Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: participation - MOST Wiedzy


Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: participation

Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: participation

  • Anita Maria Dąbrowicz-Tlałka dr

    Uzyskała, z wynikiem bardzo dobrym, tytuł magistra na kierunku matematyka na Wydziale Matematyki Uniwersytetu Gdańskiego. Praca magisterska pt. „Zbiory swojskie i dzikie w R3” była z  dziedziny topologia geometryczna. Równolegle ukończyła na Uniwersytecie Gdańskim „Podyplomowe Studium Podstaw Informatyki”. W 2001 roku uzyskała na Politechnice Poznańskiej tytuł doktora nauk matematycznych. Praca doktorska pt. „Iteracje monotoniczne...

  • Hanna Obracht-Prondzyńska dr inż. arch.


    Dr inż. arch. Hanna Obracht-Prondzyńska Adiunktka na Uniwersytecie Gdańskim w Zakładzie Gospodarki Przestrzennej, nauczycielka akademicka ucząca projektowania urbanistycznego i analizy danych. Architektka i urbanistka zajmującą się projektowaniem w oparciu o dane. Tytuł doktora nauk inżynieryjno-technicznych w dyscyplinie architektura i urbanistyka obroniła z wyróżnieniem w 2020 r. na Wydziale Architektury Politechniki Gdańskiej,...

  • Oferta kształcenia a wymogi współczesnego rynku pracy


    Współcześnie zmianom ulegają struktury gospodarek oraz sposoby gospodarowania poszczególnymi zasobami na rynkach. Wpływ na to mają nowoczesne technologie, procesy globalizacji i integracji. Obserwowane dynamiczne zmiany wymuszają włączenie się w proces unowocześniania różnych uczestników rynku. Jednym z nich są instytucje zajmujące się szeroko rozumianym kształceniem, które przygotowują zasoby pracy do wejścia na rynek pracy. Celem...

    Pełny tekst do pobrania w serwisie zewnętrznym

  • Iranian future healthcare professionals’ knowledge and opinions about rare diseases: cross‑sectional study

    Background: Rare diseases are a new global health priority, requiring evidence-based estimates of the global prevalenceof diseases to inform public policymakers and provide a serious challenge to the healthcare system that must not be ignored. The purpose of this study is to investigate Iranian future healthcare professionals’ knowledge and opinions about rare diseases.Results: A total of 6838 students responded...

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  • Issues related to noise and protection against noise against the background of hazards present in the working environment


    - Rok 2023

    Noise is one of the physical factors that poses the greatest threat in the working environment. In order to reduce the noise exposure, noise reduction at the source should be considered. Next, the engineering and administrative controls are being developed. Finally, hearing protectors are used. Issues related to protection against noise are part of the topics in the field of occupational...

  • Participatory Budgeting in Poland – Missing Link in Urban Regeneration Process

    In last thirty years Poland has gone a long way toward democracy and decentralization. Role of public participation in planning is increasing rapidly and recently many new instruments of empowering the community is being introduced, participatory budgeting is one of the most important. On the other hand, urban regeneration is one of the most important challenges of polish cities are facing. Technical and transport infrastructure...

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  • Analytical studies on the environmental state of the Svalbard archipelago - critical source of information about anthropogenic global impact



    The Svalbard archipelago differs from other polar regions due to its specific environmental conditions and geographic location which make the area gather pollution from long-range transport. Due to the recent development in analytical techniques it is possible to determine the concentration of pollutants at the level present there. This paper collates and discusses the information from the literature about: pollutants present in...

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  • How digital technology affects working conditions in globally fragmented production chains: Evidence from Europe

    This paper uses a sample of over 9 million workers from 22 European countries to study the intertwined relationship between digital technology, cross-border production links and working conditions. We compare the social consequences of technological change exhibited by three types of innovation: computerisation (software), automation (robots) and artificial intelligence (AI). To fully quantify work-related wellbeing, we propose...

