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Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: identification
A Triplet-Learnt Coarse-to-Fine Reranking for Vehicle Re-identification
PublikacjaVehicle re-identification refers to the task of matching the same query vehicle across non-overlapping cameras and diverse viewpoints. Research interest on the field emerged with intelligent transportation systems and the necessity for public security maintenance. Compared to person, vehicle re-identification is more intricate, facing the challenges of lower intra-class and higher inter-class similarities. Motivated by deep...
Exploring Neural Networks for Musical Instrument Identification in Polyphonic Audio
PublikacjaThe purpose of this paper is to introduce neural network-based methods that surpass state-of-the-art (SOTA) models, either by training faster or having simpler architecture, while maintaining comparable effectiveness in musical instrument identification in polyphonic music. Several approaches are presented, including two authors’ proposals, i.e., spiking neural networks (SNN) and a modular deep learning model named FMCNN (Fully...
Chemical identification of rubber fender sample and hardness and density measurements
PublikacjaScope of testing: Chemical identification of rubber fender sample and hardness and density measurements. - Raport z badań zleconych - Numer umowy: 031178
On noncausal weighted least squares identification of nonstationary stochastic systems
PublikacjaIn this paper, we consider the problem of noncausal identification of nonstationary, linear stochastic systems, i.e., identification based on prerecorded input/output data. We show how several competing weighted (windowed) least squares parameter smoothers, differing in memory settings, can be combined together to yield a better and more reliable smoothing algorithm. The resulting parallel estimation scheme automatically adjusts...
Regularized Local Basis Function Approach to Identification of Nonstationary Processes
PublikacjaThe problem of identification of nonstationary stochastic processes (systems or signals) is considered and a new class of identification algorithms, combining the basis functions approach with local estimation technique, is described. Unlike the classical basis function estimation schemes, the proposed regularized local basis function estimators are not used to obtain interval approximations of the parameter trajectory, but provide...
Metals and metal-binding ligands in wine: Analytical challenges in identification.
PublikacjaBackground Due to important role of metals in the vinification process as well as their impact on the human health, their content in this alcoholic beverage has been extensively studied by many researchers. It is already known that speciation of metals determines their toxicity and bioavailability as well as influences their activity. Understanding the chemistry and knowing the structures of metal complexes could have relevant...
Identification of nonstationary processes using noncausal bidirectional lattice filtering
PublikacjaThe problem of off-line identification of a nonstationary autoregressive process with a time-varying order and a time-varying degree of nonstationarity is considered and solved using the parallel estimation approach. The proposed parallel estimation scheme is made up of several bidirectional (noncausal) exponentially weighted lattice algorithms with different estimation memory and order settings. It is shown that optimization of...
Fast Basis Function Estimators for Identification of Nonstationary Stochastic Processes
PublikacjaThe problem of identification of a linear nonsta-tionary stochastic process is considered and solved using theapproach based on functional series approximation of time-varying parameter trajectories. The proposed fast basis func-tion estimators are computationally attractive and yield resultsthat are better than those provided by the local least squaresalgorithms. It is shown that two...
On bidirectional preestimates and their application to identification of fast time-varying systems
PublikacjaWhen applied to the identification of time-varying systems, such as rapidly fading telecommunication channels, adaptive estimation algorithms built on the local basis function (LBF) principle yield excellent tracking performance but are computationally demanding. The subsequently proposed fast LBF (fLBF) algorithms, based on the preestimation principle, allow a substantial reduction in complexity without significant performance...
System of wireless magnetic sensors for detection and identification of ferromagnetic vehicles
PublikacjaThe paper presents the results of deformation of the Earth's magnetic field by land vehicles. Basing on the analysis of the shape of the magnetic field deformation, it is possible to detect and identify a vehicle. In order to eliminate the interference of the Earth's magnetic field by the environment, the measurements were performed in a differential configuration. Under a development project a wireless system of magnetic sensors...
