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Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: NONLINEAR WAVE THEORY
Sensitive Demonstration of the Twin-Core Couplers including Kerr Law Non-Linearity via Beta Derivative Evolution
PublikacjaTo obtain new solitary wave solutions for non-linear directional couplers using optical meta-materials, a new extended direct algebraic technique (EDAT) is used. This model investigates solitary wave propagation inside a fiber. As a result, twin couplers are the subject of this study. Kerr law is the sort of non-linearity addressed there. Because it offers solutions to problems with large tails or infinite fluctuations, the resulting...
Wiktoria Wojnicz dr hab. inż.
OsobyDSc in Mechanics (in the field of Biomechanics) - Lodz Univeristy of Technology, 2019 PhD in Mechanics (in the field of Biomechanics) - Lodz Univeristy of Technology, 2009 (with distinction) Publikacje z listy MNiSW (2009 - ) Wojnicz W., Wittbrodt E., Analysis of muscles' behaviour. Part I. The computational model of muscle. Acta of Bioengineering and Biomechanics, Vol. 11, No.4, 2009, p. 15-21 Wojnicz W., Wittbrodt E.,...
Accurate simulation-driven modeling and design optimization of compact microwave structures
PublikacjaCost efficient design optimization of microwave structures requires availability of fast yet reliable replacement models so that multiple evaluations of the structure at hand can be executed in reasonable timeframe. Direct utilization of full-wave electromagnetic (EM) simulations is often prohibitive. On the other hand, accurate data-driven modeling normally requires a very large number of training points and it is virtually infeasible...
Rozprzestrzenianie się w podtorzu skutków katastrof kolejowych z udziałem materiałów niebezpiecznych
PublikacjaDuża część przewozów materiałów niebezpiecznych prowadzona jest koleją. W związku z tym bezpieczeństwo tych przewozów nabiera coraz większego znaczenia. Każda katastrofa z udziałem materiałów niebezpiecznych ma negatywny wpływ na uczestników tego zdarzenia oraz na otaczające środowisko, bowiem jej zasięg na ogół nie jest lokalny. Z tego wynika, że w przypadku zaistnienia katastrofy należy minimalizować jej skutki oraz w dalszych...
Nieliniowa statyka 6-parametrowych powłok sprężysto plastycznych. Efektywne obliczenia MES
PublikacjaGłównym zagadnieniem omawianym w monografii jest sformułowanie sprężysto-plastycznego prawa konstytutywnego w nieliniowej 6-parametrowej teorii powłok. Wyróżnikiem tej teorii jest występujący w niej w naturalny sposób tzw. stopień 6 swobody, czyli owinięcie (drilling rotation). Podstawowe założenie pracy to przyjęcie płaskiego stanu naprężenia uogólnionego na ośrodek typu Cosseratów. Takie podejście stanowi oryginalny aspekt opracowania....
Generalization of Kramers-Krönig relations for evaluation of causality in power-law media
PublikacjaClassical Kramers-Krönig (K–K) relations connect real and imaginary parts of the frequency-domain response of a system. The K–K relations also hold between the logarithm of modulus and the argument of the response, e.g. between the attenuation and the phase shift of a solution to a wave-propagation problem. For square-integrable functions of frequency, the satisfaction of classical K–K relations implies causality in the time domain....
Images of the Seabed of the Gulf of Gdansk Obtained by Means of the Parametric Sonar
PublikacjaThe main goal of this paper is to present results of the experimental investigation of the seabed by means of parametric echosounder in the form of chosen images. The phenomena of nonlinear interaction between two parallel beams of high intensity gives as a results very narrow beam of low frequency wave, that enables to penetrate the sea bottom. The first step of our investigations was calibration of all the elements of the measuring...
The Examination of the Upper Layers of the Seabed by the Means of the Acoustic Methods
PublikacjaPropagation of acoustic waves in the sea, in particular in shallow sea, depends on several factors. The basic of them are source power and frequency of acoustic waves, spatial distribution inhomogeneous medium in which acoustic wave propagates, and distributions of speed of sound and density of seawater. The coastal conditions, which limit water medium from above (free surface of the sea) and from bottom (the seabed), are no less...
