Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: data models - MOST Wiedzy


Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: data models

Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: data models

  • Manufacturing Data Analysis in Internet of Things/Internet of Data (IoT/IoD) Scenario



    Computer integrated manufacturing (CIM) has enormous benefits as it increases the rate of production, reduces errors and production waste, and streamlines manufacturing sub-systems. However, there are some new challenges related to CIM operating in the Internet of Things/Internet of Data (IoT/IoD) scenarios associated with Industry 4.0 and cyber-physical systems. The main challenge is to deal with the massive volume of data flowing...

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  • Open Data Capability Architecture - An Interpretive Structural Modeling Approach


    - Rok 2020

    Despite of increasing availability of open data as a vital organizational resource, large numbers of startups and organizations fail when it comes to utilizing open data effectively. This shortcoming is attributable to the poor understanding of what types of capabilities are required to successfully conduct data related activities. At the same time, research on open data capabilities and how they relate to one another remains sparse....

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  • Piotr Paradowski dr

    Dr Piotr Paradowski's areas of expertise in quantitative social science methods include truncated and censored models, quantile regressions, survival analysis, panel data models, discrete regressions and qualitative choice models, instrumental variable estimation, and hierarchical modeling. He is also an expert in statistical matching and statistical methods to handle missing data. In addition, he conducts research on income and...

  • Data on solutions of Hes1 system

    Dane Badawcze
    open access

    Hes1 protein (hairy and enhancer of split 1) belongs to the helix-loop-helix (bHLH) family of transcription proteins, i.e. DNA-binding proteins in the promoter region or in another region where regulation of transcription processes occurs.    The database collects data on solutions of the Hes1 systems with multiple binding sites and the dimer formation...

  • Preeclampsia Risk Prediction Using Machine Learning Methods Trained on Synthetic Data


    - Rok 2024

    This paper describes a research study that investigates the use of machine learning algorithms on synthetic data to classify the risk of developing preeclampsia by pregnant women. Synthetic datasets were generated based on parameter distributions from three real patient studies. Four models were compared: XGBoost, Support Vector Machine (SVM), Random Forest, and Explainable Boosting Machines (EBM). The study found that the XGBoost...

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  • Enhanced uniform data sampling for constrained data‐driven modeling of antenna input characteristics

    Data-driven surrogates are the most popular replacement models utilized in many fields of engineering and science, including design of microwave and antenna structures. The primary practical issue is a curse of dimensionality which limits the number of independent parameters that can be accounted for in the modelling process. Recently, a performance-driven modelling technique has been proposed where the constrained domain of the...

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  • Urban Freight Transport Demand Modelling and Data Availability Constraints


    - Rok 2018

    The paper provides a review of urban freight transport demand modelling approaches confronted with constrains regarding adequate data provision from a perspective of the local authorities. Demand estimation models has been selected as a reference because they are the most representative in terms of inclusion of urban freight indicators which can be transformed into a decision-support tool for evaluation of freight measures. The...

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  • Bridging the gap between business process models and use-case models


    - Rok 2014

    Today's software development methodologies are equipped with a plethora of methods and techniques for business process engineering and Requirements Engineering. However, heavy investments in IT have not brought forth expected results. What seems to be lacking is a systematic approach that consolidates both disciplines to gain a synergistic effect. To address this challenge we extend Use-Case Driven Approach (UCDA) by binding use...

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  • Finite element models used in diagnostics of transverse cracks in bridge approach pavement

    Transverse cracks in the asphalt pavement were observed on bridge structures next to single-module expansion joints with a 5 meter approach slab set at the depth of 1 m. The finite element (FE) models of the approach pavement were created to investigate the reasons of premature cracking and crack initiation mechanism over the back edge of the abutment...

  • Models of Structures in Didactics


    The final aim of teaching students subjects, such as structural mechanics, reinforced concrete, and steel structures is to teach them how structures work in a given building as well as to provide them with skills enabling them to calculate and design structures. The behavioral model of the structure, contrary to the architectural model, which focuses mainly on the external form of the building, shows workings from both the static...

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  • Heavy Duty Vehicle Fuel Consumption Modelling Based on Exploitation Data by Using Artificial Neural Networks


    - Rok 2019

    One of the ways to improve the fuel economy of heavy duty trucks is to operate the combustion engine in its most efficient operating points. To do that, a mathematical model of the engine is required, which shows the relations between engine speed, torque and fuel consumption in transient states. In this paper, easy accessible exploitation data collected via CAN bus of the heavy duty truck were used to obtain a model of a diesel...

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  • Data-driven, probabilistic model for attainable speed for ships approaching Gdańsk harbour


    The growing demand for maritime transportation leads to increased traffic in ports. From this arises the need to observe the consequences of the specific speed ships reach when approaching seaports. However, usually the analyzed cases refer only to the statistical evaluation of the studied phenomenon or to the empirical modelling, ignoring the mutual influence of variables such as ship type, length or weather conditions. In this...