LSTM-based method for LOS/NLOS identification in an indoor environment
PublikacjaDue to the multipath propagation, harsh indoor environment significantly impacts transmitted signals which may adversely affect the quality of the radiocommunication services, with focus on the real-time ones. This negative effect may be significantly reduced (e.g. resources management and allocation) or compensated (e.g. correction of position estimation in radiolocalisation) by the LOS/NLOS identification algorithm. This paper...
Variable-structure algorithm for identification of quasi-periodically varying systems
PublikacjaThe paper presents a variable-structure version of a generalized notchfiltering (GANF) algorithm. Generalized notch filters are used for identification of quasi-periodically varying dynamic systems and can be considered an extension, to the system case, of classical adaptive notch filters. The proposed algorithm is a cascade of two GANF filters: a multiple-frequency "precise" filter bank, used for precise system tracking, and a...
On joint order and bandwidth selection for identification of nonstationary autoregressive processes
PublikacjaWhen identifying a nonstationary autoregressive process, e.g. for the purpose of signal prediction or parametric spectrum estimation, two important decisions must be taken. First, one should choose the appropriate order of the autoregressive model, i.e., the number of autoregressive coefficients that will be estimated. Second, if identification is carried out using the local estimation technique, such as the localized version of...
Study on applicability of two modal identification techniques in irrelevant cases
PublikacjaStudy on applicability of two modal identification techniques in irrelevant cases is made in this paper. The following techniques are considered: Peak Picking based on correlation analysis (PP-CA), dedicated for ambient vibrations and Eigensystem Realization Algorithm (ERA), formulated for free decay vibrations investigation. Irrelevant cases are found when analyzed signals are different than recommended to a given technique. The...
A new assay for the simultaneous identification and differentiation of Klebsiella oxytoca strains.
PublikacjaKlebsiella oxytoca is the second most frequently identified species of Klebsiella isolated from hospitalized patients. Klebsiella spp. is difficult to identify using conventional methods and is often misclassified in clinical microbiology laboratories. K. oxytoca is responsible for an increasing number of multi-resistant infections in hospitals because of insufficient detection and identification. In this study, we propose a new...
Experimental and numerical identification of corrosion degradation of ageing structural components
PublikacjaThe study presents experimental and numerical identification of corrosion degradation of thin-walled structural components employing guided wave propagation. The steel structural components are subjected to through-thickness varying corrosion degradation levels. The developed approach using the non-destructive guided wave-propagation quantifies the equivalent average corrosion degradation level by exploring a limited number of...
A Triplet-learnt Coarse-to-Fine Reranking for Vehicle Re-identification
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Software tools for identification, visualization and analysis of protein tunnels and channels
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Mitochondrial D-loop informative SNPs in identification of dog’s breed
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Identification of Mitochondrial DNA (NUMTs) in the Nuclear Genome of Daphnia magna
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Crack identification using wavelets on experimental static deflection profiles
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Identification and characterization of Staphylococcus spp. and their susceptibility to insect apolipophorin III
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Frequency response based identification of fractional order dynamical systems
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An evolutionary approach to the identification of Cellular Automata based on partial observations
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Evaluation of concrete cover by surface wave technique: Identification procedure
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Hardware Implementation of Real Time Cavity Parameters Identification System
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Supervised Classification Problems–Taxonomy of Dimensions and Notation for Problems Identification
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Data on the identification of microsatellite markers in Eisenia fetida and Eisenia andrei
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Piece-wise constant approximation method of identification of RTS noise
PublikacjaPrzedstawiono nową metodę wydzielania szumów RTS z całkowitych szumów przyrządów półprzewodnikowych. Metoda ta oparta jest na aproksymacji liniowo odcinkowej przebiegu szumowego.Przedstawiono wyniki zastosowania tej metody do wydzielenia dwupoziomowego szumu RTS z szumu przyrządu półprzewodnikowego.
