Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: design theory
Theory of scattering by an array of lossy dielectric, ferrite and conducting cylinders.
PublikacjaOpisano metodę analizy umożliwiającą określenie zastępczego pola rozproszonego od dowolnej konfiguracji prętów dielektrycznych, ferrytowych lub metalowych na zewnętrznym obszarze cylindrycznym w celu połączenia go z wybranym pobudzeniem i znalezienia macierzy rozproszenia układu. Prezentowane podejście znajduje zastosowanie w analizie struktur zamkniętych i określanie macierzy rozpraszania złączy falowodowych jak i otwartych...
Interaction of modes in nonlinear acoustics: theory and applications to pulse dynamics.
PublikacjaOgólna teoria oddziaływania modów hydrodynamicznych opiera się na wyprowadzeniu równań różniczkowych nieliniowych. Mody rozumiane są tu jako wektory własnych układów praw zachowań hydrodynamicznych. Rozpatrywano zjawiska towarzyszące fali akustycznej w przepływie lepkim nieliniowym. Uwzględniono płyny w każdym fizycznym równaniu stanu.
Seafloor backscattering: numerical simulation vs. filter theory approach.
PublikacjaPrzedstawiono model opisujący rozpraszanie sygnału akustycznego na nierównomiernej, regularnie sfalowanej powierzchni dna morskiego jako filtr liniowy z odpowiedzią impulsową o zmieniającej się w czasie chwilowej dominującej częstotliwości. Porównano przewidywania modelu z wynikami otrzymanymi w wyniku złożonych obliczeniowo symulacji numerycznych opartych na fizycznym modelu zjawiska wykorzystującym aproksymację Kirchhoffa. Wstępnie...
Moddeling urban processes based on requirements ofself-organization theory.
PublikacjaW artykule przedstawiono ogólne podstawy symulacji rozwoju urbanistycznego w oparciu o modele komórkowe. Nowa teoria, wykorzystująca aparat matematyczny stworzony do badań i modelowania dynamiki układów nieliniowych, rozszerza również możliwości poznawcze i wykorzystanie systemów GIS w szeroko pojmowanym planowaniu przestrzennym. Jej szybki rozwój w ostatnich latach i niezwykłe osiągnięcia w poznaniu procesów rządzących podstawową...
Thermodynamically consistent gradient theory of damage coupled with gradient plasticity
PublikacjaPrzedstawiono termodynamicznie zgodną teorię plastycznego zniszczenia w zakresie mechaniki Newtona-Eshelbego. Poza klasycznymi równaniami ruchu w przestrzeni fizycznej sformułowano dynamiczne równania równowagi sił powiązanych z defektami w przestrzeni materialnej oraz pierwsze i drugie prawo termodynamiki w przestrzeni fizycznej i materialnej. Ogólne równania konstytutywne przyjęto jako funkcję gradientu deformacji, jego składników...
2024/25_VI_En_Theory of landscape design
Kursy OnlineCourse in principles of Theory of landscape design
Buckling analysis of piezo-magnetoelectric nanoplates in hygrothermal environment based on a novel one variable plate theory combining with higher-order nonlocal strain gradient theory
PublikacjaIn the present investigation, a new first-order shear deformation theory (OVFSDT) on the basis of the in-plane stability of the piezo-magnetoelectric composite nanoplate (PMEN) has been developed, and its precision has been evaluated. The OVFSDT has many advantages compared to the conventional first-order shear deformation theory (FSDT) such as needless of shear correction factors, containing less number of unknowns than the existing...
Knowledge-Based Expedited Parameter Tuning of Microwave Passives by Means of Design Requirement Management and Variable-Resolution EM Simulations
PublikacjaThe importance of numerical optimization techniques has been continually growing in the design of microwave components over the recent years. Although reasonable initial designs can be obtained using circuit theory tools, precise parameter tuning is still necessary to account for effects such as electromagnetic (EM) cross coupling or radiation losses. EM-driven design closure is most often realized using gradient-based procedures,...
