Towards more inclusive qualitative research: the practice of interviewing neurominorities
PublikacjaManagement scholars increasingly focus their efforts on the development of neurodivergent human capital and the promotion of inclusive employment and decent work. However, it may be argued that existing research still suffers from the lack of a comprehensive appreciation of what neurominorities may find difficult in the research process or how they interpret what the researchers are doing. In the light of only fragmented advice...
Od postawy prozdrowotnej w stoczni jachtowej do ograniczania zagrożeń na stanowisku pracy formierza-laminiarza
PublikacjaTematyka zdrowia i bezpieczeństwa pracowników, coraz częściej popularyzowana w świecie biznesu, nadal stanowi dość mało rozpoznany obszar działalności polskich przedsiębiorstw. Niniejszy artykuł porusza ważką kwestię promocji zdrowia w miejscu pracy jako czynnika zwiększającego efektywność pracy oraz jego wpływ na osiąganie wysokiej jakości produktu. Publikacja omawia znaczenie postawy prozdrowotnej i sposobów jej kształtowania...
Analysis of volatile fraction selected hybrid fruits using chromatographic techniques
PublikacjaAt present, "healthy eating" is gaining in popularity. Many people associate this term with eating plenty of vegetables and fruits. The basic elements influencing the selection of fruit are their appearance and smell. Of course, their origin and impact on human health are also very important. In recent years, exotic fruits have become increasingly accessible, making them gaining popularity, even among Poles. You can also meet plants...
Detecting type of hearing loss with different AI classification methods: a performance review
PublikacjaHearing is one of the most crucial senses for all humans. It allows people to hear and connect with the environment, the people they can meet and the knowledge they need to live their lives to the fullest. Hearing loss can have a detrimental impact on a person's quality of life in a variety of ways, ranging from fewer educational and job opportunities due to impaired communication to social withdrawal in severe situations. Early...
Looking Up to the Stars. A Call for Action to Save New Zealand’s Dark Skies for Future Generations to Come
PublikacjaThe rapid development of technology coupled with humanity’s desire to reach beyond terra firma, has resulted in more than 60 years of Outer Space activities. Although the exploration of space has provided many advantages and benefits to society so far, including vast, new information that has greatly added to our understanding of our planet and beyond, unfortunately, mankind’s footprint has negative aspects that need to be minimised...
Elective Project II: MOVABLE HOUSE – the home of a Modern Nomad
Kursy OnlineAs part of the elective seminar, students working in groups of 3 people will prepare architectural and lighting concept for an international competition: "MOVABLE HOUSE – The Home of a Modern Nomad " organized by the Polish Lighting Industry Association), co-organized by Goczołowie Architekci OVO Grąbczewscy Architects and the SOMA Agency, the organizer of the International LIGHT Fair. More information here about the competition...
Failure mode prediction for composite structural insulated panels with MgO board facings
PublikacjaSandwich panels are readily used in civil engineering due to their high strength to weight ratio and the ease and speed of assembly. The idea of a sandwich section is to combine thin and durable facings with a light-weight core and the choice of materials used allows obtaining the desired behaviour. Panels in consideration consist of MgO (magnesium oxide) board facings and expanded polystyrene core and are characterized by immunity...
Marketing office management with leadership competences application in a manufacturing and service company
PublikacjaThe article presents a description of comprehensive leadership competencies in a company, with the emphasis on managing the marketing department. The publication commences with the indication of the leadership in the light of this literature, explaining what leadership competencies are, how they are identified and what competencies we distinguish. It also explains the purpose of applying leadership...
A Residential Building Extension Prototype to face Post-Pandemic Needs: Foreseen Challenges and Impacts
PublikacjaThe COVID-19 pandemic highlighted the importance of outdoor spaces for maintaining physical and mental well-being. However, many urban residents lack private outdoor areas, which led to harmful health consequences during lockdowns. The research project aims to address and solve this issue by developing a physical/digital prototype called “X-TEND” that extends living space outdoors by attaching it to existing multi-story residential...
