 of EU-funded project: MASTER BSR (Erasmus+ Strategic Partnership Programme). Due to the nature of adult learning the content is designed for the use of participatory methods (involved, active). This method uses various techniques of active learning e.g. group work,...

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  • The demand for skills and labour cost in partner countries. Evidence from the enlarged EU



    We analyse the consequences of trade integration in Europe (1995-2005) detecting how the labour costs in partner countries affect the domestic demand for high- and low-skilled labour in 'Old' (EU-15) and five 'New' EU member states. In general, independently of the skill level of workers, the results suggest complementarity between domestic and foreign labour. However, when we take into account the typology of sectors, the demand...

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  • What fosters firm-level labour productivity in Eastern European and Central Asian countries?


    This study examines labour productivity performance and its determinants in Eastern European and Central Asian (EECA) firms using micro-level data. We find significant differences in labour productivity among members of the European Union in Eastern Europe and other Eastern European and Central Asian countries. We also confirm the important impact of foreign ownership, exporter status, and highly skilled workers on productivity...

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  • Estetyka domu jak element warunkujący poczucie przynależności w procesie zamieszkiwania


    - Rok 2016

    Dom jest formą schronienia, która stanowi przedmiot w złożonym procesie zamieszkiwania. Jednym z aspektów decydujących o doświadczaniu poczucia utożsamiania w tym procesie jest estetyka tego domu. Dbałość o jej spójność z oczekiwaniami przyszłych mieszkańców i wpasowanie w zastane otoczenie wydają się oczywistym zadaniem architekta. Jednak w przypadku istniejących osiedli mieszkaniowych wielorodzinnych, zwanych potocznie blokowiskami,...

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  • Wpływ kształtu elektrody woltamperometrycznej na jej właściwości metrologiczne w dziedzinie czasu

    W artykule omówiono właściwości metrologiczne elektrod woltamperometrycznych. Wykazano, że w przypadku oznaczania małych wartości stężeń jonów metali, elektrody te zachowują się tak jak przetworniki pomiarowe I rzędu. Ich właściwości metrologiczne opisuje czułość i stała czasowa. Wartości tych wielkości są uzależnione od mechanizmu transportu jonów do/od powierzchni elektrod oraz od ich kształtu. Wykonano symulacje wpływu kształtu...

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  • Teams tools. Leading high-performance teams with different types of intelligence


    - Rok 2018

    The subject of this paper is the analysis of necessary tools for global teams, image of the team leader, styles of leadership in global teams. The analysis is based on selected examples from high-performance teams with visible results. The purpose of the work is to answer for the following questions: What are the characteristics of the leading global teams? Which style of leadership use the global teams? Is a female leader different...

  • Monitoring of occupational exposure to volatile organohalogen solvents (VOXs) in human urine samples of dry-cleaner workers by TLHS-DAI-GC-ECD procedure

    Chlorinated hydrocarbon solvents are often used for dry-cleaning clothes in the laundry industry. The object of this study was to monitor the occupational exposure of dry-clean employees coming into contact with VOXs. 25 workers collected their urine samples before the work shift, after 4 hours of work and after the work shift. The analyses of urine samples and solvents used in dry-cleaning were performed using TLHS-DAI-GC-ECD....

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  • Towards Knowledge Formalization and Sharing in a Cognitive Vision Platform for Hazard Control (CVP-HC)


    - Rok 2019

    Hazards are present in all workplaces and can result in serious injuries, short and long-term illnesses, or death. In this context, management of safety is essential to ensure the occupational health of workers. Aiming to assist the safety manage-ment process, especially in industrial environments, a Cognitive Vision Platform for Hazard Control (CVP-HC) has been proposed. The CVP-HC is a scalable yet adaptable system capable of...

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  • Tacit Knowledge Sharing and Value Creation in the Network Economy: Socially Driven Evolution of Business


    - Rok 2018

    Key factors which affect competitive advantage in the network economy are innovation, relationships, cooperation, and knowledge. Sharing knowledge is not easy. Companies find it problematic. Presented studies show that the essence of the value creation today is not in sharing explicit but rather tacit knowledge, which is a source of creativity and innovation. Delivering value through knowledge does not only require efficient Transactive...

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  • Job-related emotions and job burnout among civil servants: examining the shape of the relationship in cross-sectional and longitudinal models


    - MEDYCYNA PRACY - Rok 2019

    Wstęp: Związek pozytywności, czyli proporcji między pozytywnymi a negatywnymi emocjami, z wypaleniem zawodowym może przybierać kształt krzywoliniowy. Ponadto z perspektywy teoretycznej jest to relacja przyczynowo - skutkowa, w której pozytywność jest proksymalnym, a wypalenie – dystalnym wymiarem dobrostanu zawodowego. Dotychczasowe badania były jednak prowadzone najczęściej w planie poprzecznym i testowały relacje prostoliniowe....