PublikacjaThe paper describes an adaptive control system of the waves, implemented in the Ship Design and Research Centre, CTO S.A. The purpose of generating the waves in the towing tank is the modelling of the environmental conditions during hydrodynamic model tests. The tests are performed on scale models of towed or free running ships, anchored structures like oil rigs or bottommounted structures, e.g. wind turbines. In the towing tank...
Survey on fuzzy logic methods in control systems of electromechanical plants
PublikacjaРассмотрены алгоритмы управления электромеханическими системами с использованием теории нечеткой логики, приводятся основные положения их синтеза, рассматриваются методы анализа их устойчивости на основе нечетких функций Ляпунова. Эти алгоритмы чаще всего реализуются в виде различных регуляторов, применение которых целесообразно в системах, математическая модель которых не известна, не детерминирована или является строго нелинейной,...
Krzysztof Jamroziak Prof. dr hab. inż.
OsobyKrzysztof Jamroziak is Full Professor of the Wroclaw University of Scinece and Technology in Department Mechanic, Materials and Biomedical Engineering. His interests relate to composite materials, mechanical properties, ballistic impact, ballistic shields, nonlinear dynamics, strength of composite materials. Attention is focused on research on innovative composite structures subjected to impact loads, physico-mechanical properties...
FDTD Simulations on Disjoint Domains with the Use of Discrete Green's Function Diakoptics
PublikacjaA discrete Green's function (DGF) approach to couple disjoint domains in the finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) grid is developed. In this method, total-field/scattered-field (TFSF) FDTD domains are associated with simulated objects whereas the interaction between them is modeled with the use of the DGF propagator. Hence, source and scatterer are simulated in separate domains and updating of vacuum cells, being of little interest,...
Propagation of initially sawtooth periodic and impulsive signals in a quasi-isentropic magnetic gas
PublikacjaThe characteristics of propagation of sawtooth periodic and impulsive signals at a transducer are analytically studied in this work. A plasma under consideration is motionless and uniform at equilibrium, and its perturbations are described by a system of ideal magnetohydrodynamic equations. Some generic heating/cooling function, which in turn depends on equilibrium thermodynamic parameters, may destroy adiabaticity of a flow and...
Coupled Urban Areas Inundation Model with Interaction Between Storm Water System and Surface Flow - Case Study of Sea Level Impact on Seaside Areas Flooding
PublikacjaInundations are becoming more frequent than ever. What is connected with increasing area of impervious surface in cities. This makes predicting urban flooding and its scale especially important. At the seaside we observe additional conditions such as sea level that makes accurate numerical modelling of issue even harder. With complex approach to the matter which is simultaneous calculation of storm water conduit flow and overland...
Techniki zwiększania efektywności metody elementów skończonych poprzez redukcję dziedziny obliczeniowej z wykorzystaniem własności geometrii struktur
PublikacjaWspółczesna elektronika ze względu na swój szybki rozwój wymaga od nas efektywnego modelowania zjawisk polowych. Celem rozprawy jest zwiększanie efektywności metody elementów skończonych poprzez redukcję dziedziny obliczeniowej z wykorzystaniem własności geometrii struktur oraz jej hybrydyzację z użyciem technik analitycznych. Rozprawa zawiera przegląd stanu wiedzy na temat dostępnych obecnie technik modelowania jak również opis...
The impact of methods the stochastic analysis on swimming safety of multihull floating units (Part1)
PublikacjaThe presented article concerns the application of the methods of the stochastic analysis to solve differential equations for multihull catamaran-type floating unit. There was described the continuous process of Markov and the method of equations of Focker-Planck-Kolmogorov. The analysis of dynamics of the multihull unit was carried out with the assumption that the system model is the linear model with six degrees of freedom, on...
Performance-Driven Inverse/Forward Modeling of Antennas in Variable-Thickness Domains
PublikacjaDesign of contemporary antenna systems is a challenging endeavor. The difficulties are partially rooted in stringent specifications imposed on both electrical and field characteristics, demands concerning various functionalities, but also constraints imposed upon the physical size of the radiators. Furthermore, conducting the design process at the level of full-wave electromagnetic (EM) simulations, otherwise dictated by reliability,...