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  • Outlier detection method by using deep neural networks


    - Rok 2017

    Detecting outliers in the data set is quite important for building effective predictive models. Consistent prediction can not be made through models created with data sets containing outliers, or robust models can not be created. In such cases, it may be possible to exclude observations that are determined to be outlier from the data set, or to assign less weight to these points of observation than to other points of observation....

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  • Count Data Modeling About Relationship Between Dubai Housing Sales Transactions and Financial Indicators


    - Rok 2017

    In this study, illustrating and comparing the performances of count data models such as Poisson, negative binomial (NB), Hurdle and zero-inflated models for the determination of factors affected housing sales in Dubai. Model comparisons are made via Akaike’s information criterion (AIC), the Vuong test and examining the residuals. Main purpose of this study is building reliable statistical model for relationship between Dubai housing...

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  • Reliable data-driven modeling of high-frequency structures by means of nested kriging with enhanced design of experiments

    Data-driven (or approximation) surrogate models have been gaining popularity in many areas of engineering and science, including high-frequency electronics. They are attractive as a way of alleviating the difficulties pertinent to high computational cost of evaluating full-wave electromagnetic (EM) simulation models of microwave, antenna, and integrated photonic components and devices. Carrying out design tasks that involve massive...

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  • A strategy for GPS data processing in a precise local network during high solar activity


    - GPS SOLUTIONS - Rok 2003

    This paper presents the analyses connected with reduction of errors from ionospheric refraction using GPS data from local satellite networks. This is particularly essential during rising solar activity. The Bernese GPS Software v. 4.2 was used, as an analytical tool. The test data included measurements from a geodynamic network SUDETES situated in the Sudety Mountains across the border between the Czech Republic and Poland. A local...

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  • Integration and verification of meteorological observations and NWP model data for the local GNSS tomography

    • J. Bosy
    • W. Rohm
    • A. Borkowski
    • K. Kroszczynski
    • M. Figurski


    GNSS meteorology applies the Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) to derive information about the state of the atmosphere (particularly troposphere). The tomography is one of the methods used in GNSS meteorology. The input data of GNSS tomography are the signal troposphere delays, results of GNSS data processing and additionally meteorological observations and Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP) models data. Different types...

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  • Learning sperm cells part segmentation with class-specific data augmentation


    - Rok 2024

    Infertility affects around 15% of couples worldwide. Male fertility problems include poor sperm quality and low sperm count. The advanced fertility treatment methods like ICSI are nowadays supported by vision systems to assist embryologists in selecting good quality sperm. Computer-Assisted Semen Analysis (CASA) provides quantitative and qualitative sperm analysis concerning concentration, motility, morphology, vitality, and fragmentation....

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  • Estimating the Average Speed of Public Transport Vehicles Based on Traffic Control System Data

    Intelligent Transport Systems are a valuable source of traffic information, covering both private and public vehicles. The main problem, however, is that very few studies are conducted to determine the speed of buses, trams and trolleys in urban networks in relation to traffic conditions. The paper investigates how ITS systems data could be used to model the speed of Public Transport vehicles. This is now possible thanks to the...

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  • Web-based 3D processing and dissemination of multibeam sonar data


    The continuous detailed surveys of the various water bodies over time produce a large and ever-increasing volume and density of underwater sounding data. Three-dimensional data, such as those obtained by multibeam sonar systems, are quite complex to manage, and thus their growing numbers increase the pressure on development of new solutions dedicated to processing them. This paper presents a concept system for web-based dissemination...

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  • Music information retrieval—The impact of technology, crowdsourcing, big data, and the cloud in art.

    The exponential growth of computer processing power, cloud data storage, and crowdsourcing model of gathering data bring new possibilities to music information retrieval (mir) field. Mir is no longer music content retrieval only; the area also comprises the discovery of expressing feelings and emotions contained in music, incorporating other than hearing modalities for helping this issue, users’ profiling, merging music with social...

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  • Plasma models, contribution matrix for detector setup and generated projections for plasma emissivity reconstruction in fusion devices

    Dane Badawcze
    open access
    • R. Osadnik
    • M. Koruszowic
    • G. Andrzejewski
    • P. Syty
    • K. Malinowski

    The original plasma models for fusion devices, together with the complementary detector setup in the form of a contribution matrix and generated projections. Samples are packed inside a Plasma Tomography Format (PTF) files which is a part of the Plasma Tomography in Fusion Devices Python package, and inside the general JSON format. The constructed dataset...