Sem VI_ENG_Theory of landscape design
Kursy OnlineTheory of landscape design SDGs in landscape design Technical detailing of landscaping solutions
Usefulness of the Free Length Theory for assessment of the self-association of the pure solvents
PublikacjaWykonano pomiary szybkości rozchodzenia się dźwięku i gęstości metanolu, acetonitrylu, N,N-dimetyloformamidu, N,N-dimetyloacetamidu, dimetylosulfotlenku i fosforanu trietylu w zakresie temperatur 294 - 333 K . W oparciu o wyznaczone ściśliwości adiabatyczne zastosowano teorię FLT do oceny wzajemnej asocjacji cząsteczek. Uzyskane wyniki przedyskutowano na tle innych sposobów klasyfikacji rozpuszczalników.
Some remarks on problem of site characterisation - a subjective experience on theory and practice
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Representation of magnetic hysteresis in tape wound core using Preisach's theory
PublikacjaW referacie przedstawiono model matematyczny histerezy magnetycznej w ujęciu klasycznej teorii Preisacha. Dokonano implementacji skalarnego modelu Preisacha w odniesieniu do rdzenia zwijanego z taśmy typu ET114-27. Do symulacji różnych stanów magnetycznych rdzenia wykorzystano jedynie dane z pomiarów głównej pętli histerezy. Wyznaczono funkcję Everetta i funkcję dystrybucji Preisacha badanego rdzenia. Uzyskano ogólnie dobrą zgodność...
Application of Game Theory against Nature in Supporting Bid Pricing in Construction
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Application of the Regional Security Complex Theory for Security Analysis in the Persian Gulf
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Salience theory and the cross-section of stock returns: International and further evidence
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Entrepreneurial Intentions of Students in Poland in the View of Ajzen’s Theory of Planned Behaviour
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Modelling Negotiations of Construction Subcontract based on a Game Theory – Results of an Experiment
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Structure and elastic properties of Mg(OH)2from density functional theory
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Superconducting Energy Gap in Hole-Doped Graphene Beyond the Migdal's Theory
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Biological Control Based on Microbial Consortia – From Theory to Commercial Products
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Theory and Practice of Coarse-Grained Molecular Dynamics of Biologically Important Systems
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Theory and implementation of a virtualisation level Future Internet defence in depth architecture
PublikacjaAn EU Future Internet Engineering project currently underway in Poland defines three parallel internets (PIs). The emerging IIP system (IIPS, abbreviating the project’s Polish name), has a four-level architecture, with level 2 responsible for creation of virtual resources of the PIs. This paper proposes a three-tier security architecture to address level 2 threats of unauthorised traffic injection and IIPS traffic manipulation...
Theory of valence-band and core-level photoemission from plutonium dioxide
PublikacjaThe correlated-band theory implemented as a combination of the local-density approximation with the dynamical mean-field theory is applied to PuO2. An insulating electronic structure, consistent with the experimental valence-band photoemission spectra, is obtained. The calculations yield a nonmagnetic ground state that is characterized by a noninteger filling of the plutonium 5f shell. The noninteger filling as well as the satellites...
Convergence of expansions in Schrödinger and Dirac eigenfunctions, with an application to the R-matrix theory
PublikacjaW pracy zbadano właściwości rozwinięć w szeregi funkcji własnych dla zagadnień Schrödingera i Diraca. Potwierdzono obserwacje poczynione wcześniej przez Rosenthala oraz przez Szmytkowskiego i Hinze, że szereg funkcyjny występujący w teorii R-macierzy dla cząstek Diraca w ogólności nie zbiega do funkcji ciągłej.
Spatial Evolution of the European Container Ports’ System in Perspective of the Location Theory
PublikacjaThe maritime container terminal is nowadays a spatially incoherent object. From the functional point of view it ends, where their most external components are located. The process of location splitting of container terminals is a new phase of their discrete growth. The external container facilities are being built to improve effectivness of the logistic chain in the hinterland. The new components of container terminals have very...