Diminshed toxicity of C-1748, 4-methyl-9-hydroxyethylamino-1-nitroacridine, compared with its demethyl analog, C-857, corresponds to its resistance to metabolism in HepG2 cells
PublikacjaThe narrow "therapeutic window" of anti-tumour therapy may be the result of drug metabolism leading to the activation or detoxification of antitumour agents. The aim of this work is to examine (i) whether the diminished toxicity of a potent antitumour drug, C-1748, 9-(2'-hydroxyethylamino)-4-methyl-1-nitroacridine, compared with its 4-demethyl analogue, C-857, results from the differences between the metabolic pathways for the...
Application of BiOClnBrm photocatalyst to cytostatic drugs removal from water; mechanism and toxicity assessment
PublikacjaThe photocatalytic activity of series of BiOClnBrm photocatalysts toward degradation and mineralization of the cytostatic drugs 5-fluorouracil (5-FU) and imatinib mesylate (IMA) both singly and in their mixture under simulated solar and visible light irradiation has been investigated. Screening test revealed that among BiOClnBrm photocatalysts synthesized by a solvothermal method, the one with molar 1.3Cl/0.7Br ratio was the most...
Monometallic nanoparticles decorated and rare earth ions doped KTaO3/K2Ta2O6 photocatalysts with enhanced pollutant decomposition and improved H2 generation
PublikacjaNew, monometallic nanoparticles (MNPs) decorated surface and rare earth (RE) ions doped lattice of perovskite-type (KTaO3)/pyrochlore-type (K2Ta2O6) photocatalysts were successfully prepared by facile hydrothermal incorporation of RE ions into KTaO3/K2Ta2O6 lattices followed by photodeposition of MNPs. The impact of noble metal type (MNPs = Au, Pt, Rh) and rare earth dopant type (RE = Er, Pr) on the physicochemical properties correlated...
Neutral Dissociation of Pyridine Evoked by Irradiation of Ionized Atomic and Molecular Hydrogen Beams
PublikacjaThe interactions of ions with molecules and the determination of their dissociation patterns are challenging endeavors of fundamental importance for theoretical and experimental science. In particular, the investigations on bond-breaking and new bond-forming processes triggered by the ionic impact may shed light on the stellar wind interaction with interstellar media, ionic beam irradiations of the living cells, ion-track nanotechnology,...
Elective Seminar: Loft - Before and Nowadays - Creative Contest for Architects and Designers
Kursy OnlineAs part of the elective seminar, students working in groups of 3 people will prepare architectural and lighting concept for an international competition: "LOFT-BEFORE AND NOWADAYS" organized by the Polish Lighting Industry Association), co-organized by Goczołowie Architekci OVO Grąbczewscy Architects and the SOMA Agency, the organizer of the International LIGHT Fair. More information here about the competition here: https://lightfair.pl/green-shoots-competition/ The...
Dibutyl phthalate disrupts conserved circadian rhythm in Drosophila and human cells
PublikacjaPeople are constantly exposed to phthalates, due to their common use in the production of plastics, pharmaceuticals, cosmetics and skin care products. The ability of phthalates to disrupt endocrine signaling, leading to developmental, reproductive and metabolic defects, has been studied, yet how phthalates interfere with these biological functions is still unclear. To uncover DBP interacting molecular pathways, we raised Drosophila...
Alphitobius diaperinus larvae (lesser mealworm) as human food – An approval of the European Commission – A critical review
PublikacjaDue to the increasing threat of climate change and the need for sustainable food sources, human consumption of edible insects or entomophagy has gained considerable attention globally. The larvae of Alphitobius diaperinus Panzer (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae), also known as the lesser mealworm, have been identified as a promising candidate for mass-rearing as a food source based the on evaluation on several aspects such as the production...
