Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: J PARAMETER - MOST Wiedzy


Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: J PARAMETER

Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: J PARAMETER

  • Influence of electrode geometric arrangement on the operation of narrow circular electrostatic precipitator

    In this work the influence of electrode geometric arrangement on the operation of a circular electrostatic precipitator (ESP) was investigated using Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) method. The ESP was a glass circular cylinder (29 mm in diameter, 300 mm long) equipped with a wire discharge electrode and circular-cylinder collecting electrode. The stainless-steel discharge wire electrode (0.23 mm in diameter, 100 mm long) was mounted...

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  • SYNAT Music Genre Parameters PCA 19

    Dane Badawcze

    The dataset contains feature vector after  Principal Component Analysis (PCA) performing, so there are 11 music genres and 19-element vector derived from music excerpts. Originally, a feature vector containing 173 elements was conceived in earlier research studies carried out by the team of authors [1-6]. A collection of 52532 music excerpts described...

  • SYNAT_PCA_48

    Dane Badawcze

    There is a series of datasets containing feature vectors derived from music tracks. The dataset contains 51582 music tracks (22 music genres) and feature vector after  Principal Component Analysis (PCA) performing, so there are 48-element vectors derived from music excerpts. Originally, a feature vector containing 173 elements was conceived in earlier...

  • SYNAT_PCA_11

    Dane Badawcze

    The dataset contains 51582 music tracks (22 music genres) and feature vector after  Principal Component Analysis (PCA) performing, so there are 11-element vectors derived from music excerpts. Originally, a feature vector containing 173 elements was conceived in earlier research studies carried out by the team of authors [1-6]. A collection of more than...

  • Low energy inelastic electron scattering from carbon monoxide: II. Excitation of the b3Σ+, j3Σ+, B1Σ+, C1Σ+ and E1Π Rydberg electronic states

    • M. Zawadzki
    • M. Khakoo
    • A. Sakaamini
    • L. Voorneman
    • L. Ratkovich
    • Z. Mašín
    • A. Dora
    • R. Laher
    • J. Tennyson


    In this second part of a two part paper (first part: Zawadzki et al (2020 J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 53 165201)) we present differential scattering cross sections for excitation of several Rydberg electronic states of carbon monoxide by electron impact. The first part concerned the low-lying valence states of CO. In the present study cross sections are obtained experimentally using low-energy electron energy-loss spectroscopy...

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  • Numerically robust synthesis of discrete-time H-inf estimators based on dual J-lossless factorisations.


    - Rok 2004

    W pracy przedstawiono numerycznie stabilną metodę syntezy liniowych estymatorów stanu optymalnych ze względu na wymagania formułowane w oparciu o normę H-inf. Wykorzystano dualną J-bezstratną faktoryzację macierzy rozproszenia estymowanego procesu czasu dyskretnego. Badano numeryczne uwarunkowanie odpowiednich równań Riccatiego. W szczególności pokazano, że dla dostatecznie małych wartości okresu próbkowania zadanie syntezy dotyczące...

  • Analysis of an Attenuator Artifact in an Experimental Attack by Gunn–Allison–Abbott Against the Kirchhoff-Law–Johnson-Noise (KLJN) Secure Key Exchange System



    A recent paper by Gunn–Allison–Abbott (GAA) [L. J. Gunn et al., Scientific Reports 4 (2014) 6461] argued that the Kirchhoff-law–Johnson-noise (KLJN) secure key exchange system could experience a severe information leak. Here we refute their results and demonstrate that GAA’s arguments ensue from a serious design flaw in their system. Specifically, an attenuator broke the single Kirchhoff-loop into two coupled loops, which is an...

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  • Ultrafast Intramolecular Relaxation and Wave-Packet Motion in a Ruthenium-Based Supramolecular Photocatalyst

    • M. WäCHTLER
    • J. Guthmuller
    • S. Kupfer
    • M. Maiuri
    • D. Brida
    • J. Popp
    • S. Rau
    • G. Cerullo
    • B. Dietzek


    The hydrogen-evolving photocatalyst [(tbbpy)2 Ru(tpphz)Pd(Cl)2 ](2+) (tbbpy=4,4'-di-tert-butyl-2,2'-bipyridine, tpphz=tetrapyrido[3,2-a:2',3'-c:3'',2''-h:2''',3'''-j]phenazine) shows excitation-wavelength-dependent catalytic activity, which has been correlated to the localization of the initial excitation within the coordination sphere. In this contribution the excitation-wavelength dependence of the early excited-state relaxation...

