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Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: TWO-STAGE DEA
Multi-stage magnetic-fluid seals for operating in water - life test procedure, test stand and research results. Part II Results of life tests of multi-stage magnetic - fluid seal operating in water
PublikacjaThe edge criteria for magnetic-fluid seals durability research were described in previous article [24] and now the tests results are presented. The tests were made with three magnetic fluids using various magnets quantity in magnetic assemblies. If values obtained in the repeated test deviated by more than 10 % from results of the first test an additional control test was made for final characteristics. The characteristics are:...
Two-state dynamics for replicating two-strand systems
PublikacjaDynamika dwustanowa została zastosowana do opisów układów dwuniciowych, analogicznych do DNA.
Heat transfer of two-interacting microjets
PublikacjaThe present paper paid particular attention to the flow and heat transfer performance for two microjets impinging upon the heated surface by means of experimental investigations.
A 0.5-V bulk-driven voltage follower / DC level shifter and its application in class AB output stage
PublikacjaA simple realization of a 0.5-V bulk-driven voltage follower/DC level shifter, designed in a 0.18um CMOS technology is presented in the paper. The circuit is characterized by large input and output voltage swings, and a DC voltage gain close to unity. The DC voltage shift between input and output terminals can be regulated in a certain interval around zero, by means of biasing current sinks. An application of the proposed voltage...
Analysis of the structure of the atomized fuel spray with marine diesel engine injector in the early stage of injection
PublikacjaThis paper presents the results of the experimental research of the atomized fuel spray with the marine diesel engine injector in the constant volume chamber. The specificity of the phenomena occurring in the marine engine cylinder was the reason to use the optical visualisation method in the studies – the Mie scattering technique. This work presents an analysis of the influence of different geometry of outlet orifice and opening...
Experimental certification of more than one bit of quantum randomness in the two inputs and two outputs scenario
PublikacjaOne of the striking properties of quantum mechanics is the occurrence of the Bell-type non-locality. They are a fundamental feature of the theory that allows two parties that share an entangled quantum system to observe correlations stronger than possible in classical physics. In addition to their theoretical significance, non-local correlations have practical applications, such as device-independent randomness generation, providing...
Experimental ORC micro-power plant for CHP application Part B: Radial and Multi-stage axial turbines
PublikacjaThe co-generative micro-power plant with the HFE7100 applied as a working medium was designed and built for experimental investigations. Special attention is paid to a micro-turbine which was built and tested in two variants: a radial turbine and an axial turbine. A concept of a radial turbine with 2 centripetal and 2 centrifugal stages is shown. This prototype was equipped with an aerostatic gas bearing and, alternatively, with...
The two ring road complexes of Gdansk
PublikacjaThe urban structure of Gdańsk city centre is determined by two ring road complexes. The first of them, the Gdańsk Ring, has been designed by Hermann Josef Stübben as a result of a defortification at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries. This new modern zone of the city centre was destroyed like the rest of Gdańsk in the end of World War Two and had not been reconstructed as a result of de-Germanization of the Recovered Territories....
Turbine stage design aided by artificial intelligence methods
PublikacjaZaproponowano ogólny, wydajny system wspomagania projektowania palisad , stopni i grupy stopni turbinowych. Zastosowane algorytmy wykorzystują algorytmy genetyczne, sieci neuronowe i obliczenia równoległe. Uzyskane rozwiązania projektowe są wysoko zoptymalizowane pod względem sprawności, a czas ich uzyskania jest o kilka rzędów wielkości mniejszy, niż przy zastosowaniu obliczeń CFD.
Multi-stage magnetic-fluid seals for operating in water - life test procedure, test stand and research results
PublikacjaThe edge criteria for magnetic-fluid seals durability research are critical for the seal'stechnological usefulness. The magnetic fluid seal technology in water is much moredifficult technological problem in comparison to gas or vacuum environment. There isalways problem with immediate contact between magnetic fluid and the environmentaluninspected liquids. In the paper are presented ways of experiments definitions carried outwith...
Reliable Multi-Stage Optimization of Antennas for Multiple Performance Figures in Highly-Dimensional Parameter Spaces
PublikacjaDesign of modern antenna structures needs to account for multiple performance figures and geometrical constraints. Fulfillment of these calls for the development of complex topologies described by a large number of parameters. EM-driven tuning of such designs is mandatory yet immensely challenging. In this letter, a new framework for multi-stage design optimization of multi-dimensional antennas with respect to several performance...
