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Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: algorithms
Cost minimization of locating construction machinery park with the use of simulation and optimization algorithms
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Comparative Analysis of Regular Grid Based Algorithms in the Design of Graphical Control Panels
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Algorithms for spatial analysis and interpolation of discrete sets of Critical Infrastructure hazard data
PublikacjaNowo opracowane zaawansowane narzędzia technologii informacyjnych i komunikacyjnych (TIK) ujawniają swoją przydatność do przewidywania różnego rodzaju zagrożeń oraz minimalizowania związanego z nimi potencjalnego ryzyka. Jednakże większość tych narzędzi operuje jedynie na niektórych typach infrastruktury i zaniedbuje ich przestrzenne interakcje z otoczeniem oraz innymi strukturami. Niniejszy artykuł zawiera propozycje kilku algorytmów...
Comparison of Deep Neural Network Learning Algorithms for Mars Terrain Image Segmentation
PublikacjaThis paper is dedicated to the topic of terrain recognition on Mars using advanced techniques based on the convolutional neural networks (CNN). The work on the project was conducted based on the set of 18K images collected by the Curiosity, Opportunity and Spirit rovers. The data were later processed by the model operating in a Python environment, utilizing Keras and Tensorflow repositories. The model benefits from the pretrained...
Driver’s Condition Detection System Using Multimodal Imaging and Machine Learning Algorithms
PublikacjaTo this day, driver fatigue remains one of the most significant causes of road accidents. In this paper, a novel way of detecting and monitoring a driver’s physical state has been proposed. The goal of the system was to make use of multimodal imaging from RGB and thermal cameras working simultaneously to monitor the driver’s current condition. A custom dataset was created consisting of thermal and RGB video samples. Acquired data...
Some Artificial Intelligence Driven Algorithms For Mobile Edge Computing in Smart City
PublikacjaSmart mobile devices can share computing workload with the computer cloud that is important when artificial intelligence tools support computer systems in a smart city. This concept brings computing on the edge of the cloud, closer to citizens and it can shorten latency. Edge computing removes a crucial drawback of the smart city computing because city services are usually far away from citizens, physically. Besides, we introduced...
Gradient based basis function algorithms for identification of quasi periodically varying processes.
PublikacjaW pracy przedstawiono problem identyfikacji systemów, których parametry zmieniają się w sposób pseudookresowy. Pokazano sposób, w jaki można modelować takie systemy przy zastosowaniu metody harmonicznych funkcji bazowych.Przedstawiono dwa sposoby dekompozycji (struktura szeregowa i równoległa) takich układów na elementy związane z poszczególnymi funkcjami bazowymi. Zaprezentowany został sposób śledzenia częstotliwości funkcji...
Optimal design and control tuning of the power generation interfaces using genetic algorithms
PublikacjaReferat przedstawia zastosowania algorytmów genetycznych do rozwiązywania klasycznych problemów w elektrotechnice. Zostały one zastosowane do optymalizacji parametrów regulatora VSC w celu zmniejszenia strat mocy i dostrajania tych parametrów w stanach przejściowych. Wyniki rozważań zostały potwierdzone za pomocą badań symulacyjnych.
Intelligent acquisition of audio signals, employing neutral networks and rough set algorithms
PublikacjaAlgorytmy oparte na sztucznych sieciach neuronowych i metodzie zbiorówprzybliżonych zostały zastosowane do lokalizacji sygnałów fonicznych obar-czonych pasożytniczym szumem i rewerberacjami. Informacja o kierunku napły-wania dźwięku była uzyskiwana na wyjściach tych algorytmów na podstawie re-prezentacji parametrycznej. Przedstawiono wyniki eksperymentalne i przepro-wadzono ich dyskusję.
Algorithms and Data Structures 2022
Kursy OnlineWETI, DS, Algorithms and Data Structures
Performance Evaluation of Selected Parallel Object Detection and Tracking Algorithms on an Embedded GPU Platform
PublikacjaPerformance evaluation of selected complex video processing algorithms, implemented on a parallel, embedded GPU platform Tegra X1, is presented. Three algorithms were chosen for evaluation: a GMM-based object detection algorithm, a particle filter tracking algorithm and an optical flow based algorithm devoted to people counting in a crowd flow. The choice of these algorithms was based on their computational complexity and parallel...