Strategic aspects in spatial planning - theory and practice in largest cities of Poland
PublikacjaThe rate of changes and the growing uncertainty rise to the need for a strategic approach to development planning, which is active and flexible in relation to the changing reality. Strategic planning, occurring in companies, was adapted by the social-economic development planning of self-government units. However, there are difficulties in applying the strategic planning in the spatial planning and integration of the two forms...
Some accelerationist remarks on Marcuse’s drives theory and his dialectics of civilization
PublikacjaMarcuse’s theory of civilization offers a promising Freud-Marx synthesis. His approach, best articulated in Eros and Civilization, aims at a thorough reformulation of the Freudian drive doctrine to render it more historical and concatenate it to the problem of structural violence and the institutionalized (and internalized) mechanism of repression. I claim that the said reformulation provides a cornerstone for Marcuse’s highly...
PublikacjaThe increase of seakeeping performance is of particular importance for car and passenger ferries, service ships in the gas and oil extraction industry and offshore wind power farm industry, as well as for special purpose ships (including military applications). In the water areas of the Baltic Sea, North Sea, and Mediterranean Sea, which are characterised by a short and steep wave, the hull shape has a substantial impact on the...
On mixed states entanglement and quantum communication: aspects of quantum channels theory
PublikacjaDokonano przeglądu związków miedzy stanami kwantowymi oraz kwantowymi kanałami. Wykazano, że istnienie nietypowych korelacji kwantowych (splątanie związane typu NPT) w pewnych sytuacjach pociąga za sobą nieaddytywność pojemności kanałów kwantowych.
Interference between Land and Sea Logistics Systems. Multifunctional Building System Design Towards Autonomous Integrated Transport Infrastructure
PublikacjaThe research is focused on developing design theory towards efficient multifunctional facilities for logistics supply chains in the contemporary urban city structures. The development of modern systems based on autonomous transport creates new conditions for their management and generates an emerging need to define dedicated functional service structures. An important element of consideration also taken into account is the scenario...
The POCOBIO Database for Computed Scattering Cross-Sections for Positron Collisions with Biomolecular Systems
PublikacjaThe design of a database for positron interactions with biomolecular systems is outlined. The database contains only scattering cross sections, which are derived from theory. The data model is defined in a very flexible way, which facilitates the usage of weakly bound clusters of molecules and molecular systems with many tautomeric forms.
Inline Microstrip Bandpass Filter With Two Transmission Zeros and Increased Order Using Spurious Resonance of Frequency-Dependent Inverter
PublikacjaA design method for a class of fourth-order inline microstrip bandpass filter with two transmission zeros and 20% fractional bandwidth is presented. The filter consists of two quarter-wavelength transmission-line resonators coupled by a frequency-dependent inverter. The inverter is composed of two open-ended stubs that are connected by an interdigital capacitor and introduces two poles and two transmission zeros in the filter response....
Revisiting Toroidal Dipolar Moment in Planar Metamaterial
PublikacjaThis article revisits the electric, magnetic, and toroidal dipolar moments in the metamaterial structure and presents the flatland design for generating a toroidal dipolar response for the electromagnetic plane wave at normal incidence. Based on the numerical analysis of the surface current, the electric field, the magnetic field, and the quantitative analysis of scattered power supported by the electromagnetic multipole theory,...
The outline of percolation theory in reference to Solid Oxide Fuel Cell composite anodes
PublikacjaPrzedstawiono podstawy teoretyczne dotyczące zjawiska perkolacji w układach nieuporządkowanych. Zaprezentowano obecny stan wiedzy na temat wykorzystania teorii perkolacji w materiałach elektrodowych dla tlenkowych ogniw paliwowych.
Modeling of Composite Shells in 6-Parameter Nonlinear Theory with Drilling Degree of Freedom
PublikacjaWithin the framework of a 6-parameter nonlinear shell theory, with strain measures of Cosserat type, constitutive relations are proposed for thin elastic composite shells. The material law is expressed in terms of five engineering constants of classical anisotropic continuum plus an additional parameter accounting for drilling stiffness. The theory allows for unlimited displacements and rotations. A number of examples are presented...
