Ruchotwórczość wielkopowierzchniowych obiektów handlowych trzeciej generacji na przykładzie Trójmiasta
PublikacjaWielkopowierzchniowe obiekty (handlowe, usługowe itp.) generują ruch o dużych natężeniach, które często przekraczają możliwości przepustowe przyległego układu ulicznego. Wpływają w ten sposób na znaczne pogorszenie się warunków ruchu w najbliższym otoczeniu obiektu i zakłócenia w prawidłowym funkcjonowaniu systemu transportowego miasta. Wobec braku polskich doświadczeń konieczne jest badanie wpływu wybranych czynników demograficznych,...
Novel Complementary Multiple Concentric Split Ring Resonator for Reliable Characterization of Dielectric Substrates with High Sensitivity
PublikacjaAccurate characterization of dielectric substrates with high sensitivity remains an important challenge in a variety of industrial applications. This paper proposes an innovative strategy to address this challenge by developing and optimizing a unique Complementary Multiple Concentric Split Ring Resonator (CMC-SRR). The major goal is to propose a sensor design with increased sensitivity and reliability for dielectric characterization....
Optimization issues in distributed computing systems design
PublikacjaIn recent years, we observe a growing interest focused on distributed computing systems. Both industry and academia require increasing computational power to process and analyze large amount of data, including significant areas like analysis of medical data, earthquake, or weather forecast. Since distributed computing systems – similar to computer networks – are vulnerable to failures, survivability mechanisms are indispensable...
Influence of sensor design and optical properties of tissue on the photoplethysmographic signal
PublikacjaPhotopletysmography and an associated technique called pulse oximetry are still explored due to the expectations that they give a lot of information about the state of the patient and, also, due to the fact that they are non invasive. Knowledge about the impact of various parameters on the measured signal leads to a faster and a more reliable way of analyzing measurement results and finding the dependencies between the involved...
Analiza możliwości wzrostu udziału transportu zbiorowego w wojewódzkich przewozach pasażerskich na przykładzie województwa pomorskiego
PublikacjaPodział zadań przewozowych pomiędzy dostępne środki transportu jest jednym z kluczowych wyzwań przy opracowaniu Planów Transportowych w regionach. Stan aktualny i prognozy prowadzone na obszarze Unii Europejskiej wskazują, że w najbliższych latach dominującym środkiem transportu pasażerskiego będzie samochód osobowy z zarysowującą się tendencją wzrostową. Dlatego bardzo istotnym działaniem przy budowie zintegrowanego systemu transportu...
Geographic Information System for Flood Hazard Analysis and Early Warning Using Numerical Weather Predictions
PublikacjaFloods are a phenomenon which causes significant losses of lives as well as property damage, which in turn severely impact the local economy. The nature of a flooding has been well researched, and several methods of flood hazard simulation have been established over the last decades. The current legislation in the European Union requires the Member States to create, maintain and update flood risk and hazard maps, as well as identify...
Improving the prediction of biochar production from various biomass sources through the implementation of eXplainable machine learning approaches
PublikacjaExamining the game-changing possibilities of explainable machine learning techniques, this study explores the fast-growing area of biochar production prediction. The paper demonstrates how recent advances in sensitivity analysis methodology, optimization of training hyperparameters, and state-of-the-art ensemble techniques have greatly simplified and enhanced the forecasting of biochar output and composition from various biomass...
Evaluation of the factors influencing business bankruptcy risk in Poland
PublikacjaThis article is devoted to the issue of assessing the causes of business failure. The presented studies answer two research questions – what are the causes of corporate bankruptcies in Poland and how to more efectively predict the scale of bankruptcies in the country. The author has conducted a study to analyze the specic endogenous and exogenous causes of company bankruptcy depending on the type of the bankruptcy with consideration...
Application of Artificial Neural Networks to Predict Insulation Properties of Lightweight Concrete
PublikacjaPredicting the properties of concrete before its design and application process allows for refining and optimizing its composition. However, the properties of lightweight concrete are much harder to predict than those of normal weight concrete, especially if the forecast concerns the insulating properties of concrete with artificial lightweight aggregate (LWA). It is possible to use porous aggregates and precisely modify the composition...