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    Zróżnicowane ujęcie znaczenia pracy stwarza możliwości szerokiego spojrzenia na korzyści jakie daje jej posiadanie, wykorzystanie. Korzyści indywidualne mogą wynikać z osiągania przez pracobiorców dochodów z tytułu świadczenia pracy, zaspakajania swoich potrzeb i możliwości samorealizacji czy rozwoju. Natomiast zaangażowanie zasobów pracy przez przedsiębiorstwa może generować zyski i sprzyjać ich dalszemu rozwojowi. Praca wykorzystana...

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  • Hospital chaplains facing the pandemic. A qualitative study

    The article explores hospital chaplains perspective on the impact of the coronavirus pandemic on the provision of spiritual care in Poland. Semi-structured interviews with sixteen hospital chaplains providing spiritual care in hospitals during the COVID-19 pandemic were performed. Six main themes emerged during the interviews: chaplains' experience of the pandemic, chaplaincy during the outbreak, patients' needs, health professionals...

    Pełny tekst do pobrania w serwisie zewnętrznym

  • The EU enlargement and domestic employment


    - Economics Bulletin - Rok 2009

    The study focuses on the interactions between EU member states' labor markets (manufacturing and tradable business services) over the period 1995-2005. We use recently released detailed sector level employment statistics, considering the effects of trade integration on the creation of links between labor force in ''Old'' and ''New'' partners in the enlarged EU. Empirical estimations show that the domestic demand for labor in the...

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  • Wage determination, Global Value Chains and role played by wage bargaining schemes: The case of Poland

    This study examines the linkages between GVC involvement and wages in Poland given different wage bargaining schemes. The analysis is based on microdata from the European Structure of Earnings Survey for Poland combined with sectoral data from the World Input-Output Database. In particular, two measures of GVC involvement were used: the share of foreign value added (FVA) to export and the measure of traditional offshoring. The...

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  • Analyzing content of tasks in Business Process Management. Blending task execution and organization perspectives



    An efficient organization, management, and execution of tasks are central for the successful functioning of any organization. This topic was on the research agenda already in the early 1950s and keeps attracting the scientific community's attention today. Continuous advances and penetration of technologies in organizations are expected to increase task variety and complexity. This creates a constant demand for new methods to analyze,...

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  • Ochrona zdrowia i życia na morzu. Statki szpitale


    - Rok 2018

    Ratowanie życia oraz opieka nad chorym w środowisku morskim jest szczególnym wyzwaniem i zadaniem. Na początku XX-tego wieku nastąpił przełom w niesieniu pomocy osobom rannym oraz chorym, którzy ze względu na pobyt na obiekcie pływającym miały ograniczony dostęp do lekarza czy ośrodka zdrowia. Pojawiły się statki, które pełniły rolę pływających szpitali. Ich działalność wynikała z określonych sytuacji niosących zagrożenie dla zdrowia...

  • Zastosowanie metody galwanostatycznej do wyznaczania błędu fazy elektrod woltamperometrycznych


    W pracy przeanalizowano właściwości metrologiczne elektrod woltamperometrycznych w dziedzinie częstotliwości. Wykazano, że w przypadku, gdy reakcja elektrochemiczna kontrolowana jest procesem transportu jonów, elektroda woltamperometryczna zachowuje się tak jak przetwornik pomiarowy I rzędu. Jej właściwości metrologiczne opisane są przez czułość, częstotliwość graniczną, błąd amplitudy i błąd fazy. Przeprowadzona analiza pokazała,...

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  • Internacjonalizacja przedsiębiorstw na obszarze Euroazjatyckiej Unii Gospodarczej na przykładzie Kazachstanu


    - Rok 2023

    Autorka podjęła badania nad wpływem Euroazjatyckiej Unii Gospodarczej (EUG) na internacjonalizację kazachskich przedsiębiorstw, motywowana aktualnością tematu i brakiem kompleksowych badań w tej dziedzinie. Celem pracy jest analiza wpływu EUG na proces internacjonalizacji firm w Kazachstanie. Rozprawa składa się z czterech rozdziałów, z których pierwsze trzy mają charakter teoretyczny, a czwarty jest empiryczny. W rozdziałach teoretycznych...