A Selection of Starting Points for Iterative Position Estimation Algorithms Using Feedforward Neural Networks
PublikacjaThis article proposes the use of a feedforward neural network (FNN) to select the starting point for the first iteration in well-known iterative location estimation algorithms, with the research objective of finding the minimum size of a neural network that allows iterative position estimation algorithms to converge in an example positioning network. The selected algorithms for iterative position estimation, the structure of the...
An Approach to Bass Enhancement in Portable Computers Employing Smart Virtual Bass Synthesis Algorithms
PublikacjaThe aim of this paper is to present a novel approach to the Virtual Bass Synthesis (VBS) algorithms applied to portable computers. The developed algorithms are related to intelligent, rule-based setting of synthesis parameters according to music genre of an audio excerpt and to the type of a portable device in use. To find optimum synthesis parameters of the VBS algorithms, subjective listening tests based on a parametric procedure...
Parallel implementation of background subtraction algorithms for real-time video processing on a supercomputer platform
PublikacjaResults of evaluation of the background subtraction algorithms implemented on a supercomputer platform in a parallel manner are presented in the paper. The aim of the work is to chose an algorithm, a number of threads and a task scheduling method, that together provide satisfactory accuracy and efficiency of a real-time processing of high resolution camera images, maintaining the cost of resources usage at a reasonable level. Two...
Task Scheduling – Review of Algorithms and Analysis of Potential Use in a Biological Wastewater Treatment Plant
PublikacjaThe idea of task scheduling is to increase the efficiency of a system by minimising wasted time, evenly loading machines, or maximising the throughput of machines. Moreover, the use of appropriate scheduling algorithms often leads to a reduction in the energy costs of the process. Task scheduling problems are found in a variety of industrial areas, and their scale changes significantly depending on the problem. This review shows...
Fast Algorithms for Identification of Time-Varying Systems with Both Smooth and Discontinuous Parameter Changes
PublikacjaThe problem of noncausal identification of a time-varying linear system subject to both smooth and occasional jump-type changes is considered and solved using the preestimation technique combined with the basis function approach to modeling the variability of system parameters. The proposed estimation algorithms yield very good parameter tracking results and are computationally attractive.
Optimal Placement of Phasor Measurement Unit in Power System using Meta-Heuristic Algorithms
PublikacjaThe phasor measurement units (PMUs) play an important and vital role in power system monitoring and controlling, since they provide the power system phasors stamped with a common real time reference through a global positioning system (GPS). Indeed, from economical point of view it is not possible to set PMUs in all system buses due to the high cost and the requirement of more complex communication...
A New, Reconfigurable Circuit Offering Functionality of AND and OR Logic Gates for Use in Algorithms Implemented in Hardware
PublikacjaThe paper presents a programmable (using a 1-bit signal) digital gate that can operate in one of two OR or AND modes. A circuit of this type can also be implemented using conventional logic gates. However, in the case of the proposed circuit, compared to conventional solutions, the advantage is a much smaller number of transistors necessary for its implementation. Circuit is also much faster than its conventional counterpart. The...
Evaluation of Vehicle Routing Problem Algorithms for Transport Logistics Using Dedicated GIS System
PublikacjaThe development and research related to optimization of fleet management is of high interest among many industrial and scientific entities related to logistics and transport. Optimal distribution of transportation resources leads to significant cost reduction. In this context, scientific research related to so called Vehicle Routing Problem (VRP) which relies on determining the shortest transport routes for a strictly limited number...
Analysis of the Capability of Deep Learning Algorithms for EEG-based Brain-Computer Interface Implementation
PublikacjaMachine learning models have received significant attention for their exceptional performance in classifying electroencephalography (EEG) data. They have proven to be highly effective in extracting intricate patterns and features from the raw signal data, thereby contributing to their success in EEG classification tasks. In this study, we explore the possibilities of utilizing contemporary machine learning algorithms in decoding...
Study of Multi-Class Classification Algorithms’ Performance on Highly Imbalanced Network Intrusion Datasets
PublikacjaThis paper is devoted to the problem of class imbalance in machine learning, focusing on the intrusion detection of rare classes in computer networks. The problem of class imbalance occurs when one class heavily outnumbers examples from the other classes. In this paper, we are particularly interested in classifiers, as pattern recognition and anomaly detection could be solved as a classification problem. As still a major part of...