Example of Using Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm with Nelder–Mead Method for Flow Improvement in Axial Last Stage of Gas–Steam Turbine
PublikacjaThis article focuses principally on the comparison baseline and the optimized flow efficiency of the final stage of an axial turbine operating on a gas–steam mixture by applying a hybrid Nelder– Mead and the particle swarm optimization method. Optimization algorithms are combined with CFD calculations to determine the flowpaths and thermodynamic parameters. The working fluid in this study is a mixture of steam and gas produced...
Cell Density-Dependent Cytological Stage Profile and Its Application for a Screen of Cytostatic Agents Active Toward Leukemic Stem Cells
PublikacjaProliferation and expansion of leukemia is driven by leukemic stem cells (LSCs). Multidrug resistance (MDR) of LSCs is one of the main reasons of failure and relapses in acute myeloid leukemia (AML) treatment. In this study, we show that maintaining HL-60 at low cell culture density or applying a 240-day treatment with anthrapyridazone (BS-121) increased the percentage of primitive cells, which include LSCs determining the overall...
Modelling of some stealth features for a small navy ship at the concept design stage - part II
PublikacjaIn the paper a few problems associated with modelling the basic stealth features for a small ship at the concept design stage are introduced. One problem concerns the modification of the immersed ship hull using the rapid change of the ship loading condition. The second is associated with the modification of the ship boundary layer by the hull skin cover. The other stealth features of the ship are not presented in this paper. The...
Two-photon perimetry utilizing picosecond laser
PublikacjaAge-related impairments are becoming more and more severe for aging societies. The sensory organ diseases are particularly troublesome as they exclude seniors from their everyday activity. Therefore, maintaining good quality eyesight is essential for normal functioning. New medical therapies help restrain age-related changes, but still, monitoring is essential to the treatment process. Humans do not have the natural ability to...
Machine Learning Algorithm-Based Tool and Digital Framework for Substituting Daylight Simulations In Early- Stage Architectural Design Evaluation
PublikacjaThe aim of this paper is to examine the new method of obtaining the simulation-based results using backpropagation of errors artificial neural networks. The primary motivation to conduct the research was to determine an alternative, more efficient and less timeconsuming method which would serve to achieve the results of daylight simulations. Three daylight metrics: Daylight Factor, Daylight Autonomy and Daylight Glare Probability have...
Climbing university rankings under resources constraints: a combined approach integrating DEA and directed Louvain community detection
PublikacjaOver recent years, scholarly interest in universities’ allocation and effective utilisation of financial resources has been growing. When used efficiently, financial resources may improve universities’ quality of research and teaching, and therefore their positions inworld university rankings. However, despite the relevance of financial efficiency to university placement in academic rankings, universities’ total available financial...
Accelerated simulation-driven design optimisation of compact couplers by means of two-level space mapping
PublikacjaIn this study, the authors discuss a robust and efficient technique for rapid design of compact couplers. The approach exploits two-level space mapping (SM) correction of an equivalent circuit model of the coupler structure under design. The first SM layer (local correction) is utilised to ensure good matching between the equivalent circuit and the electromagnetic model at the component level. Subsequent global correction allows...
Influence of electric, magnetic and electromagnetic fields on the circadian system – current stage of knowledge
PublikacjaOne of the side effects of each electrical device work is the electromagnetic field generated near its workplace. All organisms, including humans, are exposed daily to the influence of different types of this field, characterized by various physical parameters. Therefore, it is important to accurately determine the effects of an electromagnetic field on the physiological and pathological processes occurring in cells, tissues and...
Measures of Functional Reliability of Two-Lane Highways
PublikacjaRural two-lane highways are the most common road type both in Poland and globally. In terms of kilometres, their length is by far greater than that of motorways and expressways. They are roads of one carriageway for each direction, which makes the overtaking of slower vehicles possible only when there is a gap in the stream of traffic moving from the opposite direction. Motorways and express roads are dual carriageways that are...
On-line Search in Two-Dimensional Environment
PublikacjaWe consider the following on-line pursuit-evasion problem. A team of mobile agents called searchers starts at an arbitrary node of an unknown network. Their goal is to execute a search strategy that guarantees capturing a fast and invisible intruder regardless of its movements using as few searchers as possible. As a way of modeling two-dimensional shapes, we restrict our attention to networks that are embedded into partial grids:...
Comparison of Impedance-Source Networks for Two and Multilevel Buck–Boost Inverter Applications
Publikacjampedance-source networks are an increasingly popular solution in power converter applications, especially in single-stage buck-boost power conversion to avoid additional front-end dc-dc power converters. In the survey papers published, no analytical comparisons of different topologies have been described, which makes it difficult to choose the best option. Thus, the aim of this paper is to present a comprehensive analytical comparison...