Heat recovery from the hybrid photovoltaic tile – experimental studies with the solar light simulator
PublikacjaConsidering the current development of micro-cogeneration energy sources, supported by the national prosumer policy and the act on the renewable energy sources, there is a great demand for the effective solar technologies. In this area, the photovoltaic cells with a combined conversion of the solar radiation energy into the electrical and thermal energy (PV/T cells) seem to be attractive. They are already widely available and treated...
The Impact of urban Localizations on the Growth Possibilities for Small Firms
PublikacjaThe purpose of this study was to identify the differences in the profiles of firms and their owners in urban and non-urban locations and also to asses the impact of those differences on the possibilities of growth for firms from both types of locations. Findings: urban entrepreneurs are better educated, more experienced and more positively motivated. Their firms are more innovative, with more qualified employeesadn better access...
Influence of Urea and Dimethyl Sulfoxide on K-Peptide Fibrillation
PublikacjaProtein fibrillation leads to formation of amyloids—linear aggregates that are hallmarks of many serious diseases, including Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s diseases. In this work, we investigate the fibrillation of a short peptide (K-peptide) from the amyloidogenic core of hen egg white lysozyme in the presence of dimethyl sulfoxide or urea. During the studies, a variety of spectroscopic methods were used: fluorescence spectroscopy...
The Issue of Shading Photovoltaic Installation Caused by Dust Accumulation on the Glass Surface
PublikacjaThe issue of accumulation of dust and other pollutants on the surface of photovoltaic modules was thoroughly analysed over the years. One of the first surveys in this field of knowledge linked pollutant accumulation on the module surface with transmittance loss of its glass covering, which leads to lessened amount of solar radiation reaching solar cells. First stage of this accumulation process is linear transparency loss, and second...
Metody usuwania zakłóceń podczas pomiarów polowych widm Ramana
PublikacjaW pracy zostały scharakteryzowane źródła zakłóceń występujące podczas pomiarów widm Ramana w warunkach polowych. Zaprezentowano wpływ czasu integracji na jakość rejestrowanych widm w przypadkach, gdy szumy własne spektrometru mają składową typu 1/f, dominującą w zakresie małych częstotliwości. Przedstawiono także wyniki uzyskane podczas pomiarów z detekcją synchroniczną, stosowaną w przenośnych spektrometrach Ramana, w pomiarach...
PublikacjaFor a long time the interest in environmentally friendly materials in architecture is no longer limited to the use of renewable and natural substances such as wood, stone, straw, or reusable materials, such as metals or glass. Today the so-called naturals and the materials compatible with the idea of sustainability constantly appear on the market in new forms. Increasing awareness of the necessity to limit the building sector’s...
Concentration‐Induced Hetero‐Valent Partial‐Inverse Occupation of Infrared Phosphor
PublikacjaInfrared luminescent materials have evoked much attention from chemists and material scientists. Although substantial progress is made in materials design, the luminescent mechanism remains ambiguous in the complex structures, presenting major barriers to developing novel infrared luminescent materials. Herein, this study aims to deliberate a complete discussion on infrared phosphors with concentration-induced hetero-valent partial-inverse...
From Structure to Luminescent Properties of B2O3-Bi2O3-SrF2 Glass and Glass-Ceramics Doped with Eu3+ Ions
PublikacjaGlass-ceramics with the composition B2O3 -Bi2O3 -SrF2 were synthesized by the conventional melt-quenching technique and subsequent crystallization of the parental glasses. The temperature at which the ceramization was carried out was selected based on differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) analysis. The structure of the studied materials and the formation of SrF2 nanocrystals were confirmed by the Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy...