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  • Impact of thermal backfill parameters on current-carrying capacity of power cables installed in the ground

    Proper design of power installations with the participation of power cables buried in homogeneous and thermally well-conductive ground does not constitute a major problem. The situation changes when the ground is non-homogeneous and thermally low-conductive. In such a situation, a thermal backfill near the cables is commonly used. The optimization of thermal backfill parameters to achieve the highest possible current-carrying capacity...

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  • Architectural & Urban Heritage 2021/2022

    Kursy Online
    • J. Szczepański
    • M. Sołtysik
    • A. Orchowska
    • R. Hirsch
    • Ł. Bugalski

    Participation in the course ARCHITECTURAL & URBAN HERITAGE gives an opportunity of knowing political, economic, and cultural issues of Polish Architecture in the 19th and 20th century. This period includes the fall of feudalism, the flourish of the industrial era, the birth of modernism, two totalitarian systems, and the rebuilding of Poland after II World War. Mentioned circumstances caused deep changes which gave a strong...

  • Problemy planowania strategii i zagospodarowania przestrzennego w zarządzaniu rozwojem obszarów metropolitalnych

    Celem pracy jest rozpoznanie i usystematyzowanie problemów związanych z planowaniem kompleksowej strategii zarządzania rozwojem obszarów metropolitalnych i sporządzaniem planu zagospodarowania przestrzennego tych obszarów. Problemy planowania rozumiane są jako trudności, dylematy i wątpliwości związane z różnymi aspektami procesu planistycznego. Autor nawiązuje do cech obszarów metropolitalnych oraz typowych problemów rozwiązywanych...

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  • Depressive symptoms in elderly people participating in University of the Third Age and residents of Nursing Homes: The role of optimism and acceptance of passing


    - RASP-Research on Ageing and Social Policy - Rok 2021

    The elderly age group needs particular support in preventing development of depressive symptoms, among others, due to the prospect of passing. This group is heterogenous in terms of characteristics of ways of spending leisure time, which, as an important aspect of everyday life affecting the quality of interpersonal relationships and well-being, might be related to the level of their depressive symptoms. The aim of this study...

    Pełny tekst do pobrania w serwisie zewnętrznym

  • Structural and electrical properties of Cr-doped SrTiO 3 porous materials

    • A. Łącz
    • Ł. Łańcucki
    • R. Lach
    • B. Kamecki
    • E. Drożdż


    Series of single-phase materials with assumed formula SrTi1−xCrxO3 (where x = 0, 1, 4, 6 mol.%) were obtained by sol-gel method. The structure and microstructure of materials were characterised by X-ray diffraction and scanning electron microscopy methods. Moreover, the study of electrical properties and evaluation of chemical stability in CO2/H2O atmosphere was performed by electrochemical impedance spectroscopy and thermogravimery...

    Pełny tekst do pobrania w serwisie zewnętrznym

  • Essays on China's international trade - focus on One-Belt One-Road initiative


    - Rok 2024

    This thesis explores China's international trade from trade, global value chains (GVCs) and export diversity, focusing on the "One-Belt One-Road" (OBOR) initiative proposed at the end of 2013. Specifically, I verify the potential association of OBOR with bilateral imports and exports in the first chapter. Then the relationship between OBOR and GVCs has been explored in Chapter 2. And I have extended the research in GVCs to China's...

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  • Review of International Standards and Policy Guidelines for Smart Sustainable Cities


    - Rok 2021

    Smart cities are often criticized for preoccupation with technology, for ignoring the negative effects of technology, for irrelevance to the needs of the poor, and for ubiquitous data collection creating perfect conditions for surveillance societies and autocratic states. In response, cities pursue smartness and sustainability simultaneously, becoming global (by participation in global digital networks) and local (by addressing...

