Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: CONCRETE STRUCTURE
Stress Assessment of a Steel Bullet LPG Tank Under Differential Settlement Based on Geodetic Measurements and Sensitivity Analysis
PublikacjaThis paper presents an analysis of a steel bullet LPG tank in operation at a base in Poland. The structure was set on a sand-gravel pillow and rigid concrete slab, and its settlement was periodically measured at five measuring points along the structure. After a few years, differential settlement was observed. Based on geodetic data, we attempt to assess the current stress level in the structure. The proposed methodology uses a...
A novel heterogeneous model of concrete for numerical modelling of ground penetrating radar
PublikacjaThe ground penetrating radar (GPR) method has increasingly been applied in the non-destructive testing of reinforced concrete structures. The most common approach to the modelling of radar waves is to consider concrete as a homogeneous material. This paper proposes a novel, heterogeneous, numerical model of concrete for exhaustive interpretation of GPR data. An algorithm for determining the substitute values of the material constants...
Machine learning-based prediction of preplaced aggregate concrete characteristics
PublikacjaPreplaced-Aggregate Concrete (PAC) is a type of preplaced concrete where coarse aggregate is placed in the mold and a Portland cement-sand grout with admixtures is injected to fill the voids. Due to the complex nature of PAC, many studies were conducted to determine the effects of admixtures and the compressive and tensile strengths of PAC. Considering that a prediction tool is needed to estimate the compressive and tensile...
Machine learning-based prediction of preplaced aggregate concrete characteristics
PublikacjaPreplaced-Aggregate Concrete (PAC) is a type of preplaced concrete where coarse aggregate is placed in the mold and a Portland cement-sand grout with admixtures is injected to fill the voids. Due to the complex nature of PAC, many studies were conducted to determine the effects of admixtures and the compressive and tensile strengths of PAC. Considering that a prediction tool is needed to estimate the compressive and tensile strengths...
The effect of macro polymer fibres length and content on the fibre reinforced concrete
PublikacjaThe paper presents studies of a ready-mix concrete containing polymer fibres of three different lengths: 24, 38 and 54 mm. The performed tests allowed to determine the effect of fibre volume fraction and length on the concrete strength. The basic parameters of concrete mixture (consistency, air content and bulk density) were identified. Fibre reinforced concrete belongs to a group of composite materials. The polymer fibres are...
Effect of coarse grain aggregate on strength parameters of two-stage concrete
Publikacja. Two-stage concrete (TSC) is a special type of concrete that the method of its construction and implementation is different from conventional one. In TSC, coarse aggregate particles are first placed in the formwork and voids between them are subsequently injected with a special cementations mixture. TSC has been successfully used in many applications, such as underwater construction, casting concrete sections congested with reinforcement...
Application of Artificial Neural Networks to Predict Insulation Properties of Lightweight Concrete
PublikacjaPredicting the properties of concrete before its design and application process allows for refining and optimizing its composition. However, the properties of lightweight concrete are much harder to predict than those of normal weight concrete, especially if the forecast concerns the insulating properties of concrete with artificial lightweight aggregate (LWA). It is possible to use porous aggregates and precisely modify the composition...
Study the impact of design method preference on the usefulness of concrete and on CO2 emissions
PublikacjaPurpose – The research investigates the impact of concrete design methods on performance, emphasizing environmental sustainability. The study compares the modified Bolomey method and Abrams’ law in designing concretes. Significant differences in cement consumption and subsequent CO2 emissions are revealed. The research advocates for a comprehensive life cycle assessment, considering factors like compressive strength, carbonation...
The Influence of the Aircraft Operating Fluids on the Mechanical Parameters of the Airport Surface Concrete
PublikacjaThe authors of the article assessed the impact of operating fluids used to service aircraft on changing mechanical parameters of cement concrete intended for airport pavement. The research concerned concrete designed with the use of CEM I 42.5N LH NA low-alkali cement, broken granite aggregate, fine washed aggregate, and admixtures. The analysis included the assessment of changes in dierences in endurance parameters over various...
Guided wave propagation for assessment of adhesive bonding between steel and concrete
PublikacjaAdhesive bonding is becoming more increasingly important in joining of structural elements. In civil engineering, there is a growing interest in connection by adhesive bonding in steel-concrete flexural members. This study concerns the guided wave propagation technique applied to condition assessment of an adhesive connection between a steel member and a concrete beam. Various states of degradation were considered by producing...
