Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: COOPERATION NETWORK MANAGEMENT - MOST Wiedzy




  • Local buckling of composite channel columns

    The investigation concerns local buckling of compressed flanges of axially compressed composite channel columns. Cooperation of the member flange and web is taken into account here. The buckling mode of the member flange is defined by rotation angle a flange about the line of its connection with the web. The channel column under investigation is made of unidirectional fibre-reinforced laminate. Two approaches to member orthotropic...

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  • Magdalena Brzozowska-Woś dr hab. inż.

    Magdalena Brzozowska-Woś jest absolwentką Wydziału Zarządzania i Ekonomii Politechniki Gdańskiej (specjalność: systemy zarządzania). Jest również absolwentką Podyplomowego Studium Reklamy (Wydział Zarządzania i Ekonomii PG) oraz Podyplomowego Studium Public Relations (SWPS Uniwersytet Humanistycznospołeczny). W latach 2000-2003 współpracowała z Panoramą Internetu sp. z o. o. jako specjalista ds. marketingu. Pełniła również obowiązki...

  • Anna Baj-Rogowska dr

    Anna Baj-Rogowska zatrudniona jest na stanowisku adiunkta w Katedrze Informatyki w Zarządzaniu (Politechnika Gdańska, Wydział Zarządzania i Ekonomii). Jej wyższa edukacja związana jest z Uniwersytetem Gdańskim, gdzie ukończyła magisterskie studia informatyczne, studia doktoranckie i następnie uzyskała stopień naukowy doktora nauk ekonomicznych w zakresie nauk o zarządzaniu (Katedra Informatyki Ekonomicznej na Wydziale Zarządzania...

  • Organisational Competence vs Transferability of Knowledge in Cluster Organisations and Technology Parks


    Purpose. The main paper aims to evaluate the impact of organisational competence on knowledge and information flows within cluster organisations and technology parks, with particular emphasis on innovative content knowledge. The paper addresses the research question: “What set of competencies of cooperating companies allows access to information and knowledge in cluster and parks structures?" Methodology. The authors report their...

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  • Altruists will be altruists, but what about individualists? The role of future time perspective and social value orientation in volunteers’ declarations to continue engagement in three time horizons


    - Voluntas - Rok 2023

    Volunteering involves caring for the outcomes of others and typically long-term orientation so that one can achieve goals that are not always clearly visible in the short term. As with any activity, volunteering attracts people of different social value orientations – some rather individualistic, some rather altruistic. The aim of the study was to find out whether the future time perspective, which promotes thinking about future...

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  • Automated Reasoning Based User Interface



    Motivation: The ability to directly trace how requirements are implemented in a software system is crucial in domains that require a high level of trust (e.g. medicine, law, crisis management). This paper describes an approach that allows a high level of traceability to be achieved with model-driven engineering supported by automated reasoning. The paper gives an introduction to the novel, automated user interface synthesis in...

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  • Coordination of planning regulations at the edge of water and land. Conflicts within planning policy for urban blue space in small and medium-sized Polish port cities and possible directions of change


    - MARINE POLICY - Rok 2025

    Land-sea integration is crucial for effective marine spatial planning and coastal zone management. Coordination of marine and land planning should ensure ecological sustainability of the coastal area, enable cross-coast investments and promote well-being of the society. A critical element for achieving sustainable development of marine and coastal area is the integration of marine and land planning on the verge of sea waters and...

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  • Wybrane zagadnienia optymalizacji organizacji ruchu kolejowego w celu minimalizacji kosztów energii elektrycznej

    W artykule przedstawiono podział kosztów w transporcie kolejowym z uwzględnieniem kosztów wewnętrznych przedsiębiorstwa, do których zaliczają się między innymi koszty dostępu do infrastruktury, czy koszty energii. Stwierdzono, że przy odpowiedniej organizacji ruchu pociągów na sieci kolejowej, bez ponoszenia dodatkowych nakładów na infrastrukturę i specjalistyczne urządzenia, można znacznie ograniczyć zużycie energii, a co za tym...

