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wyświetlamy 1000 najlepszych wyników Pomoc
Surface water quality assessment by the use of combination of multivariate statistical classification and expert information
PublikacjaThe present study deals with the assessment of surface water quality from an industrial-urban region located in northern Poland near to the city of Gdansk. Concentrations of thirteen chemicals includingtotal polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), halogenated volatile organic compounds (HVOCs) and major ions in the samples collected at five sampling points during six campaigns were used as variablesthroughout the study. The originality...
A cryptic ribosome binding site, false signals in reporter systems and avoidance of protein translation chaos
PublikacjaThe expression of reporter gene may be induced by activation of cryptic signalling sequences, as we found while constructing the mutS-lacZ fusion gene. We cloned the Escherichia coli lacZ gene encoding beta-galactosidase into a plasmid vector carrying the Thermus thermophilus mutS gene. The clones expected to produce beta-galactosidase as the C-terminal fusion were selected for the complementation of beta-galactosidase activity...
Guided wave propagation signals measured on corroded stiffened panels
Dane BadawczeThe fundamental antisymmetric Lamb mode was excited by piezoelectric transducers attached at the pre-selected points on stiffened panels, representing typical structural ship components. The specimens were exposed to accelerated marine corrosion degradation, so the signals were collected to analyze the influence of the degree of degradation on the wave...
Broadband Compact Single-Layer Magic-T Junction with Separation of DC Signals between All Ports
PublikacjaA novel structure for a four-port microstrip magic-T junction is presented. The device is composed of microstrip and slotline circuits etched onto two sides of a dielectric substrate. The device is extremely compact and occupies an area more than three times smaller than similar structures recently reported in the literature. The novelty of the device lies in the use of microstrip/slotline transitions for both input ports: summation...
Investigation of vortex assisted magnetic deep eutectic solvent based dispersive liquid–liquid microextraction for separation and determination of vanadium from water and food matrices: Multivariate analysis
PublikacjaA new and simple vortex assisted magnetic deep eutectic solvent dispersive liquid–liquid microextraction procedure (VA-MDES-DLLME) was developed for the determination of vanadium (V) in food and water samples by flame atomic absorption spectrometry (FAAS). In the extraction medium, a bis(acetylpivalylmethane) ethylenediimine (H2APM2en) was used for the complexation of V(V) in sample solution at pH 6. The VA-MDES-DLLME was optimized...
Vibration signals collected for concrete beams with GFRP reinforcement subjected to elevated temperatures (120C-240C)
Dane BadawczeThe dataset contains the time domain signals obtained during dynamic tests of concrete beams reinforced with GFRP bars. The vibration were induced with the use of modal hammer, while the signals were collected by the accelerometers attached at the beam surface. The signals were captured before and after subjecting the concrete beams to elevated temperatures.
Signals of the NB-IoT network generated by using the radiocommunication tester R&S CMW500
Dane BadawczeThe published dataset contains signals of the NB-IoT networks generated in the controlled conditions by using the Rohde&Schwarz CMW500 radiocommunication tester and recorded by USRP-X310 device. A test signals of the NB-IoT networks operating in the in-band, standalone and guard-band modes were captured.
Enhanced susceptibility of SARS-CoV-2 spike RBD protein assay targeted by cellular receptors ACE2 and CD147: Multivariate data analysis of multisine impedimetric response
PublikacjaSevere acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) enters the cells through the binding of spike protein to the host cell surface-expressing angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (ACE2) or by endocytosis mediated by extracellular matrix metalloproteinase inducer (CD147). We present extended statistical studies of the multisine dynamic electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (DEIS) revealing interactions between Spike RBD and...
Generalized adaptive notch smoothers for real-valued signals and systems
PublikacjaSystems with quasi-periodically varying coefficients can be tracked using the algorithms known as generalized adaptive notch filters (GANFs). GANF algorithms can be considered an extension, to the system case, of classical adaptive notch filters (ANFs). We show that estimation accuracy of the existing algorithms, as well as their robustness to the choice of design parameters, can be considerably improved by means of compensating...