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  • Electron collisions with cyanoacetylene HC3N : Vibrational excitation and dissociative electron attachment

    • M. Ranković
    • P. Nag
    • M. Zawadzki
    • L. Ballauf
    • J. Žabka
    • M. Polášek
    • J. Kočišek
    • J. Fedor

    - PHYSICAL REVIEW A - Rok 2018

    We experimentally probe electron collisions with HC3N in the energy range from 0 to 10 eV with the focus on vibrational excitation and dissociative electron attachment. The vibrational excitation cross sections show a number of resonances which are mode specific: the two dominant π∗ resonances are visible in the excitation of all the vibrational modes; however, broad σ ∗ resonances are visible only in certain bond-stretching vibrational...

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  • Electronic structure and rovibrational predissociation of the 2^1Π state in KLi

    Adiabatic potential energy curves of the 3^1Σ^+, 3^3Σ^+, 2^1Π and 2^3Π states correlating for large internuclear distance with the K(4s) + Li(2p) atomic asymptote were calculated. Very good agreement between the calculated and the experimental curve of the 2^1Π state allowed for a reliable description of the dissociation process through a small (∼20 cm−1 for J = 0) potential energy barrier. The barrier supports several rovibrational...

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  • Efficiency of European public higher education institutions: a two-stage multicountry approach

    The purpose of this study is to examine efficiency and its determinants in a set of higher education institutions (HEIs) from several European countries by means of non-parametric frontier techniques. Our analysis is based on a sample of 259 public HEIs from 7 European countries across the time period of 2001-2005. We conduct a two-stage DEA analysis (Simar and Wilson in J Economet 136:31-64, 2007), first evaluating DEA scores...

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  • Marek J. Siemek and His Interpretation of the Idea of Transcendentalism


    The paper discusses in a concise manner and critical intent Marek J. Siemek’s conception of transcendental philosophy. Firstly, theory of knowledge does not belong to the epistemic level of reflection (Siemek’s stance) but it is precisely the other way around; namely, it is due to transcendental philosophy (critique of cognitive faculties) that it was possible to distinguish metaphysical, ontological and epistemological questions....

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  • Multiaxial Fatigue Behaviour of SLM 18Ni300 Steel

    • R. Branco
    • J. D. Costa
    • J. A. M. Ferreira
    • C. Capela
    • F. Berto
    • W. Macek

    - Structural Integrity - Rok 2022

    Fatigue behaviour of SLM 18Ni300 steel under proportional bending-torsion loading is studied. The fatigue tests are conducted under pulsating loading conditions using tubular specimens with a transversal circular hole. Three ratios of the normal stress to shear stress are considered, namely σ/τ=4,σ/τ=2 and σ/τ = 4/3. Crack initiation sites were found for two diametrically opposite points around the hole, whose locations are governed...

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  • On the use of the cumulative strain energy density for fatigue life assessment in advanced high-strength steels

    • R. Branco
    • R. F. Martins
    • J. A. Correia
    • Z. Marciniak
    • W. Macek
    • J. Jesus


    In this paper, the applicability of the cumulative strain energy density is explored as a fatigue indicator parameter for advanced high-strength steels subjected to strain-controlled conditions. Firstly, the cyclic stress-strain responses of nine steels, selected from three multiphase families, encompassing different elemental compositions and different heat treatment routes, were studied. Then, the predictive capabilities of the...

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  • Particle shape dependence in 2D granular media

    • C. Cegeo
    • B. Saint-Cyr
    • K. Szarf
    • C. Voivret
    • E. Azéma
    • V. Richefeu
    • J. Delenne
    • G. Combe
    • C. Nouguier-Lehon
    • P. Villard... i 3 innych

    - EPL-EUROPHYS LETT - Rok 2012

    Particle shape is a key to the space-filling and strength properties of granular matter. We consider a shape parameter eta describing the degree of distortion from a perfectly spherical shape. Encompassing most specific shape characteristics such as elongation, angularity and non-convexity, eta is a low-order but generic parameter that we used in a numerical benchmark test for a systematic investigation of shape dependence in sheared...