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    The paper presents results of satel lite surveying of the railway's rout es, which have been conducted just after starting in Poland (in 2008) the Active Geodesy Network ASG-EU POS. Afterwards it was possible to effectively utilize the GNSS survey ing results for the inventory of the (exploring) railways in service. Already at the beginning of 2009, the research team from Gdansk University of Technology and Naval Academy in Gdynia,...

  • Participatory projects in urban area – opportunities and limitations on the example of 2013 Podwórkowa Rewolucja


    - Rok 2018

    Participatory projects implemented in urban space have a group of supporters and opponents. The aim of this article is to define the possibilities and limitations of this type of spatial activities on the example of the 2013 Podwórkowej rewolucji in the development of the Edukacja obywatelska w działaniu project in cooperation with the Social Innovation Foundation and its Neighborhood House - the Gościna Przystań, where the inhabitants...

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    The research problem considered in this paper is how to protect wireless sensor networks (WSN) against cyber-threats by applying trust management and how to strengthen network resilience to attacks targeting the trust management mechanism itself. A new method, called WSN Cooperative Trust Management Method (WCT2M), of distributed trust management in multi-layer wireless sensor networks is proposed and its performance is evaluated....

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  • Beata Krawczyk-Bryłka dr

    Psycholog, doktor nauk humanistycznych w dziedzinie zarządzania, adiunkt w Katedrze przedsiębiorczości. 2018 - 2021: Kierownik projektu NCN: „Efektuacyjny model zespołu przedsiębiorczego. Jak działają przedsiębiorcze zespoły odnoszące sukces" od 2016: Quality Standards Lead filaru People management & personal development na studiach MBA Politechniki Gdańskiej 2008 – 2012: Prodziekan ds kształcenia Wzydziału Zarządzania i Ekonomii...

  • Problemy planowania rozwoju systemu transportowego w obszarach metropolitalnych – przykład Obszaru Metropolitalnego G-G-S


    Problemy rozwoju systemów transportowych w metropoliach wynikają ze specyfiki tych obszarów, ich skali i struktury przestrzennej. Obszary te charakteryzują się dużą wewnętrzną integracją funkcjonalną oraz dobrze rozwiniętą siecią transportową. Dynamicznie rozwijające się obszary metropolitalne mają odrębne systemy zarządzania finansami, rozwią- zania prawne oraz administrację, a także własne organy planowania i zarządzania, które...

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  • Negocjacyjna metoda generowania protokołu uzgodnień na platformie EBXML

    Celem standardu ebXML jest ustanowienie globalnej platformy dla biznesu elektronicznego, umożliwiającej dowolnym przedsiębiorstwom( bez względu na ich wielkość i lokalizację)poszukiwanie partnerów handlowych i realizowanie transakcji kupna-sprzedaży w oparciu o wymianę dokumentów elektronicznych o strukturze logicznej opisanej w XML.Podstawą do nawiązania kontaktu przez dowolny podmiot jest publikowany przez niego w specjalnym...

  • Integracja bezprzewodowych heterogenicznych sieci IP dla poprawy efektywności transmisji danych na morzu


    - Rok 2023

    Wraz ze wzrostem istotności środowiska morskiego w naszym codziennym życiu np. w postaci zwiększonego wolumenu transportu realizowanego drogą morską. czy zintensyfikowanych prac dotyczących obserwacji i monitoringu środowiska morskiego, wzrasta również potrzeba opracowania efektywnych systemów komunikacyjnych dedykowanych dla tego środowiska. Heterogeniczne systemy łączności bezprzewodowej integrowane na poziomie warstwy sieciowej...