Hydroacoustic signals simulations in workstation for training asw helicopter navigators
PublikacjaPolska Marynarka Wojenna użytkuje śmigłowce wyposażone w systemy pokładowe zmoderni-zowane w ostatnich latach a przeznaczone do wykrywania i śledzenia okrętów podwodnych: sonary z opuszczaną anteną, odbiorniki do nasłuchu i analizy sygnałów z radiohydroboi oraz magnetometry. W artykule przedstawiono pokrótce strukturę trenażera nawigatorów - operatorów tych systemów, wykorzystywanego również jako stanowisko do analizy danych zebranych...
Two-stage method of impulsive noise detection for audio signals
PublikacjaPrzedstawiono nowa dwuetapową metodę detekcji zakłóceń impulsowych opartą na analizie funkcji gęstości rozkładu prawdopodobieństwa zakłóconego sygnału. Opisano algorytm określania poziomu wyzwalania detektora progowego.
Filtering of interference signals of grounding resistance measurement with subharmonic method
PublikacjaOmówiono metodę filtracji zakłóceń o częstotliwości sieciowej wraz z wyższymi harmonicznymi poprzez zastosowanie metody szczególnego próbkowania z podharmonicznym sygnałem pomiarowym.
Distortion of speech signals in the listening area: its mechanism and measurements
PublikacjaThe paper deals with a problem of the influence of the number and distribution of loudspeakers in speech reinforcement systems on the quality of publicly addressed voice messages, namely on speech intelligibility in the listening area. Linear superposition of time-shifted broadband waves of a same form and slightly different magnitudes that reach a listener from numerous coherent sources, is accompanied by interference effects...
Wave propagation signals in concrete beams under 3-point bending
Dane BadawczeThe DataSet contains the results of the mechanical behaviour of a concrete beams with dimensions 40 x 40 x 160 cm3under the 3-point bending. The beams were made of concrete with the following ingredients: CEM I 42.5R (450 kg/m3), water (177 kg/m3), sand 0-2 (675 kg/m3) and gravel 2-8 (675 kg/m3). The bending test was performed using a Zwick/Roell Z10...
Efficient recovery of electrophoretic profiles of nucleoside metabolites from urine samples by multivariate curve resolution
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Atmospheric and Surface Water Pollution Interpretation in the Gdańsk Beltway Impact Range by the Use of Multivariate Analysis
PublikacjaOpracowanie dotyczny zastosowania hierarchicznej analizy klastrów i testów nieparametrowych celem dokonania interpretacji wpływu Obwodnicy Trójmiejskiej. W większości przypadków wykryto obecność oddziaływań antropogenicznych (zastosowanie nawozów, transport, posypywanie dróg solą w okresie zimowych) jak i pół-środowiskowych (aerozole morskie, erozja materiałów budowlancyh). Nie wykrytu jednak ścisłej zależności okresowej dla zanieczyszczeń...
Multivariate Assessment of Procedures for Molecularly Imprinted Polymer Synthesis for Pesticides Determination in Environmental and Agricultural Samples
PublikacjaIn the case of quantitative and qualitative analysis of pesticides in environmental and food samples, it is required to perform a sample pre-treatment process. It allows to minimalize the impact of interferences on the final results, as well as increase the recovery rate. Nowadays, apart from routinely employed sample preparation techniques such as solid-phase extraction (SPE) or solid-phase microextraction (SPME), the application...
The set of 22 sessions of 14-channel eeg signals recorded during watching pictures
Dane BadawczeThe data were collected in order to perform research on the possibility of controlling the content displayed on the monitor screen using human emotional states extracted from EEG signals. The dataset contains recordings of 14-channel EEG signals collected from 10 persons within 22 sessions, during which 45 different random photos taken from the ImageNet...
