


  • Swarm Algorithms in Modern Engineering Optimization Problems


    Complexity of today engineering problems is constantly increasing. Scientists no longer are facing issues, for which simple, mathematical programming methods are sufficient. Issues like autonomic vehicle navigation or classification are considered to be challenging, and although there exist valid means to solve them, in some cases there still is some place for improvement. With emergence of a new type of optimization techniques...

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  • Inertial Sensors Applications in Underwater Measurements


    Over the past decades microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) researchers have demonstrated a number of microsensors for almost every possible sensing modality, including attitudes. Current MEMS inertial measurement units (IMU) come in many shapes, sizes, and costs — depending on the application, and performance required. MEMS sensors have proved and demonstrated performance exceeding those of their macroscale counterpart sensors. In...

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  • Paweł Szymon Dąbrowski dr inż.

    Dr inż. Paweł Szymon Dąbrowski w latach 2004-2009 studiował na kierunku geodezja i kartografia na Uniwersytecie Warmińsko-Mazurskim w Olsztynie, gdzie uzyskał tytuł zawodowy magistra inżyniera. W latach 2009-2016 pracował w wykonawstwie geodezyjnym w Iławie i Gdańsku. Doświadczenie zawodowe zdobył on podczas realizacji inwestycji Pomorskiej Kolei Metropolitalnej, co pomogło mu w zdobyciu w 2015 r. geodezyjnych uprawnień zawodowych...

  • Multi-objective optimization of expensive electromagnetic simulation models

    Vast majority of practical engineering design problems require simultaneous handling of several criteria. For the sake of simplicity and through a priori preference articulation one can turn many design tasks into single-objective problems that can be handled using conventional numerical optimization routines. However, in some situations, acquiring comprehensive knowledge about the system at hand, in particular, about possible...

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  • Internet photogrammetry for inspection of seaports


    - Polish Maritime Research - Rok 2017

    This paper intends to point out the possibility of using Internet photogrammetry to construct 3D models from the images obtained by means of UAVs (Unmanned Aerial Vehicles). The solutions may be useful for the inspection of ports as to the content of cargo, transport safety or the assessment of the technical infrastructure of port and quays. The solution can be a complement to measurements made by using laser scanning and traditional...

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  • A Novel Trust-Region-Based Algorithm with Flexible Jacobian Updates for Expedited Optimization of High-Frequency Structures

    Simulation-driven design closure is mandatory in the design of contemporary high-frequency components. It aims at improving the selected performance figures through adjustment of the structure’s geometry (and/or material) parameters. The computational cost of this process when employing numerical optimization is often prohibitively high, which is a strong motivation for the development of more efficient methods. This is especially...

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  • Multi-fidelity EM simulations and constrained surrogate modelling for low-cost multi-objective design optimisation of antennas


    In this study, a technique for low-cost multi-objective design optimisation of antenna structures has been proposed. The proposed approach is an enhancement of a recently reported surrogate-assisted technique exploiting variable-fidelity electromagnetic (EM) simulations and auxiliary kriging interpolation surrogate, the latter utilised to produce the initial approximation of the Pareto set. A bottleneck of the procedure for higher-dimensional...

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  • Implementation of control system and tracking objects in a Quadcopter


    - Rok 2019

    In this paper, we implement a quadcopter assembly with control and navigation module. The project also includes the design of the control panel for the operator which consists of a set of the micro-controller and the glove equipped with sensors and buttons. The panel has a touch screen which displays current parameters such as vehicle status, including information about orientation and geographical coordinates. The concept of quadcopter...

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  • Analysis of GNSS, Hydroacoustic and Optoelectronic Data Integration Methods Used in Hydrography

    • O. Lewicka
    • M. Specht
    • A. Stateczny
    • C. Specht
    • D. Brčić
    • A. Jugović
    • S. Widźgowski
    • M. Wiśniewska

    - SENSORS - Rok 2021

    The integration of geospatial data in hydrography, performed using different measurement systems, involves combining several study results to provide a comprehensive analysis. Each of the hydroacoustic and optoelectronic systems is characterised by a different spatial reference system and the method for technical implementation of the measurement. Therefore, the integration of hydrographic data requires that problems in selected...

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  • Looking Up to the Stars. A Call for Action to Save New Zealand’s Dark Skies for Future Generations to Come


    The rapid development of technology coupled with humanity’s desire to reach beyond terra firma, has resulted in more than 60 years of Outer Space activities. Although the exploration of space has provided many advantages and benefits to society so far, including vast, new information that has greatly added to our understanding of our planet and beyond, unfortunately, mankind’s footprint has negative aspects that need to be minimised...