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    - Rok 2016

    Każdego roku w wypadkach drogowych na świecie życie traci prawie 1,3 mln osób, co oznacza prawie niemal 3 tys. ofiar dziennie,. Tyle samo zabitych w ruchu drogowym odnotowujemy rocznie w Polsce. Ekonomiczne straty w wyniku tych wypadków wynoszą ok. 2% światowego PKB. W roku 2010 Organizacja Narodów Zjednoczonych (ONZ) przyjęła rezolucję pt. „Dekada działań na rzecz bezpieczeństwa ruchu drogowego na lata 2011 – 2020” rozpoczynającą...

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  • Assessing the availability and interoperability of open government data (OGD) supporting sustainable development goals (SDGs) and value creation in the gulf cooperation council (GCC)

    • C. H. Alexopoulos
    • M. Ali
    • M. I. Maratsi
    • N. Rizun
    • C. Yannis
    • E. Loukis
    • S. Saxena

    - Quality and Quantity - Rok 2024

    Value creation and innovation by a range of stakeholders, including citizens, analysts, journalists, non-profit entities, etc. are the hallmarks of Open Government Data (OGD) initiatives. At the same time, availability and interoperability of datasets are determined as two of the most important factors for value creation. In parallel, the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are meant to be realized to attain quality...

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  • The impact of institutions on innovation networks: empirical evidence from Poland


    - Technological and Economic Development of Economy - Rok 2022

    Innovation networks may accelerate and improve the innovation process, while institutional pathologies may hamper it. This study employs the Kruskal-Wallis H test and regression analysis to determine if the relationship between institutions and innovation networks does exist among the investigated variables. The purpose of the study was to find out whether cooperation with special local institutions influences the innovative behaviour...

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  • Cluster donation: How medical students bound certain types of tissues and biomedical research and how it affects their willingness to donate.


    - Healthcare - Rok 2023

    Although biomedical research requires cooperation with a large number of donors, its success also depends on the input of healthcare professionals who play a crucial role in promoting biomedical research and influencing an individual’s decision to donate one’s biospecimens that are left over after a medical procedure. This work was aimed at investigating the correlation between medical and healthcare students’ willingness to...

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  • SVC and power transformers controllers coordination


    The use of shunt compensators such as FACTS (for example SVC) in power systems gives possibility of fast and flexible control of voltage or reactive power. An efficient cooperation between a transformer and compensator connected to busbars, or transformer’s tertiary winding, requires a proper coordination of controls. The article contains theoretical considerations and simulation results which indicate that such co-ordination is...

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  • Proposal of a method for effective tasks distribution in the execution of compolex problems

    An access to a great number of various services allows for decomposition of complex problems into smaller and less complex tasks. Those tasks can be presented in a form of a dependency graph. This paper shows an idea of executing such a problem using cooperating autonomous agents. Main focus of this work is cooperation covering effective tasks distribution among executors. This paper presents an algorithm for dynamic executor selection...


    The article looks into the employment of Russian citizens in Poland in 2004– 2018. It presents the legal basis for Russians’ entering Poland and taking up work without having to seek a work permit, and specifies who must apply for such a permit. Russian citizens can obtain refugee status under the Geneva Convention, which grants them the right to move freely, choose their place of residence and undertake paid employment, while...

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  • Factors of successful client co-production in knowledge-intensive business services


    Purpose This paper aims to explore the topic of client co-production in knowledge-intensive business services (KIBS). The paper first sketches a theoretical background and reviews previous studies on factors affecting successful client co-production in such companies and then examines these factors via case study research among a small KIBS company and its five customers. Design/methodology/approach The paper is based on an in-depth...

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  • Client co-production in knowledge-intensive business services (KIBS): Case study analysis


    Purpose: This paper aims to explore the topic of client co-production in knowledge-intensive business services (KIBS). The paper first sketches a theoretical background and reviews previous studies on factors affecting successful client co-production in such companies and then examines these factors via case study research among a small KIBS company and its five customers. Methodology: The paper is based on an in-depth analysis...