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  • Social Capital, Human Capital, Tacit Knowledge, and Innovations: A Polish-US Cross-Country Study


    - Rok 2022

    This study measures the relationship between human and social capital (internal and external) and tacit knowledge sharing's influence on innovativeness among knowledge workers employed in Polish (n=1050) and US (n=1118) organizations. The structural equation modeling method revealed that internal social capital matters more for organizational innovativeness in the US. In Poland, both external and internal were important. Specifically,...

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  • Transformational Leadership and Acceptance of Mistakes as a Source of Learning: Poland-USA Cross-Country Study


    - Rok 2022

    This study explores the influence of transformational leadership on internal innovativeness mediated by mistakes acceptance, including country and industry as factors to be considered and gender and risk-taking attitude as moderators. General findings, primarily based on the US samples (healthcare, construction, and IT industry), confirmed that transformational leadership and internal innovativeness are mediated by mistakes acceptance...

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  • Federated Learning in Healthcare Industry: Mammography Case Study

    The paper focuses on the role of federated learning in a healthcare environment. The experimental setup involved different healthcare providers, each with their datasets. A comparison was made between training a deep learning model using traditional methods, where all the data is stored in one place, and using federated learning, where the data is distributed among the workers. The experiment aimed to identify possible challenges...

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  • Problemy modernizacji szpitali


    Stale dokonujący się rozwój technologii medycznych oraz postęp w możliwościach leczniczych w sposób zasadniczy wpływa na kształt szpitala. W obecnie realizowanych szpitalach maleje powierzchnia działów pielęgnacji chorych, natomiast zwiększa się powierzchnia działów diagnostyczno-zabiegowych. Skraca się średni czas pobytu pacjenta w szpitalu. Szpital staje się sprawną „maszyną” do diagnozowania, a następnie leczenia pacjenta w...

  • Discovery of Stylistic Patterns in Business Process Textual Descriptions: IT Ticket Case


    - Rok 2019

    Growing IT complexity and related problems, which are reflected in IT tickets,create a need for new qualitative approaches. The goal isto automate the extraction of main topics described in tickets in order to provide high quality support for the IT process workers and enablea smooth service delivery to the end user. Present paper proposes a method of knowledge extraction in a form of stylistic patterns in business...

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    - Ekonomika - Rok 2016

    This article aims to present the significance and prevalence of the phenomenon of undeclared work. First, we discuss the definitional issues of this phenomenon. Then, we present previous estimates on shadow economy and undeclared work in Poland, based on statistics provided by Central Statistical Office and other research entities. Our analysis covers the years 2000–2014. In the last part of the article, we use data from the Labour...

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  • A Panel Analysis of the Impact of Green Transformation and Globalization on the Labor Share in the National Income


    - ENERGIES - Rok 2021

    This study aims to examine the impact of green transition and globalization processes on changes in the labour share. The study covers 76 national economies diversified in development, global production share and energy transition stage from 2000 to 2018. Based on the Total Economy Database data, panel models of the relationship between green transition, globalization and the labour share in the national income were estimated....

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  • The Double Cognitive Bias of Mistakes: A Measurement Method


    - Rok 2023

    There is no learning without mistakes. However, making mistakes among knowledge workers is s�ll seeing shameful. There is a clash between posi�ve a�tudes and beliefs regarding the power of gaining new (tacit) knowledge by ac�ng in new contexts and nega�ve a�tudes and beliefs toward accompanying mistakes that are sources of learning. These contradictory a�tudes create a bias that is doubled by the other shared solid belief...

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  • Searching for road deformations using mobile laser scanning

    Millions of people use roads every day all over the world. Roads, like many other structures, have an estimated durability. In Poland a lot of the roads were built at the turn of the 20th and 21st c., especially for light cars. Many of these roads carry traffic and heavy goods vehicles which were not predicted when the traffic was first estimated. It creates a lot of problems with technical conditions and the infrastructure must...

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    - Rok 2013

    The Experience-Oriented Smart Embedded System (EOSES) is proposed as a new technological platform providing a common knowledge management approach that allows mass embedded systems for experiential knowledge capturing, storage, involving, and sharing. Knowledge in the EOSES is represented as SOEKS, and organized as Decisional DNA. The platform is mainly based on conceptual principles from Embedded Systems and Knowledge Management....

  • Moduł Warsztaty - narzędzie w procesie edukacji na uczelni wyższej


    Obecnie istnieje bardzo szeroka gama narzędzi informatycznych, które wspierają proces edukacji przy wykorzystaniu internetu na uczelniach wyższych. Wśród nieodpłatnych narzędzi powszechnie znana jest platforma Moodle. W artykule zaprezentowano jeden z jej modułów – Warsztaty. Przedstawiono jego funkcjonalność. Opisano jego zalety i wady w nauczaniu łączącym techniki online i tradycyjne na uczelni wyższej (blended-learning). W artykule...