Damian Ciachorowski
OsobyDoktorant w dziedzinie Zrównoważonej Transformacji Cyfrowej na Wydziale Zarządzania i Ekonomii Politechniki Gdańskiej. Ekspert w dziedzinie organizacji pozarządowych. Specjalizuje się w tworzeniu strategii rozwoju, budowaniu zespołów międzykulturowych oraz akceleracji i zarządzaniu organizacjami pozarządowymi. Zainteresowania badawcze Zrównoważona transformacja cyfrowa Kreatywność w procesach zarządzania zespołem AI Management...
Removal of VOCs from air and assessment of dominant species in a peat-perlite biotrickling filter
PublikacjaAir pollution has become a major concern because it is inevitably connected with the rapid development of both industrial and residential areas. Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) are emitted from various anthropogenic sources e.g. transportation, factories or landfills as well as recycling factories. It is problematic not only because of the direct impact on humans and environment but also from economy viewpoint as it increases...
Enhanced gas sensing by graphene-silicon Schottky diodes under UV irradiation
PublikacjaThe effect of ultraviolet (UV) or blue irradiation on graphene/n-doped silicon Schottky junctions toward gas sensing was investigated. Schottky diodes were subjected to oxidizing nitrogen dioxide (NO2, 1–3 ppm) and reducing tetrahydrofuran (THF, 50–200 ppm), showing significantly different responses observed on the currentvoltage (I-V) characteristics, especially under UV light (275 nm). NO2 affected the resistive part of the forward region...
Collaborative development model and strategies of multi-energy industry clusters: Multi-indicators analysis affecting the development of coastal energy clusters
PublikacjaThe paper explores Coastal Energy-Based Industrial Clusters (EBICs) and their role in advancing energy efficiency and sustainability through collaborative innovation. Economic growth theory and energy sustainability have been introduced into industrial clusters to illustrate indicators that have a greater impact on the development of EBICs. This paper proposes an EBICs development model based on the Cobb-Douglas function, in which...
Synthesis of Titanium Dioxide via Surfactant-Assisted Microwave Method for Photocatalytic and Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells Applications
PublikacjaIn this study, titania nanoparticles were obtained using the microwave-assisted technique. Moreover, different surfactants (PEG (Mn = 400), Pluronic P123 and Triton X−100) were used during the synthesis in order to determine their impact on the crystallinity and morphology of the final products. Subsequently, techniques such as XRD, SEM and TEM (performed in high contrast and high-resolution mode), diffuse reflectance spectroscopy...
Uniqueness or uniformity - studies of media architecture
PublikacjaA development of media architecture is presented in light of to such phenomena as aesthetization, consumerism and digitization. This article deals with media architecture in commercial spaces. Media solutions impact on the architectural skin, making it into visible and dynamic points of the image of a post-modern city. This article presents the specificity of media solutions, depending on the function of commercial activity buildings...
Metody usuwania zakłóceń podczas pomiarów polowych widm Ramana
PublikacjaW pracy zostały scharakteryzowane źródła zakłóceń występujące podczas pomiarów widm Ramana w warunkach polowych oraz sposoby redukcji ich wpływu na jakość rejestrowanych widm. Zaprezentowano wpływ czasu integracji na jakość rejestrowanych widm w przypadkach, gdy szumy własne spektrometru mają składową typu 1/f, dominującą w zakresie małych częstotliwości. Przedstawiono także wyniki uzyskane podczas pomiarów z detekcją synchroniczną,...
UV light-activated gas mixture sensing by ink-printed WS2 layer
PublikacjaWe fabricated a sensing layer from ink-printed WS2 flakes and utilized it for UV-activated gas sensing. The optical imaging of the structure made by repeated printing revealed the continuous layer comprising sub-µm flakes, confirmed independently by small-area AFM images (1×1 µm2). The activity of the sensing surface was investigated locally via AFM scanning of the surface with a polarized probing tip. The results indicated that...
Electrifying the bus network with trolleybus: Analyzing the in motion charging technology
PublikacjaCurrently, electric buses are becoming more and more popular, and their number in operation is increasing. The range of electric buses is also increasing and solutions that seem to be working almost without fixed infrastructure are being promised. However, this requires the use of high-capacity batteries, which increases the weight and price of the vehicle and causes high costs of battery replacement during operation. Moreover,...
