wszystkich: 386
Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: Biotechnology
Production of paclitaxel with anticancer activity by two local fungal endophytes, Aspergillus fumigatus and Alternaria tenuissima
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Unlocking the biosynthetic potential of Penicillium roqueforti for hyperproduction of the immunosuppressant mycophenolic acid: Gamma radiation mutagenesis and response surface optimization of fermentation medium
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Bioprocess optimization using response surface methodology for production of the anticancer drug paclitaxel by Aspergillus fumigatus and Alternaria tenuissima: Enhanced production by ultraviolet and gamma irradiation
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Strain improvement and immobilization technique for enhanced production of the anticancer drug paclitaxel by Aspergillus fumigatus and Alternaria tenuissima
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Culturable bacteria from pesticides contaminated soils in Poland
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Effect of Glycemic Disorders and Habits on the Concentration of Selected Neurotrophic Factors in Patients with Lumbosacral Intervertebral Disc Degeneration
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Wet and Dry Forms of Bacterial Cellulose Synthetized by Different Strains of Gluconacetobacter xylinus as Carriers for Yeast Immobilization
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Anticancer properties of bacterial cellulose membrane containing ethanolic extract of Epilobium angustifolium L
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Discrimination of population of recombinant inbred lines of rye (Secale cereale L.) for different responses to nitrogen-potassium stress assessed at the seedling stage under in vitro conditions
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Chromosomal localization of selected SCARs converted from new RAPD, ISSR and R-ISSR markers linked to rye (Secale cereale L.) tolerance to nutrient deprivation stress identified using bulk segregant analysis
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Characterization of bacterial structures in two-stage moving-bed biofilm reactor (MBBR) during nitrification of the landfill leachate
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Influence of sample thickness non-uniformities on the modulated photocur-rents in amorphous solids
PublikacjaOtrzymano przybliżone wzory opisujące modulowane fotoprądy dla przypadków próbki kanapkowej o nierównomiernej grubości, reprezentowanej przez układ równolegle połączonych próbek o różnych grubościach. Na ich podstawie obliczono przebieg fotoprądów dla przypadku jednorodnego i gaussowskiego rozkładu grubości próbki oraz dla wykładniczego rozkładu pułapek.
Compressive and tensile properties of polyurethane foam mimicking trabecular tissue in artificial femoral head bones
PublikacjaThe presented study aimed to examine the compressive and tensile behavior of the polyurethane foams mimicking trabecular tissue in the artificial human femurs and assess their potential to replicate osteoporotic type of human bone tissue. Two types of Synbone femur models: one of the normal density (model 2350) and one of the lower density (model LD2350), and three types of Sawbones femur models (model 1130-21-8, 1130-21-3, 1130-192)...
Peptidoglycan hydrolases - potential weapons against Staphylococcus aureus
PublikacjaBacteria of the genus Staphylococcus are common pathogens responsible for a broad spectrum of human and animal infections and belong to most important etiological factors causing food poisoning. Because of rapid increase in prevalence of isolation of staphylococci resistant to many antibiotics, there is an urgent need for development of new alternative chemotherapeutics. A number of studies have recently demonstrated the strong...
Antibacterial and antioxidant activity of the secondary metabolites from in vitro cultures of alice sundew (drosera aliciae)
PublikacjaRośliny owadożerne (D. aliciae) produkują metabolity wtórne, farmakologicznie czynne substancje. Na wzrost akumulacji tychże substancji w tkankach roślin owadożernych ma wpływ dodatek elicytora. W pracy przedstawiono zarówno optymalizacje warunków hodowli roślin, jak również prawdopodobne mechanizmy działania bakteriobójczego. Końcowego oznaczenia zawartości metabolitów w ekstraktach roślinnych dokonano techniką chromatografii...