Triangulation-based Constrained Surrogate Modeling of Antennas
PublikacjaDesign of contemporary antenna structures is heavily based on full-wave electromagnetic (EM) simulation tools. They provide accuracy but are CPU-intensive. Reduction of EM-driven design procedure cost can be achieved by using fast replacement models (surrogates). Unfortunately, standard modeling techniques are unable to ensure sufficient predictive power for real-world antenna structures (multiple parameters, wide parameter ranges,...
Two-Stage Variable-Fidelity Modeling of Antennas with Domain Confinement
PublikacjaSurrogate modeling has become the method of choice in solving an increasing number of antenna design tasks, especially those involving expensive full-wave electromagnetic (EM) simulations. Notwithstanding, the curse of dimensionality considerably affects conventional metamodeling methods, and their capability to efficiently handle nonlinear antenna characteristics over broad ranges of the system parameters is limited. Performance-driven...
Optymalizacja doboru prawa konstytutywnego membrany o strukturze plecionej
PublikacjaCelem niniejszej dysertacji jest opracowanie zagadnienia optymalizacyjnego pozwalającego dobrać model konstytutywny opisujący mechaniczne zachowanie membrany technicznej. Do analizy wybrano membrany plecione, stosowane w medycynie, tzw. siatki chirurgiczne. W celu wykonania identyfikacji praw konstytutywnych, wykonano dwuosiowe rozciąganie próbek materiałów, otrzymując wskazanie na nieliniowe anizotropowe zachowanie materiałów....
Recent Advances in Performance-Driven Surrogate Modeling of High-Frequency Structures
PublikacjaDesign of high‐frequency structures, including microwave and antenna components, heavily relies on full‐wave electromagnetic (EM) simulation models. Their reliability comes at a price of a considerable computational cost. This may lead to practical issues whenever numerous EM analyses are to be executed, e.g., in the case of parametric optimization. The difficulties entailed by massive simulations may be mitigated by the use of...
Simulation of the response of base-isolated buildings under earthquake excitations considering soil flexibility
PublikacjaThe accurate analysis of the seismic response of isolated structures requires the incorporation of the flexibility of supporting soil. However, it is often customary to idealize the soil as rigid during the analysis of such structures. In the present paper, seismic response time history analyses of base-isolated buildings modelled as single degree-of-freedom (SDOF) and multi degree-of-freedom (MDOF) systems with linear and nonlinear...
Reliable Surrogate Modeling of Antenna Input Characteristics by Means of Domain Confinement and Principal Components
PublikacjaA reliable design of contemporary antenna structures necessarily involves full-wave electromagnetic (EM) analysis which is the only tool capable of accounting, for example, for element coupling or the effects of connectors. As EM simulations tend to be CPU-intensive, surrogate modeling allows for relieving the computational overhead of design tasks that require numerous analyses, for example, parametric optimization or uncertainty...
Rapid Multi-Criterial Antenna Optimization by Means of Pareto Front Triangulation and Interpolative Design Predictors
PublikacjaModern antenna systems are designed to meet stringent performance requirements pertinent to both their electrical and field properties. The objectives typically stay in conflict with each other. As the simultaneous improvement of all performance parameters is rarely possible, compromise solutions have to be sought. The most comprehensive information about available design trade-offs can be obtained through multi-objective optimization...
Surrogate modeling of impedance matching transformers by means of variable‐fidelity electromagnetic simulations and nested cokriging
PublikacjaAccurate performance evaluation of microwave components can be carried out using full‐wave electromagnetic (EM) simulation tools, routinely employed for circuit verification but also in the design process itself. Unfortunately, the computational cost of EM‐driven design may be high. This is especially pertinent to tasks entailing considerable number of simulations (eg, parametric optimization, statistical analysis). A possible...
Reliable data-driven modeling of high-frequency structures by means of nested kriging with enhanced design of experiments
PublikacjaData-driven (or approximation) surrogate models have been gaining popularity in many areas of engineering and science, including high-frequency electronics. They are attractive as a way of alleviating the difficulties pertinent to high computational cost of evaluating full-wave electromagnetic (EM) simulation models of microwave, antenna, and integrated photonic components and devices. Carrying out design tasks that involve massive...