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  • Dynamic risk assessment in autonomous vehicles motion planning


    - Rok 2008

    Arguing that an autonomous mobile system is sufficiently safe to operate in presence of other vehicles and objects is an important element in development of such systems. Traditional approach to assure safety is to distinguish between safe and unsafe area and prevent the autonomous vehicle from entering the unsafe area. The paper presents a model of autonomous vehicle control system which uses risk assessment...

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  • Web component for automatic extraction of ontological information from informal description of web services


    - Rok 2012

    This article treats about usage possibilities of Web Services and cooperation in development that leads to constant improvement of these components. It describes the semantic methods which can beused to create the description that is comprehensible for computers. It also presents the two models supporting the automatic generation of the semantic description based on informal description. Thepaper draws upon the comparison of two...

  • Service Recommendation on WIKI-WS Platform


    - TASK Quarterly - Rok 2015

    The article presents the issues of recaommendation services for users. The commonly used solutions include known classes of recommendation systems and information about their area of use and the most frequently used algorithms. the issue of choosing the services has been described based on the Wiki-WS platform including a model of cooperation with the recommendation system. The conclusion from the analysis of the proposed model...

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    Teams are the basic unit of the C2NIWA community, which – using the technical capabilities of this environment – focuses on the implementation of various projects. This article presents one of the competitions carried out within the framework of a C2NIWA project called Uwaga! Upadek! [Attention! Fall!], used as an example of a collaborative project for which analyses related to the assessment of teamwork based on the input-process-result...

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  • Looking For Motivation. How to Keep Students’ Software Projects from Ending up on the Shelf?


    IT specialists in the business environment work in teams according to the established methodology and using the established toolkit. From the university’s point of view, preparing IT students to work in such an environment is a challenging task, as it requires either cooperation with business or the simulation of similar conditions in the university environment. Participation of students in real projects can provide them with the...

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  • Visual measurement system for chosen parameters of current collectors


    - Rok 2009

    A current collector is an element in a traction vehicle, used for movable, contact con-nection between the main circuit of this vehicle and the contact line. Bad technical condi-tion of these important elements in the main circuit of the vehicle result in its incorrect cooperation with contact line. Periodic control of technical condition of current collectors ensures infallible current collection. The pantograph diagnostics consists...

  • Marek Wirkus dr hab. inż.


    mgr inż. (1977; w zakresie technologii budowy maszyn i zarządzania produkcją); dr nauk ekonomicznych (1990; w zakres zarządzanie produkcją z wykorzystaniem technik informatycznych), dr. hab. nauk ekonomicznych w zakresie nauki o zarządzaniu (2007; w obszarze zarządzania portfolio projektów innowacyjnych). Współtwórca Wydziału Zarządzania i Ekonomii (1993); Prodziekan d/s kształcenia ustawicznego  dorosłych na WZiE (1999 – 2002);...

  • Advancing sustainable wastewater management: A comprehensive review of nutrient recovery products and their applications

    Wastewater serves as a vital resource for sustainable fertilizer production, particularly in the recovery of nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P). This comprehensive study explores the recovery chain, from technology to final product reuse. Biomass growth is the most cost-effective method, valorizing up to 95 % of nutrients, although facing safety concerns. Various techniques enable the recovery of 100 % P and up to 99 % N, but challenges...

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  • Sub-national structures matter when evaluating physical activity promotion: Lessons from Germany

    • S. Forberger
    • P. Gelius
    • S. Messing
    • K. Volf
    • L. Kelly
    • S. J. E. Taylor
    • J. Żukowska
    • J. Lakerveld
    • C. Woods


    Background Public policies are increasingly acknowledged as important part of promoting physical activity (PA). However, especially in states with sub-national administrative structures such as Germany, national and sub-national approaches differ considerably. In Germany, sport for all (SfA) promotion is mostly organized at sub-national level, which is usually not covered in national evaluations. Knowledge of these structures helps...