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  • A J-lossless coprime factorisation approach to H control in delta domain


    - AUTOMATICA - Rok 2002

    Praca dotyczy sterowania wielowymiarowym obiektem dynamicznym czasu ciągłego opisanym dyskretnoczasowym modelem w przestrzeni stanu, przy założeniu, że wskaźnik jakości sterowania oparty jest na normie H-inf. Odpowiednie zadanie optymalizacji tego wskaźnika rozwiązuje się, stosując tak zwaną względnie pierwszą J-bezstratną faktoryzację modelu sterowanego. Pokazano, że synteza optymalnego sterownika, wymagająca rozwiązania dwóch...

  • Studies on applicability of new solid-phase microextraction fibers for the selective extraction and determination of short - chain monocarboksylic acids


    - Rok 2011

    Short-chain monocarobxylic acids, sometimes referred to as volatile fatty acids (VFA), are a group of low molecular weight alkyl monocarboxylic acids that are widely distributed within the environment. These molecules contain any from 2 to 8 carbon atoms and originate from the anaerobic biodegradation of organic matter such as carbohydrates, proteins, and fats. These compounds are commonly found in the effluents from animal farming,...

  • Comment on "Measurements without probabilities in the final state proposal"


    - PHYSICAL REVIEW D - Rok 2018

    The final state proposal [G.T. Horowitz and J.M. Maldacena, J. High Energy Phys.2004(2),8 (2004)] is an attempt to relax the apparent tension betweenstring theory and semiclassicalarguments regarding the unitarity of black hole evaporation. The authors of [R. Bousso and D.Stanford, Phys. Rev. D89, 044038 (2014)] analyze thought experiments where an infalling observerfirst verifies the entanglement between early and late Hawking...

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  • E-learning course "International comparative studies on SMEs"


    - Rok 2006

    Projekt Leonardo da Vinci "International comparative studies and course development on SMEs" został zainspirowany poprzednim projektem LdV "A European Diploma in SME Management". Bazując na poprzednich doświadczeniach projektowych zaproponowano opracowanie struktur dla opisania narodowych systemów małych i średnich przedsiębiorstw (ang. SME Small Media Enterprises) przy wykorzystaniu dostępnych krajowych danych. Udowodniono, że...

  • Investigation of long-range dependencies in the stochastic part of daily GPS solutions


    - SURVEY REVIEW - Rok 2016

    The long-range dependence (LRD) of the stochastic part of GPS-derived topocentric coordinates change (North, East, Up) results with relatively high autocorrelation values with a focus on self-similarity. One of the reasons for such self-similarity in the GPS time series are noises that are commonly recognised to prevail in the form of the flicker noise model. To prove the self-similarity of the stochastic part of GPS time series...

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  • RuAl6—An Endohedral Aluminide Superconductor



    Superconductivity is reported in an endohedral aluminide compound, RuAl6, with Tc = 1.21 K. The normalized heat capacity jump at Tc, ΔC/γTc = 1.58, confirms bulk superconductivity. The Ginzburg–Landau parameter of κ = 9.5 shows that RuAl6 is a type-II superconductor. Electronic structure calculations for RuAl6 are explored in comparison to its structural analogue ReAl6 (Tc = 0.74 K). The stability of the phases is discussed in...

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  • Bound on Bell inequalities by fraction of determinism and reverse triangle inequality

    • P. Joshi
    • K. Horodecki
    • M. Horodecki
    • P. Horodecki
    • R. Horodecki
    • B. Li
    • S. Szarek
    • T. Szarek

    - PHYSICAL REVIEW A - Rok 2015

    It is an established fact that entanglement is a resource. Sharing an entangled state leads to nonlocal correlations and to violations of Bell inequalities. Such nonlocal correlations illustrate the advantage of quantum resources over classical resources. In this paper, we quantitatively study Bell inequalities with 2 × n inputs. As found in Gisin et al. [Int. J. Quantum. Inform. 05, 525 (2007)], quantum mechanical correlations...