Workshop on Graph Theory
WydarzeniaThe Gdańsk Workshop on Graph Theory (GWGT) is an annual, informal workshop whose goal is to provide a forum for scientists to meet, present their work, interact, and establish collaborations in the field of Graph Theory
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A Nonlinear Model of a Mesh Shell
PublikacjaFor a certain class of elastic lattice shells experiencing finite deformations, a continual model using the equations of the so-called six-parameter shell theory has been proposed. Within this model, the kinematics of the shell is described using six kinematically independent scalar degrees of freedom — the field of displacements and turns, as in the case of the Cosserat continuum, which gives reason to call the model under consideration...
Topological Methods in Nonlinear Analysis
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Nested Kriging with Variable Domain Thickness for Rapid Surrogate Modeling and Design Optimization of Antennas
PublikacjaDesign of modern antennas faces numerous difficulties, partially rooted in stringent specifications imposed on both electrical and field characteristics, demands concerning various functionalities (circular polarization, pattern diversity, band-notch operation), but also constraints imposed upon the physical size of the radiators. Conducting the design process at the level of full-wave electromagnetic (EM) simulations, otherwise...
Machine-Learning-Based Global Optimization of Microwave Passives with Variable-Fidelity EM Models and Response Features
PublikacjaMaximizing microwave passive component performance demands precise parameter tuning, particularly as modern circuits grow increasingly intricate. Yet, achieving this often requires a comprehensive approach due to their complex geometries and miniaturized structures. However, the computational burden of optimizing these components via full-wave electromagnetic (EM) simulations is substantial. EM analysis remains crucial for circuit...
Low-Cost and Highly-Accurate Behavioral Modeling of Antenna Structures by Means of Knowledge-Based Domain-Constrained Deep Learning Surrogates
PublikacjaThe awareness and practical benefits of behavioral modeling methods have been steadily growing in the antenna engineering community over the last decade or so. Undoubtedly, the most important advantage thereof is a possibility of a dramatic reduction of computational expenses associated with computer-aided design procedures, especially those relying on full-wave electromagnetic (EM) simulations. In particular, the employment of...
Global Design Optimization of Microwave Circuits Using Response Feature Inverse Surrogates
PublikacjaModern microwave design has become heavily reliant on full-wave electromagnetic (EM) simulation tools, which are necessary for accurate evaluation of microwave components. Consequently, it is also indispensable for their development, especially the adjustment of geometry parameters, oriented towards performance improvement. However, EM-driven optimization procedures incur considerable computational expenses, which may become impractical...
A concept of measurement system based on the Z-Wave standard
PublikacjaIn the paper a new concept of measurement system based on the Z-Wave standard is presented. This standard is dedicated to use mainly in home automation systems, but its properties enable to use it in dispersed measurement systems and support wireless communication between measurement nodes in a mesh-type network. In the paper basic metrological aspects of the Z-Wave standard and an example of impedance measurement system are discussed.
Five-phase induction motor drive with sine-wave filter
PublikacjaThe paper presents closed loop ac drive with 5 phase induction motor operating with voltage source inverter and sine wave filter. The motor supply voltages and currents have sinusoidal shape. For well known adjustable electric drives the field oriented control method with flux and speed co ntrol can be applied. In the presence of output filter both control and estimation algorithms should be modified due to sine wave filter installation....
Theory of Organisation and Management and Systems Theory
Kursy OnlineDear Students, Our classes on Theory of Orgnisation and Management (15 h lecture, 15 hours excercises) and Systems Theory (15 hours lecture) will take place in MSTeams each Wednesday since 21st of February 2024 at 9:15-12:00 am at link Join...
Accurate Modeling of Frequency Selective Surfaces Using Fully-Connected Regression Model with Automated Architecture Determination and Parameter Selection Based on Bayesian Optimization
PublikacjaSurrogate modeling has become an important tool in the design of high-frequency structures. Although full-wave electromagnetic (EM) simulation tools provide an accurate account for the circuit characteristics and performance, they entail considerable computational expenditures. Replacing EM analysis by fast surrogates provides a way to accelerate the design procedures. Unfortunately, modeling of microwave passives is a challenging...