PublikacjaThis article describes the considerations for the implementation of the Lean Six Sigma (LSS) methodology in small and medium-sized enterprises. Pilot research was conducted in Polish and French SMEs (nine Polish and nine French enterprises from the service and production sectors) referring to the context of the implementation and application of the Lean Six Sigma concept. The studies led to the identification of the motives, needs,...
A Case Study of Electric Vehicles Load Forecasting in Residential Sector Using Machine Learning Techniques
PublikacjaElectric vehicles (EVs) have been widely adopted to prevent global warming in recent years. The higher installation of Level-1 and Level-2 chargers in residential areas soon poses challenges to the distributed network. However, such challenges can be mitigated through the adoption of smart charging or controlled charging schemes. To facilitate the implementation of smart charging, accurate forecasting of EV charging demand in residential...
Rural Building in Opole Silesia During the Period of the Frederician Colonization
PublikacjaThe aim of the article is to present the rural construction in the Opole countryside (Poland) during the “Frederician colonization”. Showing socio-economic areas of Opole villages, differing from each other, the differences of which resulted from the environmental conditions influencing the processes of enfranchisement and industrialization. These processes at the turn of the 17th and 19th centuries influenced the image of the...
Analiza skuteczności wybranych strategii kontrariańskich na warszawskiej GPW w latach 2014–2018
PublikacjaCapital multiplication is the main goal of investors and for many years they have been looking for methods and strategies that would enable them to achieve it to the greatest possible extent. Due to the fact that the expectations and characteristics of investors, including those concerning the investment period, are diverse, multiple strategies have emerged. One of such strategies, mainly long-term in nature, is the so-called...
A Proposed Soft Computing Model for Ultimate Strength Estimation of FRP-Confined Concrete Cylinders
PublikacjaIn this paper, the feed-forward backpropagation neural network (FFBPNN) is used to propose a new formulation for predicting the compressive strength of fiber-reinforced polymer (FRP)-confined concrete cylinders. A set of experimental data has been considered in the analysis. The data include information about the dimensions of the concrete cylinders (diameter, length) and the total thickness of FRP layers, unconfined ultimate concrete...
Analysis of electricity generation variability in 2019 with special consideration of electrical energy generation from wind sources.
PublikacjaThis article presents issues related to the broadly understood development of wind energy. The state of the art of wind energy in the world has been discussed. This paper also shows issues related to factors affecting the development of renewable energy sources and their impact on the natural environment on the basis of available research. The focus is, however, on the critical analysis of phenomena in the data of the Transmission...
Fatigue of titanium alloy Ti6Al4V with diamond structure obtained by Laser Power Bed Fusion method
PublikacjaThis paper presents the results of fatigue tests conducted on Ti6Al4V titanium alloy with diamond structure obtained by the Laser Power Bed Fusion method. Samples used in tests were printed with porosities: 81%, 73%, 50%, 34% and near-zero porosity. Samples were subjected to cyclic tests with a constant stress amplitude. The number of cycles until sample failure was registered. Obtained fatigue test results made it possible to...
PublikacjaT he goal of the project described is to replace the existing propulsion system of a small underwater vehicle with a solution less prone to mechanical damage and ensuring a lower risk of the entanglement of fibrous objects suspended in the body of water. Four typical marine screws are utilised in the current design of the vehicle. One possible solution of the problem is the application of waterjet propulsors located...
Intensification of catechin extraction from the bark of Syzygium cumini using ultrasonication: Optimization, characterization, degradation analysis and kinetic studies
PublikacjaCatechin is a prominent polyphenolic component that possesses various medicinal properties. Present work communicates the intensification and optimization of catechin extraction from the bark of Syzygium cumini tree using stirred reactor, soxhlet, ultrasonic bath, and ultrasonic horn technique. The optimization of several parameters such as type of solvent, solid to solvent ratio (1:100 w/v), speed of agitation (300 RPM), extraction...
Assessment of Trajectories of Non-bankrupt and Bankrupt Enterprises
PublikacjaThe aim of this study is to show how long-term trajectories of enterprises can be used to increase the forecasting horizon of bankruptcy prediction models. The author used seven popular forecasting models (two from Europe, two from Asia, two from North America and one from Latin America). These models (five multivariate discriminant analysis models and two logit models) were used to develop 17-year trajectories separately for non-bankrupt...