The multivariate multilevel analisis of different regional factors impact on road saferty in european country regions = Wielopoziomowa analiza wieloczynnikowa wpływu różnych charakterystyk regionalnych na poziom bezpieczeństwo ruchu w regionach krajów europejskich
PublikacjaIn this research, the effect of the European regional differences on the risk of been killed in road accident in these regions is investigated. Factors which differentiate regions can be described as automotive, economic, infrastructural, demographic, geographic. Analyzed risk, counted as regional fatality rate was modeled by the Poisson model. Because of regional diversity of Poisson distribution parameters, the Poisson distribution...
Testing the Wide-Sense Stationarity of Bandpass Signals for Underwater Acoustic Communications
PublikacjaThe Underwater Acoustic Communication (UAC) systems work in communication channels characterized by a large variety of multipath propagation conditions that can additionally change over time. Designing a reliable communication system requires knowledge of the transmission parameters of the channel. There is a need for the development of adaptive signaling schemes that would dynamically optimize the signal parameters of the physical...
Time-scale modification of speech signals for supporting hearing impaired schoolchildren
PublikacjaA study of time scale modification algorithmsapplied to hearing impaired schoolchildren supporting ispresented. Variety of algorithms are considered, namely:overlap and add, two variations of synchronized overlapand add, and the phase vocoder. Their effectiveness as wellas real-time processing capabilities are examined.
Elastic wave propagation signals in concrete cube (experimental and calculated using discrete element method)
Dane BadawczeThe DataSet contains the results of the elastic wave propagation. Both experimental and numerical signals were obtained for the concrete cube with dimensions of 50 × 50 × 50 mm3. The specimen was made of concrete with called mortar concrete. The ingredients of the concrete mix were as follows: CEM I 42.5R (500 kg/m3), sand 0 – 2 (1500 kg/m3) and water...
Preoperative factors predicting saphenous vein graft occlusion in coronary artery bypass grafting: a multivariate analysis
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Authentication of whisky due to its botanical origin and way of production by instrumental analysis and multivariate classification methods
PublikacjaHeadspacemass-spectrometry (HS-MS), mid infrared (MIR) and UV–vis spectroscopywere used to authenticate whisky samples from different origins and ways of production ((Irish, Spanish, Bourbon, TennesseeWhisky and Scotch). The collected spectra were processed with partial least-squares discriminant analysis (PLS-DA) to build the classification models. In all cases the five groups ofwhiskieswere distinguished, but the best resultswere...
Magnetic flux leakage signals of near side defects measured with different velocities
Dane BadawczeThe dataset contains raw signals measured with the use of the magnetic flux leakage (MFL) technique. Linear Hall effect sensors A1324 were used to measure magnetic flux leakage. Three voltage signals were measured: Bx sensor output, Bz1 sensor output, and difference of Bz1 and Bz2 outputs. An output of a Bx sensor was directly proportional to the tangential...
Magnetic flux leakage signals of far side defects measured with different velocities
Dane BadawczeThe dataset contains raw signals measured with the use of the magnetic flux leakage (MFL) technique. Linear Hall effect sensors A1324 were used to measure magnetic flux leakage. Three voltage signals were measured: Bx sensor output, Bz1 sensor output, and difference of Bz1 and Bz2 outputs. An output of a Bx sensor was directly proportional to the tangential...
New approach for determining the QoS of MP3-coded voice signals in IP networks
PublikacjaPresent-day IP transport platforms being what they are, it will never be possible to rule out conflicts between the available services. The logical consequence of this assertion is the inevitable conclusion that the quality of service (QoS) must always be quantifiable no matter what. This paper focuses on one method to determine QoS. It defines an innovative, simple model that can evaluate the QoS of MP3-coded voice data transported...