A novel formulation of 3D spectral element for wave propagation in reinforced concrete
PublikacjaThe paper deals with numerical simulations of wave propagation in reinforced concrete for damage detection purposes. A novel formulation of a 3D spectral element was proposed. The reinforcement modelled as the truss spectral element was embedded in the 3D solid spectral finite element. Numerical simulations have been conducted on cuboid concrete specimens reinforced with two steel bars. Different degradation models were considered...
Damage of a post-tensioned concrete bridge – Unwanted cracks of the girders
PublikacjaThe cracking of a post-tensioned T-beam superstructure, which was built using the incremental launching method, is analyzed in the paper. The problem is studied in detail, as specific damage was observed in the form of longitudinal cracks, especially in the mid-height zone of the girder at the interface of two assembly sections. The paper is a case study. A detailed inspection is done and non-destructive testing results of the...
The influence of polypropylene fibres on the properties of fresh and hardened concrete
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Parameter estimation of a discrete model of a reinforced concrete slab
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Effectiveness of Concrete Reinforcement with Recycled Tyre Steel Fibres
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Mathematical Description of Sorption Isotherms of Autoclaved Aerated Concrete
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Numerical mesoscopic analysis of fracture in fine-grained concrete
PublikacjaArtykuł omawia wyniki analizy mezoskopowej procesu pękania w betonie podczas zginania. Obliczenia wykonano na poziomie mezo wykorzystując model degradacji sztywności z nielokalnym osłabieniem. Zbadano wpływ właściwości kruszywa, stref przejściowych, nacięcia oraz długości charakterystycznej mikrostruktury na zachowanie sie betonu.
Experimental investigations of concrete dowels in composite floor system
PublikacjaOpisano nowy system stropow zespolonych umozliwiajacych montaz instalacji klimatyzacyjnych, wentylacyjnych i grzewczych w przestrzeni pomiedzy dwoma plytami betonowymi konstrukcji stropu: gorna i dolna. Obie plyty polaczone sa wzajemnie srodnikami stalowymi z wycieciami u gory i na dole w ksztalcie 'puzzle', ktore we wspolpracy z plyta betonowa tworza tzw. dyble betonowe. Wykonano badania laboratoryjne typu 'Push-out' tych polaczen...
Experimental study of the post tensioned prestressed concrete corbels
PublikacjaThe results of experimental investigation of 6 symmetrical double prestressed corbels of variable shear span to depth ratio and variable location of prestressing bars are presented in the paper. The post ten- sioned corbels were prestressed with Macalloy 1030 bars of 25 mm in diameter. The results of the tests were compared with the cracking and load carrying capacity of corbels reinforced with passive reinforce- ment. As a result...
Steel-fibrous concrete -experiments and a numerical discrete model
PublikacjaW książce przedstawiono wyniki doświadczalne i numeryczne dotyczące rys w elementach betonowych wzmocnionych włóknami stalowymi dla różnych problemów brzegowych quasi-statycznych. Obliczenia wykonano przy zastosowaniu własnego oryginalnego modelu sieciowego. W modelu beton z włóknami stalowymi był modelowany na poziomie mezo. W obliczeniach uwzględniono strefy kontaktu miedzy kruszywem a zaczynem oraz włóknami a zaczynem.
Modelling of concrete using lattice and discrete element method
PublikacjaModelowanie betonu przy zastosowaniu metody siatkowej i metody elementów dyskretnych.
Modelling of concrete behaviour in uniaxial compression and tension with DEM.
PublikacjaW artykule omowiono wyniki modelowania betonu podczas jednoosiowego sciskania i rozciagania stosujac metode elementów dyskretnych. Beton zostal opisany jako material 3-fazowy (kruszywo, zaprawa cementowa i strefy kontaktu). Szczegolna uwage zwrocono na zjawiska mikro-strukturalne na poziomie kruszywa (lancuchy sil, wiry, obroty ziaren). Wyniki numeryczne zostaly porownano z wynikami badan doswiadczalnych.
3D DEM simulations of fracture in reinforced concrete beams
PublikacjaArtykuł dotyczy zachowania się belki żelbetowej bez zbrojenia pionowego przy trzypunktowym zginaniu. Belka uległa zniszczeniu wskutek ścinania z powodu obecności nadmiernego zbrojenia podłużnego. Eksperymenty przeprowadzono w skali laboratoryjnej z wykorzystaniem systemu mikro-CT, a następnie odtworzono je w analizach numerycznych stosując metodą elementów dyskretnych 3D (DEM). Zastosowano 4-fazowy model betonu z mezostrukturą,...