Spatiotemporal Assessment of Satellite Image Time Series for Land Cover Classification Using Deep Learning Techniques: A Case Study of Reunion Island, France
PublikacjaCurrent Earth observation systems generate massive amounts of satellite image time series to keep track of geographical areas over time to monitor and identify environmental and climate change. Efficiently analyzing such data remains an unresolved issue in remote sensing. In classifying land cover, utilizing SITS rather than one image might benefit differentiating across classes because of their varied temporal patterns. The aim...
Agent-based social network as a simulation of a market behaviour
PublikacjaRecent years and the outbreak of world's economic crisis in 2008 proved the crucial importance of reliable analysis of market dynamics. However, werarely apply models of proper detail level (the global prosperity forecast of 2007 can be seen as a grim proof). The behaviour of individuals and companies is far from being ideal and rational. Many claims that the economic paradigm of rational expectations (coming from J. Muth and R....
On Memory-Based Precise Calibration of Cost-Efficient NO2 Sensor Using Artificial Intelligence and Global Response Correction
PublikacjaNitrogen dioxide (NO2) is a prevalent air pollutant, particularly abundant in densely populated urban regions. Given its harmful impact on health and the environment, precise real-time monitoring of NO2 concentration is crucial, particularly for devising and executing risk mitigation strategies. However, achieving precise measurements of NO2 is challenging due to the need for expensive and cumbersome equipment. This has spurred...
Displacement piles - classification and methods for the calculation of bearing capacity.
PublikacjaDisplacement piles belong to a group of technologies whose main idea is to install or make a pile without extracting ground material. According to definition, contained in PN-EN:1997-1:2008, displacement piles should be considered as driven, pressed in using vibrators and made with the use of spread augers. The classification of piles used so far with regard to the technology of execution is modified. An additional element is the...
Karol Flisikowski dr inż.
OsobyKarol Flisikowski jest profesorem uczelni w Katedrze Statystyki i Ekonometrii, Wydziału Zarządzania i Ekonomii Politechniki Gdańskiej. Jest odpowiedzialny jest za prowadzenie zajęć ze statystyki opisowej i matematycznej (w języku polskim i angielskim), a także badań naukowych w zakresie statystyki społecznej. Był uczestnikiem wielu konferencji o zasięgu krajowym, jak i międzynarodowym, gdzie prezentował wyniki prowadzonych przez...
A Novel Method for the Deblurring of Photogrammetric Images Using Conditional Generative Adversarial Networks
PublikacjaThe visual data acquisition from small unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) may encounter a situation in which blur appears on the images. Image blurring caused by camera motion during exposure significantly impacts the images interpretation quality and consequently the quality of photogrammetric products. On blurred images, it is difficult to visually locate ground control points, and the number of identified feature points decreases...
Novel benzenesulfonamide-aroylhydrazone conjugates as carbonic anhydrase inhibitors that induce MAPK/ERK-mediated cell cycle arrest and mitochondrial-associated apoptosis in MCF-7 breast cancer cells
PublikacjaA series of novel 4-alkylthio-2-chloro-5-[(2-arylmethylidene)hydrazinecarbonyl]benzenesulfonamide derivatives 3–22 were synthesized and evaluated for their inhibitory activity against human carbonic anhydrase isozymes hCA I, hCA II, hCA IX, and hCA XII. These compounds showed varying degrees of activity against the studied isoenzymes. However, the importance of substituent choice in designing potent carbonic anhydrase inhibitors...
Trzej prorocy: Sołżenicyn, Friedman, Dugin. Część pierwsza: Sołżenicyn
PublikacjaArtykuł przedstawia na tle biograficznym dzieło i myśl profetyczną Aleksandra Sołżenicyna. Podstawą jej analizy jest mowa z okazji przyznania autorowi Oddziału chorych na raka literackiej Nagrody Nobla oraz jego wykład na temat stanu cywilizacji Zachodu wygłoszony na Uniwersytecie Harvarda – zatytułowany Zmierzch odwagi. Proroctwa Sołżenicyna dotyczące Zachodu pokazane są w kontekście jego pracy Jak odbudować Rosję? W artykule...