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  • Scattering Theory Summer School 2022

    Kursy Online
    • J. Szostak
    • J. Franz
    • M. Chmielecki
    • J. Borucka
    • M. Hoppe
    • M. Franz

    Summer school on Scattering Theory at Gdańsk University of Technology. 1 - 19 August online 22 - 26 August online or in Gdańsk (you choose) Participation is for free! Attractive fellowships!   More info and registration: https://ftims.pg.edu.pl/en/science-app/summer-schools-2022/scattering-theory  

  • Dagmara Lisman PhD


    Scientist, biologist, forensic geneticist. She completed her master's studies at the West Pomeranian University of Technology in Szczecin, at the Faculty of Biology, and obtained a doctoral degree in forensic genetics at the Pomeranian Medical University in Szczecin. Currently, he works as an assistant at the Department of Forensic Medicine of the same university. Her research, conducted at the Department of Forensic Genetics at...

  • Examining Government-Citizen Interactions on Twitter using Visual and Sentiment Analysis


    - Rok 2018

    The goal of this paper is to propose a methodology comprising a range of visualization techniques to analyze the interactions between government and citizens on the issues of public concern taking place on Twitter, mainly through the official government or ministry accounts. The methodology addresses: 1) the level of government activity in different countries and sectors; 2) the topics that are addressed through such activities;...

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    The known in empirical economics question ‘Why so Few? Why so Slow? Why so Low?’ refers here to the persistently small number of women involved in innovative activities, the slowness of change in the inequalities between women and men in these fields, and women’s continuing lower rank in business and academic positions. In developing countries, women`s labour and entrepreneurial activity remains an ‘untapped resource’ for economic...

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  • Curing epoxy resin with anhydride in the presence of halloysite nanotubes: the contradictory effects of filler concentration

    • M. Jouyandeh
    • Z. Karami
    • O. Moini
    • K. Formela
    • S. Paran
    • A. Jannesari
    • M. Saeb


    Epoxy resins can be cured with a wide variety of curing agents such as amines and anhydrides, but anhydride curing would be more favorable for research purpose because of epoxy-anhydride curing taking place slowly at room temperature. Incorporation of natural nanosized minerals into epoxy is of environmental importance. Halloysite nanotubes (HNTs) display chemical properties similar to those of silica and alumina, and hydroxyl...

    Pełny tekst do pobrania w serwisie zewnętrznym

  • External Security Strategies of Belarus

    Under President Lukashenko, three Belarusian national security strategies have been announced: the first in 1995, the second in 2001 and the third in 2011. The first proposal, formulated after Lukashenko’s victory in the presidential elections in 1994, outlined Belarus as a neutral state, unbound to any military block in the absence of external enemies. The direction of the foreign policy pursued by the president of Belarus was...

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  • The impact of institutions on innovation networks: empirical evidence from Poland


    - Technological and Economic Development of Economy - Rok 2022

    Innovation networks may accelerate and improve the innovation process, while institutional pathologies may hamper it. This study employs the Kruskal-Wallis H test and regression analysis to determine if the relationship between institutions and innovation networks does exist among the investigated variables. The purpose of the study was to find out whether cooperation with special local institutions influences the innovative behaviour...

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  • Cluster organization as a form of non-technological innovation


    - Rok 2022

    The paper aims to investigate the relationships that cluster enterprises develop with their environment through participation in cluster organization (CO). The authors report the findings from a qualitative study carried out in the Lubusz Metal Cluster. The main research strategy is case study. An in-depth individual interview was used to collect the data, and qualitative content analysis and coding for its analysis. The study...

    Pełny tekst do pobrania w serwisie zewnętrznym

  • Threats to Armenia’s Security in the National Strategy and Practice with Special Emphasis on External Security,

    The national security strategy adopted in 2007 provided a detailed definition of security and identified its threats. The key threat to the Armenian state was considered to be the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict. The document indicated the Collective Security Treaty Organisation main guarantor of security, with Russia being Armenia’s main partner in bilateral relations. The second position in the strategy was assigned to cooperation...

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    26-09-2022 10:12 - 30-09-2022 10:12

    Faculty of Applied Physics and Mathematics of Gdańsk Tech invites international students to the next summer school - Quantum and Molecules I (QUEUE I), organized within the ScienceApp project.