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  • About the Noether’s theorem for fractional Lagrangian systems and a generalization of the classical Jost method of proof

    Recently, the fractional Noether's theorem derived by G. Frederico and D.F.M. Torres in [10] was proved to be wrong by R.A.C. Ferreira and A.B. Malinowska in (see [7]) using a counterexample and doubts are stated about the validity of other Noether's type Theorem, in particular ([9],Theorem 32). However, the counterexample does not explain why and where the proof given in [10] does not work. In this paper, we make a detailed analysis...

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  • O wzajemnych relacjach czlowieka, przyrody, ogrodu i miasta.


    tematem artykułu jest zmieniający się w czasie stosunek człowieka do przyrody. autorka rozważa przyczyny ukształtowania się ich wzajemnej dychotomicznej relacji, która z czasem przeniosła się także na wytwory działalności człowieka jakimi są ogród i miasto. następnie przechodzi do problemu znaczenia przyrody w kształtowaniu się idei piękna oraz omawia relacje człowieka i przyrody na przykładzie jego dzieł: ogrodu i w miasta -...

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  • Effect of water salinity on properties of multipass underwater wet manual metal arc welded joints

    The weldability of steel under the water is limited due to the influence of the environment. Water causes limited visibility, presence of the residual stresses, increasing the cooling rate, and increasing the diffusible hydrogen content in deposited metal, leading to the formation of brittle microstructures in heat-affected zone (HAZ). The paper presents the results of mechanical properties testing of S420G2+M steel welded joints...

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  • Functionalization of Parylene During Its Chemical Vapor Deposition



    Two possible mechanisms for the reaction of four halogenated (metha)acrylate-based molecules with Parylene [poly (paraxylylene)] during its chemical vapor deposition were proposed. The chemical reactivity of acrylate double bond with the paraxylylene biradical was calculated for all four (metha)acrylate-based molecules. These calculations allowed the evaluation of the energetically favorable mechanism and indeed a direct correlation...

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  • Adsorption of Cr(VI) in aqueous solution using sago bark (Metroxylon sagu) as a new potential biosorbent


    - Desalination and Water Treatment - Rok 2019

    This paper investigated the ability of sago bark (Metroxylon sagu) as a new potential biosorbent in removing Cr(VI) in batch system. The optimum adsorption capacity of sago bark (Metroxylon sagu) was 61.73 mg/g achieved at pH 3, agitation rate of 100 rpm, contact time 60 min, particle size ≤32 μm, and initial concentration of Cr(VI) 1,000 mg/L at room temperature (25°C). The adsorbent regeneration was carried out using 0.01 M HNO3...

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  • Synthesis and hydrogen evolving catalysis of a panchromatic photochemical molecular device


    - Sustainable Energy & Fuels - Rok 2020

    A dinuclear hydrogen evolution photocatalyst [(tbbpy)2Os(tpphz)PtI2](PF6)2 (tbbpy = 4,4′-tert-butyl-2,2′-bipyridine; tpphz = tetrapyrido[3,2-a:2′,3′-c:2′′,3′′-h:2′′′,3′′′-j]phenazine) is synthesized in order to make use of the broader range of visible light absorption mitigated by the osmium center. In a first step, the activity of the complex for hydrogen evolution is investigated by evaluating the role of different electron donors...

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  • Polymerization of chloro-p-xylylenes, quantum-chemical study

    The p-xylylene monomers of parylene N, C and D have similar high polymerization reactivity. For effective copolymerization processes this fact is basically a draw- back and for instance the copolymerization with styrene doesn't go at all (Corley et al. J Pol Sc 13(68):137­156, 1954). Substitution of terminal hydrogen atoms by chlorine atoms reduces reactivity dramatically. 7,7,8,8-tetrachloro-p- xylylene and 2,5,7,7,8,8-hexachloro-p-xylylene...