Impact of optimization of ALS point cloud on classification
PublikacjaAirborne laser scanning (ALS) is one of the LIDAR technologies (Light Detection and Ranging). It provides information about the terrain in form of a point cloud. During measurement is acquired: spatial data (object’s coordinates X, Y, Z) and collateral data such as intensity of reflected signal. The obtained point cloud is typically applied for generating a digital terrain model (DTM) and a digital surface model (DSM). For DTM...
Experimental study on the effect of selected sterilization methods on mechanical properties of polylactide FFF specimens
PublikacjaPurpose: Biodegradable polymers are widely used in personalized medical devices or scaffolds for tissue engineering. The manufacturing process should be finished with sterilization procedure. However, it is not clear how the different sterilization methods have an impact on the mechanical strength of the three-dimensional (3D)-printed parts, such as bone models or personalized mechanical devices. This paper aims to present the...
Light4Health eLearning Course: health research for interior lighting design. Re-thinking design approaches based on science
PublikacjaThis paper presents the results of 'Light4Health' (L4H), a three-year EU Erasmus+ Strategic Partnership grant project (2019-2021), which investigated, systematized and taught health-related research on the impact of natural and artificial light on human health and well-being relevant to indoor lighting design. The objective was to re-think evidence-based lighting design approaches for residential, working/educational, and healthcare...
The experimental results of diesel fuel spray with marine engine injector
Dane BadawczeThe data set presents the measurement of the diesel fuel spray from with marine engine injector. The main target presents results is a study of the time course of macro parameters (spray tip penetration, spray cone angle) of fuel spray in the cylinder of marine diesel engine. The impact of ambient conditions and the geometrical parameters of the injector...
Interspecific and intraspecific variation in organochlorine pesticides and polychlorinated biphenyls using non-destructive samples from Pygoscelis penguins
PublikacjaAs humans are present in Antarctica only for scientific and tourism-related purposes, it is often described as a pristine region. However, studies have identified measurable levels of Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs), such as organochlorine pesticides (OCPs) and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), in the Antarctic region. These are highly toxic anthropogenic compounds with tendency to travel long distances and reach remote environments, where...
Rational designing of TiO2-X@Cs3Bi2X9 nanocomposite for boosted hydrogen evolution
PublikacjaHalide perovskites are known as compounds possessing interesting properties, including visible light-induced photoactivity, however, they suffer from instability. Herein, a novel technique for reducing the decomposition rate of halide bismuth-based perovskites Cs3Bi2X9 (X=I, Br, Cl) in the aqueous environment by combining with different types of TiO2 (anatase TiO2-I, anatase/rutile TiO2-B, and rutile TiO2-C synthesized using HI,...
How do responsible universities perceive their social engagement? In search of signs of Creating Shared Value by the University
PublikacjaObjectives: University social responsibility still lacks legitimisation and is perceived as a burden that hinders academics from doing research and teaching. Creating Shared Value by the University may serve as a tool to motivate universities to engage in initiatives for society, as this is beneficial for both parties. Yet, some researchers perceive the creation of economic value as inappropriate for academia. Thus, it was interesting...
Melanoma skin cancer detection using mask-RCNN with modified GRU model
PublikacjaIntroduction: Melanoma Skin Cancer (MSC) is a type of cancer in the human body; therefore, early disease diagnosis is essential for reducing the mortality rate. However, dermoscopic image analysis poses challenges due to factors such as color illumination, light reflections, and the varying sizes and shapes of lesions. To overcome these challenges, an automated framework is proposed in this manuscript. Methods: Initially, dermoscopic...