Electromagnetic-based derivation of fractional-order circuit theory
PublikacjaIn this paper, foundations of the fractional-order circuit theory are revisited. Although many papers have been devoted to fractional-order modelling of electrical circuits, there are relatively few foundations for such an approach. Therefore, we derive fractional-order lumped-element equations for capacitors, inductors and resistors, as well as Kirchhoff’s voltage and current laws using quasi-static approximations of fractional-order...
On the geometrically nonlinear vibration of a piezo-flexomagnetic nanotube
PublikacjaIn order to describe the behavior of thin elements used in MEMS and NEMS, it is essential to study a nonlinear free vibration of nanotubes under complicated external fields such as magnetic environment. In this regard, the magnetic force applied to the conductive nanotube with piezo-flexomagnetic elastic wall is considered. By the inclusion of Euler-Bernoulli beam and using Hamilton’s principle, the equations governing the system...
Theory of Elasticity and Plasticity
Kursy OnlineThis course discusses the general theory of elastic and plastic material behavior of solids.
Theory of Organisation and Management and System's Theory
Kursy OnlineWe will have our lectures and classes in Theory of Organisation and Management and System's Theory on Wednesday Since 9:15 till 12:00. We will meet on MsTeams and here is the link:
Nonlinear phenomena of small-scale sound in a gas with exponential stratification
PublikacjaThe nonlinear dynamics of perturbations, quickly varying in space, with comparatively large characteristic wavenumbers k: k>1/H, is considered. H is the scale of density and pressure reduction in unperturbed gas, as the coordinate (H is the so-called height of the uniform equilibrium gas). Coupling nonlinear equations which govern the sound and the entropy mode in a weakly nonlinear flow are derived. They describe the dynamics...
On nonlinear dilatational strain gradient elasticity
PublikacjaWe call nonlinear dilatational strain gradient elasticity the theory in which the specific class of dilatational second gradient continua is considered: those whose deformation energy depends, in an objective way, on the gradient of placement and on the gradient of the determinant of the gradient of placement. It is an interesting particular case of complete Toupin–Mindlin nonlinear strain gradient elasticity: indeed, in it, the...
Physics of Wave Phenomena
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A Novel Approach to Fully Nonlinear Mathematical Modeling of Tectonic Plates
PublikacjaThe motion of the Earth's layers due to internal pressures is simulated in this research with an efficient mathematical model. The Earth, which revolves around its axis of rotation and is under internal pressure, will change the shape and displacement of the internal layers and tectonic plates. Applied mathematical models are based on a new approach to shell theory involving both two and three-dimensional approaches. It is the...
Waves Along Fractal Coastlines: From Fractal Arithmetic to Wave Equations
PublikacjaBeginning with addition and multiplication intrinsic to a Koch-type curve, we formulate and solve wave equation describing wave propagation along a fractal coastline. As opposed to examples known from the literature, we do not replace the fractal by the continuum in which it is embedded. This seems to be the first example of a truly intrinsic description of wave propagation along a fractal curve. The theory is relativistically...
Performance-Driven Surrogate Modeling of High-Frequency Structures
PublikacjaThe development of modern high-frequency structures, including microwave and antenna components, heavily relies on full-wave electromagnetic (EM) simulation models. Notwithstanding, EM-driven design entails considerable computational expenses. This is especially troublesome when solving tasks that require massive EM analyzes, parametric optimization and uncertainty quantification be-ing representative examples. The employment of...
Global EM-Driven Optimization of Multi-Band Antennas Using Knowledge-Based Inverse Response-Feature Surrogates
PublikacjaElectromagnetic simulation tools have been playing an increasing role in the design of contemporary antenna structures. The employment of electromagnetic analysis ensures reliability of evaluating antenna characteristics but also incurs considerable computational expenses whenever massive simulations are involved (e.g., parametric optimization, uncertainty quantification). This high cost is the most serious bottleneck of simulation-driven...
Measurement system based on USB Z-Wave controller
PublikacjaA wireless measurement system based on the Z-Wave standard is presented in this paper. The system is composed of a U SB Z-Stick Gen5 controller connected to a Personal Computer and a Fibaro controller FGRGBWM-441. Operation of the system is controlled by software written in C++ using OpenZWave library. Some metrological aspects of the system are evaluated: accuracy, linearity, resolution and frequency of voltage measurements.