Sources of High Variance between Probe Signals in Affymetrix Short Oligonucleotide Microarrays
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<title>Spectrum analysis of measuring signals in sensor circuits with frequency outputs</title>
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Intelligent acquisition of audio signals, employing neutral networks and rough set algorithms
PublikacjaAlgorytmy oparte na sztucznych sieciach neuronowych i metodzie zbiorówprzybliżonych zostały zastosowane do lokalizacji sygnałów fonicznych obar-czonych pasożytniczym szumem i rewerberacjami. Informacja o kierunku napły-wania dźwięku była uzyskiwana na wyjściach tych algorytmów na podstawie re-prezentacji parametrycznej. Przedstawiono wyniki eksperymentalne i przepro-wadzono ich dyskusję.
Reliability and Operating Analysis of Transmission of Alarm Signals of Distributed Fire Signaling System
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Leveraging Training Strategies of Artificial Neural Network for Classification of Multiday Electromyography Signals
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Time domain diagnosis of anticorrosion coatings via shape designed measurement signals.
PublikacjaW pracy przedstawiono operującą w dziedzinie czasu metodę diagnostyki pokryć przeciwkorozyjnych, na poziomie identyfikacji parametrów obwodu zastępczego. Metoda jest oparta na pobudzeniu obiektu sygnałem niekonwencjonalnym o projektowanym kształcie i pomiarze odpowiedzi obiektu (tzw. obserwabla) po upływie zadanego czasu T. Parametry obwodu zastępczego są obliczane bezpośrednio z obserwabli na podstawie równań wynikających z topologii...
Elimination of Impulsive Disturbances From Archive Audio Signals Using Bidirectional Processing
PublikacjaIn this application-oriented paper we consider the problem of elimination of impulsive disturbances, such as clicks, pops and record scratches, from archive audio recordings. The proposed approach is based on bidirectional processing—noise pulses are localized by combining the results of forward-time and backward-time signal analysis. Based on the results of specially designed empirical tests (rather than on the results of theoretical analysis),...
A method of RTS noise identification in noise signals of semiconductor devices in the time domain
PublikacjaIn the paper a new method of Random Telegraph Signal (RTS) noise identification is presented. The method is based on a standardized histogram of instantaneous noise values and processing by Gram-Charlier series. To find a device generating RTS noise by the presented method one should count the number of significant coefficients of the Gram-Charlier series. This would allow to recognize the type of noise. There is always one (first)...
Analysis of magnetic signals of vehicles aided by matched filtering with FPGA FFT processor
PublikacjaW artykule przedstawiono system analizy i identyfikacji pojazdów oparty na pomiarze indukcji magnetycznej. Do tego celu jest stosowany zestaw czujników magnatycznych pracujących bezprzewodowo, który pozwala na monitorowanie ruchu pojazdów na lotniskach, w potrach i punktach kontroli granicznej. System taki może być zastosowany do wykrywania i identyfikacji pojadów zawierających elementy ferromagnetyczne, które zaburzają pole magnetyczne...
Measurement of magnetic signals of vehicles with denoising by matched filtering with FPGA FFT processor
PublikacjaW artykule przedstawiono realizację systemu do analizy i identyfikacji pojazdów oparty na pomiarze indukcji magnetycznej. Proponowany system może być zastosowany do wykrywania i identyfikacji pojadów zawierających elementy ferromagnetyczne, które zaburzają pole magnetyczne ziemi. Zaburzenie to można zmierzyć przy zastosowaniu trójosiowych magnetometrów transduktorowych, pracującyh w układzie różnicowycm. Zastosowano w systemie...
Are vehicles driven in electric mode so quiet that they need acoustic warning signals?
PublikacjaW referacie przedstawiono i przedyskutowano problematykę znacznej redukcji hałasu emitowanego przez pojazdy z napędem elektrycznym i potencjalnego wzrostu zagrożenia bezpieczeństwa ruchu drogowego związanego z niezauważaniem takich pojazdów przez pieszych uczestników ruchu. Rozważano konieczność instalowania w takich pojazdach specjalnych sygnałów ostrzegawczych. Zestawiano ilość wypadków z udziałem pieszych i pojazdów poruszających...