  • Badanie aktywności online polskich konsumentów dotyczącej marek


    Rozwój nowych trendów w internecie, a w szczególności Web 2.0, spowodował wzrost społecznego zaangażowania internautów oraz dalszy rozwój kanałów społecznościowych i tym samym różnego typu platform interaktywnych. Internet zachęca internautów do interakcji z witrynami, a za ich pośrednictwem z innymi użytkownikami sieci. Umożliwia im tworzenie treści na temat różne tematy, w tym na przykład związany z markami produktów. Dzięki...

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  • Postawy osób starszych wobec tradycyjnych i innowacyjnych kanałów dystrybucji usług finansowych


    Rosnący udział osób starszych w strukturze populacji stawia nowe wyzwania przed przedsiębiorstwami oferującymi produkty do nich skierowane. Przykładem takich produktów są usługi finansowe. Przedmiotem niniejszego tekstu są usługi ubezpieczeniowe i bankowe oferowane osobom starszym z wykorzystaniem tradycyjnych i nowoczesnych kanałów dystrybucji. Na podstawie przeglądu literatury sformułowano dwie hipotezy badawcze: H1: Cechy społeczno-demograficzne...

    Pełny tekst do pobrania w portalu


    In this paper the particle size of suspended solids in the removing of organic matter and phosphorus compounds from lake water and wastewater treated in the Ecological Treatment Systems (ETS) was analyzed. The invesigated materials were taken from two ETS located in Pomerania Region/Poland. Object in Swarzewo is 3rd stage of biological treatment of municipal wastewater, while object in Kartuzy has task to remove a phosphorus from...

  • Particle size analysis of suspensions in removing of organic matter and phosphorus from waste water and surface water


    - Rok 2011

    In this paper the particle size of suspended solids in the removing of organic matter and phosphorus compounds from lake- and waste- water treated in the Ecological Treatment Systems (ETS) was analyzed.The invesigated materials were taken from two ETS located in Pomerania Region/Poland. Object in Swarzewo is 3rd stage of biological treatment of municipal waste water, while object in Kartuzy has task to remove a phosphorus from...



    This article presents the photogrammetric works carried out during the architectural inventory of the Royal Chapel in the Main Town of Gdansk (Poland). The facility has the status of a monument of architecture and since decades it is covered by geodetic monitoring, realized with the participation of the Department of Geodesy of Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering of Gdańsk University of Technology . For several years,...

  • A comparative analysis of methods and tools for low impact development (LID) site selection


    The site selection for Low Impact Development (LID) practices is a significant process. It affects the effectiveness of LID in controlling stormwater surface runoff, volume, flow rate, and infiltration. This research paper presents a comprehensive review of various methods used for LID site selection. It starts by introducing different methods and tools. Three main methods: index-based methods, GIS-based multi-criteria decision...

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  • Planning Around Polarisation: Components of Finding Common Ground Based on Regeneration Projects in London and Gdańsk


    - Urban Planning - Rok 2023

    Various forms of public participation in urban design and planning—as presented and discussed in literature—have recently been challenged by the needs and expectations of different stakeholders, including those coming from the private sector. This comes with a redefinition of the public good and the roles and responsibilities of municipal authorities in post‐liberal times. As a result, contemporary participatory processes need...

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  • Lessons learned during SRAD hybrid motor development

    Student Researched and Developed (SRAD) hybrid rocket motor H-15 with total impulse of 15 $kNs$ was built. First version of the engine has average thrust of 3 $kN$, the second, improved one is prepared with an aim to have average thrust of 5 $kN$. Engine development was started from scratch and went through phases of: definition of design assumptions and constraints, numerical modelling to predict engine performance, CAD and CAM...