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  • Maritime Communications Network Development Using Virtualised Network Slicing of 5G Network


    - Nase More - Rok 2020

    The paper presents the review on perspectives of maritime systems development at the context of 5G systems implementation and their main properties. Firstly, 5G systems requirements and principles are discussed, which can be important for maritime applications. Secondly, the problems of network softwarisation, virtualisation and slicing, and possible types of services for potential implementation in 5G marine applications are described....

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  • Monitoring of underdeck corrosion by using acoustic emission method


    This paper presents first short characteristics of underdeck corrosion process as well as a problem of its monitoring. Next is described an acoustic emission (AE) method elaborated by Department of Ship Technology , Quality Systems and Material Engineering, Gdańsk University of Technology in cooperation with partners of CORFAT project realized within 7th EU Frame Program . Further are presented short characteristics of the emission...

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  • The Pomerania Design Faktory as an Example of 50+ Entrepreneurship Promotion


    - Rok 2014

    The article presents one of the programmes carried out by The Gdańsk Entrepreneurs' Foundation and The Gdansk Labor Office in 2013/14, dedicated to seniors. It is a great example of an innovative project aimed at the activation of individuals aged 50+ by using their own talents and interests in business. It also shows the results of intergenerational cooperation because the trainers — especially the designers — were much younger...

  • Recurrent bowel-blood translocations of Escherichia coli with the unique virulence characteristics over three-year period in the patient with acute myeloid leukaemia – case report



    In patients with haematological malignancies, the bowel remains the main source of Escherichia coli bloodstream infections. We present the clinical example of recurrent bowel-blood translocations of E. coli with the unique virulence characteristics in a 55-year-old male with the diagnosis of acute myeloid leukaemia. The virulent factors profile of examined strains confirmed that the co-existence of genes papC, sfa, usp and cnf1,...

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  • Monitoring of current collectors on the railway line

    Proper cooperation the current collectors and the overhead line is a pre-requisite for reliable and safe operation of railway transport. Instances of maladjustment and, in some cases, damage to the current collectors, occur between periodic inspections of the rolling stock. In order to detect such anomalies quickly, the test stand was developed, with the aim of monitoring the technical state of the current collectors under operating...

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  • Kamila Kokot-Kanikuła mgr

    Kamila Kokot-Kanikuła pracuje w Bibliotece Politechniki Gdańskiej w Sekcji Budowy Zbiorów Cyfrowych i Multimedialnych na stanowisku starszego bibliotekarza. Jest absolwentką Instytutu Historycznego oraz Informacji Naukowej i Bibliotekoznawstwa na Uniwersytecie Wrocławskim. Główne kierunki zainteresowań to starodruki, biblioteki cyfrowe, repozytoria instytucjonalne, Otwarte Zasoby Edukacyjne, Open Access i Open Data. W bibliotece...

  • Simulator for Performance Evaluation of ASON/GMPLS Network


    The hierarchical control plane network architecture of Automatically Switched Optical Network with utilization of Generalized Multi-Protocol Label Switching protocols is compliant to next generation networks requirements and can supply connections with required quality of service, even with incomplete domain information. Considering connection control, connection management and network management, the controllers of this architecture...

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  • Teams tools. Leading high-performance teams with different types of intelligence


    - Rok 2018

    The subject of this paper is the analysis of necessary tools for global teams, image of the team leader, styles of leadership in global teams. The analysis is based on selected examples from high-performance teams with visible results. The purpose of the work is to answer for the following questions: What are the characteristics of the leading global teams? Which style of leadership use the global teams? Is a female leader different...