Structural Assessment of Reinforced Concrete Beams Incorporating Waste Plastic Straws
PublikacjaThe behavior of reinforced concrete beams containing fibers made of waste plastic straws (WPSs) under the three point bending test is examined. The effect of WPS fiber addition on the compressive and split tensile strength is reported. Four concrete mixes were prepared. The control mix PS-0 had a proportion of 1 cement: 1 sand: 2 coarse aggregate and a water cement ratio of 0.4. In the other three mixes PS-0.5, PS-1.5 and PS-3,...
PublikacjaThe article presents the author’s computer program for designing and dimensioning columns in reinforced concrete structures taking into account phenomena affecting their behaviour and information referring to design as per EC. The computer program was developed with the use of C++ programming language. The program guides the user through particular dimensioning stages: from introducing basic data such as dimensions, concrete...
RMS-based damage detection in reinforced concrete beams: numerical simulations
PublikacjaImage-based damage detection methods using guided waves are well known and widely applied approaches in structural diagnostics. They are usually utilized in detection of surface damages or defects of plate-like structures. The article presents results of the study of applicability of imaging wave-based methods in detection in miniscule internal damage in the form of debonding. The investigations were carried out on numerical models...
Quantum origins of objectivity
PublikacjaIn spite of all of its successes, quantum mechanics leaves us with a central problem: How does nature create a bridge from fragile quanta to the objective world of everyday experience? Here we find that a basic structure within quantum mechanics that leads to the perceived objectivity is a so-called spectrum broadcast structure. We uncover this based on minimal assumptions, without referring to any dynamical details or a concrete...
Degradation of the Concrete Railway Track Bed Located in the Vicinity of the Loading Wharf
PublikacjaThe following article describes the damages of the concrete railway track bed at the place of unloading petroleum products located in the immediate vicinity of the cargo berth. The concrete of the track bed has been a subject to degradation as a result of many years of exploitation resulting, inter alia, in its cyclical flooding of petroleum products during the unloading and loading of rail tankers. Repairs carried out in the previous...
Concrete Compressive Strength Under Changing Environmental Conditions During Placement Processes
PublikacjaThe technological process of concrete production consists of several parts, including concrete mix design, concrete mix production, transportation of fresh concrete mix to a construction site, placement in concrete framework, and curing. Proper execution of these steps provides good quality concrete. Some factors can disturb the technological process, mainly temperature and excessive precipitation. Changing daily temperature and...
Monitoring system of the road embankment
PublikacjaThe paper presents the monitoring system of the embankment supported on concrete columns and overlaid by a load transfer platform (LTP) with the embedded steel grid. This field investigation was to study the complex inter-action between the columns, the LTP layer, and steel reinforcement via full-scale in situ measurements during erection of the embankment. The study was focused on the behaviour of steel reinforcement and the behaviour...
Finite element modeling of plastic hinges based on ductility demand-capacity method using nonlinear material for dynamic analysis
PublikacjaThe article discusses modeling plastic hinges in reinforced concrete interme-diate supports using finite elements methods. The ductility demand-capacitymethod was used to determine the geometrical parameters of cross-section plas-ticization zones, their ability to move and rotate, as well as their ductility. Dueto the varied geometry and stiffness of the supports and their nonlinear behav-ior under dynamic load, this method was...
Experimental and Numerical Investigations of the Effect of Curing Conditions on the Temperature Rise of Concrete
PublikacjaThis paper presents experimental and numerical studies investigating the impact of three curing conditions on temperature evolution in concrete cubes. The tests were performed on samples of the same volume (3.375 dm3) under different curing conditions: room temperature, insulation boxes, and adiabatic calorimeter. Various cements (Portland cement, Portland composite cement, and blast furnace slag cement) and aggregates (gravel...
Proceedings of the fib Symposium 2019: Concrete - Innovations in Materials, Design and Structures 2019
PublikacjaDesigning a concrete mix is a process of synthesizing many components, it is not a simple process and requires extensive technical knowledge. The design process itself focuses on obtaining the required strength of concrete. Very often designing a concrete mix takes into account the need to maintain the proper water-demand and frost-resistance features. The parameters that influence the concrete class most significantly are the...
The use of GFRP tubes as load-bearing jackets in concrete-composite columns
PublikacjaThe paper presents the fields of applications of polymer composites in building structures. The use of composite glass fibre tubes is discussed in more detail. The laboratory methods used to test the mechanical properties of these pipes are presented. An original research program is presented, including six concrete-filled glass fibre tubes. The cylinders and columns made in this way were tested for their axial load capacity. Conclusions...