Polish Polar Research: Green-and-White Paper under the aegis of the Polish Polar Consortium (PPC)
PublikacjaPolar research is a colloquial term for cross-area, cross-domain and interdisciplinary research in the Arctic and Antarctic. Polar research is mainly the domain of natural sciences, but technical sciences and humanities also grow in importance. Being vulnerable to climate change, polar regions are commonly considered as a kind of litmus paper of changes in geosystems, hence the importance of research done there. It aims at a better...
A Novel Method for Intelligibility Assessment of Nonlinearly Processed Speech in Spaces Characterized by Long Reverberation Times
PublikacjaObjective assessment of speech intelligibility is a complex task that requires taking into account a number of factors such as different perception of each speech sub-bands by the human hearing sense or different physical properties of each frequency band of a speech signal. Currently, the state-of-the-art method used for assessing the quality of speech transmission is the speech transmission index (STI). It is a standardized way...
Modelowanie systemów energetycznych wytwarzania energii elektrycznej i ciepła do celów planowania rozwoju - wybrane zagadnienia
PublikacjaSystemy energetyczne wymagają przemian technologicznych w kierunku neutralności klimatycznej. W Polsce, w której systemie elektroenergetycznym i systemach ciepłowniczych dominują przestarzałe elektrownie i ciepłownie węglowe, dążenie do minimalizacji wpływu na środowisko wiąże się z wysokimi kosztami. Dlatego należy szukać optymalnych ścieżek roz-woju energetyki, aby osiągnąć ambitne długoterminowe cele strategiczne, przy minimalizacji...
Long-term hindcast simulation of sea ice in the Baltic Sea
Dane BadawczeThe data set contains the results of numerical modeling of sea ice over a period of 50 years (1958-2007) in the Baltic Sea. A long-term hindcast simulation was performed using a three-dimensional hydrodynamic model PM3D (Kowalewski and Kowalewska-Kalkowska, 2017), a new version of the M3D model (Kowalewski, 1997). A numerical dynamic-thermodynamic model...
Safety PL - a support tool for Road Safety Impact Assessment
PublikacjaPublished on 19 November 2008, the European Union's Directive 2008/96/EC is one of the most important EU documents setting out a road safety orientation, in particular, road infrastructure safety management. It identifies four main areas of activity: road safety impact assessment, road safety audit, ranking of high accident concentration sections and network safety ranking and road infrastructure safety inspection. The Directive...
Targeting of FLT3-ITD kinase contributes to high selectivity of imidazoacridinone C-1311 against FLT3-activated leukemia cells
PublikacjaDrugs targeting receptor tyrosine kinase FLT3 are of particular interest since activating FLT3-internal tandem duplication (ITD) mutations abundantly occur in fatal acute myeloid leukemias (AMLs). Imidazoacridinone C-1311, a DNA-reactive inhibitor of topoisomerase II, has been previously shown to be a potent and selective inhibitor of recombinant FLT3. Here, we expand those findings by studying its effect on leukemia cells with...
Long-term hindcast simulation of sea level in the Baltic Sea
Dane BadawczeThe dataset contains the results of numerical modelling of sea level fluctuations over a period of 50 years (1958-2007) in the Baltic Sea. A long-term hindcast simulation was performed using a three-dimensional hydrodynamic model PM3D (Kowalewski and Kowalewska-Kalkowska, 2017), a new version of the M3D model (Kowalewski, 1997). The hydrodynamic model...
Long-term hindcast simulation of currents in the Baltic Sea
Dane BadawczeThe dataset contains the results of numerical modelling of currents over a period of 50 years (1958-2007) in the Baltic Sea . A long-term hindcast simulation was performed using a three-dimensional hydrodynamic model PM3D (Kowalewski and Kowalewska-Kalkowska, 2017), a new version of the M3D model (Kowalewski, 1997). The hydrodynamic model was coupled...
Long-term hindcast simulation of water temperature and salinity in the Baltic Sea
Dane BadawczeThe dataset contains the results of numerical modelling of water temperature and salinity over a period of 50 years (1958-2007) in the Baltic Sea. A long-term hindcast simulation was performed using a three-dimensional hydrodynamic model PM3D (Kowalewski and Kowalewska-Kalkowska, 2017), a new version of the M3D model (Kowalewski, 1997). The hydrodynamic...