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  • Personalized nutrition in ageing society: redox control of major-age related diseases through the NutRedOx Network (COST Action CA16112)

    • J. Tur
    • J. Claus
    • P. Chaimbault
    • M. Tadayyon
    • E. Richling
    • N. Hermans
    • C. Nunes dos Santos
    • M. Diederich
    • L. Giblin
    • M. Elhabiri... i 6 innych


    A healthy ageing process is important when it is considered that one-third of the population of Europe is already over 50 years old, although there are regional variations. This proportion is likely to increase in the future, and maintenance of vitality at an older age is not only an important measure of the quality of life but also key to participation and productivity. So, the binomial “nutrition and ageing” has different aspects...

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  • How to enhance perception of reassembled but incomplete works of ancient art? Eye-tracking study of virtual anastylosis.


    - Arts - Rok 2023

    n 1964 the Venice Charter described anastylosis as the only acceptable method of reassembly of architectural remains. Although the scientific community has agreed with the Charter’s decision, many questions pertaining to the technical and aesthetic aspects of anastylosis remain unanswered. Virtual anastylosis seems one of the most promising digital solutions to finding at least some answers, as it permits testing various solutions...

    Pełny tekst do pobrania w serwisie zewnętrznym

  • Evaluation of open drone map toolkit for geodetic grade aerial drone mapping – case study


    - Rok 2017

    An open source tool’s popularity has increased considerably, as well as micro aerial vehicles (MAV) technologies based on open source hardware. An open source software and hardware delivers a wide variety of applications and technology. The world’s most successful open source projects have their roots in the academy, and now its participation includes a wide variety of academic programs and research. Based on open source technology,...

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  • The evaluation of eGlasses eye tracking module as an extension for Scratch

    In this paper we present the possibility of using eGlasses eye tracking module as an extension for Scratch programming tool which is a visual programming language supporting computer skills learning. The main concept behind this project is to setup the interface for rapid interaction design. Eye tracking is a powerful tool for hands free communication but for that requires a dedicated software. This software is rarely tailored...

    Pełny tekst do pobrania w serwisie zewnętrznym


    This paper examines the potential for media architecture and interactive art installations to stimulate human involvement and activities in public spaces. On the basis of theoretical approaches, case studies and interdisciplinary surveys, the paper provides insight into how screens projecting media and interactive installations in city spaces can inspire people to become active on many levels. The research is focused, both on temporary...

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  • Greencoin as an AI-Based Solution Shaping Climate Awareness.


    Our research aim was to define possible AI-based solutions to be embedded in the Green- coin project, designed as a supportive tool for smart cities to achieve climate neutrality. We used Kamrowska-Załuska’s approach for evaluating AI-based solutions’ potential in urban planning. We narrowed down the research to the educational and economic aspects of smart cities. Furthermore, we used a systematic literature review. We propose...

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  • Psychological and physical components in forming preferences on urban greenery management – The case of trees



    Public opinion is increasingly important in managing urban greenery. In this regard, this study demonstrates the importance of sociological (environmental worldviews), psychological (place attachment, perceived benefits of trees), and physical factors (type of building people live in, and urban greenery) in forming residents’ opinions on whether the municipality or landowners should decide about tree removal on private land. Logistic...

    Pełny tekst do pobrania w serwisie zewnętrznym

  • Nitrogen transformation during fermentation in agricultural biogas plants


    - Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery - Rok 2023

    The aim of the present study was to determine changes in the organic nitrogen fraction in the liquid fraction of the digestate during laboratory tests of mono- and co-digestion. Three agricultural wastes were tested: distillery residue, cattle slurry and corn silage. In the mono-fermentation tests, the initial total nitrogen concentration depended on the feedstock used. As a result of the hydrolysis and ammonification of the organic...

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  • Integrating Digital Twin Technology Into Large Panel System Estates Retrofit Projects

    As sustainability is now a standard for the proposed developments, the focus ought to be shifted towards the existing buildings and, among them, the worldwide stock of large panel system (LPS) buildings. Major upgrades and retrofits were done to some of the LPS estates in Germany and France, but a leading sustainable way must still be developed for LPS buildings in Eastern European countries, where apartments in those half‐a‐century‐old...