The combined effect of moderate pressure and chitosan on Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus cells suspended in a buffer and on natural microflora of apple juice and minced pork
PublikacjaW pracy określono przeżywalność bakterii Escherichia coli i Staphylococcus aureus oraz naturalnej mikroflory soku jabłkowego i rozdrobnionego mięsa świńskiego po działaniu ciśnienia 193 MPa w temp. -20 C w obecności chitozanu. Stwierdzono, że traktowanie mikroorganizmów ciśnieniem w obecności chitozanu pozwala na przedłużenie trwałości badanych produktów przechowywanych w temperaturze chłodniczej o około 8-10 dni.
Chemical composition, antioxidant and anticancer effects of the seeds and leaves and indigo (polygonum tinctorium Ait.) Plant
PublikacjaSeeds and leaves of indigo (Polygonum tinctorium Ait.) plant were investigated and compared with another medicinal plant named prolipid for their properties such as chemical composition, antioxidant, and anticancer effects by Fourier transform infrared, three-dimensional fluorescence spectroscopy, and electrospray ionization-MS in negative mode. It was found that polyphenols, flavonoids, and flavanols were significantly higher...
Expression of Deinococcus geothermalis Trehalose Synthase Gene in Escherichia coli and Its Enzymatic Properties
PublikacjaA novel trehalose synthase gene from Deinococcus geothermalis (DSMZ 11300) containing 1,692 bp reading-frame encoding 564 amino acids was amplified using PCR. The gene was ligated into pET30Ek/LIC vector and expressed after isopropyl alfa-D-thiogalactopyranoside induction in Escherichia coli BL21(DE3)pLysS. The recombinant trehalose synthase (DgeoTreS) containing a His6 tag at the C-terminus was purified by metal affinity chromatography...
Some applications of thermophiles and their enzymes for protein processing
PublikacjaPrzedstawiono charakterystykę, właściwości oraz możliwości zastosowań enzymów proteolitycznych wytwarzanych przez termofile. Zaletą tych biokatalizatorów jest między innymi duża odporność na działanie rozpuszczalników organicznych, detergentów i innych czynników denaturujących białka oraz mała wrażliwość na zmiany pH. Dokonano też przeglądu czynników powodujących dużą stabilność proteaz z termofili.
Expression and intein-mediated purification of novel staphylokinase SakSTAR with reduced immunogenicity and antiplatelet and antithrombin activation
PublikacjaSkonstruowano nową formę stafylokinazy zawierającej na swoim C-końcu domenę pochodzącą z C-konieca ----(KOŃCA)---??? hirudyny. Wprowadzono do sekwencji stafylokinazy sekwencje RGD i DGR, odpowiedzialne za zmniejszenie agregacji płytek krwi (52% do 38%) a tym samym zwiększenie skuteczności działania tego białka jako potencjalnego leku. Otrzymany nowy wariant stafylokinazy posiadał zwiększoną aktywność fibrynolityczną, czego przejawem...
Modulation of cellular response to anticancer treatment by caffeine:inhibition of cell cycle checkpoints, DNA repair and more
PublikacjaKofeina i inne metyloksantyny wywołują bardzo różne efekty fizjologiczne w organizmie człowieka. W pracy przedstawiamy, które z tych efektów mogą wpływać na skuteczność terapii przeciwnowotworowych. Kofeina może bezpośrednio wpływać na transport oraz aktywację metaboliczną cząsteczek leków do komórki, poprzez tworzenie kompleksów z lekami zawierającymi układy poliaromatyczne. Kofeina hamuje aktywność kinaz ATM/ATR co prowadzi do...
The psychrotrophic yeast Sporobolomyces roseus LOCK 1119 as a source of a highly active aspartic protease for the in vitro production of antioxidant peptides
PublikacjaA psychrotrophic yeast strain producing a cold-adapted protease at low temperature was classified as Sporobolomyces roseus. In standard YPG medium, S. roseus LOCK 1119 synthesized an extracellular protease with an activity of approximately 560 U/L. Optimization of medium composition and process temperature considerably enhanced enzyme biosynthesis; an approximate 70% increase in activity (2060 U/L). The native enzyme was purified...