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  • Mind the Gender Wage Gap – the Impact of Trade and Competition on Sectoral Wage Difference


    This article examines differences between women’s and men’s wages in 18 selected OECD countries in the period 1970-2005. The study is based on 12 manufacturing sector- and skill-specific sets of panel data on the gender wage gap. We apply a system GMM estimator to the extended version of the conditional gender wage gap convergence equation, controlling for sector concentration and industry-specific measures of openness using a...

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  • Green analytical chemistry metrics: A review

    Green analytical chemistry encourages reducing the use of toxic chemicals/reagents, using energy-efficient equipment, and generating minimal waste. The recent trends in analytical method development focus on the miniaturization of the sample preparation devices, the development of solventless or solvent-minimized extraction techniques, and the utilization of less toxic solvents. The twelve principles of GAC serve as a basic guideline...

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  • Learning from Mistakes. A Study on Maturity and Adaptability to Change


    - Rok 2020

    Learning culture matters; company culture must support continuous improvement. Organizational learning is a process of identifying and modifying mistakes that result from interactions between co-workers. The article aims to explore the learning power via errors, using the level of organizational maturity as a moderator. Companies need to know how organizational maturity may moderate the adaptability to change via the acceptance...

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  • Future Skills and Education in a Computerized World

    As computerization of Western economies has advanced, the supply of the demand for routine cognitive tasks and routine manual tasks has fallen. Computerization has increased labour input of nonroutine cognitive tasks which has favourized high educated workers. Similarly, there is clear evidence of an increase in demand for high skilled workforce which originates from poor machine performance of nonroutine...

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  • Organizational IT Competency, Knowledge Workers and Knowledge Sharing


    - Rok 2019

    IT competency plays a vital role in knowledge management processes. Information technology affects an organization’s ability to store and recall knowledge that has been made explicit through codification, including different forms such as written documents, reports, presentations, patents, formulas, etc. This study aims to measure the influence of a company’s IT competency dimensions such as IT-knowledge,...

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  • Quiet Quitting and its Link With Knowledge Risks in Organizations – Theoretical Insights


    - Rok 2023

    Purpose: Quiet quitting has become a widely publicized concept, driven by social media in the United States and other countries in 2022. It is a term used to describe the phenomenon by which employees do the least amount of their work, just enough to meet the requirements of one’s job description (Mahand and Caldwell, 2023). The trend is spreading quickly among young workers. It can potentially harm individuals, job performance,...

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  • Female entrepreneurship in Kazakhstan


    - Rok 2021

    Women constitute the majority of the Kazakh population and, even though they live almost 10 years longer than men on average, they are far less economically active. Less than half of the female population take up employment. Women’s wages are often as much as 30% lower than men’s. The subjective reasons for undertaking economic activity as mentioned by women included: independence from the husband, low earnings of the husband and...

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  • Changes in the structure of Armenia’s labour resources between 1993 and 2020

    The article characterises the structure of Armenia’s labour resources in the period between1993 and 2020. It aims to assess the changes on the Armenian labour market by means of a deductive analysis of historical data and observation of changes in the structure of resources based on generally available macroeconomic data. The authors evaluate these processes against the background of demographic and economic changes, by presenting...

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  • Determinants of COVID-19 Impact on the Private Sector: A Multi-Country Analysis Based on Survey Data


    Our paper aims to investigate the impact of COVID‐19 on private sector companies in terms of sales, production, finance and employment. We check whether the country and industry in which companies operate, government financial support and loan access matter to the behaviour and performances of companies during the pandemic. We use a microdata set from a worldwide survey of more than 15,729 companies conducted between April and...

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  • Monitoring Lead Concentration in the Surrounding Environmental Components of a Lead Battery Company: Plants, Air and Effluents—Case Study, Kenya

    Lead (Pb) pollution from smelters and lead–acid battery has become a serious problem worldwide owing to its toxic nature as a heavy metal. Stricter regulations and monitoring strategies have been formulated, legislated and implemented in various parts of the world on heavy metal usage. Developed countries such as the USA and in Europe largely operate within the set standards, however, developing countries such as Kenya, Nigeria...

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  • Toward an understanding of occupational burnout among employees with autism – the Job Demands‑Resources theory perspective



    This article aims to gain insight into the phenomenon of occupational burnout among employees with autism based on the theoretical framework of the Job Demands-Resources theory and the literature on employees with autism in the workplace. Firstly, we argue that although the resources and demands of the neurotypical and neurodivergent employees might be different, the theoretical mechanism of occupational burnout formation remains...

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