  • Metody wykorzystania energii z rekuperacji w transporcie szynowym


    - Technika Transportu Szynowego - Rok 2016

    W artykule przedstawiony został przegląd metod wykorzystania energii pochodzącej z hamowania odzyskowego. Wśród znanych i stosowanych w praktyce metod wymieniono wykorzystanie odzyskanej energii na nietrakcyjne potrzeby własne pojazdu, magazynowanie odzyskanej energii w zasobnikach (pokładowych lub stacjonarnych) i wykorzystywanie jej w razie potrzeby, transformację i zwrot odzyskanej energii do krajowej sieci zasilania, a także...

  • Positive management of the university


    Purpose: To demonstrate that contemporary universities may be improved by synthesis of strategic antinomies, i.e. seeking the possibility of combining opposite approaches to solving problems concerning university organization and management. Findings: That approach discounts the importance of building positive relationships between members of staff and undertaking activities intended to create a situation where the...

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  • Koncepcja badań nad wielopłaszczyznową analizą współpracy uczelnie-biznes w Polsce


    - Rok 2015

    Artykuł porusza kwestie związane z określeniem i badaniem wielopłaszczyznowej współpracy uczelni z biznesem (UBC – University Business Cooperation) w Polsce. Prezentowane w literaturze modele współpracy nie przedstawiają zależności między poszczególnymi płaszczyznami współpracy, a jedynie je przywołują. Analiza wybranych czynników sukcesu współpracy, wzrostu efektywności i przedsiębiorczości akademickiej, dysfunkcji współpracy...

  • Asian Powers in Eu Policy


    - Rok 2012

    EU policy towards Japan, China, India and South Korea has evolved. This allows the separation of its three stages: before the EU, early EU and mature EU. The global ambitions of the EU, as expressed, inter alia, for the CFSP, is determined to strengthen cooperation with Asian powers, as well as strategic partnerships. The powerful attributes of the strongest Asian states are varied. On the one hand the many similarities and common...

  • R&D of satellite pumps and motors with small geometrical displacement supplied with oil and non-flammable liquids


    - Rok 2012

    The newest construction of satellite motors and self-suction satellite pumps with small geometrical displacement have been described in this article. The characteristics of volumetric and total efficiency of one satellite motor, selected from the series, supplied with oil have been presented. These characteristics have been compared with the orbital motors' characteristics. The remaining specifications of these motors were also...

  • Experimental Tests Of Sandwich Beams In The Design Process Of GFRP Shell Footbridge Structure


    - Rok 2014

    The paper includes selected aspects of the study to elaborate architectural, material and construction design of pedestrian footbridge spans made of composite materials. The considered footbridge is a sandwich-type shell structure. The cooperation of PET foam core with outer lining surfaces is crucial for its load bearing capacity. The paper is aimed to experimental investigation of sandwich beams subjected to bending loading....

  • Krzysztof Leja dr hab. inż.

    Krzysztof Leja, absolwent Wydziału Fizyki Technicznej i Matematyki Stosowanej Politechniki Gdańskiej, doktor habilitowany nauk o zarządzaniu. Obecnie prodziekan ds. nauki Wydziału Zarządzania i Ekonomii Politechniki Gdańskiej. Zainteresowania badawcze koncentrują się wokół problematyki doskonalenia organizacji i zarządzania współczesną uczelnią. Kierował i uczestniczył w projektach krajowych i międzynarodowych dotyczących badań...

  • Knowledge management and disaster management in tourism industry


    Purpose – This conceptual paper aims to present the results of the literature analysis devoted to the application of knowledge management and its processes in the situation of a crisis caused by a natural disaster. On the basis of the analysed papers, the theoretical model linking knowledge management and crisis management for the tourism industry has been proposed. Findings - The proposed theoretical model presents the role of...

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  • The impact of knowledge risk management on sustainability


    - Journal of Knowledge Management - Rok 2022

    Purpose The purpose of this study is to examine the effect of knowledge risk management (KRM) on organizational sustainability and the role of innovativeness and agility in this relationship. Methodology The study presents the results of a quantitative survey performed among 179 professionals from knowledge-intensive organizations dealing with knowledge risks and their management in organizations. Data included in this study are...

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