Triaxial compression and shear strength characteristics of twostage concrete: an experimental study
PublikacjaThe research necessity stems from the need to understand and evaluate the performance of Two- Stage Concrete (TSC) under triaxial compression conditions, as prior studies have predominantly focused on uniaxial and biaxial testing of conventional concrete (CC). This study represents the first comprehensive investigation into the triaxial compressive strength and related mechanical properties of TSC, addressing a critical gap in...
Numerical modeling of GPR field in damage detection of a reinforced concrete footbridge
PublikacjaThe paper presents a study on the use of the ground penetrating radar (GPR) method in diagnostics of a footbridge. It contains experimental investigations and numerical analyses of the electromagnetic field propagation using the finite difference time domain method (FDTD). The object of research was a reinforced concrete footbridge over a railway line. The calculations of the GPR field propagation were performed on a selected cross-section...
The method of analysis of damage reinforced concrete beams using terrestial laser scanning
PublikacjaThe authors present an analysis of the possibility to assess deformations and mechanisms of destructing bent reinforced concrete beams using the terrestrial laser scanning. As part of the experiments carried out at the Regional Laboratory of Construction of the Concrete Structures Division of the Civil and Environmental Engineering Faculty at Gdansk University of Technology, the reinforced concrete beams were subjected to destruction...
Field Evaluation of High Modulus Asphalt Concrete Resistance to Low-Temperature Cracking
PublikacjaHigh-modulus asphalt concrete has numerous advantages in comparison to conventional asphalt concrete, including increased resistance to permanent deformations and increased pavement fatigue life. However, previous studies have shown that the construction of road pavements with High Modulus Asphalt Concrete (HMAC) may significantly increase the risk of low-temperature cracking. Those observations were the motivation for the research...
Effect of Particle Size of Fly Ash Microspheres (FAMs) on the Selected Properties of Concrete
PublikacjaThis paper presents the investigations of selected properties of concrete containing two fractions of fly ash microspheres (FAMs) with grain size up to 200 μm and up to 500 μm. Concrete mixtures with ordinary Portland cement and three substitution rates of cement by FAMs, 1.3%, 2.0%, and 2.6%, were investigated. For all concrete mixes, the constant water–binder ratio (w/b) equal to 0.50 was used. The research program included the...
FEM and experimental investigations of concrete temperature field in the massive stemwall of the bridge abutment
PublikacjaThe paper deals with the prediction of early-age concrete temperature of cast-in-place stemwall of the bridge abutment. The considered object is an arch bridge located in Gda´nsk. In the case of massive structures, it is particularly important to not exceed the temperature difference between the core and the concrete surface. Too high temperature gradient generates an increase in thermal stresses, what could be the reason of exceeding...
Cost Analysis of Prefabricated Elements of the Ordinary and Lightweight Concrete Walls in Residential Construction
PublikacjaGlobal economic growth causes an increase in natural resources exploitation, particularly in construction branch. The growing use of electricity contributes to climate change. Therefore, it is necessary to search the solutions, which will allow for reducing natural resources exploitation. One of the many opportunities to do that is the application of the recycled materials. The authors of the given article have analyzed three variants...
PublikacjaIn 2014–2018, as a result of the expansion of the city of Istanbul in Turkey, a project was imple- mented consisting of building a northern ring road, called the Northern Marmara Highway. The concept of the structural design of the ring road’s intermediate supports aims at constructing sup- ports that according to the TURKISH DLH 2008 standard must comply with the design require- ments for the three calculated earthquake insensitivity...
The bridge over Regalia River in Szczecin - design and construction.
PublikacjaNowoclowa Route is the largest projekt in Szczecin, that consists of 11 km of roads 3,3 km bridges and viaducts, including three parallel bridges across Regalica River (the east arm of Odra River), 535 m long, with the spans: 59+90+90+116+116+64m. The bridge structure consist of two steel plate girders composite with reinforced concrete deck slab. The design and the construction of the bridge are described in the paper.
GPR investigation of the strengthening system of a historic masonry tower
PublikacjaIn this paper the condition assessment of the strengthening system of a masonry tower was carried out by the GPR method. The study provided unique experimental data acquired during measurements of the reinforced concrete frame embedded in masonry walls. Conducted numerical and experimental investigations were focused on the phenomenon of the diffraction-refraction scattering of the electromagnetic energy. A hyperbola resulting...
Properties of Composite Modified with Limestone Powder for 3D Concrete Printing
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An efficient and robust method for predicting asphalt concrete dynamic modulus
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Application of guided waves in the evaluation of steel-concrete adhesive connection
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Effect of Curing Methods on Shrinkage Development in 3D-Printed Concrete
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Evaluation of concrete cover by surface wave technique: Identification procedure
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Estimation of the parameters of the discrete model of a steel–concrete composite beam