Adaptive stochastic and hybrid nonlinear optimization algorithms for improving the effectiveness of the biological processes at WWTP
PublikacjaWastewater treatment plays an important factor in the modern world. Insufficient treatment may result in environmental pollution which can further lead to disasters and diseases. However, processes that take place inside wastewater treatment plants (WWTP) are highly complex in nature, therefore it is difficult to design an efficient, optimal control system. The problem regarding biochemical reactions inside Sequential Batch Reactor...
Forewarned Is Forearmed: Machine Learning Algorithms for the Prediction of Catheter-Induced Coronary and Aortic Injuries
PublikacjaCatheter-induced dissections (CID) of coronary arteries and/or the aorta are among the most dangerous complications of percutaneous coronary procedures, yet the data on their risk factors are anecdotal. Logistic regression and five more advanced machine learning techniques were applied to determine the most significant predictors of dissection. Model performance comparison and feature importance ranking were evaluated. We identified...
On Improved-Reliability Design Optimization of High-Frequency Structures Using Local Search Algorithms
PublikacjaThe role of numerical optimization has been continuously growing in the design of high-frequency structures, including microwave and antenna components. At the same time, accurate evaluation of electrical characteristics necessitates full-wave electromagnetic (EM) analysis, which is CPU intensive, especially for complex systems. As rigorous optimization routines involve repetitive EM simulations, the associated cost may be significant....
Comparisons of envelope morphological filtering methods and various regular algorithms for surface texture analysis
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Methods of Natural Image Preprocessing Supporting the Automatic Text Recognition Using the OCR Algorithms
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Global path planning for mobile robot based on Artificial Bee Colony and Dijkstra’s algorithms
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Application of Graph Theory Algorithms in Non-disjoint Functional Decomposition of Specific Boolean Functions
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Replica Exchange and Multicanonical Algorithms with the Coarse-Grained United-Residue (UNRES) Force Field
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Efficient parallel algorithms in global optimization of potential energy functions for peptides, proteins, and crystals
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The Speedup Analysis in GEM Detector Based Acquisition System Algorithms with CPU and PCIe Cards
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Vehicle detector training with labels derived from background subtraction algorithms in video surveillance
PublikacjaVehicle detection in video from a miniature station- ary closed-circuit television (CCTV) camera is discussed in the paper. The camera provides one of components of the intelligent road sign developed in the project concerning the traffic control with the use of autonomous devices being developed. Modern Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) based detectors need big data input, usually demanding their manual labeling. In the presented...
Neural Networks, Support Vector Machine and Genetic Algorithms for Autonomous Underwater Robot Support
PublikacjaIn this paper, artificial neural networks, a classification technique called support vector machine and meta-heuristics genetic algorithm have been considered for development in autonomous underwater robots. Artificial neural networks have been used for seabed modelling as well as support vector machine has been applied for the obstacles classification to avoid some collision problems. Moreover, genetic algorithm has been applied...
A Study on Influence of Normalization Methods on Music Genre Classification Results Employing kNN Algorithms
PublikacjaThis paper presents a comparison of different normalization methods applied to the set of feature vectors of music pieces. Test results show the influence of min-nlax and Zero-Mean normalization methods, employing different distance functions (Euclidean, Manhattan, Chebyshev, Minkowski) as a pre-processing for genre classification, on k-Nearest Neighbor (kNN) algorithm classification results.
Comparison of Two Nonlinear Predictive Control Algorithms for Dissolved Oxygen Tracking Problem at WWTP
PublikacjaThe wastewater treatment plant is classified as a complex system, due to its nonlinear dynamics, large uncertainty of disturbance inputs, multiple time scales in the internal process dynamics, and multivariable structure. The aeration process, in turn, is an important and expensive part of wastewater treatment plant operation. All operating parameters of the aeration in biological processes are to be precisely controlled to provide...
Recent advances in traffic optimisation: systematic literature review of modern models, methods and algorithms
PublikacjaOver the past few decades, the increasing number of vehicles and imperfect road traffic management have been sources of congestion in cities and reasons for deteriorating health of its inhabitants. With the help of computer simulations, transport engineers optimise and improve the capacity of city streets. However, with an enormous number of possible simulation types, it is difficult to grasp valuable, innovative solutions which...