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  • Application of the Anammox Process for Treatment of Liquid Phase Digestate


    The liquid phase of the digestate (LPD) contains a relatively high concentration of nitrogen, with total ammonium nitrogen being the dominant form of nitrogen, as well as other essential nutrients such as phosphorus and potassium. Consequently, it must be treated before it is released into the environment. However, there are no reports of co-purification of LPD in the anammox process in sequencing batch reactor with granular sludge,...

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    - Optimum. Studia Ekonomiczne - Rok 2018

    Określenie dopuszczalnego poziomu zadłużenia jest ważną kwestią dla każdej jednostki samorządu terytorialnego w Polsce, a jej ranga jeszcze rośnie, jeśli samorząd odczuwa silną presję na dbanie o rozwój obszaru, na którym funkcjonuje, borykając się równocześnie z niedostatkiem dochodów. Taka sytuacja dotyczy większości województw samorządowych, które spośród wszystkich szczebli struktury samorządowej...

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  • Wpływ zmian struktury demograficznej ludności na lokalny rynek pracy


    - Rok 2015

    Na wzrost konkurencyjności gospodarki wpływa wiele czynników. Jednym z nich mogą być dostępne zasoby ludzkie. Ważna jest nie tylko dynamika zmian liczby ludności, również jej struktura. Celem niniejszego opracowania jest zbadanie zmian zachodzących na rynku pracy, będących konsekwencjami zmian struktury demograficznej ludności, które w przyszłości mogą wywierać negatywny wpływ na sytuację społeczno-gospodarczą regionu i kraju....

  • Adaptacyjny system sterowania ruchem drogowym


    - Rok 2024

    Adaptacyjny system sterowania ruchem drogowym to rodzaj systemu sterowania, który dynamicznie, w czasie rzeczywistym, dostosowuje swoje parametry w oparciu o bieżące warunki ruchu drogowego. Celem niniejszej rozprawy jest sprawdzenie wpływu wybranych cech systemu, zbudowanego w oparciu o zaprojektowane i zbudowane z udziałem autora inteligentne znaki drogowe, na wybrane parametry mające wpływ na bezpieczeństwo i płynność ruchu....

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  • Multiscale Methods Summer School 2023

    Kursy Online
    • P. Rakowski
    • I. Kuzborska
    • J. Szostak
    • J. Franz
    • M. Chmielecki
    • J. Borucka
    • M. Franz

    Summer school on Multiscale Methods at Gdańsk University of Technology. 3. - 7. July: 10 hours online10. - 14. July: 10 hours online17. - 21. July: 10 hours online24. - 28. July: 30 hours online or in Gdańsk (you choose) Participation is for free!   More info and registration: https://ftims.pg.edu.pl/en/science-app/summer-schools-2023/multi-scale-methods-summer-school  

  • Impressions about people with intellectual disability of Polish high school students who participated in a workshop led by self-advocates

    The research question is whether participation in a two-session workshop led by self-advocates with mild intellectual disability, supported by professional staff, affects high school students’ impression of people with intellectual disability, measured by a self-report questionnaire based on a semantic differential. The study was paper-pencil questionnaire-based and anonymous, conducted in Warsaw, Poland. Three measurements...

    Pełny tekst do pobrania w serwisie zewnętrznym

  • Human Resource Management Digitalisation in Multidisciplinary Ship Design Companies


    The digitalisation in the ship design sector is currently applied to the design process itself and is well defined, partially standardised and practically implemented by both independent design companies and the design departments of shipyards. The situation is similar in other sectors of engineering. However, the requirements for the digitalisation of other processes in design and engineering companies have not previously been...

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    - Rok 2018

    The main aim of the paper is to examine the role of creative placemaking in shaping the urban environment in Polish cities. It also focuses on challenges and obstacles that creative placemaking projects encounter in Polish realities. Creative placemaking is a “micro-development” strategy (Johnson 2009) that focuses on cultural participation, com¬munity engagement and highlights the social role of arts and culture. Artistic interventions...

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