  • Parametric versus nonparametric modelling of dynamic susceptibility contrast enhanced MRI based data


    Dynamic tracking of a bolus of a paramagnetic agent (dynamic susceptibility contract - DSC) in MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) measurements is successfully used for assessment of the tissue perfusion and the other features and functions of the brain (i.e. cerebral blood flow - CBF, cerebral blood volume - CBV, mean transit time - MTT). The parametric and nonparametric approaches to the identification of MRI models are presented...

  • Applying artificial neural networks for modelling ship speed and fuel consumption


    This paper deals with modelling ship speed and fuel consumption using artificial neural network (ANN) techniques. These tools allowed us to develop ANN models that can be used for predicting both the fuel consumption and the travel time to the destination for commanded outputs (the ship driveline shaft speed and the propeller pitch) selected by the ship operator. In these cases, due to variable environmental conditions, making...

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  • Sophistication assessment of existing FEM models of orbital blowout trauma: Is models valuation justified?

    After a thorough study of the work entitled “Development and validation of an optimized finite element model of the human orbit”, some doubts aroused concerning the sophistication assessment of the existing finite element method (FEM) models of orbital blow-out. Although the work was unquestionably innovative, and the results were not only fascinating but also invaluable, the authors stated that their model was the most sophisticated...

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  • Brownian Motion in Optical Tweezers, a Comparison between MD Simulations and Experimental Data in the Ballistic Regime


    - Polymers - Rok 2023

    The four most popular water models in molecular dynamics were studied in large-scale simulations of Brownian motion of colloidal particles in optical tweezers and then compared with experimental measurements in the same time scale. We present the most direct comparison of colloidal polystyrene particle diffusion in molecular dynamics simulations and experimental data on the same time scales in the ballistic regime. The four most...

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  • Kriging Models for Microwave Filters


    - Rok 2016

    Surrogate modeling of microwave filters’ response is discussed. In particular, kriging is used to model either the scattering parameters of the filter or the rational representation of the filter’s characteristics. Surrogate models for these two variants of kriging are validated in solving a microwave filter optimization problem. A clear advantage of surrogate models based on the rational representation over the models based on scattering...

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  • Graph models of clos networks


    - Rok 2007


  • Digital waveguide models of the panpipes

    W artykule przedstawiono główne cechy syntezy falowodowej. Omówiono cechy instrumentu fletni Pana. Przedyskutowano cechy zaproponowanych dwóch modeli fletni Pana różniących się złożonością obliczeniową. Pokazano szczegóły implementacyjne tych modeli, a także uzyskane wyniki symulacji dźwięków w modelach. Dokonano porównania dźwięków rzeczywistych i uzyskanych w wyniku syntezy falowodowej.

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  • Extended hypoplastic models for soils

    Poprawione i poszerzone wydanie pracy habilitacyjnej nt. hipoplastycznego modelu konstytutywnego gruntów.

  • Models of the kinematics of lapping machines.


    - Rok 2004

    Przedstawiono wyniki analiz symulacyjnych układów kinematycznych docierania jednotarczowego powierzchni płaskich. Analizowano układ standardowy i układy niekonwencjonalne, zmieniając ich parametry geometryczne i kinematyczne. Wytypowano układ optymalny w aspekcie równomierności zużycia tarczy docierającej.

  • Language Models in Speech Recognition


    - Rok 2022

    This chapter describes language models used in speech recognition, It starts by indicating the role and the place of language models in speech recognition. Mesures used to compare language models follow. An overview of n-gram, syntactic, semantic, and neural models is given. It is accompanied by a list of popular software.

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  • Models in the Research Process of Psoriasis


    - International Journal of Molecular Sciences - Rok 2017

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  • Use of Porosity in Models of Consolidation


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  • Evaluation of accuracy of surrogate models


    Artykuł przestawia statystyczne podejście do oceny dokładności modeli zastępczych. Prezentowana jest miara dokładności bazująca na dystrybucji błędów w zbiorze testowym. Praca zawiera dyskusję na temat oceny dokładności samego modelu oraz zasadności wyboru kryterium zatrzymującego proces automatycznego tworzenia modelu.


    The main objective of this paper is to show the comparison of two models of infinite ab- sorbing layer with increasing damping in numerical investigations of elastic wave prop- agation in unbounded structures. This has been achieved by the Authors by a careful in- vestigation of two different engineering structures characterised by gradually increasing geometrical and mathematical description complexities. The analysis included...

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    - Rok 2014

    In the low-pressure part of steam turbine, the state path usually crosses the saturation line in penultimate stages. At least last two stages of this part of turbines operate in two –phase region. The liquid phase in this region in mainly created in the process of homogeneous and heterogeneous condensation. Several observations confirm however, that condensation often occurs earlier than it is predicted by theory i.e. before the...