Identification and validation of damage parameters for elasto-viscoplastic Chaboche model
PublikacjaArtykuł omawia procedurę identyfikacji parametrów zniszczenia w prawie Chabocha ze zniszczeniem. Proponowane podejście jest zilustrowane przykładami obliczeniowymi w programie MSC.Marc.
Immunohistochemical identification of aquaporin 2 in the kidneys of young beef cattle
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Green turtle and fish identification based on acoustic target strength
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Experimental and numerical identification of separation zones in the cent-rifugal compressor
PublikacjaW pracy przedstawiono analizę przepływu w obszarze koła wirnikowego oraz dyfuzora bezłopatkowego sprężarki powietrza. Wyniki obliczeń w ramach modelu 3D (FLUENT 5.5) porównano z wynikami badań laboratoryjnych na stanowisku sprężarkowym Katedry Sprężarek w Sankt Petersburgu. Celem porównania jest ocena możliwości identyfikacji stref przepływu z oderwaniem, w ramach modeli dostępnych w wykorzystanym programie obliczeniowym. W wyniku...
Identification of slide bearing main parameters using neural networks.
PublikacjaWykazano, że sieci neuronowe jak najbardziej nadają się do identyfikacji głównych parametrów geometrycznych i ruchowych hydrodynamicznych łożysk ślizgowych.
Adaptation of various persons' identification techniques as a solution for security and safety
PublikacjaPrzedstawiono różne metody identyfikacji osób w oparciu o ich cechy biometryczne w zastosowaniu do bezpieczeństwa i zabezpieczeń. Takimi biometrycznymi cechami mogą być właściwości fizjologiczne jak odciski palców, kształt dłoni, właściwości tęczówki jak również cechy behawioralne jak sposób pisania lub wypowiadania się.
Isolation and identification of Mycobacterium avium subspecies silvaticum from a horse
PublikacjaPo raz pierwszy opracowano metodę identyfikacji Mycobacterium avium subsp. silvaticum na podstawie analizy sekwencji DNA alfa antygenu. Zastosowanie enzymu HhaI do trawienia produktu PCR z uzyskanego z udziałem starterów specyficznych wobec genu kodującego alfa antygen pozwoliło na identyfikację Mycobacterium avium subsp. silvaticum. Opracowana nowa metoda pozwala na prowadzenie badań epidemiologicznych bezpośrednio z próbek pochodzących...
Identification of advanced manufacturing systems change factors - methodical aspects
PublikacjaCelem publikacji jest przedstawienie założeń metodyki identyfikacji kluczowych czynników zmian zaawansowanego systemu produkcyjnego. W publikacji przedstawiono zmiany występujące w otoczeniu przedsiębiorstwa związane z następującymi procesami globalizacji, wirtualizacji, sieciowości i narastającym znaczeniem inteligentnych organizacji. Wyróżniono wielowymiarowe przestrzenie otoczenia, zarówno tego szerszego, jak i bezpośredniego...
Identification of volatile compounds based on the electrocatalytic gas sensor responses
PublikacjaMeasured response in case of electrocatalytic gas sensors is in form of a voltamperometric characteristic. Current-voltage (I-V) response shape depends on the gas type and its concentration. Such response contains significantly more information comparing with typical electrochemical sensors, but is quite difficult to analyze. When I-V curve contains current peaks, position of such peaks can be used...
A role of destructive and non-destructive tests in creep damage Identification
PublikacjaPrzedstawiono wyniki badań mjących zilustrować i określić rolę badań niszczących i nieniszczących w identyfikowaniu degradacji po pełzaniu
The method of location and identification of weak electric field source in seawater
PublikacjaThe paper presents the method and measurement system that allows to lacate the detected object and to identify parameters of its simplified model in form of a current dipole.