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  • Electronically Excited States in Solution via a Smooth Dielectric Model Combined with Equation-of-Motion Coupled Cluster Theory

    • J. Howard
    • J. Womack
    • J. Dziedzic
    • C. Skylaris
    • B. Pritchard
    • T. Crawford

    - Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation - Rok 2017

    We present a method for computing excitation energies for molecules in solvent, based on the combination of a minimal parameter implicit solvent model and the equation-of-motion coupled-cluster singles and doubles method (EOM-CCSD). In this method, the solvent medium is represented by a smoothly varying dielectric function, constructed directly from the quantum mechanical electronic density using only two tunable parameters. The...

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  • Klasztor dominikanów przy kościele św. Piotra i Pawła w Chełmnie. Stan zachowania na początku XIX w. i zagospodarowanie terenu po jego rozbiórce


    Celem artykułu jest przestrzenna rekonstrukcja zburzonego w latach 30. XIX w. klasztoru dominikanów w Chełmnie. Podstawą studiów są prowadzone przez autora badania architektoniczne oraz szeroka kwerenda archiwalna, która pozwoliła odnaleźć nowe źródła do dziejów obiektu (plany administracji pruskiej w związku z kasatą lat 30. XIX w. oraz akta budowlane gminy protestanckiej osadzonej w kościele po odebraniu go katolikom). W artykule...

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  • Properties of dimension witnesses and their semidefinite programming relaxations


    - PHYSICAL REVIEW A - Rok 2014

    In this paper we develop a method for investigating semi-device-independent randomness expansion protocols that was introduced in Li et al. [H.-W. Li, P. Mironowicz, M. Pawłowski, Z.-Q. Yin, Y.-C. Wu, S. Wang, W. Chen, H.-G. Hu, G.-C. Guo, and Z.-F. Han, Phys. Rev. A 87, 020302(R) (2013)]. This method allows us to lower bound, with semi-definite programming, the randomness obtained from random number generators based on dimension...

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  • Microstructural evolution and mechanical behavior of activated tungsten inert gas welded joint between P91 steel and Incoloy 800HT



    This study examines the welded joint between P91 steel and Incoloy 800HT using the Activated Tungsten Inert Gas (A-TIG) welding process. The focus is on analyzing the microstructure and evaluating the mechanical properties of joints made with different compositions of activating flux. Owing to the reversal of the Marangoni effect in which the conventional direction of molten metal flow in the weld pool is reversed due to the application...

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  • Heptaene macrolides biosynthesis by Streptomyces species


    Polyene macrolides are one of the groups of secondary metabolites, generated by microorganisms belonging to the Streptomyces genus. These compounds, containing 3 - 7 conjugated double bonds systems in their molecules exhibit high antifungal activity against a broad spectrum of fungal pathogens with heptaenes demonstrating the highest antifungal potential. At the large extent, efficiency of biosynthesis of these natural products...

  • 4-Point beam tensile test on a soft adhesive

    • M. Budzik
    • J. Jumel
    • M. Shanahan

    - MATERIALS & DESIGN - Rok 2013

    An adhesive butt joint with a soft bondline has been studied. A series of experiments was conducted on test pieces constituted of aluminium adherends bonded with a low modulus epoxy adhesive, ScotchWeld™ 2216. The joint was subjected to four point bending, in tension/compression loading, under constant deflection rate, with the bondline being parallel to the applied load. The objective was to examine and evaluate crack nucleation...

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  • Preparation and characterization of TiO2 nanostructures for catalytic CO2 photoconversion


    - Solid State Phenomena - Rok 2012

    The titanium dioxide target (99.7%) of 1 cm in dia was ablated in vacuum by laser pulses(6 ns) at 266 nm and at repetition rate of 10 Hz. During deposition the laser fluence between 1 and 3.5 J/cm2 and the O2 pressure from the range of 10-2 - 1 Pa were applied. The thin TiO2 films were deposited on glass substrate (1 × 1 cm2) heated up to 500 °C. The chemical composition of the film and samples produced by annealing were investigated...

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  • Low energy elastic scattering of electrons from hexafluoropropene (C3F6)

    • A. Sakaamini
    • S. Khakoo
    • B. Hlousek
    • M. Khakoo
    • M. Zawadzki
    • M. Kiataki
    • M. Bettega


    We present cross sections from a joint experimental and theoretical study on elastic electron scattering from hexafluoropropene (C3F6) in the gas phase. The experimental results, using low energy electron spectroscopy, were obtained at incident electron energies of 0.5, 1, 1.5, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 10, 12, 15 and 20 eV, for scattering angles ranging from 10°to 130°. The theoretical method used in the computation of the integral, momentum...