  • Comparison of technology adoption models


    - Rok 2019

    There are several technology adoption models, that try to explain, how and why the technologies are adopted and used. Among those, that are widely used to explain, how the older adults accept technologies, there are some general models and models specific to the group of older users. Among the general ones I would recommend paying attention to the following models: Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) proposed by Davis...

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  • Multibody models for gait analysis


    - Rok 2019

    The aim of this study was to create multibody biomechanical models to analyze a normal gait of the human. Proposed models can be used to identify joint moments of the lower limbs during normal gait in the single and double support phases. Applying Newton-Euler formulation, following planar models were developed: 1) a mathematical 6DOF model describing a gait in the sagittal plane of the body for single support phase and double...

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  • Active shape models in practice


    - Rok 2005

    Autorzy wykonali uniwersalny system lokalizacji obiektów zawierający implementację aktywnych modeli kształtu, a przeprowadzone z użyciem tego systemu eksperymenty wykazały powżne wady badanej metody. W pracy przedstawiono zaobserwowane w praktyce problemy związane ze stosowaniem metody aktywnych modeli kształtu (ASM).

  • Robustness in Compressed Neural Networks for Object Detection


    Model compression techniques allow to significantly reduce the computational cost associated with data processing by deep neural networks with only a minor decrease in average accuracy. Simultaneously, reducing the model size may have a large effect on noisy cases or objects belonging to less frequent classes. It is a crucial problem from the perspective of the models' safety, especially for object detection in the autonomous driving...

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  • Integration, Processing and Dissemination of LiDAR Data in a 3D Web-GIS

    The rapid increase in applications of Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) scanners, followed by the development of various methods that are dedicated for survey data processing, visualization, and dissemination constituted the need of new open standards for storage and online distribution of collected three-dimensional data. However, over a decade of research in the area has resulted in a number of incompatible solutions that offer...

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    In this paper we discuss the evaluation of neural networks in accordance with medical image classification and analysis. We also summarize the existing databases with images which could be used for training deep models that can be later utilized in remote home-based health care systems. In particular, we propose methods for remote video-based estimation of patient vital signs and other health-related parameters. Additionally, potential...

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  • Experimental Study of Polish Sausage Drying Kinetics and Contraction by Image Data Analysis

    The goal of this paper has been to add an experimental data set for drying a meat product and provide a comparison with well-established thin-layer drying models. This article presented experimental investigations on the convective drying of Polish sausage slices at a temperature of 40°C. Slices have been in the thickness of 3 to 8mm. Measurements of mass loss and size change were performed. The data have been presented in the...

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  • Respiratory Rythm Phases Classifiction Dataset

    Dane Badawcze
    open access

    The dataset includes recordings of various breath patterns captured using accelerometer and tensometer sensors. The data is labeled into four classes corresponding to different respiratory phases: inhalation, retention, exhalation, and post-breath apnea. 

  • Models of Information Systems Integration in CompaniesW : Information Systems Architecture and Technology : IT Models in Management Process


    This work indicates the need for supporting IT organizations with incident and change management IT tools. The work presents tche characteristics of a computer system for the comprehensive management of projects, wich can be used to resolve the issues of version management, releases and incidents.

  • Data Domain Adaptation in Federated Learning in the Breast Mammography Image Classification Problem

    We are increasingly striving to introduce modern artificial intelligence techniques in medicine and elevate medical care, catering to both patients and specialists. An essential aspect that warrants concurrent development is the protection of personal data, especially with technology's advancement, along with addressing data disparities to ensure model efficacy. This study assesses various domain adaptation techniques and federated...

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  • Fundamentals of Data-Driven Surrogate Modeling


    The primary topic of the book is surrogate modeling and surrogate-based design of high-frequency structures. The purpose of the first two chapters is to provide the reader with an overview of the two most important classes of modeling methods, data-driven (or approx-imation), as well as physics-based ones. These are covered in Chap-ters 1 and 2, respectively. The remaining parts of the book give an exposition of the specific aspects...

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  • Speaker Recognition Using Convolutional Neural Network with Minimal Training Data for Smart Home Solutions


    - Rok 2018

    With the technology advancements in smart home sector, voice control and automation are key components that can make a real difference in people's lives. The voice recognition technology market continues to involve rapidly as almost all smart home devices are providing speaker recognition capability today. However, most of them provide cloud-based solutions or use very deep Neural Networks for speaker recognition task, which are...

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  • Structures for parameterization, meshing and data exchange of topologically related surfaces of a ship hull


    - Rok 2010

    This paper presents proposal of data structures for storage and processing of a parametric three-dimensional model of a midship hull sections. The model consists of coarse surfaces like: decks, frames, girders, stiffeners, brackets, partitions etc. bounded by topological relations. All workshop details are omitted as the model is intended for numeric calculations. Proposed data structures are prepared to facilitate changes in the...