A video monitoring system using ontology-driven identification of threats
PublikacjaIn this paper, we present a video monitoring systemthat leverages image recognition and ontological reasoningabout threats. In the solution, an image processing subsystemuses video recording of a monitored area and recognizesknown concepts in scenes. Then, a reasoning subsystem uses anontological description of security conditions and informationfrom image recognition to check if a violation of a conditionhas occurred. If a threat...
Continuous-time delay system identification insensitive to measurement faults
PublikacjaW pracy wykorzystuje się algorytmy identyfikacji do estymacji parametrów systemów ciągłych z opóźnieniem. Zastosowanie filtrów całkujących ze skończonym horyzontem obserwacji pozwala przekształcić równanie różniczkowe opisujące system ciągły do użytecznej postaci regresyjnej z czasem dyskretnym. Uzyskany w ten sposób i zachowujący oryginalną parametryzację model dyskretny daje się identyfikować stosując klasyczną metodę najmniejszych...
Identification of volatile compounds in raw spirits of different organoleptic quality
PublikacjaGłównym celem prezentowanych badań było określenie składu lotnej frakcji destylatów rolniczych, a następnie wyodrębnienie profili zapachowych destylatów rolniczych różniących się właściwościami sensorycznymi ocenionymi na podstawie klasycznej analizy sensorycznej. Profile zapachowe tworzono z wykorzystaniem kapilarnej chromatografii gazowej połączonej ze spektrometrią mas (GC-MS). Do ekstrakcji lotnych związków zastosowano technikę...
Implementation of localization and identification of ferromagnetic objects algorithm in labview enviroment
PublikacjaThe problem with detecting dangerous objects is still a matter of concern today. One of the methods of detecting dangerous objects is the magnetic method. While measuring a magnetic field in the surrounding of objects with ferromagnetic properties, it is possible to detect, localize and identify such object.
Frequencies selection for accelerated cnls parameter identification of anticorrosion coatings
PublikacjaArtykuł przedstawia zmodyfikowaną metodę CNLS dopasowywania widma impedancyjnego dla identyfikacji parametrów obiektów technicznych. Liczba częstotliwości pomiarowych została ograniczona do liczby identyfikowanych parametrów, a ich wartości są dobierane w oparciu o różne kryteria. Jako obiekt testowy wybrano model powłoki antykorozyjnej. Wyniki symulowanej identyfikacji przeanalizowano pod kątem dokładności i zmniejszenia czasu...
The use of spectrometric diagnostics in identification of the technical condition of tribological systems
PublikacjaThe paper presents, as an effect of the analysis of investigation results, a possibility of using the spectrometric diagnostics in the tribological system technical condition supervision arrangement. A model, based on the emission of solid particles in tribological system operation, allows to identify the system technical condition. After the analysis of tests carried out with the use of that model, it has been found that the content...
Determination and identification of organic acids in wine samples. Problems and challenges.
PublikacjaFor long time, organic acids were underestimated. However, during last two decades there is an increasing interest of natural compounds having antioxidant, antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties thus organic acids are very preferable. Wine stands as one of the sources of organic acids since they are responsible for its organoleptic and aestethic character. Nevertheless, it is important to not exceed acceptable level of...
Identification of inherent noise components of semiconductor devices on an example of optocouplers
PublikacjaIn the paper, a method of estimation of parameters of Gaussian and non-Gaussian components in the noise signal of semiconductor devices in a frequency domain is proposed. The method is based on composing estimators of two spectra, corresponding to noise (Gaussian component) and two-level RTS noise (non-Gaussian component). The proposed method can be applied for precise evaluation of the corner RTS frequency fRTS in the noise...
Identification of Emotional States Using Phantom Miro M310 Camera
PublikacjaThe purpose of this paper is to present the possibilities associated with the use of remote sensing methods in identifying human emotional states, and to present the results of the research conducted by the authors in this field. The studies presented involved the use of advanced image analysis to identify areas on the human face that change their activity along with emotional expression. Most of the research carried out in laboratories...