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  • Nanoporous TiO2 electrode grown by laser ablation of titanium in air at atmospheric pressure and room temperature

    • A. Białous
    • M. Gazda
    • K. Grochowska
    • P. Atanasov
    • A. Dikovska
    • N. Nedyalkov
    • J. Reszczyńska
    • A. Zalewska-Medynska
    • G. Śliwiński

    - THIN SOLID FILMS - Rok 2016

    Recently, fabrication of the nanoporous TiO2 photoelectrode on metal foils by means of sputtering of the Ti film on preheatedmetal substrate followed by the TiO2 deposition (doctor blade technique) and sintering represents the frequently applied technique. This is despite the relatively complicated procedure and number of parameters to be controlled in order to fabricate films of required properties. In this work an approach is...

  • Attenuation of Hyperglycemia in Diabetic Rats Assisted by Immobilized Probiotic in Sodium Alginate

    • J. J. Arriaga-Morales
    • C. Ordaz-Pichardo
    • R. Castro Munoz
    • E. Durán-Páramo

    - Probiotics and Antimicrobial Proteins - Rok 2023

    Diabetes mellitus type 2 (DM2) is the most common chronic disease worldwide, characterized mainly by increased glucose concentration in the blood and affecting several organs’ functionality. The daily consumption of probiotic bacteria can help control diabetes and reduce the damage caused. Cell immobilization techniques are a powerful tool that provides physical cell protection to such probiotic bacteria against gastrointestinal...

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  • Soft-mode enhanced type-I superconductivity in LiPd2Ge


    - PHYSICAL REVIEW B - Rok 2020

    The synthesis, crystal structure, and physical properties (magnetization, resistivity, heat capacity) in combination with theoretical calculations of the electronic structure and phonon properties are reported for intermetallic compounds LiPd2X (X = Si, Ge, and Sn). LeBail refinement of powder x-ray diffraction data confirms that all compounds belong to the Heusler family (space group Fm-3m, No. 225). The lattice parameter increases...

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  • XXXI Aukcja Wielkiego Serca


    - Rok 2022

    Prace artystów, które będzie można licytować podczas XXXI Aukcji Wielkiego Serca, od 15 do 26 listopada przezentowane są w Muzeum Inżynierii Miejskiej (wystawa czynna w godz. 12.00–19.00). Sama aukcja odbędzie się 26 listopada. ‒ Dzięki funduszom uzyskanym poprzez aukcję realizowany jest program wyjazdów terapeutyczno-rehabilitacyjnych. Podczas takich wyjazdów niektórzy nasi podopieczni po raz pierwszy w życiu widzieli morze...

  • Synthetic, Structural, and Spectroscopic Characterization of a Novel Family of High-Spin Iron(II) [(β-Diketiminate)(phosphanylphosphido)] Complexes



    This work describes a series of iron(II) phosphanylphosphido complexes. These compounds were obtained by reacting lithiated diphosphanes R2PP(SiMe3)Li (R = t-Bu, i-Pr) with an iron(II) β-diketiminate complex, [LFe(μ2-Cl)2Li(DME)2] (1), where DME = 1,2-dimethoxyethane and L = Dippnacnac (β-diketiminate). While the reaction of 1 with t-Bu2PP(SiMe3)Li yields [LFe(η1-Me3SiPPt- Bu2)] (2), that of 1 with equimolar amounts of i-Pr2PP(SiMe3)Li,...

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  • Thermal and Mechanical Behavior of Elastomers Incorporated with Thermoregulating Microcapsules

    • J. Datta
    • P. Trzebiatowska,
    • A. M. Borreguero
    • I. Izarra
    • I. Garrido
    • A. Serrano
    • J. F. Rodríguez
    • M. Carmona

    - Applied Sciences - Rok 2021

    Polyurethane (PU) is one of the principal polymers in the global plastic market thanks to its versatility and continuous improvement. In this work, PU elastomeric materials having thermoregulating properties through the incorporation of microcapsules (mSD-(LDPE·EVA-RT27)) from low-density polyethylene and vinyl acetate containing paraffin®RT27 as PCM were produced. Elastomers were synthesized while varying the molar ratio [NCO]/[OH]...