The New Test Procedure for Group-Type Composition of Base Oils of Lubricating Oils, Especially Emitted into the Environment
PublikacjaMineral base oil, a product of multistep fine refining of the relevant fractions from vacuum distillation of crude oil, is a main component of so-called mineral lubricating oils containing aliphatic and alicyclic substituted aromatic hydrocarbons, i.e., derivatives of benzene and biphenyl. Mineral lubricating oil is composed mostly of mineral base oil and a low amount of enriching additives, most often products of advanced organic...
Bringing Bathymetry LiDAR to Coastal Zone Assessment: A Case Study in the Southern Baltic
PublikacjaOne of the major tasks in environmental protection is monitoring the coast for negative impacts due to climate change and anthropopressure. Remote sensing techniques are often used in studies of impact assessment. Topographic and bathymetric procedures are treated as separate measurement methods, while methods that combine coastal zone analysis with underwater impacts are rarely used in geotechnical analyses. This study presents...
UAV Photogrammetry under Poor Lighting Conditions—Accuracy Considerations
PublikacjaThe use of low-level photogrammetry is very broad, and studies in this field are conducted in many aspects. Most research and applications are based on image data acquired during the day, which seems natural and obvious. However, the authors of this paper draw attention to the potential and possible use of UAV photogrammetry during the darker time of the day. The potential of night-time images has not been yet widely recognized,...
Laser-textured cross-hatched surface topography analysis with evaluation of high-frequency measurement noise
PublikacjaThe precision of surface roughness determination using ISO 25178 parameters relies on various factors that directly impact the measurement process. In industry applications, the contactless roughness measurement reduces data collection time. However, it introduces several potential errors, including those stemming from the environment. One of the main types of errors encountered during topography analysis is measurement noise,...
Air-cooled photovoltaic roof tile as an example of the BIPVT system – An experimental study on the energy and exergy performance
PublikacjaThe air-cooled photovoltaic tile is a subject of presented investigations, which focused on improving the overall system efficiency of PV tiles with heat recovery. The operational efficiency of a PV roof tile, together with the construction optimising the air cooling efficiency, were the main points of plans realized at this research stage. The article describes the experimental research consisting of the assessment of electrical,...
Shading, Dusting and Incorrect Positioning of Photovoltaic Modules as Important Factors in Performance Reduction
PublikacjaThe amount of solar radiation reaching the front cover of a photovoltaic module is crucial for its performance. A number of factors must be taken into account at the design stage of the solar installation, which will ensure maximum utilization of the potential arising from the location. During the operation of a photovoltaic installation, it is necessary to limit the shading of the modules caused by both dust and shadowing by trees...
Experimental Study of the Resistance to Influence of Aggressive Liquids on Lightweight Concrete
PublikacjaIn light of the scientific research, the corrosion of concrete structures is one of the main problems that may reduce their durability due to the negative impact of the natural environment. The paper analyzes the influence of the type of component on the selected properties of lightweight concrete subjected to the influence of aggressive liquids. Four concrete mixes were prepared with a granular aggregate made of foamed glass (GEGA)...
Sustainable recovery of plant essential Nitrogen and Phosphorus from human urine using industrial coal fly ash
PublikacjaCoal-based thermal power plants play a pivotal role in meeting global energy demand. The amount of fly ash generated from these plants increases every year, and its successful use has posed a significant environmental risk in the last decade. In this study, coal fly ash was packed in a fixed-bed adsorption column to remove Urea–N from synthetic human urine. To assess the efficacy of fly ash in the removal of Nitrogen, various process...
Feminist Lens on Gender Roles in Entrepreneurial Intention and Implementation
PublikacjaBased on Social Feminist Theory, Post-Structural Feminism and Gender-Role Orientation (GRO) (masculinity, femininity and androgyny), the aim of this research is to study the entrepreneurial process through the lenses of both biological sex and socially constructed gender, in order to disentangle their effects and to shed new light on the process. Secondly, we aim to push forward the research on the early-stage entrepreneurial process...