Two examples of Quantum Dynamical Semigroups
PublikacjaThe Hamiltonians of the considered bi-partite systems are of the form $$ H_{S,R} = H_S /times 1_R + Q_{S} /times M_R + 1_S /times H_R $$ Subindex $S$ corresponds to the observed system and $R$ to the reservoir (the enviroment of $S$). Two classes of systems are distinguished: the discrete-continuous...
Pipelined Two-Operand Modular Adders
PublikacjaPipelined two-operand modular adder (TOMA) is one of basic components used in digital signal processing (DSP) systems that use the residue number system (RNS). Such modular adders are used in binary/residue and residue/binary converters, residue multipliers and scalers as well as within residue processing channels. The structure of pipelined TOMAs is usually obtained by inserting an appropriate number of pipeline register layers within...
Multi-stage freezing of HEUR polymer networks with magnetite nanoparticles
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Brentuximab Vedotin with Chemotherapy for Stage III or IV Hodgkin’s Lymphoma
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Reliability and efficiency of pollution removal during long-term operation of a one-stage constructed wetland system with horizontal flow
PublikacjaThe paper presents the results of a study of the reliability and efficiency of pollutant removal during long term operation of a one-stage constructed wetland system with horizontal flow. The flow rate of the wastewater treatment plant was 1.2 m3·d-1 during the research period. Physical and chemical analyses of raw wastewater and treated effluent were carried out in the years 1997–2010 (14 years). During this study period, 56 series...
Sprawozdanie z udziału w ,,Stage technique international d’archives” we Francji, Paryż, Lyon 25 III–26 IV 2019 r.
PublikacjaSprawozdanie z udziału w stażu technicznym dla archiwistów - Stage technique international d'archives w 2019 r.
Method for universal detection of two-photon polarization entanglement
PublikacjaDetecting and quantifying quantum entanglement of a given unknown state poses problems that are fundamentally important for quantum information processing. Surprisingly, no direct (i.e., without quantum tomography) universal experimental implementation of a necessary and sufficient test of entanglement has been designed even for a general two-qubit state. Here we propose an experimental method for detecting a collective universal...
The Efficiency and Productivity Evaluation of National Innovation Systems in Europe
PublikacjaPurpose: An efficient innovation system currently plays a crucial role in creating competitive prevalence, contributing to the economic growth of individual states. The innovation system is influenced by many socioeconomic factors, including in international rankings of innovativeness of economies. These classifications have some limitations. Primarily, they do not examine the efficiency, which means they do not analyze the...
Portable raman spectrometer with two excitation wavelengths
PublikacjaSelected problems of development of a portable Raman spectrometer having small size, reduced power consumption and robust construction are shown. The device dedicated for semiskilled personnel uses two lasers: 785nm and 355nm. Results of preliminary tests are presented. Also data processing procedures as well as problems referred to Raman signals acquisition through packages and influence of interfering signals are discussed.
The influence of phosphorus fractions in bottom sediments on phosphate removal in semi-natural systems as the 3rd stage of biological wastewater treatment
PublikacjaThe research was carried out in two semi-natural systems (the polishing ponds in Swarzewo and the free water surface constructed wetland in Zarnowiec) in Poland. They were built as the 3rd stage of a conventional mechanical–biological wastewater treatment plant. These systems were built to improve the quality of the effluent of treated wastewater. In the polishing ponds and FWS wetland system, suspended solids, organic matter as...
On exact two-dimensional kinematics for the branching shells
PublikacjaWe construct the two-dimensional (2D) kinematics which is work-conjugate to the exact 2D local equilibrium conditions of the non-linear theory of branching shells. It is shown that the compatible shell displacements consist of the translation vector and rotation tensor fields defined on the regular parts of the shell base surface as well as independently on the singular surface curve modelling the shell branching. Several characteristic...
On-line Search in Two-Dimensional Environment
PublikacjaWe consider the following on-line pursuit-evasion problem. A team of mobile agents called searchers starts at an arbitrary node of an unknown network. Their goal is to execute a search strategy that guarantees capturing a fast and invisible intruder regardless of its movements using as few searchers as possible. We require that the strategy is connected and monotone, that is, at each point of the execution the part of the graph...
Radial and angular correlations in a confined system of two atoms in two-dimensional geometry
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Quasi-exact solutions for two interacting electrons in two-dimensional anisotropic dots
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Fashion and Tourism: Parallel Stories of Two "Dream Marvels".