Evaluation of propagation parameters of open guiding structures with the use of complex root finding algorithms
PublikacjaAn efficient complex root tracing algorithm is utilized for the investigation of electromagnetic wave propagation in open guiding structures. The dispersion characteristics of propagated and leaky waves are calculated for a couple of chosen waveguides. The efficiency of the root tracing algorithm is discuses and compared to a global root finding algorithm.
Comparison of construction algorithms for minimal, acyclic, deterministicfinite state automata from sets of strings.
PublikacjaArtykuł porównuje różne metody tworzenia minimalnych, acyklicznych, deterministycznych automatów skończonych ze zbiorów słów. Wdrożone i porównane zostały metody przyrostowe, prawie przyrostowe i nieprzyrostowe.
Optimizing acoustic field intesity algorithms using the sound ray surface density method.
PublikacjaW artykule przedstawiono zagadnienia optymalizacji algorytmów komputerowych obliczeń rozkładów natężeń pola akustycznego w akwenie w zależności od za- mierzonych warunków hydrologicznych pod kątem skrócenia czasu obliczń.
Sperm segmentation and abnormalities detection during the ICSI procedure using machine learning algorithms
Publikacja(1) About 15-20% of couples struggle with the problem of infertility. 30 to 40% of these cases are caused by abnormalities in the structure and motility of sperm. Sometimes the only possibility for such people is to use the procedure of artificial insemination. CASA systems are used to increase the efficiency of this procedure by selecting the appropriate sperm cell. (2) This paper presents an approach to the sperm classification...
Particle swarm optimization algorithms for autonomous robots with deterministic leaders using space filling movements
PublikacjaIn this work the swarm behavior principles of Craig W. Reynolds are combined with deterministic traits. This is done by using leaders with motions based on space filling curves like Peano and Hilbert. Our goal is to evaluate how the swarm of agents works with this approach, supposing the entire swarm will better explore the entire space. Therefore, we examine different combinations of Peano and Hilbert with the already known swarm...
Better polynomial algorithms for scheduling unit-length jobs with bipartite incompatibility graphs on uniform machines
PublikacjaThe goal of this paper is to explore and to provide tools for the investigation of the problems of unit-length scheduling of incompatible jobs on uniform machines. We present two new algorithms that are a significant improvement over the known algorithms. The first one is Algorithm 2 which is 2-approximate for the problem Qm|p j = 1, G = bisubquartic|Cmax . The second one is Algorithm 3 which is 4-approximate for the problem Qm|p...
Parallelization of Selected Algorithms on Multi-core CPUs, a Cluster and in a Hybrid CPU+Xeon Phi Environment
PublikacjaIn the paper we present parallel implementations as well as execution times and speed-ups of three different algorithms run in various environments such as on a workstation with multi-core CPUs and a cluster. The parallel codes, implementing the master-slave model in C+MPI, differ in computation to communication ratios. The considered problems include: a genetic algorithm with various ratios of master processing time to communication...
UAV measurements and AI-driven algorithms fusion for real estate good governance principles support
PublikacjaThe paper introduces an original method for effective spatial data processing, particularly important for land administration and real estate governance. This approach integrates Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) data acquisition and processing with Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Geometric Transformation algorithms. The results reveal that: (1) while the separate applications of YOLO and Hough Transform algorithms achieve building detection...
Set membership estimation of parameters and variables in dynamic networks by recursive algorithms with moving measurment window
PublikacjaW artykule rozważana jest łączna estymacja przedziałowa zmiennych i parametrów w złożonej sieci dynamicznej w oparciu niepewne modele parametryczne i ograniczoną liczbę pomiarów. Opracowany został rekursywny algorytm estymacji z przesuwnym oknem pomiarowym, odpowiedni dla monitorowania sieci on-line. Okno pomiarowe pozwala na stabilizowanie klasycznego algorytmu rekurencyjnego estymacji i znacznie poprawienie obcisłości estymat....
Optimization of FFF Process Parameters by Naked Mole-Rat Algorithms with Enhanced Exploration and Exploitation Capabilities
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Process Monitoring in Heavy Duty Drilling Rigs—Data Acquisition System and Cycle Identification Algorithms
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PublikacjaThere is an ever growing industrial demand for quantitative assessment of fatigue endurance of critical structural details. Although FEA-based calculations have become a standard in engineering design, problems involving the Low-To-Medium cycle range (101-104) remain challenging. This paper presents an attempt to optimally choose material data, meshing density and other algorithm settings in the context of recent design of the...