Structure Analysis of the Modified Cast Metal Matrix Composites by Use of the Rve Theory
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The exponential law for partial, local and proper maps and its application to otopy theory
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Control Theory Education in the Distance Education B.Eng. Studies at Warsaw University of Technology
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Application of the information theory to the description of the phosphorus compounds reduction at a sewage treatment plant
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Application of the Theory of Planned Behavior in Academic Cheating Research–Cross-Cultural Comparison
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Gauge-invariant theory of the Meissner effect in the lattice model of a superconductor with local pairing
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P3F-6 Characterization of Human Cancellous Bone Specimens in Terms of Biot's Theory
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FEM analysis of composite materials failure in nonlinear six field shell theory
PublikacjaThe monography deals with the problem of failure initiation in thin laminated composites. Known techniques of laminate structures modelling are briefly characterised. Eventually, shell based approach is chosen for the purpose of the description of the composite structures behaviour, as it predicts their deformation and states of stress effectively in a global sense. The nonlinear six parameter shell theory (6p theory) with asymmetric...
A tetragonal polymorph of SrMn2P2 made under high pressure – theory and experiment in harmony
PublikacjaFollowing the predictions of total energy calculations, a tetragonal SrMn2P2 phase is proposed and successfully formed under high pressure. At ambient pressure, SrMn2P2 adopts the primitive trigonal La2O3 structure type (space group P[3 with combining macron]m1). However, the results of total energy calculations indicate that SrMn2P2 should be more stable in the tetragonal ThCr2Si2 structure type (space group I4/mmm) than in its...
Progressive failure analysis of laminates in the framework of 6-field nonlinear shell theory
PublikacjaThe paper presents the model of progressive failure analysis of laminates incorporated into the 6-field non-linear shell theory with non-symmetrical strain measures of Cosserat type. Such a theory is specially recommended in the analysis of shells with intersections due to its specific kinematics including the so-called drilling rotation. As a consequence of asymmetry of strain measures, modified laminates failure criteria must...
Theory of recognition in a historical perspective. Axel Honneth's Anerkennung: Eine europäische Ideengeschichte
PublikacjaThe article discusses Honneth excursion into the realm of the history of ideas. This time Honneth decides to laser it on the notion of "recognition" in three different cultural areas and three different traditions: French, English, and German. The article discusses Honneth's persepctive and attempts at finding the common thread that would link three aforementioned traditions.
A breath of fresh air - social cognitive career theory in studying entrepreneurial intentions
PublikacjaA pinch of robustness and a pinch of freshness create an interesting story. That is why this study focuses on entrepreneurial intentions from an alternative theoretical perspective in an underexplored context. In this paper, it is argued that social cognitive career theory is relevant to the study of individual entrepreneurial cognition and behaviour, and it offers a solid framework in entrepreneurship research. This paper expands...
Strong ellipticity within the Toupin–Mindlin first strain gradient elasticity theory
PublikacjaWe discuss the strong ellipticity (SE) condition within the Toupin–Mindlin first strain gradient elasticity theory. SE condition is closely related to certain material instabilities and describes mathematical properties of corresponding boundary-value problems. For isotropic solids, SE condition transforms into two inequalities in terms of five gradient-elastic moduli.
A chemo-mechano-thermodynamical contact theory for adhesion, friction, and (de)bonding reactions
PublikacjaThis work presents a self-contained continuum formulation for coupled chemical, mechanical, and thermal contact interactions. The formulation is very general and, hence, admits arbitrary geometry, deformation, and material behavior. All model equations are derived rigorously from the balance laws of mass, momentum, energy, and entropy in the framework of irreversible thermodynamics, thus exposing all the coupling present in the...
A general theory for anisotropic Kirchhoff–Love shells with in-plane bending of embedded fibers
PublikacjaThis work presents a generalized Kirchhoff–Love shell theory that can explicitly capture fiber-induced anisotropy not only in stretching and out-of-plane bending, but also in in-plane bending. This setup is particularly suitable for heterogeneous and fibrous materials such as textiles, biomaterials, composites and pantographic structures. The presented theory is a direct extension of classical Kirchhoff–Love shell theory to incorporate...