Extracting functional groups of ALLINI to design derivatives of FDA‐approved drugs: Inhibition of HIV‐1 integrase
PublikacjaHIV‐1 integrase (IN) is crucial for integration of viral DNA into the host genome and a promising target in development of antiretroviral inhibitors. In this work, six new compounds were designed by linking the structures of two different class of HIV‐1 IN inhibitors (active site binders and allosteric IN inhibitors (ALLINIs)). Among newly designed compounds, INRAT10b was found most potent HIV‐1 IN inhibitor considering different...
Molecular basis and potential activity of HIV-1 reverse transcriptase toward trimethylamine-based compounds
PublikacjaReverse transcriptase (RT) inhibitors are currently used to treat human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-1 infections. In this work, novel triethylamine derivatives were designed and studied by rigid and flexible docking and molecular dynamics (MD) approaches. An apo form of HIV-1 RT was also studied by MD simulation to analyze comparative response of protein in ligand-bound and ligand-unbound forms. Among newly designed HIV-1 RT inhibitors,...
The New LM-PCR/Shifter Method for the Genotyping of Microorganisms Based on the Use of a Class IIS Restriction Enzyme and Ligation Mediated PCR
PublikacjaThis study details and examines a novel Ligation-Mediated - Polymerase Chain Reaction (LM-PCR) method. Named the LM-PCR/Shifter, it relies on the use of a Class IIS restriction enzyme giving restriction fragments with different 4 base, 5' overhangs, this being the Shifter, and the ligation of appropriate oligonucleotide adapters. A sequence of 4-base, 5' overhangs of the adapter and a 4-base sequence of the 3' end of the primer(s)...
Extracellular proteolytic activity of Deinococcus geothermalis
PublikacjaProduction of extracellular protease by extremophilic bacteria Deinococcus geothermalis cultivated in liquid media containing 0.1% (w/v) of peptone K, 0.1% yeast extract and 0.2% marine salt reached a maximum in 14 h of the cell growth at 45°C and pH 8.0. The enzyme was purified by a two-step procedure using fractionation by a graded ammonium sulphate precipitation technique and gel filtration on Sephadex G-100 column. Protease...
Efficient production of Staphylococcus simulans lysostaphin in a benchtop bioreactor by recombinant Escherichia coli.
PublikacjaLysostaphin is an enzyme with bactericidal activity against Staphylococcus aureus and other staphylococcal species. In spite of many advantages and promising results of preliminary research, the enzyme is still not widely used in medicine, veterinary or as a food preservative. One of the most important factors limiting application of the enzyme in clinical or technological practice is the high costs of its production. In the present...
The influence of moderate pressure and subzero temperature on the shelf life of minced cod, salmon, pork and beef meat
PublikacjaThe effect of moderate pressure at subzero temperature on natural microflora of minced cod, salmony, pork and beef meat was studied. Pressure of 193 MPa at –20 °C caused reduction of total bacterial count in pork and beef meat by 1.1 and 0.6 log cycles, respectively, and by about 1.5 log cycles in fish meat. Under these conditions the psychrophilic and psychrotophic bacteria were below the detection limit (<10CFU/g of sample) in...
Identification of 1H‐indene‐(1, 3, 5, 6)‐tetrol derivatives as potent pancreatic lipase inhibitors using molecular docking and molecular dynamics approach
PublikacjaPancreatic lipase is a potential therapeutic target to treat diet-induced obesity in humans, as obesity-related diseases continue to be a global problem. Despite intensive research on finding potential inhibitors, very few compounds have been introduced to clinical studies. In this work, new chemical scaffold 1H-indene-(1,3,5,6)-tetrol was proposed using knowledge-based approach, and 36 inhibitors were derived by modifying its...
Transcriptomic Effects of Estrogen Starvation and Induction in the MCF7 Cells. The Meta-analysis of Microarray Results
PublikacjaEstrogen is one of the most important signaling molecules which targets a number of genes. Estrogen levels regulate cell proliferation and a plethora of metabolic processes, which may interfere with a range of medical conditions and drug metabolism. The MCF7 breast cancer cell line, expressing the estrogen receptor α, is a well-studied model of cellular answer to estrogen. The aim of this study was to characterize transcriptomic...