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  • Open-source software (OSS) and hardware (OSH) in UAVs


    - Rok 2020

    The popularity of the Open Source Tool (OST) has expanded significantly. This is the case for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) based on open-source hardware (OSH) as well. Open-source software (OSS) and OSH can be applied in a wide range of applications and can improve several technologies. The chapter begins with an introduction to OSS depicting its rationale, description of fundamental differences between OSS and proprietary software...

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  • A compact spline-enhanced monopole antenna for broadband/multi-band and beyond UWB applications

    In this work, a compact monopole antenna for broadband/multi-band and beyond ultra- wideband (UWB) communication has been proposed. The structure is based on a spline-enhanced radiator with a broadband feed and a modified ground plane. Rigorous design optimization of the radiator has been performed in a two-stage framework where optimization of the structure with respect to electrical performance is followed by explicit miniaturization...

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  • Szerokopasmowe planarne anteny dipolowe o ramionach eliptycznych


    - Rok 2013

    W niniejszej pracy przedstawiono model matematyczny opisujący zjawisko rozpraszania fali elektromagnetycznej na płytach dielektrycznych, na których powierzchni umieszczono nieskończenie cienkie warstwy przewodzące w kształcie prostokąta lub elipsy. Zaproponowany model jest oparty na dwuwymiarowej metodzie przestrzeni widmowej. Jego istotnym elementem jest możliwość pobudzania badanych struktur falą płaską. W pracy wykorzystano...

  • The Use of USV to Develop Navigational and Bathymetric Charts of Yacht Ports on the Example of National Sailing Centre in Gdańsk


    - Remote Sensing - Rok 2020

    Apart from extensive infrastructure protection, modern yacht ports should primarily provide vessels with navigational safety associated with their maneuvering on the approach fairway, as well as mooring in the port aquatory. For this reason, yachts entering the harbor should have up-to-date, accurate, and reliable charts of the port and its surroundings. This article presents hydrographic surveys conducted in the National Sailing...

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  • Badanie i analiza efektywności alokacji strumieni danych w heterogenicznej sieci WBAN


    - Rok 2017

    W niniejszej dysertacji doktorskiej poddano dyskusji efektywność alokacji strumieni danych w heterogenicznej radiowej sieci WBAN (Wireless Body Area Networks). Biorąc pod uwagę dynamiczny rozwój nowoczesnych sieci radiokomunikacyjnych piątej generacji (5G), którego część stanowią radiowe sieci działające w obrębie ciała człowieka, bardzo ważnym aspektem są metody maksymalizujące wykorzystanie dostępnych zasobów czasowo –częstotliwościowych...

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  • The Optimal Location of Ground-Based GNSS Augmentation Transceivers


    - Geosciences - Rok 2019

    Modern Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) allow for positioning with accuracies ranging from tens of meters to single millimeters depending on user requirements and available equipment. A major disadvantage of these systems is their unavailability or limited availability when the sky is obstructed. One solution is to use additional range measurements from ground-based nodes located in the vicinity of the receiver. The highest...

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  • Reduced-Cost Design Optimization of High-Frequency Structures Using Adaptive Jacobian Updates


    - Rok 2019

    Electromagnetic (EM) analysis is the primary tool utilized in the design of high-frequency structures. In vast majority of cases, simpler models (e.g., equivalent networks or analytical ones) are either not available or lack accuracy: they can only be used to yield initial designs that need to be further tuned. Consequently, EM-driven adjustment of geometry and/or material parameters of microwave and antenna components is a necessary...

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  • UWB Microstrip Antennas on a Cylindrical Surfaces


    Conformal antennas are becoming popular due to their many advantages and possibilities of applications they offer. The advantages of using antennas with a curved surface arise not only from the possibility of integrating them with the object on which they are mounted on but also from the increase, relatively to planar antennas, of their visible angular range. The circular antenna arrays, or arrays of radiators located on the surface...

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  • Patch size setup and performance/cost trade-offs in multi-objective EM-driven antenna optimization using sequential domain patching

    Purpose This paper aims to assess control parameter setup and its effect on computational cost and performance of deterministic procedures for multi-objective design optimization of expensive simulation models of antenna structures. Design/methodology/approach A deterministic algorithm for cost-efficient multi-objective optimization of antenna structures has been assessed. The algorithm constructs a patch connecting extreme Pareto-optimal...

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  • Fast multi-objective optimization of antenna structures by means of data-driven surrogates and dimensionality reduction

    Design of contemporary antenna structures needs to account for several and often conflicting objectives. These are pertinent to both electrical and field properties of the antenna but also its geometry (e.g., footprint minimization). For practical reasons, especially to facilitate efficient optimization, single-objective formulations are most often employed, through either a priori preference articulation, objective aggregation,...

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