PublikacjaIn this paper, a novel method of bearing estimation in a passive sonar system with a towed array is introduced. The classical approach of bearing estimation based on the spatial spectrum [1] is extended by using the synchrosqeezing method that is a part of the reassignment method introduced by Kodera et al. [2]. Using this method leads to a precise bearing estimation. The proposed method requires a relatively small amount of computation,...
Advances in Modelling and Analysis B: Signals, Information, Data, Patterns
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Hydrological signals in polar motion excitation – Evidence after fifteen years of the GRACE mission
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DMI measurements impact on a position estimation with lack of GNSS signals during Mobile Mapping
PublikacjaNowadays, Mobile Laser Scanning is common in use in addition to geodesy measurements. The data which are provided by the system characterizes with high precision and flexibility. To precise mapping, the accuracy of the data should be maintained. In Poland, according to the minister’s dispositions, the accuracy of the data should not exceeded 10 cm. With fully operated system it is easy to uphold, but there is a situation when a...
Higuchi fractal dimension analysis of surface EMG signals and determination of active electrode positions
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Pulse Transit Time - Fiducial Points Accuracy Determination as Examined by Means of Synthetic Signals
PublikacjaThere are many approaches to non-invasively deter-mine blood pressure. Among them there are methods based on utilizing pulse transit time measured by means of photoplethys-mography. The variability of the blood pressure drop between two measurement sensors placed along the artery and its dependence on the selected parameters describing the cardiovascular system is presented in the paper. This pressure drop modifies the pressure...
Evaluation of Barkhausen Noise and Magnetoacoustic Emission Signals Properties for Plastically Deformed Armco Iron
PublikacjaArtykuł prezentuje wyniki badania wpływu różnych rodzajów deformacji plastycznej na właściwości magnetoakustyczne żelaza Armco. Badane były dwie serie próbek - pierwsza składała się ze wstępnie wyżarzonych próbek, które następnie były walcowane na zimno, w skład drugiej wchodziły natomiast próbki wycięte z komercyjnie dostępnej blachy wykonanej z żelaza Armco a następnie poddane obciążeniom rozciągającym. Walcowanie na zimno prowadzi...
Heart rate PPG signals with acceleration captured at wrist during small and moderate body movements
Dane BadawczeHeart rate PPG signals with acceleration captured at wrist during small and moderate body movements
Robust identification of glass breaks acoustic signals based on Wavelet transformation and Rock Solid Attributes.
PublikacjaStosowane w systemach alarmowych współczesne metody detekcji zbicia szyby, wykorzystują zwykle analizę sygnałów akustycznych towarzyszących temu procesowi. Podstawową metodą identyfikacji jest detekcja kilku charakterystycznych częstotliwości, niestety takie podejście wprowadza możliwość zafałszowania wyniku detekcji przez sygnały fałszywe, które mają zbliżaną charakterystykę widmową. Znacznie lepsze rezultaty osiągnąć można stosując...
Iterative learning approach to active noise control of highly autocorrelated signals with applications to machinery noise
PublikacjaThis paper discusses the design and application of iterative learning control (ILC) and repetitive control (RC) for high modal density systems. Typical examples of these systems are structural and acoustical systems considered in active structural acoustic control (ASAC) and active noise control (ANC) applications. The application of traditional ILC and RC design techniques, which are based on a parametric system model, on systems...
PublikacjaA team of academic researchers from the Gdańsk University of Technology, Gdynia Maritime University and the Polish Naval Academy have been working since 2009 on the methodology of using active GNSS geodetic networks for geodetic inventory of railways and on adapting this measurement technique for designing geometric layouts of railway and tram lines. Over the years, the team tested a variety of configurations of receivers and settings...
Determination of mercury in mosses by novel cold vapor generation atmospheric pressure glow microdischarge optical emission spectrometry after multivariate optimization