Photoinactivation of Staphylococcus aureus using protoporphyrin IX: the role of haem-regulated transporter HrtA
PublikacjaLight- and photosensitiser-based antimicrobial photodynamic therapy is a very promising approach to the control of microbial infections. How the phenotypic features of a microorganism affect its response to photosensitiser-based photokilling represents an area of substantial research interest. To understand the mechanisms governing the phenomenon of a strain-dependent response to photodynamic inactivation (PDI), we analysed the...
Regulated Control of the Assembly and Diversity of LPS by Noncoding sRNAs
PublikacjaThe outer membrane (OM) of Gram-negative bacteria is asymmetric due to the presence of lipopolysaccharide (LPS) facing the outer leaflet of the OM and phospholipids facing the periplasmic side. LPS is essential for bacterial viability, since it provides a permeability barrier and is a major virulence determinant in pathogenic bacteria. In Escherichia coli, several steps of LPS biosynthesis and assembly are regulated by the RpoE...
Isolation and characterization of Acid Soluble Collagen from the Skin of African Catfish (Clarias gariepinus), Salmon (Salmo salar) and Baltic cod (Gadus morhua)
PublikacjaAcid-soluble collagen (ASC) from the fish skin of African catfish (Clarias gariepinus), Salmon (Salmo salar) and Baltic cod (Gadus morhua) was extracted and characterized. The ASC extraction yield was 75%, 73% and 68%, respectively. The denaturation and melting temperatures of African catfish ASC (29.3°C and 100.0°C) were significantly higher than ASC of Salmon and Baltic cod (20.6°C and 90.5°C; 15.2°C and 86.7°C, respectively), assessed...
In Vitro Studies on the Relationship Between the Antioxidant Activities of Some Berry Extracts and Their Binding Properties to Serum Albumin
PublikacjaThe aim of this study was to investigate the possibility to use the bioactive components from cape gooseberry (Physalis peruviana), blueberry (Vaccinium corymbosum), and cranberry (Vaccinium macrocarpon) extracts as a novel source against oxidation in food supplementation. The quantitative analysis of bioactive compounds (polyphenols, flavonoids, flavanols, carotenoids, and chlorophyll) was based on radical scavenging spectrophometric assays...
Influence of electric, magnetic and electromagnetic fields on the circadian system – current stage of knowledge
PublikacjaOne of the side effects of each electrical device work is the electromagnetic field generated near its workplace. All organisms, including humans, are exposed daily to the influence of different types of this field, characterized by various physical parameters. Therefore, it is important to accurately determine the effects of an electromagnetic field on the physiological and pathological processes occurring in cells, tissues and...
A new assay for the simultaneous identification and differentiation of Klebsiella oxytoca strains.
PublikacjaKlebsiella oxytoca is the second most frequently identified species of Klebsiella isolated from hospitalized patients. Klebsiella spp. is difficult to identify using conventional methods and is often misclassified in clinical microbiology laboratories. K. oxytoca is responsible for an increasing number of multi-resistant infections in hospitals because of insufficient detection and identification. In this study, we propose a new...
The usefulness of birch saps from the area of Podkarpacie to produce birch syrup
PublikacjaIn northern European countries, as well as in North America tree saps of maples and birches are used for the production of syrups. Birch syrups are characterized by a specific aromatic taste and can be used as an addition to sweets, desserts, salads and meats. Attention is paid to the health benefits of birch syrups, mainly for high mineral content. The aim of this study was to evaluate the usefulness of birch saps obtained from...
The effect of high pressure and subzero temperature on gelation of washed cod and salmon meat
PublikacjaThe objective of the present work is to examine the infl uence of pressure up to 193 MPa at subzero temperature (without freezing of water) on myofi brillar proteins of salmon and cod meat and on the properties of gels obtained from washed mince of these fi sh. The solubility of proteins from myofi brils of cod and salmon meat suspended in 100 mM KCl solution increased aft er treating the samples with pressure above 60 MPa. The...