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  • Explainable machine learning for diffraction patterns

    • S. Nawaz
    • V. Rahmani
    • D. Pennicard
    • S. P. R. Setty
    • B. Klaudel
    • H. Graafsma

    - Journal of Applied Crystallography - Rok 2023

    Serial crystallography experiments at X-ray free-electron laser facilities produce massive amounts of data but only a fraction of these data are useful for downstream analysis. Thus, it is essential to differentiate between acceptable and unacceptable data, generally known as ‘hit’ and ‘miss’, respectively. Image classification methods from artificial intelligence, or more specifically convolutional neural networks (CNNs), classify...

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  • Model osobistej wirtualnej biblioteki cyfrowej


    - Rok 2005

    Szybki rozwój Internetu umożliwiający publikowanie i czytanie artykułów online w skali globalnej, uzasadnia tworzenie bibliotek cyfrowych jako repozytoriów wiedzy. Ich rozwój napotyka jednak na liczne bariery natury psychologicznej, organizacyjnej i technologicznej. W artykule przedstawimy propozycje ich przełamania z punktu widzenia doświadczeń Biblioteki Głównej Politechniki Gdańskiej. W szczególności skoncentrujemy się na modelu...

  • Jednoelektronowy atom Diraca w słabym polu magnetycznym


    W rozprawie przedstawiono opis wpływu zewnętrznego stałego, słabego, jednorodnego pola magnetycznego na jednoelektronowy atom Diraca. Wykorzystując funkcje gęstości ładunku elektrycznego oraz gęstości prądu elektrycznego, rozważono procesy indukowania się w atomie dodatkowych elektromagnetycznych momentów multipolowych. Dokonano analizy indukowanego momentu dipolowego, w wyniku której uzyskano wyrażenie dla magnetyzowalności atomu....

    Pełny tekst do pobrania w serwisie zewnętrznym

  • An improvement of body surface area formulas using the 3D scanning technique

    Objectives: Body surface area (BSA) is one of the major parameters used in several medical fields. However, there are concerns raised about its usefulness, mostly due to the ambiguity of its estimation. Material and Methods: Authors have conducted a voluntary study to investigate BSA distribution and estimation in a group of 179 adult people of various sex, age, and physique. Here, there is provided an extended analysis of the...

    Pełny tekst do pobrania w portalu

  • Misje i misjonarska retoryka w zarządzaniu platformami mediów


    - Rok 2022

    Trudno o bardziej znane i poruszające zbiorową wyobraźnię przekazy cyfrowych platforma, niż zapisy ich misji. Nie tylko łatwo wyjaśniają one rolę organizacji, ale zapewniają racjonalizację tego, kto lub czym jest coś lub jak działa. Dla Facebooka, Google i wielu innych organizacji pragnących „zmienić świat na lepszy” są elementem samonapędzającego się mechanizmu utwierdzającego w słuszności obranej drogi. W przypadku cyfrowych...

  • Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Combined GTAW and SMAW Dissimilar Welded Joints between Inconel 718 and 304L Austenitic Stainless Steel


    - Metals - Rok 2023

    A dissimilar welded joint of Inconel 718 and 304L austenitic stainless steel was prepared using a combined procedure with the gas tungsten arc welding and shielded metal arc welding processes by employing the Ni-based fillers: ERNiCr-3 and ENiCrFe-3. The welded joints were investigated for metallographic testing and mechanical properties, and a relationship was established between the microstructure and the resultant mechanical...

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  • Katedra Inżynierii Drogowej. Zakład Budowy Dróg.


    Department of Highway Engineering is divided into two divisions: Road Construction Division and Traffic Engineering Division. The head of Road Construction Division is Prof. J. Judycki. There are nine members of division: professor, three PhD, two MSc, two technicians and secretary. The main areas of research activities are: analysis of flexible, semi-rigid and rigid pavements, resistance of asphalt pavement to permanent deformation,...