PublikacjaFashion and tourism are two social, cultural, and economic phenomena that have both numerous connections and surprising similarities. These are not new: they have been built and developed since the beginnings of tourism as a modern social phenomenon, emerged in Europe in the context of the industrial revolution. They consolidated in the first decades of the 21st century, in a context where both phenomena have completed their “mass”...
Two-dimensional gas chromatography – principles and application in fruits analysis
PublikacjaTwo-dimensional gas chromatography is a rapidly developing analytical technique. One of the major uses of this technique is its use for food analysis. The paper presents the principle of operation and history of this analytical technique. The specification of the two-dimensional gas chromatography technique has been discussed. The principles of separation of ingredients and application of the method, particularly in the analysis...
Development and experimental validation of a novel double-stage yield steel slit damper-buckling restrained brace
PublikacjaThis research is focused on the development and experimental validation of a novel double-stage yield steel slit damper-buckling restrained brace (SSD-DYB) system designed for seismic resistance of steel structures. The SSD-DYB integrates the energy dissipation capability of a steel slit damper (SSD) in its initial segment, enhancing performance in the case of lower seismic intensities levels while employing a larger segment for...
Characterization of two aminotransferases from Candida albicans
PublikacjaAminoadipate aminotransferase (AmAA) is an enzyme of α-aminoadipate pathway (AAP) for l-lysine biosynthesis. AmAA may also participated in biosynthesis or degradation of aromatic amino acids and in d-tryptophan based pigment production. The AAP is unique for fungal microorganisms. Enzymes involved in this pathway have specific structures and properties. These features can be used as potential molecular markers. Enzymes catalyzing...
Global dynamics in a stage-structured discrete-time population model with harvesting
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Quality of life in long-term survivors of early stage endometrial cancer
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Compact scheduling of zero–one time operations in multi-stage systems
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Compact scheduling of zero-one time operations in multi-stage systems.
PublikacjaRozważamy szeregowanie zwarte na maszynach dedykowanych z zero-jedynkowymi operacjami w modelu otwartym, przepływowym i mieszanym. Harmonogramy zostały zmodelowane przy pomocy pokolorowań krawędzi grafu konfliktów z pewnymi dodatkowymi ograniczeniami. Dowodzimy NP-trudności problemów w przypadku ogólnym oraz prezentujemy przegląd znanych wielomianowych algorytmów szeregujących dla systemów o specyficznej budowie.
Theoretical and experimental flow analysis through the model water turbine stage
PublikacjaW artykule zaprezentowano teoretyczną i eksperymentalną analizę przepływu przez stopień modelowej turbiny wodnej. Przedstawiono rozwiązanie zadania prostego dla dwuwymiarowego modelu przepływu. Zaprezentowano przykład numerycznej symulacji przepływu za pomocą komeryjnych kodów obliczeniowych oraz porównano wyniki symulacji numerycznych przepływu z wynikami badań eksperymentalnych.
Dynamic analysis of the first stage compressor bladed disc of an aircraft engine
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Towards an efficient multi-stage Riemann solver for nuclear physics simulations
PublikacjaRelativistic numerical hydrodynamics is an important tool in high energy nuclear science. However, such simulations are extremely demanding in terms of computing power. This paper focuses on improving the speed of solving the Riemann problem with the MUSTA-FORCE algorithm by employing the CUDA parallel programming model. We also propose a new approach to 3D finite difference algorithms, which employ a GPU that uses surface memory....
Determination of pitting corrosion stage of stainless steel by galvanodynamic impedance spectroscopy
PublikacjaThis paper investigates the methodology for differentiation of multistep process of pitting corrosion of AISI 304 stainless steel in the environment of iron (III) chloride. Measurements were performed using Galvanodynamic Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy (GDEIS). Application of this methodology allowed monitoring of natural corrosion process without external current (IDC = 0A) nor potential perturbation of the system. Applied...
Two-particle entropy and structural ordering in liquid water
PublikacjaEntropies of simple point charge (SPC) water were calculated over the temperature range 278-363 K using the two-particle correlation function approximation. Then, the total two-particle contribution to the entropy of the system was divided into three parts, which we call translational, configurational, and orientational. The configurational term describes the contribution to entropy, which originates from spatial distribution of...
Two Approaches to Constructing Certified Dominating Sets in Social Networks
PublikacjaSocial networks are an important part of our community. In this context, certified dominating sets help to find in networks a group of people, referring as officials, such that 1) for each civilian, there is an official that can serve the civilian, and 2) no official is adjacent to exactly one civilian, to prevent potential abuses. To delve deeper into this topic, this study considers two approaches to the problem of finding certified...