Fusion of DNA-binding domain of Pyrococcus furiosus ligase with TaqStoffel DNA polymerase as a useful tool in PCR with difficult targets
PublikacjaThe DNA coding sequence of TaqStoffel polymer- ase was fused with the DNA-binding domain of Pyrococcus furiosus ligase. The resulting novel recombinant gene was cloned and expressed in E. coli. The recombinant enzyme was purified and its enzymatic features were studied. The fusion protein (PfuDBDlig-TaqS) was found to have enhanced processivity as a result of the conversion of the Taq DNA polymerase from a relatively low processive...
Application of Bladder Acellular Matrix in Urinary Bladder Regeneration: The State of the Art and Future Directions
PublikacjaConstruction of the urinary bladder de novo using tissue engineering technologies is the “holy grail” of reconstructive urology. The search for the ideal biomaterial for urinary bladder reconstruction has been ongoing for decades. One of the most promising biomaterials for this purpose seems to be bladder acellular matrix (BAM). In this review we determine the most important factors, which may affect biological and physical properties...
The influence of electromagnetic pollution on living organisms – historical trends and forecasting changes
PublikacjaCurrent technologies have become a source of omnipresent electromagnetic pollution from generated electromagnetic fields and resulting electromagnetic radiation. In many cases this pollution is much stronger than any natural sources of electromagnetic fields or radiation. Wireless and radio communication, electric power transmission or devices in daily use such as smartphones, tablets and portable computers every day expose people...
Biomechanics of Lumbar Spine Injury in Road Barrier Collision–Finite Element Study
PublikacjaLiterature and field data from CIREN database have shown that lumbar spine injuries occur during car crashes. There are multiple hypotheses regarding how they occur; however, there is no biomechanical explanation for these injuries during collisions with road safety barriers (RSBs). Therefore, the objective of this study was to investigate the mechanics of vertebral fractures during car collisions with concrete RSBs. The finite...
Whole-genome sequencing and antimicrobial potential of bacteria isolated from Polish honey
PublikacjaThe aim of this study was the whole-genome analysis and assessment of the antimicrobial potential of bacterial isolates from honey harvested in one geographical location—the north of Poland. In total, 132 strains were derived from three honey samples, and the antimicrobial activity of CFAM (cell-free after-culture medium) was used as a criterion for strain selection and detailed genomic investigation. Two of the tested isolates...
Metal-Organic Frameworks-Based Sensors for the Detection of Toxins in Food: A Critical Mini-Review on the Applications and Mechanisms
PublikacjaUsing scientific technologies to detect toxins in food is significant to prevent food safety problems and protect people’s health. Recently, the rise of sensors has made rapid, efficient, and safe detection of food toxins possible. One of the key factors impacting the sensor’s performance is the nanomaterials employed. Metal-organic frameworks (MOFs), with high specific surface area, tunable composition, porous structure, and flexible...
A method for the analysis of methylmercury and total Hg in fungal matrices
PublikacjaThe aim of the study was to develop an efficient method for the determination of monomethyl-mercury (MeHg) and total mercury (THg) content in materials such as fungal sporocarps and sclerotia. Certified Reference Materials (CRMs) with the assigned values of MeHg and THg as well as the control materials (dried mushrooms) with known content of THg were evaluated for method validation. Recovery of MeHg from reference materials was...
Behavior of lipids in biological wastewater treatment plant processes
PublikacjaLipidy (oleje, smary, tłuszcze oraz długołańcuchowe kwasy tłuszczowe) są istotnym składnikiem ścieków. Ich ilość np. w ściekach komunalnych stanowi około 30-40% ogólnej wartości ChZT. Przemiany lipidów w procesach biologicznego oczyszczania są obiektem wielu badań, mimo to nie są do końca poznane i zrozumiane. W pracy przedstawiono przegląd literatury dotyczący przemian lipidów w trakcie tlenowego i beztlenowego oczyszczania ścieków...
Applications of water molecules for analysis of macromolecule properties
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Mechanism of recognition of parallel G-quadruplexes by DEAH/RHAU helicase DHX36 explored by molecular dynamics simulations
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Immobilization pattern of morphologically different microorganisms on bacterial cellulose membranes
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The two faces of pyocyanin - why and how to steer its production?